#!/usr/bin/python3 # This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details # Given the output of --compile=codegenverbose in stdin, this script outputs statistics about bytecode/IR import sys import re from collections import defaultdict count_bc = defaultdict(int) count_ir = defaultdict(int) count_asm = defaultdict(int) count_irasm = defaultdict(int) # GETTABLEKS R10 R1 K18 ['s'] # L1: DIV R14 R13 R3 re_bc = re.compile(r'^(?:L\d+: )?([A-Z_]+) ') # # CHECK_SLOT_MATCH %178, K3, bb_fallback_37 # # %175 = LOAD_TAG R15 re_ir = re.compile(r'^# (?:%\d+ = )?([A-Z_]+) ') # cmp w14,#5 re_asm = re.compile(r'^ ([a-z.]+) ') current_ir = None for line in sys.stdin.buffer.readlines(): line = line.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore').rstrip() if m := re_asm.match(line): count_asm[m[1]] += 1 if current_ir: count_irasm[current_ir] += 1 elif m := re_ir.match(line): count_ir[m[1]] += 1 current_ir = m[1] elif m := re_bc.match(line): count_bc[m[1]] += 1 def display(name, counts, limit=None, extra=None): items = sorted(counts.items(), key=lambda p: p[1], reverse=True) total = 0 for k,v in items: total += v shown = 0 print(name) for i, (k,v) in enumerate(items): if i == limit: if shown < total: print(f' {"Others":25}: {total-shown} ({(total-shown)/total*100:.1f}%)') break print(f' {k:25}: {v} ({v/total*100:.1f}%){"; "+extra(k) if extra else ""}') shown += v print() display("Bytecode", count_bc, limit=20) display("IR", count_ir, limit=20) display("Assembly", count_asm, limit=10) display("IR->Assembly", count_irasm, limit=30, extra=lambda op: f'{count_irasm[op] / count_ir[op]:.1f} insn/op')