// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Luau/Lexer.h" #include "Luau/Confusables.h" #include "Luau/StringUtils.h" #include namespace Luau { Allocator::Allocator() : root(static_cast(operator new(sizeof(Page)))) , offset(0) { root->next = nullptr; } Allocator::Allocator(Allocator&& rhs) : root(rhs.root) , offset(rhs.offset) { rhs.root = nullptr; rhs.offset = 0; } Allocator::~Allocator() { Page* page = root; while (page) { Page* next = page->next; operator delete(page); page = next; } } void* Allocator::allocate(size_t size) { constexpr size_t align = alignof(void*) > alignof(double) ? alignof(void*) : alignof(double); if (root) { uintptr_t data = reinterpret_cast(root->data); uintptr_t result = (data + offset + align - 1) & ~(align - 1); if (result + size <= data + sizeof(root->data)) { offset = result - data + size; return reinterpret_cast(result); } } // allocate new page size_t pageSize = size > sizeof(root->data) ? size : sizeof(root->data); void* pageData = operator new(offsetof(Page, data) + pageSize); Page* page = static_cast(pageData); page->next = root; root = page; offset = size; return page->data; } Lexeme::Lexeme(const Location& location, Type type) : type(type) , location(location) , length(0) , data(nullptr) { } Lexeme::Lexeme(const Location& location, char character) : type(static_cast(static_cast(character))) , location(location) , length(0) , data(nullptr) { } Lexeme::Lexeme(const Location& location, Type type, const char* data, size_t size) : type(type) , location(location) , length(unsigned(size)) , data(data) { LUAU_ASSERT(type == RawString || type == QuotedString || type == Number || type == Comment || type == BlockComment); } Lexeme::Lexeme(const Location& location, Type type, const char* name) : type(type) , location(location) , length(0) , name(name) { LUAU_ASSERT(type == Name || (type >= Reserved_BEGIN && type < Lexeme::Reserved_END)); } static const char* kReserved[] = {"and", "break", "do", "else", "elseif", "end", "false", "for", "function", "if", "in", "local", "nil", "not", "or", "repeat", "return", "then", "true", "until", "while"}; std::string Lexeme::toString() const { switch (type) { case Eof: return ""; case Equal: return "'=='"; case LessEqual: return "'<='"; case GreaterEqual: return "'>='"; case NotEqual: return "'~='"; case Dot2: return "'..'"; case Dot3: return "'...'"; case SkinnyArrow: return "'->'"; case DoubleColon: return "'::'"; case AddAssign: return "'+='"; case SubAssign: return "'-='"; case MulAssign: return "'*='"; case DivAssign: return "'/='"; case ModAssign: return "'%='"; case PowAssign: return "'^='"; case ConcatAssign: return "'..='"; case RawString: case QuotedString: return data ? format("\"%.*s\"", length, data) : "string"; case Number: return data ? format("'%.*s'", length, data) : "number"; case Name: return name ? format("'%s'", name) : "identifier"; case Comment: return "comment"; case BrokenString: return "malformed string"; case BrokenComment: return "unfinished comment"; case BrokenUnicode: if (codepoint) { if (const char* confusable = findConfusable(codepoint)) return format("Unicode character U+%x (did you mean '%s'?)", codepoint, confusable); return format("Unicode character U+%x", codepoint); } else { return "invalid UTF-8 sequence"; } default: if (type < Char_END) return format("'%c'", type); else if (type >= Reserved_BEGIN && type < Reserved_END) return format("'%s'", kReserved[type - Reserved_BEGIN]); else return ""; } } bool AstNameTable::Entry::operator==(const Entry& other) const { return length == other.length && memcmp(value.value, other.value.value, length) == 0; } size_t AstNameTable::EntryHash::operator()(const Entry& e) const { // FNV1a uint32_t hash = 2166136261; for (size_t i = 0; i < e.length; ++i) { hash ^= uint8_t(e.value.value[i]); hash *= 16777619; } return hash; } AstNameTable::AstNameTable(Allocator& allocator) : data({AstName(""), 0, Lexeme::Eof}, 128) , allocator(allocator) { static_assert(sizeof(kReserved) / sizeof(kReserved[0]) == Lexeme::Reserved_END - Lexeme::Reserved_BEGIN); for (int i = Lexeme::Reserved_BEGIN; i < Lexeme::Reserved_END; ++i) addStatic(kReserved[i - Lexeme::Reserved_BEGIN], static_cast(i)); } AstName AstNameTable::addStatic(const char* name, Lexeme::Type type) { AstNameTable::Entry entry = {AstName(name), uint32_t(strlen(name)), type}; LUAU_ASSERT(!data.contains(entry)); data.insert(entry); return entry.value; } std::pair AstNameTable::getOrAddWithType(const char* name, size_t length) { AstNameTable::Entry key = {AstName(name), uint32_t(length), Lexeme::Eof}; const Entry& entry = data.insert(key); // entry already was inserted if (entry.type != Lexeme::Eof) return std::make_pair(entry.value, entry.type); // we just inserted an entry with a non-owned pointer into the map // we need to correct it, *but* we need to be careful about not disturbing the hash value char* nameData = static_cast(allocator.allocate(length + 1)); memcpy(nameData, name, length); nameData[length] = 0; const_cast(entry).value = AstName(nameData); const_cast(entry).type = Lexeme::Name; return std::make_pair(entry.value, entry.type); } std::pair AstNameTable::getWithType(const char* name, size_t length) const { if (const Entry* entry = data.find({AstName(name), uint32_t(length), Lexeme::Eof})) { return std::make_pair(entry->value, entry->type); } return std::make_pair(AstName(), Lexeme::Name); } AstName AstNameTable::getOrAdd(const char* name) { return getOrAddWithType(name, strlen(name)).first; } AstName AstNameTable::get(const char* name) const { return getWithType(name, strlen(name)).first; } inline bool isAlpha(char ch) { // use or trick to convert to lower case and unsigned comparison to do range check return unsigned((ch | ' ') - 'a') < 26; } inline bool isDigit(char ch) { return unsigned(ch - '0') < 10; } inline bool isHexDigit(char ch) { // use or trick to convert to lower case and unsigned comparison to do range check return unsigned(ch - '0') < 10 || unsigned((ch | ' ') - 'a') < 6; } inline bool isNewline(char ch) { return ch == '\n'; } static char unescape(char ch) { switch (ch) { case 'a': return '\a'; case 'b': return '\b'; case 'f': return '\f'; case 'n': return '\n'; case 'r': return '\r'; case 't': return '\t'; case 'v': return '\v'; default: return ch; } } Lexer::Lexer(const char* buffer, size_t bufferSize, AstNameTable& names) : buffer(buffer) , bufferSize(bufferSize) , offset(0) , line(0) , lineOffset(0) , lexeme(Location(Position(0, 0), 0), Lexeme::Eof) , names(names) , skipComments(false) , readNames(true) { } void Lexer::setSkipComments(bool skip) { skipComments = skip; } void Lexer::setReadNames(bool read) { readNames = read; } const Lexeme& Lexer::next() { return next(this->skipComments); } const Lexeme& Lexer::next(bool skipComments) { // in skipComments mode we reject valid comments do { // consume whitespace before the token while (isSpace(peekch())) consume(); prevLocation = lexeme.location; lexeme = readNext(); } while (skipComments && (lexeme.type == Lexeme::Comment || lexeme.type == Lexeme::BlockComment)); return lexeme; } void Lexer::nextline() { while (peekch() != 0 && peekch() != '\r' && !isNewline(peekch())) consume(); next(); } Lexeme Lexer::lookahead() { unsigned int currentOffset = offset; unsigned int currentLine = line; unsigned int currentLineOffset = lineOffset; Lexeme currentLexeme = lexeme; Location currentPrevLocation = prevLocation; Lexeme result = next(); offset = currentOffset; line = currentLine; lineOffset = currentLineOffset; lexeme = currentLexeme; prevLocation = currentPrevLocation; return result; } bool Lexer::isReserved(const std::string& word) { for (int i = Lexeme::Reserved_BEGIN; i < Lexeme::Reserved_END; ++i) if (word == kReserved[i - Lexeme::Reserved_BEGIN]) return true; return false; } LUAU_FORCEINLINE char Lexer::peekch() const { return (offset < bufferSize) ? buffer[offset] : 0; } LUAU_FORCEINLINE char Lexer::peekch(unsigned int lookahead) const { return (offset + lookahead < bufferSize) ? buffer[offset + lookahead] : 0; } Position Lexer::position() const { return Position(line, offset - lineOffset); } void Lexer::consume() { if (isNewline(buffer[offset])) { line++; lineOffset = offset + 1; } offset++; } Lexeme Lexer::readCommentBody() { Position start = position(); LUAU_ASSERT(peekch(0) == '-' && peekch(1) == '-'); consume(); consume(); size_t startOffset = offset; if (peekch() == '[') { int sep = skipLongSeparator(); if (sep >= 0) { return readLongString(start, sep, Lexeme::BlockComment, Lexeme::BrokenComment); } } // fall back to single-line comment while (peekch() != 0 && peekch() != '\r' && !isNewline(peekch())) consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, position()), Lexeme::Comment, &buffer[startOffset], offset - startOffset); } // Given a sequence [===[ or ]===], returns: // 1. number of equal signs (or 0 if none present) between the brackets // 2. -1 if this is not a long comment/string separator // 3. -N if this is a malformed separator // Does *not* consume the closing brace. int Lexer::skipLongSeparator() { char start = peekch(); LUAU_ASSERT(start == '[' || start == ']'); consume(); int count = 0; while (peekch() == '=') { consume(); count++; } return (start == peekch()) ? count : (-count) - 1; } Lexeme Lexer::readLongString(const Position& start, int sep, Lexeme::Type ok, Lexeme::Type broken) { // skip (second) [ LUAU_ASSERT(peekch() == '['); consume(); unsigned int startOffset = offset; while (peekch()) { if (peekch() == ']') { if (skipLongSeparator() == sep) { LUAU_ASSERT(peekch() == ']'); consume(); // skip (second) ] unsigned int endOffset = offset - sep - 2; LUAU_ASSERT(endOffset >= startOffset); return Lexeme(Location(start, position()), ok, &buffer[startOffset], endOffset - startOffset); } } else { consume(); } } return Lexeme(Location(start, position()), broken); } Lexeme Lexer::readQuotedString() { Position start = position(); char delimiter = peekch(); LUAU_ASSERT(delimiter == '\'' || delimiter == '"'); consume(); unsigned int startOffset = offset; while (peekch() != delimiter) { switch (peekch()) { case 0: case '\r': case '\n': return Lexeme(Location(start, position()), Lexeme::BrokenString); case '\\': consume(); switch (peekch()) { case '\r': consume(); if (peekch() == '\n') consume(); break; case 0: break; case 'z': consume(); while (isSpace(peekch())) consume(); break; default: consume(); } break; default: consume(); } } consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, position()), Lexeme::QuotedString, &buffer[startOffset], offset - startOffset - 1); } Lexeme Lexer::readNumber(const Position& start, unsigned int startOffset) { LUAU_ASSERT(isDigit(peekch())); // This function does not do the number parsing - it only skips a number-like pattern. // It uses the same logic as Lua stock lexer; the resulting string is later converted // to a number with proper verification. do { consume(); } while (isDigit(peekch()) || peekch() == '.' || peekch() == '_'); if (peekch() == 'e' || peekch() == 'E') { consume(); if (peekch() == '+' || peekch() == '-') consume(); } while (isAlpha(peekch()) || isDigit(peekch()) || peekch() == '_') consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, position()), Lexeme::Number, &buffer[startOffset], offset - startOffset); } std::pair Lexer::readName() { LUAU_ASSERT(isAlpha(peekch()) || peekch() == '_'); unsigned int startOffset = offset; do consume(); while (isAlpha(peekch()) || isDigit(peekch()) || peekch() == '_'); return readNames ? names.getOrAddWithType(&buffer[startOffset], offset - startOffset) : names.getWithType(&buffer[startOffset], offset - startOffset); } Lexeme Lexer::readNext() { Position start = position(); switch (peekch()) { case 0: return Lexeme(Location(start, 0), Lexeme::Eof); case '-': { if (peekch(1) == '>') { consume(); consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, 2), Lexeme::SkinnyArrow); } else if (peekch(1) == '=') { consume(); consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, 2), Lexeme::SubAssign); } else if (peekch(1) == '-') { return readCommentBody(); } else { consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, 1), '-'); } } case '[': { int sep = skipLongSeparator(); if (sep >= 0) { return readLongString(start, sep, Lexeme::RawString, Lexeme::BrokenString); } else if (sep == -1) { return Lexeme(Location(start, 1), '['); } else { return Lexeme(Location(start, position()), Lexeme::BrokenString); } } case '=': { consume(); if (peekch() == '=') { consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, 2), Lexeme::Equal); } else return Lexeme(Location(start, 1), '='); } case '<': { consume(); if (peekch() == '=') { consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, 2), Lexeme::LessEqual); } else return Lexeme(Location(start, 1), '<'); } case '>': { consume(); if (peekch() == '=') { consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, 2), Lexeme::GreaterEqual); } else return Lexeme(Location(start, 1), '>'); } case '~': { consume(); if (peekch() == '=') { consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, 2), Lexeme::NotEqual); } else return Lexeme(Location(start, 1), '~'); } case '"': case '\'': return readQuotedString(); case '.': consume(); if (peekch() == '.') { consume(); if (peekch() == '.') { consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, 3), Lexeme::Dot3); } else if (peekch() == '=') { consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, 3), Lexeme::ConcatAssign); } else return Lexeme(Location(start, 2), Lexeme::Dot2); } else { if (isDigit(peekch())) { return readNumber(start, offset - 1); } else return Lexeme(Location(start, 1), '.'); } case '+': consume(); if (peekch() == '=') { consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, 2), Lexeme::AddAssign); } else return Lexeme(Location(start, 1), '+'); case '/': consume(); if (peekch() == '=') { consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, 2), Lexeme::DivAssign); } else return Lexeme(Location(start, 1), '/'); case '*': consume(); if (peekch() == '=') { consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, 2), Lexeme::MulAssign); } else return Lexeme(Location(start, 1), '*'); case '%': consume(); if (peekch() == '=') { consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, 2), Lexeme::ModAssign); } else return Lexeme(Location(start, 1), '%'); case '^': consume(); if (peekch() == '=') { consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, 2), Lexeme::PowAssign); } else return Lexeme(Location(start, 1), '^'); case ':': { consume(); if (peekch() == ':') { consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, 2), Lexeme::DoubleColon); } else return Lexeme(Location(start, 1), ':'); } case '(': case ')': case '{': case '}': case ']': case ';': case ',': case '#': { char ch = peekch(); consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, 1), ch); } default: if (isDigit(peekch())) { return readNumber(start, offset); } else if (isAlpha(peekch()) || peekch() == '_') { std::pair name = readName(); return Lexeme(Location(start, position()), name.second, name.first.value); } else if (peekch() & 0x80) { return readUtf8Error(); } else { char ch = peekch(); consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, 1), ch); } } } LUAU_NOINLINE Lexeme Lexer::readUtf8Error() { Position start = position(); uint32_t codepoint = 0; int size = 0; if ((peekch() & 0b10000000) == 0b00000000) { size = 1; codepoint = peekch() & 0x7F; } else if ((peekch() & 0b11100000) == 0b11000000) { size = 2; codepoint = peekch() & 0b11111; } else if ((peekch() & 0b11110000) == 0b11100000) { size = 3; codepoint = peekch() & 0b1111; } else if ((peekch() & 0b11111000) == 0b11110000) { size = 4; codepoint = peekch() & 0b111; } else { consume(); return Lexeme(Location(start, position()), Lexeme::BrokenUnicode); } consume(); for (int i = 1; i < size; ++i) { if ((peekch() & 0b11000000) != 0b10000000) return Lexeme(Location(start, position()), Lexeme::BrokenUnicode); codepoint = codepoint << 6; codepoint |= (peekch() & 0b00111111); consume(); } Lexeme result(Location(start, position()), Lexeme::BrokenUnicode); result.codepoint = codepoint; return result; } static size_t toUtf8(char* data, unsigned int code) { // U+0000..U+007F if (code < 0x80) { data[0] = char(code); return 1; } // U+0080..U+07FF else if (code < 0x800) { data[0] = char(0xC0 | (code >> 6)); data[1] = char(0x80 | (code & 0x3F)); return 2; } // U+0800..U+FFFF else if (code < 0x10000) { data[0] = char(0xE0 | (code >> 12)); data[1] = char(0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3F)); data[2] = char(0x80 | (code & 0x3F)); return 3; } // U+10000..U+10FFFF else if (code < 0x110000) { data[0] = char(0xF0 | (code >> 18)); data[1] = char(0x80 | ((code >> 12) & 0x3F)); data[2] = char(0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3F)); data[3] = char(0x80 | (code & 0x3F)); return 4; } else { return 0; } } bool Lexer::fixupQuotedString(std::string& data) { if (data.empty() || data.find('\\') == std::string::npos) return true; size_t size = data.size(); size_t write = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < size;) { if (data[i] != '\\') { data[write++] = data[i]; i++; continue; } if (i + 1 == size) return false; char escape = data[i + 1]; i += 2; // skip \e switch (escape) { case '\n': data[write++] = '\n'; break; case '\r': data[write++] = '\n'; if (i < size && data[i] == '\n') i++; break; case 0: return false; case 'x': { // hex escape codes are exactly 2 hex digits long if (i + 2 > size) return false; unsigned int code = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { char ch = data[i + j]; if (!isHexDigit(ch)) return false; // use or trick to convert to lower case code = 16 * code + (isDigit(ch) ? ch - '0' : (ch | ' ') - 'a' + 10); } data[write++] = char(code); i += 2; break; } case 'z': { while (i < size && isSpace(data[i])) i++; break; } case 'u': { // unicode escape codes are at least 3 characters including braces if (i + 3 > size) return false; if (data[i] != '{') return false; i++; if (data[i] == '}') return false; unsigned int code = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) { if (i == size) return false; char ch = data[i]; if (ch == '}') break; if (!isHexDigit(ch)) return false; // use or trick to convert to lower case code = 16 * code + (isDigit(ch) ? ch - '0' : (ch | ' ') - 'a' + 10); i++; } if (i == size || data[i] != '}') return false; i++; size_t utf8 = toUtf8(&data[write], code); if (utf8 == 0) return false; write += utf8; break; } default: { if (isDigit(escape)) { unsigned int code = escape - '0'; for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { if (i == size || !isDigit(data[i])) break; code = 10 * code + (data[i] - '0'); i++; } if (code > UCHAR_MAX) return false; data[write++] = char(code); } else { data[write++] = unescape(escape); } } } } LUAU_ASSERT(write <= size); data.resize(write); return true; } void Lexer::fixupMultilineString(std::string& data) { if (data.empty()) return; // Lua rules for multiline strings are as follows: // - standalone \r, \r\n, \n\r and \n are all considered newlines // - first newline in the multiline string is skipped // - all other newlines are normalized to \n // Since our lexer just treats \n as newlines, we apply a simplified set of rules that is sufficient to get normalized newlines for Windows/Unix: // - \r\n and \n are considered newlines // - first newline is skipped // - newlines are normalized to \n // This makes the string parsing behavior consistent with general lexing behavior - a standalone \r isn't considered a new line from the line // tracking perspective const char* src = data.c_str(); char* dst = &data[0]; // skip leading newline if (src[0] == '\r' && src[1] == '\n') { src += 2; } else if (src[0] == '\n') { src += 1; } // parse the rest of the string, converting newlines as we go while (*src) { if (src[0] == '\r' && src[1] == '\n') { *dst++ = '\n'; src += 2; } else // note, this handles \n by just writing it without changes { *dst++ = *src; src += 1; } } data.resize(dst - &data[0]); } } // namespace Luau