Merge branch 'master' into merge

This commit is contained in:
Arseny Kapoulkine 2022-03-24 14:49:29 -07:00
commit 44405223ce
20 changed files with 656 additions and 523 deletions

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@ -466,6 +466,13 @@ function table.isfrozen(t: table): boolean
Returns `true` iff the input table is frozen.
function table.clone(t: table): table
Returns a copy of the input table that has the same metatable, same keys and values, and is not frozen even if `t` was.
The copy is shallow: implementing a deep recursive copy automatically is challenging, and often only certain keys need to be cloned recursively which can be done after the initial clone by modifying the resulting table.
## string library

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ open import Agda.Builtin.String using (String)
open import FFI.Data.ByteString using (ByteString)
open import FFI.Data.HaskellString using (HaskellString; pack)
open import FFI.Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import FFI.Data.Either using (Either; mapLeft)
open import FFI.Data.Either using (Either; mapL)
open import FFI.Data.Scientific using (Scientific)
open import FFI.Data.Vector using (Vector)
@ -73,5 +73,5 @@ postulate
{-# COMPILE GHC eitherHDecode = Data.Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict #-}
eitherDecode : ByteString Either String Value
eitherDecode bytes = mapLeft pack (eitherHDecode bytes)
eitherDecode bytes = mapL pack (eitherHDecode bytes)

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@ -7,10 +7,22 @@ data Either (A B : Set) : Set where
Right : B Either A B
{-# COMPILE GHC Either = data Data.Either.Either (Data.Either.Left|Data.Either.Right) #-}
mapLeft : {A B C} (A B) (Either A C) (Either B C)
mapLeft f (Left x) = Left (f x)
mapLeft f (Right x) = Right x
swapLR : {A B} Either A B Either B A
swapLR (Left x) = Right x
swapLR (Right x) = Left x
mapRight : {A B C} (B C) (Either A B) (Either A C)
mapRight f (Left x) = Left x
mapRight f (Right x) = Right (f x)
mapL : {A B C} (A B) Either A C Either B C
mapL f (Left x) = Left (f x)
mapL f (Right x) = Right x
mapR : {A B C} (B C) Either A B Either A C
mapR f (Left x) = Left x
mapR f (Right x) = Right (f x)
mapLR : {A B C D} (A B) (C D) Either A C Either B D
mapLR f g (Left x) = Left (f x)
mapLR f g (Right x) = Right (g x)
cond : {A B C : Set} (A C) (B C) (Either A B) C
cond f g (Left x) = f x
cond f g (Right x) = g x

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ data RuntimeErrorᴮ {a} (H : Heap a) : Block a → Set
data RuntimeErrorᴱ {a} (H : Heap a) : Expr a Set
data RuntimeErrorᴱ H where
FunctionMismatch : v w (function valueType v) RuntimeErrorᴱ H (val v $ val w)
FunctionMismatch : v w (valueType v function) RuntimeErrorᴱ H (val v $ val w)
BinOpMismatch₁ : v w {op} (BinOpError op (valueType v)) RuntimeErrorᴱ H (binexp (val v) op (val w))
BinOpMismatch₂ : v w {op} (BinOpError op (valueType w)) RuntimeErrorᴱ H (binexp (val v) op (val w))
UnboundVariable : {x} RuntimeErrorᴱ H (var x)

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@ -5,28 +5,18 @@ module Luau.StrictMode where
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality using (_≡_)
open import FFI.Data.Maybe using (just; nothing)
open import Luau.Syntax using (Expr; Stat; Block; BinaryOperator; yes; nil; addr; var; binexp; var_∈_; _⟨_⟩∈_; function_is_end; _$_; block_is_end; local_←_; _∙_; done; return; name; +; -; *; /; <; >; <=; >=; ··)
open import Luau.Type using (Type; strict; nil; number; string; _⇒_; tgt)
open import Luau.Type using (Type; strict; nil; number; string; boolean; none; any; _⇒_; __; _∩_; tgt)
open import Luau.Subtyping using (_≮:_)
open import Luau.Heap using (Heap; function_is_end) renaming (_[_] to _[_]ᴴ)
open import Luau.VarCtxt using (VarCtxt; ∅; _⋒_; _↦_; _⊕_↦_; _⊝_) renaming (_[_] to _[_]ⱽ)
open import Luau.TypeCheck(strict) using (_⊢ᴮ_∈_; _⊢ᴱ_∈_; ⊢ᴴ_; ⊢ᴼ_; _⊢ᴴᴱ_▷_∈_; _⊢ᴴᴮ_▷_∈_; var; addr; app; binexp; block; return; local; function)
open import Properties.Equality using (_≢_)
open import Luau.TypeCheck(strict) using (_⊢ᴮ_∈_; _⊢ᴱ_∈_; ⊢ᴴ_; ⊢ᴼ_; _⊢ᴴᴱ_▷_∈_; _⊢ᴴᴮ_▷_∈_; var; addr; app; binexp; block; return; local; function; srcBinOp)
open import Properties.Contradiction using (¬)
open import Properties.TypeCheck(strict) using (typeCheckᴮ)
open import Properties.Product using (_,_)
src : Type Type
src = Luau.Type.src strict
data BinOpWarning : BinaryOperator Type Set where
+ : {T} (T number) BinOpWarning + T
- : {T} (T number) BinOpWarning - T
* : {T} (T number) BinOpWarning * T
/ : {T} (T number) BinOpWarning / T
< : {T} (T number) BinOpWarning < T
> : {T} (T number) BinOpWarning > T
<= : {T} (T number) BinOpWarning <= T
>= : {T} (T number) BinOpWarning >= T
·· : {T} (T string) BinOpWarning ·· T
data Warningᴱ (H : Heap yes) {Γ} : {M T} (Γ ⊢ᴱ M T) Set
data Warningᴮ (H : Heap yes) {Γ} : {B T} (Γ ⊢ᴮ B T) Set
@ -46,7 +36,7 @@ data Warningᴱ H {Γ} where
FunctionCallMismatch : {M N T U} {D₁ : Γ ⊢ᴱ M T} {D₂ : Γ ⊢ᴱ N U}
(src T U)
(U ≮: src T)
Warningᴱ H (app D₁ D₂)
@ -64,13 +54,13 @@ data Warningᴱ H {Γ} where
BinOpMismatch₁ : {op M N T U} {D₁ : Γ ⊢ᴱ M T} {D₂ : Γ ⊢ᴱ N U}
BinOpWarning op T
(T ≮: srcBinOp op)
Warningᴱ H (binexp {op} D₁ D₂)
BinOpMismatch₂ : {op M N T U} {D₁ : Γ ⊢ᴱ M T} {D₂ : Γ ⊢ᴱ N U}
BinOpWarning op U
(U ≮: srcBinOp op)
Warningᴱ H (binexp {op} D₁ D₂)
@ -88,7 +78,7 @@ data Warningᴱ H {Γ} where
FunctionDefnMismatch : {f x B T U V} {D : (Γ x T) ⊢ᴮ B V}
(U V)
(V ≮: U)
Warningᴱ H (function {f} {U = U} D)
@ -100,7 +90,7 @@ data Warningᴱ H {Γ} where
BlockMismatch : {b B T U} {D : Γ ⊢ᴮ B U}
(T U)
(U ≮: T)
Warningᴱ H (block {b} {T = T} D)
@ -120,7 +110,7 @@ data Warningᴮ H {Γ} where
LocalVarMismatch : {x M B T U V} {D₁ : Γ ⊢ᴱ M U} {D₂ : (Γ x T) ⊢ᴮ B V}
(T U)
(U ≮: T)
Warningᴮ H (local D₁ D₂)
@ -138,7 +128,7 @@ data Warningᴮ H {Γ} where
FunctionDefnMismatch : {f x B C T U V W} {D₁ : (Γ x T) ⊢ᴮ C V} {D₂ : (Γ f (T U)) ⊢ᴮ B W}
(U V)
(V ≮: U)
Warningᴮ H (function D₁ D₂)
@ -158,7 +148,7 @@ data Warningᴼ (H : Heap yes) : ∀ {V} → (⊢ᴼ V) → Set where
FunctionDefnMismatch : {f x B T U V} {D : (x T) ⊢ᴮ B V}
(U V)
(V ≮: U)
Warningᴼ H (function {f} {U = U} D)

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@ -2,37 +2,58 @@
module Luau.StrictMode.ToString where
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat using (Nat; suc)
open import FFI.Data.String using (String; _++_)
open import Luau.Subtyping using (_≮:_; Tree; witness; scalar; function; function-ok; function-err)
open import Luau.StrictMode using (Warningᴱ; Warningᴮ; UnallocatedAddress; UnboundVariable; FunctionCallMismatch; FunctionDefnMismatch; BlockMismatch; app₁; app₂; BinOpMismatch₁; BinOpMismatch₂; bin₁; bin₂; block₁; return; LocalVarMismatch; local₁; local₂; function₁; function₂; heap; expr; block; addr)
open import Luau.Syntax using (Expr; val; yes; var; var_∈_; _⟨_⟩∈_; _$_; addr; number; binexp; nil; function_is_end; block_is_end; done; return; local_←_; _∙_; fun; arg; name)
open import Luau.Type using (strict)
open import Luau.Type using (strict; number; boolean; string; nil)
open import Luau.TypeCheck(strict) using (_⊢ᴮ_∈_; _⊢ᴱ_∈_)
open import Luau.Addr.ToString using (addrToString)
open import Luau.Var.ToString using (varToString)
open import Luau.Type.ToString using (typeToString)
open import Luau.Syntax.ToString using (binOpToString)
tmp : Nat String
tmp 0 = "w"
tmp 1 = "x"
tmp 2 = "y"
tmp 3 = "z"
tmp (suc (suc (suc n))) = tmp n ++ "'"
treeToString : Tree Nat String String
treeToString (scalar number) n v = v ++ " is a number"
treeToString (scalar boolean) n v = v ++ " is a boolean"
treeToString (scalar string) n v = v ++ " is a string"
treeToString (scalar nil) n v = v ++ " is nil"
treeToString function n v = v ++ " is a function"
treeToString (function-ok t) n v = treeToString t n (v ++ "()")
treeToString (function-err t) n v = v ++ "(" ++ w ++ ") can error when\n " ++ treeToString t (suc n) w where w = tmp n
subtypeWarningToString : {T U} (T ≮: U) String
subtypeWarningToString (witness t p q) = "\n because provided type contains v, where " ++ treeToString t 0 "v"
warningToStringᴱ : {H Γ T} M {D : Γ ⊢ᴱ M T} Warningᴱ H D String
warningToStringᴮ : {H Γ T} B {D : Γ ⊢ᴮ B T} Warningᴮ H D String
warningToStringᴱ (var x) (UnboundVariable p) = "Unbound variable " ++ varToString x
warningToStringᴱ (val (addr a)) (UnallocatedAddress p) = "Unallocated adress " ++ addrToString a
warningToStringᴱ (M $ N) (FunctionCallMismatch {T = T} {U = U} p) = "Function has type " ++ typeToString T ++ " but argument has type " ++ typeToString U
warningToStringᴱ (val (addr a)) (UnallocatedAddress p) = "Unallocated address " ++ addrToString a
warningToStringᴱ (M $ N) (FunctionCallMismatch {T = T} {U = U} p) = "Function has type " ++ typeToString T ++ " but argument has type " ++ typeToString U ++ subtypeWarningToString p
warningToStringᴱ (M $ N) (app₁ W) = warningToStringᴱ M W
warningToStringᴱ (M $ N) (app₂ W) = warningToStringᴱ N W
warningToStringᴱ (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) (FunctionDefnMismatch {V = V} p) = "Function expresion " ++ varToString f ++ " has return type " ++ typeToString U ++ " but body returns " ++ typeToString V
warningToStringᴱ (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) (FunctionDefnMismatch {V = V} p) = "Function expresion " ++ varToString f ++ " has return type " ++ typeToString U ++ " but body returns " ++ typeToString V ++ subtypeWarningToString p
warningToStringᴱ (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) (function₁ W) = warningToStringᴮ B W ++ "\n in function expression " ++ varToString f
warningToStringᴱ block var b T is B end (BlockMismatch {U = U} p) = "Block " ++ varToString b ++ " has type " ++ typeToString T ++ " but body returns " ++ typeToString U
warningToStringᴱ block var b T is B end (BlockMismatch {U = U} p) = "Block " ++ varToString b ++ " has type " ++ typeToString T ++ " but body returns " ++ typeToString U ++ subtypeWarningToString p
warningToStringᴱ block var b T is B end (block₁ W) = warningToStringᴮ B W ++ "\n in block " ++ varToString b
warningToStringᴱ (binexp M op N) (BinOpMismatch₁ {T = T} p) = "Binary operator " ++ binOpToString op ++ " lhs has type " ++ typeToString T
warningToStringᴱ (binexp M op N) (BinOpMismatch₂ {U = U} p) = "Binary operator " ++ binOpToString op ++ " rhs has type " ++ typeToString U
warningToStringᴱ (binexp M op N) (BinOpMismatch₁ {T = T} p) = "Binary operator " ++ binOpToString op ++ " lhs has type " ++ typeToString T ++ subtypeWarningToString p
warningToStringᴱ (binexp M op N) (BinOpMismatch₂ {U = U} p) = "Binary operator " ++ binOpToString op ++ " rhs has type " ++ typeToString U ++ subtypeWarningToString p
warningToStringᴱ (binexp M op N) (bin₁ W) = warningToStringᴱ M W
warningToStringᴱ (binexp M op N) (bin₂ W) = warningToStringᴱ N W
warningToStringᴮ (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (FunctionDefnMismatch {V = V} p) = "Function declaration " ++ varToString f ++ " has return type " ++ typeToString U ++ " but body returns " ++ typeToString V
warningToStringᴮ (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (FunctionDefnMismatch {V = V} p) = "Function declaration " ++ varToString f ++ " has return type " ++ typeToString U ++ " but body returns " ++ typeToString V ++ subtypeWarningToString p
warningToStringᴮ (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function₁ W) = warningToStringᴮ C W ++ "\n in function declaration " ++ varToString f
warningToStringᴮ (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function₂ W) = warningToStringᴮ B W
warningToStringᴮ (local var x T M B) (LocalVarMismatch {U = U} p) = "Local variable " ++ varToString x ++ " has type " ++ typeToString T ++ " but expression has type " ++ typeToString U
warningToStringᴮ (local var x T M B) (LocalVarMismatch {U = U} p) = "Local variable " ++ varToString x ++ " has type " ++ typeToString T ++ " but expression has type " ++ typeToString U ++ subtypeWarningToString p
warningToStringᴮ (local var x T M B) (local₁ W) = warningToStringᴱ M W ++ "\n in local variable declaration " ++ varToString x
warningToStringᴮ (local var x T M B) (local₂ W) = warningToStringᴮ B W
warningToStringᴮ (return M B) (return W) = warningToStringᴱ M W ++ "\n in return statement"

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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}
open import Luau.Type using (Type; Scalar; nil; number; string; boolean; none; any; _⇒_; __; _∩_)
open import Properties.Equality using (_≢_)
module Luau.Subtyping where
-- An implementation of semantic subtyping
-- We think of types as languages of trees
data Tree : Set where
scalar : {T} Scalar T Tree
function : Tree
function-ok : Tree Tree
function-err : Tree Tree
data Language : Type Tree Set
data ¬Language : Type Tree Set
data Language where
scalar : {T} (s : Scalar T) Language T (scalar s)
function : {T U} Language (T U) function
function-ok : {T U u} (Language U u) Language (T U) (function-ok u)
function-err : {T U t} (¬Language T t) Language (T U) (function-err t)
scalar-function-err : {S t} (Scalar S) Language S (function-err t)
left : {T U t} Language T t Language (T U) t
right : {T U u} Language U u Language (T U) u
_,_ : {T U t} Language T t Language U t Language (T U) t
any : {t} Language any t
data ¬Language where
scalar-scalar : {S T} (s : Scalar S) (Scalar T) (S T) ¬Language T (scalar s)
scalar-function : {S} (Scalar S) ¬Language S function
scalar-function-ok : {S u} (Scalar S) ¬Language S (function-ok u)
function-scalar : {S T U} (s : Scalar S) ¬Language (T U) (scalar s)
function-ok : {T U u} (¬Language U u) ¬Language (T U) (function-ok u)
function-err : {T U t} (Language T t) ¬Language (T U) (function-err t)
_,_ : {T U t} ¬Language T t ¬Language U t ¬Language (T U) t
left : {T U t} ¬Language T t ¬Language (T U) t
right : {T U u} ¬Language U u ¬Language (T U) u
none : {t} ¬Language none t
-- Subtyping as language inclusion
_<:_ : Type Type Set
(T <: U) = t (Language T t) (Language U t)
-- For warnings, we are interested in failures of subtyping,
-- which is whrn there is a tree in T's language that isn't in U's.
data _≮:_ (T U : Type) : Set where
witness : t
Language T t
¬Language U t
T ≮: U

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@ -17,6 +17,13 @@ data Type : Set where
__ : Type Type Type
_∩_ : Type Type Type
data Scalar : Type Set where
number : Scalar number
boolean : Scalar boolean
string : Scalar string
nil : Scalar nil
lhs : Type Type
lhs (T _) = T
lhs (T _) = T

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ open import Luau.Syntax using (Expr; Stat; Block; BinaryOperator; yes; nil; addr
open import Luau.Var using (Var)
open import Luau.Addr using (Addr)
open import Luau.Heap using (Heap; Object; function_is_end) renaming (_[_] to _[_]ᴴ)
open import Luau.Type using (Type; Mode; nil; none; number; boolean; string; _⇒_; tgt)
open import Luau.Type using (Type; Mode; nil; any; number; boolean; string; _⇒_; tgt)
open import Luau.VarCtxt using (VarCtxt; ∅; _⋒_; _↦_; _⊕_↦_; _⊝_) renaming (_[_] to _[_]ⱽ)
open import FFI.Data.Vector using (Vector)
open import FFI.Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
@ -19,9 +19,22 @@ open import Properties.Product using (_×_; _,_)
src : Type Type
src = Luau.Type.src m
orNone : Maybe Type Type
orNone nothing = none
orNone (just T) = T
orAny : Maybe Type Type
orAny nothing = any
orAny (just T) = T
srcBinOp : BinaryOperator Type
srcBinOp + = number
srcBinOp - = number
srcBinOp * = number
srcBinOp / = number
srcBinOp < = number
srcBinOp > = number
srcBinOp == = any
srcBinOp ~= = any
srcBinOp <= = number
srcBinOp >= = number
srcBinOp ·· = string
tgtBinOp : BinaryOperator Type
tgtBinOp + = number
@ -76,7 +89,7 @@ data _⊢ᴱ_∈_ where
var : {x T Γ}
T orNone(Γ [ x ]ⱽ)
T orAny(Γ [ x ]ⱽ)
Γ ⊢ᴱ (var x) T

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@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ module Properties where
import Properties.Contradiction
import Properties.Dec
import Properties.Equality
import Properties.Functions
import Properties.Remember
import Properties.Step
import Properties.StrictMode
import Properties.Subtyping
import Properties.TypeCheck

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
module Properties.Functions where
infixr 5 _∘_
_∘_ : {A B C : Set} (B C) (A B) (A C)
(f g) x = f (g x)

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@ -4,13 +4,15 @@ module Properties.StrictMode where
import Agda.Builtin.Equality.Rewrite
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality using (_≡_; refl)
open import FFI.Data.Either using (Either; Left; Right; mapL; mapR; mapLR; swapLR; cond)
open import FFI.Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Luau.Heap using (Heap; Object; function_is_end; defn; alloc; ok; next; lookup-not-allocated) renaming (_≡_⊕_↦_ to _≡ᴴ_⊕_↦_; _[_] to _[_]ᴴ; to ∅ᴴ)
open import Luau.StrictMode using (Warningᴱ; Warningᴮ; Warningᴼ; Warningᴴᴱ; Warningᴴᴮ; UnallocatedAddress; UnboundVariable; FunctionCallMismatch; app₁; app₂; BinOpWarning; BinOpMismatch₁; BinOpMismatch₂; bin₁; bin₂; BlockMismatch; block₁; return; LocalVarMismatch; local₁; local₂; FunctionDefnMismatch; function₁; function₂; heap; expr; block; addr; +; -; *; /; <; >; <=; >=; ··)
open import Luau.StrictMode using (Warningᴱ; Warningᴮ; Warningᴼ; Warningᴴ; UnallocatedAddress; UnboundVariable; FunctionCallMismatch; app₁; app₂; BinOpMismatch₁; BinOpMismatch₂; bin₁; bin₂; BlockMismatch; block₁; return; LocalVarMismatch; local₁; local₂; FunctionDefnMismatch; function₁; function₂; heap; expr; block; addr)
open import Luau.Substitution using (_[_/_]ᴮ; _[_/_]ᴱ; _[_/_]ᴮunless_; var_[_/_]ᴱwhenever_)
open import Luau.Subtyping using (_≮:_; witness; any; none; scalar; function; scalar-function; scalar-function-ok; scalar-function-err; scalar-scalar; function-scalar; function-ok; function-err; left; right; _,_; Tree; Language; ¬Language)
open import Luau.Syntax using (Expr; yes; var; val; var_∈_; _⟨_⟩∈_; _$_; addr; number; bool; string; binexp; nil; function_is_end; block_is_end; done; return; local_←_; _∙_; fun; arg; name; ==; ~=)
open import Luau.Type using (Type; strict; nil; _⇒_; none; tgt; _≡ᵀ_; _≡ᴹᵀ_)
open import Luau.TypeCheck(strict) using (_⊢ᴮ_∈_; _⊢ᴱ_∈_; _⊢ᴴᴮ_▷_∈_; _⊢ᴴᴱ_▷_∈_; nil; var; addr; app; function; block; done; return; local; orNone; tgtBinOp)
open import Luau.Type using (Type; strict; nil; number; boolean; string; _⇒_; none; any; _∩_; __; tgt; _≡ᵀ_; _≡ᴹᵀ_)
open import Luau.TypeCheck(strict) using (_⊢ᴮ_∈_; _⊢ᴱ_∈_; _⊢ᴴᴮ_▷_∈_; _⊢ᴴᴱ_▷_∈_; nil; var; addr; app; function; block; done; return; local; orAny; srcBinOp; tgtBinOp)
open import Luau.Var using (_≡ⱽ_)
open import Luau.Addr using (_≡ᴬ_)
open import Luau.VarCtxt using (VarCtxt; ∅; _⋒_; _↦_; _⊕_↦_; _⊝_; ⊕-lookup-miss; ⊕-swap; ⊕-over) renaming (_[_] to _[_]ⱽ)
@ -18,17 +20,19 @@ open import Luau.VarCtxt using (VarCtxt; ∅)
open import Properties.Remember using (remember; _,_)
open import Properties.Equality using (_≢_; sym; cong; trans; subst₁)
open import Properties.Dec using (Dec; yes; no)
open import Properties.Contradiction using (CONTRADICTION)
open import Properties.TypeCheck(strict) using (typeOfᴼ; typeOfᴹᴼ; typeOfⱽ; typeOfᴱ; typeOfᴮ; typeCheckᴱ; typeCheckᴮ; typeCheckᴼ; typeCheckᴴᴱ; typeCheckᴴᴮ; mustBeFunction; mustBeNumber; mustBeString)
open import Properties.Contradiction using (CONTRADICTION; ¬)
open import Properties.Functions using (_∘_)
open import Properties.Subtyping using (any-≮:; ≡-trans-≮:; ≮:-trans-≡; none-tgt-≮:; tgt-none-≮:; src-any-≮:; any-src-≮:; ≮:-trans; ≮:-refl; scalar-≢-impl-≮:; function-≮:-scalar; scalar-≮:-function; function-≮:-none; any-≮:-scalar; scalar-≮:-none; any-≮:-none)
open import Properties.TypeCheck(strict) using (typeOfᴼ; typeOfᴹᴼ; typeOfⱽ; typeOfᴱ; typeOfᴮ; typeCheckᴱ; typeCheckᴮ; typeCheckᴼ; typeCheckᴴ)
open import Luau.OpSem using (_⟦_⟧_⟶_; _⊢_⟶*_⊣_; _⊢_⟶ᴮ_⊣_; _⊢_⟶ᴱ_⊣_; app₁; app₂; function; beta; return; block; done; local; subst; binOp₀; binOp₁; binOp₂; refl; step; +; -; *; /; <; >; ==; ~=; <=; >=; ··)
open import Luau.RuntimeError using (BinOpError; RuntimeErrorᴱ; RuntimeErrorᴮ; FunctionMismatch; BinOpMismatch₁; BinOpMismatch₂; UnboundVariable; SEGV; app₁; app₂; bin₁; bin₂; block; local; return; +; -; *; /; <; >; <=; >=; ··)
open import Luau.RuntimeType using (valueType)
open import Luau.RuntimeType using (RuntimeType; valueType; number; string; boolean; nil; function)
src = Luau.Type.src strict
data _⊑_ (H : Heap yes) : Heap yes Set where
refl : (H H)
snoc : {H a V} (H ≡ᴴ H a V) (H H)
snoc : {H a O} (H ≡ᴴ H a O) (H H)
rednᴱ⊑ : {H H M M} (H M ⟶ᴱ M H) (H H)
rednᴮ⊑ : {H H B B} (H B ⟶ᴮ B H) (H H)
@ -59,90 +63,51 @@ lookup-⊑-nothing {H} a (snoc defn) p with a ≡ᴬ next H
lookup-⊑-nothing {H} a (snoc defn) p | yes refl = refl
lookup-⊑-nothing {H} a (snoc o) p | no q = trans (lookup-not-allocated o q) p
data OrWarningᴱ {Γ M T} (H : Heap yes) (D : Γ ⊢ᴱ M T) A : Set where
ok : A OrWarningᴱ H D A
warning : Warningᴱ H D OrWarningᴱ H D A
heap-weakeningᴱ : Γ H M {H U} (H H) (typeOfᴱ H Γ M ≮: U) (typeOfᴱ H Γ M ≮: U)
heap-weakeningᴱ Γ H (var x) h p = p
heap-weakeningᴱ Γ H (val nil) h p = p
heap-weakeningᴱ Γ H (val (addr a)) refl p = p
heap-weakeningᴱ Γ H (val (addr a)) (snoc {a = b} q) p with a ≡ᴬ b
heap-weakeningᴱ Γ H (val (addr a)) (snoc {a = a} defn) p | yes refl = any-≮: p
heap-weakeningᴱ Γ H (val (addr a)) (snoc {a = b} q) p | no r = ≡-trans-≮: (cong orAny (cong typeOfᴹᴼ (lookup-not-allocated q r))) p
heap-weakeningᴱ Γ H (val (number x)) h p = p
heap-weakeningᴱ Γ H (val (bool x)) h p = p
heap-weakeningᴱ Γ H (val (string x)) h p = p
heap-weakeningᴱ Γ H (M $ N) h p = none-tgt-≮: (heap-weakeningᴱ Γ H M h (tgt-none-≮: p))
heap-weakeningᴱ Γ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) h p = p
heap-weakeningᴱ Γ H (block var b T is B end) h p = p
heap-weakeningᴱ Γ H (binexp M op N) h p = p
data OrWarningᴮ {Γ B T} (H : Heap yes) (D : Γ ⊢ᴮ B T) A : Set where
ok : A OrWarningᴮ H D A
warning : Warningᴮ H D OrWarningᴮ H D A
heap-weakeningᴮ : Γ H B {H U} (H H) (typeOfᴮ H Γ B ≮: U) (typeOfᴮ H Γ B ≮: U)
heap-weakeningᴮ Γ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) h p = heap-weakeningᴮ (Γ f (T U)) H B h p
heap-weakeningᴮ Γ H (local var x T M B) h p = heap-weakeningᴮ (Γ x T) H B h p
heap-weakeningᴮ Γ H (return M B) h p = heap-weakeningᴱ Γ H M h p
heap-weakeningᴮ Γ H done h p = p
data OrWarningᴴᴱ {Γ M T} H (D : Γ ⊢ᴴᴱ H M T) A : Set where
ok : A OrWarningᴴᴱ H D A
warning : Warningᴴᴱ H D OrWarningᴴᴱ H D A
substitutivityᴱ : {Γ T U} H M v x (typeOfᴱ H Γ (M [ v / x ]ᴱ) ≮: U) Either (typeOfᴱ H (Γ x T) M ≮: U) (typeOfᴱ H (val v) ≮: T)
substitutivityᴱ-whenever : {Γ T U} H v x y (r : Dec(x y)) (typeOfᴱ H Γ (var y [ v / x ]ᴱwhenever r) ≮: U) Either (typeOfᴱ H (Γ x T) (var y) ≮: U) (typeOfᴱ H (val v) ≮: T)
substitutivityᴮ : {Γ T U} H B v x (typeOfᴮ H Γ (B [ v / x ]ᴮ) ≮: U) Either (typeOfᴮ H (Γ x T) B ≮: U) (typeOfᴱ H (val v) ≮: T)
substitutivityᴮ-unless : {Γ T U V} H B v x y (r : Dec(x y)) (typeOfᴮ H (Γ y U) (B [ v / x ]ᴮunless r) ≮: V) Either (typeOfᴮ H ((Γ x T) y U) B ≮: V) (typeOfᴱ H (val v) ≮: T)
substitutivityᴮ-unless-yes : {Γ Γ′ T V} H B v x y (r : x y) (Γ′ Γ) (typeOfᴮ H Γ (B [ v / x ]ᴮunless yes r) ≮: V) Either (typeOfᴮ H Γ′ B ≮: V) (typeOfᴱ H (val v) ≮: T)
substitutivityᴮ-unless-no : {Γ Γ′ T V} H B v x y (r : x y) (Γ′ Γ x T) (typeOfᴮ H Γ (B [ v / x ]ᴮunless no r) ≮: V) Either (typeOfᴮ H Γ′ B ≮: V) (typeOfᴱ H (val v) ≮: T)
data OrWarningᴴᴮ {Γ B T} H (D : Γ ⊢ᴴᴮ H B T) A : Set where
ok : A OrWarningᴴᴮ H D A
warning : Warningᴴᴮ H D OrWarningᴴᴮ H D A
substitutivityᴱ H (var y) v x p = substitutivityᴱ-whenever H v x y (x ≡ⱽ y) p
substitutivityᴱ H (val w) v x p = Left p
substitutivityᴱ H (binexp M op N) v x p = Left p
substitutivityᴱ H (M $ N) v x p = mapL none-tgt-≮: (substitutivityᴱ H M v x (tgt-none-≮: p))
substitutivityᴱ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is B end) v x p = Left p
substitutivityᴱ H (block var b T is B end) v x p = Left p
substitutivityᴱ-whenever H v x x (yes refl) q = swapLR (≮:-trans q)
substitutivityᴱ-whenever H v x y (no p) q = Left (≡-trans-≮: (cong orAny (sym (⊕-lookup-miss x y _ _ p))) q)
heap-weakeningᴱ : H M {H Γ} (H H) OrWarningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H Γ M) (typeOfᴱ H Γ M typeOfᴱ H Γ M)
heap-weakeningᴮ : H B {H Γ} (H H) OrWarningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H Γ B) (typeOfᴮ H Γ B typeOfᴮ H Γ B)
heap-weakeningᴱ H (var x) h = ok refl
heap-weakeningᴱ H (val nil) h = ok refl
heap-weakeningᴱ H (val (addr a)) refl = ok refl
heap-weakeningᴱ H (val (addr a)) (snoc {a = b} defn) with a ≡ᴬ b
heap-weakeningᴱ H (val (addr a)) (snoc {a = a} defn) | yes refl = warning (UnallocatedAddress refl)
heap-weakeningᴱ H (val (addr a)) (snoc {a = b} p) | no q = ok (cong orNone (cong typeOfᴹᴼ (lookup-not-allocated p q)))
heap-weakeningᴱ H (val (number n)) h = ok refl
heap-weakeningᴱ H (val (bool b)) h = ok refl
heap-weakeningᴱ H (val (string x)) h = ok refl
heap-weakeningᴱ H (binexp M op N) h = ok refl
heap-weakeningᴱ H (M $ N) h with heap-weakeningᴱ H M h
heap-weakeningᴱ H (M $ N) h | ok p = ok (cong tgt p)
heap-weakeningᴱ H (M $ N) h | warning W = warning (app₁ W)
heap-weakeningᴱ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) h = ok refl
heap-weakeningᴱ H (block var b T is B end) h = ok refl
heap-weakeningᴮ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) h with heap-weakeningᴮ H B h
heap-weakeningᴮ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) h | ok p = ok p
heap-weakeningᴮ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) h | warning W = warning (function₂ W)
heap-weakeningᴮ H (local var x T M B) h with heap-weakeningᴮ H B h
heap-weakeningᴮ H (local var x T M B) h | ok p = ok p
heap-weakeningᴮ H (local var x T M B) h | warning W = warning (local₂ W)
heap-weakeningᴮ H (return M B) h with heap-weakeningᴱ H M h
heap-weakeningᴮ H (return M B) h | ok p = ok p
heap-weakeningᴮ H (return M B) h | warning W = warning (return W)
heap-weakeningᴮ H (done) h = ok refl
none-not-obj : O none typeOfᴼ O
none-not-obj (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) ()
typeOf-val-not-none : {H Γ} v OrWarningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H Γ (val v)) (none typeOfᴱ H Γ (val v))
typeOf-val-not-none nil = ok (λ ())
typeOf-val-not-none (number n) = ok (λ ())
typeOf-val-not-none (bool b) = ok (λ ())
typeOf-val-not-none (string x) = ok (λ ())
typeOf-val-not-none {H = H} (addr a) with remember (H [ a ]ᴴ)
typeOf-val-not-none {H = H} (addr a) | (just O , p) = ok (λ q none-not-obj O (trans q (cong orNone (cong typeOfᴹᴼ p))))
typeOf-val-not-none {H = H} (addr a) | (nothing , p) = warning (UnallocatedAddress p)
substitutivityᴱ : {Γ T} H M v x (just T typeOfⱽ H v) (typeOfᴱ H (Γ x T) M typeOfᴱ H Γ (M [ v / x ]ᴱ))
substitutivityᴱ-whenever-yes : {Γ T} H v x y (p : x y) (just T typeOfⱽ H v) (typeOfᴱ H (Γ x T) (var y) typeOfᴱ H Γ (var y [ v / x ]ᴱwhenever (yes p)))
substitutivityᴱ-whenever-no : {Γ T} H v x y (p : x y) (just T typeOfⱽ H v) (typeOfᴱ H (Γ x T) (var y) typeOfᴱ H Γ (var y [ v / x ]ᴱwhenever (no p)))
substitutivityᴮ : {Γ T} H B v x (just T typeOfⱽ H v) (typeOfᴮ H (Γ x T) B typeOfᴮ H Γ (B [ v / x ]ᴮ))
substitutivityᴮ-unless-yes : {Γ Γ′ T} H B v x y (p : x y) (just T typeOfⱽ H v) (Γ′ Γ) (typeOfᴮ H Γ′ B typeOfᴮ H Γ (B [ v / x ]ᴮunless (yes p)))
substitutivityᴮ-unless-no : {Γ Γ′ T} H B v x y (p : x y) (just T typeOfⱽ H v) (Γ′ Γ x T) (typeOfᴮ H Γ′ B typeOfᴮ H Γ (B [ v / x ]ᴮunless (no p)))
substitutivityᴱ H (var y) v x p with x ≡ⱽ y
substitutivityᴱ H (var y) v x p | yes q = substitutivityᴱ-whenever-yes H v x y q p
substitutivityᴱ H (var y) v x p | no q = substitutivityᴱ-whenever-no H v x y q p
substitutivityᴱ H (val w) v x p = refl
substitutivityᴱ H (binexp M op N) v x p = refl
substitutivityᴱ H (M $ N) v x p = cong tgt (substitutivityᴱ H M v x p)
substitutivityᴱ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is B end) v x p = refl
substitutivityᴱ H (block var b T is B end) v x p = refl
substitutivityᴱ-whenever-yes H v x x refl q = cong orNone q
substitutivityᴱ-whenever-no H v x y p q = cong orNone ( sym (⊕-lookup-miss x y _ _ p))
substitutivityᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) v x p with x ≡ⱽ f
substitutivityᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) v x p | yes q = substitutivityᴮ-unless-yes H B v x f q p (⊕-over q)
substitutivityᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) v x p | no q = substitutivityᴮ-unless-no H B v x f q p (⊕-swap q)
substitutivityᴮ H (local var y T M B) v x p with x ≡ⱽ y
substitutivityᴮ H (local var y T M B) v x p | yes q = substitutivityᴮ-unless-yes H B v x y q p (⊕-over q)
substitutivityᴮ H (local var y T M B) v x p | no q = substitutivityᴮ-unless-no H B v x y q p (⊕-swap q)
substitutivityᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) v x p = substitutivityᴮ-unless H B v x f (x ≡ⱽ f) p
substitutivityᴮ H (local var y T M B) v x p = substitutivityᴮ-unless H B v x y (x ≡ⱽ y) p
substitutivityᴮ H (return M B) v x p = substitutivityᴱ H M v x p
substitutivityᴮ H done v x p = refl
substitutivityᴮ-unless-yes H B v x x refl q refl = refl
substitutivityᴮ-unless-no H B v x y p q refl = substitutivityᴮ H B v x q
substitutivityᴮ H done v x p = Left p
substitutivityᴮ-unless H B v x y (yes p) q = substitutivityᴮ-unless-yes H B v x y p (⊕-over p) q
substitutivityᴮ-unless H B v x y (no p) q = substitutivityᴮ-unless-no H B v x y p (⊕-swap p) q
substitutivityᴮ-unless-yes H B v x y refl refl p = Left p
substitutivityᴮ-unless-no H B v x y p refl q = substitutivityᴮ H B v x q
binOpPreservation : H {op v w x} (v op w x) (tgtBinOp op typeOfᴱ H (val x))
binOpPreservation H (+ m n) = refl
@ -157,306 +122,215 @@ binOpPreservation H (== v w) = refl
binOpPreservation H (~= v w) = refl
binOpPreservation H (·· v w) = refl
preservation : H M {H M} (H M ⟶ᴱ M H) OrWarningᴴᴱ H (typeCheckᴴᴱ H M) (typeOfᴱ H M typeOfᴱ H M)
preservation : H B {H B} (H B ⟶ᴮ B H) OrWarningᴴᴮ H (typeCheckᴴᴮ H B) (typeOfᴮ H B typeOfᴮ H B)
reflect-subtyping : H M {H M T} (H M ⟶ᴱ M H) (typeOfᴱ H M ≮: T) Either (typeOfᴱ H M ≮: T) (Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H M))
reflect-subtyping : H B {H B T} (H B ⟶ᴮ B H) (typeOfᴮ H B ≮: T) Either (typeOfᴮ H B ≮: T) (Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H B))
preservationᴱ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) (function a defn) = ok refl
preservationᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) with preservationᴱ H M s
preservationᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) | ok p = ok (cong tgt p)
preservationᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) | warning (expr W) = warning (expr (app₁ W))
preservationᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) | warning (heap W) = warning (heap W)
preservationᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ p s) with heap-weakeningᴱ H M (rednᴱ⊑ s)
preservationᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ p s) | ok q = ok (cong tgt q)
preservationᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ p s) | warning W = warning (expr (app₁ W))
preservationᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x S ⟩∈ T is B end) v refl p) with remember (typeOfⱽ H v)
preservationᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x S ⟩∈ T is B end) v refl p) | (just U , q) with S ≡ᵀ U | T ≡ᵀ typeOfᴮ H (x S) B
preservationᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x S ⟩∈ T is B end) v refl p) | (just U , q) | yes refl | yes refl = ok (cong tgt (cong orNone (cong typeOfᴹᴼ p)))
preservationᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x S ⟩∈ T is B end) v refl p) | (just U , q) | yes refl | no r = warning (heap (addr a p (FunctionDefnMismatch r)))
preservationᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x S ⟩∈ T is B end) v refl p) | (just U , q) | no r | _ = warning (expr (FunctionCallMismatch (λ s r (trans (trans (sym (cong src (cong orNone (cong typeOfᴹᴼ p)))) s) (cong orNone q)))))
preservationᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x S ⟩∈ T is B end) v refl p) | (nothing , q) with typeOf-val-not-none v
preservationᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x S ⟩∈ T is B end) v refl p) | (nothing , q) | ok r = CONTRADICTION (r (sym (cong orNone q)))
preservationᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x S ⟩∈ T is B end) v refl p) | (nothing , q) | warning W = warning (expr (app₂ W))
preservationᴱ H (block var b T is B end) (block s) = ok refl
preservationᴱ H (block var b T is return M B end) (return v) with T ≡ᵀ typeOfᴱ H (val v)
preservationᴱ H (block var b T is return M B end) (return v) | yes p = ok p
preservationᴱ H (block var b T is return M B end) (return v) | no p = warning (expr (BlockMismatch p))
preservationᴱ H (block var b T is done end) (done) with T ≡ᵀ nil
preservationᴱ H (block var b T is done end) (done) | yes p = ok p
preservationᴱ H (block var b T is done end) (done) | no p = warning (expr (BlockMismatch p))
preservationᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₀ s) = ok (binOpPreservation H s)
preservationᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) = ok refl
preservationᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) = ok refl
reflect-subtypingᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) p = mapLR none-tgt-≮: app₁ (reflect-subtypingᴱ H M s (tgt-none-≮: p))
reflect-subtypingᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ v s) p = Left (none-tgt-≮: (heap-weakeningᴱ H M (rednᴱ⊑ s) (tgt-none-≮: p)))
reflect-subtypingᴱ H (M $ N) (beta (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl q) p = Left (≡-trans-≮: (cong tgt (cong orAny (cong typeOfᴹᴼ q))) p)
reflect-subtypingᴱ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) (function a defn) p = Left p
reflect-subtypingᴱ H (block var b T is B end) (block s) p = Left p
reflect-subtypingᴱ H (block var b T is return (val v) B end) (return v) p = mapR BlockMismatch (swapLR (≮:-trans p))
reflect-subtypingᴱ H (block var b T is done end) done p = mapR BlockMismatch (swapLR (≮:-trans p))
reflect-subtypingᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₀ s) p = Left (≡-trans-≮: (binOpPreservation H s) p)
reflect-subtypingᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) p = Left p
reflect-subtypingᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) p = Left p
preservationᴮ H (local var x T M B) (local s) with heap-weakeningᴮ H B (rednᴱ⊑ s)
preservationᴮ H (local var x T M B) (local s) | ok p = ok p
preservationᴮ H (local var x T M B) (local s) | warning W = warning (block (local₂ W))
preservationᴮ H (local var x T M B) (subst v) with remember (typeOfⱽ H v)
preservationᴮ H (local var x T M B) (subst v) | (just U , p) with T ≡ᵀ U
preservationᴮ H (local var x T M B) (subst v) | (just T , p) | yes refl = ok (substitutivityᴮ H B v x (sym p))
preservationᴮ H (local var x T M B) (subst v) | (just U , p) | no q = warning (block (LocalVarMismatch (λ r q (trans r (cong orNone p)))))
preservationᴮ H (local var x T M B) (subst v) | (nothing , p) with typeOf-val-not-none v
preservationᴮ H (local var x T M B) (subst v) | (nothing , p) | ok q = CONTRADICTION (q (sym (cong orNone p)))
preservationᴮ H (local var x T M B) (subst v) | (nothing , p) | warning W = warning (block (local₁ W))
preservationᴮ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function a defn) with heap-weakeningᴮ H B (snoc defn)
preservationᴮ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function a defn) | ok r = ok (trans r (substitutivityᴮ _ B (addr a) f refl))
preservationᴮ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function a defn) | warning W = warning (block (function₂ W))
preservationᴮ H (return M B) (return s) with preservationᴱ H M s
preservationᴮ H (return M B) (return s) | ok p = ok p
preservationᴮ H (return M B) (return s) | warning (expr W) = warning (block (return W))
preservationᴮ H (return M B) (return s) | warning (heap W) = warning (heap W)
reflect-subtypingᴮ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function a defn) p = mapLR (heap-weakeningᴮ _ _ B (snoc defn)) (CONTRADICTION ≮:-refl) (substitutivityᴮ _ B (addr a) f p)
reflect-subtypingᴮ H (local var x T M B) (local s) p = Left (heap-weakeningᴮ (x T) H B (rednᴱ⊑ s) p)
reflect-subtypingᴮ H (local var x T M B) (subst v) p = mapR LocalVarMismatch (substitutivityᴮ H B v x p)
reflect-subtypingᴮ H (return M B) (return s) p = mapR return (reflect-subtypingᴱ H M s p)
reflect-substitutionᴱ : {Γ T} H M v x (just T typeOfⱽ H v) Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H Γ (M [ v / x ]ᴱ)) Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H (Γ x T) M)
reflect-substitutionᴱ-whenever-yes : {Γ T} H v x y (p : x y) (just T typeOfⱽ H v) Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H Γ (var y [ v / x ]ᴱwhenever yes p)) Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H (Γ x T) (var y))
reflect-substitutionᴱ-whenever-no : {Γ T} H v x y (p : x y) (just T typeOfⱽ H v) Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H Γ (var y [ v / x ]ᴱwhenever no p)) Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H (Γ x T) (var y))
reflect-substitutionᴮ : {Γ T} H B v x (just T typeOfⱽ H v) Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H Γ (B [ v / x ]ᴮ)) Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H (Γ x T) B)
reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless-yes : {Γ Γ′ T} H B v x y (r : x y) (just T typeOfⱽ H v) (Γ′ Γ) Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H Γ (B [ v / x ]ᴮunless yes r)) Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H Γ′ B)
reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless-no : {Γ Γ′ T} H B v x y (r : x y) (just T typeOfⱽ H v) (Γ′ Γ x T) Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H Γ (B [ v / x ]ᴮunless no r)) Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H Γ′ B)
reflect-substitutionᴱ : {Γ T} H M v x Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H Γ (M [ v / x ]ᴱ)) Either (Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H (Γ x T) M)) (Either (Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H (val v))) (typeOfᴱ H (val v) ≮: T))
reflect-substitutionᴱ-whenever : {Γ T} H v x y (p : Dec(x y)) Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H Γ (var y [ v / x ]ᴱwhenever p)) Either (Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H (Γ x T) (var y))) (Either (Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H (val v))) (typeOfᴱ H (val v) ≮: T))
reflect-substitutionᴮ : {Γ T} H B v x Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H Γ (B [ v / x ]ᴮ)) Either (Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H (Γ x T) B)) (Either (Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H (val v))) (typeOfᴱ H (val v) ≮: T))
reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless : {Γ T U} H B v x y (r : Dec(x y)) Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H (Γ y U) (B [ v / x ]ᴮunless r)) Either (Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H ((Γ x T) y U) B)) (Either (Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H (val v))) (typeOfᴱ H (val v) ≮: T))
reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless-yes : {Γ Γ′ T} H B v x y (r : x y) (Γ′ Γ) Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H Γ (B [ v / x ]ᴮunless yes r)) Either (Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H Γ′ B)) (Either (Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H (val v))) (typeOfᴱ H (val v) ≮: T))
reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless-no : {Γ Γ′ T} H B v x y (r : x y) (Γ′ Γ x T) Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H Γ (B [ v / x ]ᴮunless no r)) Either (Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H Γ′ B)) (Either (Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H (val v))) (typeOfᴱ H (val v) ≮: T))
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (var y) v x p W with x ≡ⱽ y
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (var y) v x p W | yes r = reflect-substitutionᴱ-whenever-yes H v x y r p W
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (var y) v x p W | no r = reflect-substitutionᴱ-whenever-no H v x y r p W
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (val (addr a)) v x p (UnallocatedAddress r) = UnallocatedAddress r
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (M $ N) v x p (FunctionCallMismatch q) = FunctionCallMismatch (λ s q (trans (cong src (sym (substitutivityᴱ H M v x p))) (trans s (substitutivityᴱ H N v x p))))
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (M $ N) v x p (app₁ W) = app₁ (reflect-substitutionᴱ H M v x p W)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (M $ N) v x p (app₂ W) = app₂ (reflect-substitutionᴱ H N v x p W)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is B end) v x p (FunctionDefnMismatch q) with (x ≡ⱽ y)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is B end) v x p (FunctionDefnMismatch q) | yes r = FunctionDefnMismatch (λ s q (trans s (substitutivityᴮ-unless-yes H B v x y r p (⊕-over r))))
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is B end) v x p (FunctionDefnMismatch q) | no r = FunctionDefnMismatch (λ s q (trans s (substitutivityᴮ-unless-no H B v x y r p (⊕-swap r))))
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is B end) v x p (function₁ W) with (x ≡ⱽ y)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is B end) v x p (function₁ W) | yes r = function₁ (reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless-yes H B v x y r p (⊕-over r) W)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is B end) v x p (function₁ W) | no r = function₁ (reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless-no H B v x y r p (⊕-swap r) W)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (block var b T is B end) v x p (BlockMismatch q) = BlockMismatch (λ r q (trans r (substitutivityᴮ H B v x p)))
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (block var b T is B end) v x p (block₁ W) = block₁ (reflect-substitutionᴮ H B v x p W)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (binexp M op N) x v p (BinOpMismatch₁ q) = BinOpMismatch₁ (subst₁ (BinOpWarning op) (sym (substitutivityᴱ H M x v p)) q)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (binexp M op N) x v p (BinOpMismatch₂ q) = BinOpMismatch₂ (subst₁ (BinOpWarning op) (sym (substitutivityᴱ H N x v p)) q)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (binexp M op N) x v p (bin₁ W) = bin₁ (reflect-substitutionᴱ H M x v p W)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (binexp M op N) x v p (bin₂ W) = bin₂ (reflect-substitutionᴱ H N x v p W)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (var y) v x W = reflect-substitutionᴱ-whenever H v x y (x ≡ⱽ y) W
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (val (addr a)) v x (UnallocatedAddress r) = Left (UnallocatedAddress r)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (M $ N) v x (FunctionCallMismatch p) with substitutivityᴱ H N v x p
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (M $ N) v x (FunctionCallMismatch p) | Right W = Right (Right W)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (M $ N) v x (FunctionCallMismatch p) | Left q with substitutivityᴱ H M v x (src-any-≮: q)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (M $ N) v x (FunctionCallMismatch p) | Left q | Left r = Left ((FunctionCallMismatch any-src-≮: q) r)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (M $ N) v x (FunctionCallMismatch p) | Left q | Right W = Right (Right W)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (M $ N) v x (app₁ W) = mapL app₁ (reflect-substitutionᴱ H M v x W)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (M $ N) v x (app₂ W) = mapL app₂ (reflect-substitutionᴱ H N v x W)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is B end) v x (FunctionDefnMismatch q) = mapLR FunctionDefnMismatch Right (substitutivityᴮ-unless H B v x y (x ≡ⱽ y) q)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is B end) v x (function₁ W) = mapL function₁ (reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless H B v x y (x ≡ⱽ y) W)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (block var b T is B end) v x (BlockMismatch q) = mapLR BlockMismatch Right (substitutivityᴮ H B v x q)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (block var b T is B end) v x (block₁ W) = mapL block₁ (reflect-substitutionᴮ H B v x W)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (binexp M op N) v x (BinOpMismatch₁ q) = mapLR BinOpMismatch₁ Right (substitutivityᴱ H M v x q)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (binexp M op N) v x (BinOpMismatch₂ q) = mapLR BinOpMismatch₂ Right (substitutivityᴱ H N v x q)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (binexp M op N) v x (bin₁ W) = mapL bin₁ (reflect-substitutionᴱ H M v x W)
reflect-substitutionᴱ H (binexp M op N) v x (bin₂ W) = mapL bin₂ (reflect-substitutionᴱ H N v x W)
reflect-substitutionᴱ-whenever-no H v x y p q (UnboundVariable r) = UnboundVariable (trans (sym (⊕-lookup-miss x y _ _ p)) r)
reflect-substitutionᴱ-whenever-yes H (addr a) x x refl p (UnallocatedAddress q) with trans p (cong typeOfᴹᴼ q)
reflect-substitutionᴱ-whenever-yes H (addr a) x x refl p (UnallocatedAddress q) | ()
reflect-substitutionᴱ-whenever H a x x (yes refl) (UnallocatedAddress p) = Right (Left (UnallocatedAddress p))
reflect-substitutionᴱ-whenever H v x y (no p) (UnboundVariable q) = Left (UnboundVariable (trans (sym (⊕-lookup-miss x y _ _ p)) q))
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) v x p (FunctionDefnMismatch q) with (x ≡ⱽ y)
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) v x p (FunctionDefnMismatch q) | yes r = FunctionDefnMismatch (λ s q (trans s (substitutivityᴮ-unless-yes H C v x y r p (⊕-over r))))
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) v x p (FunctionDefnMismatch q) | no r = FunctionDefnMismatch (λ s q (trans s (substitutivityᴮ-unless-no H C v x y r p (⊕-swap r))))
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) v x p (function₁ W) with (x ≡ⱽ y)
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) v x p (function₁ W) | yes r = function₁ (reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless-yes H C v x y r p (⊕-over r) W)
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) v x p (function₁ W) | no r = function₁ (reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless-no H C v x y r p (⊕-swap r) W)
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) v x p (function₂ W) with (x ≡ⱽ f)
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) v x p (function₂ W)| yes r = function₂ (reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless-yes H B v x f r p (⊕-over r) W)
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) v x p (function₂ W)| no r = function₂ (reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless-no H B v x f r p (⊕-swap r) W)
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (local var y T M B) v x p (LocalVarMismatch q) = LocalVarMismatch (λ r q (trans r (substitutivityᴱ H M v x p)))
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (local var y T M B) v x p (local₁ W) = local₁ (reflect-substitutionᴱ H M v x p W)
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (local var y T M B) v x p (local₂ W) with (x ≡ⱽ y)
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (local var y T M B) v x p (local₂ W) | yes r = local₂ (reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless-yes H B v x y r p (⊕-over r) W)
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (local var y T M B) v x p (local₂ W) | no r = local₂ (reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless-no H B v x y r p (⊕-swap r) W)
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (return M B) v x p (return W) = return (reflect-substitutionᴱ H M v x p W)
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) v x (FunctionDefnMismatch q) = mapLR FunctionDefnMismatch Right (substitutivityᴮ-unless H C v x y (x ≡ⱽ y) q)
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) v x (function₁ W) = mapL function₁ (reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless H C v x y (x ≡ⱽ y) W)
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) v x (function₂ W) = mapL function₂ (reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless H B v x f (x ≡ⱽ f) W)
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (local var y T M B) v x (LocalVarMismatch q) = mapLR LocalVarMismatch Right (substitutivityᴱ H M v x q)
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (local var y T M B) v x (local₁ W) = mapL local₁ (reflect-substitutionᴱ H M v x W)
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (local var y T M B) v x (local₂ W) = mapL local₂ (reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless H B v x y (x ≡ⱽ y) W)
reflect-substitutionᴮ H (return M B) v x (return W) = mapL return (reflect-substitutionᴱ H M v x W)
reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless-yes H B v x y r p refl W = W
reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless-no H B v x y r p refl W = reflect-substitutionᴮ H B v x p W
reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless H B v x y (yes p) W = reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless-yes H B v x y p (⊕-over p) W
reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless H B v x y (no p) W = reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless-no H B v x y p (⊕-swap p) W
reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless-yes H B v x x refl refl W = Left W
reflect-substitutionᴮ-unless-no H B v x y p refl W = reflect-substitutionᴮ H B v x W
reflect-weakeningᴱ : H M {H Γ} (H H) Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H Γ M) Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H Γ M)
reflect-weakeningᴮ : H B {H Γ} (H H) Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H Γ B) Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H Γ B)
reflect-weakeningᴱ : Γ H M {H} (H H) Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H Γ M) Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H Γ M)
reflect-weakeningᴮ : Γ H B {H} (H H) Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H Γ B) Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H Γ B)
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (var x) h (UnboundVariable p) = (UnboundVariable p)
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (val (addr a)) h (UnallocatedAddress p) = UnallocatedAddress (lookup-⊑-nothing a h p)
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (M $ N) h (FunctionCallMismatch p) with heap-weakeningᴱ H M h | heap-weakeningᴱ H N h
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (M $ N) h (FunctionCallMismatch p) | ok q₁ | ok q₂ = FunctionCallMismatch (λ r p (trans (cong src (sym q₁)) (trans r q₂)))
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (M $ N) h (FunctionCallMismatch p) | warning W | _ = app₁ W
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (M $ N) h (FunctionCallMismatch p) | _ | warning W = app₂ W
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (M $ N) h (app₁ W) = app₁ (reflect-weakeningᴱ H M h W)
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (M $ N) h (app₂ W) = app₂ (reflect-weakeningᴱ H N h W)
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (binexp M op N) h (BinOpMismatch₁ p) with heap-weakeningᴱ H M h
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (binexp M op N) h (BinOpMismatch₁ p) | ok q = BinOpMismatch₁ (subst₁ (BinOpWarning op) (sym q) p)
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (binexp M op N) h (BinOpMismatch₁ p) | warning W = bin₁ W
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (binexp M op N) h (BinOpMismatch₂ p) with heap-weakeningᴱ H N h
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (binexp M op N) h (BinOpMismatch₂ p) | ok q = BinOpMismatch₂ (subst₁ (BinOpWarning op) (sym q) p)
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (binexp M op N) h (BinOpMismatch₂ p) | warning W = bin₂ W
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (binexp M op N) h (bin₁ W) = bin₁ (reflect-weakeningᴱ H M h W)
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (binexp M op N) h (bin₂ W) = bin₂ (reflect-weakeningᴱ H N h W)
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is B end) h (FunctionDefnMismatch p) with heap-weakeningᴮ H B h
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is B end) h (FunctionDefnMismatch p) | ok q = FunctionDefnMismatch (λ r p (trans r q))
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is B end) h (FunctionDefnMismatch p) | warning W = function₁ W
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is B end) h (function₁ W) = function₁ (reflect-weakeningᴮ H B h W)
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (block var b T is B end) h (BlockMismatch p) with heap-weakeningᴮ H B h
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (block var b T is B end) h (BlockMismatch p) | ok q = BlockMismatch (λ r p (trans r q))
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (block var b T is B end) h (BlockMismatch p) | warning W = block₁ W
reflect-weakeningᴱ H (block var b T is B end) h (block₁ W) = block₁ (reflect-weakeningᴮ H B h W)
reflect-weakeningᴱ Γ H (var x) h (UnboundVariable p) = (UnboundVariable p)
reflect-weakeningᴱ Γ H (val (addr a)) h (UnallocatedAddress p) = UnallocatedAddress (lookup-⊑-nothing a h p)
reflect-weakeningᴱ Γ H (M $ N) h (FunctionCallMismatch p) = FunctionCallMismatch (heap-weakeningᴱ Γ H N h (any-src-≮: p (heap-weakeningᴱ Γ H M h (src-any-≮: p))))
reflect-weakeningᴱ Γ H (M $ N) h (app₁ W) = app₁ (reflect-weakeningᴱ Γ H M h W)
reflect-weakeningᴱ Γ H (M $ N) h (app₂ W) = app₂ (reflect-weakeningᴱ Γ H N h W)
reflect-weakeningᴱ Γ H (binexp M op N) h (BinOpMismatch₁ p) = BinOpMismatch₁ (heap-weakeningᴱ Γ H M h p)
reflect-weakeningᴱ Γ H (binexp M op N) h (BinOpMismatch₂ p) = BinOpMismatch₂ (heap-weakeningᴱ Γ H N h p)
reflect-weakeningᴱ Γ H (binexp M op N) h (bin₁ W) = bin₁ (reflect-weakeningᴱ Γ H M h W)
reflect-weakeningᴱ Γ H (binexp M op N) h (bin₂ W) = bin₂ (reflect-weakeningᴱ Γ H N h W)
reflect-weakeningᴱ Γ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is B end) h (FunctionDefnMismatch p) = FunctionDefnMismatch (heap-weakeningᴮ (Γ y T) H B h p)
reflect-weakeningᴱ Γ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is B end) h (function₁ W) = function₁ (reflect-weakeningᴮ (Γ y T) H B h W)
reflect-weakeningᴱ Γ H (block var b T is B end) h (BlockMismatch p) = BlockMismatch (heap-weakeningᴮ Γ H B h p)
reflect-weakeningᴱ Γ H (block var b T is B end) h (block₁ W) = block₁ (reflect-weakeningᴮ Γ H B h W)
reflect-weakeningᴮ H (return M B) h (return W) = return (reflect-weakeningᴱ H M h W)
reflect-weakeningᴮ H (local var y T M B) h (LocalVarMismatch p) with heap-weakeningᴱ H M h
reflect-weakeningᴮ H (local var y T M B) h (LocalVarMismatch p) | ok q = LocalVarMismatch (λ r p (trans r q))
reflect-weakeningᴮ H (local var y T M B) h (LocalVarMismatch p) | warning W = local₁ W
reflect-weakeningᴮ H (local var y T M B) h (local₁ W) = local₁ (reflect-weakeningᴱ H M h W)
reflect-weakeningᴮ H (local var y T M B) h (local₂ W) = local₂ (reflect-weakeningᴮ H B h W)
reflect-weakeningᴮ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) h (FunctionDefnMismatch p) with heap-weakeningᴮ H C h
reflect-weakeningᴮ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) h (FunctionDefnMismatch p) | ok q = FunctionDefnMismatch (λ r p (trans r q))
reflect-weakeningᴮ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) h (FunctionDefnMismatch p) | warning W = function₁ W
reflect-weakeningᴮ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) h (function₁ W) = function₁ (reflect-weakeningᴮ H C h W)
reflect-weakeningᴮ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) h (function₂ W) = function₂ (reflect-weakeningᴮ H B h W)
reflect-weakeningᴮ Γ H (return M B) h (return W) = return (reflect-weakeningᴱ Γ H M h W)
reflect-weakeningᴮ Γ H (local var y T M B) h (LocalVarMismatch p) = LocalVarMismatch (heap-weakeningᴱ Γ H M h p)
reflect-weakeningᴮ Γ H (local var y T M B) h (local₁ W) = local₁ (reflect-weakeningᴱ Γ H M h W)
reflect-weakeningᴮ Γ H (local var y T M B) h (local₂ W) = local₂ (reflect-weakeningᴮ (Γ y T) H B h W)
reflect-weakeningᴮ Γ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) h (FunctionDefnMismatch p) = FunctionDefnMismatch (heap-weakeningᴮ (Γ x T) H C h p)
reflect-weakeningᴮ Γ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) h (function₁ W) = function₁ (reflect-weakeningᴮ (Γ x T) H C h W)
reflect-weakeningᴮ Γ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) h (function₂ W) = function₂ (reflect-weakeningᴮ (Γ f (T U)) H B h W)
reflect-weakeningᴼ : H O {H} (H H) Warningᴼ H (typeCheckᴼ H O) Warningᴼ H (typeCheckᴼ H O)
reflect-weakeningᴼ H (just (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end)) h (FunctionDefnMismatch p) with heap-weakeningᴮ H B h
reflect-weakeningᴼ H (just (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end)) h (FunctionDefnMismatch p) | ok q = FunctionDefnMismatch (λ r p (trans r q))
reflect-weakeningᴼ H (just (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end)) h (FunctionDefnMismatch p) | warning W = function₁ W
reflect-weakeningᴼ H (just (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end)) h (function₁ W) = function₁ (reflect-weakeningᴮ H B h W)
reflect-weakeningᴼ H (just function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) h (FunctionDefnMismatch p) = FunctionDefnMismatch (heap-weakeningᴮ (x T) H B h p)
reflect-weakeningᴼ H (just function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) h (function₁ W) = function₁ (reflect-weakeningᴮ (x T) H B h W)
reflectᴱ : H M {H M} (H M ⟶ᴱ M H) Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H M) Warning H (typeCheck H M)
reflectᴮ : H B {H B} (H B ⟶ᴮ B H) Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H B) Warning H (typeCheck H B)
reflectᴱ : H M {H M} (H M ⟶ᴱ M H) Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H M) Either (Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H M)) (Warningᴴ H (typeCheckᴴ H))
reflectᴮ : H B {H B} (H B ⟶ᴮ B H) Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H B) Either (Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H B)) (Warningᴴ H (typeCheckᴴ H))
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) (FunctionCallMismatch p) with preservationᴱ H M s | heap-weakeningᴱ H N (rednᴱ⊑ s)
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) (FunctionCallMismatch p) | ok q | ok q = expr (FunctionCallMismatch (λ r p (trans (trans (cong src (sym q)) r) q)))
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) (FunctionCallMismatch p) | warning (expr W) | _ = expr (app₁ W)
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) (FunctionCallMismatch p) | warning (heap W) | _ = heap W
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) (FunctionCallMismatch p) | _ | warning W = expr (app₂ W)
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) (app₁ W) with reflectᴱ H M s W
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) (app₁ W) | heap W = heap W
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) (app₁ W) | expr W = expr (app₁ W)
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) (app₂ W) = expr (app₂ (reflect-weakeningᴱ H N (rednᴱ⊑ s) W))
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ p s) (FunctionCallMismatch p) with heap-weakeningᴱ H (val p) (rednᴱ⊑ s) | preservationᴱ H N s
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ p s) (FunctionCallMismatch p) | ok q | ok q = expr (FunctionCallMismatch (λ r p (trans (trans (cong src (sym q)) r) q)))
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ p s) (FunctionCallMismatch p) | warning W | _ = expr (app₁ W)
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ p s) (FunctionCallMismatch p) | _ | warning (expr W) = expr (app₂ W)
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ p s) (FunctionCallMismatch p) | _ | warning (heap W) = heap W
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ p s) (app₁ W) = expr (app₁ (reflect-weakeningᴱ H M (rednᴱ⊑ s) W))
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ p s) (app₂ W) with reflectᴱ H N s W
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ p s) (app₂ W) | heap W = heap W
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ p s) (app₂ W) | expr W = expr (app₂ W)
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (BlockMismatch q) with remember (typeOfⱽ H v)
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (BlockMismatch q) | (just S , r) with S ≡ᵀ T
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (BlockMismatch q) | (just T , r) | yes refl = heap (addr a p (FunctionDefnMismatch (λ s q (trans s (substitutivityᴮ H B v x (sym r))))))
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (BlockMismatch q) | (just S , r) | no s = expr (FunctionCallMismatch (λ t s (trans (cong orNone (sym r)) (trans (sym t) (cong src (cong orNone (cong typeOfᴹᴼ p)))))))
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (BlockMismatch q) | (nothing , r) with typeOf-val-not-none v
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (BlockMismatch q) | (nothing , r) | ok s = CONTRADICTION (s (cong orNone (sym r)))
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (BlockMismatch q) | (nothing , r) | warning W = expr (app₂ W)
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (block₁ W) with remember (typeOfⱽ H v)
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (block₁ W) | (just S , q) with S ≡ᵀ T
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (block₁ W) | (just T , q) | yes refl = heap (addr a p (function₁ (reflect-substitutionᴮ H B v x (sym q) W)))
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (block₁ W) | (just S , q) | no r = expr (FunctionCallMismatch (λ s r (trans (cong orNone (sym q)) (trans (sym s) (cong src (cong orNone (cong typeOfᴹᴼ p)))))))
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (block₁ W) | (nothing , q) with typeOf-val-not-none v
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (block₁ W) | (nothing , q) | ok r = CONTRADICTION (r (cong orNone (sym q)))
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (block₁ W) | (nothing , q) | warning W = expr (app₂ W)
reflectᴱ H (block var b T is B end) (block s) (BlockMismatch p) with preservationᴮ H B s
reflectᴱ H (block var b T is B end) (block s) (BlockMismatch p) | ok q = expr (BlockMismatch (λ r p (trans r q)))
reflectᴱ H (block var b T is B end) (block s) (BlockMismatch p) | warning (heap W) = heap W
reflectᴱ H (block var b T is B end) (block s) (BlockMismatch p) | warning (block W) = expr (block₁ W)
reflectᴱ H (block var b T is B end) (block s) (block₁ W) with reflectᴮ H B s W
reflectᴱ H (block var b T is B end) (block s) (block₁ W) | heap W = heap W
reflectᴱ H (block var b T is B end) (block s) (block₁ W) | block W = expr (block₁ W)
reflectᴱ H (block var b T is B end) (return v) W = expr (block₁ (return W))
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) (FunctionCallMismatch p) = cond (Left FunctionCallMismatch heap-weakeningᴱ H N (rednᴱ⊑ s) any-src-≮: p) (Left app₁) (reflect-subtypingᴱ H M s (src-any-≮: p))
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) (app₁ W) = mapL app₁ (reflectᴱ H M s W)
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) (app₂ W) = Left (app₂ (reflect-weakeningᴱ H N (rednᴱ⊑ s) W))
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ p s) (FunctionCallMismatch q) = cond (λ r Left (FunctionCallMismatch (any-src-≮: r (heap-weakeningᴱ H M (rednᴱ⊑ s) (src-any-≮: r))))) (Left app₂) (reflect-subtypingᴱ H N s q)
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ p s) (app₁ W) = Left (app₁ (reflect-weakeningᴱ H M (rednᴱ⊑ s) W))
reflectᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ p s) (app₂ W) = mapL app₂ (reflectᴱ H N s W)
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (BlockMismatch q) with substitutivityᴮ H B v x q
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (BlockMismatch q) | Left r = Right (addr a p (FunctionDefnMismatch r))
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (BlockMismatch q) | Right r = Left (FunctionCallMismatch (≮:-trans-≡ r ((cong src (cong orAny (cong typeOfᴹᴼ (sym p)))))))
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (block₁ W) with reflect-substitutionᴮ _ B v x W
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (block₁ W) | Left W = Right (addr a p (function₁ W))
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (block₁ W) | Right (Left W) = Left (app₂ W)
reflectᴱ H (val (addr a) $ N) (beta (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) v refl p) (block₁ W) | Right (Right q) = Left (FunctionCallMismatch (≮:-trans-≡ q (cong src (cong orAny (cong typeOfᴹᴼ (sym p))))))
reflectᴱ H (block var b T is B end) (block s) (BlockMismatch p) = Left (cond BlockMismatch block₁ (reflect-subtypingᴮ H B s p))
reflectᴱ H (block var b T is B end) (block s) (block₁ W) = mapL block₁ (reflectᴮ H B s W)
reflectᴱ H (block var b T is B end) (return v) W = Left (block₁ (return W))
reflectᴱ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) (function a defn) (UnallocatedAddress ())
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₀ ()) (UnallocatedAddress p)
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) (BinOpMismatch₁ p) with preservationᴱ H M s
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) (BinOpMismatch₁ p) | ok q = expr (BinOpMismatch₁ (subst₁ (BinOpWarning op) (sym q) p))
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) (BinOpMismatch₁ p) | warning (heap W) = heap W
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) (BinOpMismatch₁ p) | warning (expr W) = expr (bin₁ W)
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) (BinOpMismatch₂ p) with heap-weakeningᴱ H N (rednᴱ⊑ s)
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) (BinOpMismatch₂ p) | ok q = expr (BinOpMismatch₂ ((subst₁ (BinOpWarning op) (sym q) p)))
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) (BinOpMismatch₂ p) | warning W = expr (bin₂ W)
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) (bin₁ W) with reflectᴱ H M s W
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) (bin₁ W) | heap W = heap W
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) (bin₁ W) | expr W = expr (bin₁ W)
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) (bin₂ W) = expr (bin₂ (reflect-weakeningᴱ H N (rednᴱ⊑ s) W))
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) (BinOpMismatch₁ p) with heap-weakeningᴱ H M (rednᴱ⊑ s)
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) (BinOpMismatch₁ p) | ok q = expr (BinOpMismatch₁ (subst₁ (BinOpWarning op) (sym q) p))
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) (BinOpMismatch₁ p) | warning W = expr (bin₁ W)
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) (BinOpMismatch₂ p) with preservationᴱ H N s
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) (BinOpMismatch₂ p) | ok q = expr (BinOpMismatch₂ (subst₁ (BinOpWarning op) (sym q) p))
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) (BinOpMismatch₂ p) | warning (heap W) = heap W
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) (BinOpMismatch₂ p) | warning (expr W) = expr (bin₂ W)
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) (bin₁ W) = expr (bin₁ (reflect-weakeningᴱ H M (rednᴱ⊑ s) W))
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) (bin₂ W) with reflectᴱ H N s W
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) (bin₂ W) | heap W = heap W
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) (bin₂ W) | expr W = expr (bin₂ W)
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) (BinOpMismatch₁ p) = Left (cond BinOpMismatch₁ bin₁ (reflect-subtypingᴱ H M s p))
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) (BinOpMismatch₂ p) = Left (BinOpMismatch₂ (heap-weakeningᴱ H N (rednᴱ⊑ s) p))
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) (bin₁ W) = mapL bin₁ (reflectᴱ H M s W)
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) (bin₂ W) = Left (bin₂ (reflect-weakeningᴱ H N (rednᴱ⊑ s) W))
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) (BinOpMismatch₁ p) = Left (BinOpMismatch₁ (heap-weakeningᴱ H M (rednᴱ⊑ s) p))
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) (BinOpMismatch₂ p) = Left (cond BinOpMismatch₂ bin₂ (reflect-subtypingᴱ H N s p))
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) (bin₁ W) = Left (bin₁ (reflect-weakeningᴱ H M (rednᴱ⊑ s) W))
reflectᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) (bin₂ W) = mapL bin₂ (reflectᴱ H N s W)
reflectᴮ H (local var x T M B) (local s) (LocalVarMismatch p) with preservationᴱ H M s
reflectᴮ H (local var x T M B) (local s) (LocalVarMismatch p) | ok q = block (LocalVarMismatch (λ r p (trans r q)))
reflectᴮ H (local var x T M B) (local s) (LocalVarMismatch p) | warning (expr W) = block (local₁ W)
reflectᴮ H (local var x T M B) (local s) (LocalVarMismatch p) | warning (heap W) = heap W
reflectᴮ H (local var x T M B) (local s) (local₁ W) with reflectᴱ H M s W
reflectᴮ H (local var x T M B) (local s) (local₁ W) | heap W = heap W
reflectᴮ H (local var x T M B) (local s) (local₁ W) | expr W = block (local₁ W)
reflectᴮ H (local var x T M B) (local s) (local₂ W) = block (local₂ (reflect-weakeningᴮ H B (rednᴱ⊑ s) W))
reflectᴮ H (local var x T M B) (subst v) W with remember (typeOfⱽ H v)
reflectᴮ H (local var x T M B) (subst v) W | (just S , p) with S ≡ᵀ T
reflectᴮ H (local var x T M B) (subst v) W | (just T , p) | yes refl = block (local₂ (reflect-substitutionᴮ H B v x (sym p) W))
reflectᴮ H (local var x T M B) (subst v) W | (just S , p) | no q = block (LocalVarMismatch (λ r q (trans (cong orNone (sym p)) (sym r))))
reflectᴮ H (local var x T M B) (subst v) W | (nothing , p) with typeOf-val-not-none v
reflectᴮ H (local var x T M B) (subst v) W | (nothing , p) | ok r = CONTRADICTION (r (cong orNone (sym p)))
reflectᴮ H (local var x T M B) (subst v) W | (nothing , p) | warning W = block (local₁ W)
reflectᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function a defn) W = block (function₂ (reflect-weakeningᴮ H B (snoc defn) (reflect-substitutionᴮ _ B (addr a) f refl W)))
reflectᴮ H (return M B) (return s) (return W) with reflectᴱ H M s W
reflectᴮ H (return M B) (return s) (return W) | heap W = heap W
reflectᴮ H (return M B) (return s) (return W) | expr W = block (return W)
reflectᴮ H (local var x T M B) (local s) (LocalVarMismatch p) = Left (cond LocalVarMismatch local₁ (reflect-subtypingᴱ H M s p))
reflectᴮ H (local var x T M B) (local s) (local₁ W) = mapL local₁ (reflectᴱ H M s W)
reflectᴮ H (local var x T M B) (local s) (local₂ W) = Left (local₂ (reflect-weakeningᴮ (x T) H B (rednᴱ⊑ s) W))
reflectᴮ H (local var x T M B) (subst v) W = Left (cond local₂ (cond local₁ LocalVarMismatch) (reflect-substitutionᴮ H B v x W))
reflectᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function a defn) W with reflect-substitutionᴮ _ B (addr a) f W
reflectᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function a defn) W | Left W = Left (function₂ (reflect-weakeningᴮ (f (T U)) H B (snoc defn) W))
reflectᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function a defn) W | Right (Left (UnallocatedAddress ()))
reflectᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function a defn) W | Right (Right p) = CONTRADICTION (≮:-refl p)
reflectᴮ H (return M B) (return s) (return W) = mapL return (reflectᴱ H M s W)
reflectᴴᴱ : H M {H M} (H M ⟶ᴱ M H) Warningᴴ H (typeCheckᴴ H M) Warning H (typeCheck H M)
reflectᴴᴮ : H B {H B} (H B ⟶ᴮ B H) Warningᴴ H (typeCheckᴴ H B) Warning H (typeCheck H B)
reflectᴴᴱ : H M {H M} (H M ⟶ᴱ M H) Warningᴴ H (typeCheckᴴ H) Either (Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H M)) (Warningᴴ H (typeCheckᴴ H))
reflectᴴᴮ : H B {H B} (H B ⟶ᴮ B H) Warningᴴ H (typeCheckᴴ H) Either (Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H B)) (Warningᴴ H (typeCheckᴴ H))
reflectᴴᴱ H M s (expr W) = reflectᴱ H M s W
reflectᴴᴱ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) (function a p) (heap (addr b refl W)) with b ≡ᴬ a
reflectᴴᴱ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) (function a defn) (heap (addr a refl (FunctionDefnMismatch p))) | yes refl with heap-weakeningᴮ H B (snoc defn)
reflectᴴᴱ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) (function a defn) (heap (addr a refl (FunctionDefnMismatch p))) | yes refl | ok r = expr (FunctionDefnMismatch λ q p (trans q r))
reflectᴴᴱ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) (function a defn) (heap (addr a refl (FunctionDefnMismatch p))) | yes refl | warning W = expr (function₁ W)
reflectᴴᴱ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) (function a defn) (heap (addr a refl (function₁ W))) | yes refl = expr (function₁ (reflect-weakeningᴮ H B (snoc defn) W))
reflectᴴᴱ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) (function a p) (heap (addr b refl W)) | no r = heap (addr b (lookup-not-allocated p r) (reflect-weakeningᴼ H _ (snoc p) W))
reflectᴴᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) (heap W) with reflectᴴᴱ H M s (heap W)
reflectᴴᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) (heap W) | heap W = heap W
reflectᴴᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) (heap W) | expr W = expr (app₁ W)
reflectᴴᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ p s) (heap W) with reflectᴴᴱ H N s (heap W)
reflectᴴᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ p s) (heap W) | heap W = heap W
reflectᴴᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ p s) (heap W) | expr W = expr (app₂ W)
reflectᴴᴱ H (M $ N) (beta O v p q) (heap W) = heap W
reflectᴴᴱ H (block var b T is B end) (block s) (heap W) with reflectᴴᴮ H B s (heap W)
reflectᴴᴱ H (block var b T is B end) (block s) (heap W) | heap W = heap W
reflectᴴᴱ H (block var b T is B end) (block s) (heap W) | block W = expr (block₁ W)
reflectᴴᴱ H (block var b T is return N B end) (return v) (heap W) = heap W
reflectᴴᴱ H (block var b T is done end) done (heap W) = heap W
reflectᴴᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₀ s) (heap W) = heap W
reflectᴴᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) (heap W) with reflectᴴᴱ H M s (heap W)
reflectᴴᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) (heap W) | heap W = heap W
reflectᴴᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) (heap W) | expr W = expr (bin₁ W)
reflectᴴᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) (heap W) with reflectᴴᴱ H N s (heap W)
reflectᴴᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) (heap W) | heap W = heap W
reflectᴴᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) (heap W) | expr W = expr (bin₂ W)
reflectᴴᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ s) W = mapL app₁ (reflectᴴᴱ H M s W)
reflectᴴᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ v s) W = mapL app₂ (reflectᴴᴱ H N s W)
reflectᴴᴱ H (M $ N) (beta O v refl p) W = Right W
reflectᴴᴱ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) (function a p) (addr b refl W) with b ≡ᴬ a
reflectᴴᴱ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) (function a defn) (addr b refl (FunctionDefnMismatch p)) | yes refl = Left (FunctionDefnMismatch (heap-weakeningᴮ (x T) H B (snoc defn) p))
reflectᴴᴱ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) (function a defn) (addr b refl (function₁ W)) | yes refl = Left (function₁ (reflect-weakeningᴮ (x T) H B (snoc defn) W))
reflectᴴᴱ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) (function a p) (addr b refl W) | no q = Right (addr b (lookup-not-allocated p q) (reflect-weakeningᴼ H _ (snoc p) W))
reflectᴴᴱ H (block var b T is B end) (block s) W = mapL block₁ (reflectᴴᴮ H B s W)
reflectᴴᴱ H (block var b T is return (val v) B end) (return v) W = Right W
reflectᴴᴱ H (block var b T is done end) done W = Right W
reflectᴴᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₀ s) W = Right W
reflectᴴᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₁ s) W = mapL bin₁ (reflectᴴᴱ H M s W)
reflectᴴᴱ H (binexp M op N) (binOp₂ s) W = mapL bin₂ (reflectᴴᴱ H N s W)
reflectᴴᴮ H B s (block W) = reflectᴮ H B s W
reflectᴴᴮ H (local var x T M B) (local s) (heap W) with reflectᴴᴱ H M s (heap W)
reflectᴴᴮ H (local var x T M B) (local s) (heap W) | heap W = heap W
reflectᴴᴮ H (local var x T M B) (local s) (heap W) | expr W = block (local₁ W)
reflectᴴᴮ H (local var x T M B) (subst v) (heap W) = heap W
reflectᴴᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function a p) (heap (addr b refl W)) with b ≡ᴬ a
reflectᴴᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function a defn) (heap (addr a refl (FunctionDefnMismatch p))) | yes refl with heap-weakeningᴮ H C (snoc defn)
reflectᴴᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function a defn) (heap (addr a refl (FunctionDefnMismatch p))) | yes refl | ok r = block (FunctionDefnMismatch (λ q p (trans q r)))
reflectᴴᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function a defn) (heap (addr a refl (FunctionDefnMismatch p))) | yes refl | warning W = block (function₁ W)
reflectᴴᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function a defn) (heap (addr a refl (function₁ W))) | yes refl = block (function₁ (reflect-weakeningᴮ H C (snoc defn) W))
reflectᴴᴮ H (function f var y T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function a p) (heap (addr b refl W)) | no r = heap (addr b (lookup-not-allocated p r) (reflect-weakeningᴼ H _ (snoc p) W))
reflectᴴᴮ H (return M B) (return s) (heap W) with reflectᴴᴱ H M s (heap W)
reflectᴴᴮ H (return M B) (return s) (heap W) | heap W = heap W
reflectᴴᴮ H (return M B) (return s) (heap W) | expr W = block (return W)
reflectᴴᴮ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function a p) (addr b refl W) with b ≡ᴬ a
reflectᴴᴮ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function a defn) (addr b refl (FunctionDefnMismatch p)) | yes refl = Left (FunctionDefnMismatch (heap-weakeningᴮ (x T) H C (snoc defn) p))
reflectᴴᴮ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function a defn) (addr b refl (function₁ W)) | yes refl = Left (function₁ (reflect-weakeningᴮ (x T) H C (snoc defn) W))
reflectᴴᴮ H (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is C end B) (function a p) (addr b refl W) | no q = Right (addr b (lookup-not-allocated p q) (reflect-weakeningᴼ H _ (snoc p) W))
reflectᴴᴮ H (local var x T M B) (local s) W = mapL local₁ (reflectᴴᴱ H M s W)
reflectᴴᴮ H (local var x T M B) (subst v) W = Right W
reflectᴴᴮ H (return M B) (return s) W = mapL return (reflectᴴᴱ H M s W)
reflect* : H B {H B} (H B ⟶* B H) Warning H (typeCheck H B) Warning H (typeCheck H B)
reflect* : H B {H B} (H B ⟶* B H) Either (Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H B)) (Warningᴴ H (typeCheckᴴ H)) Either (Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H B)) (Warningᴴ H (typeCheckᴴ H))
reflect* H B refl W = W
reflect* H B (step s t) W = reflectᴴᴮ H B s (reflect* _ _ t W)
reflect* H B (step s t) W = cond (reflectᴮ H B s) (reflectᴴᴮ H B s) (reflect* _ _ t W)
runtimeBinOpWarning : H {op} v BinOpError op (valueType v) BinOpWarning op (orNone (typeOfⱽ H v))
runtimeBinOpWarning H v (+ p) = + (λ q p (mustBeNumber H v q))
runtimeBinOpWarning H v (- p) = - (λ q p (mustBeNumber H v q))
runtimeBinOpWarning H v (* p) = * (λ q p (mustBeNumber H v q))
runtimeBinOpWarning H v (/ p) = / (λ q p (mustBeNumber H v q))
runtimeBinOpWarning H v (< p) = < (λ q p (mustBeNumber H v q))
runtimeBinOpWarning H v (> p) = > (λ q p (mustBeNumber H v q))
runtimeBinOpWarning H v (<= p) = <= (λ q p (mustBeNumber H v q))
runtimeBinOpWarning H v (>= p) = >= (λ q p (mustBeNumber H v q))
runtimeBinOpWarning H v (·· p) = ·· (λ q p (mustBeString H v q))
isntNumber : H v (valueType v number) (typeOfᴱ H (val v) ≮: number)
isntNumber H nil p = scalar-≢-impl-≮: nil number (λ ())
isntNumber H (addr a) p with remember (H [ a ]ᴴ)
isntNumber H (addr a) p | (just (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) , q) = ≡-trans-≮: (cong orAny (cong typeOfᴹᴼ q)) (function-≮:-scalar number)
isntNumber H (addr a) p | (nothing , q) = ≡-trans-≮: (cong orAny (cong typeOfᴹᴼ q)) (any-≮:-scalar number)
isntNumber H (number x) p = CONTRADICTION (p refl)
isntNumber H (bool x) p = scalar-≢-impl-≮: boolean number (λ ())
isntNumber H (string x) p = scalar-≢-impl-≮: string number (λ ())
isntString : H v (valueType v string) (typeOfᴱ H (val v) ≮: string)
isntString H nil p = scalar-≢-impl-≮: nil string (λ ())
isntString H (addr a) p with remember (H [ a ]ᴴ)
isntString H (addr a) p | (just (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) , q) = ≡-trans-≮: (cong orAny (cong typeOfᴹᴼ q)) (function-≮:-scalar string)
isntString H (addr a) p | (nothing , q) = ≡-trans-≮: (cong orAny (cong typeOfᴹᴼ q)) (any-≮:-scalar string)
isntString H (number x) p = scalar-≢-impl-≮: number string (λ ())
isntString H (bool x) p = scalar-≢-impl-≮: boolean string (λ ())
isntString H (string x) p = CONTRADICTION (p refl)
isntFunction : H v {T U} (valueType v function) (typeOfᴱ H (val v) ≮: (T U))
isntFunction H nil p = scalar-≮:-function nil
isntFunction H (addr a) p = CONTRADICTION (p refl)
isntFunction H (number x) p = scalar-≮:-function number
isntFunction H (bool x) p = scalar-≮:-function boolean
isntFunction H (string x) p = scalar-≮:-function string
isntEmpty : H v (typeOfᴱ H (val v) ≮: none)
isntEmpty H nil = scalar-≮:-none nil
isntEmpty H (addr a) with remember (H [ a ]ᴴ)
isntEmpty H (addr a) | (just (function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end) , p) = ≡-trans-≮: (cong orAny (cong typeOfᴹᴼ p)) function-≮:-none
isntEmpty H (addr a) | (nothing , p) = ≡-trans-≮: (cong orAny (cong typeOfᴹᴼ p)) any-≮:-none
isntEmpty H (number x) = scalar-≮:-none number
isntEmpty H (bool x) = scalar-≮:-none boolean
isntEmpty H (string x) = scalar-≮:-none string
runtimeBinOpWarning : H {op} v BinOpError op (valueType v) (typeOfᴱ H (val v) ≮: srcBinOp op)
runtimeBinOpWarning H v (+ p) = isntNumber H v p
runtimeBinOpWarning H v (- p) = isntNumber H v p
runtimeBinOpWarning H v (* p) = isntNumber H v p
runtimeBinOpWarning H v (/ p) = isntNumber H v p
runtimeBinOpWarning H v (< p) = isntNumber H v p
runtimeBinOpWarning H v (> p) = isntNumber H v p
runtimeBinOpWarning H v (<= p) = isntNumber H v p
runtimeBinOpWarning H v (>= p) = isntNumber H v p
runtimeBinOpWarning H v (·· p) = isntString H v p
runtimeWarningᴱ : H M RuntimeErrorᴱ H M Warningᴱ H (typeCheckᴱ H M)
runtimeWarningᴮ : H B RuntimeErrorᴮ H B Warningᴮ H (typeCheckᴮ H B)
runtimeWarningᴱ H (var x) UnboundVariable = UnboundVariable refl
runtimeWarningᴱ H (val (addr a)) (SEGV p) = UnallocatedAddress p
runtimeWarningᴱ H (M $ N) (FunctionMismatch v w p) with typeOf-val-not-none w
runtimeWarningᴱ H (M $ N) (FunctionMismatch v w p) | ok q = FunctionCallMismatch (λ r p (mustBeFunction H v (λ r q (trans r r))))
runtimeWarningᴱ H (M $ N) (FunctionMismatch v w p) | warning W = app₂ W
runtimeWarningᴱ H (M $ N) (FunctionMismatch v w p) = FunctionCallMismatch (any-src-≮: (isntEmpty H w) (isntFunction H v p))
runtimeWarningᴱ H (M $ N) (app₁ err) = app₁ (runtimeWarningᴱ H M err)
runtimeWarningᴱ H (M $ N) (app₂ err) = app₂ (runtimeWarningᴱ H N err)
runtimeWarningᴱ H (block var b T is B end) (block err) = block₁ (runtimeWarningᴮ H B err)
@ -469,6 +343,6 @@ runtimeWarningᴮ H (local var x ∈ T ← M ∙ B) (local err) = local₁ (runt
runtimeWarningᴮ H (return M B) (return err) = return (runtimeWarningᴱ H M err)
wellTypedProgramsDontGoWrong : H B B (∅ᴴ B ⟶* B H) (RuntimeErrorᴮ H B) Warningᴮ ∅ᴴ (typeCheckᴮ ∅ᴴ B)
wellTypedProgramsDontGoWrong H B B t err with reflect* ∅ᴴ B t (block (runtimeWarningᴮ H B err))
wellTypedProgramsDontGoWrong H B B t err | heap (addr a refl ())
wellTypedProgramsDontGoWrong H B B t err | block W = W
wellTypedProgramsDontGoWrong H B B t err with reflect* ∅ᴴ B t (Left (runtimeWarningᴮ H B err))
wellTypedProgramsDontGoWrong H B B t err | Right (addr a refl ())
wellTypedProgramsDontGoWrong H B B t err | Left W = W

View File

@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}
module Properties.Subtyping where
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality using (_≡_; refl)
open import FFI.Data.Either using (Either; Left; Right; mapLR; swapLR; cond)
open import Luau.Subtyping using (_<:_; _≮:_; Tree; Language; ¬Language; witness; any; none; scalar; function; scalar-function; scalar-function-ok; scalar-function-err; scalar-scalar; function-scalar; function-ok; function-err; left; right; _,_)
open import Luau.Type using (Type; Scalar; strict; nil; number; string; boolean; none; any; _⇒_; __; _∩_; tgt)
open import Properties.Contradiction using (CONTRADICTION; ¬)
open import Properties.Equality using (_≢_)
open import Properties.Functions using (_∘_)
src = Luau.Type.src strict
-- Language membership is decidable
dec-language : T t Either (¬Language T t) (Language T t)
dec-language nil (scalar number) = Left (scalar-scalar number nil (λ ()))
dec-language nil (scalar boolean) = Left (scalar-scalar boolean nil (λ ()))
dec-language nil (scalar string) = Left (scalar-scalar string nil (λ ()))
dec-language nil (scalar nil) = Right (scalar nil)
dec-language nil function = Left (scalar-function nil)
dec-language nil (function-ok t) = Left (scalar-function-ok nil)
dec-language nil (function-err t) = Right (scalar-function-err nil)
dec-language boolean (scalar number) = Left (scalar-scalar number boolean (λ ()))
dec-language boolean (scalar boolean) = Right (scalar boolean)
dec-language boolean (scalar string) = Left (scalar-scalar string boolean (λ ()))
dec-language boolean (scalar nil) = Left (scalar-scalar nil boolean (λ ()))
dec-language boolean function = Left (scalar-function boolean)
dec-language boolean (function-ok t) = Left (scalar-function-ok boolean)
dec-language boolean (function-err t) = Right (scalar-function-err boolean)
dec-language number (scalar number) = Right (scalar number)
dec-language number (scalar boolean) = Left (scalar-scalar boolean number (λ ()))
dec-language number (scalar string) = Left (scalar-scalar string number (λ ()))
dec-language number (scalar nil) = Left (scalar-scalar nil number (λ ()))
dec-language number function = Left (scalar-function number)
dec-language number (function-ok t) = Left (scalar-function-ok number)
dec-language number (function-err t) = Right (scalar-function-err number)
dec-language string (scalar number) = Left (scalar-scalar number string (λ ()))
dec-language string (scalar boolean) = Left (scalar-scalar boolean string (λ ()))
dec-language string (scalar string) = Right (scalar string)
dec-language string (scalar nil) = Left (scalar-scalar nil string (λ ()))
dec-language string function = Left (scalar-function string)
dec-language string (function-ok t) = Left (scalar-function-ok string)
dec-language string (function-err t) = Right (scalar-function-err string)
dec-language (T₁ T₂) (scalar s) = Left (function-scalar s)
dec-language (T₁ T₂) function = Right function
dec-language (T₁ T₂) (function-ok t) = mapLR function-ok function-ok (dec-language T₂ t)
dec-language (T₁ T₂) (function-err t) = mapLR function-err function-err (swapLR (dec-language T₁ t))
dec-language none t = Left none
dec-language any t = Right any
dec-language (T₁ T₂) t = cond (λ p cond (Left _,_ p) (Right right) (dec-language T₂ t)) (Right left) (dec-language T₁ t)
dec-language (T₁ T₂) t = cond (Left left) (λ p cond (Left right) (Right _,_ p) (dec-language T₂ t)) (dec-language T₁ t)
-- ¬Language T is the complement of Language T
language-comp : {T} t ¬Language T t ¬(Language T t)
language-comp t (p₁ , p₂) (left q) = language-comp t p₁ q
language-comp t (p₁ , p₂) (right q) = language-comp t p₂ q
language-comp t (left p) (q₁ , q₂) = language-comp t p q₁
language-comp t (right p) (q₁ , q₂) = language-comp t p q₂
language-comp (scalar s) (scalar-scalar s p₁ p₂) (scalar s) = p₂ refl
language-comp (scalar s) (function-scalar s) (scalar s) = language-comp function (scalar-function s) function
language-comp (scalar s) none (scalar ())
language-comp function (scalar-function ()) function
language-comp (function-ok t) (scalar-function-ok ()) (function-ok q)
language-comp (function-ok t) (function-ok p) (function-ok q) = language-comp t p q
language-comp (function-err t) (function-err p) (function-err q) = language-comp t q p
-- ≮: is the complement of <:
¬≮:-impl-<: : {T U} ¬(T ≮: U) (T <: U)
¬≮:-impl-<: {T} {U} p t q with dec-language U t
¬≮:-impl-<: {T} {U} p t q | Left r = CONTRADICTION (p (witness t q r))
¬≮:-impl-<: {T} {U} p t q | Right r = r
<:-impl-¬≮: : {T U} (T <: U) ¬(T ≮: U)
<:-impl-¬≮: p (witness t q r) = language-comp t r (p t q)
-- reflexivity
≮:-refl : {T} ¬(T ≮: T)
:-refl (witness t p q) = language-comp t q p
<:-refl : {T} (T <: T)
<:-refl = ¬≮:-impl-<: ≮:-refl
-- transititivity
≮:-trans-≡ : {S T U} (S ≮: T) (T U) (S ≮: U)
:-trans-≡ p refl = p
≡-trans-≮: : {S T U} (S T) (T ≮: U) (S ≮: U)
≡-trans-≮: refl p = p
≮:-trans : {S T U} (S ≮: U) Either (S ≮: T) (T ≮: U)
:-trans {T = T} (witness t p q) = mapLR (witness t p) (λ z witness t z q) (dec-language T t)
<:-trans : {S T U} (S <: T) (T <: U) (S <: U)
<:-trans p q = ¬≮:-impl-<: (cond (<:-impl-¬≮: p) (<:-impl-¬≮: q) ≮:-trans)
-- Properties of scalars
skalar = number (string (nil boolean))
function-≮:-scalar : {S T U} (Scalar U) ((S T) ≮: U)
function-≮:-scalar s = witness function function (scalar-function s)
scalar-≮:-function : {S T U} (Scalar U) (U ≮: (S T))
scalar-≮:-function s = witness (scalar s) (scalar s) (function-scalar s)
any-≮:-scalar : {U} (Scalar U) (any ≮: U)
any-≮:-scalar s = witness (function-ok (scalar s)) any (scalar-function-ok s)
scalar-≮:-none : {U} (Scalar U) (U ≮: none)
scalar-≮:-none s = witness (scalar s) (scalar s) none
scalar-≢-impl-≮: : {T U} (Scalar T) (Scalar U) (T U) (T ≮: U)
scalar-≢-impl-≮: s₁ s₂ p = witness (scalar s₁) (scalar s₁) (scalar-scalar s₁ s₂ p)
-- Properties of tgt
tgt-function-ok : {T t} (Language (tgt T) t) Language T (function-ok t)
tgt-function-ok {T = nil} (scalar ())
tgt-function-ok {T = T₁ T₂} p = function-ok p
tgt-function-ok {T = none} (scalar ())
tgt-function-ok {T = any} p = any
tgt-function-ok {T = boolean} (scalar ())
tgt-function-ok {T = number} (scalar ())
tgt-function-ok {T = string} (scalar ())
tgt-function-ok {T = T₁ T₂} (left p) = left (tgt-function-ok p)
tgt-function-ok {T = T₁ T₂} (right p) = right (tgt-function-ok p)
tgt-function-ok {T = T₁ T₂} (p₁ , p₂) = (tgt-function-ok p₁ , tgt-function-ok p₂)
function-ok-tgt : {T t} Language T (function-ok t) (Language (tgt T) t)
function-ok-tgt (function-ok p) = p
function-ok-tgt (left p) = left (function-ok-tgt p)
function-ok-tgt (right p) = right (function-ok-tgt p)
function-ok-tgt (p₁ , p₂) = (function-ok-tgt p₁ , function-ok-tgt p₂)
function-ok-tgt any = any
skalar-function-ok : {t} (¬Language skalar (function-ok t))
skalar-function-ok = (scalar-function-ok number , (scalar-function-ok string , (scalar-function-ok nil , scalar-function-ok boolean)))
skalar-scalar : {T} (s : Scalar T) (Language skalar (scalar s))
skalar-scalar number = left (scalar number)
skalar-scalar boolean = right (right (right (scalar boolean)))
skalar-scalar string = right (left (scalar string))
skalar-scalar nil = right (right (left (scalar nil)))
tgt-none-≮: : {T U} (tgt T ≮: U) (T ≮: (skalar (none U)))
tgt-none-≮: (witness t p q) = witness (function-ok t) (tgt-function-ok p) (skalar-function-ok , function-ok q)
none-tgt-≮: : {T U} (T ≮: (skalar (none U))) (tgt T ≮: U)
none-tgt-≮: (witness (scalar s) p (q₁ , q₂)) = CONTRADICTION (≮:-refl (witness (scalar s) (skalar-scalar s) q₁))
none-tgt-≮: (witness function p (q₁ , scalar-function ()))
none-tgt-≮: (witness (function-ok t) p (q₁ , function-ok q₂)) = witness t (function-ok-tgt p) q₂
none-tgt-≮: (witness (function-err (scalar s)) p (q₁ , function-err (scalar ())))
-- Properties of src
function-err-src : {T t} (¬Language (src T) t) Language T (function-err t)
function-err-src {T = nil} none = scalar-function-err nil
function-err-src {T = T₁ T₂} p = function-err p
function-err-src {T = none} (scalar-scalar number () p)
function-err-src {T = none} (scalar-function-ok ())
function-err-src {T = any} none = any
function-err-src {T = boolean} p = scalar-function-err boolean
function-err-src {T = number} p = scalar-function-err number
function-err-src {T = string} p = scalar-function-err string
function-err-src {T = T₁ T₂} (left p) = left (function-err-src p)
function-err-src {T = T₁ T₂} (right p) = right (function-err-src p)
function-err-src {T = T₁ T₂} (p₁ , p₂) = function-err-src p₁ , function-err-src p₂
¬function-err-src : {T t} (Language (src T) t) ¬Language T (function-err t)
¬function-err-src {T = nil} (scalar ())
¬function-err-src {T = T₁ T₂} p = function-err p
¬function-err-src {T = none} any = none
¬function-err-src {T = any} (scalar ())
¬function-err-src {T = boolean} (scalar ())
¬function-err-src {T = number} (scalar ())
¬function-err-src {T = string} (scalar ())
¬function-err-src {T = T₁ T₂} (p₁ , p₂) = (¬function-err-src p₁ , ¬function-err-src p₂)
¬function-err-src {T = T₁ T₂} (left p) = left (¬function-err-src p)
¬function-err-src {T = T₁ T₂} (right p) = right (¬function-err-src p)
src-¬function-err : {T t} Language T (function-err t) (¬Language (src T) t)
src-¬function-err {T = nil} p = none
src-¬function-err {T = T₁ T₂} (function-err p) = p
src-¬function-err {T = none} (scalar-function-err ())
src-¬function-err {T = any} p = none
src-¬function-err {T = boolean} p = none
src-¬function-err {T = number} p = none
src-¬function-err {T = string} p = none
src-¬function-err {T = T₁ T₂} (left p) = left (src-¬function-err p)
src-¬function-err {T = T₁ T₂} (right p) = right (src-¬function-err p)
src-¬function-err {T = T₁ T₂} (p₁ , p₂) = (src-¬function-err p₁ , src-¬function-err p₂)
src-¬scalar : {S T t} (s : Scalar S) Language T (scalar s) (¬Language (src T) t)
src-¬scalar number (scalar number) = none
src-¬scalar boolean (scalar boolean) = none
src-¬scalar string (scalar string) = none
src-¬scalar nil (scalar nil) = none
src-¬scalar s (left p) = left (src-¬scalar s p)
src-¬scalar s (right p) = right (src-¬scalar s p)
src-¬scalar s (p₁ , p₂) = (src-¬scalar s p₁ , src-¬scalar s p₂)
src-¬scalar s any = none
src-any-≮: : {T U} (T ≮: src U) (U ≮: (T any))
src-any-≮: (witness t p q) = witness (function-err t) (function-err-src q) (¬function-err-src p)
any-src-≮: : {S T U} (U ≮: S) (T ≮: (U any)) (U ≮: src T)
any-src-≮: (witness t x x₁) (witness (scalar s) p (function-scalar s)) = witness t x (src-¬scalar s p)
any-src-≮: r (witness (function-ok (scalar s)) p (function-ok (scalar-scalar s () q)))
any-src-≮: r (witness (function-ok (function-ok _)) p (function-ok (scalar-function-ok ())))
any-src-≮: r (witness (function-err t) p (function-err q)) = witness t q (src-¬function-err p)
-- Properties of any and none
any-≮: : {T U} (T ≮: U) (any ≮: U)
any-≮: (witness t p q) = witness t any q
none-≮: : {T U} (T ≮: U) (T ≮: none)
none-≮: (witness t p q) = witness t p none
any-≮:-none : (any ≮: none)
any-≮:-none = witness (scalar nil) any none
function-≮:-none : {T U} ((T U) ≮: none)
function-≮:-none = witness function function none

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ open import Agda.Builtin.Equality using (_≡_; refl)
open import Agda.Builtin.Bool using (Bool; true; false)
open import FFI.Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import FFI.Data.Either using (Either)
open import Luau.TypeCheck(m) using (_⊢ᴱ_∈_; _⊢ᴮ_∈_; ⊢ᴼ_; ⊢ᴴ_; _⊢ᴴᴱ_▷_∈_; _⊢ᴴᴮ_▷_∈_; nil; var; addr; number; bool; string; app; function; block; binexp; done; return; local; nothing; orNone; tgtBinOp)
open import Luau.TypeCheck(m) using (_⊢ᴱ_∈_; _⊢ᴮ_∈_; ⊢ᴼ_; ⊢ᴴ_; _⊢ᴴᴱ_▷_∈_; _⊢ᴴᴮ_▷_∈_; nil; var; addr; number; bool; string; app; function; block; binexp; done; return; local; nothing; orAny; tgtBinOp)
open import Luau.Syntax using (Block; Expr; Value; BinaryOperator; yes; nil; addr; number; bool; string; val; var; binexp; _$_; function_is_end; block_is_end; _∙_; return; done; local_←_; _⟨_⟩; _⟨_⟩∈_; var_∈_; name; fun; arg; +; -; *; /; <; >; ==; ~=; <=; >=)
open import Luau.Type using (Type; nil; any; none; number; boolean; string; _⇒_; tgt)
open import Luau.RuntimeType using (RuntimeType; nil; number; function; string; valueType)
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ typeOfⱽ H (string x) = just string
typeOfᴱ : Heap yes VarCtxt (Expr yes) Type
typeOfᴮ : Heap yes VarCtxt (Block yes) Type
typeOfᴱ H Γ (var x) = orNone(Γ [ x ]ⱽ)
typeOfᴱ H Γ (val v) = orNone(typeOfⱽ H v)
typeOfᴱ H Γ (var x) = orAny(Γ [ x ]ⱽ)
typeOfᴱ H Γ (val v) = orAny(typeOfⱽ H v)
typeOfᴱ H Γ (M $ N) = tgt(typeOfᴱ H Γ M)
typeOfᴱ H Γ (function f var x S ⟩∈ T is B end) = S T
typeOfᴱ H Γ (block var b T is B end) = T
@ -64,17 +64,17 @@ mustBeFunction H Γ (string x) p = CONTRADICTION (p refl)
mustBeNumber : H Γ v (typeOfᴱ H Γ (val v) number) (valueType(v) number)
mustBeNumber H Γ (addr a) p with remember (H [ a ]ᴴ)
mustBeNumber H Γ (addr a) p | (just O , q) with trans (cong orNone (cong typeOfᴹᴼ (sym q))) p
mustBeNumber H Γ (addr a) p | (just O , q) with trans (cong orAny (cong typeOfᴹᴼ (sym q))) p
mustBeNumber H Γ (addr a) p | (just function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end , q) | ()
mustBeNumber H Γ (addr a) p | (nothing , q) with trans (cong orNone (cong typeOfᴹᴼ (sym q))) p
mustBeNumber H Γ (addr a) p | (nothing , q) with trans (cong orAny (cong typeOfᴹᴼ (sym q))) p
mustBeNumber H Γ (addr a) p | nothing , q | ()
mustBeNumber H Γ (number n) p = refl
mustBeString : H Γ v (typeOfᴱ H Γ (val v) string) (valueType(v) string)
mustBeString H Γ (addr a) p with remember (H [ a ]ᴴ)
mustBeString H Γ (addr a) p | (just O , q) with trans (cong orNone (cong typeOfᴹᴼ (sym q))) p
mustBeString H Γ (addr a) p | (just O , q) with trans (cong orAny (cong typeOfᴹᴼ (sym q))) p
mustBeString H Γ (addr a) p | (just function f var x T ⟩∈ U is B end , q) | ()
mustBeString H Γ (addr a) p | (nothing , q) with trans (cong orNone (cong typeOfᴹᴼ (sym q))) p
mustBeString H Γ (addr a) p | (nothing , q) with trans (cong orAny (cong typeOfᴹᴼ (sym q))) p
mustBeString H Γ (addr a) p | (nothing , q) | ()
mustBeString H Γ (string x) p = refl
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ typeCheckᴮ : ∀ H Γ B → (Γ ⊢ᴮ B ∈ (typeOfᴮ H Γ B))
typeCheckᴱ H Γ (var x) = var refl
typeCheckᴱ H Γ (val nil) = nil
typeCheckᴱ H Γ (val (addr a)) = addr (orNone (typeOfᴹᴼ (H [ a ]ᴴ)))
typeCheckᴱ H Γ (val (addr a)) = addr (orAny (typeOfᴹᴼ (H [ a ]ᴴ)))
typeCheckᴱ H Γ (val (number n)) = number
typeCheckᴱ H Γ (val (bool b)) = bool
typeCheckᴱ H Γ (val (string x)) = string
@ -109,4 +109,4 @@ typeCheckᴴᴱ H Γ M = (typeCheckᴴ H , typeCheckᴱ H Γ M)
typeCheckᴴᴮ : H Γ M (Γ ⊢ᴴᴮ H M typeOfᴮ H Γ M)
typeCheckᴴᴮ H Γ M = (typeCheckᴴ H , typeCheckᴮ H Γ M)

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@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ value 37.0 is not a string
Local variable y has type string but expression has type number
because provided type contains v, where v is a number

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@ -17,11 +17,10 @@ This document tracks unimplemented RFCs.
## Sealed/unsealed typing changes
[RFC: Sealed table subtyping]( |
[RFC: Unsealed table literals]( |
[RFC: Only strip optional properties from unsealed tables during subtyping](
**Status**: Implemented but depends on new transaction log implementation that is not fully live yet.
**Status**: Implemented but not fully rolled out yet.
## Singleton types
@ -29,14 +28,6 @@ This document tracks unimplemented RFCs.
**Status**: Implemented but not fully rolled out yet.
## Nil-forgiving operator
[RFC: nil-forgiving postfix operator !](
**Status**: Needs implementation.
**Notes**: Do we need to reevaluate the necessity given `assert` and improved refinements?
## Safe navigation operator
[RFC: Safe navigation postfix operator (?)](
@ -56,9 +47,3 @@ This document tracks unimplemented RFCs.
[RFC: Generalized iteration](
**Status**: Needs implementation
## table.clone
[RFC: table.clone](
**Status**: Needs implementation

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# table.clone
**Status**: Implemented
## Summary
Add `table.clone` function that, given a table, produces a copy of that table with the same keys/values/metatable.

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@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
# Sealed table subtyping
**Status**: Implemented
## Summary
In Luau, tables have a state, which can, among others, be "sealed". A sealed table is one that we know the full shape of and cannot have new properties added to it. We would like to introduce subtyping for sealed tables, to allow users to express some subtyping relationships that they currently cannot.
## Motivation

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Instead of `and/or`, `if/else` statement can be used but since that requires a s
To solve these problems, we propose introducing a first-class ternary conditional. Instead of `? :` common in C-like languages, we propose an `if-then-else` expression form that is syntactically similar to `if-then-else` statement, but lacks terminating `end`.
Concretely, the `if-then-else` expression must match `if <expr> then <expr> else <expr>`; it can also contain an arbitrary number of `elseif` clauses, like `if <expr> then <expr> elseif <expr> then <expr> else <expr>`. Note that in either case, `else` is mandatory.
Concretely, the `if-then-else` expression must match `if <expr> then <expr> else <expr>`; it can also contain an arbitrary number of `elseif` clauses, like `if <expr> then <expr> elseif <expr> then <expr> else <expr>`. Unlike if statements, `else` is mandatory.
The result of the expression is the then-expression when condition is truthy (not `nil` or `false`) and else-expression otherwise. Only one of the two possible resulting expressions is evaluated.
@ -30,11 +30,27 @@ Example:
local x = if FFlagFoo then A else B
MyComponent.validateProps = t.strictInterface({
layoutOrder = t.optional(t.number),
newThing = if FFlagUseNewThing then t.whatever() else nil,
layoutOrder = t.optional(t.number),
newThing = if FFlagUseNewThing then t.whatever() else nil,
Note that `else` is mandatory because it's always better to be explicit. If it weren't mandatory, it opens the possiblity that someone might be writing a chain of if-then-else and forgot to add in the final `else` that _doesn't_ return a `nil` value! Enforcing this syntactically ensures the program does not run. Also, with it being mandatory, it solves many cases where parsing the expression is ambiguous due to the infamous [dangling else](
This example will not do what it looks like it's supposed to do! The if expression will _successfully_ parse and be interpreted as to return `h()` if `g()` evaluates to some falsy value, when in actual fact the clear intention is to evaluate `h()` only if `f()` is falsy.
if f() then
local foo = if g() then x
The only way to solve this had we chose optional `else` branch would be to wrap the if expression in parentheses or to place a semi-colon.
## Drawbacks
Studio's script editor autocomplete currently adds an indented block followed by `end` whenever a line ends that includes a `then` token. This can make use of the if expression unpleasant as developers have to keep fixing the code by removing auto-inserted `end`. We can work around this on the editor side by (short-term) differentiating between whether `if` token is the first on its line, and (long-term) by refactoring completion engine to use infallible parser for the block completer.

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@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
# nil-forgiving postfix operator !
## Summary
Introduce syntax to suppress typechecking errors for nilable types by ascribing them into a non-nil type.
## Motivation
Typechecking might not be able to figure out that a certain expression is a non-nil type, but the user might know additional context of the expression.
Using `::` ascriptions is the current work-around for this issue, but it's much more verbose and requires providing the full type name when you only want to ascribe T? to T.
The nil-forgiving operator will also allow chaining to be written in a very terse manner:
local p = a!.b!.c
instead of
local ((p :: Part).b :: Folder).c
Note that nil-forgiving operator is **not** a part of member access operator, it can be used in standalone expressions, indexing and other places:
local p = f(a!)!
local q = b!['X']
Nil-forgiving operator can be found in some programming languages such as C# (null-forgiving or null-suppression operator) and TypeScript (non-null assertion operator).
## Design
To implement this, we will change the syntax of the *primaryexp*.
primaryexp ::= prefixexp { `.' NAME | `[' exp `]' | `:' NAME funcargs | funcargs }
postfixeexp ::= (`.' NAME | `[' exp `]' | `:' NAME funcargs | funcargs) [`!']
primaryexp ::= prefixexp [`!'] { postfixeexp }
When we get the `!` token, we will wrap the expression that we have into a new AstExprNonNilAssertion node.
An error is generated when the type of expression node this is one of the following:
* AstExprConstantBool
* AstExprConstantNumber
* AstExprConstantString
* AstExprFunction
* AstExprTable
This operator doesn't have any impact on the run-time behavior of the program, it will only affect the type of the expression in the typechecker.
While parsing an assignment expression starts with a *primaryexp*, it performs a check that it has an l-value based on a fixed set of AstNode types.
Since using `!` on an l-value has no effect, we don't extend this list with the new node and will generate a specialized parse error for code like:
p.a! = b
When operator is used on expression of a union type with a `nil` option, it removes that option from the set.
If only one option remains, the union type is replaced with the type of a single option.
If the type is `nil`, typechecker will generate a warning that the operator cannot be applied to the expression.
For any other type, it has no effect and doesn't generate additional warnings.
The reason for the last rule is to simplify movement of existing code where context in each location is slightly different.
As an example from Roblox, instance path could dynamically change from being know to exist to be missing when script is changed in edit mode.
## Drawbacks
### Unnecessary operator use
It might be useful to warn about unnecessary uses of this operator when the value cannot be `nil`, but we have no way of enabling this behavior.
### Bad practice
The operator might be placed by users to ignore/silence correct warnings and lower the strength of type checking that Luau provides.
## Alternatives
Aside from type assertion operator :: it should be possible to place `assert` function calls before the operation.
Type refinement/constraints should handle that statement and avoid warning in the following expressions.
But `assert` call will introduce runtime overhead without adding extra safety to the case when the type is nil at run time, in both cases an error will be thrown.