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// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/OptimizeConstProp.h"
#include "Luau/DenseHash.h"
Sync to upstream/release/566 (#853) * Fixed incorrect lexeme generated for string parts in the middle of an interpolated string (Fixes * DeprecatedApi lint can report some issues without type inference information * Fixed performance of autocomplete requests when suggestions have large intersection types (Solves * Marked `table.getn`/`foreach`/`foreachi` as deprecated ([RFC: Deprecate table.getn/foreach/foreachi]( * With -O2 optimization level, we now optimize builtin calls based on known argument/return count. Note that this change can be observable if `getfenv/setfenv` is used to substitute a builtin, especially if arity is different. Fastcall heavy tests show a 1-2% improvement. * Luau can now be built with clang-cl (Fixes We also made many improvements to our experimental components. For our new type solver: * Overhauled data flow analysis system, fixed issues with 'repeat' loops, global variables and type annotations * Type refinements now work on generic table indexing with a string literal * Type refinements will properly track potentially 'nil' values (like t[x] for a missing key) and their further refinements * Internal top table type is now isomorphic to `{}` which fixes issues when `typeof(v) == 'table'` type refinement is handled * References to non-existent types in type annotations no longer resolve to 'error' type like in old solver * Improved handling of class unions in property access expressions * Fixed default type packs * Unsealed tables can now have metatables * Restored expected types for function arguments And for native code generation: * Added min and max IR instructions mapping to vminsd/vmaxsd on x64 * We now speculatively extract direct execution fast-paths based on expected types of expressions which provides better optimization opportunities inside a single basic block * Translated existing math fastcalls to IR form to improve tag guard removal and constant propagation
2023-03-03 15:21:14 -05:00
#include "Luau/IrAnalysis.h"
#include "Luau/IrBuilder.h"
#include "Luau/IrUtils.h"
#include "lua.h"
Sync to upstream/release/566 (#853) * Fixed incorrect lexeme generated for string parts in the middle of an interpolated string (Fixes * DeprecatedApi lint can report some issues without type inference information * Fixed performance of autocomplete requests when suggestions have large intersection types (Solves * Marked `table.getn`/`foreach`/`foreachi` as deprecated ([RFC: Deprecate table.getn/foreach/foreachi]( * With -O2 optimization level, we now optimize builtin calls based on known argument/return count. Note that this change can be observable if `getfenv/setfenv` is used to substitute a builtin, especially if arity is different. Fastcall heavy tests show a 1-2% improvement. * Luau can now be built with clang-cl (Fixes We also made many improvements to our experimental components. For our new type solver: * Overhauled data flow analysis system, fixed issues with 'repeat' loops, global variables and type annotations * Type refinements now work on generic table indexing with a string literal * Type refinements will properly track potentially 'nil' values (like t[x] for a missing key) and their further refinements * Internal top table type is now isomorphic to `{}` which fixes issues when `typeof(v) == 'table'` type refinement is handled * References to non-existent types in type annotations no longer resolve to 'error' type like in old solver * Improved handling of class unions in property access expressions * Fixed default type packs * Unsealed tables can now have metatables * Restored expected types for function arguments And for native code generation: * Added min and max IR instructions mapping to vminsd/vmaxsd on x64 * We now speculatively extract direct execution fast-paths based on expected types of expressions which provides better optimization opportunities inside a single basic block * Translated existing math fastcalls to IR form to improve tag guard removal and constant propagation
2023-03-03 15:21:14 -05:00
#include <vector>
LUAU_FASTINTVARIABLE(LuauCodeGenMinLinearBlockPath, 3)
namespace Luau
namespace CodeGen
// Data we know about the register value
struct RegisterInfo
uint8_t tag = 0xff;
IrOp value;
// Used to quickly invalidate links between SSA values and register memory
// It's a bit imprecise where value and tag both always invalidate together
uint32_t version = 0;
bool knownNotReadonly = false;
bool knownNoMetatable = false;
// Load instructions are linked to target register to carry knowledge about the target
// We track a register version at the point of the load so it's easy to break the link when register is updated
struct RegisterLink
uint8_t reg = 0;
uint32_t version = 0;
// Data we know about the current VM state
struct ConstPropState
ConstPropState(const IrFunction& function)
: function(function)
uint8_t tryGetTag(IrOp op)
if (RegisterInfo* info = tryGetRegisterInfo(op))
return info->tag;
return 0xff;
void saveTag(IrOp op, uint8_t tag)
if (RegisterInfo* info = tryGetRegisterInfo(op))
info->tag = tag;
IrOp tryGetValue(IrOp op)
if (RegisterInfo* info = tryGetRegisterInfo(op))
return info->value;
return IrOp{IrOpKind::None, 0u};
void saveValue(IrOp op, IrOp value)
LUAU_ASSERT(value.kind == IrOpKind::Constant);
if (RegisterInfo* info = tryGetRegisterInfo(op))
info->value = value;
void invalidate(RegisterInfo& reg, bool invalidateTag, bool invalidateValue)
if (invalidateTag)
reg.tag = 0xff;
if (invalidateValue)
reg.value = {};
reg.knownNotReadonly = false;
reg.knownNoMetatable = false;
void invalidateTag(IrOp regOp)
invalidate(regs[vmRegOp(regOp)], /* invalidateTag */ true, /* invalidateValue */ false);
void invalidateValue(IrOp regOp)
invalidate(regs[vmRegOp(regOp)], /* invalidateTag */ false, /* invalidateValue */ true);
void invalidate(IrOp regOp)
invalidate(regs[vmRegOp(regOp)], /* invalidateTag */ true, /* invalidateValue */ true);
void invalidateRegistersFrom(int firstReg)
for (int i = firstReg; i <= maxReg; ++i)
invalidate(regs[i], /* invalidateTag */ true, /* invalidateValue */ true);
maxReg = int(firstReg) - 1;
void invalidateRegisterRange(int firstReg, int count)
for (int i = firstReg; i < firstReg + count && i <= maxReg; ++i)
invalidate(regs[i], /* invalidateTag */ true, /* invalidateValue */ true);
void invalidateCapturedRegisters()
for (int i = 0; i <= maxReg; ++i)
if (function.cfg.captured.regs.test(i))
invalidate(regs[i], /* invalidateTag */ true, /* invalidateValue */ true);
void invalidateHeap()
for (int i = 0; i <= maxReg; ++i)
void invalidateHeap(RegisterInfo& reg)
reg.knownNotReadonly = false;
reg.knownNoMetatable = false;
void invalidateUserCall()
inSafeEnv = false;
void createRegLink(uint32_t instIdx, IrOp regOp)
instLink[instIdx] = RegisterLink{uint8_t(vmRegOp(regOp)), regs[vmRegOp(regOp)].version};
RegisterInfo* tryGetRegisterInfo(IrOp op)
if (op.kind == IrOpKind::VmReg)
maxReg = vmRegOp(op) > maxReg ? vmRegOp(op) : maxReg;
return &regs[vmRegOp(op)];
if (RegisterLink* link = tryGetRegLink(op))
maxReg = int(link->reg) > maxReg ? int(link->reg) : maxReg;
return &regs[link->reg];
return nullptr;
RegisterLink* tryGetRegLink(IrOp instOp)
if (instOp.kind != IrOpKind::Inst)
return nullptr;
if (RegisterLink* link = instLink.find(instOp.index))
// Check that the target register hasn't changed the value
if (link->version > regs[link->reg].version)
return nullptr;
return link;
return nullptr;
const IrFunction& function;
RegisterInfo regs[256];
// For range/full invalidations, we only want to visit a limited number of data that we have recorded
int maxReg = 0;
bool inSafeEnv = false;
bool checkedGc = false;
DenseHashMap<uint32_t, RegisterLink> instLink{~0u};
Sync to upstream/release/566 (#853) * Fixed incorrect lexeme generated for string parts in the middle of an interpolated string (Fixes * DeprecatedApi lint can report some issues without type inference information * Fixed performance of autocomplete requests when suggestions have large intersection types (Solves * Marked `table.getn`/`foreach`/`foreachi` as deprecated ([RFC: Deprecate table.getn/foreach/foreachi]( * With -O2 optimization level, we now optimize builtin calls based on known argument/return count. Note that this change can be observable if `getfenv/setfenv` is used to substitute a builtin, especially if arity is different. Fastcall heavy tests show a 1-2% improvement. * Luau can now be built with clang-cl (Fixes We also made many improvements to our experimental components. For our new type solver: * Overhauled data flow analysis system, fixed issues with 'repeat' loops, global variables and type annotations * Type refinements now work on generic table indexing with a string literal * Type refinements will properly track potentially 'nil' values (like t[x] for a missing key) and their further refinements * Internal top table type is now isomorphic to `{}` which fixes issues when `typeof(v) == 'table'` type refinement is handled * References to non-existent types in type annotations no longer resolve to 'error' type like in old solver * Improved handling of class unions in property access expressions * Fixed default type packs * Unsealed tables can now have metatables * Restored expected types for function arguments And for native code generation: * Added min and max IR instructions mapping to vminsd/vmaxsd on x64 * We now speculatively extract direct execution fast-paths based on expected types of expressions which provides better optimization opportunities inside a single basic block * Translated existing math fastcalls to IR form to improve tag guard removal and constant propagation
2023-03-03 15:21:14 -05:00
static void handleBuiltinEffects(ConstPropState& state, LuauBuiltinFunction bfid, uint32_t firstReturnReg, int nresults)
// Switch over all values is used to force new items to be handled
switch (bfid)
case LBF_NONE:
case LBF_MATH_LOG10:
case LBF_BIT32_BAND:
case LBF_BIT32_BNOT:
case LBF_BIT32_BOR:
case LBF_BIT32_BXOR:
case LBF_TYPE:
state.invalidateHeap(); // TODO: only knownNoMetatable is affected and we might know which one
// TODO: classify further using switch above, some fastcalls only modify the value, not the tag
static void constPropInInst(ConstPropState& state, IrBuilder& build, IrFunction& function, IrBlock& block, IrInst& inst, uint32_t index)
switch (inst.cmd)
case IrCmd::LOAD_TAG:
if (uint8_t tag = state.tryGetTag(inst.a); tag != 0xff)
substitute(function, inst, build.constTag(tag));
else if (inst.a.kind == IrOpKind::VmReg)
state.createRegLink(index, inst.a);
if (inst.a.kind == IrOpKind::VmReg)
state.createRegLink(index, inst.a);
case IrCmd::LOAD_DOUBLE:
if (IrOp value = state.tryGetValue(inst.a); value.kind == IrOpKind::Constant)
substitute(function, inst, value);
else if (inst.a.kind == IrOpKind::VmReg)
state.createRegLink(index, inst.a);
case IrCmd::LOAD_INT:
if (IrOp value = state.tryGetValue(inst.a); value.kind == IrOpKind::Constant)
substitute(function, inst, value);
else if (inst.a.kind == IrOpKind::VmReg)
state.createRegLink(index, inst.a);
case IrCmd::LOAD_TVALUE:
if (inst.a.kind == IrOpKind::VmReg)
state.createRegLink(index, inst.a);
case IrCmd::STORE_TAG:
if (inst.a.kind == IrOpKind::VmReg)
if (inst.b.kind == IrOpKind::Constant)
uint8_t value = function.tagOp(inst.b);
if (state.tryGetTag(inst.a) == value)
kill(function, inst);
state.saveTag(inst.a, value);
if (inst.a.kind == IrOpKind::VmReg)
if (inst.a.kind == IrOpKind::VmReg)
if (inst.b.kind == IrOpKind::Constant)
Sync to upstream/release/568 (#865) * A small subset of control-flow refinements have been added to recognize type options that are unreachable after a conditional/unconditional code block. (Fixes Some examples: ```lua local function f(x: string?) if not x then return end -- x is 'string' here end ``` Throwing calls like `error` or `assert(false)` instead of 'return' are also recognized. Existing complex refinements like type/typeof and tagged union checks are expected to work, among others. To enable this feature, `LuauTinyControlFlowAnalysis` exclusion has to be removed from `ExperimentalFlags.h`. If will become enabled unconditionally in the near future. * Linter has been integrated into the typechecker analysis so that type-aware lint warnings can work in any mode `Frontend::lint` methods were deprecated, `Frontend::check` has to be used instead with `runLintChecks` option set. Resulting lint warning are located inside `CheckResult`. * Fixed large performance drop and increased memory consumption when array is filled at an offset (Fixes * Part of [Type error suppression RFC]( was implemented making subtyping checks with `any` type transitive. --- In our work on the new type-solver: * `--!nocheck` mode no longer reports type errors * New solver will not be used for `--!nonstrict` modules until all issues with strict mode typechecking are fixed * Added control-flow aware type refinements mentioned earlier In native code generation: * `LOP_NAMECALL` has been translated to IR * `type` and `typeof` builtin fastcalls have been translated to IR/assembly * Additional steps were taken towards arm64 support
2023-03-17 15:20:37 -04:00
if (state.tryGetValue(inst.a) == inst.b)
kill(function, inst);
state.saveValue(inst.a, inst.b);
case IrCmd::STORE_INT:
if (inst.a.kind == IrOpKind::VmReg)
if (inst.b.kind == IrOpKind::Constant)
Sync to upstream/release/568 (#865) * A small subset of control-flow refinements have been added to recognize type options that are unreachable after a conditional/unconditional code block. (Fixes Some examples: ```lua local function f(x: string?) if not x then return end -- x is 'string' here end ``` Throwing calls like `error` or `assert(false)` instead of 'return' are also recognized. Existing complex refinements like type/typeof and tagged union checks are expected to work, among others. To enable this feature, `LuauTinyControlFlowAnalysis` exclusion has to be removed from `ExperimentalFlags.h`. If will become enabled unconditionally in the near future. * Linter has been integrated into the typechecker analysis so that type-aware lint warnings can work in any mode `Frontend::lint` methods were deprecated, `Frontend::check` has to be used instead with `runLintChecks` option set. Resulting lint warning are located inside `CheckResult`. * Fixed large performance drop and increased memory consumption when array is filled at an offset (Fixes * Part of [Type error suppression RFC]( was implemented making subtyping checks with `any` type transitive. --- In our work on the new type-solver: * `--!nocheck` mode no longer reports type errors * New solver will not be used for `--!nonstrict` modules until all issues with strict mode typechecking are fixed * Added control-flow aware type refinements mentioned earlier In native code generation: * `LOP_NAMECALL` has been translated to IR * `type` and `typeof` builtin fastcalls have been translated to IR/assembly * Additional steps were taken towards arm64 support
2023-03-17 15:20:37 -04:00
if (state.tryGetValue(inst.a) == inst.b)
kill(function, inst);
state.saveValue(inst.a, inst.b);
if (inst.a.kind == IrOpKind::VmReg)
if (uint8_t tag = state.tryGetTag(inst.b); tag != 0xff)
state.saveTag(inst.a, tag);
if (IrOp value = state.tryGetValue(inst.b); value.kind != IrOpKind::None)
state.saveValue(inst.a, value);
if (uint8_t tag = state.tryGetTag(inst.a); tag != 0xff)
if (tag == LUA_TNIL)
replace(function, block, index, {IrCmd::JUMP, inst.c});
else if (tag != LUA_TBOOLEAN)
replace(function, block, index, {IrCmd::JUMP, inst.b});
case IrCmd::JUMP_IF_FALSY:
if (uint8_t tag = state.tryGetTag(inst.a); tag != 0xff)
if (tag == LUA_TNIL)
replace(function, block, index, {IrCmd::JUMP, inst.b});
else if (tag != LUA_TBOOLEAN)
replace(function, block, index, {IrCmd::JUMP, inst.c});
case IrCmd::JUMP_EQ_TAG:
uint8_t tagA = inst.a.kind == IrOpKind::Constant ? function.tagOp(inst.a) : state.tryGetTag(inst.a);
uint8_t tagB = inst.b.kind == IrOpKind::Constant ? function.tagOp(inst.b) : state.tryGetTag(inst.b);
if (tagA != 0xff && tagB != 0xff)
if (tagA == tagB)
replace(function, block, index, {IrCmd::JUMP, inst.c});
replace(function, block, index, {IrCmd::JUMP, inst.d});
case IrCmd::JUMP_EQ_INT:
std::optional<int> valueA = function.asIntOp(inst.a.kind == IrOpKind::Constant ? inst.a : state.tryGetValue(inst.a));
std::optional<int> valueB = function.asIntOp(inst.b.kind == IrOpKind::Constant ? inst.b : state.tryGetValue(inst.b));
if (valueA && valueB)
if (*valueA == *valueB)
replace(function, block, index, {IrCmd::JUMP, inst.c});
replace(function, block, index, {IrCmd::JUMP, inst.d});
case IrCmd::JUMP_CMP_NUM:
std::optional<double> valueA = function.asDoubleOp(inst.a.kind == IrOpKind::Constant ? inst.a : state.tryGetValue(inst.a));
std::optional<double> valueB = function.asDoubleOp(inst.b.kind == IrOpKind::Constant ? inst.b : state.tryGetValue(inst.b));
if (valueA && valueB)
if (compare(*valueA, *valueB, conditionOp(inst.c)))
replace(function, block, index, {IrCmd::JUMP, inst.d});
replace(function, block, index, {IrCmd::JUMP, inst.e});
case IrCmd::GET_UPVALUE:
case IrCmd::CHECK_TAG:
uint8_t b = function.tagOp(inst.b);
if (uint8_t tag = state.tryGetTag(inst.a); tag != 0xff)
if (tag == b)
kill(function, inst);
replace(function, block, index, {IrCmd::JUMP, inst.c}); // Shows a conflict in assumptions on this path
state.saveTag(inst.a, b); // We can assume the tag value going forward
if (RegisterInfo* info = state.tryGetRegisterInfo(inst.a))
if (info->knownNotReadonly)
kill(function, inst);
info->knownNotReadonly = true;
if (RegisterInfo* info = state.tryGetRegisterInfo(inst.a))
if (info->knownNoMetatable)
kill(function, inst);
info->knownNoMetatable = true;
if (state.inSafeEnv)
kill(function, inst);
state.inSafeEnv = true;
case IrCmd::CHECK_GC:
// It is enough to perform a GC check once in a block
if (state.checkedGc)
kill(function, inst);
state.checkedGc = true;
case IrCmd::BARRIER_OBJ:
if (inst.b.kind == IrOpKind::VmReg)
if (uint8_t tag = state.tryGetTag(inst.b); tag != 0xff)
// If the written object is not collectable, barrier is not required
if (!isGCO(tag))
kill(function, inst);
Sync to upstream/release/572 (#899) * Fixed exported types not being suggested in autocomplete * `T...` is now convertible to `...any` (Fixes * Fixed issue with `T?` not being convertible to `T | T` or `T?` (sometimes when internal pointer identity is different) * Fixed potential crash in missing table key error suggestion to use a similar existing key * `lua_topointer` now returns a pointer for strings C++ API Changes: * `prepareModuleScope` callback has moved from TypeChecker to Frontend * For LSPs, AstQuery functions (and `isWithinComment`) can be used without full Frontend data A lot of changes in our two experimental components as well. In our work on the new type-solver, the following issues were fixed: * Fixed table union and intersection indexing * Correct custom type environments are now used * Fixed issue with values of `free & number` type not accepted in numeric operations And these are the changes in native code generation (JIT): * arm64 lowering is almost complete with support for 99% of IR commands and all fastcalls * Fixed x64 assembly encoding for extended byte registers * More external x64 calls are aware of register allocator * `math.min`/`math.max` with more than 2 arguments are now lowered to IR as well * Fixed correctness issues with `math` library calls with multiple results in variadic context and with x64 register conflicts * x64 register allocator learnt to restore values from VM memory instead of always using stack spills * x64 exception unwind information now supports multiple functions and fixes function start offset in Dwarf2 info
2023-04-14 14:06:22 -04:00
// TODO: FASTCALL is more restrictive than INVOKE_FASTCALL; we should either determine the exact semantics, or rework it
Sync to upstream/release/566 (#853) * Fixed incorrect lexeme generated for string parts in the middle of an interpolated string (Fixes * DeprecatedApi lint can report some issues without type inference information * Fixed performance of autocomplete requests when suggestions have large intersection types (Solves * Marked `table.getn`/`foreach`/`foreachi` as deprecated ([RFC: Deprecate table.getn/foreach/foreachi]( * With -O2 optimization level, we now optimize builtin calls based on known argument/return count. Note that this change can be observable if `getfenv/setfenv` is used to substitute a builtin, especially if arity is different. Fastcall heavy tests show a 1-2% improvement. * Luau can now be built with clang-cl (Fixes We also made many improvements to our experimental components. For our new type solver: * Overhauled data flow analysis system, fixed issues with 'repeat' loops, global variables and type annotations * Type refinements now work on generic table indexing with a string literal * Type refinements will properly track potentially 'nil' values (like t[x] for a missing key) and their further refinements * Internal top table type is now isomorphic to `{}` which fixes issues when `typeof(v) == 'table'` type refinement is handled * References to non-existent types in type annotations no longer resolve to 'error' type like in old solver * Improved handling of class unions in property access expressions * Fixed default type packs * Unsealed tables can now have metatables * Restored expected types for function arguments And for native code generation: * Added min and max IR instructions mapping to vminsd/vmaxsd on x64 * We now speculatively extract direct execution fast-paths based on expected types of expressions which provides better optimization opportunities inside a single basic block * Translated existing math fastcalls to IR form to improve tag guard removal and constant propagation
2023-03-03 15:21:14 -05:00
case IrCmd::FASTCALL:
handleBuiltinEffects(state, LuauBuiltinFunction(function.uintOp(inst.a)), vmRegOp(inst.b), function.intOp(inst.f));
Sync to upstream/release/566 (#853) * Fixed incorrect lexeme generated for string parts in the middle of an interpolated string (Fixes * DeprecatedApi lint can report some issues without type inference information * Fixed performance of autocomplete requests when suggestions have large intersection types (Solves * Marked `table.getn`/`foreach`/`foreachi` as deprecated ([RFC: Deprecate table.getn/foreach/foreachi]( * With -O2 optimization level, we now optimize builtin calls based on known argument/return count. Note that this change can be observable if `getfenv/setfenv` is used to substitute a builtin, especially if arity is different. Fastcall heavy tests show a 1-2% improvement. * Luau can now be built with clang-cl (Fixes We also made many improvements to our experimental components. For our new type solver: * Overhauled data flow analysis system, fixed issues with 'repeat' loops, global variables and type annotations * Type refinements now work on generic table indexing with a string literal * Type refinements will properly track potentially 'nil' values (like t[x] for a missing key) and their further refinements * Internal top table type is now isomorphic to `{}` which fixes issues when `typeof(v) == 'table'` type refinement is handled * References to non-existent types in type annotations no longer resolve to 'error' type like in old solver * Improved handling of class unions in property access expressions * Fixed default type packs * Unsealed tables can now have metatables * Restored expected types for function arguments And for native code generation: * Added min and max IR instructions mapping to vminsd/vmaxsd on x64 * We now speculatively extract direct execution fast-paths based on expected types of expressions which provides better optimization opportunities inside a single basic block * Translated existing math fastcalls to IR form to improve tag guard removal and constant propagation
2023-03-03 15:21:14 -05:00
// These instructions don't have an effect on register/memory state we are tracking
case IrCmd::NOP:
case IrCmd::LOAD_ENV:
case IrCmd::GET_ARR_ADDR:
Sync to upstream/release/568 (#865) * A small subset of control-flow refinements have been added to recognize type options that are unreachable after a conditional/unconditional code block. (Fixes Some examples: ```lua local function f(x: string?) if not x then return end -- x is 'string' here end ``` Throwing calls like `error` or `assert(false)` instead of 'return' are also recognized. Existing complex refinements like type/typeof and tagged union checks are expected to work, among others. To enable this feature, `LuauTinyControlFlowAnalysis` exclusion has to be removed from `ExperimentalFlags.h`. If will become enabled unconditionally in the near future. * Linter has been integrated into the typechecker analysis so that type-aware lint warnings can work in any mode `Frontend::lint` methods were deprecated, `Frontend::check` has to be used instead with `runLintChecks` option set. Resulting lint warning are located inside `CheckResult`. * Fixed large performance drop and increased memory consumption when array is filled at an offset (Fixes * Part of [Type error suppression RFC]( was implemented making subtyping checks with `any` type transitive. --- In our work on the new type-solver: * `--!nocheck` mode no longer reports type errors * New solver will not be used for `--!nonstrict` modules until all issues with strict mode typechecking are fixed * Added control-flow aware type refinements mentioned earlier In native code generation: * `LOP_NAMECALL` has been translated to IR * `type` and `typeof` builtin fastcalls have been translated to IR/assembly * Additional steps were taken towards arm64 support
2023-03-17 15:20:37 -04:00
case IrCmd::ADD_INT:
case IrCmd::SUB_INT:
case IrCmd::ADD_NUM:
case IrCmd::SUB_NUM:
case IrCmd::MUL_NUM:
case IrCmd::DIV_NUM:
case IrCmd::MOD_NUM:
case IrCmd::POW_NUM:
Sync to upstream/release/566 (#853) * Fixed incorrect lexeme generated for string parts in the middle of an interpolated string (Fixes * DeprecatedApi lint can report some issues without type inference information * Fixed performance of autocomplete requests when suggestions have large intersection types (Solves * Marked `table.getn`/`foreach`/`foreachi` as deprecated ([RFC: Deprecate table.getn/foreach/foreachi]( * With -O2 optimization level, we now optimize builtin calls based on known argument/return count. Note that this change can be observable if `getfenv/setfenv` is used to substitute a builtin, especially if arity is different. Fastcall heavy tests show a 1-2% improvement. * Luau can now be built with clang-cl (Fixes We also made many improvements to our experimental components. For our new type solver: * Overhauled data flow analysis system, fixed issues with 'repeat' loops, global variables and type annotations * Type refinements now work on generic table indexing with a string literal * Type refinements will properly track potentially 'nil' values (like t[x] for a missing key) and their further refinements * Internal top table type is now isomorphic to `{}` which fixes issues when `typeof(v) == 'table'` type refinement is handled * References to non-existent types in type annotations no longer resolve to 'error' type like in old solver * Improved handling of class unions in property access expressions * Fixed default type packs * Unsealed tables can now have metatables * Restored expected types for function arguments And for native code generation: * Added min and max IR instructions mapping to vminsd/vmaxsd on x64 * We now speculatively extract direct execution fast-paths based on expected types of expressions which provides better optimization opportunities inside a single basic block * Translated existing math fastcalls to IR form to improve tag guard removal and constant propagation
2023-03-03 15:21:14 -05:00
case IrCmd::MIN_NUM:
case IrCmd::MAX_NUM:
case IrCmd::UNM_NUM:
case IrCmd::FLOOR_NUM:
case IrCmd::CEIL_NUM:
case IrCmd::ROUND_NUM:
case IrCmd::SQRT_NUM:
case IrCmd::ABS_NUM:
case IrCmd::NOT_ANY:
case IrCmd::JUMP:
Sync to upstream/release/568 (#865) * A small subset of control-flow refinements have been added to recognize type options that are unreachable after a conditional/unconditional code block. (Fixes Some examples: ```lua local function f(x: string?) if not x then return end -- x is 'string' here end ``` Throwing calls like `error` or `assert(false)` instead of 'return' are also recognized. Existing complex refinements like type/typeof and tagged union checks are expected to work, among others. To enable this feature, `LuauTinyControlFlowAnalysis` exclusion has to be removed from `ExperimentalFlags.h`. If will become enabled unconditionally in the near future. * Linter has been integrated into the typechecker analysis so that type-aware lint warnings can work in any mode `Frontend::lint` methods were deprecated, `Frontend::check` has to be used instead with `runLintChecks` option set. Resulting lint warning are located inside `CheckResult`. * Fixed large performance drop and increased memory consumption when array is filled at an offset (Fixes * Part of [Type error suppression RFC]( was implemented making subtyping checks with `any` type transitive. --- In our work on the new type-solver: * `--!nocheck` mode no longer reports type errors * New solver will not be used for `--!nonstrict` modules until all issues with strict mode typechecking are fixed * Added control-flow aware type refinements mentioned earlier In native code generation: * `LOP_NAMECALL` has been translated to IR * `type` and `typeof` builtin fastcalls have been translated to IR/assembly * Additional steps were taken towards arm64 support
2023-03-17 15:20:37 -04:00
case IrCmd::TABLE_LEN:
case IrCmd::NEW_TABLE:
case IrCmd::DUP_TABLE:
Sync to upstream/release/568 (#865) * A small subset of control-flow refinements have been added to recognize type options that are unreachable after a conditional/unconditional code block. (Fixes Some examples: ```lua local function f(x: string?) if not x then return end -- x is 'string' here end ``` Throwing calls like `error` or `assert(false)` instead of 'return' are also recognized. Existing complex refinements like type/typeof and tagged union checks are expected to work, among others. To enable this feature, `LuauTinyControlFlowAnalysis` exclusion has to be removed from `ExperimentalFlags.h`. If will become enabled unconditionally in the near future. * Linter has been integrated into the typechecker analysis so that type-aware lint warnings can work in any mode `Frontend::lint` methods were deprecated, `Frontend::check` has to be used instead with `runLintChecks` option set. Resulting lint warning are located inside `CheckResult`. * Fixed large performance drop and increased memory consumption when array is filled at an offset (Fixes * Part of [Type error suppression RFC]( was implemented making subtyping checks with `any` type transitive. --- In our work on the new type-solver: * `--!nocheck` mode no longer reports type errors * New solver will not be used for `--!nonstrict` modules until all issues with strict mode typechecking are fixed * Added control-flow aware type refinements mentioned earlier In native code generation: * `LOP_NAMECALL` has been translated to IR * `type` and `typeof` builtin fastcalls have been translated to IR/assembly * Additional steps were taken towards arm64 support
2023-03-17 15:20:37 -04:00
case IrCmd::INT_TO_NUM:
Sync to upstream/release/568 (#865) * A small subset of control-flow refinements have been added to recognize type options that are unreachable after a conditional/unconditional code block. (Fixes Some examples: ```lua local function f(x: string?) if not x then return end -- x is 'string' here end ``` Throwing calls like `error` or `assert(false)` instead of 'return' are also recognized. Existing complex refinements like type/typeof and tagged union checks are expected to work, among others. To enable this feature, `LuauTinyControlFlowAnalysis` exclusion has to be removed from `ExperimentalFlags.h`. If will become enabled unconditionally in the near future. * Linter has been integrated into the typechecker analysis so that type-aware lint warnings can work in any mode `Frontend::lint` methods were deprecated, `Frontend::check` has to be used instead with `runLintChecks` option set. Resulting lint warning are located inside `CheckResult`. * Fixed large performance drop and increased memory consumption when array is filled at an offset (Fixes * Part of [Type error suppression RFC]( was implemented making subtyping checks with `any` type transitive. --- In our work on the new type-solver: * `--!nocheck` mode no longer reports type errors * New solver will not be used for `--!nonstrict` modules until all issues with strict mode typechecking are fixed * Added control-flow aware type refinements mentioned earlier In native code generation: * `LOP_NAMECALL` has been translated to IR * `type` and `typeof` builtin fastcalls have been translated to IR/assembly * Additional steps were taken towards arm64 support
2023-03-17 15:20:37 -04:00
case IrCmd::RETURN:
case IrCmd::COVERAGE:
case IrCmd::SET_UPVALUE:
case IrCmd::SETLIST: // We don't track table state that this can invalidate
case IrCmd::SET_SAVEDPC: // TODO: we may be able to remove some updates to PC
case IrCmd::CLOSE_UPVALS: // Doesn't change memory that we track
case IrCmd::CAPTURE:
case IrCmd::ADJUST_STACK_TO_REG: // Changes stack top, but not the values
case IrCmd::ADJUST_STACK_TO_TOP: // Changes stack top, but not the values
Sync to upstream/release/566 (#853) * Fixed incorrect lexeme generated for string parts in the middle of an interpolated string (Fixes * DeprecatedApi lint can report some issues without type inference information * Fixed performance of autocomplete requests when suggestions have large intersection types (Solves * Marked `table.getn`/`foreach`/`foreachi` as deprecated ([RFC: Deprecate table.getn/foreach/foreachi]( * With -O2 optimization level, we now optimize builtin calls based on known argument/return count. Note that this change can be observable if `getfenv/setfenv` is used to substitute a builtin, especially if arity is different. Fastcall heavy tests show a 1-2% improvement. * Luau can now be built with clang-cl (Fixes We also made many improvements to our experimental components. For our new type solver: * Overhauled data flow analysis system, fixed issues with 'repeat' loops, global variables and type annotations * Type refinements now work on generic table indexing with a string literal * Type refinements will properly track potentially 'nil' values (like t[x] for a missing key) and their further refinements * Internal top table type is now isomorphic to `{}` which fixes issues when `typeof(v) == 'table'` type refinement is handled * References to non-existent types in type annotations no longer resolve to 'error' type like in old solver * Improved handling of class unions in property access expressions * Fixed default type packs * Unsealed tables can now have metatables * Restored expected types for function arguments And for native code generation: * Added min and max IR instructions mapping to vminsd/vmaxsd on x64 * We now speculatively extract direct execution fast-paths based on expected types of expressions which provides better optimization opportunities inside a single basic block * Translated existing math fastcalls to IR form to improve tag guard removal and constant propagation
2023-03-03 15:21:14 -05:00
case IrCmd::CHECK_FASTCALL_RES: // Changes stack top, but not the values
case IrCmd::JUMP_CMP_ANY:
state.invalidateUserCall(); // TODO: if arguments are strings, there will be no user calls
case IrCmd::DO_ARITH:
case IrCmd::DO_LEN:
state.invalidateUserCall(); // TODO: if argument is a string, there will be no user call
state.saveTag(inst.a, LUA_TNUMBER);
case IrCmd::GET_TABLE:
case IrCmd::SET_TABLE:
case IrCmd::GET_IMPORT:
case IrCmd::CONCAT:
state.invalidateRegisterRange(vmRegOp(inst.a), function.uintOp(inst.b));
state.invalidateUserCall(); // TODO: if only strings and numbers are concatenated, there will be no user calls
state.saveTag(inst.a, LUA_TNUMBER);
state.saveTag(inst.b, LUA_TNUMBER);
state.saveTag(inst.c, LUA_TNUMBER);
case IrCmd::INTERRUPT:
case IrCmd::CALL:
case IrCmd::FORGLOOP:
state.invalidateRegistersFrom(vmRegOp(inst.a) + 2); // Rn and Rn+1 are not modified
state.invalidateRegistersFrom(vmRegOp(inst.a) + 2); // Rn and Rn+1 are not modified
// This fallback only conditionally throws an exception
state.invalidate(IrOp{inst.b.kind, vmRegOp(inst.b) + 0u});
state.invalidate(IrOp{inst.b.kind, vmRegOp(inst.b) + 1u});
state.invalidate(IrOp{inst.b.kind, vmRegOp(inst.b) + 0u});
state.invalidate(IrOp{inst.b.kind, vmRegOp(inst.b) + 1u});
state.invalidate(IrOp{inst.b.kind, vmRegOp(inst.b) + 2u});
static void constPropInBlock(IrBuilder& build, IrBlock& block, ConstPropState& state)
IrFunction& function = build.function;
for (uint32_t index = block.start; index <= block.finish; index++)
LUAU_ASSERT(index < function.instructions.size());
IrInst& inst = function.instructions[index];
applySubstitutions(function, inst);
foldConstants(build, function, block, index);
constPropInInst(state, build, function, block, inst, index);
static void constPropInBlockChain(IrBuilder& build, std::vector<uint8_t>& visited, IrBlock* block)
IrFunction& function = build.function;
ConstPropState state{function};
while (block)
uint32_t blockIdx = function.getBlockIndex(*block);
visited[blockIdx] = true;
constPropInBlock(build, *block, state);
IrInst& termInst = function.instructions[block->finish];
IrBlock* nextBlock = nullptr;
// Unconditional jump into a block with a single user (current block) allows us to continue optimization
// with the information we have gathered so far (unless we have already visited that block earlier)
if (termInst.cmd == IrCmd::JUMP)
IrBlock& target = function.blockOp(termInst.a);
Sync to upstream/release/566 (#853) * Fixed incorrect lexeme generated for string parts in the middle of an interpolated string (Fixes * DeprecatedApi lint can report some issues without type inference information * Fixed performance of autocomplete requests when suggestions have large intersection types (Solves * Marked `table.getn`/`foreach`/`foreachi` as deprecated ([RFC: Deprecate table.getn/foreach/foreachi]( * With -O2 optimization level, we now optimize builtin calls based on known argument/return count. Note that this change can be observable if `getfenv/setfenv` is used to substitute a builtin, especially if arity is different. Fastcall heavy tests show a 1-2% improvement. * Luau can now be built with clang-cl (Fixes We also made many improvements to our experimental components. For our new type solver: * Overhauled data flow analysis system, fixed issues with 'repeat' loops, global variables and type annotations * Type refinements now work on generic table indexing with a string literal * Type refinements will properly track potentially 'nil' values (like t[x] for a missing key) and their further refinements * Internal top table type is now isomorphic to `{}` which fixes issues when `typeof(v) == 'table'` type refinement is handled * References to non-existent types in type annotations no longer resolve to 'error' type like in old solver * Improved handling of class unions in property access expressions * Fixed default type packs * Unsealed tables can now have metatables * Restored expected types for function arguments And for native code generation: * Added min and max IR instructions mapping to vminsd/vmaxsd on x64 * We now speculatively extract direct execution fast-paths based on expected types of expressions which provides better optimization opportunities inside a single basic block * Translated existing math fastcalls to IR form to improve tag guard removal and constant propagation
2023-03-03 15:21:14 -05:00
uint32_t targetIdx = function.getBlockIndex(target);
Sync to upstream/release/566 (#853) * Fixed incorrect lexeme generated for string parts in the middle of an interpolated string (Fixes * DeprecatedApi lint can report some issues without type inference information * Fixed performance of autocomplete requests when suggestions have large intersection types (Solves * Marked `table.getn`/`foreach`/`foreachi` as deprecated ([RFC: Deprecate table.getn/foreach/foreachi]( * With -O2 optimization level, we now optimize builtin calls based on known argument/return count. Note that this change can be observable if `getfenv/setfenv` is used to substitute a builtin, especially if arity is different. Fastcall heavy tests show a 1-2% improvement. * Luau can now be built with clang-cl (Fixes We also made many improvements to our experimental components. For our new type solver: * Overhauled data flow analysis system, fixed issues with 'repeat' loops, global variables and type annotations * Type refinements now work on generic table indexing with a string literal * Type refinements will properly track potentially 'nil' values (like t[x] for a missing key) and their further refinements * Internal top table type is now isomorphic to `{}` which fixes issues when `typeof(v) == 'table'` type refinement is handled * References to non-existent types in type annotations no longer resolve to 'error' type like in old solver * Improved handling of class unions in property access expressions * Fixed default type packs * Unsealed tables can now have metatables * Restored expected types for function arguments And for native code generation: * Added min and max IR instructions mapping to vminsd/vmaxsd on x64 * We now speculatively extract direct execution fast-paths based on expected types of expressions which provides better optimization opportunities inside a single basic block * Translated existing math fastcalls to IR form to improve tag guard removal and constant propagation
2023-03-03 15:21:14 -05:00
if (target.useCount == 1 && !visited[targetIdx] && target.kind != IrBlockKind::Fallback)
nextBlock = &target;
block = nextBlock;
Sync to upstream/release/566 (#853) * Fixed incorrect lexeme generated for string parts in the middle of an interpolated string (Fixes * DeprecatedApi lint can report some issues without type inference information * Fixed performance of autocomplete requests when suggestions have large intersection types (Solves * Marked `table.getn`/`foreach`/`foreachi` as deprecated ([RFC: Deprecate table.getn/foreach/foreachi]( * With -O2 optimization level, we now optimize builtin calls based on known argument/return count. Note that this change can be observable if `getfenv/setfenv` is used to substitute a builtin, especially if arity is different. Fastcall heavy tests show a 1-2% improvement. * Luau can now be built with clang-cl (Fixes We also made many improvements to our experimental components. For our new type solver: * Overhauled data flow analysis system, fixed issues with 'repeat' loops, global variables and type annotations * Type refinements now work on generic table indexing with a string literal * Type refinements will properly track potentially 'nil' values (like t[x] for a missing key) and their further refinements * Internal top table type is now isomorphic to `{}` which fixes issues when `typeof(v) == 'table'` type refinement is handled * References to non-existent types in type annotations no longer resolve to 'error' type like in old solver * Improved handling of class unions in property access expressions * Fixed default type packs * Unsealed tables can now have metatables * Restored expected types for function arguments And for native code generation: * Added min and max IR instructions mapping to vminsd/vmaxsd on x64 * We now speculatively extract direct execution fast-paths based on expected types of expressions which provides better optimization opportunities inside a single basic block * Translated existing math fastcalls to IR form to improve tag guard removal and constant propagation
2023-03-03 15:21:14 -05:00
// Note that blocks in the collected path are marked as visited
static std::vector<uint32_t> collectDirectBlockJumpPath(IrFunction& function, std::vector<uint8_t>& visited, IrBlock* block)
// Path shouldn't be built starting with a block that has 'live out' values.
// One theoretical way to get it is if we had 'block' jumping unconditionally into a successor that uses values from 'block'
// * if the successor has only one use, the starting conditions of 'tryCreateLinearBlock' would prevent this
// * if the successor has multiple uses, it can't have such 'live in' values without phi nodes that we don't have yet
// Another possibility is to have two paths from 'block' into the target through two intermediate blocks
// Usually that would mean that we would have a conditional jump at the end of 'block'
Sync to upstream/release/568 (#865) * A small subset of control-flow refinements have been added to recognize type options that are unreachable after a conditional/unconditional code block. (Fixes Some examples: ```lua local function f(x: string?) if not x then return end -- x is 'string' here end ``` Throwing calls like `error` or `assert(false)` instead of 'return' are also recognized. Existing complex refinements like type/typeof and tagged union checks are expected to work, among others. To enable this feature, `LuauTinyControlFlowAnalysis` exclusion has to be removed from `ExperimentalFlags.h`. If will become enabled unconditionally in the near future. * Linter has been integrated into the typechecker analysis so that type-aware lint warnings can work in any mode `Frontend::lint` methods were deprecated, `Frontend::check` has to be used instead with `runLintChecks` option set. Resulting lint warning are located inside `CheckResult`. * Fixed large performance drop and increased memory consumption when array is filled at an offset (Fixes * Part of [Type error suppression RFC]( was implemented making subtyping checks with `any` type transitive. --- In our work on the new type-solver: * `--!nocheck` mode no longer reports type errors * New solver will not be used for `--!nonstrict` modules until all issues with strict mode typechecking are fixed * Added control-flow aware type refinements mentioned earlier In native code generation: * `LOP_NAMECALL` has been translated to IR * `type` and `typeof` builtin fastcalls have been translated to IR/assembly * Additional steps were taken towards arm64 support
2023-03-17 15:20:37 -04:00
// But using check guards and fallback blocks it becomes a possible setup
Sync to upstream/release/566 (#853) * Fixed incorrect lexeme generated for string parts in the middle of an interpolated string (Fixes * DeprecatedApi lint can report some issues without type inference information * Fixed performance of autocomplete requests when suggestions have large intersection types (Solves * Marked `table.getn`/`foreach`/`foreachi` as deprecated ([RFC: Deprecate table.getn/foreach/foreachi]( * With -O2 optimization level, we now optimize builtin calls based on known argument/return count. Note that this change can be observable if `getfenv/setfenv` is used to substitute a builtin, especially if arity is different. Fastcall heavy tests show a 1-2% improvement. * Luau can now be built with clang-cl (Fixes We also made many improvements to our experimental components. For our new type solver: * Overhauled data flow analysis system, fixed issues with 'repeat' loops, global variables and type annotations * Type refinements now work on generic table indexing with a string literal * Type refinements will properly track potentially 'nil' values (like t[x] for a missing key) and their further refinements * Internal top table type is now isomorphic to `{}` which fixes issues when `typeof(v) == 'table'` type refinement is handled * References to non-existent types in type annotations no longer resolve to 'error' type like in old solver * Improved handling of class unions in property access expressions * Fixed default type packs * Unsealed tables can now have metatables * Restored expected types for function arguments And for native code generation: * Added min and max IR instructions mapping to vminsd/vmaxsd on x64 * We now speculatively extract direct execution fast-paths based on expected types of expressions which provides better optimization opportunities inside a single basic block * Translated existing math fastcalls to IR form to improve tag guard removal and constant propagation
2023-03-03 15:21:14 -05:00
// We avoid this by making sure fallbacks rejoin the other immediate successor of 'block'
LUAU_ASSERT(getLiveOutValueCount(function, *block) == 0);
std::vector<uint32_t> path;
while (block)
IrInst& termInst = function.instructions[block->finish];
IrBlock* nextBlock = nullptr;
// A chain is made from internal blocks that were not a part of bytecode CFG
if (termInst.cmd == IrCmd::JUMP)
IrBlock& target = function.blockOp(termInst.a);
uint32_t targetIdx = function.getBlockIndex(target);
if (!visited[targetIdx] && target.kind == IrBlockKind::Internal)
// Additional restriction is that to join a block, it cannot produce values that are used in other blocks
// And it also can't use values produced in other blocks
auto [liveIns, liveOuts] = getLiveInOutValueCount(function, target);
if (liveIns == 0 && liveOuts == 0)
visited[targetIdx] = true;
nextBlock = &target;
block = nextBlock;
return path;
static void tryCreateLinearBlock(IrBuilder& build, std::vector<uint8_t>& visited, IrBlock& startingBlock)
IrFunction& function = build.function;
uint32_t blockIdx = function.getBlockIndex(startingBlock);
visited[blockIdx] = true;
IrInst& termInst = function.instructions[startingBlock.finish];
// Block has to end with an unconditional jump
if (termInst.cmd != IrCmd::JUMP)
// And it has to jump to a block with more than one user
// If there's only one use, it should already be optimized by constPropInBlockChain
if (function.blockOp(termInst.a).useCount == 1)
uint32_t targetBlockIdx = termInst.a.index;
// Check if this path is worth it (and it will also mark path blocks as visited)
std::vector<uint32_t> path = collectDirectBlockJumpPath(function, visited, &startingBlock);
// If path is too small, we are not going to linearize it
if (int(path.size()) < FInt::LuauCodeGenMinLinearBlockPath)
// Initialize state with the knowledge of our current block
ConstPropState state{function};
Sync to upstream/release/566 (#853) * Fixed incorrect lexeme generated for string parts in the middle of an interpolated string (Fixes * DeprecatedApi lint can report some issues without type inference information * Fixed performance of autocomplete requests when suggestions have large intersection types (Solves * Marked `table.getn`/`foreach`/`foreachi` as deprecated ([RFC: Deprecate table.getn/foreach/foreachi]( * With -O2 optimization level, we now optimize builtin calls based on known argument/return count. Note that this change can be observable if `getfenv/setfenv` is used to substitute a builtin, especially if arity is different. Fastcall heavy tests show a 1-2% improvement. * Luau can now be built with clang-cl (Fixes We also made many improvements to our experimental components. For our new type solver: * Overhauled data flow analysis system, fixed issues with 'repeat' loops, global variables and type annotations * Type refinements now work on generic table indexing with a string literal * Type refinements will properly track potentially 'nil' values (like t[x] for a missing key) and their further refinements * Internal top table type is now isomorphic to `{}` which fixes issues when `typeof(v) == 'table'` type refinement is handled * References to non-existent types in type annotations no longer resolve to 'error' type like in old solver * Improved handling of class unions in property access expressions * Fixed default type packs * Unsealed tables can now have metatables * Restored expected types for function arguments And for native code generation: * Added min and max IR instructions mapping to vminsd/vmaxsd on x64 * We now speculatively extract direct execution fast-paths based on expected types of expressions which provides better optimization opportunities inside a single basic block * Translated existing math fastcalls to IR form to improve tag guard removal and constant propagation
2023-03-03 15:21:14 -05:00
constPropInBlock(build, startingBlock, state);
// Veryfy that target hasn't changed
LUAU_ASSERT(function.instructions[startingBlock.finish].a.index == targetBlockIdx);
// Create new linearized block into which we are going to redirect starting block jump
IrOp newBlock = build.block(IrBlockKind::Linearized);
// TODO: placement of linear blocks in final lowering is sub-optimal, it should follow our predecessor
replace(function, termInst.a, newBlock);
// Clone the collected path int our fresh block
for (uint32_t pathBlockIdx : path)
build.clone(function.blocks[pathBlockIdx], /* removeCurrentTerminator */ true);
// Optimize our linear block
IrBlock& linearBlock = function.blockOp(newBlock);
constPropInBlock(build, linearBlock, state);
void constPropInBlockChains(IrBuilder& build)
IrFunction& function = build.function;
std::vector<uint8_t> visited(function.blocks.size(), false);
Sync to upstream/release/566 (#853) * Fixed incorrect lexeme generated for string parts in the middle of an interpolated string (Fixes * DeprecatedApi lint can report some issues without type inference information * Fixed performance of autocomplete requests when suggestions have large intersection types (Solves * Marked `table.getn`/`foreach`/`foreachi` as deprecated ([RFC: Deprecate table.getn/foreach/foreachi]( * With -O2 optimization level, we now optimize builtin calls based on known argument/return count. Note that this change can be observable if `getfenv/setfenv` is used to substitute a builtin, especially if arity is different. Fastcall heavy tests show a 1-2% improvement. * Luau can now be built with clang-cl (Fixes We also made many improvements to our experimental components. For our new type solver: * Overhauled data flow analysis system, fixed issues with 'repeat' loops, global variables and type annotations * Type refinements now work on generic table indexing with a string literal * Type refinements will properly track potentially 'nil' values (like t[x] for a missing key) and their further refinements * Internal top table type is now isomorphic to `{}` which fixes issues when `typeof(v) == 'table'` type refinement is handled * References to non-existent types in type annotations no longer resolve to 'error' type like in old solver * Improved handling of class unions in property access expressions * Fixed default type packs * Unsealed tables can now have metatables * Restored expected types for function arguments And for native code generation: * Added min and max IR instructions mapping to vminsd/vmaxsd on x64 * We now speculatively extract direct execution fast-paths based on expected types of expressions which provides better optimization opportunities inside a single basic block * Translated existing math fastcalls to IR form to improve tag guard removal and constant propagation
2023-03-03 15:21:14 -05:00
// First pass: go over existing blocks once and propagate constants
for (IrBlock& block : function.blocks)
if (block.kind == IrBlockKind::Fallback || block.kind == IrBlockKind::Dead)
if (visited[function.getBlockIndex(block)])
constPropInBlockChain(build, visited, &block);
Sync to upstream/release/566 (#853) * Fixed incorrect lexeme generated for string parts in the middle of an interpolated string (Fixes * DeprecatedApi lint can report some issues without type inference information * Fixed performance of autocomplete requests when suggestions have large intersection types (Solves * Marked `table.getn`/`foreach`/`foreachi` as deprecated ([RFC: Deprecate table.getn/foreach/foreachi]( * With -O2 optimization level, we now optimize builtin calls based on known argument/return count. Note that this change can be observable if `getfenv/setfenv` is used to substitute a builtin, especially if arity is different. Fastcall heavy tests show a 1-2% improvement. * Luau can now be built with clang-cl (Fixes We also made many improvements to our experimental components. For our new type solver: * Overhauled data flow analysis system, fixed issues with 'repeat' loops, global variables and type annotations * Type refinements now work on generic table indexing with a string literal * Type refinements will properly track potentially 'nil' values (like t[x] for a missing key) and their further refinements * Internal top table type is now isomorphic to `{}` which fixes issues when `typeof(v) == 'table'` type refinement is handled * References to non-existent types in type annotations no longer resolve to 'error' type like in old solver * Improved handling of class unions in property access expressions * Fixed default type packs * Unsealed tables can now have metatables * Restored expected types for function arguments And for native code generation: * Added min and max IR instructions mapping to vminsd/vmaxsd on x64 * We now speculatively extract direct execution fast-paths based on expected types of expressions which provides better optimization opportunities inside a single basic block * Translated existing math fastcalls to IR form to improve tag guard removal and constant propagation
2023-03-03 15:21:14 -05:00
// Second pass: go through internal block chains and outline them into a single new block
// Outlining will be able to linearize the execution, even if there was a jump to a block with multiple users,
// new 'block' will only be reachable from a single one and all gathered information can be preserved.
std::fill(visited.begin(), visited.end(), false);
// This next loop can create new 'linear' blocks, so index-based loop has to be used (and it intentionally won't reach those new blocks)
size_t originalBlockCount = function.blocks.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < originalBlockCount; i++)
IrBlock& block = function.blocks[i];
if (block.kind == IrBlockKind::Fallback || block.kind == IrBlockKind::Dead)
if (visited[function.getBlockIndex(block)])
tryCreateLinearBlock(build, visited, block);
} // namespace CodeGen
} // namespace Luau