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module Luau.TypeNormalization where
open import Luau.Type using (Type; nil; number; string; boolean; never; unknown; _⇒_; __; _∩_)
-- The top non-function type
¬function : Type
¬function = number (string (nil boolean))
-- Unions and intersections of normalized types
_ᶠ_ : Type Type Type
_ⁿˢ_ : Type Type Type
_∩ⁿˢ_ : Type Type Type
_ⁿ_ : Type Type Type
_∩ⁿ_ : Type Type Type
-- Union of function types
(F₁ F₂) ∪ᶠ G = (F₁ ∪ᶠ G) (F₂ ∪ᶠ G)
F ∪ᶠ (G₁ G₂) = (F ∪ᶠ G₁) (F ∪ᶠ G₂)
(R S) ∪ᶠ (T U) = (R ∩ⁿ T) (S ∪ⁿ U)
F ∪ᶠ G = F G
-- Union of normalized types
S ∪ⁿ (T₁ T₂) = (S ∪ⁿ T₁) T₂
S ∪ⁿ unknown = unknown
S ∪ⁿ never = S
unknown ∪ⁿ T = unknown
never ∪ⁿ T = T
(S₁ S₂) ∪ⁿ G = (S₁ ∪ⁿ G) S₂
F ∪ⁿ G = F ∪ᶠ G
-- Intersection of normalized types
S ∩ⁿ (T₁ T₂) = (S ∩ⁿ T₁) ∪ⁿˢ (S ∩ⁿˢ T₂)
S ∩ⁿ unknown = S
S ∩ⁿ never = never
(S₁ S₂) ∩ⁿ G = (S₁ ∩ⁿ G)
unknown ∩ⁿ G = G
never ∩ⁿ G = never
F ∩ⁿ G = F G
-- Intersection of normalized types with a scalar
(S₁ nil) ∩ⁿˢ nil = nil
(S₁ boolean) ∩ⁿˢ boolean = boolean
(S₁ number) ∩ⁿˢ number = number
(S₁ string) ∩ⁿˢ string = string
(S₁ S₂) ∩ⁿˢ T = S₁ ∩ⁿˢ T
unknown ∩ⁿˢ T = T
F ∩ⁿˢ T = never
-- Union of normalized types with an optional scalar
S ∪ⁿˢ never = S
unknown ∪ⁿˢ T = unknown
(S₁ nil) ∪ⁿˢ nil = S₁ nil
(S₁ boolean) ∪ⁿˢ boolean = S₁ boolean
(S₁ number) ∪ⁿˢ number = S₁ number
(S₁ string) ∪ⁿˢ string = S₁ string
(S₁ S₂) ∪ⁿˢ T = (S₁ ∪ⁿˢ T) S₂
F ∪ⁿˢ T = F T
-- Normalize!
normalize : Type Type
normalize nil = never nil
normalize (S T) = (normalize S normalize T)
normalize never = never
normalize unknown = unknown
normalize boolean = never boolean
normalize number = never number
normalize string = never string
normalize (S T) = normalize S ∪ⁿ normalize T
normalize (S T) = normalize S ∩ⁿ normalize T