// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Luau/Parser.h" #include "Luau/TypeInfer.h" #include "Fixture.h" #include "doctest.h" #include LUAU_FASTFLAG(LuauEqConstraint) using namespace Luau; TEST_SUITE_BEGIN("ProvisionalTests"); // These tests check for behavior that differes from the final behavior we'd // like to have. They serve to document the current state of the typechecker. // When making future improvements, its very likely these tests will break and // will need to be replaced. /* * This test falls into a sort of "do as I say" pit of consequences: * Technically, the type of the type() function is (T) -> string * * We thus infer that the argument to f is a free type. * While we can still learn something about this argument, we can't seem to infer a union for it. * * Is this good? Maybe not, but I'm not sure what else we should do. */ TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "typeguard_inference_incomplete") { ScopedFastFlag luauTypeAliasPacks("LuauTypeAliasPacks", true); const std::string code = R"( function f(a) if type(a) == "boolean" then local a1 = a elseif a.fn() then local a2 = a end end )"; const std::string expected = R"( function f(a:{fn:()->(free,free...)}): () if type(a) == 'boolean'then local a1:boolean=a elseif a.fn()then local a2:{fn:()->(free,free...)}=a end end )"; CHECK_EQ(expected, decorateWithTypes(code)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "xpcall_returns_what_f_returns") { const std::string code = R"( local a, b, c = xpcall(function() return 1, "foo" end, function() return "foo", 1 end) )"; const std::string expected = R"( local a:boolean,b:number,c:string=xpcall(function(): (number,string)return 1,'foo'end,function(): (string,number)return'foo',1 end) )"; CHECK_EQ(expected, decorateWithTypes(code)); } // We had a bug where if you have two type packs that looks like: // { x, y }, ... // { x }, ... // It would infinitely grow the type pack because one WeirdIter is trying to catch up, but can't. // However, the following snippet is supposed to generate an OccursCheckFailed, but it doesn't. TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "weirditer_should_not_loop_forever") { // this flag is intentionally here doing nothing to demonstrate that we exit early via case detection ScopedFastInt sfis{"LuauTypeInferTypePackLoopLimit", 50}; CheckResult result = check(R"( local function toVertexList(vertices, x, y, ...) if not (x and y) then return vertices end -- no more arguments vertices[#vertices + 1] = {x = x, y = y} -- set vertex return toVertexList(vertices, ...) -- recurse end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } // This should also generate an OccursCheckFailed error too, like the above toVertexList snippet. // at least up until we can get Luau to recognize this code as a valid function that iterates over a list of values in the pack. TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "it_should_be_agnostic_of_actual_size") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local function f(x, y, ...) if not y then return x end return f(x, ...) end f(3, 2, 1, 0) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } // Ideally setmetatable's second argument would be an optional free table. // For now, infer it as just a free table. TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "setmetatable_constrains_free_type_into_free_table") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local a = {} local b setmetatable(a, b) b = 1 )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); TypeMismatch* tm = get(result.errors[0]); REQUIRE(tm); CHECK_EQ("{- -}", toString(tm->wantedType)); CHECK_EQ("number", toString(tm->givenType)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "pass_a_union_of_tables_to_a_function_that_requires_a_table") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local a: {x: number, y: number, [any]: any} | {y: number} function f(t) t.y = 1 return t end local b = f(a) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); // :( // Should be the same as the type of a REQUIRE_EQ("{| y: number |}", toString(requireType("b"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "pass_a_union_of_tables_to_a_function_that_requires_a_table_2") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local a: {y: number} | {x: number, y: number, [any]: any} function f(t) t.y = 1 return t end local b = f(a) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); // :( // Should be the same as the type of a REQUIRE_EQ("{| [any]: any, x: number, y: number |}", toString(requireType("b"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "normal_conditional_expression_has_refinements") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo: {x: number}? = nil local bar = foo and foo.x -- TODO: Geez. We are inferring the wrong types here. Should be 'number?'. )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); // Binary and/or return types are straight up wrong. JIRA: CLI-40300 CHECK_EQ("boolean | number", toString(requireType("bar"))); } // Luau currently doesn't yet know how to allow assignments when the binding was refined. TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "while_body_are_also_refined") { ScopedFastFlag sffs2{"LuauGenericFunctions", true}; ScopedFastFlag sffs5{"LuauParseGenericFunctions", true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( type Node = { value: T, child: Node? } local function visitor(node: Node, f: (T) -> ()) local current = node while current do f(current.value) current = current.child -- TODO: Can't work just yet. It thinks 'current' can never be nil. :( end end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); CHECK_EQ("Type 'Node?' could not be converted into 'Node'", toString(result.errors[0])); } // Originally from TypeInfer.test.cpp. // I dont think type checking the metamethod at every site of == is the correct thing to do. // We should be type checking the metamethod at the call site of setmetatable. TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "error_on_eq_metamethod_returning_a_type_other_than_boolean") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local tab = {a = 1} setmetatable(tab, {__eq = function(a, b): number return 1 end}) local tab2 = tab local a = tab2 == tab )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); GenericError* ge = get(result.errors[0]); REQUIRE(ge); CHECK_EQ("Metamethod '__eq' must return type 'boolean'", ge->message); } // Requires success typing to confidently determine that this expression has no overlap. TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "operator_eq_completely_incompatible") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local a: string | number = "hi" local b: {x: string}? = {x = "bye"} local r1 = a == b local r2 = b == a )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } // Belongs in TypeInfer.refinements.test.cpp. // We'll need to not only report an error on `a == b`, but also to refine both operands as `never` in the `==` branch. TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "lvalue_equals_another_lvalue_with_no_overlap") { ScopedFastFlag sff1{"LuauEqConstraint", true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( local function f(a: string, b: boolean?) if a == b then local foo, bar = a, b else local foo, bar = a, b end end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); CHECK_EQ(toString(requireTypeAtPosition({3, 33})), "string"); // a == b CHECK_EQ(toString(requireTypeAtPosition({3, 36})), "boolean?"); // a == b CHECK_EQ(toString(requireTypeAtPosition({5, 33})), "string"); // a ~= b CHECK_EQ(toString(requireTypeAtPosition({5, 36})), "boolean?"); // a ~= b } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "bail_early_if_unification_is_too_complicated" * doctest::timeout(0.5)) { ScopedFastInt sffi{"LuauTarjanChildLimit", 50}; ScopedFastInt sffi2{"LuauTypeInferIterationLimit", 50}; CheckResult result = check(R"LUA( local Result Result = setmetatable({}, {}) Result.__index = Result function Result.new(okValue) local self = setmetatable({}, Result) self:constructor(okValue) return self end function Result:constructor(okValue) self.okValue = okValue end function Result:ok(val) return Result.new(val) end function Result:a(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4) return Result.new((self.okValue)) or p0 or p1 or p2 or p3 or p4 end function Result:b(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4) return Result:ok((self.okValue)) or p0 or p1 or p2 or p3 or p4 end function Result:c(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4) return Result:ok((self.okValue)) or p0 or p1 or p2 or p3 or p4 end function Result:transpose(a) return a and self.okValue:z(function(some) return Result:ok(some) end) or Result:ok(self.okValue) end )LUA"); auto it = std::find_if(result.errors.begin(), result.errors.end(), [](TypeError& a) { return nullptr != get(a); }); if (it == result.errors.end()) { dumpErrors(result); FAIL("Expected a UnificationTooComplex error"); } } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "bail_early_on_typescript_port_of_Result_type" * doctest::timeout(1.0)) { ScopedFastInt sffi{"LuauTarjanChildLimit", 400}; CheckResult result = check(R"LUA( --!strict local TS = _G[script] local lazyGet = TS.import(script, script.Parent.Parent, "util", "lazyLoad").lazyGet local unit = TS.import(script, script.Parent.Parent, "util", "Unit").unit local Iterator lazyGet("Iterator", function(c) Iterator = c end) local Option lazyGet("Option", function(c) Option = c end) local Vec lazyGet("Vec", function(c) Vec = c end) local Result do Result = setmetatable({}, { __tostring = function() return "Result" end, }) Result.__index = Result function Result.new(...) local self = setmetatable({}, Result) self:constructor(...) return self end function Result:constructor(okValue, errValue) self.okValue = okValue self.errValue = errValue end function Result:ok(val) return Result.new(val, nil) end function Result:err(val) return Result.new(nil, val) end function Result:fromCallback(c) local _0 = c local _1, _2 = pcall(_0) local result = _1 and { success = true, value = _2, } or { success = false, error = _2, } return result.success and Result:ok(result.value) or Result:err(Option:wrap(result.error)) end function Result:fromVoidCallback(c) local _0 = c local _1, _2 = pcall(_0) local result = _1 and { success = true, value = _2, } or { success = false, error = _2, } return result.success and Result:ok(unit()) or Result:err(Option:wrap(result.error)) end Result.fromPromise = TS.async(function(self, p) local _0, _1 = TS.try(function() return TS.TRY_RETURN, { Result:ok(TS.await(p)) } end, function(e) return TS.TRY_RETURN, { Result:err(Option:wrap(e)) } end) if _0 then return unpack(_1) end end) Result.fromVoidPromise = TS.async(function(self, p) local _0, _1 = TS.try(function() TS.await(p) return TS.TRY_RETURN, { Result:ok(unit()) } end, function(e) return TS.TRY_RETURN, { Result:err(Option:wrap(e)) } end) if _0 then return unpack(_1) end end) function Result:isOk() return self.okValue ~= nil end function Result:isErr() return self.errValue ~= nil end function Result:contains(x) return self.okValue == x end function Result:containsErr(x) return self.errValue == x end function Result:okOption() return Option:wrap(self.okValue) end function Result:errOption() return Option:wrap(self.errValue) end function Result:map(func) return self:isOk() and Result:ok(func(self.okValue)) or Result:err(self.errValue) end function Result:mapOr(def, func) local _0 if self:isOk() then _0 = func(self.okValue) else _0 = def end return _0 end function Result:mapOrElse(def, func) local _0 if self:isOk() then _0 = func(self.okValue) else _0 = def(self.errValue) end return _0 end function Result:mapErr(func) return self:isErr() and Result:err(func(self.errValue)) or Result:ok(self.okValue) end Result["and"] = function(self, other) return self:isErr() and Result:err(self.errValue) or other end function Result:andThen(func) return self:isErr() and Result:err(self.errValue) or func(self.okValue) end Result["or"] = function(self, other) return self:isOk() and Result:ok(self.okValue) or other end function Result:orElse(other) return self:isOk() and Result:ok(self.okValue) or other(self.errValue) end function Result:expect(msg) if self:isOk() then return self.okValue else error(msg) end end function Result:unwrap() return self:expect("called `Result.unwrap()` on an `Err` value: " .. tostring(self.errValue)) end function Result:unwrapOr(def) local _0 if self:isOk() then _0 = self.okValue else _0 = def end return _0 end function Result:unwrapOrElse(gen) local _0 if self:isOk() then _0 = self.okValue else _0 = gen(self.errValue) end return _0 end function Result:expectErr(msg) if self:isErr() then return self.errValue else error(msg) end end function Result:unwrapErr() return self:expectErr("called `Result.unwrapErr()` on an `Ok` value: " .. tostring(self.okValue)) end function Result:transpose() return self:isOk() and self.okValue:map(function(some) return Result:ok(some) end) or Option:some(Result:err(self.errValue)) end function Result:flatten() return self:isOk() and Result.new(self.okValue.okValue, self.okValue.errValue) or Result:err(self.errValue) end function Result:match(ifOk, ifErr) local _0 if self:isOk() then _0 = ifOk(self.okValue) else _0 = ifErr(self.errValue) end return _0 end function Result:asPtr() local _0 = (self.okValue) if _0 == nil then _0 = (self.errValue) end return _0 end end local resultMeta = Result resultMeta.__eq = function(a, b) return b:match(function(ok) return a:contains(ok) end, function(err) return a:containsErr(err) end) end resultMeta.__tostring = function(result) return result:match(function(ok) return "Result.ok(" .. tostring(ok) .. ")" end, function(err) return "Result.err(" .. tostring(err) .. ")" end) end return { Result = Result, } )LUA"); auto it = std::find_if(result.errors.begin(), result.errors.end(), [](TypeError& a) { return nullptr != get(a); }); if (it == result.errors.end()) { dumpErrors(result); FAIL("Expected a UnificationTooComplex error"); } } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "table_subtyping_shouldn't_add_optional_properties_to_sealed_tables") { CheckResult result = check(R"( --!strict local function setNumber(t: { p: number? }, x:number) t.p = x end local function getString(t: { p: string? }):string return t.p or "" end -- This shouldn't type-check! local function oh(x:number): string local t: {} = {} setNumber(t, x) return getString(t) end local s: string = oh(37) )"); // Really this should return an error, but it doesn't LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } // Should be in TypeInfer.tables.test.cpp // It's unsound to instantiate tables containing generic methods, // since mutating properties means table properties should be invariant. // We currently allow this but we shouldn't! TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "invariant_table_properties_means_instantiating_tables_in_call_is_unsound") { CheckResult result = check(R"( --!strict local t = {} function t.m(x) return x end local a : string = t.m("hi") local b : number = t.m(5) function f(x : { m : (number)->number }) x.m = function(x) return 1+x end end f(t) -- This shouldn't typecheck local c : string = t.m("hi") )"); // TODO: this should error! // This should be fixed by replacing generic tables by generics with type bounds. LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "self_recursive_instantiated_param") { ScopedFastFlag luauCloneCorrectlyBeforeMutatingTableType{"LuauCloneCorrectlyBeforeMutatingTableType", true}; ScopedFastFlag luauFollowInTypeFunApply{"LuauFollowInTypeFunApply", true}; ScopedFastFlag luauInstantiatedTypeParamRecursion{"LuauInstantiatedTypeParamRecursion", true}; // Mutability in type function application right now can create strange recursive types // TODO: instantiation right now is problematic, it this example should either leave the Table type alone // or it should rename the type to 'Self' so that the result will be 'Self' CheckResult result = check(R"( type Table = { a: number } type Self = T local a: Self
)"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); CHECK_EQ(toString(requireType("a")), "Table