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// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/TypeVar.h"
#include "Luau/Unifiable.h"
#include "Luau/Variant.h"
#include <optional>
#include <set>
namespace Luau
struct TypeArena;
struct TypePack;
struct VariadicTypePack;
struct TypePackVar;
2022-01-06 17:10:07 -05:00
struct TxnLog;
using TypePackId = const TypePackVar*;
using FreeTypePack = Unifiable::Free;
using BoundTypePack = Unifiable::Bound<TypePackId>;
using GenericTypePack = Unifiable::Generic;
using TypePackVariant = Unifiable::Variant<TypePackId, TypePack, VariadicTypePack>;
/* A TypePack is a rope-like string of TypeIds. We use this structure to encode
* notions like packs of unknown length and packs of any length, as well as more
* nuanced compositions like "a pack which is a number prepended to this other pack,"
* or "a pack that is 2 numbers followed by any number of any other types."
struct TypePack
std::vector<TypeId> head;
std::optional<TypePackId> tail;
struct VariadicTypePack
TypeId ty;
2022-04-14 17:57:15 -04:00
bool hidden = false; // if true, we don't display this when toString()ing a pack with this variadic as its tail.
struct TypePackVar
explicit TypePackVar(const TypePackVariant& ty);
explicit TypePackVar(TypePackVariant&& ty);
TypePackVar(TypePackVariant&& ty, bool persistent);
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bool operator==(const TypePackVar& rhs) const;
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TypePackVar& operator=(TypePackVariant&& tp);
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TypePackVar& operator=(const TypePackVar& rhs);
// Re-assignes the content of the pack, but doesn't change the owning arena and can't make pack persistent.
void reassign(const TypePackVar& rhs)
ty = rhs.ty;
TypePackVariant ty;
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bool persistent = false;
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// Pointer to the type arena that allocated this pack.
TypeArena* owningArena = nullptr;
/* Walk the set of TypeIds in a TypePack.
* Like TypeVars, individual TypePacks can be free, generic, or any.
* We afford the ability to work with these kinds of packs by giving the
* iterator a .tail() property that yields the tail-most TypePack in the
* rope.
* It is very commonplace to want to walk each type in a pack, then handle
* the tail specially. eg when checking parameters, it might be the case
* that the parameter pack ends with a VariadicTypePack. In this case, we
* want to allow any number of extra arguments.
* The iterator obtained by calling end(tp) does not have a .tail(), but is
* equivalent with end(tp2) for any two type packs.
struct TypePackIterator
using value_type = Luau::TypeId;
using pointer = value_type*;
using reference = value_type&;
using difference_type = size_t;
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
TypePackIterator() = default;
explicit TypePackIterator(TypePackId tp);
2022-01-06 17:10:07 -05:00
TypePackIterator(TypePackId tp, const TxnLog* log);
TypePackIterator& operator++();
TypePackIterator operator++(int);
bool operator!=(const TypePackIterator& rhs);
bool operator==(const TypePackIterator& rhs);
const TypeId& operator*();
/** Return the tail of a TypePack.
* This may *only* be called on an iterator that has been incremented to the end.
* Returns nullopt if the pack has fixed length.
std::optional<TypePackId> tail();
friend TypePackIterator end(TypePackId tp);
TypePackId currentTypePack = nullptr;
const TypePack* tp = nullptr;
size_t currentIndex = 0;
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const TxnLog* log;
TypePackIterator begin(TypePackId tp);
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TypePackIterator begin(TypePackId tp, const TxnLog* log);
TypePackIterator end(TypePackId tp);
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using SeenSet = std::set<std::pair<const void*, const void*>>;
bool areEqual(SeenSet& seen, const TypePackVar& lhs, const TypePackVar& rhs);
TypePackId follow(TypePackId tp);
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TypePackId follow(TypePackId tp, std::function<TypePackId(TypePackId)> mapper);
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size_t size(TypePackId tp, TxnLog* log = nullptr);
bool finite(TypePackId tp, TxnLog* log = nullptr);
size_t size(const TypePack& tp, TxnLog* log = nullptr);
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std::optional<TypeId> first(TypePackId tp, bool ignoreHiddenVariadics = true);
TypePackVar* asMutable(TypePackId tp);
TypePack* asMutable(const TypePack* tp);
template<typename T>
const T* get(TypePackId tp)
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if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<T, BoundTypePack>)
LUAU_ASSERT(get_if<BoundTypePack>(&tp->ty) == nullptr);
return get_if<T>(&(tp->ty));
template<typename T>
T* getMutable(TypePackId tp)
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2021-11-11 21:12:39 -05:00
if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<T, BoundTypePack>)
LUAU_ASSERT(get_if<BoundTypePack>(&tp->ty) == nullptr);
return get_if<T>(&(asMutable(tp)->ty));
/// Returns true if the type pack is known to be empty (no types in the head and no/an empty tail).
bool isEmpty(TypePackId tp);
/// Flattens out a type pack. Also returns a valid TypePackId tail if the type pack's full size is not known
std::pair<std::vector<TypeId>, std::optional<TypePackId>> flatten(TypePackId tp);
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std::pair<std::vector<TypeId>, std::optional<TypePackId>> flatten(TypePackId tp, const TxnLog& log);
/// Returs true if the type pack arose from a function that is declared to be variadic.
/// Returns *false* for function argument packs that are inferred to be safe to oversaturate!
bool isVariadic(TypePackId tp);
bool isVariadic(TypePackId tp, const TxnLog& log);
} // namespace Luau