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2018-07-30 23:15:15 -04:00
# 1.3.4
- Change lower dart version to cater to older flutter versions
2018-07-27 21:15:51 -04:00
# 1.3.3
- Fix analyzer issues
- Remove deprecations in example code
- Fix pubspec analysis issue
2018-07-21 13:29:01 -04:00
# 1.3.2
- Dart 2 package (pubspec) compliance changes ONLY
- **Note**: No functional changes
2018-03-23 12:03:42 -04:00
# 1.3.1
- Fixes an issue with the route generator (result cannot be Null)
# 1.3.0
2018-03-12 22:42:04 -04:00
- **BREAKING**: Parameters now return an array of results even if they have a single value.
- Support for parameter arrays. e.g: `/some/route?color=red&color=green&color=blue`.
- Results can now be passed via `Navigator.pop` via use of a `Future`.
- A few bug fixes
# 1.1.0
**BREAKING**: In order to support function handlers you will need to change all of your route
handler definitions to use the new `Handler` class. The `RouteHandler` definition has now been
Swapping out the handlers should be as simple as changing:
RouteHandler usersHandler = (Map<String, String> params) {}
var usersHandler = new Handler(handlerFunc: (BuildContext context, Map<String, dynamic> params) {});