/* * router * A Posse Production * http://goposse.com * Copyright (c) 2017 Posse Productions LLC. All rights reserved. * See LICENSE for distribution and usage details. */ part of router; enum RouteTreeNodeType { component, parameter, } class AppRouteMatch { // constructors AppRouteMatch(this.route); // properties AppRoute route; Map parameters = {}; } class RouteTreeNodeMatch { // constructors RouteTreeNodeMatch(this.node); RouteTreeNodeMatch.fromMatch(RouteTreeNodeMatch match, this.node) { parameters = {}; if (match != null) { parameters.addAll(match.parameters); } } // properties RouteTreeNode node; Map parameters = {}; } class RouteTreeNode { // constructors RouteTreeNode(this.part, this.type); // properties String part; RouteTreeNodeType type; List routes = []; List nodes = []; RouteTreeNode parent; bool isParameter() { return type == RouteTreeNodeType.parameter; } } class RouteTree { // private List _nodes = []; bool _hasDefaultRoute = false; // addRoute - add a route to the route tree void addRoute(AppRoute route) { String path = route.route; // is root/default route, just add it if (path == Navigator.defaultRouteName) { if (_hasDefaultRoute) { // throw an error because the internal consistency of the router // could be affected throw ("Default route was already defined"); } var node = new RouteTreeNode(path, RouteTreeNodeType.component); node.routes = [route]; _nodes.add(node); _hasDefaultRoute = true; return; } if (path.startsWith("/")) { path = path.substring(1); } List pathComponents = path.split('/'); RouteTreeNode parent; for (int i = 0; i < pathComponents.length; i++) { String component = pathComponents[i]; RouteTreeNode node = _nodeForComponent(component, parent); if (node == null) { RouteTreeNodeType type = _typeForComponent(component); node = new RouteTreeNode(component, type); node.parent = parent; if (parent == null) { _nodes.add(node); } else { parent.nodes.add(node); } } if (i == pathComponents.length - 1) { if (node.routes == null) { node.routes = [route]; } else { node.routes.add(route); } } parent = node; } } AppRouteMatch matchRoute(String path) { String usePath = path; if (usePath.startsWith("/")) { usePath = path.substring(1); } List components = usePath.split("/"); if (path == Navigator.defaultRouteName) { components = ["/"]; } Map nodeMatches = {}; List nodesToCheck = _nodes; for (String checkComponent in components) { Map currentMatches = {}; List nextNodes = []; for (RouteTreeNode node in nodesToCheck) { String pathPart = checkComponent; Map queryMap; if (checkComponent.contains("?")) { var splitParam = checkComponent.split("?"); pathPart = splitParam[0]; queryMap = parseQueryString(splitParam[1]); } bool isMatch = (node.part == pathPart || node.isParameter()); if (isMatch) { RouteTreeNodeMatch parentMatch = nodeMatches[node.parent]; RouteTreeNodeMatch match = new RouteTreeNodeMatch.fromMatch(parentMatch, node); if (node.isParameter()) { String paramKey = node.part.substring(1); match.parameters[paramKey] = pathPart; } if (queryMap != null) { match.parameters.addAll(queryMap); } // print("matched: ${node.part}, isParam: ${node.isParameter()}, params: ${match.parameters}"); currentMatches[node] = match; if (node.nodes != null) { nextNodes.addAll(node.nodes); } } } nodeMatches = currentMatches; nodesToCheck = nextNodes; if (currentMatches.values.length == 0) { return null; } } List matches = nodeMatches.values.toList(); if (matches.length > 0) { RouteTreeNodeMatch match = matches.first; RouteTreeNode nodeToUse = match.node; // print("using match: ${match}, ${nodeToUse?.part}, ${match?.parameters}"); if (nodeToUse != null && nodeToUse.routes != null && nodeToUse.routes.length > 0) { List routes = nodeToUse.routes; AppRouteMatch routeMatch = new AppRouteMatch(routes[0]); routeMatch.parameters = match.parameters; return routeMatch; } } return null; } void printTree() { _printSubTree(); } void _printSubTree({RouteTreeNode parent, int level = 0}) { List nodes = parent != null ? parent.nodes : _nodes; for (RouteTreeNode node in nodes) { String indent = ""; for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) { indent += " "; } print("$indent${node.part}: total routes=${node.routes.length}"); if (node.nodes != null && node.nodes.length > 0) { _printSubTree(parent: node, level: level + 1); } } } RouteTreeNode _nodeForComponent(String component, RouteTreeNode parent) { List nodes = _nodes; if (parent != null) { // search parent for sub-node matches nodes = parent.nodes; } for (RouteTreeNode node in nodes) { if (node.part == component) { return node; } } return null; } RouteTreeNodeType _typeForComponent(String component) { RouteTreeNodeType type = RouteTreeNodeType.component; if (_isParameterComponent(component)) { type = RouteTreeNodeType.parameter; } return type; } /// Is the path component a parameter bool _isParameterComponent(String component) { return component.startsWith(":"); } Map parseQueryString(String query) { var search = new RegExp('([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)'); var params = new Map(); if (query.startsWith('?')) query = query.substring(1); decode(String s) => Uri.decodeComponent(s.replaceAll('+', ' ')); for (Match match in search.allMatches(query)) { params[decode(match.group(1))] = decode(match.group(2)); } return params; } }