Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into merge

This commit is contained in:
Rob Blanckaert 2022-05-26 13:58:18 -07:00
commit fa2794e681
9 changed files with 116 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ declare coroutine: {
create: <A..., R...>((A...) -> R...) -> thread,
resume: <A..., R...>(thread, A...) -> (boolean, R...),
running: () -> thread,
status: (thread) -> string,
status: (thread) -> "dead" | "running" | "normal" | "suspended",
-- FIXME: This technically returns a function, but we can't represent this yet.
wrap: <A..., R...>((A...) -> R...) -> any,
yield: <A..., R...>(A...) -> R...,

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@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ LUA_API const char* lua_tostringatom(lua_State* L, int idx, int* atom);
LUA_API const char* lua_namecallatom(lua_State* L, int* atom);
LUA_API int lua_objlen(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API lua_CFunction lua_tocfunction(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API void* lua_tolightuserdata(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API void* lua_touserdata(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API void* lua_touserdatatagged(lua_State* L, int idx, int tag);
LUA_API int lua_userdatatag(lua_State* L, int idx);

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@ -478,18 +478,22 @@ lua_CFunction lua_tocfunction(lua_State* L, int idx)
return (!iscfunction(o)) ? NULL : cast_to(lua_CFunction, clvalue(o)->c.f);
void* lua_tolightuserdata(lua_State* L, int idx)
StkId o = index2addr(L, idx);
return (!ttislightuserdata(o)) ? NULL : pvalue(o);
void* lua_touserdata(lua_State* L, int idx)
StkId o = index2addr(L, idx);
switch (ttype(o))
// fast-path: check userdata first since it is most likely the expected result
if (ttisuserdata(o))
return uvalue(o)->data;
else if (ttislightuserdata(o))
return pvalue(o);
return NULL;
void* lua_touserdatatagged(lua_State* L, int idx, int tag)
@ -524,8 +528,9 @@ const void* lua_topointer(lua_State* L, int idx)
return thvalue(o);
return uvalue(o)->data;
return lua_touserdata(L, idx);
return pvalue(o);
return NULL;

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@ -213,6 +213,14 @@ CallInfo* luaD_growCI(lua_State* L)
return ++L->ci;
void luaD_checkCstack(lua_State *L)
if (L->nCcalls == LUAI_MAXCCALLS)
luaG_runerror(L, "C stack overflow");
else if (L->nCcalls >= (LUAI_MAXCCALLS + (LUAI_MAXCCALLS >> 3)))
luaD_throw(L, LUA_ERRERR); /* error while handling stack error */
** Call a function (C or Lua). The function to be called is at *func.
** The arguments are on the stack, right after the function.
@ -222,12 +230,8 @@ CallInfo* luaD_growCI(lua_State* L)
void luaD_call(lua_State* L, StkId func, int nResults)
if (++L->nCcalls >= LUAI_MAXCCALLS)
if (L->nCcalls == LUAI_MAXCCALLS)
luaG_runerror(L, "C stack overflow");
else if (L->nCcalls >= (LUAI_MAXCCALLS + (LUAI_MAXCCALLS >> 3)))
luaD_throw(L, LUA_ERRERR); /* error while handing stack error */
if (luau_precall(L, func, nResults) == PCRLUA)
{ /* is a Lua function? */
L->ci->flags |= LUA_CALLINFO_RETURN; /* luau_execute will stop after returning from the stack frame */

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@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ LUAI_FUNC int luaD_pcall(lua_State* L, Pfunc func, void* u, ptrdiff_t oldtop, pt
LUAI_FUNC void luaD_reallocCI(lua_State* L, int newsize);
LUAI_FUNC void luaD_reallocstack(lua_State* L, int newsize);
LUAI_FUNC void luaD_growstack(lua_State* L, int n);
LUAI_FUNC void luaD_checkCstack(lua_State* L);
LUAI_FUNC l_noret luaD_throw(lua_State* L, int errcode);
LUAI_FUNC int luaD_rawrunprotected(lua_State* L, Pfunc f, void* ud);

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@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ LUAU_NOINLINE static void luau_callTM(lua_State* L, int nparams, int res)
if (L->nCcalls >= LUAI_MAXCCALLS)
luaG_runerror(L, "C stack overflow");
luaD_checkstack(L, LUA_MINSTACK);

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@ -92,12 +92,22 @@ As a result, builtin calls are very fast in Luau - they are still slightly slowe
## Optimized table iteration
Luau implements a fully generic iteration protocol; however, for iteration through tables it recognizes three common idioms (`for .. in ipairs(t)`, `for .. in pairs(t)` and `for .. in next, t`) and emits specialized bytecode that is carefully optimized using custom internal iterators.
Luau implements a fully generic iteration protocol; however, for iteration through tables in addition to generalized iteration (`for .. in t`) it recognizes three common idioms (`for .. in ipairs(t)`, `for .. in pairs(t)` and `for .. in next, t`) and emits specialized bytecode that is carefully optimized using custom internal iterators.
As a result, iteration through tables typically doesn't result in function calls for every iteration; the performance of iteration using `pairs` and `ipairs` is comparable, so it's recommended to pick the iteration style based on readability instead of performance.
As a result, iteration through tables typically doesn't result in function calls for every iteration; the performance of iteration using generalized iteration, `pairs` and `ipairs` is comparable, so generalized iteration (without the use of `pairs`/`ipairs`) is recommended unless the code needs to be compatible with vanilla Lua or the specific semantics of `ipairs` (which stops at the first `nil` element) is required. Additionally, using generalized iteration avoids calling `pairs` when the loop starts which can be noticeable when the table is very short.
Iterating through array-like tables using `for i=1,#t` tends to be slightly slower because of extra cost incurred when reading elements from the table.
## Optimized table length
Luau tables use a hybrid array/hash storage, like in Lua; in some sense "arrays" don't truly exist and are an internal optimization, but some operations, notably `#t` and functions that depend on it, like `table.insert`, are defined by the Luau/Lua language to allow internal optimizations. Luau takes advantage of that fact.
Unlike Lua, Luau guarantees that the element at index `#t` is stored in the array part of the table. This can accelerate various table operations that use indices limited by `#t`, and this makes `#t` worst-case complexity O(logN), unlike Lua where the worst case complexity is O(N). This also accelerates computation of this value for small tables like `{ [1] = 1 }` since we never need to look at the hash part.
The "default" implementation of `#t` in both Lua and Luau is a binary search. Luau uses a special branch-free (depending on the compiler...) implementation of the binary search which results in 50+% faster computation of table length when it needs to be computed from scratch.
Additionally, Luau can cache the length of the table and adjust it following operations like `table.insert`/`table.remove`; this means that in practice, `#t` is almost always a constant time operation.
## Creating and modifying tables
Luau implements several optimizations for table creation. When creating object-like tables, it's recommended to use table literals (`{ ... }`) and to specify all table fields in the literal in one go instead of assigning fields later; this triggers an optimization inspired by LuaJIT's "table templates" and results in higher performance when creating objects. When creating array-like tables, if the maximum size of the table is known up front, it's recommended to use `table.create` function which can create an empty table with preallocated storage, and optionally fill it with a given value.
@ -112,7 +122,7 @@ v.z = 3
return v
When appending elements to tables, it's recommended to use `table.insert` (which is the fastest method to append an element to a table if the table size is not known). In cases when a table is filled sequentially, however, it's much more efficient to use a known index for insertion - together with preallocating tables using `table.create` this can result in much faster code, for example this is the fastest way to build a table of squares:
When appending elements to tables, it's recommended to use `table.insert` (which is the fastest method to append an element to a table if the table size is not known). In cases when a table is filled sequentially, however, it can be more efficient to use a known index for insertion - together with preallocating tables using `table.create` this can result in much faster code, for example this is the fastest way to build a table of squares:
local t = table.create(N)

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@ -1066,6 +1066,7 @@ TEST_CASE("UserdataApi")
int lud;
lua_pushlightuserdata(L, &lud);
CHECK(lua_tolightuserdata(L, -1) == &lud);
CHECK(lua_touserdata(L, -1) == &lud);
CHECK(lua_topointer(L, -1) == &lud);
@ -1073,6 +1074,7 @@ TEST_CASE("UserdataApi")
int* ud1 = (int*)lua_newuserdata(L, 4);
*ud1 = 42;
CHECK(lua_tolightuserdata(L, -1) == nullptr);
CHECK(lua_touserdata(L, -1) == ud1);
CHECK(lua_topointer(L, -1) == ud1);

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@ -167,6 +167,81 @@ if not limitedstack then
-- C stack overflow
if not limitedstack then
local count = 1
local cso = setmetatable({}, {
__index = function(self, i)
count = count + 1
return self[i]
__newindex = function(self, i, v)
count = count + 1
self[i] = v
__tostring = function(self)
count = count + 1
return tostring(self)
local ehline
local function ehassert(cond)
if not cond then
ehline =, "l")
local userdata = newproxy(true)
getmetatable(userdata).__index = print
assert(, "s") == "[C]")
local s, e = xpcall(tostring, function(e)
ehassert(string.find(e, "C stack overflow"))
print("after __tostring C stack overflow", count) -- 198: 1 resume + 1 xpcall + 198 luaB_tostring calls (which runs our __tostring successfully 197 times, erroring on the last attempt)
ehassert(count > 1)
local ps, pe
-- __tostring overflow (lua_call)
count = 1
ps, pe = pcall(tostring, cso)
print("after __tostring overflow in handler", count) -- 23: xpcall error handler + pcall + 23 luaB_tostring calls
ehassert(not ps and string.find(pe, "error in error handling"))
ehassert(count > 1)
-- __index overflow (callTMres)
count = 1
ps, pe = pcall(function() return cso[cso] end)
print("after __index overflow in handler", count) -- 23: xpcall error handler + pcall + 23 __index calls
ehassert(not ps and string.find(pe, "error in error handling"))
ehassert(count > 1)
-- __newindex overflow (callTM)
count = 1
ps, pe = pcall(function() cso[cso] = "kohuke" end)
print("after __newindex overflow in handler", count) -- 23: xpcall error handler + pcall + 23 __newindex calls
ehassert(not ps and string.find(pe, "error in error handling"))
ehassert(count > 1)
-- test various C __index invocations on userdata
ehassert(pcall(function() return userdata[userdata] end)) -- LOP_GETTABLE
ehassert(pcall(function() return userdata[1] end)) -- LOP_GETTABLEN
ehassert(pcall(function() return userdata.StringConstant end)) -- LOP_GETTABLEKS (luau_callTM)
-- lua_resume test
local coro = coroutine.create(function() end)
ps, pe = coroutine.resume(coro)
ehassert(not ps and string.find(pe, "C stack overflow"))
return true
end, cso)
assert(not s)
assert(e == true, "error in xpcall eh, line " .. tostring(ehline))
local i=1
while stack[i] ~= l1 do