// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details /* Tests in this source file are meant to be a bellwether to verify that the numeric limits we've set are sufficient for * most real-world scripts. * * If a change breaks a test in this source file, please don't adjust the flag values set in the fixture. Instead, * consider it a latent performance problem by default. * * We should periodically revisit this to retest the limits. */ #include "Fixture.h" #include "doctest.h" using namespace Luau; LUAU_FASTFLAG(LuauLowerBoundsCalculation); struct LimitFixture : BuiltinsFixture { #if defined(_NOOPT) || defined(_DEBUG) ScopedFastInt LuauTypeInferRecursionLimit{"LuauTypeInferRecursionLimit", 100}; #endif ScopedFastFlag LuauJustOneCallFrameForHaveSeen{"LuauJustOneCallFrameForHaveSeen", true}; }; template bool hasError(const CheckResult& result, T* = nullptr) { auto it = std::find_if(result.errors.begin(), result.errors.end(), [](const TypeError& a) { return nullptr != get(a); }); return it != result.errors.end(); } TEST_SUITE_BEGIN("RuntimeLimits"); TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(LimitFixture, "typescript_port_of_Result_type") { constexpr const char* src = R"LUA( --!strict -- Big thanks to Dionysusnu by letting us use this code as part of our test suite! -- https://github.com/Dionysusnu/rbxts-rust-classes -- Licensed under the MPL 2.0: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Dionysusnu/rbxts-rust-classes/master/LICENSE local TS = _G[script] local lazyGet = TS.import(script, script.Parent.Parent, "util", "lazyLoad").lazyGet local unit = TS.import(script, script.Parent.Parent, "util", "Unit").unit local Iterator lazyGet("Iterator", function(c) Iterator = c end) local Option lazyGet("Option", function(c) Option = c end) local Vec lazyGet("Vec", function(c) Vec = c end) local Result do Result = setmetatable({}, { __tostring = function() return "Result" end, }) Result.__index = Result function Result.new(...) local self = setmetatable({}, Result) self:constructor(...) return self end function Result:constructor(okValue, errValue) self.okValue = okValue self.errValue = errValue end function Result:ok(val) return Result.new(val, nil) end function Result:err(val) return Result.new(nil, val) end function Result:fromCallback(c) local _0 = c local _1, _2 = pcall(_0) local result = _1 and { success = true, value = _2, } or { success = false, error = _2, } return result.success and Result:ok(result.value) or Result:err(Option:wrap(result.error)) end function Result:fromVoidCallback(c) local _0 = c local _1, _2 = pcall(_0) local result = _1 and { success = true, value = _2, } or { success = false, error = _2, } return result.success and Result:ok(unit()) or Result:err(Option:wrap(result.error)) end Result.fromPromise = TS.async(function(self, p) local _0, _1 = TS.try(function() return TS.TRY_RETURN, { Result:ok(TS.await(p)) } end, function(e) return TS.TRY_RETURN, { Result:err(Option:wrap(e)) } end) if _0 then return unpack(_1) end end) Result.fromVoidPromise = TS.async(function(self, p) local _0, _1 = TS.try(function() TS.await(p) return TS.TRY_RETURN, { Result:ok(unit()) } end, function(e) return TS.TRY_RETURN, { Result:err(Option:wrap(e)) } end) if _0 then return unpack(_1) end end) function Result:isOk() return self.okValue ~= nil end function Result:isErr() return self.errValue ~= nil end function Result:contains(x) return self.okValue == x end function Result:containsErr(x) return self.errValue == x end function Result:okOption() return Option:wrap(self.okValue) end function Result:errOption() return Option:wrap(self.errValue) end function Result:map(func) return self:isOk() and Result:ok(func(self.okValue)) or Result:err(self.errValue) end function Result:mapOr(def, func) local _0 if self:isOk() then _0 = func(self.okValue) else _0 = def end return _0 end function Result:mapOrElse(def, func) local _0 if self:isOk() then _0 = func(self.okValue) else _0 = def(self.errValue) end return _0 end function Result:mapErr(func) return self:isErr() and Result:err(func(self.errValue)) or Result:ok(self.okValue) end Result["and"] = function(self, other) return self:isErr() and Result:err(self.errValue) or other end function Result:andThen(func) return self:isErr() and Result:err(self.errValue) or func(self.okValue) end Result["or"] = function(self, other) return self:isOk() and Result:ok(self.okValue) or other end function Result:orElse(other) return self:isOk() and Result:ok(self.okValue) or other(self.errValue) end function Result:expect(msg) if self:isOk() then return self.okValue else error(msg) end end function Result:unwrap() return self:expect("called `Result.unwrap()` on an `Err` value: " .. tostring(self.errValue)) end function Result:unwrapOr(def) local _0 if self:isOk() then _0 = self.okValue else _0 = def end return _0 end function Result:unwrapOrElse(gen) local _0 if self:isOk() then _0 = self.okValue else _0 = gen(self.errValue) end return _0 end function Result:expectErr(msg) if self:isErr() then return self.errValue else error(msg) end end function Result:unwrapErr() return self:expectErr("called `Result.unwrapErr()` on an `Ok` value: " .. tostring(self.okValue)) end function Result:transpose() return self:isOk() and self.okValue:map(function(some) return Result:ok(some) end) or Option:some(Result:err(self.errValue)) end function Result:flatten() return self:isOk() and Result.new(self.okValue.okValue, self.okValue.errValue) or Result:err(self.errValue) end function Result:match(ifOk, ifErr) local _0 if self:isOk() then _0 = ifOk(self.okValue) else _0 = ifErr(self.errValue) end return _0 end function Result:asPtr() local _0 = (self.okValue) if _0 == nil then _0 = (self.errValue) end return _0 end end local resultMeta = Result resultMeta.__eq = function(a, b) return b:match(function(ok) return a:contains(ok) end, function(err) return a:containsErr(err) end) end resultMeta.__tostring = function(result) return result:match(function(ok) return "Result.ok(" .. tostring(ok) .. ")" end, function(err) return "Result.err(" .. tostring(err) .. ")" end) end return { Result = Result, } )LUA"; if (FFlag::LuauLowerBoundsCalculation) (void)check(src); else CHECK_THROWS_AS(check(src), std::exception); } TEST_SUITE_END();