// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Luau/Parser.h" #include // Warning: If you are introducing new syntax, ensure that it is behind a separate // flag so that we don't break production games by reverting syntax changes. // See docs/SyntaxChanges.md for an explanation. LUAU_FASTINTVARIABLE(LuauRecursionLimit, 1000) LUAU_FASTINTVARIABLE(LuauParseErrorLimit, 100) LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauGenericFunctionsParserFix, false) LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauParseGenericFunctions, false) LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauCaptureBrokenCommentSpans, false) LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauIfElseExpressionBaseSupport, false) LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauIfStatementRecursionGuard, false) namespace Luau { inline bool isSpace(char ch) { return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\v' || ch == '\f'; } static bool isComment(const Lexeme& lexeme) { return lexeme.type == Lexeme::Comment || lexeme.type == Lexeme::BlockComment; } ParseError::ParseError(const Location& location, const std::string& message) : location(location) , message(message) { } const char* ParseError::what() const throw() { return message.c_str(); } const Location& ParseError::getLocation() const { return location; } const std::string& ParseError::getMessage() const { return message; } // LUAU_NOINLINE is used to limit the stack cost of this function due to std::string object / exception plumbing LUAU_NOINLINE void ParseError::raise(const Location& location, const char* format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); std::string message = vformat(format, args); va_end(args); throw ParseError(location, message); } ParseErrors::ParseErrors(std::vector errors) : errors(std::move(errors)) { LUAU_ASSERT(!this->errors.empty()); if (this->errors.size() == 1) message = this->errors.front().what(); else message = format("%d parse errors", int(this->errors.size())); } const char* ParseErrors::what() const throw() { return message.c_str(); } const std::vector& ParseErrors::getErrors() const { return errors; } template TempVector::TempVector(std::vector& storage) : storage(storage) , offset(storage.size()) , size_(0) { } template TempVector::~TempVector() { LUAU_ASSERT(storage.size() == offset + size_); storage.erase(storage.begin() + offset, storage.end()); } template const T& TempVector::operator[](size_t index) const { LUAU_ASSERT(index < size_); return storage[offset + index]; } template const T& TempVector::front() const { LUAU_ASSERT(size_ > 0); return storage[offset]; } template const T& TempVector::back() const { LUAU_ASSERT(size_ > 0); return storage.back(); } template bool TempVector::empty() const { return size_ == 0; } template size_t TempVector::size() const { return size_; } template void TempVector::push_back(const T& item) { LUAU_ASSERT(storage.size() == offset + size_); storage.push_back(item); size_++; } static bool shouldParseTypePackAnnotation(Lexer& lexer) { if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::Dot3) return true; else if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::Name && lexer.lookahead().type == Lexeme::Dot3) return true; return false; } ParseResult Parser::parse(const char* buffer, size_t bufferSize, AstNameTable& names, Allocator& allocator, ParseOptions options) { Parser p(buffer, bufferSize, names, allocator); try { std::vector hotcomments; while (isComment(p.lexer.current()) || (FFlag::LuauCaptureBrokenCommentSpans && p.lexer.current().type == Lexeme::BrokenComment)) { const char* text = p.lexer.current().data; unsigned int length = p.lexer.current().length; if (length && text[0] == '!') { unsigned int end = length; while (end > 0 && isSpace(text[end - 1])) --end; hotcomments.push_back(std::string(text + 1, text + end)); } const Lexeme::Type type = p.lexer.current().type; const Location loc = p.lexer.current().location; p.lexer.next(); if (options.captureComments) p.commentLocations.push_back(Comment{type, loc}); } p.lexer.setSkipComments(true); p.options = options; AstStatBlock* root = p.parseChunk(); return ParseResult{root, hotcomments, p.parseErrors, std::move(p.commentLocations)}; } catch (ParseError& err) { // when catching a fatal error, append it to the list of non-fatal errors and return p.parseErrors.push_back(err); return ParseResult{nullptr, {}, p.parseErrors}; } } Parser::Parser(const char* buffer, size_t bufferSize, AstNameTable& names, Allocator& allocator) : lexer(buffer, bufferSize, names) , allocator(allocator) , recursionCounter(0) , endMismatchSuspect(Location(), Lexeme::Eof) , localMap(AstName()) { Function top; top.vararg = true; functionStack.push_back(top); nameSelf = names.addStatic("self"); nameNumber = names.addStatic("number"); nameError = names.addStatic(errorName); nameNil = names.getOrAdd("nil"); // nil is a reserved keyword matchRecoveryStopOnToken.assign(Lexeme::Type::Reserved_END, 0); matchRecoveryStopOnToken[Lexeme::Type::Eof] = 1; // read first lexeme nextLexeme(); } bool Parser::blockFollow(const Lexeme& l) { return l.type == Lexeme::Eof || l.type == Lexeme::ReservedElse || l.type == Lexeme::ReservedElseif || l.type == Lexeme::ReservedEnd || l.type == Lexeme::ReservedUntil; } AstStatBlock* Parser::parseChunk() { AstStatBlock* result = parseBlock(); if (lexer.current().type != Lexeme::Eof) expectAndConsumeFail(Lexeme::Eof, nullptr); return result; } // chunk ::= {stat [`;']} [laststat [`;']] // block ::= chunk AstStatBlock* Parser::parseBlock() { unsigned int localsBegin = saveLocals(); AstStatBlock* result = parseBlockNoScope(); restoreLocals(localsBegin); return result; } static bool isStatLast(AstStat* stat) { return stat->is() || stat->is() || stat->is(); } AstStatBlock* Parser::parseBlockNoScope() { TempVector body(scratchStat); const Position prevPosition = lexer.previousLocation().end; while (!blockFollow(lexer.current())) { unsigned int recursionCounterOld = recursionCounter; incrementRecursionCounter("block"); AstStat* stat = parseStat(); recursionCounter = recursionCounterOld; if (lexer.current().type == ';') { nextLexeme(); stat->hasSemicolon = true; } body.push_back(stat); if (isStatLast(stat)) break; } const Location location = Location(prevPosition, lexer.current().location.begin); return allocator.alloc(location, copy(body)); } // stat ::= // varlist `=' explist | // functioncall | // do block end | // while exp do block end | // repeat block until exp | // if exp then block {elseif exp then block} [else block] end | // for binding `=' exp `,' exp [`,' exp] do block end | // for namelist in explist do block end | // function funcname funcbody | // local function Name funcbody | // local namelist [`=' explist] // laststat ::= return [explist] | break AstStat* Parser::parseStat() { // guess the type from the token type switch (lexer.current().type) { case Lexeme::ReservedIf: return parseIf(); case Lexeme::ReservedWhile: return parseWhile(); case Lexeme::ReservedDo: return parseDo(); case Lexeme::ReservedFor: return parseFor(); case Lexeme::ReservedRepeat: return parseRepeat(); case Lexeme::ReservedFunction: return parseFunctionStat(); case Lexeme::ReservedLocal: return parseLocal(); case Lexeme::ReservedReturn: return parseReturn(); case Lexeme::ReservedBreak: return parseBreak(); default:; } Location start = lexer.current().location; // we need to disambiguate a few cases, primarily assignment (lvalue = ...) vs statements-that-are calls AstExpr* expr = parsePrimaryExpr(/* asStatement= */ true); if (expr->is()) return allocator.alloc(expr->location, expr); // if the next token is , or =, it's an assignment (, means it's an assignment with multiple variables) if (lexer.current().type == ',' || lexer.current().type == '=') return parseAssignment(expr); // if the next token is a compound assignment operator, it's a compound assignment (these don't support multiple variables) if (std::optional op = parseCompoundOp(lexer.current())) return parseCompoundAssignment(expr, *op); // we know this isn't a call or an assignment; therefore it must be a context-sensitive keyword such as `type` or `continue` AstName ident = getIdentifier(expr); if (options.allowTypeAnnotations) { if (ident == "type") return parseTypeAlias(expr->location, /* exported =*/false); if (ident == "export" && lexer.current().type == Lexeme::Name && AstName(lexer.current().name) == "type") { nextLexeme(); return parseTypeAlias(expr->location, /* exported =*/true); } } if (options.supportContinueStatement && ident == "continue") return parseContinue(expr->location); if (options.allowTypeAnnotations && options.allowDeclarationSyntax) { if (ident == "declare") return parseDeclaration(expr->location); } // skip unexpected symbol if lexer couldn't advance at all (statements are parsed in a loop) if (start == lexer.current().location) nextLexeme(); return reportStatError(expr->location, copy({expr}), {}, "Incomplete statement: expected assignment or a function call"); } // if exp then block {elseif exp then block} [else block] end AstStat* Parser::parseIf() { Location start = lexer.current().location; nextLexeme(); // if / elseif AstExpr* cond = parseExpr(); Lexeme matchThen = lexer.current(); bool hasThen = expectAndConsume(Lexeme::ReservedThen, "if statement"); AstStatBlock* thenbody = parseBlock(); AstStat* elsebody = nullptr; Location end = start; std::optional elseLocation; bool hasEnd = false; if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::ReservedElseif) { if (FFlag::LuauIfStatementRecursionGuard) { unsigned int recursionCounterOld = recursionCounter; incrementRecursionCounter("elseif"); elseLocation = lexer.current().location; elsebody = parseIf(); end = elsebody->location; hasEnd = elsebody->as()->hasEnd; recursionCounter = recursionCounterOld; } else { elseLocation = lexer.current().location; elsebody = parseIf(); end = elsebody->location; hasEnd = elsebody->as()->hasEnd; } } else { Lexeme matchThenElse = matchThen; if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::ReservedElse) { elseLocation = lexer.current().location; matchThenElse = lexer.current(); nextLexeme(); elsebody = parseBlock(); elsebody->location.begin = matchThenElse.location.end; } end = lexer.current().location; hasEnd = expectMatchEndAndConsume(Lexeme::ReservedEnd, matchThenElse); } return allocator.alloc(Location(start, end), cond, thenbody, elsebody, hasThen, matchThen.location, elseLocation, hasEnd); } // while exp do block end AstStat* Parser::parseWhile() { Location start = lexer.current().location; nextLexeme(); // while AstExpr* cond = parseExpr(); Lexeme matchDo = lexer.current(); bool hasDo = expectAndConsume(Lexeme::ReservedDo, "while loop"); functionStack.back().loopDepth++; AstStatBlock* body = parseBlock(); functionStack.back().loopDepth--; Location end = lexer.current().location; bool hasEnd = expectMatchEndAndConsume(Lexeme::ReservedEnd, matchDo); return allocator.alloc(Location(start, end), cond, body, hasDo, matchDo.location, hasEnd); } // repeat block until exp AstStat* Parser::parseRepeat() { Location start = lexer.current().location; Lexeme matchRepeat = lexer.current(); nextLexeme(); // repeat unsigned int localsBegin = saveLocals(); functionStack.back().loopDepth++; AstStatBlock* body = parseBlockNoScope(); functionStack.back().loopDepth--; bool hasUntil = expectMatchEndAndConsume(Lexeme::ReservedUntil, matchRepeat); AstExpr* cond = parseExpr(); restoreLocals(localsBegin); return allocator.alloc(Location(start, cond->location), cond, body, hasUntil); } // do block end AstStat* Parser::parseDo() { Location start = lexer.current().location; Lexeme matchDo = lexer.current(); nextLexeme(); // do AstStat* body = parseBlock(); body->location.begin = start.begin; expectMatchEndAndConsume(Lexeme::ReservedEnd, matchDo); return body; } // break AstStat* Parser::parseBreak() { Location start = lexer.current().location; nextLexeme(); // break if (functionStack.back().loopDepth == 0) return reportStatError(start, {}, copy({allocator.alloc(start)}), "break statement must be inside a loop"); return allocator.alloc(start); } // continue AstStat* Parser::parseContinue(const Location& start) { if (functionStack.back().loopDepth == 0) return reportStatError(start, {}, copy({allocator.alloc(start)}), "continue statement must be inside a loop"); // note: the token is already parsed for us! return allocator.alloc(start); } // for binding `=' exp `,' exp [`,' exp] do block end | // for bindinglist in explist do block end | AstStat* Parser::parseFor() { Location start = lexer.current().location; nextLexeme(); // for Binding varname = parseBinding(); if (lexer.current().type == '=') { nextLexeme(); AstExpr* from = parseExpr(); expectAndConsume(',', "index range"); AstExpr* to = parseExpr(); AstExpr* step = nullptr; if (lexer.current().type == ',') { nextLexeme(); step = parseExpr(); } Lexeme matchDo = lexer.current(); bool hasDo = expectAndConsume(Lexeme::ReservedDo, "for loop"); unsigned int localsBegin = saveLocals(); functionStack.back().loopDepth++; AstLocal* var = pushLocal(varname); AstStatBlock* body = parseBlock(); functionStack.back().loopDepth--; restoreLocals(localsBegin); Location end = lexer.current().location; bool hasEnd = expectMatchEndAndConsume(Lexeme::ReservedEnd, matchDo); return allocator.alloc(Location(start, end), var, from, to, step, body, hasDo, matchDo.location, hasEnd); } else { TempVector names(scratchBinding); names.push_back(varname); if (lexer.current().type == ',') { nextLexeme(); parseBindingList(names); } Location inLocation = lexer.current().location; bool hasIn = expectAndConsume(Lexeme::ReservedIn, "for loop"); TempVector values(scratchExpr); parseExprList(values); Lexeme matchDo = lexer.current(); bool hasDo = expectAndConsume(Lexeme::ReservedDo, "for loop"); unsigned int localsBegin = saveLocals(); functionStack.back().loopDepth++; TempVector vars(scratchLocal); for (size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i) vars.push_back(pushLocal(names[i])); AstStatBlock* body = parseBlock(); functionStack.back().loopDepth--; restoreLocals(localsBegin); Location end = lexer.current().location; bool hasEnd = expectMatchEndAndConsume(Lexeme::ReservedEnd, matchDo); return allocator.alloc( Location(start, end), copy(vars), copy(values), body, hasIn, inLocation, hasDo, matchDo.location, hasEnd); } } // function funcname funcbody | // funcname ::= Name {`.' Name} [`:' Name] AstStat* Parser::parseFunctionStat() { Location start = lexer.current().location; Lexeme matchFunction = lexer.current(); nextLexeme(); AstName debugname = (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::Name) ? AstName(lexer.current().name) : AstName(); // parse funcname into a chain of indexing operators AstExpr* expr = parseNameExpr("function name"); unsigned int recursionCounterOld = recursionCounter; while (lexer.current().type == '.') { Position opPosition = lexer.current().location.begin; nextLexeme(); Name name = parseName("field name"); // while we could concatenate the name chain, for now let's just write the short name debugname = name.name; expr = allocator.alloc(Location(start, name.location), expr, name.name, name.location, opPosition, '.'); // note: while the parser isn't recursive here, we're generating recursive structures of unbounded depth incrementRecursionCounter("function name"); } recursionCounter = recursionCounterOld; // finish with : bool hasself = false; if (lexer.current().type == ':') { Position opPosition = lexer.current().location.begin; nextLexeme(); Name name = parseName("method name"); // while we could concatenate the name chain, for now let's just write the short name debugname = name.name; expr = allocator.alloc(Location(start, name.location), expr, name.name, name.location, opPosition, ':'); hasself = true; } matchRecoveryStopOnToken[Lexeme::ReservedEnd]++; AstExprFunction* body = parseFunctionBody(hasself, matchFunction, debugname, {}).first; matchRecoveryStopOnToken[Lexeme::ReservedEnd]--; return allocator.alloc(Location(start, body->location), expr, body); } // local function Name funcbody | // local bindinglist [`=' explist] AstStat* Parser::parseLocal() { Location start = lexer.current().location; nextLexeme(); // local if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::ReservedFunction) { Lexeme matchFunction = lexer.current(); nextLexeme(); // matchFunction is only used for diagnostics; to make it suitable for detecting missed indentation between // `local function` and `end`, we patch the token to begin at the column where `local` starts if (matchFunction.location.begin.line == start.begin.line) matchFunction.location.begin.column = start.begin.column; Name name = parseName("variable name"); matchRecoveryStopOnToken[Lexeme::ReservedEnd]++; auto [body, var] = parseFunctionBody(false, matchFunction, name.name, name); matchRecoveryStopOnToken[Lexeme::ReservedEnd]--; Location location{start.begin, body->location.end}; return allocator.alloc(location, var, body); } else { matchRecoveryStopOnToken['=']++; TempVector names(scratchBinding); parseBindingList(names); matchRecoveryStopOnToken['=']--; TempVector vars(scratchLocal); TempVector values(scratchExpr); std::optional equalsSignLocation; if (lexer.current().type == '=') { equalsSignLocation = lexer.current().location; nextLexeme(); parseExprList(values); } for (size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i) vars.push_back(pushLocal(names[i])); Location end = values.empty() ? lexer.previousLocation() : values.back()->location; return allocator.alloc(Location(start, end), copy(vars), copy(values), equalsSignLocation); } } // return [explist] AstStat* Parser::parseReturn() { Location start = lexer.current().location; nextLexeme(); TempVector list(scratchExpr); if (!blockFollow(lexer.current()) && lexer.current().type != ';') parseExprList(list); Location end = list.empty() ? start : list.back()->location; return allocator.alloc(Location(start, end), copy(list)); } // type Name [`<' varlist `>'] `=' typeannotation AstStat* Parser::parseTypeAlias(const Location& start, bool exported) { // note: `type` token is already parsed for us, so we just need to parse the rest auto name = parseNameOpt("type name"); // Use error name if the name is missing if (!name) name = Name(nameError, lexer.current().location); // TODO: support generic type pack parameters in type aliases CLI-39907 auto [generics, genericPacks] = parseGenericTypeList(); expectAndConsume('=', "type alias"); AstType* type = parseTypeAnnotation(); return allocator.alloc(Location(start, type->location), name->name, generics, type, exported); } AstDeclaredClassProp Parser::parseDeclaredClassMethod() { nextLexeme(); Location start = lexer.current().location; Name fnName = parseName("function name"); // TODO: generic method declarations CLI-39909 AstArray generics; AstArray genericPacks; generics.size = 0; generics.data = nullptr; genericPacks.size = 0; genericPacks.data = nullptr; Lexeme matchParen = lexer.current(); expectAndConsume('(', "function parameter list start"); TempVector args(scratchBinding); std::optional vararg = std::nullopt; AstTypePack* varargAnnotation = nullptr; if (lexer.current().type != ')') std::tie(vararg, varargAnnotation) = parseBindingList(args, /* allowDot3 */ true); expectMatchAndConsume(')', matchParen); AstTypeList retTypes = parseOptionalReturnTypeAnnotation().value_or(AstTypeList{copy(nullptr, 0), nullptr}); Location end = lexer.current().location; TempVector vars(scratchAnnotation); TempVector> varNames(scratchOptArgName); if (args.size() == 0 || args[0].name.name != "self" || args[0].annotation != nullptr) { return AstDeclaredClassProp{fnName.name, reportTypeAnnotationError(Location(start, end), {}, /*isMissing*/ false, "'self' must be present as the unannotated first parameter"), true}; } // Skip the first index. for (size_t i = 1; i < args.size(); ++i) { varNames.push_back(AstArgumentName{args[i].name.name, args[i].name.location}); if (args[i].annotation) vars.push_back(args[i].annotation); else vars.push_back(reportTypeAnnotationError( Location(start, end), {}, /*isMissing*/ false, "All declaration parameters aside from 'self' must be annotated")); } if (vararg && !varargAnnotation) report(start, "All declaration parameters aside from 'self' must be annotated"); AstType* fnType = allocator.alloc( Location(start, end), generics, genericPacks, AstTypeList{copy(vars), varargAnnotation}, copy(varNames), retTypes); return AstDeclaredClassProp{fnName.name, fnType, true}; } AstStat* Parser::parseDeclaration(const Location& start) { // `declare` token is already parsed at this point if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::ReservedFunction) { nextLexeme(); Name globalName = parseName("global function name"); auto [generics, genericPacks] = parseGenericTypeList(); Lexeme matchParen = lexer.current(); expectAndConsume('(', "global function declaration"); TempVector args(scratchBinding); std::optional vararg; AstTypePack* varargAnnotation = nullptr; if (lexer.current().type != ')') std::tie(vararg, varargAnnotation) = parseBindingList(args, /* allowDot3= */ true); expectMatchAndConsume(')', matchParen); AstTypeList retTypes = parseOptionalReturnTypeAnnotation().value_or(AstTypeList{copy(nullptr, 0)}); Location end = lexer.current().location; TempVector vars(scratchAnnotation); TempVector varNames(scratchArgName); for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) { if (!args[i].annotation) return reportStatError(Location(start, end), {}, {}, "All declaration parameters must be annotated"); vars.push_back(args[i].annotation); varNames.push_back({args[i].name.name, args[i].name.location}); } if (vararg && !varargAnnotation) return reportStatError(Location(start, end), {}, {}, "All declaration parameters must be annotated"); return allocator.alloc( Location(start, end), globalName.name, generics, genericPacks, AstTypeList{copy(vars), varargAnnotation}, copy(varNames), retTypes); } else if (AstName(lexer.current().name) == "class") { nextLexeme(); Location classStart = lexer.current().location; Name className = parseName("class name"); std::optional superName = std::nullopt; if (AstName(lexer.current().name) == "extends") { nextLexeme(); superName = parseName("superclass name").name; } TempVector props(scratchDeclaredClassProps); while (lexer.current().type != Lexeme::ReservedEnd) { // There are two possibilities: Either it's a property or a function. if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::ReservedFunction) { props.push_back(parseDeclaredClassMethod()); } else { Name propName = parseName("property name"); expectAndConsume(':', "property type annotation"); AstType* propType = parseTypeAnnotation(); props.push_back(AstDeclaredClassProp{propName.name, propType, false}); } } Location classEnd = lexer.current().location; nextLexeme(); // skip past `end` return allocator.alloc(Location(classStart, classEnd), className.name, superName, copy(props)); } else if (auto globalName = parseNameOpt("global variable name")) { expectAndConsume(':', "global variable declaration"); AstType* type = parseTypeAnnotation(); return allocator.alloc(Location(start, type->location), globalName->name, type); } else { return reportStatError(start, {}, {}, "declare must be followed by an identifier, 'function', or 'class'"); } } static bool isExprLValue(AstExpr* expr) { return expr->is() || expr->is() || expr->is() || expr->is(); } // varlist `=' explist AstStat* Parser::parseAssignment(AstExpr* initial) { if (!isExprLValue(initial)) initial = reportExprError(initial->location, copy({initial}), "Assigned expression must be a variable or a field"); TempVector vars(scratchExpr); vars.push_back(initial); while (lexer.current().type == ',') { nextLexeme(); AstExpr* expr = parsePrimaryExpr(/* asStatement= */ false); if (!isExprLValue(expr)) expr = reportExprError(expr->location, copy({expr}), "Assigned expression must be a variable or a field"); vars.push_back(expr); } expectAndConsume('=', "assignment"); TempVector values(scratchExprAux); parseExprList(values); return allocator.alloc(Location(initial->location, values.back()->location), copy(vars), copy(values)); } // var [`+=' | `-=' | `*=' | `/=' | `%=' | `^=' | `..='] exp AstStat* Parser::parseCompoundAssignment(AstExpr* initial, AstExprBinary::Op op) { if (!isExprLValue(initial)) { initial = reportExprError(initial->location, copy({initial}), "Assigned expression must be a variable or a field"); } nextLexeme(); AstExpr* value = parseExpr(); return allocator.alloc(Location(initial->location, value->location), op, initial, value); } // funcbody ::= `(' [parlist] `)' [`:' ReturnType] block end // parlist ::= bindinglist [`,' `...'] | `...' std::pair Parser::parseFunctionBody( bool hasself, const Lexeme& matchFunction, const AstName& debugname, std::optional localName) { Location start = matchFunction.location; auto [generics, genericPacks] = parseGenericTypeListIfFFlagParseGenericFunctions(); Lexeme matchParen = lexer.current(); expectAndConsume('(', "function"); TempVector args(scratchBinding); std::optional vararg; AstTypePack* varargAnnotation = nullptr; if (lexer.current().type != ')') std::tie(vararg, varargAnnotation) = parseBindingList(args, /* allowDot3= */ true); std::optional argLocation = matchParen.type == Lexeme::Type('(') && lexer.current().type == Lexeme::Type(')') ? std::make_optional(Location(matchParen.location.begin, lexer.current().location.end)) : std::nullopt; expectMatchAndConsume(')', matchParen, true); std::optional typelist = parseOptionalReturnTypeAnnotation(); AstLocal* funLocal = nullptr; if (localName) funLocal = pushLocal(Binding(*localName, nullptr)); unsigned int localsBegin = saveLocals(); Function fun; fun.vararg = vararg.has_value(); functionStack.push_back(fun); AstLocal* self = nullptr; if (hasself) self = pushLocal(Binding(Name(nameSelf, start), nullptr)); TempVector vars(scratchLocal); for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) vars.push_back(pushLocal(args[i])); AstStatBlock* body = parseBlock(); functionStack.pop_back(); restoreLocals(localsBegin); Location end = lexer.current().location; bool hasEnd = expectMatchEndAndConsume(Lexeme::ReservedEnd, matchFunction); return {allocator.alloc(Location(start, end), generics, genericPacks, self, copy(vars), vararg, body, functionStack.size(), debugname, typelist, varargAnnotation, hasEnd, argLocation), funLocal}; } // explist ::= {exp `,'} exp void Parser::parseExprList(TempVector& result) { result.push_back(parseExpr()); while (lexer.current().type == ',') { nextLexeme(); result.push_back(parseExpr()); } } Parser::Binding Parser::parseBinding() { auto name = parseNameOpt("variable name"); // Use placeholder if the name is missing if (!name) name = Name(nameError, lexer.current().location); AstType* annotation = parseOptionalTypeAnnotation(); return Binding(*name, annotation); } // bindinglist ::= (binding | `...') [`,' bindinglist] std::pair, AstTypePack*> Parser::parseBindingList(TempVector& result, bool allowDot3) { while (true) { if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::Dot3 && allowDot3) { Location varargLocation = lexer.current().location; nextLexeme(); AstTypePack* tailAnnotation = nullptr; if (lexer.current().type == ':') { nextLexeme(); tailAnnotation = parseVariadicArgumentAnnotation(); } return {varargLocation, tailAnnotation}; } result.push_back(parseBinding()); if (lexer.current().type != ',') break; nextLexeme(); } return {std::nullopt, nullptr}; } AstType* Parser::parseOptionalTypeAnnotation() { if (options.allowTypeAnnotations && lexer.current().type == ':') { nextLexeme(); return parseTypeAnnotation(); } else return nullptr; } // TypeList ::= TypeAnnotation [`,' TypeList] | ...TypeAnnotation AstTypePack* Parser::parseTypeList(TempVector& result, TempVector>& resultNames) { while (true) { if (shouldParseTypePackAnnotation(lexer)) return parseTypePackAnnotation(); if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::Name && lexer.lookahead().type == ':') { // Fill in previous argument names with empty slots while (resultNames.size() < result.size()) resultNames.push_back({}); resultNames.push_back(AstArgumentName{AstName(lexer.current().name), lexer.current().location}); lexer.next(); expectAndConsume(':'); } else if (!resultNames.empty()) { // If we have a type with named arguments, provide elements for all types resultNames.push_back({}); } result.push_back(parseTypeAnnotation()); if (lexer.current().type != ',') break; nextLexeme(); } return nullptr; } std::optional Parser::parseOptionalReturnTypeAnnotation() { if (options.allowTypeAnnotations && lexer.current().type == ':') { nextLexeme(); unsigned int oldRecursionCount = recursionCounter; auto [_location, result] = parseReturnTypeAnnotation(); // At this point, if we find a , character, it indicates that there are multiple return types // in this type annotation, but the list wasn't wrapped in parentheses. if (lexer.current().type == ',') { report(lexer.current().location, "Expected a statement, got ','; did you forget to wrap the list of return types in parentheses?"); nextLexeme(); } recursionCounter = oldRecursionCount; return result; } return std::nullopt; } // ReturnType ::= TypeAnnotation | `(' TypeList `)' std::pair Parser::parseReturnTypeAnnotation() { incrementRecursionCounter("type annotation"); TempVector result(scratchAnnotation); TempVector> resultNames(scratchOptArgName); AstTypePack* varargAnnotation = nullptr; Lexeme begin = lexer.current(); if (lexer.current().type != '(') { if (shouldParseTypePackAnnotation(lexer)) varargAnnotation = parseTypePackAnnotation(); else result.push_back(parseTypeAnnotation()); Location resultLocation = result.size() == 0 ? varargAnnotation->location : result[0]->location; return {resultLocation, AstTypeList{copy(result), varargAnnotation}}; } nextLexeme(); Location innerBegin = lexer.current().location; matchRecoveryStopOnToken[Lexeme::SkinnyArrow]++; // possibly () -> ReturnType if (lexer.current().type != ')') varargAnnotation = parseTypeList(result, resultNames); const Location location{begin.location, lexer.current().location}; expectMatchAndConsume(')', begin, true); matchRecoveryStopOnToken[Lexeme::SkinnyArrow]--; if (lexer.current().type != Lexeme::SkinnyArrow && resultNames.empty()) { // If it turns out that it's just '(A)', it's possible that there are unions/intersections to follow, so fold over it. if (result.size() == 1) { AstType* returnType = parseTypeAnnotation(result, innerBegin); return {Location{location, returnType->location}, AstTypeList{copy(&returnType, 1), varargAnnotation}}; } return {location, AstTypeList{copy(result), varargAnnotation}}; } AstArray generics{nullptr, 0}; AstArray genericPacks{nullptr, 0}; AstArray types = copy(result); AstArray> names = copy(resultNames); TempVector fallbackReturnTypes(scratchAnnotation); fallbackReturnTypes.push_back(parseFunctionTypeAnnotationTail(begin, generics, genericPacks, types, names, varargAnnotation)); return {Location{location, fallbackReturnTypes[0]->location}, AstTypeList{copy(fallbackReturnTypes), varargAnnotation}}; } // TableIndexer ::= `[' TypeAnnotation `]' `:' TypeAnnotation AstTableIndexer* Parser::parseTableIndexerAnnotation() { const Lexeme begin = lexer.current(); nextLexeme(); // [ AstType* index = parseTypeAnnotation(); expectMatchAndConsume(']', begin); expectAndConsume(':', "table field"); AstType* result = parseTypeAnnotation(); return allocator.alloc(AstTableIndexer{index, result, Location(begin.location, result->location)}); } // TableProp ::= Name `:' TypeAnnotation // TablePropOrIndexer ::= TableProp | TableIndexer // PropList ::= TablePropOrIndexer {fieldsep TablePropOrIndexer} [fieldsep] // TableTypeAnnotation ::= `{' PropList `}' AstType* Parser::parseTableTypeAnnotation() { incrementRecursionCounter("type annotation"); TempVector props(scratchTableTypeProps); AstTableIndexer* indexer = nullptr; Location start = lexer.current().location; Lexeme matchBrace = lexer.current(); expectAndConsume('{', "table type"); while (lexer.current().type != '}') { if (lexer.current().type == '[') { if (indexer) { // maybe we don't need to parse the entire badIndexer... // however, we either have { or [ to lint, not the entire table type or the bad indexer. AstTableIndexer* badIndexer = parseTableIndexerAnnotation(); // we lose all additional indexer expressions from the AST after error recovery here report(badIndexer->location, "Cannot have more than one table indexer"); } else { indexer = parseTableIndexerAnnotation(); } } else if (props.empty() && !indexer && !(lexer.current().type == Lexeme::Name && lexer.lookahead().type == ':')) { AstType* type = parseTypeAnnotation(); // array-like table type: {T} desugars into {[number]: T} AstType* index = allocator.alloc(type->location, std::nullopt, nameNumber); indexer = allocator.alloc(AstTableIndexer{index, type, type->location}); break; } else { auto name = parseNameOpt("table field"); if (!name) break; expectAndConsume(':', "table field"); AstType* type = parseTypeAnnotation(); props.push_back({name->name, name->location, type}); } if (lexer.current().type == ',' || lexer.current().type == ';') { nextLexeme(); } else { if (lexer.current().type != '}') break; } } Location end = lexer.current().location; if (!expectMatchAndConsume('}', matchBrace)) end = lexer.previousLocation(); return allocator.alloc(Location(start, end), copy(props), indexer); } // ReturnType ::= TypeAnnotation | `(' TypeList `)' // FunctionTypeAnnotation ::= [`<' varlist `>'] `(' [TypeList] `)' `->` ReturnType AstType* Parser::parseFunctionTypeAnnotation() { incrementRecursionCounter("type annotation"); bool monomorphic = !(FFlag::LuauParseGenericFunctions && lexer.current().type == '<'); auto [generics, genericPacks] = parseGenericTypeListIfFFlagParseGenericFunctions(); Lexeme begin = lexer.current(); if (FFlag::LuauGenericFunctionsParserFix) expectAndConsume('(', "function parameters"); else { LUAU_ASSERT(begin.type == '('); nextLexeme(); // ( } matchRecoveryStopOnToken[Lexeme::SkinnyArrow]++; TempVector params(scratchAnnotation); TempVector> names(scratchOptArgName); AstTypePack* varargAnnotation = nullptr; if (lexer.current().type != ')') varargAnnotation = parseTypeList(params, names); expectMatchAndConsume(')', begin, true); matchRecoveryStopOnToken[Lexeme::SkinnyArrow]--; // Not a function at all. Just a parenthesized type. if (params.size() == 1 && !varargAnnotation && monomorphic && lexer.current().type != Lexeme::SkinnyArrow) return params[0]; AstArray paramTypes = copy(params); AstArray> paramNames = copy(names); return parseFunctionTypeAnnotationTail(begin, generics, genericPacks, paramTypes, paramNames, varargAnnotation); } AstType* Parser::parseFunctionTypeAnnotationTail(const Lexeme& begin, AstArray generics, AstArray genericPacks, AstArray& params, AstArray>& paramNames, AstTypePack* varargAnnotation) { incrementRecursionCounter("type annotation"); // Users occasionally write '()' as the 'unit' type when they actually want to use 'nil', here we'll try to give a more specific error if (lexer.current().type != Lexeme::SkinnyArrow && generics.size == 0 && genericPacks.size == 0 && params.size == 0) { report(Location(begin.location, lexer.previousLocation()), "Expected '->' after '()' when parsing function type; did you mean 'nil'?"); return allocator.alloc(begin.location, std::nullopt, nameNil); } else { expectAndConsume(Lexeme::SkinnyArrow, "function type"); } const auto [endLocation, returnTypeList] = parseReturnTypeAnnotation(); AstTypeList paramTypes = AstTypeList{params, varargAnnotation}; return allocator.alloc(Location(begin.location, endLocation), generics, genericPacks, paramTypes, paramNames, returnTypeList); } // typeannotation ::= // nil | // Name[`.' Name] [`<' namelist `>'] | // `{' [PropList] `}' | // `(' [TypeList] `)' `->` ReturnType // `typeof` typeannotation AstType* Parser::parseTypeAnnotation(TempVector& parts, const Location& begin) { LUAU_ASSERT(!parts.empty()); incrementRecursionCounter("type annotation"); bool isUnion = false; bool isIntersection = false; Location location = begin; while (true) { Lexeme::Type c = lexer.current().type; if (c == '|') { nextLexeme(); parts.push_back(parseSimpleTypeAnnotation()); isUnion = true; } else if (c == '?') { Location loc = lexer.current().location; nextLexeme(); parts.push_back(allocator.alloc(loc, std::nullopt, nameNil)); isUnion = true; } else if (c == '&') { nextLexeme(); parts.push_back(parseSimpleTypeAnnotation()); isIntersection = true; } else break; } if (parts.size() == 1) return parts[0]; if (isUnion && isIntersection) { return reportTypeAnnotationError(Location(begin, parts.back()->location), copy(parts), /*isMissing*/ false, "Mixing union and intersection types is not allowed; consider wrapping in parentheses."); } location.end = parts.back()->location.end; if (isUnion) return allocator.alloc(location, copy(parts)); if (isIntersection) return allocator.alloc(location, copy(parts)); LUAU_ASSERT(false); ParseError::raise(begin, "Composite type was not an intersection or union."); } AstType* Parser::parseTypeAnnotation() { unsigned int oldRecursionCount = recursionCounter; incrementRecursionCounter("type annotation"); Location begin = lexer.current().location; TempVector parts(scratchAnnotation); parts.push_back(parseSimpleTypeAnnotation()); recursionCounter = oldRecursionCount; return parseTypeAnnotation(parts, begin); } // typeannotation ::= nil | Name[`.' Name] [ `<' typeannotation [`,' ...] `>' ] | `typeof' `(' expr `)' | `{' [PropList] `}' // | [`<' varlist `>'] `(' [TypeList] `)' `->` ReturnType AstType* Parser::parseSimpleTypeAnnotation() { incrementRecursionCounter("type annotation"); Location begin = lexer.current().location; if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::ReservedNil) { nextLexeme(); return allocator.alloc(begin, std::nullopt, nameNil); } else if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::Name) { std::optional prefix; Name name = parseName("type name"); if (lexer.current().type == '.') { Position pointPosition = lexer.current().location.begin; nextLexeme(); prefix = name.name; name = parseIndexName("field name", pointPosition); } else if (name.name == "typeof") { Lexeme typeofBegin = lexer.current(); expectAndConsume('(', "typeof type"); AstExpr* expr = parseExpr(); Location end = lexer.current().location; expectMatchAndConsume(')', typeofBegin); return allocator.alloc(Location(begin, end), expr); } AstArray generics = parseTypeParams(); Location end = lexer.previousLocation(); return allocator.alloc(Location(begin, end), prefix, name.name, generics); } else if (lexer.current().type == '{') { return parseTableTypeAnnotation(); } else if (lexer.current().type == '(' || (FFlag::LuauParseGenericFunctions && lexer.current().type == '<')) { return parseFunctionTypeAnnotation(); } else { Location location = lexer.current().location; // For a missing type annoation, capture 'space' between last token and the next one location = Location(lexer.previousLocation().end, lexer.current().location.begin); return reportTypeAnnotationError(location, {}, /*isMissing*/ true, "Expected type, got %s", lexer.current().toString().c_str()); } } AstTypePack* Parser::parseVariadicArgumentAnnotation() { // Generic: a... if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::Name && lexer.lookahead().type == Lexeme::Dot3) { Name name = parseName("generic name"); Location end = lexer.current().location; // This will not fail because of the lookahead guard. expectAndConsume(Lexeme::Dot3, "generic type pack annotation"); return allocator.alloc(Location(name.location, end), name.name); } // Variadic: T else { AstType* variadicAnnotation = parseTypeAnnotation(); return allocator.alloc(variadicAnnotation->location, variadicAnnotation); } } AstTypePack* Parser::parseTypePackAnnotation() { // Variadic: ...T if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::Dot3) { Location start = lexer.current().location; nextLexeme(); AstType* varargTy = parseTypeAnnotation(); return allocator.alloc(Location(start, varargTy->location), varargTy); } // Generic: a... else if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::Name && lexer.lookahead().type == Lexeme::Dot3) { Name name = parseName("generic name"); Location end = lexer.current().location; // This will not fail because of the lookahead guard. expectAndConsume(Lexeme::Dot3, "generic type pack annotation"); return allocator.alloc(Location(name.location, end), name.name); } // No type pack annotation exists here. return nullptr; } std::optional Parser::parseUnaryOp(const Lexeme& l) { if (l.type == Lexeme::ReservedNot) return AstExprUnary::Not; else if (l.type == '-') return AstExprUnary::Minus; else if (l.type == '#') return AstExprUnary::Len; else return std::nullopt; } std::optional Parser::parseBinaryOp(const Lexeme& l) { if (l.type == '+') return AstExprBinary::Add; else if (l.type == '-') return AstExprBinary::Sub; else if (l.type == '*') return AstExprBinary::Mul; else if (l.type == '/') return AstExprBinary::Div; else if (l.type == '%') return AstExprBinary::Mod; else if (l.type == '^') return AstExprBinary::Pow; else if (l.type == Lexeme::Dot2) return AstExprBinary::Concat; else if (l.type == Lexeme::NotEqual) return AstExprBinary::CompareNe; else if (l.type == Lexeme::Equal) return AstExprBinary::CompareEq; else if (l.type == '<') return AstExprBinary::CompareLt; else if (l.type == Lexeme::LessEqual) return AstExprBinary::CompareLe; else if (l.type == '>') return AstExprBinary::CompareGt; else if (l.type == Lexeme::GreaterEqual) return AstExprBinary::CompareGe; else if (l.type == Lexeme::ReservedAnd) return AstExprBinary::And; else if (l.type == Lexeme::ReservedOr) return AstExprBinary::Or; else return std::nullopt; } std::optional Parser::parseCompoundOp(const Lexeme& l) { if (l.type == Lexeme::AddAssign) return AstExprBinary::Add; else if (l.type == Lexeme::SubAssign) return AstExprBinary::Sub; else if (l.type == Lexeme::MulAssign) return AstExprBinary::Mul; else if (l.type == Lexeme::DivAssign) return AstExprBinary::Div; else if (l.type == Lexeme::ModAssign) return AstExprBinary::Mod; else if (l.type == Lexeme::PowAssign) return AstExprBinary::Pow; else if (l.type == Lexeme::ConcatAssign) return AstExprBinary::Concat; else return std::nullopt; } std::optional Parser::checkUnaryConfusables() { const Lexeme& curr = lexer.current(); // early-out: need to check if this is a possible confusable quickly if (curr.type != '!') return {}; // slow path: possible confusable Location start = curr.location; if (curr.type == '!') { report(start, "Unexpected '!', did you mean 'not'?"); return AstExprUnary::Not; } return {}; } std::optional Parser::checkBinaryConfusables(const BinaryOpPriority binaryPriority[], unsigned int limit) { const Lexeme& curr = lexer.current(); // early-out: need to check if this is a possible confusable quickly if (curr.type != '&' && curr.type != '|' && curr.type != '!') return {}; // slow path: possible confusable Location start = curr.location; Lexeme next = lexer.lookahead(); if (curr.type == '&' && next.type == '&' && curr.location.end == next.location.begin && binaryPriority[AstExprBinary::And].left > limit) { nextLexeme(); report(Location(start, next.location), "Unexpected '&&', did you mean 'and'?"); return AstExprBinary::And; } else if (curr.type == '|' && next.type == '|' && curr.location.end == next.location.begin && binaryPriority[AstExprBinary::Or].left > limit) { nextLexeme(); report(Location(start, next.location), "Unexpected '||', did you mean 'or'?"); return AstExprBinary::Or; } else if (curr.type == '!' && next.type == '=' && curr.location.end == next.location.begin && binaryPriority[AstExprBinary::CompareNe].left > limit) { nextLexeme(); report(Location(start, next.location), "Unexpected '!=', did you mean '~='?"); return AstExprBinary::CompareNe; } return std::nullopt; } // subexpr -> (asexp | unop subexpr) { binop subexpr } // where `binop' is any binary operator with a priority higher than `limit' AstExpr* Parser::parseExpr(unsigned int limit) { static const BinaryOpPriority binaryPriority[] = { {6, 6}, {6, 6}, {7, 7}, {7, 7}, {7, 7}, // `+' `-' `*' `/' `%' {10, 9}, {5, 4}, // power and concat (right associative) {3, 3}, {3, 3}, // equality and inequality {3, 3}, {3, 3}, {3, 3}, {3, 3}, // order {2, 2}, {1, 1} // logical (and/or) }; unsigned int recursionCounterOld = recursionCounter; // this handles recursive calls to parseSubExpr/parseExpr incrementRecursionCounter("expression"); const unsigned int unaryPriority = 8; Location start = lexer.current().location; AstExpr* expr; std::optional uop = parseUnaryOp(lexer.current()); if (!uop) uop = checkUnaryConfusables(); if (uop) { nextLexeme(); AstExpr* subexpr = parseExpr(unaryPriority); expr = allocator.alloc(Location(start, subexpr->location), *uop, subexpr); } else { expr = parseAssertionExpr(); } // expand while operators have priorities higher than `limit' std::optional op = parseBinaryOp(lexer.current()); if (!op) op = checkBinaryConfusables(binaryPriority, limit); while (op && binaryPriority[*op].left > limit) { nextLexeme(); // read sub-expression with higher priority AstExpr* next = parseExpr(binaryPriority[*op].right); expr = allocator.alloc(Location(start, next->location), *op, expr, next); op = parseBinaryOp(lexer.current()); if (!op) op = checkBinaryConfusables(binaryPriority, limit); // note: while the parser isn't recursive here, we're generating recursive structures of unbounded depth incrementRecursionCounter("expression"); } recursionCounter = recursionCounterOld; return expr; } // NAME AstExpr* Parser::parseNameExpr(const char* context) { auto name = parseNameOpt(context); if (!name) return allocator.alloc(lexer.current().location, copy({}), unsigned(parseErrors.size() - 1)); AstLocal* const* value = localMap.find(name->name); if (value && *value) { AstLocal* local = *value; return allocator.alloc(name->location, local, local->functionDepth != functionStack.size() - 1); } return allocator.alloc(name->location, name->name); } // prefixexp -> NAME | '(' expr ')' AstExpr* Parser::parsePrefixExpr() { if (lexer.current().type == '(') { Location start = lexer.current().location; Lexeme matchParen = lexer.current(); nextLexeme(); AstExpr* expr = parseExpr(); Location end = lexer.current().location; if (lexer.current().type != ')') { const char* suggestion = (lexer.current().type == '=') ? "; did you mean to use '{' when defining a table?" : nullptr; expectMatchAndConsumeFail(static_cast(')'), matchParen, suggestion); end = lexer.previousLocation(); } else { nextLexeme(); } return allocator.alloc(Location(start, end), expr); } else { return parseNameExpr("expression"); } } // primaryexp -> prefixexp { `.' NAME | `[' exp `]' | `:' NAME funcargs | funcargs } AstExpr* Parser::parsePrimaryExpr(bool asStatement) { Location start = lexer.current().location; AstExpr* expr = parsePrefixExpr(); unsigned int recursionCounterOld = recursionCounter; while (true) { if (lexer.current().type == '.') { Position opPosition = lexer.current().location.begin; nextLexeme(); Name index = parseIndexName(nullptr, opPosition); expr = allocator.alloc(Location(start, index.location), expr, index.name, index.location, opPosition, '.'); } else if (lexer.current().type == '[') { Lexeme matchBracket = lexer.current(); nextLexeme(); AstExpr* index = parseExpr(); Location end = lexer.current().location; expectMatchAndConsume(']', matchBracket); expr = allocator.alloc(Location(start, end), expr, index); } else if (lexer.current().type == ':') { Position opPosition = lexer.current().location.begin; nextLexeme(); Name index = parseIndexName("method name", opPosition); AstExpr* func = allocator.alloc(Location(start, index.location), expr, index.name, index.location, opPosition, ':'); expr = parseFunctionArgs(func, true, index.location); } else if (lexer.current().type == '(') { // This error is handled inside 'parseFunctionArgs' as well, but for better error recovery we need to break out the current loop here if (!asStatement && expr->location.end.line != lexer.current().location.begin.line) { report(lexer.current().location, "Ambiguous syntax: this looks like an argument list for a function call, but could also be a start of " "new statement; use ';' to separate statements"); break; } expr = parseFunctionArgs(expr, false, Location()); } else if (lexer.current().type == '{' || lexer.current().type == Lexeme::RawString || lexer.current().type == Lexeme::QuotedString) { expr = parseFunctionArgs(expr, false, Location()); } else { break; } // note: while the parser isn't recursive here, we're generating recursive structures of unbounded depth incrementRecursionCounter("expression"); } recursionCounter = recursionCounterOld; return expr; } // asexp -> simpleexp [`::' typeannotation] AstExpr* Parser::parseAssertionExpr() { Location start = lexer.current().location; AstExpr* expr = parseSimpleExpr(); if (options.allowTypeAnnotations && lexer.current().type == Lexeme::DoubleColon) { nextLexeme(); AstType* annotation = parseTypeAnnotation(); return allocator.alloc(Location(start, annotation->location), expr, annotation); } else return expr; } static bool parseNumber(double& result, const char* data) { // binary literal if (data[0] == '0' && (data[1] == 'b' || data[1] == 'B') && data[2]) { char* end = nullptr; unsigned long long value = strtoull(data + 2, &end, 2); result = double(value); return *end == 0; } // hexadecimal literal else if (data[0] == '0' && (data[1] == 'x' || data[1] == 'X') && data[2]) { char* end = nullptr; unsigned long long value = strtoull(data + 2, &end, 16); result = double(value); return *end == 0; } else { char* end = nullptr; double value = strtod(data, &end); result = value; return *end == 0; } } // simpleexp -> NUMBER | STRING | NIL | true | false | ... | constructor | FUNCTION body | primaryexp AstExpr* Parser::parseSimpleExpr() { Location start = lexer.current().location; if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::ReservedNil) { nextLexeme(); return allocator.alloc(start); } else if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::ReservedTrue) { nextLexeme(); return allocator.alloc(start, true); } else if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::ReservedFalse) { nextLexeme(); return allocator.alloc(start, false); } else if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::ReservedFunction) { Lexeme matchFunction = lexer.current(); nextLexeme(); return parseFunctionBody(false, matchFunction, AstName(), {}).first; } else if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::Number) { scratchData.assign(lexer.current().data, lexer.current().length); // Remove all internal _ - they don't hold any meaning and this allows parsing code to just pass the string pointer to strtod et al if (scratchData.find('_') != std::string::npos) { scratchData.erase(std::remove(scratchData.begin(), scratchData.end(), '_'), scratchData.end()); } double value = 0; if (parseNumber(value, scratchData.c_str())) { nextLexeme(); return allocator.alloc(start, value); } else { nextLexeme(); return reportExprError(start, {}, "Malformed number"); } } else if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::RawString || lexer.current().type == Lexeme::QuotedString) { return parseString(); } else if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::BrokenString) { nextLexeme(); return reportExprError(start, {}, "Malformed string"); } else if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::Dot3) { if (functionStack.back().vararg) { nextLexeme(); return allocator.alloc(start); } else { nextLexeme(); return reportExprError(start, {}, "Cannot use '...' outside of a vararg function"); } } else if (lexer.current().type == '{') { return parseTableConstructor(); } else if (FFlag::LuauIfElseExpressionBaseSupport && lexer.current().type == Lexeme::ReservedIf) { return parseIfElseExpr(); } else { return parsePrimaryExpr(/* asStatement= */ false); } } // args ::= `(' [explist] `)' | tableconstructor | String AstExpr* Parser::parseFunctionArgs(AstExpr* func, bool self, const Location& selfLocation) { if (lexer.current().type == '(') { Position argStart = lexer.current().location.end; if (func->location.end.line != lexer.current().location.begin.line) { report(lexer.current().location, "Ambiguous syntax: this looks like an argument list for a function call, but could also be a start of " "new statement; use ';' to separate statements"); } Lexeme matchParen = lexer.current(); nextLexeme(); TempVector args(scratchExpr); if (lexer.current().type != ')') parseExprList(args); Location end = lexer.current().location; Position argEnd = end.end; expectMatchAndConsume(')', matchParen); return allocator.alloc(Location(func->location, end), func, copy(args), self, Location(argStart, argEnd)); } else if (lexer.current().type == '{') { Position argStart = lexer.current().location.end; AstExpr* expr = parseTableConstructor(); Position argEnd = lexer.previousLocation().end; return allocator.alloc(Location(func->location, expr->location), func, copy(&expr, 1), self, Location(argStart, argEnd)); } else if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::RawString || lexer.current().type == Lexeme::QuotedString) { Location argLocation = lexer.current().location; AstExpr* expr = parseString(); return allocator.alloc(Location(func->location, expr->location), func, copy(&expr, 1), self, argLocation); } else { if (self && lexer.current().location.begin.line != func->location.end.line) { return reportExprError(func->location, copy({func}), "Expected function call arguments after '('"); } else { return reportExprError(Location(func->location.begin, lexer.current().location.begin), copy({func}), "Expected '(', '{' or when parsing function call, got %s", lexer.current().toString().c_str()); } } } // tableconstructor ::= `{' [fieldlist] `}' // fieldlist ::= field {fieldsep field} [fieldsep] // field ::= `[' exp `]' `=' exp | Name `=' exp | exp // fieldsep ::= `,' | `;' AstExpr* Parser::parseTableConstructor() { TempVector items(scratchItem); Location start = lexer.current().location; Lexeme matchBrace = lexer.current(); expectAndConsume('{', "table literal"); while (lexer.current().type != '}') { if (lexer.current().type == '[') { Lexeme matchLocationBracket = lexer.current(); nextLexeme(); AstExpr* key = parseExpr(); expectMatchAndConsume(']', matchLocationBracket); expectAndConsume('=', "table field"); AstExpr* value = parseExpr(); items.push_back({AstExprTable::Item::General, key, value}); } else if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::Name && lexer.lookahead().type == '=') { Name name = parseName("table field"); expectAndConsume('=', "table field"); AstArray nameString; nameString.data = const_cast(name.name.value); nameString.size = strlen(name.name.value); AstExpr* key = allocator.alloc(name.location, nameString); AstExpr* value = parseExpr(); items.push_back({AstExprTable::Item::Record, key, value}); } else { AstExpr* expr = parseExpr(); items.push_back({AstExprTable::Item::List, nullptr, expr}); } if (lexer.current().type == ',' || lexer.current().type == ';') { nextLexeme(); } else { if (lexer.current().type != '}') break; } } Location end = lexer.current().location; if (!expectMatchAndConsume('}', matchBrace)) end = lexer.previousLocation(); return allocator.alloc(Location(start, end), copy(items)); } AstExpr* Parser::parseIfElseExpr() { bool hasElse = false; Location start = lexer.current().location; nextLexeme(); // skip if / elseif AstExpr* condition = parseExpr(); bool hasThen = expectAndConsume(Lexeme::ReservedThen, "if then else expression"); AstExpr* trueExpr = parseExpr(); AstExpr* falseExpr = nullptr; if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::ReservedElseif) { unsigned int oldRecursionCount = recursionCounter; incrementRecursionCounter("expression"); hasElse = true; falseExpr = parseIfElseExpr(); recursionCounter = oldRecursionCount; } else { hasElse = expectAndConsume(Lexeme::ReservedElse, "if then else expression"); falseExpr = parseExpr(); } Location end = falseExpr->location; return allocator.alloc(Location(start, end), condition, hasThen, trueExpr, hasElse, falseExpr); } // Name std::optional Parser::parseNameOpt(const char* context) { if (lexer.current().type != Lexeme::Name) { reportNameError(context); return {}; } Name result(AstName(lexer.current().name), lexer.current().location); nextLexeme(); return result; } Parser::Name Parser::parseName(const char* context) { if (auto name = parseNameOpt(context)) return *name; Location location = lexer.current().location; location.end = location.begin; return Name(nameError, location); } Parser::Name Parser::parseIndexName(const char* context, const Position& previous) { if (auto name = parseNameOpt(context)) return *name; // If we have a reserved keyword next at the same line, assume it's an incomplete name if (lexer.current().type >= Lexeme::Reserved_BEGIN && lexer.current().type < Lexeme::Reserved_END && lexer.current().location.begin.line == previous.line) { Name result(AstName(lexer.current().name), lexer.current().location); nextLexeme(); return result; } Location location = lexer.current().location; location.end = location.begin; return Name(nameError, location); } std::pair, AstArray> Parser::parseGenericTypeListIfFFlagParseGenericFunctions() { if (FFlag::LuauParseGenericFunctions) return Parser::parseGenericTypeList(); AstArray generics; AstArray genericPacks; generics.size = 0; generics.data = nullptr; genericPacks.size = 0; genericPacks.data = nullptr; return std::pair(generics, genericPacks); } std::pair, AstArray> Parser::parseGenericTypeList() { TempVector names{scratchName}; TempVector namePacks{scratchPackName}; if (lexer.current().type == '<') { Lexeme begin = lexer.current(); nextLexeme(); bool seenPack = false; while (true) { AstName name = parseName().name; if (FFlag::LuauParseGenericFunctions && lexer.current().type == Lexeme::Dot3) { seenPack = true; nextLexeme(); namePacks.push_back(name); } else { if (seenPack) report(lexer.current().location, "Generic types come before generic type packs"); names.push_back(name); } if (lexer.current().type == ',') nextLexeme(); else break; } expectMatchAndConsume('>', begin); } AstArray generics = copy(names); AstArray genericPacks = copy(namePacks); return {generics, genericPacks}; } AstArray Parser::parseTypeParams() { TempVector result{scratchAnnotation}; if (lexer.current().type == '<') { Lexeme begin = lexer.current(); nextLexeme(); while (true) { result.push_back(parseTypeAnnotation()); if (lexer.current().type == ',') nextLexeme(); else break; } expectMatchAndConsume('>', begin); } return copy(result); } AstExpr* Parser::parseString() { LUAU_ASSERT(lexer.current().type == Lexeme::QuotedString || lexer.current().type == Lexeme::RawString); scratchData.assign(lexer.current().data, lexer.current().length); if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::QuotedString) { if (!Lexer::fixupQuotedString(scratchData)) { Location location = lexer.current().location; nextLexeme(); return reportExprError(location, {}, "String literal contains malformed escape sequence"); } } else { Lexer::fixupMultilineString(scratchData); } Location start = lexer.current().location; AstArray value = copy(scratchData); nextLexeme(); return allocator.alloc(start, value); } AstLocal* Parser::pushLocal(const Binding& binding) { const Name& name = binding.name; AstLocal*& local = localMap[name.name]; local = allocator.alloc( name.name, name.location, /* shadow= */ local, functionStack.size() - 1, functionStack.back().loopDepth, binding.annotation); localStack.push_back(local); return local; } unsigned int Parser::saveLocals() { return unsigned(localStack.size()); } void Parser::restoreLocals(unsigned int offset) { for (size_t i = localStack.size(); i > offset; --i) { AstLocal* l = localStack[i - 1]; localMap[l->name] = l->shadow; } localStack.resize(offset); } bool Parser::expectAndConsume(char value, const char* context) { return expectAndConsume(static_cast(static_cast(value)), context); } bool Parser::expectAndConsume(Lexeme::Type type, const char* context) { if (lexer.current().type != type) { expectAndConsumeFail(type, context); // check if this is an extra token and the expected token is next if (lexer.lookahead().type == type) { // skip invalid and consume expected nextLexeme(); nextLexeme(); } return false; } else { nextLexeme(); return true; } } // LUAU_NOINLINE is used to limit the stack cost of this function due to std::string objects, and to increase caller performance since this code is // cold LUAU_NOINLINE void Parser::expectAndConsumeFail(Lexeme::Type type, const char* context) { std::string typeString = Lexeme(Location(Position(0, 0), 0), type).toString(); std::string currLexemeString = lexer.current().toString(); if (context) report(lexer.current().location, "Expected %s when parsing %s, got %s", typeString.c_str(), context, currLexemeString.c_str()); else report(lexer.current().location, "Expected %s, got %s", typeString.c_str(), currLexemeString.c_str()); } bool Parser::expectMatchAndConsume(char value, const Lexeme& begin, bool searchForMissing) { Lexeme::Type type = static_cast(static_cast(value)); if (lexer.current().type != type) { expectMatchAndConsumeFail(type, begin); if (searchForMissing) { // previous location is taken because 'current' lexeme is already the next token unsigned currentLine = lexer.previousLocation().end.line; // search to the end of the line for expected token // we will also stop if we hit a token that can be handled by parsing function above the current one Lexeme::Type lexemeType = lexer.current().type; while (currentLine == lexer.current().location.begin.line && lexemeType != type && matchRecoveryStopOnToken[lexemeType] == 0) { nextLexeme(); lexemeType = lexer.current().type; } if (lexemeType == type) { nextLexeme(); return true; } } else { // check if this is an extra token and the expected token is next if (lexer.lookahead().type == type) { // skip invalid and consume expected nextLexeme(); nextLexeme(); return true; } } return false; } else { nextLexeme(); return true; } } // LUAU_NOINLINE is used to limit the stack cost of this function due to std::string objects, and to increase caller performance since this code is // cold LUAU_NOINLINE void Parser::expectMatchAndConsumeFail(Lexeme::Type type, const Lexeme& begin, const char* extra) { std::string typeString = Lexeme(Location(Position(0, 0), 0), type).toString(); if (lexer.current().location.begin.line == begin.location.begin.line) report(lexer.current().location, "Expected %s (to close %s at column %d), got %s%s", typeString.c_str(), begin.toString().c_str(), begin.location.begin.column + 1, lexer.current().toString().c_str(), extra ? extra : ""); else report(lexer.current().location, "Expected %s (to close %s at line %d), got %s%s", typeString.c_str(), begin.toString().c_str(), begin.location.begin.line + 1, lexer.current().toString().c_str(), extra ? extra : ""); } bool Parser::expectMatchEndAndConsume(Lexeme::Type type, const Lexeme& begin) { if (lexer.current().type != type) { expectMatchEndAndConsumeFail(type, begin); // check if this is an extra token and the expected token is next if (lexer.lookahead().type == type) { // skip invalid and consume expected nextLexeme(); nextLexeme(); return true; } return false; } else { // If the token matches on a different line and a different column, it suggests misleading indentation // This can be used to pinpoint the problem location for a possible future *actual* mismatch if (lexer.current().location.begin.line != begin.location.begin.line && lexer.current().location.begin.column != begin.location.begin.column && endMismatchSuspect.location.begin.line < begin.location.begin.line) // Only replace the previous suspect with more recent suspects { endMismatchSuspect = begin; } nextLexeme(); return true; } } // LUAU_NOINLINE is used to limit the stack cost of this function due to std::string objects, and to increase caller performance since this code is // cold LUAU_NOINLINE void Parser::expectMatchEndAndConsumeFail(Lexeme::Type type, const Lexeme& begin) { if (endMismatchSuspect.type != Lexeme::Eof && endMismatchSuspect.location.begin.line > begin.location.begin.line) { std::string suggestion = format("; did you forget to close %s at line %d?", endMismatchSuspect.toString().c_str(), endMismatchSuspect.location.begin.line + 1); expectMatchAndConsumeFail(type, begin, suggestion.c_str()); } else { expectMatchAndConsumeFail(type, begin); } } template AstArray Parser::copy(const T* data, size_t size) { AstArray result; result.data = size ? static_cast(allocator.allocate(sizeof(T) * size)) : nullptr; result.size = size; // This is equivalent to std::uninitialized_copy, but without the exception guarantee // since our types don't have destructors for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) new (result.data + i) T(data[i]); return result; } template AstArray Parser::copy(const TempVector& data) { return copy(data.empty() ? nullptr : &data[0], data.size()); } template AstArray Parser::copy(std::initializer_list data) { return copy(data.size() == 0 ? nullptr : data.begin(), data.size()); } AstArray Parser::copy(const std::string& data) { AstArray result = copy(data.c_str(), data.size() + 1); result.size = data.size(); return result; } void Parser::incrementRecursionCounter(const char* context) { recursionCounter++; if (recursionCounter > unsigned(FInt::LuauRecursionLimit)) { ParseError::raise(lexer.current().location, "Exceeded allowed recursion depth; simplify your %s to make the code compile", context); } } void Parser::report(const Location& location, const char* format, va_list args) { // To reduce number of errors reported to user for incomplete statements, we skip multiple errors at the same location // For example, consider 'local a = (((b + ' where multiple tokens haven't been written yet if (!parseErrors.empty() && location == parseErrors.back().getLocation()) return; std::string message = vformat(format, args); // when limited to a single error, behave as if the error recovery is disabled if (FInt::LuauParseErrorLimit == 1) throw ParseError(location, message); parseErrors.emplace_back(location, message); if (parseErrors.size() >= unsigned(FInt::LuauParseErrorLimit)) ParseError::raise(location, "Reached error limit (%d)", int(FInt::LuauParseErrorLimit)); } void Parser::report(const Location& location, const char* format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); report(location, format, args); va_end(args); } LUAU_NOINLINE void Parser::reportNameError(const char* context) { if (context) report(lexer.current().location, "Expected identifier when parsing %s, got %s", context, lexer.current().toString().c_str()); else report(lexer.current().location, "Expected identifier, got %s", lexer.current().toString().c_str()); } AstStatError* Parser::reportStatError( const Location& location, const AstArray& expressions, const AstArray& statements, const char* format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); report(location, format, args); va_end(args); return allocator.alloc(location, expressions, statements, unsigned(parseErrors.size() - 1)); } AstExprError* Parser::reportExprError(const Location& location, const AstArray& expressions, const char* format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); report(location, format, args); va_end(args); return allocator.alloc(location, expressions, unsigned(parseErrors.size() - 1)); } AstTypeError* Parser::reportTypeAnnotationError(const Location& location, const AstArray& types, bool isMissing, const char* format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); report(location, format, args); va_end(args); return allocator.alloc(location, types, isMissing, unsigned(parseErrors.size() - 1)); } const Lexeme& Parser::nextLexeme() { if (options.captureComments) { while (true) { const Lexeme& lexeme = lexer.next(/*skipComments*/ false); // Subtlety: Broken comments are weird because we record them as comments AND pass them to the parser as a lexeme. // The parser will turn this into a proper syntax error. if (FFlag::LuauCaptureBrokenCommentSpans && lexeme.type == Lexeme::BrokenComment) commentLocations.push_back(Comment{lexeme.type, lexeme.location}); if (isComment(lexeme)) commentLocations.push_back(Comment{lexeme.type, lexeme.location}); else return lexeme; } } else return lexer.next(); } } // namespace Luau