/* * router * A Posse Production * http://goposse.com * Copyright (c) 2017 Posse Productions LLC. All rights reserved. * See LICENSE for distribution and usage details. */ import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; enum ContrastPreference { none, light, dark, } class ColorHelpers { static int fromHexString(String argbHexString) { String useString = argbHexString; if (useString.startsWith("#")) { useString = useString.substring(1); // trim the starting '#' } if (useString.length < 8) { useString = "FF" + useString; } if (!useString.startsWith("0x")) { useString = "0x" + useString; } return int.parse(useString); } static final double _kMinContrastModifierRange = 0.35; static final double _kMaxContrastModifierRange = 0.65; /// Returns black or white depending on whether the source color is darker /// or lighter. If darker, will return white. If lighter, will return /// black. If the color is within 35-65% of the spectrum and a prefer /// value is specified, then white or black will be preferred. static Color blackOrWhiteContrastColor(Color sourceColor, {ContrastPreference prefer = ContrastPreference.none}) { // Will return a value between 0.0 (black) and 1.0 (white) double value = (((sourceColor.red * 299.0) + (sourceColor.green * 587.0) + (sourceColor.blue * 114.0)) / 1000.0) / 255.0; if (prefer != ContrastPreference.none) { if (value >= _kMinContrastModifierRange && value <= _kMaxContrastModifierRange) { return prefer == ContrastPreference.light ? new Color(0xFFFFFFFF) : new Color(0xFF000000); } } return value > 0.6 ? new Color(0xFF000000) : new Color(0xFFFFFFFF); } }