0.5.4 (2021-03-26) - WebP format support has been added. 0.5.3 (2021-01-05) - An infinite loop in reading PNG files has been fixed. - PNG reader now handles `std::io::ErrorKind::Interrupted` correctly. 0.5.2 (2020-08-07) - PNG format support has been added. - DCF (Design rule for Camera File system) 2.0 tags have been added. 0.5.1 (2020-02-15) - Exif 2.32 tags have been added. 0.5 (2020-01-26) - Support for HEIF has been added. - `Exif` has been separated from `Reader`. - `Error::description` has been removed because it has been soft-deprecated. 0.4 (2019-12-22) - Support for displaying values with units has been added. - Rust 1.40 or later is required. - The deprecated `tag` module has been removed. - Support for reading up to 8 IFDs has been added. - Enums `Context` and `Error` are now non_exhaustive. - `Value` and `Field` no longer borrows the raw buffer. - Struct `In` has been added to indicate primary/thumbnail images. - `Reader::fields` now returns an iterator. - The associated value of `Value::Undefined` and `Value::Ascii` has been changed from a slice to a `Vec`. 0.3.1 (2018-06-17) - IFDs other than 0th and 1st are ignored for now. 0.3 (2017-10-22) - Enum `Error` now has two new variants: `TooBig` and `NotSupported`. - `Value::Undefined` now has the 2nd member to keep the offset of the value. - Struct `DateTime` now has two new fields: `nanosecond` and `time_offset`. - The tag constants have been changed to associated constants of struct `Tag`. Use `Tag::TagName` instead of `tag::TagName`. 0.2.3 (2017-07-16) - Experimental support for writing Exif data has been added. - The `Hash` trait has been derived for `Tag` and `Context`. - `Reader::get_value` and `Value::iter_uint` have been added. 0.2.2 (2017-06-17) - The `std::fmt::Display` trait has been implemented for `Rational`, `SRational`, and `DateTime`. - The `Copy` and `Clone` traits have been derived for `Rational` and `SRational`. - Converters from `Rational`/`SRational` to `f64`/`f32` have been added. - `Rational::to_f64` and `SRational::to_f64`. - `From` and `From` traits for `f64` and `f32`. - Human readable printing of a `Value` has been supported. The `Value::display_as` method returns an object that implements the `Display` trait. - The `Value::get_uint` method has been added. 0.2.1 (2017-03-27) - A typo in the documentation has been fixed. 0.2 (2017-03-26) - The `Copy` and `Clone` traits have been derived for `Tag`. - The `Tag::default_value` function has been added. - DateTime parser has been added. - A new variant `Error::BlankValue` has been added. - Rust 1.15 is now required to compile. - The `Reader::fields` method now returns a slice instead of a reference to a `Vec`. - The `parse_image` function has been removed. - The `Tag::value` method was renamed to `Tag::number`. 0.1.3 (2017-03-12) - Constants for the new tags in Exif 2.31 have been added. - An ASCII field with zero count 0 is parsed to an empty Vec. - `Tag` and `Context` are no longer re-exported. 0.1.2 (2017-02-25) - Struct `Reader` has been added. - The `parse_image` function has been deperecated. 0.1.1 (2017-01-12) - The `parse_image` function has been added. 0.1 (2016-12-30) - The first public version.