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using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using UnityEngine.Scripting;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems;
namespace UnityEngine.XR.ARKit
/// <summary>
/// Registration utility to register the ARKit human body subsystem.
/// </summary>
internal static class ARKitHumanBodyRegistration
/// <summary>
/// Register the ARKit human body subsystem if iOS and not the editor.
/// </summary>
static void Register()
const string k_SubsystemId = "ARKit-HumanBody";
XRHumanBodySubsystemCinfo humanBodySubsystemCinfo = new XRHumanBodySubsystemCinfo()
id = k_SubsystemId,
implementationType = typeof(ARKitHumanBodySubsystem),
supportsHumanBody2D = NativeApi.UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_DoesSupportBodyPose2DEstimation(),
supportsHumanBody3D = NativeApi.UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_DoesSupportBodyPose3DEstimation(),
supportsHumanBody3DScaleEstimation = NativeApi.UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_DoesSupportBodyPose3DScaleEstimation(),
supportsHumanStencilImage = NativeApi.UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_DoesSupportBodySegmentationStencil(),
supportsHumanDepthImage = NativeApi.UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_DoesSupportBodySegmentationDepth(),
if (!XRHumanBodySubsystem.Register(humanBodySubsystemCinfo))
Debug.LogErrorFormat("Cannot register the {0} subsystem", k_SubsystemId);
/// <summary>
/// Container to wrap the native ARKit human body APIs.
/// </summary>
static class NativeApi
public static extern bool UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_DoesSupportBodyPose2DEstimation();
public static extern bool UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_DoesSupportBodyPose3DEstimation();
public static extern bool UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_DoesSupportBodyPose3DScaleEstimation();
public static extern bool UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_DoesSupportBodySegmentationStencil();
public static extern bool UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_DoesSupportBodySegmentationDepth();
/// <summary>
/// This subsystem provides implementing functionality for the <c>XRHumanBodySubsystem</c> class.
/// </summary>
class ARKitHumanBodySubsystem : XRHumanBodySubsystem
/// <summary>
/// Create the implementation provider.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// The implementation provider.
/// </returns>
protected override Provider CreateProvider()
return new ARKitProvider();
/// <summary>
/// The implementation provider class.
/// </summary>
class ARKitProvider : XRHumanBodySubsystem.Provider
/// <summary>
/// Construct the implementation provider.
/// </summary>
public ARKitProvider() => NativeApi.UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_Construct();
/// <summary>
/// Start the provider.
/// </summary>
public override void Start() => NativeApi.UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_Start();
/// <summary>
/// Stop the provider.
/// </summary>
public override void Stop() => NativeApi.UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_Stop();
/// <summary>
/// Destroy the human body subsystem by first ensuring that the subsystem has been stopped and then
/// destroying the provider.
/// </summary>
public override void Destroy() => NativeApi.UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_Destruct();
/// <summary>
/// Sets whether human body pose 2D estimation is enabled.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="enabled">Whether the human body pose 2D estimation should be enabled.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the human body pose 2D estimation is set to the given value. Otherwise, <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Current restrictions limit either human body pose estimation to be enabled or human segmentation images
/// to be enabled. At this time, these features are mutually exclusive.
/// </remarks>
public override bool TrySetHumanBodyPose2DEstimationEnabled(bool enabled)
return NativeApi.UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_TrySetHumanBodyPose2DEstimationEnabled(enabled);
/// <summary>
/// Sets whether human body pose 3D estimation is enabled.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="enabled">Whether the human body pose 3D estimation should be enabled.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the human body pose 3D estimation is set to the given value. Otherwise, <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Current restrictions limit either human body pose estimation to be enabled or human segmentation images
/// to be enabled. At this time, these features are mutually exclusive.
/// </remarks>
public override bool TrySetHumanBodyPose3DEstimationEnabled(bool enabled)
return NativeApi.UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_TrySetHumanBodyPose3DEstimationEnabled(enabled);
/// <summary>
/// Sets whether 3D human body scale estimation is enabled.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="enabled">Whether the 3D human body scale estimation should be enabled.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the 3D human body scale estimation is set to the given value. Otherwise, <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
public override bool TrySetHumanBodyPose3DScaleEstimationEnabled(bool enabled)
return NativeApi.UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_TrySetHumanBodyPose3DScaleEstimationEnabled(enabled);
/// <summary>
/// Set the human segmentation stencil mode.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="humanSegmentationStencilMode">The mode for the human segmentation stencil.</param>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the method successfully set the human segmentation stencil mode. Otherwise,
/// <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Current restrictions limit either human body pose estimation to be enabled or human segmentation images
/// to be enabled. At this time, these features are mutually exclusive.
/// </remarks>
public override bool TrySetHumanSegmentationStencilMode(HumanSegmentationMode humanSegmentationStencilMode)
return NativeApi.UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_TrySetHumanSegmentationStencilMode(humanSegmentationStencilMode);
/// <summary>
/// Set the human segmentation depth mode.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="humanSegmentationDepthMode">The mode for the human segmentation depth.</param>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the method successfully set the human segmentation depth mode. Otherwise,
/// <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Current restrictions limit either human body pose estimation to be enabled or human segmentation images
/// to be enabled. At this time, these features are mutually exclusive.
/// </remarks>
public override bool TrySetHumanSegmentationDepthMode(HumanSegmentationMode humanSegmentationDepthMode)
return NativeApi.UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_TrySetHumanSegmentationDepthMode(humanSegmentationDepthMode);
/// <summary>
/// Queries for the set of human body changes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="defaultHumanBody">The default human body.</param>
/// <param name="allocator">The memory allocator to use for the returns trackable changes.</param>
/// <returns>
/// The set of human body changes.
/// </returns>
public override unsafe TrackableChanges<XRHumanBody> GetChanges(XRHumanBody defaultHumanBody, Allocator allocator)
int numAddedHumanBodies;
void* addedHumanBodiesPointer;
int numUpdatedHumanBodies;
void* updatedHumanBodiesPointer;
int numRemovedHumanBodyIds;
void* removedHumanBodyIdsPointer;
int stride;
var context = NativeApi.UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_AcquireChanges(out numAddedHumanBodies, out addedHumanBodiesPointer,
out numUpdatedHumanBodies, out updatedHumanBodiesPointer,
out numRemovedHumanBodyIds, out removedHumanBodyIdsPointer,
out stride);
// Wrap the navite pointers into a native array and then copy them into a separate native array enabled
// with temporary allocations.
return new TrackableChanges<XRHumanBody>(
addedHumanBodiesPointer, numAddedHumanBodies,
updatedHumanBodiesPointer, numUpdatedHumanBodies,
removedHumanBodyIdsPointer, numRemovedHumanBodyIds,
defaultHumanBody, stride,
/// <summary>
/// Get the skeleton joints for the requested trackable identifier.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="trackableId">The human body trackable identifier for which to query.</param>
/// <param name="allocator">The memory allocator to use for the returned arrays.</param>
/// <param name="skeleton">The array of skeleton joints to update and returns.</param>
public override unsafe void GetSkeleton(TrackableId trackableId, Allocator allocator, ref NativeArray<XRHumanBodyJoint> skeleton)
int numJoints;
void* joints = NativeApi.UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_AcquireJoints(trackableId, out numJoints);
if (joints == null)
numJoints = 0;
if (!skeleton.IsCreated || (skeleton.Length != numJoints))
if (skeleton.IsCreated)
skeleton = new NativeArray<XRHumanBodyJoint>(numJoints, allocator);
if (joints != null)
NativeArray<XRHumanBodyJoint> tmp = NativeArrayUnsafeUtility.ConvertExistingDataToNativeArray<XRHumanBodyJoint>(joints, numJoints, Allocator.None);
/// <summary>
/// Get the human body pose 2D joints for the current frame.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="defaultBody2DJoint">The default value for the human body pose 2D joint.</param>
/// <param name="screenOrientation">The orientation of the device so that the joint positions may be
/// adjusted as required.</param>
/// <param name="allocator">The allocator to use for the returned array memory.</param>
/// <returns>
/// The array of human body pose 2D joints.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The returned array may be empty if the system is not enabled or if the system does not detect a human
/// body.
/// </remarks>
public override unsafe NativeArray<XRHumanBodyPose2DJoint> GetHumanBodyPose2DJoints(XRHumanBodyPose2DJoint defaultHumanBodyPose2DJoint,
ScreenOrientation screenOrientation,
Allocator allocator)
int length, elementSize;
var joints = NativeApi.UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_AcquireHumanBodyPose2DJoints(screenOrientation, out length, out elementSize);
var returnJoints = NativeCopyUtility.PtrToNativeArrayWithDefault(defaultHumanBodyPose2DJoint,
joints, elementSize, length,
return returnJoints;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the human stencil texture descriptor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="humanStencilDescriptor">The human stencil texture descriptor to be populated, if
/// available.</param>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the human stencil texture descriptor is available and is returned. Otherwise,
/// <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
public override bool TryGetHumanStencil(out XRTextureDescriptor humanStencilDescriptor)
return NativeApi.UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_TryGetHumanStencil(out humanStencilDescriptor);
/// <summary>
/// Get the human depth texture descriptor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="humanDepthDescriptor">The human depth texture descriptor to be populated, if available
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the human depth texture descriptor is available and is returned. Otherwise,
/// <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
public override bool TryGetHumanDepth(out XRTextureDescriptor humanDepthDescriptor)
return NativeApi.UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_TryGetHumanDepth(out humanDepthDescriptor);
/// <summary>
/// Container to wrap the native ARKit human body APIs.
/// </summary>
static class NativeApi
public static extern void UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_Construct();
public static extern void UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_Start();
public static extern void UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_Stop();
public static extern void UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_Destruct();
public static extern bool UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_TrySetHumanBodyPose2DEstimationEnabled(bool enabled);
public static extern bool UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_TrySetHumanBodyPose3DEstimationEnabled(bool enabled);
public static extern bool UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_TrySetHumanBodyPose3DScaleEstimationEnabled(bool enabled);
public static extern bool UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_TrySetHumanSegmentationStencilMode(HumanSegmentationMode humanSegmentationStencilMode);
public static extern bool UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_TrySetHumanSegmentationDepthMode(HumanSegmentationMode humanSegmentationDepthMode);
public static extern unsafe void* UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_AcquireChanges(out int numAddedHumanBodies, out void* addedBodys,
out int numUpdatedHumanBodies, out void* updatedBodys,
out int numRemovedHumanBodyIds, out void* removedBodyIds,
out int stride);
public static extern unsafe void UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_ReleaseChanges(void* context);
public static extern unsafe void* UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_AcquireJoints(TrackableId trackableId, out int numJoints);
public static extern unsafe void UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_ReleaseJoints(void* joints);
public static unsafe extern void* UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_AcquireHumanBodyPose2DJoints(ScreenOrientation screenOrientation,
out int length,
out int elementSize);
public static unsafe extern void UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_ReleaseHumanBodyPose2DJoints(void* joints);
public static unsafe extern bool UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_TryGetHumanStencil(out XRTextureDescriptor humanStencilDescriptor);
public static unsafe extern bool UnityARKit_HumanBodyProvider_TryGetHumanDepth(out XRTextureDescriptor humanDepthDescriptor);