part of router; enum TransitionType { native, nativeModal, } class Router { /// The tree structure that stores the defined routes RouteTree _routeTree = new RouteTree(); /// Generic handler for when a route has not been defined RouteHandler notFoundHandler; /// Creates a [PageRoute] definition for the passed [RouteHandler]. You can optionally provide a custom /// transition builder for the route. void define(String routePath, {@required RouteHandler handler}) { _routeTree.addRoute(new AppRoute(routePath, handler)); } /// Finds a defined [AppRoute] for the path value. If no [AppRoute] definition was found /// then function will return null. AppRoute match(String path) { AppRouteMatch match = _routeTree.matchRoute(path); return match?.route; } /// void navigateTo(BuildContext context, String path, {TransitionType transition = TransitionType.native}) { Route route; if (transition == TransitionType.native) { route = matchRoute(path); } if (route == null && notFoundHandler != null) { route = _notFoundRoute(context, path); } if (route != null) { Navigator.push(context, route); } else { print("No registered route was found to handle '$path'."); } } /// Route _notFoundRoute(BuildContext context, String path) { RouteCreator creator = (RouteSettings routeSettings, Map params) { return new MaterialPageRoute(settings: routeSettings, builder: (BuildContext context) { return notFoundHandler(params); }); }; return creator(new RouteSettings(name: path), null); } /// Route matchRoute(String path, {RouteSettings routeSettings = null}) { RouteSettings settingsToUse = routeSettings; if (routeSettings == null) { settingsToUse = new RouteSettings(name: path); } AppRouteMatch match = _routeTree.matchRoute(path); AppRoute route = match?.route; if (route == null && notFoundHandler == null) { return null; } RouteHandler handler = (route != null ? route.handler : notFoundHandler); Map parameters = match?.parameters ?? {}; RouteCreator creator = (RouteSettings routeSettings, Map params) { return new MaterialPageRoute(settings: routeSettings, builder: (BuildContext context) { return handler(params); }); }; return creator(settingsToUse, parameters); } /// Route generation method. This function can be used as a way to create routes on-the-fly /// if any defined handler is found. It can also be used with the [MaterialApp.onGenerateRoute] /// property as callback to create routes that can be used with the [Navigator] class. Route generator(RouteSettings routeSettings) { return matchRoute(, routeSettings: routeSettings); } /// Prints the route tree so you can analyze it. void printTree() { _routeTree.printTree(); } }