// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Luau/TypeReduction.h" #include "Fixture.h" #include "doctest.h" using namespace Luau; namespace { struct ReductionFixture : Fixture { TypeReductionOptions typeReductionOpts{/* allowTypeReductionsFromOtherArenas */ true}; ToStringOptions toStringOpts{true}; TypeArena arena; InternalErrorReporter iceHandler; UnifierSharedState unifierState{&iceHandler}; TypeReduction reduction{NotNull{&arena}, builtinTypes, NotNull{&iceHandler}, typeReductionOpts}; ReductionFixture() { registerHiddenTypes(&frontend); createSomeClasses(&frontend); } TypeId reductionof(TypeId ty) { std::optional reducedTy = reduction.reduce(ty); REQUIRE(reducedTy); return *reducedTy; } TypeId reductionof(const std::string& annotation) { check("type _Res = " + annotation); return reductionof(requireTypeAlias("_Res")); } std::string toStringFull(TypeId ty) { return toString(ty, toStringOpts); } }; } // namespace TEST_SUITE_BEGIN("TypeReductionTests"); TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ReductionFixture, "cartesian_product_exceeded") { ScopedFastInt sfi{"LuauTypeReductionCartesianProductLimit", 5}; CheckResult result = check(R"( type T = string & (number | string | boolean) & (number | string | boolean) )"); CHECK(!reduction.reduce(requireTypeAlias("T"))); // LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); // CHECK("Code is too complex to typecheck! Consider simplifying the code around this area" == toString(result.errors[0])); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ReductionFixture, "cartesian_product_exceeded_with_normal_limit") { CheckResult result = check(R"( type T = string -- 1 = 1 & (number | string | boolean) -- 1 * 3 = 3 & (number | string | boolean) -- 3 * 3 = 9 & (number | string | boolean) -- 9 * 3 = 27 & (number | string | boolean) -- 27 * 3 = 81 & (number | string | boolean) -- 81 * 3 = 243 & (number | string | boolean) -- 243 * 3 = 729 & (number | string | boolean) -- 729 * 3 = 2187 & (number | string | boolean) -- 2187 * 3 = 6561 & (number | string | boolean) -- 6561 * 3 = 19683 & (number | string | boolean) -- 19683 * 3 = 59049 & (number | string) -- 59049 * 2 = 118098 )"); CHECK(!reduction.reduce(requireTypeAlias("T"))); // LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); // CHECK("Code is too complex to typecheck! Consider simplifying the code around this area" == toString(result.errors[0])); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ReductionFixture, "cartesian_product_is_zero") { ScopedFastInt sfi{"LuauTypeReductionCartesianProductLimit", 5}; CheckResult result = check(R"( type T = string & (number | string | boolean) & (number | string | boolean) & never )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ReductionFixture, "stress_test_recursion_limits") { TypeId ty = arena.addType(IntersectionType{{builtinTypes->numberType, builtinTypes->stringType}}); for (size_t i = 0; i < 20'000; ++i) { TableType table; table.state = TableState::Sealed; table.props["x"] = {ty}; ty = arena.addType(IntersectionType{{arena.addType(table), arena.addType(table)}}); } CHECK(!reduction.reduce(ty)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ReductionFixture, "caching") { SUBCASE("free_tables") { TypeId ty1 = arena.addType(TableType{}); getMutable(ty1)->state = TableState::Free; getMutable(ty1)->props["x"] = {builtinTypes->stringType}; TypeId ty2 = arena.addType(TableType{}); getMutable(ty2)->state = TableState::Sealed; TypeId intersectionTy = arena.addType(IntersectionType{{ty1, ty2}}); CHECK("{- x: string -} & {| |}" == toStringFull(reductionof(intersectionTy))); getMutable(ty1)->state = TableState::Sealed; CHECK("{| x: string |}" == toStringFull(reductionof(intersectionTy))); } SUBCASE("unsealed_tables") { TypeId ty1 = arena.addType(TableType{}); getMutable(ty1)->state = TableState::Unsealed; getMutable(ty1)->props["x"] = {builtinTypes->stringType}; TypeId ty2 = arena.addType(TableType{}); getMutable(ty2)->state = TableState::Sealed; TypeId intersectionTy = arena.addType(IntersectionType{{ty1, ty2}}); CHECK("{| x: string |}" == toStringFull(reductionof(intersectionTy))); getMutable(ty1)->state = TableState::Sealed; CHECK("{| x: string |}" == toStringFull(reductionof(intersectionTy))); } SUBCASE("free_types") { TypeId ty1 = arena.freshType(nullptr); TypeId ty2 = arena.addType(TableType{}); getMutable(ty2)->state = TableState::Sealed; TypeId intersectionTy = arena.addType(IntersectionType{{ty1, ty2}}); CHECK("a & {| |}" == toStringFull(reductionof(intersectionTy))); *asMutable(ty1) = BoundType{ty2}; CHECK("{| |}" == toStringFull(reductionof(intersectionTy))); } SUBCASE("we_can_see_that_the_cache_works_if_we_mutate_a_normally_not_mutated_type") { TypeId ty1 = arena.addType(BoundType{builtinTypes->stringType}); TypeId ty2 = builtinTypes->numberType; TypeId intersectionTy = arena.addType(IntersectionType{{ty1, ty2}}); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(reductionof(intersectionTy))); // Bound & number ~ never *asMutable(ty1) = BoundType{ty2}; CHECK("never" == toStringFull(reductionof(intersectionTy))); // Bound & number ~ number, but the cache is `never`. } SUBCASE("ptr_eq_irreducible_unions") { TypeId unionTy = arena.addType(UnionType{{builtinTypes->stringType, builtinTypes->numberType}}); TypeId reducedTy = reductionof(unionTy); REQUIRE(unionTy == reducedTy); } SUBCASE("ptr_eq_irreducible_intersections") { TypeId intersectionTy = arena.addType(IntersectionType{{builtinTypes->stringType, arena.addType(GenericType{"G"})}}); TypeId reducedTy = reductionof(intersectionTy); REQUIRE(intersectionTy == reducedTy); } SUBCASE("ptr_eq_free_table") { TypeId tableTy = arena.addType(TableType{}); getMutable(tableTy)->state = TableState::Free; TypeId reducedTy = reductionof(tableTy); REQUIRE(tableTy == reducedTy); } SUBCASE("ptr_eq_unsealed_table") { TypeId tableTy = arena.addType(TableType{}); getMutable(tableTy)->state = TableState::Unsealed; TypeId reducedTy = reductionof(tableTy); REQUIRE(tableTy == reducedTy); } } // caching TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ReductionFixture, "intersections_without_negations") { SUBCASE("string_and_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string & string"); CHECK("string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("never_and_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("never & string"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_and_never") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string & never"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("unknown_and_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("unknown & string"); CHECK("string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_and_unknown") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string & unknown"); CHECK("string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("any_and_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("any & string"); CHECK("string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_and_any") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string & any"); CHECK("string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_number_and_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("(string | number) & string"); CHECK("string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_and_string_or_number") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string & (string | number)"); CHECK("string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_and_a") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(string & "a")"); CHECK(R"("a")" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("boolean_and_true") { TypeId ty = reductionof("boolean & true"); CHECK("true" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("boolean_and_a") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(boolean & "a")"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("a_and_a") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"("a" & "a")"); CHECK(R"("a")" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("a_and_b") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"("a" & "b")"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("a_and_true") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"("a" & true)"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("a_and_true") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(true & false)"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("function_type_and_function") { TypeId ty = reductionof("() -> () & fun"); CHECK("() -> ()" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("function_type_and_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("() -> () & string"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("parent_and_child") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Parent & Child"); CHECK("Child" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("child_and_parent") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Child & Parent"); CHECK("Child" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("child_and_unrelated") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Child & Unrelated"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_and_table") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string & {}"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_and_child") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string & Child"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_and_function") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string & () -> ()"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("function_and_table") { TypeId ty = reductionof("() -> () & {}"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("function_and_class") { TypeId ty = reductionof("() -> () & Child"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("function_and_function") { TypeId ty = reductionof("() -> () & () -> ()"); CHECK("(() -> ()) & (() -> ())" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("table_and_table") { TypeId ty = reductionof("{} & {}"); CHECK("{| |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("table_and_metatable") { // No setmetatable in ReductionFixture, so we mix and match. BuiltinsFixture fixture; fixture.check(R"( type Ty = {} & typeof(setmetatable({}, {})) )"); TypeId ty = reductionof(fixture.requireTypeAlias("Ty")); CHECK("{ @metatable { }, { } } & {| |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("a_and_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"("a" & string)"); CHECK(R"("a")" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("reducible_function_and_function") { TypeId ty = reductionof("((string | string) -> (number | number)) & fun"); CHECK("(string) -> number" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_and_error") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string & err"); CHECK("*error-type* & string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("table_p_string_and_table_p_number") { TypeId ty = reductionof("{ p: string } & { p: number }"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("table_p_string_and_table_p_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("{ p: string } & { p: string }"); CHECK("{| p: string |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("table_x_table_p_string_and_table_x_table_p_number") { TypeId ty = reductionof("{ x: { p: string } } & { x: { p: number } }"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("table_p_and_table_q") { TypeId ty = reductionof("{ p: string } & { q: number }"); CHECK("{| p: string, q: number |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("table_tag_a_or_table_tag_b_and_table_b") { TypeId ty = reductionof("({ tag: string, a: number } | { tag: number, b: string }) & { b: string }"); CHECK("{| a: number, b: string, tag: string |} | {| b: string, tag: number |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("table_string_number_indexer_and_table_string_number_indexer") { TypeId ty = reductionof("{ [string]: number } & { [string]: number }"); CHECK("{| [string]: number |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("table_string_number_indexer_and_empty_table") { TypeId ty = reductionof("{ [string]: number } & {}"); CHECK("{| [string]: number |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("empty_table_table_string_number_indexer") { TypeId ty = reductionof("{} & { [string]: number }"); CHECK("{| [string]: number |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_number_indexer_and_number_number_indexer") { TypeId ty = reductionof("{ [string]: number } & { [number]: number }"); CHECK("{number} & {| [string]: number |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("table_p_string_and_indexer_number_number") { TypeId ty = reductionof("{ p: string } & { [number]: number }"); CHECK("{| [number]: number, p: string |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("table_p_string_and_indexer_string_number") { TypeId ty = reductionof("{ p: string } & { [string]: number }"); CHECK("{| [string]: number, p: string |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("table_p_string_and_table_p_string_plus_indexer_string_number") { TypeId ty = reductionof("{ p: string } & { p: string, [string]: number }"); CHECK("{| [string]: number, p: string |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("fresh_type_and_string") { TypeId freshTy = arena.freshType(nullptr); TypeId ty = reductionof(arena.addType(IntersectionType{{freshTy, builtinTypes->stringType}})); CHECK("a & string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_and_fresh_type") { TypeId freshTy = arena.freshType(nullptr); TypeId ty = reductionof(arena.addType(IntersectionType{{builtinTypes->stringType, freshTy}})); CHECK("a & string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("generic_and_string") { TypeId genericTy = arena.addType(GenericType{"G"}); TypeId ty = reductionof(arena.addType(IntersectionType{{genericTy, builtinTypes->stringType}})); CHECK("G & string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_and_generic") { TypeId genericTy = arena.addType(GenericType{"G"}); TypeId ty = reductionof(arena.addType(IntersectionType{{builtinTypes->stringType, genericTy}})); CHECK("G & string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("parent_and_child_or_parent_and_anotherchild_or_parent_and_unrelated") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Parent & (Child | AnotherChild | Unrelated)"); CHECK("AnotherChild | Child" == toString(ty)); } SUBCASE("parent_and_child_or_parent_and_anotherchild_or_parent_and_unrelated_2") { TypeId ty = reductionof("(Parent & Child) | (Parent & AnotherChild) | (Parent & Unrelated)"); CHECK("AnotherChild | Child" == toString(ty)); } } // intersections_without_negations TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ReductionFixture, "intersections_with_negations") { SUBCASE("nil_and_not_nil") { TypeId ty = reductionof("nil & Not"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("nil_and_not_false") { TypeId ty = reductionof("nil & Not"); CHECK("nil" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_nil_and_not_nil") { TypeId ty = reductionof("(string?) & Not"); CHECK("string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_nil_and_not_false_or_nil") { TypeId ty = reductionof("(string?) & Not"); CHECK("string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_nil_and_not_false_and_not_nil") { TypeId ty = reductionof("(string?) & Not & Not"); CHECK("string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_false_and_bool") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not & boolean"); CHECK("true" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("function_type_and_not_function") { TypeId ty = reductionof("() -> () & Not"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("function_type_and_not_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("() -> () & Not"); CHECK("() -> ()" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_a_and_string_or_nil") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(Not<"a"> & (string | nil))"); CHECK(R"((string & ~"a")?)" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_a_and_a") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(Not<"a"> & "a")"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_a_and_b") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(Not<"a"> & "b")"); CHECK(R"("b")" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_string_and_a") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(Not & "a")"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_bool_and_true") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not & true"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_string_and_true") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not & true"); CHECK("true" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("parent_and_not_child") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Parent & Not"); CHECK("Parent & ~Child" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_child_and_parent") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not & Parent"); CHECK("Parent & ~Child" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("child_and_not_parent") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Child & Not"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_parent_and_child") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not & Child"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_parent_and_unrelated") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not & Unrelated"); CHECK("Unrelated" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("unrelated_and_not_parent") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Unrelated & Not"); CHECK("Unrelated" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_unrelated_and_parent") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not & Parent"); CHECK("Parent" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("parent_and_not_unrelated") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Parent & Not"); CHECK("Parent" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("reducible_function_and_not_function") { TypeId ty = reductionof("((string | string) -> (number | number)) & Not"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_and_not_error") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string & Not"); CHECK("string & ~*error-type*" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("table_p_string_and_table_p_not_number") { TypeId ty = reductionof("{ p: string } & { p: Not }"); CHECK("{| p: string |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("table_p_string_and_table_p_not_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("{ p: string } & { p: Not }"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("table_x_table_p_string_and_table_x_table_p_not_number") { TypeId ty = reductionof("{ x: { p: string } } & { x: { p: Not } }"); CHECK("{| x: {| p: string |} |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } } // intersections_with_negations TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ReductionFixture, "unions_without_negations") { SUBCASE("never_or_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("never | string"); CHECK("string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_never") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string | never"); CHECK("string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("unknown_or_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("unknown | string"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_unknown") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string | unknown"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("any_or_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("any | string"); CHECK("any" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_any") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string | any"); CHECK("any" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_string_and_number") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string | (string & number)"); CHECK("string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string | string"); CHECK("string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_number") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string | number"); CHECK("number | string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("number_or_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("number | string"); CHECK("number | string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_number_or_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("(string | number) | string"); CHECK("number | string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_number_or_string_2") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string | (number | string)"); CHECK("number | string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_string_or_number") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string | (string | number)"); CHECK("number | string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_string_or_number_or_boolean") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string | (string | number | boolean)"); CHECK("boolean | number | string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_string_or_boolean_or_number") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string | (string | boolean | number)"); CHECK("boolean | number | string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_boolean_or_string_or_number") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string | (boolean | string | number)"); CHECK("boolean | number | string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("boolean_or_string_or_number_or_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("(boolean | string | number) | string"); CHECK("boolean | number | string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("boolean_or_true") { TypeId ty = reductionof("boolean | true"); CHECK("boolean" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("boolean_or_false") { TypeId ty = reductionof("boolean | false"); CHECK("boolean" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("boolean_or_true_or_false") { TypeId ty = reductionof("boolean | true | false"); CHECK("boolean" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_a") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(string | "a")"); CHECK("string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("a_or_a") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"("a" | "a")"); CHECK(R"("a")" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("a_or_b") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"("a" | "b")"); CHECK(R"("a" | "b")" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("a_or_b_or_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"("a" | "b" | string)"); CHECK("string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("unknown_or_any") { TypeId ty = reductionof("unknown | any"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("any_or_unknown") { TypeId ty = reductionof("any | unknown"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("function_type_or_function") { TypeId ty = reductionof("() -> () | fun"); CHECK("function" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("function_or_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("fun | string"); CHECK("function | string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("parent_or_child") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Parent | Child"); CHECK("Parent" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("child_or_parent") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Child | Parent"); CHECK("Parent" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("parent_or_unrelated") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Parent | Unrelated"); CHECK("Parent | Unrelated" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("parent_or_child_or_unrelated") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Parent | Child | Unrelated"); CHECK("Parent | Unrelated" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("parent_or_unrelated_or_child") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Parent | Unrelated | Child"); CHECK("Parent | Unrelated" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("parent_or_child_or_unrelated_or_child") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Parent | Child | Unrelated | Child"); CHECK("Parent | Unrelated" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_true") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string | true"); CHECK("string | true" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_function") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string | () -> ()"); CHECK("(() -> ()) | string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_err") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string | err"); CHECK("*error-type* | string" == toStringFull(ty)); } } // unions_without_negations TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ReductionFixture, "unions_with_negations") { SUBCASE("string_or_not_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string | Not"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_string_or_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not | string"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_number_or_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not | string"); CHECK("~number" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_not_number") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string | Not"); CHECK("~number" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_hi_or_string_and_not_hi") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(Not<"hi"> | (string & Not<"hi">))"); CHECK(R"(~"hi")" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_and_not_hi_or_not_hi") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"((string & Not<"hi">) | Not<"hi">)"); CHECK(R"(~"hi")" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_not_never") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string | Not"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_a_or_not_a") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(Not<"a"> | Not<"a">)"); CHECK(R"(~"a")" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_a_or_a") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(Not<"a"> | "a")"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("a_or_not_a") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"("a" | Not<"a">)"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_a_or_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(Not<"a"> | string)"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_not_a") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(string | Not<"a">)"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_string_or_a") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(Not | "a")"); CHECK(R"("a" | ~string)" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("a_or_not_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"("a" | Not)"); CHECK(R"("a" | ~string)" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_number_or_a") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(Not | "a")"); CHECK("~number" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("a_or_not_number") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"("a" | Not)"); CHECK("~number" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_a_or_not_b") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(Not<"a"> | Not<"b">)"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("boolean_or_not_false") { TypeId ty = reductionof("boolean | Not"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("boolean_or_not_true") { TypeId ty = reductionof("boolean | Not"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("false_or_not_false") { TypeId ty = reductionof("false | Not"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("true_or_not_false") { TypeId ty = reductionof("true | Not"); CHECK("~false" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_boolean_or_true") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not | true"); CHECK("~false" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_false_or_not_boolean") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not | Not"); CHECK("~false" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("function_type_or_not_function") { TypeId ty = reductionof("() -> () | Not"); CHECK("(() -> ()) | ~function" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_parent_or_child") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not | Child"); CHECK("Child | ~Parent" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("child_or_not_parent") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Child | Not"); CHECK("Child | ~Parent" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("parent_or_not_child") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Parent | Not"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_child_or_parent") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not | Parent"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("parent_or_not_unrelated") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Parent | Not"); CHECK("~Unrelated" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_string_or_string_and_not_a") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(Not | (string & Not<"a">))"); CHECK(R"(~"a")" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_string_or_not_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not | Not"); CHECK("~string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_string_or_not_number") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not | Not"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_a_or_not_boolean") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(Not<"a"> | Not)"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_a_or_boolean") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(Not<"a"> | boolean)"); CHECK(R"(~"a")" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_err") { TypeId ty = reductionof("string | Not"); CHECK("string | ~*error-type*" == toStringFull(ty)); } } // unions_with_negations TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ReductionFixture, "tables") { SUBCASE("reduce_props") { TypeId ty = reductionof("{ x: string | string, y: number | number }"); CHECK("{| x: string, y: number |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("reduce_indexers") { TypeId ty = reductionof("{ [string | string]: number | number }"); CHECK("{| [string]: number |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("reduce_instantiated_type_parameters") { check(R"( type Foo = { x: T } local foo: Foo = { x = "hello" } )"); TypeId ty = reductionof(requireType("foo")); CHECK("Foo" == toString(ty)); } SUBCASE("reduce_instantiated_type_pack_parameters") { check(R"( type Foo = { x: () -> T... } local foo: Foo = { x = function() return "hi", 5 end } )"); TypeId ty = reductionof(requireType("foo")); CHECK("Foo" == toString(ty)); } SUBCASE("reduce_tables_within_tables") { TypeId ty = reductionof("{ x: { y: string & number } }"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ReductionFixture, "metatables") { SUBCASE("reduce_table_part") { TableType table; table.state = TableState::Sealed; table.props["x"] = {arena.addType(UnionType{{builtinTypes->stringType, builtinTypes->stringType}})}; TypeId tableTy = arena.addType(std::move(table)); TypeId ty = reductionof(arena.addType(MetatableType{tableTy, arena.addType(TableType{})})); CHECK("{ @metatable { }, {| x: string |} }" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("reduce_metatable_part") { TableType table; table.state = TableState::Sealed; table.props["x"] = {arena.addType(UnionType{{builtinTypes->stringType, builtinTypes->stringType}})}; TypeId tableTy = arena.addType(std::move(table)); TypeId ty = reductionof(arena.addType(MetatableType{arena.addType(TableType{}), tableTy})); CHECK("{ @metatable {| x: string |}, { } }" == toStringFull(ty)); } } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ReductionFixture, "functions") { SUBCASE("reduce_parameters") { TypeId ty = reductionof("(string | string) -> ()"); CHECK("(string) -> ()" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("reduce_returns") { TypeId ty = reductionof("() -> (string | string)"); CHECK("() -> string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("reduce_parameters_and_returns") { TypeId ty = reductionof("(string | string) -> (number | number)"); CHECK("(string) -> number" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("reduce_tail") { TypeId ty = reductionof("() -> ...(string | string)"); CHECK("() -> (...string)" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("reduce_head_and_tail") { TypeId ty = reductionof("() -> (string | string, number | number, ...(boolean | boolean))"); CHECK("() -> (string, number, ...boolean)" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("reduce_overloaded_functions") { TypeId ty = reductionof("((number | number) -> ()) & ((string | string) -> ())"); CHECK("((number) -> ()) & ((string) -> ())" == toStringFull(ty)); } } // functions TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ReductionFixture, "negations") { SUBCASE("not_unknown") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_never") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_any") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not"); CHECK("any" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_not_reduction") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not>"); CHECK("never" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_string") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not"); CHECK("~string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_string_or_number") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not"); CHECK("~number & ~string" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_string_and_number") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not"); CHECK("unknown" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("not_error") { TypeId ty = reductionof("Not"); CHECK("~*error-type*" == toStringFull(ty)); } } // negations TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ReductionFixture, "discriminable_unions") { SUBCASE("cat_or_dog_and_dog") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(({ tag: "cat", catfood: string } | { tag: "dog", dogfood: string }) & { tag: "dog" })"); CHECK(R"({| dogfood: string, tag: "dog" |})" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("cat_or_dog_and_not_dog") { TypeId ty = reductionof(R"(({ tag: "cat", catfood: string } | { tag: "dog", dogfood: string }) & { tag: Not<"dog"> })"); CHECK(R"({| catfood: string, tag: "cat" |})" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_number_and_number") { TypeId ty = reductionof("({ tag: string, a: number } | { tag: number, b: string }) & { tag: string }"); CHECK("{| a: number, tag: string |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("string_or_number_and_number") { TypeId ty = reductionof("({ tag: string, a: number } | { tag: number, b: string }) & { tag: number }"); CHECK("{| b: string, tag: number |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("child_or_unrelated_and_parent") { TypeId ty = reductionof("({ tag: Child, x: number } | { tag: Unrelated, y: string }) & { tag: Parent }"); CHECK("{| tag: Child, x: number |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("child_or_unrelated_and_not_parent") { TypeId ty = reductionof("({ tag: Child, x: number } | { tag: Unrelated, y: string }) & { tag: Not }"); CHECK("{| tag: Unrelated, y: string |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ReductionFixture, "cycles") { SUBCASE("recursively_defined_function") { check("type F = (f: F) -> ()"); TypeId ty = reductionof(requireTypeAlias("F")); CHECK("t1 where t1 = (t1) -> ()" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("recursively_defined_function_and_function") { check("type F = (f: F & fun) -> ()"); TypeId ty = reductionof(requireTypeAlias("F")); CHECK("t1 where t1 = (function & t1) -> ()" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("recursively_defined_table") { check("type T = { x: T }"); TypeId ty = reductionof(requireTypeAlias("T")); CHECK("t1 where t1 = {| x: t1 |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("recursively_defined_table_and_table") { check("type T = { x: T & {} }"); TypeId ty = reductionof(requireTypeAlias("T")); CHECK("t1 where t1 = {| x: t1 & {| |} |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("recursively_defined_table_and_table_2") { check("type T = { x: T } & { x: number }"); TypeId ty = reductionof(requireTypeAlias("T")); CHECK("t1 where t1 = {| x: number |} & {| x: t1 |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } SUBCASE("recursively_defined_table_and_table_3") { check("type T = { x: T } & { x: T }"); TypeId ty = reductionof(requireTypeAlias("T")); CHECK("t1 where t1 = {| x: t1 |} & {| x: t1 |}" == toStringFull(ty)); } } TEST_SUITE_END();