
1479 lines
47 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/Anyification.h"
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
#include "Luau/ApplyTypeFunction.h"
#include "Luau/ConstraintSolver.h"
#include "Luau/Instantiation.h"
2022-06-23 21:56:00 -04:00
#include "Luau/Location.h"
#include "Luau/ModuleResolver.h"
#include "Luau/Quantify.h"
#include "Luau/ToString.h"
#include "Luau/TypeVar.h"
#include "Luau/Unifier.h"
#include "Luau/DcrLogger.h"
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
#include "Luau/VisitTypeVar.h"
#include "Luau/TypeUtils.h"
#include <random>
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(DebugLuauLogSolver, false);
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(DebugLuauLogSolverToJson, false);
namespace Luau
2022-07-29 00:24:07 -04:00
[[maybe_unused]] static void dumpBindings(NotNull<Scope> scope, ToStringOptions& opts)
for (const auto& [k, v] : scope->bindings)
if (FFlag::LuauFixNameMaps)
auto d = toString(v.typeId, opts);
printf("\t%s : %s\n", k.c_str(), d.c_str());
auto d = toStringDetailed(v.typeId, opts);
opts.DEPRECATED_nameMap = d.DEPRECATED_nameMap;
printf("\t%s : %s\n", k.c_str(),;
2022-07-29 00:24:07 -04:00
for (NotNull<Scope> child : scope->children)
dumpBindings(child, opts);
2022-07-29 00:24:07 -04:00
static void dumpConstraints(NotNull<Scope> scope, ToStringOptions& opts)
for (const ConstraintPtr& c : scope->constraints)
printf("\t%s\n", toString(*c, opts).c_str());
2022-07-29 00:24:07 -04:00
for (NotNull<Scope> child : scope->children)
dumpConstraints(child, opts);
static std::pair<std::vector<TypeId>, std::vector<TypePackId>> saturateArguments(TypeArena* arena, NotNull<SingletonTypes> singletonTypes,
const TypeFun& fn, const std::vector<TypeId>& rawTypeArguments, const std::vector<TypePackId>& rawPackArguments)
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
std::vector<TypeId> saturatedTypeArguments;
std::vector<TypeId> extraTypes;
std::vector<TypePackId> saturatedPackArguments;
for (size_t i = 0; i < rawTypeArguments.size(); ++i)
TypeId ty = rawTypeArguments[i];
if (i < fn.typeParams.size())
// If we collected extra types, put them in a type pack now. This case is
// mutually exclusive with the type pack -> type conversion we do below:
// extraTypes will only have elements in it if we have more types than we
// have parameter slots for them to go into.
if (!extraTypes.empty())
for (size_t i = 0; i < rawPackArguments.size(); ++i)
TypePackId tp = rawPackArguments[i];
// If we are short on regular type saturatedTypeArguments and we have a single
// element type pack, we can decompose that to the type it contains and
// use that as a type parameter.
if (saturatedTypeArguments.size() < fn.typeParams.size() && size(tp) == 1 && finite(tp) && first(tp) && saturatedPackArguments.empty())
size_t typesProvided = saturatedTypeArguments.size();
size_t typesRequired = fn.typeParams.size();
size_t packsProvided = saturatedPackArguments.size();
size_t packsRequired = fn.typePackParams.size();
// Extra types should be accumulated in extraTypes, not saturatedTypeArguments. Extra
// packs will be accumulated in saturatedPackArguments, so we don't have an
// assertion for that.
LUAU_ASSERT(typesProvided <= typesRequired);
// If we didn't provide enough types, but we did provide a type pack, we
// don't want to use defaults. The rationale for this is that if the user
// provides a pack but doesn't provide enough types, we want to report an
// error, rather than simply using the default saturatedTypeArguments, if they exist. If
// they did provide enough types, but not enough packs, we of course want to
// use the default packs.
bool needsDefaults = (typesProvided < typesRequired && packsProvided == 0) || (typesProvided == typesRequired && packsProvided < packsRequired);
if (needsDefaults)
// Default types can reference earlier types. It's legal to write
// something like
// type T<A, B = A> = (A, B) -> number
// and we need to respect that. We use an ApplyTypeFunction for this.
ApplyTypeFunction atf{arena};
for (size_t i = 0; i < typesProvided; ++i)
atf.typeArguments[fn.typeParams[i].ty] = saturatedTypeArguments[i];
for (size_t i = typesProvided; i < typesRequired; ++i)
TypeId defaultTy = fn.typeParams[i].defaultValue.value_or(nullptr);
// We will fill this in with the error type later.
if (!defaultTy)
TypeId instantiatedDefault = atf.substitute(defaultTy).value_or(singletonTypes->errorRecoveryType());
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
atf.typeArguments[fn.typeParams[i].ty] = instantiatedDefault;
for (size_t i = 0; i < packsProvided; ++i)
atf.typePackArguments[fn.typePackParams[i].tp] = saturatedPackArguments[i];
for (size_t i = packsProvided; i < packsRequired; ++i)
TypePackId defaultTp = fn.typePackParams[i].defaultValue.value_or(nullptr);
// We will fill this in with the error type pack later.
if (!defaultTp)
TypePackId instantiatedDefault = atf.substitute(defaultTp).value_or(singletonTypes->errorRecoveryTypePack());
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
atf.typePackArguments[fn.typePackParams[i].tp] = instantiatedDefault;
// If we didn't create an extra type pack from overflowing parameter packs,
// and we're still missing a type pack, plug in an empty type pack as the
// value of the empty packs.
if (extraTypes.empty() && saturatedPackArguments.size() + 1 == fn.typePackParams.size())
// We need to have _something_ when we substitute the generic saturatedTypeArguments,
// even if they're missing, so we use the error type as a filler.
for (size_t i = saturatedTypeArguments.size(); i < typesRequired; ++i)
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
for (size_t i = saturatedPackArguments.size(); i < packsRequired; ++i)
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
// At this point, these two conditions should be true. If they aren't we
// will run into access violations.
LUAU_ASSERT(saturatedTypeArguments.size() == fn.typeParams.size());
LUAU_ASSERT(saturatedPackArguments.size() == fn.typePackParams.size());
return {saturatedTypeArguments, saturatedPackArguments};
bool InstantiationSignature::operator==(const InstantiationSignature& rhs) const
return fn == rhs.fn && arguments == rhs.arguments && packArguments == rhs.packArguments;
size_t HashInstantiationSignature::operator()(const InstantiationSignature& signature) const
size_t hash = std::hash<TypeId>{}(signature.fn.type);
for (const GenericTypeDefinition& p : signature.fn.typeParams)
hash ^= (std::hash<TypeId>{}(p.ty) << 1);
for (const GenericTypePackDefinition& p : signature.fn.typePackParams)
hash ^= (std::hash<TypePackId>{}( << 1);
for (const TypeId a : signature.arguments)
hash ^= (std::hash<TypeId>{}(a) << 1);
for (const TypePackId a : signature.packArguments)
hash ^= (std::hash<TypePackId>{}(a) << 1);
return hash;
2022-07-29 00:24:07 -04:00
void dump(NotNull<Scope> rootScope, ToStringOptions& opts)
dumpConstraints(rootScope, opts);
void dump(ConstraintSolver* cs, ToStringOptions& opts)
for (NotNull<const Constraint> c : cs->unsolvedConstraints)
auto it = cs->blockedConstraints.find(c);
int blockCount = it == cs->blockedConstraints.end() ? 0 : int(it->second);
printf("\t%d\t%s\n", blockCount, toString(*c, opts).c_str());
for (NotNull<Constraint> dep : c->dependencies)
auto unsolvedIter = std::find(begin(cs->unsolvedConstraints), end(cs->unsolvedConstraints), dep);
if (unsolvedIter == cs->unsolvedConstraints.end())
auto it = cs->blockedConstraints.find(dep);
int blockCount = it == cs->blockedConstraints.end() ? 0 : int(it->second);
printf("\t%d\t\t%s\n", blockCount, toString(*dep, opts).c_str());
if (auto fcc = get<FunctionCallConstraint>(*c))
for (NotNull<const Constraint> inner : fcc->innerConstraints)
printf("\t\t\t%s\n", toString(*inner, opts).c_str());
ConstraintSolver::ConstraintSolver(NotNull<Normalizer> normalizer, NotNull<Scope> rootScope, ModuleName moduleName,
NotNull<ModuleResolver> moduleResolver, std::vector<RequireCycle> requireCycles, DcrLogger* logger)
: arena(normalizer->arena)
, singletonTypes(normalizer->singletonTypes)
, normalizer(normalizer)
, constraints(collectConstraints(rootScope))
, rootScope(rootScope)
, currentModuleName(std::move(moduleName))
, moduleResolver(moduleResolver)
, requireCycles(requireCycles)
, logger(logger)
opts.exhaustive = true;
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
for (NotNull<Constraint> c : constraints)
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
for (NotNull<const Constraint> dep : c->dependencies)
block(dep, c);
if (FFlag::DebugLuauLogSolverToJson)
void ConstraintSolver::randomize(unsigned seed)
std::mt19937 g(seed);
std::shuffle(begin(unsolvedConstraints), end(unsolvedConstraints), g);
void ConstraintSolver::run()
if (done())
if (FFlag::DebugLuauLogSolver)
printf("Starting solver\n");
dump(this, opts);
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
if (FFlag::DebugLuauLogSolverToJson)
logger->captureInitialSolverState(rootScope, unsolvedConstraints);
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
auto runSolverPass = [&](bool force) {
bool progress = false;
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
size_t i = 0;
while (i < unsolvedConstraints.size())
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
NotNull<const Constraint> c = unsolvedConstraints[i];
if (!force && isBlocked(c))
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
std::string saveMe = FFlag::DebugLuauLogSolver ? toString(*c, opts) : std::string{};
StepSnapshot snapshot;
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
if (FFlag::DebugLuauLogSolverToJson)
snapshot = logger->prepareStepSnapshot(rootScope, c, force, unsolvedConstraints);
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
bool success = tryDispatch(c, force);
progress |= success;
if (success)
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
unsolvedConstraints.erase(unsolvedConstraints.begin() + i);
if (FFlag::DebugLuauLogSolverToJson)
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
if (FFlag::DebugLuauLogSolver)
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
if (force)
printf("Force ");
printf("Dispatched\n\t%s\n", saveMe.c_str());
dump(this, opts);
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
if (force && success)
return true;
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
return progress;
bool progress = false;
progress = runSolverPass(false);
if (!progress)
progress |= runSolverPass(true);
} while (progress);
if (FFlag::DebugLuauLogSolver)
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
dumpBindings(rootScope, opts);
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
if (FFlag::DebugLuauLogSolverToJson)
logger->captureFinalSolverState(rootScope, unsolvedConstraints);
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
bool ConstraintSolver::done()
return unsolvedConstraints.empty();
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
bool ConstraintSolver::tryDispatch(NotNull<const Constraint> constraint, bool force)
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
if (!force && isBlocked(constraint))
return false;
bool success = false;
if (auto sc = get<SubtypeConstraint>(*constraint))
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
success = tryDispatch(*sc, constraint, force);
else if (auto psc = get<PackSubtypeConstraint>(*constraint))
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
success = tryDispatch(*psc, constraint, force);
else if (auto gc = get<GeneralizationConstraint>(*constraint))
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
success = tryDispatch(*gc, constraint, force);
else if (auto ic = get<InstantiationConstraint>(*constraint))
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
success = tryDispatch(*ic, constraint, force);
2022-06-30 19:52:43 -04:00
else if (auto uc = get<UnaryConstraint>(*constraint))
success = tryDispatch(*uc, constraint, force);
else if (auto bc = get<BinaryConstraint>(*constraint))
success = tryDispatch(*bc, constraint, force);
else if (auto ic = get<IterableConstraint>(*constraint))
success = tryDispatch(*ic, constraint, force);
2022-06-23 21:56:00 -04:00
else if (auto nc = get<NameConstraint>(*constraint))
success = tryDispatch(*nc, constraint);
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
else if (auto taec = get<TypeAliasExpansionConstraint>(*constraint))
success = tryDispatch(*taec, constraint);
else if (auto fcc = get<FunctionCallConstraint>(*constraint))
success = tryDispatch(*fcc, constraint);
2022-09-23 15:17:25 -04:00
else if (auto fcc = get<PrimitiveTypeConstraint>(*constraint))
success = tryDispatch(*fcc, constraint);
else if (auto hpc = get<HasPropConstraint>(*constraint))
success = tryDispatch(*hpc, constraint);
2022-09-23 15:17:25 -04:00
if (success)
return success;
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
bool ConstraintSolver::tryDispatch(const SubtypeConstraint& c, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint, bool force)
2022-09-23 15:17:25 -04:00
if (!recursiveBlock(c.subType, constraint))
return false;
if (!recursiveBlock(c.superType, constraint))
return false;
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
if (isBlocked(c.subType))
return block(c.subType, constraint);
else if (isBlocked(c.superType))
return block(c.superType, constraint);
unify(c.subType, c.superType, constraint->scope);
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
return true;
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
bool ConstraintSolver::tryDispatch(const PackSubtypeConstraint& c, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint, bool force)
2022-09-23 15:17:25 -04:00
if (!recursiveBlock(c.subPack, constraint) || !recursiveBlock(c.superPack, constraint))
return false;
if (isBlocked(c.subPack))
return block(c.subPack, constraint);
else if (isBlocked(c.superPack))
return block(c.superPack, constraint);
unify(c.subPack, c.superPack, constraint->scope);
return true;
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
bool ConstraintSolver::tryDispatch(const GeneralizationConstraint& c, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint, bool force)
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
if (isBlocked(c.sourceType))
return block(c.sourceType, constraint);
TypeId generalized = quantify(arena, c.sourceType, constraint->scope);
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
if (isBlocked(c.generalizedType))
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
unify(c.generalizedType, generalized, constraint->scope);
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
return true;
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
bool ConstraintSolver::tryDispatch(const InstantiationConstraint& c, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint, bool force)
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
if (isBlocked(c.superType))
return block(c.superType, constraint);
Instantiation inst(TxnLog::empty(), arena, TypeLevel{}, constraint->scope);
std::optional<TypeId> instantiated = inst.substitute(c.superType);
2022-06-30 19:52:43 -04:00
if (isBlocked(c.subType))
unify(c.subType, *instantiated, constraint->scope);
2022-06-30 19:52:43 -04:00
return true;
2022-06-30 19:52:43 -04:00
bool ConstraintSolver::tryDispatch(const UnaryConstraint& c, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint, bool force)
TypeId operandType = follow(c.operandType);
if (isBlocked(operandType))
return block(operandType, constraint);
if (get<FreeTypeVar>(operandType))
return block(operandType, constraint);
2022-09-23 15:17:25 -04:00
switch (c.op)
2022-06-30 19:52:43 -04:00
2022-09-23 15:17:25 -04:00
case AstExprUnary::Not:
return true;
case AstExprUnary::Len:
return true;
case AstExprUnary::Minus:
if (isNumber(operandType) || get<AnyTypeVar>(operandType) || get<ErrorTypeVar>(operandType))
return true;
2022-06-30 19:52:43 -04:00
2022-09-23 15:17:25 -04:00
LUAU_ASSERT(false); // TODO metatable handling
2022-06-30 19:52:43 -04:00
return false;
bool ConstraintSolver::tryDispatch(const BinaryConstraint& c, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint, bool force)
TypeId leftType = follow(c.leftType);
TypeId rightType = follow(c.rightType);
TypeId resultType = follow(c.resultType);
2022-06-30 19:52:43 -04:00
if (isBlocked(leftType) || isBlocked(rightType))
/* Compound assignments create constraints of the form
* A <: Binary<op, A, B>
* This constraint is the one that is meant to unblock A, so it doesn't
* make any sense to stop and wait for someone else to do it.
if (leftType != resultType && rightType != resultType)
block(c.leftType, constraint);
block(c.rightType, constraint);
return false;
2022-06-30 19:52:43 -04:00
if (isNumber(leftType))
unify(leftType, rightType, constraint->scope);
2022-06-30 19:52:43 -04:00
return true;
if (!force)
if (get<FreeTypeVar>(leftType))
return block(leftType, constraint);
if (isBlocked(leftType))
// reportError(constraint->location, CannotInferBinaryOperation{c.op, std::nullopt, CannotInferBinaryOperation::Operation});
return true;
2022-06-30 19:52:43 -04:00
// TODO metatables, classes
return true;
bool ConstraintSolver::tryDispatch(const IterableConstraint& c, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint, bool force)
* for .. in loops can play out in a bunch of different ways depending on
* the shape of iteratee.
* iteratee might be:
* * (nextFn)
* * (nextFn, table)
* * (nextFn, table, firstIndex)
* * table with a metatable and __index
* * table with a metatable and __call but no __index (if the metatable has
* both, __index takes precedence)
* * table with an indexer but no __index or __call (or no metatable)
* To dispatch this constraint, we need first to know enough about iteratee
* to figure out which of the above shapes we are actually working with.
* If `force` is true and we still do not know, we must flag a warning. Type
* families are the fix for this.
* Since we need to know all of this stuff about the types of the iteratee,
* we have no choice but for ConstraintSolver to also be the thing that
* applies constraints to the types of the iterators.
auto block_ = [&](auto&& t) {
if (force)
// If we haven't figured out the type of the iteratee by now,
// there's nothing we can do.
return true;
block(t, constraint);
return false;
auto [iteratorTypes, iteratorTail] = flatten(c.iterator);
if (iteratorTail)
return block_(*iteratorTail);
bool blocked = false;
for (TypeId t : iteratorTypes)
if (isBlocked(t))
block(t, constraint);
blocked = true;
if (blocked)
return false;
if (0 == iteratorTypes.size())
Anyification anyify{arena, constraint->scope, singletonTypes, &iceReporter, errorRecoveryType(), errorRecoveryTypePack()};
std::optional<TypePackId> anyified = anyify.substitute(c.variables);
unify(*anyified, c.variables, constraint->scope);
return true;
TypeId nextTy = follow(iteratorTypes[0]);
if (get<FreeTypeVar>(nextTy))
return block_(nextTy);
if (get<FunctionTypeVar>(nextTy))
TypeId tableTy = singletonTypes->nilType;
if (iteratorTypes.size() >= 2)
tableTy = iteratorTypes[1];
TypeId firstIndexTy = singletonTypes->nilType;
if (iteratorTypes.size() >= 3)
firstIndexTy = iteratorTypes[2];
return tryDispatchIterableFunction(nextTy, tableTy, firstIndexTy, c, constraint, force);
return tryDispatchIterableTable(iteratorTypes[0], c, constraint, force);
return true;
2022-06-23 21:56:00 -04:00
bool ConstraintSolver::tryDispatch(const NameConstraint& c, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint)
if (isBlocked(c.namedType))
return block(c.namedType, constraint);
TypeId target = follow(c.namedType);
if (target->persistent || target->owningArena != arena)
return true;
2022-06-23 21:56:00 -04:00
if (TableTypeVar* ttv = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(target))
ttv->name =;
else if (MetatableTypeVar* mtv = getMutable<MetatableTypeVar>(target))
mtv->syntheticName =;
return block(c.namedType, constraint);
return true;
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
struct InfiniteTypeFinder : TypeVarOnceVisitor
ConstraintSolver* solver;
const InstantiationSignature& signature;
NotNull<Scope> scope;
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
bool foundInfiniteType = false;
explicit InfiniteTypeFinder(ConstraintSolver* solver, const InstantiationSignature& signature, NotNull<Scope> scope)
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
: solver(solver)
, signature(signature)
, scope(scope)
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
bool visit(TypeId ty, const PendingExpansionTypeVar& petv) override
std::optional<TypeFun> tf =
(petv.prefix) ? scope->lookupImportedType(petv.prefix->value, : scope->lookupType(;
if (!tf.has_value())
return true;
auto [typeArguments, packArguments] = saturateArguments(solver->arena, solver->singletonTypes, *tf, petv.typeArguments, petv.packArguments);
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
if (follow(tf->type) == follow(signature.fn.type) && (signature.arguments != typeArguments || signature.packArguments != packArguments))
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
foundInfiniteType = true;
return false;
return true;
struct InstantiationQueuer : TypeVarOnceVisitor
ConstraintSolver* solver;
const InstantiationSignature& signature;
NotNull<Scope> scope;
Location location;
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
explicit InstantiationQueuer(NotNull<Scope> scope, const Location& location, ConstraintSolver* solver, const InstantiationSignature& signature)
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
: solver(solver)
, signature(signature)
, scope(scope)
, location(location)
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
bool visit(TypeId ty, const PendingExpansionTypeVar& petv) override
solver->pushConstraint(scope, location, TypeAliasExpansionConstraint{ty});
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
return false;
bool ConstraintSolver::tryDispatch(const TypeAliasExpansionConstraint& c, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint)
const PendingExpansionTypeVar* petv = get<PendingExpansionTypeVar>(follow(;
if (!petv)
return true;
auto bindResult = [this, &c](TypeId result) {
std::optional<TypeFun> tf = (petv->prefix) ? constraint->scope->lookupImportedType(petv->prefix->value, petv->name.value)
: constraint->scope->lookupType(petv->name.value);
if (!tf.has_value())
reportError(UnknownSymbol{petv->name.value, UnknownSymbol::Context::Type}, constraint->location);
return true;
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
// If there are no parameters to the type function we can just use the type
// directly.
if (tf->typeParams.empty() && tf->typePackParams.empty())
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
return true;
auto [typeArguments, packArguments] = saturateArguments(arena, singletonTypes, *tf, petv->typeArguments, petv->packArguments);
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
bool sameTypes = std::equal(typeArguments.begin(), typeArguments.end(), tf->typeParams.begin(), tf->typeParams.end(), [](auto&& itp, auto&& p) {
return itp == p.ty;
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
bool samePacks =
std::equal(packArguments.begin(), packArguments.end(), tf->typePackParams.begin(), tf->typePackParams.end(), [](auto&& itp, auto&& p) {
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
return itp ==;
// If we're instantiating the type with its generic saturatedTypeArguments we are
// performing the identity substitution. We can just short-circuit and bind
// to the TypeFun's type.
if (sameTypes && samePacks)
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
return true;
InstantiationSignature signature{
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
// If we use the same signature, we don't need to bother trying to
// instantiate the alias again, since the instantiation should be
// deterministic.
if (TypeId* cached = instantiatedAliases.find(signature))
return true;
// In order to prevent infinite types from being expanded and causing us to
// cycle infinitely, we need to scan the type function for cases where we
// expand the same alias with different type saturatedTypeArguments. See
// for the RFC responsible for this.
// This is a little nicer than using a recursion limit because we can catch
// the infinite expansion before actually trying to expand it.
InfiniteTypeFinder itf{this, signature, constraint->scope};
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
if (itf.foundInfiniteType)
// TODO (CLI-56761): Report an error.
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
return true;
ApplyTypeFunction applyTypeFunction{arena};
for (size_t i = 0; i < typeArguments.size(); ++i)
applyTypeFunction.typeArguments[tf->typeParams[i].ty] = typeArguments[i];
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
for (size_t i = 0; i < packArguments.size(); ++i)
applyTypeFunction.typePackArguments[tf->typePackParams[i].tp] = packArguments[i];
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
std::optional<TypeId> maybeInstantiated = applyTypeFunction.substitute(tf->type);
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
// Note that ApplyTypeFunction::encounteredForwardedType is never set in
// DCR, because we do not use free types for forward-declared generic
// aliases.
if (!maybeInstantiated.has_value())
// TODO (CLI-56761): Report an error.
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
return true;
TypeId instantiated = *maybeInstantiated;
TypeId target = follow(instantiated);
if (target->persistent)
return true;
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
// Type function application will happily give us the exact same type if
// there are e.g. generic saturatedTypeArguments that go unused.
bool needsClone = follow(tf->type) == target;
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
// Only tables have the properties we're trying to set.
TableTypeVar* ttv = getMutableTableType(target);
if (ttv)
if (needsClone)
// Substitution::clone is a shallow clone. If this is a
// metatable type, we want to mutate its table, so we need to
// explicitly clone that table as well. If we don't, we will
// mutate another module's type surface and cause a
// use-after-free.
if (get<MetatableTypeVar>(target))
instantiated = applyTypeFunction.clone(target);
MetatableTypeVar* mtv = getMutable<MetatableTypeVar>(instantiated);
mtv->table = applyTypeFunction.clone(mtv->table);
ttv = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(mtv->table);
else if (get<TableTypeVar>(target))
instantiated = applyTypeFunction.clone(target);
ttv = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(instantiated);
target = follow(instantiated);
ttv->instantiatedTypeParams = typeArguments;
ttv->instantiatedTypePackParams = packArguments;
// TODO: Fill in definitionModuleName.
// The application is not recursive, so we need to queue up application of
// any child type function instantiations within the result in order for it
// to be complete.
InstantiationQueuer queuer{constraint->scope, constraint->location, this, signature};
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
instantiatedAliases[signature] = target;
return true;
bool ConstraintSolver::tryDispatch(const FunctionCallConstraint& c, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint)
TypeId fn = follow(c.fn);
TypePackId result = follow(c.result);
if (isBlocked(c.fn))
return block(c.fn, constraint);
const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(fn);
bool usedMagic = false;
if (ftv && ftv->dcrMagicFunction != nullptr)
usedMagic = ftv->dcrMagicFunction(MagicFunctionCallContext{NotNull(this), c.callSite, c.argsPack, result});
if (usedMagic)
// There are constraints that are blocked on these constraints. If we
// are never going to even examine them, then we should not block
// anything else on them.
// TODO CLI-58842
#if 0
for (auto& c: c.innerConstraints)
unsolvedConstraints.insert(end(unsolvedConstraints), begin(c.innerConstraints), end(c.innerConstraints));
return true;
2022-09-23 15:17:25 -04:00
bool ConstraintSolver::tryDispatch(const PrimitiveTypeConstraint& c, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint)
TypeId expectedType = follow(c.expectedType);
if (isBlocked(expectedType) || get<PendingExpansionTypeVar>(expectedType))
return block(expectedType, constraint);
TypeId bindTo = maybeSingleton(expectedType) ? c.singletonType : c.multitonType;
return true;
bool ConstraintSolver::tryDispatch(const HasPropConstraint& c, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint)
TypeId subjectType = follow(c.subjectType);
if (isBlocked(subjectType) || get<PendingExpansionTypeVar>(subjectType))
return block(subjectType, constraint);
TypeId resultType = nullptr;
auto collectParts = [&](auto&& unionOrIntersection) -> std::pair<bool, std::vector<TypeId>> {
bool blocked = false;
std::vector<TypeId> parts;
for (TypeId expectedPart : unionOrIntersection)
expectedPart = follow(expectedPart);
if (isBlocked(expectedPart) || get<PendingExpansionTypeVar>(expectedPart))
blocked = true;
block(expectedPart, constraint);
else if (const TableTypeVar* ttv = get<TableTypeVar>(follow(expectedPart)))
if (auto prop = ttv->props.find(c.prop); prop != ttv->props.end())
else if (ttv->indexer && maybeString(ttv->indexer->indexType))
return {blocked, parts};
if (auto ttv = get<TableTypeVar>(subjectType))
if (auto prop = ttv->props.find(c.prop); prop != ttv->props.end())
resultType = prop->second.type;
else if (ttv->indexer && maybeString(ttv->indexer->indexType))
resultType = ttv->indexer->indexResultType;
else if (auto utv = get<UnionTypeVar>(subjectType))
auto [blocked, parts] = collectParts(utv);
if (blocked)
return false;
else if (parts.size() == 1)
resultType = parts[0];
else if (parts.size() > 1)
resultType = arena->addType(UnionTypeVar{std::move(parts)});
LUAU_ASSERT(false); // parts.size() == 0
else if (auto itv = get<IntersectionTypeVar>(subjectType))
auto [blocked, parts] = collectParts(itv);
if (blocked)
return false;
else if (parts.size() == 1)
resultType = parts[0];
else if (parts.size() > 1)
resultType = arena->addType(IntersectionTypeVar{std::move(parts)});
LUAU_ASSERT(false); // parts.size() == 0
if (resultType)
return true;
bool ConstraintSolver::tryDispatchIterableTable(TypeId iteratorTy, const IterableConstraint& c, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint, bool force)
auto block_ = [&](auto&& t) {
if (force)
// TODO: I believe it is the case that, if we are asked to force
// this constraint, then we can do nothing but fail. I'd like to
// find a code sample that gets here.
2022-09-23 15:17:25 -04:00
block(t, constraint);
return false;
// We may have to block here if we don't know what the iteratee type is,
// if it's a free table, if we don't know it has a metatable, and so on.
iteratorTy = follow(iteratorTy);
if (get<FreeTypeVar>(iteratorTy))
return block_(iteratorTy);
auto anyify = [&](auto ty) {
Anyification anyify{arena, constraint->scope, singletonTypes, &iceReporter, singletonTypes->anyType, singletonTypes->anyTypePack};
std::optional anyified = anyify.substitute(ty);
if (!anyified)
reportError(CodeTooComplex{}, constraint->location);
unify(*anyified, ty, constraint->scope);
auto errorify = [&](auto ty) {
Anyification anyify{arena, constraint->scope, singletonTypes, &iceReporter, errorRecoveryType(), errorRecoveryTypePack()};
std::optional errorified = anyify.substitute(ty);
if (!errorified)
reportError(CodeTooComplex{}, constraint->location);
unify(*errorified, ty, constraint->scope);
if (get<AnyTypeVar>(iteratorTy))
return true;
if (get<ErrorTypeVar>(iteratorTy))
return true;
// Irksome: I don't think we have any way to guarantee that this table
// type never has a metatable.
if (auto iteratorTable = get<TableTypeVar>(iteratorTy))
if (iteratorTable->state == TableState::Free)
return block_(iteratorTy);
if (iteratorTable->indexer)
TypePackId expectedVariablePack = arena->addTypePack({iteratorTable->indexer->indexType, iteratorTable->indexer->indexResultType});
unify(c.variables, expectedVariablePack, constraint->scope);
else if (std::optional<TypeId> iterFn = findMetatableEntry(singletonTypes, errors, iteratorTy, "__iter", Location{}))
if (isBlocked(*iterFn))
return block(*iterFn, constraint);
Instantiation instantiation(TxnLog::empty(), arena, TypeLevel{}, constraint->scope);
if (std::optional<TypeId> instantiatedIterFn = instantiation.substitute(*iterFn))
if (auto iterFtv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(*instantiatedIterFn))
TypePackId expectedIterArgs = arena->addTypePack({iteratorTy});
unify(iterFtv->argTypes, expectedIterArgs, constraint->scope);
std::vector<TypeId> iterRets = flatten(*arena, singletonTypes, iterFtv->retTypes, 2);
if (iterRets.size() < 1)
// We've done what we can; this will get reported as an
// error by the type checker.
return true;
TypeId nextFn = iterRets[0];
TypeId table = iterRets.size() == 2 ? iterRets[1] : arena->freshType(constraint->scope);
if (std::optional<TypeId> instantiatedNextFn = instantiation.substitute(nextFn))
const TypeId firstIndex = arena->freshType(constraint->scope);
// nextTy : (iteratorTy, indexTy?) -> (indexTy, valueTailTy...)
const TypePackId nextArgPack = arena->addTypePack({table, arena->addType(UnionTypeVar{{firstIndex, singletonTypes->nilType}})});
const TypePackId valueTailTy = arena->addTypePack(FreeTypePack{constraint->scope});
const TypePackId nextRetPack = arena->addTypePack(TypePack{{firstIndex}, valueTailTy});
const TypeId expectedNextTy = arena->addType(FunctionTypeVar{nextArgPack, nextRetPack});
unify(*instantiatedNextFn, expectedNextTy, constraint->scope);
pushConstraint(constraint->scope, constraint->location, PackSubtypeConstraint{c.variables, nextRetPack});
reportError(UnificationTooComplex{}, constraint->location);
// TODO: Support __call and function overloads (what does an overload even mean for this?)
reportError(UnificationTooComplex{}, constraint->location);
else if (auto iteratorMetatable = get<MetatableTypeVar>(iteratorTy))
TypeId metaTy = follow(iteratorMetatable->metatable);
if (get<FreeTypeVar>(metaTy))
return block_(metaTy);
2022-09-23 15:17:25 -04:00
return true;
bool ConstraintSolver::tryDispatchIterableFunction(
TypeId nextTy, TypeId tableTy, TypeId firstIndexTy, const IterableConstraint& c, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint, bool force)
// We need to know whether or not this type is nil or not.
// If we don't know, block and reschedule ourselves.
firstIndexTy = follow(firstIndexTy);
if (get<FreeTypeVar>(firstIndexTy))
if (force)
2022-09-23 15:17:25 -04:00
block(firstIndexTy, constraint);
return false;
const TypeId firstIndex = isNil(firstIndexTy) ? arena->freshType(constraint->scope) // FIXME: Surely this should be a union (free | nil)
: firstIndexTy;
// nextTy : (tableTy, indexTy?) -> (indexTy, valueTailTy...)
const TypePackId nextArgPack = arena->addTypePack({tableTy, arena->addType(UnionTypeVar{{firstIndex, singletonTypes->nilType}})});
const TypePackId valueTailTy = arena->addTypePack(FreeTypePack{constraint->scope});
const TypePackId nextRetPack = arena->addTypePack(TypePack{{firstIndex}, valueTailTy});
const TypeId expectedNextTy = arena->addType(FunctionTypeVar{TypeLevel{}, constraint->scope, nextArgPack, nextRetPack});
unify(nextTy, expectedNextTy, constraint->scope);
pushConstraint(constraint->scope, constraint->location, PackSubtypeConstraint{c.variables, nextRetPack});
return true;
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
void ConstraintSolver::block_(BlockedConstraintId target, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint)
auto& count = blockedConstraints[constraint];
count += 1;
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
void ConstraintSolver::block(NotNull<const Constraint> target, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint)
if (FFlag::DebugLuauLogSolverToJson)
logger->pushBlock(constraint, target);
if (FFlag::DebugLuauLogSolver)
printf("block Constraint %s on\t%s\n", toString(*target, opts).c_str(), toString(*constraint, opts).c_str());
block_(target, constraint);
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
bool ConstraintSolver::block(TypeId target, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint)
if (FFlag::DebugLuauLogSolverToJson)
logger->pushBlock(constraint, target);
if (FFlag::DebugLuauLogSolver)
printf("block TypeId %s on\t%s\n", toString(target, opts).c_str(), toString(*constraint, opts).c_str());
block_(target, constraint);
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
return false;
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
bool ConstraintSolver::block(TypePackId target, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint)
if (FFlag::DebugLuauLogSolverToJson)
logger->pushBlock(constraint, target);
if (FFlag::DebugLuauLogSolver)
printf("block TypeId %s on\t%s\n", toString(target, opts).c_str(), toString(*constraint, opts).c_str());
block_(target, constraint);
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
return false;
2022-09-23 15:17:25 -04:00
struct Blocker : TypeVarOnceVisitor
NotNull<ConstraintSolver> solver;
NotNull<const Constraint> constraint;
bool blocked = false;
explicit Blocker(NotNull<ConstraintSolver> solver, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint)
: solver(solver)
, constraint(constraint)
bool visit(TypeId ty, const BlockedTypeVar&)
blocked = true;
solver->block(ty, constraint);
return false;
bool visit(TypeId ty, const PendingExpansionTypeVar&)
blocked = true;
solver->block(ty, constraint);
return false;
bool ConstraintSolver::recursiveBlock(TypeId target, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint)
Blocker blocker{NotNull{this}, constraint};
return !blocker.blocked;
bool ConstraintSolver::recursiveBlock(TypePackId pack, NotNull<const Constraint> constraint)
Blocker blocker{NotNull{this}, constraint};
return !blocker.blocked;
void ConstraintSolver::unblock_(BlockedConstraintId progressed)
auto it = blocked.find(progressed);
if (it == blocked.end())
// unblocked should contain a value always, because of the above check
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
for (NotNull<const Constraint> unblockedConstraint : it->second)
auto& count = blockedConstraints[unblockedConstraint];
if (FFlag::DebugLuauLogSolver)
printf("Unblocking count=%d\t%s\n", int(count), toString(*unblockedConstraint, opts).c_str());
// This assertion being hit indicates that `blocked` and
// `blockedConstraints` desynchronized at some point. This is problematic
// because we rely on this count being correct to skip over blocked
// constraints.
LUAU_ASSERT(count > 0);
count -= 1;
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
void ConstraintSolver::unblock(NotNull<const Constraint> progressed)
if (FFlag::DebugLuauLogSolverToJson)
return unblock_(progressed);
void ConstraintSolver::unblock(TypeId progressed)
if (FFlag::DebugLuauLogSolverToJson)
return unblock_(progressed);
void ConstraintSolver::unblock(TypePackId progressed)
if (FFlag::DebugLuauLogSolverToJson)
return unblock_(progressed);
void ConstraintSolver::unblock(const std::vector<TypeId>& types)
for (TypeId t : types)
void ConstraintSolver::unblock(const std::vector<TypePackId>& packs)
for (TypePackId t : packs)
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
bool ConstraintSolver::isBlocked(TypeId ty)
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
return nullptr != get<BlockedTypeVar>(follow(ty)) || nullptr != get<PendingExpansionTypeVar>(follow(ty));
bool ConstraintSolver::isBlocked(TypePackId tp)
return nullptr != get<BlockedTypePack>(follow(tp));
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
bool ConstraintSolver::isBlocked(NotNull<const Constraint> constraint)
2022-06-16 21:05:14 -04:00
auto blockedIt = blockedConstraints.find(constraint);
return blockedIt != blockedConstraints.end() && blockedIt->second > 0;
void ConstraintSolver::unify(TypeId subType, TypeId superType, NotNull<Scope> scope)
Unifier u{normalizer, Mode::Strict, scope, Location{}, Covariant};
u.useScopes = true;
u.tryUnify(subType, superType);
if (!u.errors.empty())
TypeId errorType = errorRecoveryType();
u.tryUnify(subType, errorType);
u.tryUnify(superType, errorType);
const auto [changedTypes, changedPacks] = u.log.getChanges();
void ConstraintSolver::unify(TypePackId subPack, TypePackId superPack, NotNull<Scope> scope)
UnifierSharedState sharedState{&iceReporter};
Unifier u{normalizer, Mode::Strict, scope, Location{}, Covariant};
u.useScopes = true;
u.tryUnify(subPack, superPack);
const auto [changedTypes, changedPacks] = u.log.getChanges();
void ConstraintSolver::pushConstraint(NotNull<Scope> scope, const Location& location, ConstraintV cv)
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
std::unique_ptr<Constraint> c = std::make_unique<Constraint>(scope, location, std::move(cv));
2022-08-04 18:35:33 -04:00
NotNull<Constraint> borrow = NotNull(c.get());
TypeId ConstraintSolver::resolveModule(const ModuleInfo& info, const Location& location)
if (
reportError(UnknownRequire{}, location);
return errorRecoveryType();
std::string humanReadableName = moduleResolver->getHumanReadableModuleName(;
for (const auto& [location, path] : requireCycles)
if (!path.empty() && path.front() == humanReadableName)
return singletonTypes->anyType;
ModulePtr module = moduleResolver->getModule(;
if (!module)
if (!moduleResolver->moduleExists( && !info.optional)
reportError(UnknownRequire{humanReadableName}, location);
return errorRecoveryType();
if (module->type != SourceCode::Type::Module)
reportError(IllegalRequire{humanReadableName, "Module is not a ModuleScript. It cannot be required."}, location);
return errorRecoveryType();
TypePackId modulePack = module->getModuleScope()->returnType;
if (get<Unifiable::Error>(modulePack))
return errorRecoveryType();
std::optional<TypeId> moduleType = first(modulePack);
if (!moduleType)
reportError(IllegalRequire{humanReadableName, "Module does not return exactly 1 value. It cannot be required."}, location);
return errorRecoveryType();
return *moduleType;
void ConstraintSolver::reportError(TypeErrorData&& data, const Location& location)
errors.emplace_back(location, std::move(data));
errors.back().moduleName = currentModuleName;
void ConstraintSolver::reportError(TypeError e)
errors.back().moduleName = currentModuleName;
TypeId ConstraintSolver::errorRecoveryType() const
return singletonTypes->errorRecoveryType();
TypePackId ConstraintSolver::errorRecoveryTypePack() const
return singletonTypes->errorRecoveryTypePack();
} // namespace Luau