-- This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details print("testing pcall") function checkresults(e, ...) local t = table.pack(...) assert(t.n == #e) for i=1,t.n do assert(t[i] == e[i]) end end function checkerror(...) local t = table.pack(...) assert(t.n == 2) assert(t[1] == false) assert(type(t[2]) == "string") end function corun(f) local co = coroutine.create(f) local res = {} while coroutine.status(co) == "suspended" do res = {coroutine.resume(co)} end assert(coroutine.status(co) == "dead") return table.unpack(res) end function colog(f) local co = coroutine.create(f) local res = {} while coroutine.status(co) == "suspended" do local run = {coroutine.resume(co)} if run[1] then table.insert(res, coroutine.status(co) == "suspended" and "yield" or "return"); else table.insert(res, "error"); end table.move(run, 2, #run, 1 + #res, res) -- equivalent to table.append(res, run) print(coroutine.status(co), table.unpack(res)) end assert(coroutine.status(co) == "dead") return table.unpack(res) end -- basic behavior tests - no error/yielding, just checking argument passing checkresults({ true, 42 }, pcall(function() return 42 end)) checkresults({ true, 1, 2, 42 }, pcall(function(a, b) return a, b, 42 end, 1, 2)) checkresults({ true, 2 }, pcall(function(...) return select('#', ...) end, 1, 2)) -- the argument could be a C function or a callable checkresults({ true, 42 }, pcall(math.abs, -42)) checkresults({ true, 42 }, pcall(setmetatable({}, { __call = function(self, arg) return math.abs(arg) end }), -42)) -- basic error tests - including interpreter errors and errors generated by C APIs checkerror(pcall(function() local a = nil / 5 end)) checkerror(pcall(function() select(-100) end)) if not limitedstack then -- complex error tests - stack overflow, and stack overflow through pcall function stackinfinite() return stackinfinite() end checkerror(pcall(stackinfinite)) function stackover() return pcall(stackover) end local res = {pcall(stackover)} assert(#res == 200) end -- yield tests checkresults({ "yield", "return", true, 42 }, colog(function() return pcall(function() coroutine.yield() return 42 end) end)) checkresults({ "yield", 1, "return", true, 42 }, colog(function() return pcall(function() coroutine.yield(1) return 42 end) end)) checkresults({ "yield", 1, 2, 3, "return", true, 42 }, colog(function() return pcall(function() coroutine.yield(1, 2, 3) return 42 end) end)) checkresults({ "yield", 1, "yield", 2, "yield", 3, "return", true, 42 }, colog(function() return pcall(function() for i=1,3 do coroutine.yield(i) end return 42 end) end)) checkresults({ "yield", "return", true, 1, 2, 3}, colog(function() return pcall(function() coroutine.yield() return 1, 2, 3 end) end)) -- recursive yield tests checkresults({ "yield", 1, "yield", 2, "return", true, true, 3}, colog(function() return pcall(function() coroutine.yield(1) return pcall(function() coroutine.yield(2) return 3 end) end) end)) -- error after yield tests checkresults({ "yield", "return", false, "pcall.lua:80: foo" }, colog(function() return pcall(function() coroutine.yield() error("foo") end) end)) checkresults({ "yield", "yield", "return", true, false, "pcall.lua:81: foo" }, colog(function() return pcall(function() coroutine.yield() return pcall(function() coroutine.yield() error("foo") end) end) end)) checkresults({ "yield", "yield", "return", false, "pcall.lua:82: bar" }, colog(function() return pcall(function() coroutine.yield() pcall(function() coroutine.yield() error("foo") end) error("bar") end) end)) -- returning lots of results (past MINSTACK limits) local res = {pcall(function() return table.unpack(table.create(100, 'a')) end)} assert(#res == 101 and res[1] == true and res[2] == 'a' and res[101] == 'a') local res = {corun(function() return pcall(function() coroutine.yield() return table.unpack(table.create(100, 'a')) end) end)} assert(#res == 102 and res[1] == true and res[2] == true and res[3] == 'a' and res[102] == 'a') -- pcall a C function after yield; resume gets multiple C entries this way checkresults({ "yield", 1, 2, 3, "return", true }, colog(function() return pcall(coroutine.yield, 1, 2, 3) end)) checkresults({ "yield", 1, 2, 3, "return", true, true, true }, colog(function() return pcall(pcall, pcall, coroutine.yield, 1, 2, 3) end)) checkresults({ "yield", "return", true, true, true, 42 }, colog(function() return pcall(pcall, pcall, function() coroutine.yield() return 42 end) end)) -- xpcall basic tests, including yielding; xpcall uses the same infra as pcall so the main testing opportunity is for error handling checkresults({ true, 42 }, xpcall(function() return 42 end, error)) checkresults({ true, 1, 2, 42 }, xpcall(function(a, b) return a, b, 42 end, error, 1, 2)) checkresults({ true, 2 }, xpcall(function(...) return select('#', ...) end, error, 1, 2)) checkresults({ "yield", "return", true, 42 }, colog(function() return xpcall(function() coroutine.yield() return 42 end, error) end)) -- xpcall immediate error handling checkresults({ false, "pcall.lua:103: foo" }, xpcall(function() error("foo") end, function(err) return err end)) checkresults({ false, "bar" }, xpcall(function() error("foo") end, function(err) return "bar" end)) checkresults({ false, 1 }, xpcall(function() error("foo") end, function(err) return 1, 2 end)) checkresults({ false, "pcall.lua:106: foo\npcall.lua:106\npcall.lua:106\n" }, xpcall(function() error("foo") end, debug.traceback)) checkresults({ false, "error in error handling" }, xpcall(function() error("foo") end, function(err) error("bar") end)) -- xpcall error handling after yields checkresults({ "yield", "return", false, "pcall.lua:110: foo" }, colog(function() return xpcall(function() coroutine.yield() error("foo") end, function(err) return err end) end)) checkresults({ "yield", "return", false, "pcall.lua:111: foo\npcall.lua:111\npcall.lua:111\n" }, colog(function() return xpcall(function() coroutine.yield() error("foo") end, debug.traceback) end)) -- xpcall error handling during error handling inside xpcall after yields checkresults({ "yield", "return", true, false, "error in error handling" }, colog(function() return xpcall(function() return xpcall(function() coroutine.yield() error("foo") end, function(err) error("bar") end) end, error) end)) -- xpcall + pcall + yield checkresults({"yield", 42, "return", true, true, true}, colog(function() return xpcall(pcall, function (...) return ... end, function() return pcall(function() coroutine.yield(42) end) end) end)) -- xpcall error checkresults({ false, "missing argument #2 to 'xpcall' (function expected)" }, pcall(xpcall, function() return 42 end)) checkresults({ false, "invalid argument #2 to 'xpcall' (function expected, got boolean)" }, pcall(xpcall, function() return 42 end, true)) -- stack overflow during coroutine resumption function weird() coroutine.yield(weird) weird() end checkresults({ false, "pcall.lua:129: cannot resume dead coroutine" }, pcall(function() for _ in coroutine.wrap(pcall), weird do end end)) -- c++ exception checkresults({ false, "oops" }, pcall(cxxthrow)) -- resumeerror local co = coroutine.create(function() local ok, err = pcall(function() coroutine.yield() end) coroutine.yield() return ok, err end) coroutine.resume(co) resumeerror(co, "fail") checkresults({ true, false, "fail" }, coroutine.resume(co)) -- stack overflow needs to happen at the call limit local calllimit = 20000 function recurse(n) return n <= 1 and 1 or recurse(n-1) + 1 end -- we use one frame for top-level function and one frame is the service frame for coroutines assert(recurse(calllimit - 2) == calllimit - 2) -- note that when calling through pcall, pcall eats one more frame checkresults({ true, calllimit - 3 }, pcall(recurse, calllimit - 3)) checkerror(pcall(recurse, calllimit - 2)) -- xpcall handler runs in context of the stack frame, but this works just fine since we allow extra stack consumption past stack overflow checkresults({ false, "ok" }, xpcall(recurse, function() return string.reverse("ko") end, calllimit - 2)) -- however, if xpcall handler itself runs out of extra stack space, we get "error in error handling" checkresults({ false, "error in error handling" }, xpcall(recurse, function() return recurse(calllimit) end, calllimit - 2)) -- simulate OOM and make sure we can catch it with pcall or xpcall checkresults({ false, "not enough memory" }, pcall(function() table.create(1e6) end)) checkresults({ false, "not enough memory" }, xpcall(function() table.create(1e6) end, function(e) return e end)) checkresults({ false, "oops" }, xpcall(function() table.create(1e6) end, function(e) return "oops" end)) checkresults({ false, "error in error handling" }, xpcall(function() error("oops") end, function(e) table.create(1e6) end)) checkresults({ false, "not enough memory" }, xpcall(function() table.create(1e6) end, function(e) table.create(1e6) end)) return 'OK'