--- layout: single title: "String Interpolation" --- String interpolation is the new syntax introduced to Luau that allows you to create a string literal with expressions inside of that string literal. In short, it's a safer and more ergonomic alternative over `string.format`. Here's a quick example of a string interpolation: ```lua local combos = {2, 7, 1, 8, 5} print(`The lock combination is {table.concat(combos)}. Again, {table.concat(combos, ", ")}.`) --> The lock combination is 27185. Again, 2, 7, 1, 8, 5. ``` String interpolation also composes well with the `__tostring` metamethod. ```lua local balance = setmetatable({ value = 500 }, { __tostring = function(self) return "$" .. tostring(self.value) end }) print(`You have {balance}!`) --> You have $500! ``` To find out more details about this feature, check out [Luau Syntax page](/syntax#string-interpolation). This is also the first major language feature implemented in a [contribution](https://github.com/Roblox/luau/pull/614) from the open-source community. Thanks [Kampfkarren](https://github.com/Kampfkarren)!