
99 lines
2.9 KiB

use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_long, c_void};
pub struct lua_CompileOptions {
optimizationLevel: c_int,
debugLevel: c_int,
coverageLevel: c_int,
vectorLib: *const c_char,
vectorCtor: *const c_char,
mutableGlobals: *const *const c_char,
extern "C" {
pub fn free(ptr: *mut c_void);
pub fn luaL_newstate() -> *mut c_void;
pub fn lua_close(state: *mut c_void);
pub fn luaL_openlibs(state: *mut c_void);
pub fn lua_getfield(state: *mut c_void, index: c_int, k: *const c_char) -> c_int;
pub fn lua_tolstring(state: *mut c_void, index: c_int, len: *mut c_long) -> *const c_char;
pub fn lua_call(state: *mut c_void, nargs: c_int, nresults: c_int);
pub fn lua_pushinteger(state: *mut c_void, n: c_int);
pub fn lua_tointegerx(state: *mut c_void, index: c_int, isnum: *mut c_int) -> c_int;
pub fn luau_compile(
source: *const c_char,
size: usize,
options: *mut lua_CompileOptions,
outsize: *mut usize,
) -> *mut c_char;
pub fn luau_load(
state: *mut c_void,
chunkname: *const c_char,
data: *const c_char,
size: usize,
env: c_int,
) -> c_int;
pub fn luau_codegen_supported() -> c_int;
pub fn luau_codegen_create(state: *mut c_void);
pub fn luau_codegen_compile(state: *mut c_void, idx: c_int);
pub unsafe fn lua_getglobal(state: *mut c_void, k: *const c_char) {
lua_getfield(state, -102002 /* LUA_GLOBALSINDEX */, k);
fn luau_works() {
use std::{ptr, slice};
unsafe {
let state = luaL_newstate();
assert!(state != ptr::null_mut());
// Enable JIT if supported
if luau_codegen_supported() != 0 {
let version = {
lua_getglobal(state, "_VERSION\0".as_ptr().cast());
let mut len: c_long = 0;
let version_ptr = lua_tolstring(state, -1, &mut len);
slice::from_raw_parts(version_ptr as *const u8, len as usize)
assert_eq!(version, "Luau".as_bytes());
let code = "local a, b = ... return a + b\0";
let mut bytecode_size = 0;
let bytecode = luau_compile(
code.len() - 1,
&mut bytecode_size,
let result = luau_load(state, "sum\0".as_ptr().cast(), bytecode, bytecode_size, 0);
assert_eq!(result, 0);
// Compile the function (JIT, if supported)
if luau_codegen_supported() != 0 {
luau_codegen_compile(state, -1);
// Call the loaded function
lua_pushinteger(state, 123);
lua_pushinteger(state, 321);
lua_call(state, 2, 1);
assert_eq!(lua_tointegerx(state, -1, ptr::null_mut()), 444);