// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Luau/Config.h" #include "Luau/Parser.h" #include "Luau/StringUtils.h" namespace { using Error = std::optional; } namespace Luau { static Error parseBoolean(bool& result, const std::string& value) { if (value == "true") result = true; else if (value == "false") result = false; else return Error{"Bad setting '" + value + "'. Valid options are true and false"}; return std::nullopt; } Error parseModeString(Mode& mode, const std::string& modeString, bool compat) { if (modeString == "nocheck") mode = Mode::NoCheck; else if (modeString == "strict") mode = Mode::Strict; else if (modeString == "nonstrict") mode = Mode::Nonstrict; else if (modeString == "noinfer" && compat) mode = Mode::NoCheck; else return Error{"Bad mode \"" + modeString + "\". Valid options are nocheck, nonstrict, and strict"}; return std::nullopt; } static Error parseLintRuleStringForCode( LintOptions& enabledLints, LintOptions& fatalLints, LintWarning::Code code, const std::string& value, bool compat) { if (value == "true") { enabledLints.enableWarning(code); } else if (value == "false") { enabledLints.disableWarning(code); } else if (compat) { if (value == "enabled") { enabledLints.enableWarning(code); fatalLints.disableWarning(code); } else if (value == "disabled") { enabledLints.disableWarning(code); fatalLints.disableWarning(code); } else if (value == "fatal") { enabledLints.enableWarning(code); fatalLints.enableWarning(code); } else { return Error{"Bad setting '" + value + "'. Valid options are enabled, disabled, and fatal"}; } } else { return Error{"Bad setting '" + value + "'. Valid options are true and false"}; } return std::nullopt; } Error parseLintRuleString(LintOptions& enabledLints, LintOptions& fatalLints, const std::string& warningName, const std::string& value, bool compat) { if (warningName == "*") { for (int code = LintWarning::Code_Unknown; code < LintWarning::Code__Count; ++code) { if (auto err = parseLintRuleStringForCode(enabledLints, fatalLints, LintWarning::Code(code), value, compat)) return Error{"In key " + warningName + ": " + *err}; } } else { LintWarning::Code code = LintWarning::parseName(warningName.c_str()); if (code == LintWarning::Code_Unknown) return Error{"Unknown lint " + warningName}; if (auto err = parseLintRuleStringForCode(enabledLints, fatalLints, code, value, compat)) return Error{"In key " + warningName + ": " + *err}; } return std::nullopt; } static void next(Lexer& lexer) { lexer.next(); // skip C-style comments as Lexer only understands Lua-style comments atm while (lexer.current().type == '/') { Lexeme peek = lexer.lookahead(); if (peek.type != '/' || peek.location.begin != lexer.current().location.end) break; lexer.nextline(); } } static Error fail(Lexer& lexer, const char* message) { Lexeme cur = lexer.current(); return format("Expected %s at line %d, got %s instead", message, cur.location.begin.line + 1, cur.toString().c_str()); } template static Error parseJson(const std::string& contents, Action action) { Allocator allocator; AstNameTable names(allocator); Lexer lexer(contents.data(), contents.size(), names); next(lexer); std::vector keys; bool arrayTop = false; // we don't support nested arrays if (lexer.current().type != '{') return fail(lexer, "'{'"); next(lexer); for (;;) { if (arrayTop) { if (lexer.current().type == ']') { next(lexer); arrayTop = false; LUAU_ASSERT(!keys.empty()); keys.pop_back(); if (lexer.current().type == ',') next(lexer); else if (lexer.current().type != '}') return fail(lexer, "',' or '}'"); } else if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::QuotedString) { std::string value(lexer.current().data, lexer.current().length); next(lexer); if (Error err = action(keys, value)) return err; if (lexer.current().type == ',') next(lexer); else if (lexer.current().type != ']') return fail(lexer, "',' or ']'"); } else return fail(lexer, "array element or ']'"); } else { if (lexer.current().type == '}') { next(lexer); if (keys.empty()) { if (lexer.current().type != Lexeme::Eof) return fail(lexer, "end of file"); return {}; } else keys.pop_back(); if (lexer.current().type == ',') next(lexer); else if (lexer.current().type != '}') return fail(lexer, "',' or '}'"); } else if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::QuotedString) { std::string key(lexer.current().data, lexer.current().length); next(lexer); keys.push_back(key); if (lexer.current().type != ':') return fail(lexer, "':'"); next(lexer); if (lexer.current().type == '{' || lexer.current().type == '[') { arrayTop = (lexer.current().type == '['); next(lexer); } else if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::QuotedString || lexer.current().type == Lexeme::ReservedTrue || lexer.current().type == Lexeme::ReservedFalse) { std::string value = lexer.current().type == Lexeme::QuotedString ? std::string(lexer.current().data, lexer.current().length) : (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::ReservedTrue ? "true" : "false"); next(lexer); if (Error err = action(keys, value)) return err; keys.pop_back(); if (lexer.current().type == ',') next(lexer); else if (lexer.current().type != '}') return fail(lexer, "',' or '}'"); } else return fail(lexer, "field value"); } else return fail(lexer, "field key"); } } return {}; } Error parseConfig(const std::string& contents, Config& config, bool compat) { return parseJson(contents, [&](const std::vector& keys, const std::string& value) -> Error { if (keys.size() == 1 && keys[0] == "languageMode") return parseModeString(config.mode, value, compat); else if (keys.size() == 2 && keys[0] == "lint") return parseLintRuleString(config.enabledLint, config.fatalLint, keys[1], value, compat); else if (keys.size() == 1 && keys[0] == "lintErrors") return parseBoolean(config.lintErrors, value); else if (keys.size() == 1 && keys[0] == "typeErrors") return parseBoolean(config.typeErrors, value); else if (keys.size() == 1 && keys[0] == "globals") { config.globals.push_back(value); return std::nullopt; } else if (compat && keys.size() == 2 && keys[0] == "language" && keys[1] == "mode") return parseModeString(config.mode, value, compat); else { std::vector keysv(keys.begin(), keys.end()); return "Unknown key " + join(keysv, "/"); } }); } const Config& NullConfigResolver::getConfig(const ModuleName& name) const { return defaultConfig; } } // namespace Luau