// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Luau/BytecodeBuilder.h" #include "Luau/StringUtils.h" #include #include namespace Luau { static const uint32_t kMaxConstantCount = 1 << 23; static const uint32_t kMaxClosureCount = 1 << 15; static const int kMaxJumpDistance = 1 << 23; static int log2(int v) { LUAU_ASSERT(v); int r = 0; while (v >= (2 << r)) r++; return r; } static void writeByte(std::string& ss, unsigned char value) { ss.append(reinterpret_cast(&value), sizeof(value)); } static void writeInt(std::string& ss, int value) { ss.append(reinterpret_cast(&value), sizeof(value)); } static void writeDouble(std::string& ss, double value) { ss.append(reinterpret_cast(&value), sizeof(value)); } static void writeVarInt(std::string& ss, unsigned int value) { do { writeByte(ss, (value & 127) | ((value > 127) << 7)); value >>= 7; } while (value); } static int getOpLength(LuauOpcode op) { switch (op) { case LOP_GETGLOBAL: case LOP_SETGLOBAL: case LOP_GETIMPORT: case LOP_GETTABLEKS: case LOP_SETTABLEKS: case LOP_NAMECALL: case LOP_JUMPIFEQ: case LOP_JUMPIFLE: case LOP_JUMPIFLT: case LOP_JUMPIFNOTEQ: case LOP_JUMPIFNOTLE: case LOP_JUMPIFNOTLT: case LOP_NEWTABLE: case LOP_SETLIST: case LOP_FORGLOOP: case LOP_LOADKX: case LOP_JUMPIFEQK: case LOP_JUMPIFNOTEQK: case LOP_FASTCALL2: case LOP_FASTCALL2K: return 2; default: return 1; } } inline bool isJumpD(LuauOpcode op) { switch (op) { case LOP_JUMP: case LOP_JUMPIF: case LOP_JUMPIFNOT: case LOP_JUMPIFEQ: case LOP_JUMPIFLE: case LOP_JUMPIFLT: case LOP_JUMPIFNOTEQ: case LOP_JUMPIFNOTLE: case LOP_JUMPIFNOTLT: case LOP_FORNPREP: case LOP_FORNLOOP: case LOP_FORGLOOP: case LOP_FORGPREP_INEXT: case LOP_FORGLOOP_INEXT: case LOP_FORGPREP_NEXT: case LOP_FORGLOOP_NEXT: case LOP_JUMPBACK: case LOP_JUMPIFEQK: case LOP_JUMPIFNOTEQK: return true; default: return false; } } inline bool isSkipC(LuauOpcode op) { switch (op) { case LOP_LOADB: case LOP_FASTCALL: case LOP_FASTCALL1: case LOP_FASTCALL2: case LOP_FASTCALL2K: return true; default: return false; } } bool BytecodeBuilder::StringRef::operator==(const StringRef& other) const { return (data && other.data) ? (length == other.length && memcmp(data, other.data, length) == 0) : (data == other.data); } bool BytecodeBuilder::TableShape::operator==(const TableShape& other) const { return length == other.length && memcmp(keys, other.keys, length * sizeof(keys[0])) == 0; } size_t BytecodeBuilder::StringRefHash::operator()(const StringRef& v) const { return hashRange(v.data, v.length); } size_t BytecodeBuilder::ConstantKeyHash::operator()(const ConstantKey& key) const { // finalizer from MurmurHash64B const uint32_t m = 0x5bd1e995; uint32_t h1 = uint32_t(key.value); uint32_t h2 = uint32_t(key.value >> 32) ^ (key.type * m); h1 ^= h2 >> 18; h1 *= m; h2 ^= h1 >> 22; h2 *= m; h1 ^= h2 >> 17; h1 *= m; h2 ^= h1 >> 19; h2 *= m; // ... truncated to 32-bit output (normally hash is equal to (uint64_t(h1) << 32) | h2, but we only really need the lower 32-bit half) return size_t(h2); } size_t BytecodeBuilder::TableShapeHash::operator()(const TableShape& v) const { // FNV-1a inspired hash (note that we feed integers instead of bytes) uint32_t hash = 2166136261; for (size_t i = 0; i < v.length; ++i) { hash ^= v.keys[i]; hash *= 16777619; } return hash; } BytecodeBuilder::BytecodeBuilder(BytecodeEncoder* encoder) : constantMap({Constant::Type_Nil, ~0ull}) , tableShapeMap(TableShape()) , stringTable({nullptr, 0}) , debugRemarks(~0u) , encoder(encoder) { LUAU_ASSERT(stringTable.find(StringRef{"", 0}) == nullptr); // preallocate some buffers that are very likely to grow anyway; this works around std::vector's inefficient growth policy for small arrays insns.reserve(32); lines.reserve(32); constants.reserve(16); protos.reserve(16); functions.reserve(8); } uint32_t BytecodeBuilder::beginFunction(uint8_t numparams, bool isvararg) { LUAU_ASSERT(currentFunction == ~0u); uint32_t id = uint32_t(functions.size()); Function func; func.numparams = numparams; func.isvararg = isvararg; functions.push_back(func); currentFunction = id; hasLongJumps = false; debugLine = 0; return id; } void BytecodeBuilder::endFunction(uint8_t maxstacksize, uint8_t numupvalues) { LUAU_ASSERT(currentFunction != ~0u); Function& func = functions[currentFunction]; func.maxstacksize = maxstacksize; func.numupvalues = numupvalues; #ifdef LUAU_ASSERTENABLED validate(); #endif // very approximate: 4 bytes per instruction for code, 1 byte for debug line, and 1-2 bytes for aux data like constants plus overhead func.data.reserve(32 + insns.size() * 7); writeFunction(func.data, currentFunction); currentFunction = ~0u; // this call is indirect to make sure we only gain link time dependency on dumpCurrentFunction when needed if (dumpFunctionPtr) func.dump = (this->*dumpFunctionPtr)(); insns.clear(); lines.clear(); constants.clear(); protos.clear(); jumps.clear(); tableShapes.clear(); debugLocals.clear(); debugUpvals.clear(); constantMap.clear(); tableShapeMap.clear(); debugRemarks.clear(); debugRemarkBuffer.clear(); } void BytecodeBuilder::setMainFunction(uint32_t fid) { mainFunction = fid; } int32_t BytecodeBuilder::addConstant(const ConstantKey& key, const Constant& value) { if (int32_t* cache = constantMap.find(key)) return *cache; uint32_t id = uint32_t(constants.size()); if (id >= kMaxConstantCount) return -1; constantMap[key] = int32_t(id); constants.push_back(value); return int32_t(id); } unsigned int BytecodeBuilder::addStringTableEntry(StringRef value) { unsigned int& index = stringTable[value]; // note: bytecode serialization format uses 1-based table indices, 0 is reserved to mean nil if (index == 0) index = uint32_t(stringTable.size()); return index; } int32_t BytecodeBuilder::addConstantNil() { Constant c = {Constant::Type_Nil}; ConstantKey k = {Constant::Type_Nil}; return addConstant(k, c); } int32_t BytecodeBuilder::addConstantBoolean(bool value) { Constant c = {Constant::Type_Boolean}; c.valueBoolean = value; ConstantKey k = {Constant::Type_Boolean, value}; return addConstant(k, c); } int32_t BytecodeBuilder::addConstantNumber(double value) { Constant c = {Constant::Type_Number}; c.valueNumber = value; ConstantKey k = {Constant::Type_Number}; static_assert(sizeof(k.value) == sizeof(value), "Expecting double to be 64-bit"); memcpy(&k.value, &value, sizeof(value)); return addConstant(k, c); } int32_t BytecodeBuilder::addConstantString(StringRef value) { unsigned int index = addStringTableEntry(value); Constant c = {Constant::Type_String}; c.valueString = index; ConstantKey k = {Constant::Type_String, index}; return addConstant(k, c); } int32_t BytecodeBuilder::addImport(uint32_t iid) { Constant c = {Constant::Type_Import}; c.valueImport = iid; ConstantKey k = {Constant::Type_Import, iid}; return addConstant(k, c); } int32_t BytecodeBuilder::addConstantTable(const TableShape& shape) { if (int32_t* cache = tableShapeMap.find(shape)) return *cache; uint32_t id = uint32_t(constants.size()); if (id >= kMaxConstantCount) return -1; Constant value = {Constant::Type_Table}; value.valueTable = uint32_t(tableShapes.size()); tableShapeMap[shape] = int32_t(id); tableShapes.push_back(shape); constants.push_back(value); return int32_t(id); } int32_t BytecodeBuilder::addConstantClosure(uint32_t fid) { Constant c = {Constant::Type_Closure}; c.valueClosure = fid; ConstantKey k = {Constant::Type_Closure, fid}; return addConstant(k, c); } int16_t BytecodeBuilder::addChildFunction(uint32_t fid) { uint32_t id = uint32_t(protos.size()); if (id >= kMaxClosureCount) return -1; protos.push_back(fid); return int16_t(id); } void BytecodeBuilder::emitABC(LuauOpcode op, uint8_t a, uint8_t b, uint8_t c) { uint32_t insn = uint32_t(op) | (a << 8) | (b << 16) | (c << 24); insns.push_back(insn); lines.push_back(debugLine); } void BytecodeBuilder::emitAD(LuauOpcode op, uint8_t a, int16_t d) { uint32_t insn = uint32_t(op) | (a << 8) | (uint16_t(d) << 16); insns.push_back(insn); lines.push_back(debugLine); } void BytecodeBuilder::emitE(LuauOpcode op, int32_t e) { uint32_t insn = uint32_t(op) | (uint32_t(e) << 8); insns.push_back(insn); lines.push_back(debugLine); } void BytecodeBuilder::emitAux(uint32_t aux) { insns.push_back(aux); lines.push_back(debugLine); } size_t BytecodeBuilder::emitLabel() { return insns.size(); } bool BytecodeBuilder::patchJumpD(size_t jumpLabel, size_t targetLabel) { LUAU_ASSERT(jumpLabel < insns.size()); unsigned int jumpInsn = insns[jumpLabel]; (void)jumpInsn; LUAU_ASSERT(isJumpD(LuauOpcode(LUAU_INSN_OP(jumpInsn)))); LUAU_ASSERT(LUAU_INSN_D(jumpInsn) == 0); LUAU_ASSERT(targetLabel <= insns.size()); int offset = int(targetLabel) - int(jumpLabel) - 1; if (int16_t(offset) == offset) { insns[jumpLabel] |= uint16_t(offset) << 16; } else if (abs(offset) < kMaxJumpDistance) { // our jump doesn't fit into 16 bits; we will need to repatch the bytecode sequence with jump trampolines, see expandJumps hasLongJumps = true; } else { return false; } jumps.push_back({uint32_t(jumpLabel), uint32_t(targetLabel)}); return true; } bool BytecodeBuilder::patchSkipC(size_t jumpLabel, size_t targetLabel) { LUAU_ASSERT(jumpLabel < insns.size()); unsigned int jumpInsn = insns[jumpLabel]; (void)jumpInsn; LUAU_ASSERT(isSkipC(LuauOpcode(LUAU_INSN_OP(jumpInsn)))); LUAU_ASSERT(LUAU_INSN_C(jumpInsn) == 0); int offset = int(targetLabel) - int(jumpLabel) - 1; if (uint8_t(offset) != offset) { return false; } insns[jumpLabel] |= offset << 24; return true; } void BytecodeBuilder::setDebugFunctionName(StringRef name) { unsigned int index = addStringTableEntry(name); functions[currentFunction].debugname = index; if (dumpFunctionPtr) functions[currentFunction].dumpname = std::string(name.data, name.length); } void BytecodeBuilder::setDebugFunctionLineDefined(int line) { functions[currentFunction].debuglinedefined = line; } void BytecodeBuilder::setDebugLine(int line) { debugLine = line; } void BytecodeBuilder::pushDebugLocal(StringRef name, uint8_t reg, uint32_t startpc, uint32_t endpc) { unsigned int index = addStringTableEntry(name); DebugLocal local; local.name = index; local.reg = reg; local.startpc = startpc; local.endpc = endpc; debugLocals.push_back(local); } void BytecodeBuilder::pushDebugUpval(StringRef name) { unsigned int index = addStringTableEntry(name); DebugUpval upval; upval.name = index; debugUpvals.push_back(upval); } uint32_t BytecodeBuilder::getDebugPC() const { return uint32_t(insns.size()); } void BytecodeBuilder::addDebugRemark(const char* format, ...) { if ((dumpFlags & Dump_Remarks) == 0) return; size_t offset = debugRemarkBuffer.size(); va_list args; va_start(args, format); vformatAppend(debugRemarkBuffer, format, args); va_end(args); // we null-terminate all remarks to avoid storing remark length debugRemarkBuffer += '\0'; debugRemarks[uint32_t(insns.size())] = uint32_t(offset); } void BytecodeBuilder::finalize() { LUAU_ASSERT(bytecode.empty()); // preallocate space for bytecode blob size_t capacity = 16; for (auto& p : stringTable) capacity += p.first.length + 2; for (const Function& func : functions) capacity += func.data.size(); bytecode.reserve(capacity); // assemble final bytecode blob bytecode = char(LBC_VERSION); writeStringTable(bytecode); writeVarInt(bytecode, uint32_t(functions.size())); for (const Function& func : functions) bytecode += func.data; LUAU_ASSERT(mainFunction < functions.size()); writeVarInt(bytecode, mainFunction); } void BytecodeBuilder::writeFunction(std::string& ss, uint32_t id) const { LUAU_ASSERT(id < functions.size()); const Function& func = functions[id]; // header writeByte(ss, func.maxstacksize); writeByte(ss, func.numparams); writeByte(ss, func.numupvalues); writeByte(ss, func.isvararg); // instructions writeVarInt(ss, uint32_t(insns.size())); for (size_t i = 0; i < insns.size();) { uint8_t op = LUAU_INSN_OP(insns[i]); LUAU_ASSERT(op < LOP__COUNT); int oplen = getOpLength(LuauOpcode(op)); uint8_t openc = encoder ? encoder->encodeOp(op) : op; writeInt(ss, openc | (insns[i] & ~0xff)); for (int j = 1; j < oplen; ++j) writeInt(ss, insns[i + j]); i += oplen; } // constants writeVarInt(ss, uint32_t(constants.size())); for (const Constant& c : constants) { switch (c.type) { case Constant::Type_Nil: writeByte(ss, LBC_CONSTANT_NIL); break; case Constant::Type_Boolean: writeByte(ss, LBC_CONSTANT_BOOLEAN); writeByte(ss, c.valueBoolean); break; case Constant::Type_Number: writeByte(ss, LBC_CONSTANT_NUMBER); writeDouble(ss, c.valueNumber); break; case Constant::Type_String: writeByte(ss, LBC_CONSTANT_STRING); writeVarInt(ss, c.valueString); break; case Constant::Type_Import: writeByte(ss, LBC_CONSTANT_IMPORT); writeInt(ss, c.valueImport); break; case Constant::Type_Table: { const TableShape& shape = tableShapes[c.valueTable]; writeByte(ss, LBC_CONSTANT_TABLE); writeVarInt(ss, uint32_t(shape.length)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < shape.length; ++i) writeVarInt(ss, shape.keys[i]); break; } case Constant::Type_Closure: writeByte(ss, LBC_CONSTANT_CLOSURE); writeVarInt(ss, c.valueClosure); break; default: LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unsupported constant type"); } } // child protos writeVarInt(ss, uint32_t(protos.size())); for (uint32_t child : protos) writeVarInt(ss, child); // debug info writeVarInt(ss, func.debuglinedefined); writeVarInt(ss, func.debugname); bool hasLines = true; for (int line : lines) if (line == 0) { hasLines = false; break; } if (hasLines) { writeByte(ss, 1); writeLineInfo(ss); } else { writeByte(ss, 0); } bool hasDebug = !debugLocals.empty() || !debugUpvals.empty(); if (hasDebug) { writeByte(ss, 1); writeVarInt(ss, uint32_t(debugLocals.size())); for (const DebugLocal& l : debugLocals) { writeVarInt(ss, l.name); writeVarInt(ss, l.startpc); writeVarInt(ss, l.endpc); writeByte(ss, l.reg); } writeVarInt(ss, uint32_t(debugUpvals.size())); for (const DebugUpval& l : debugUpvals) { writeVarInt(ss, l.name); } } else { writeByte(ss, 0); } } void BytecodeBuilder::writeLineInfo(std::string& ss) const { LUAU_ASSERT(!lines.empty()); // this function encodes lines inside each span as a 8-bit delta to span baseline // span is always a power of two; depending on the line info input, it may need to be as low as 1 int span = 1 << 24; // first pass: determine span length for (size_t offset = 0; offset < lines.size(); offset += span) { size_t next = offset; int min = lines[offset]; int max = lines[offset]; for (; next < lines.size() && next < offset + span; ++next) { min = std::min(min, lines[next]); max = std::max(max, lines[next]); if (max - min > 255) break; } if (next < lines.size() && next - offset < size_t(span)) { // since not all lines in the range fit in 8b delta, we need to shrink the span // next iteration will need to reprocess some lines again since span changed span = 1 << log2(int(next - offset)); } } // second pass: compute span base int baselineOne = 0; std::vector baselineScratch; int* baseline = &baselineOne; size_t baselineSize = (lines.size() - 1) / span + 1; if (baselineSize > 1) { // avoid heap allocation for single-element baseline which is most functions (<256 lines) baselineScratch.resize(baselineSize); baseline = baselineScratch.data(); } for (size_t offset = 0; offset < lines.size(); offset += span) { size_t next = offset; int min = lines[offset]; for (; next < lines.size() && next < offset + span; ++next) min = std::min(min, lines[next]); baseline[offset / span] = min; } // third pass: write resulting data int logspan = log2(span); writeByte(ss, uint8_t(logspan)); uint8_t lastOffset = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) { int delta = lines[i] - baseline[i >> logspan]; LUAU_ASSERT(delta >= 0 && delta <= 255); writeByte(ss, uint8_t(delta) - lastOffset); lastOffset = uint8_t(delta); } int lastLine = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < baselineSize; ++i) { writeInt(ss, baseline[i] - lastLine); lastLine = baseline[i]; } } void BytecodeBuilder::writeStringTable(std::string& ss) const { std::vector strings(stringTable.size()); for (auto& p : stringTable) { LUAU_ASSERT(p.second > 0 && p.second <= strings.size()); strings[p.second - 1] = p.first; } writeVarInt(ss, uint32_t(strings.size())); for (auto& s : strings) { writeVarInt(ss, uint32_t(s.length)); ss.append(s.data, s.length); } } uint32_t BytecodeBuilder::getImportId(int32_t id0) { LUAU_ASSERT(unsigned(id0) < 1024); return (1u << 30) | (id0 << 20); } uint32_t BytecodeBuilder::getImportId(int32_t id0, int32_t id1) { LUAU_ASSERT(unsigned(id0 | id1) < 1024); return (2u << 30) | (id0 << 20) | (id1 << 10); } uint32_t BytecodeBuilder::getImportId(int32_t id0, int32_t id1, int32_t id2) { LUAU_ASSERT(unsigned(id0 | id1 | id2) < 1024); return (3u << 30) | (id0 << 20) | (id1 << 10) | id2; } uint32_t BytecodeBuilder::getStringHash(StringRef key) { // This hashing algorithm should match luaS_hash defined in VM/lstring.cpp for short inputs; we can't use that code directly to keep compiler and // VM independent in terms of compilation/linking. The resulting string hashes are embedded into bytecode binary and result in a better initial // guess for the field hashes which improves performance during initial code execution. We omit the long string processing here for simplicity, as // it doesn't really matter on long identifiers. const char* str = key.data; size_t len = key.length; unsigned int h = unsigned(len); // original Lua 5.1 hash for compatibility (exact match when len<32) for (size_t i = len; i > 0; --i) h ^= (h << 5) + (h >> 2) + (uint8_t)str[i - 1]; return h; } void BytecodeBuilder::foldJumps() { // if our function has long jumps, some processing below can make jump instructions not-jumps (e.g. JUMP->RETURN) // it's safer to skip this processing if (hasLongJumps) return; for (Jump& jump : jumps) { uint32_t jumpLabel = jump.source; uint32_t jumpInsn = insns[jumpLabel]; // follow jump target through forward unconditional jumps // we only follow forward jumps to make sure the process terminates uint32_t targetLabel = jumpLabel + 1 + LUAU_INSN_D(jumpInsn); LUAU_ASSERT(targetLabel < insns.size()); uint32_t targetInsn = insns[targetLabel]; while (LUAU_INSN_OP(targetInsn) == LOP_JUMP && LUAU_INSN_D(targetInsn) >= 0) { targetLabel = targetLabel + 1 + LUAU_INSN_D(targetInsn); LUAU_ASSERT(targetLabel < insns.size()); targetInsn = insns[targetLabel]; } int offset = int(targetLabel) - int(jumpLabel) - 1; // for unconditional jumps to RETURN, we can replace JUMP with RETURN if (LUAU_INSN_OP(jumpInsn) == LOP_JUMP && LUAU_INSN_OP(targetInsn) == LOP_RETURN) { insns[jumpLabel] = targetInsn; lines[jumpLabel] = lines[targetLabel]; } else if (int16_t(offset) == offset) { insns[jumpLabel] &= 0xffff; insns[jumpLabel] |= uint16_t(offset) << 16; } jump.target = targetLabel; } } void BytecodeBuilder::expandJumps() { if (!hasLongJumps) return; // we have some jump instructions that couldn't be patched which means their offset didn't fit into 16 bits // our strategy for replacing instructions is as follows: instead of // OP jumpoffset // we will synthesize a jump trampoline before our instruction (note that jump offsets are relative to next instruction): // JUMP +1 // JUMPX jumpoffset // OP -2 // the idea is that during forward execution, we will jump over JUMPX into OP; if OP decides to jump, it will jump to JUMPX // JUMPX can carry a 24-bit jump offset // jump trampolines expand the code size, which can increase existing jump distances. // because of this, we may need to expand jumps that previously fit into 16-bit just fine. // the worst-case expansion is 3x, so to be conservative we will repatch all jumps that have an offset >= 32767/3 const int kMaxJumpDistanceConservative = 32767 / 3; // we will need to process jumps in order std::sort(jumps.begin(), jumps.end(), [](const Jump& lhs, const Jump& rhs) { return lhs.source < rhs.source; }); // first, let's add jump thunks for every jump with a distance that's too big // we will create new instruction buffers, with remap table keeping track of the moves: remap[oldpc] = newpc std::vector remap(insns.size()); std::vector newinsns; std::vector newlines; LUAU_ASSERT(insns.size() == lines.size()); newinsns.reserve(insns.size()); newlines.reserve(insns.size()); size_t currentJump = 0; size_t pendingTrampolines = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < insns.size();) { uint8_t op = LUAU_INSN_OP(insns[i]); LUAU_ASSERT(op < LOP__COUNT); if (currentJump < jumps.size() && jumps[currentJump].source == i) { int offset = int(jumps[currentJump].target) - int(jumps[currentJump].source) - 1; if (abs(offset) > kMaxJumpDistanceConservative) { // insert jump trampoline as described above; we keep JUMPX offset uninitialized in this pass newinsns.push_back(LOP_JUMP | (1 << 16)); newinsns.push_back(LOP_JUMPX); newlines.push_back(lines[i]); newlines.push_back(lines[i]); pendingTrampolines++; } currentJump++; } int oplen = getOpLength(LuauOpcode(op)); // copy instruction and line info to the new stream for (int j = 0; j < oplen; ++j) { remap[i] = uint32_t(newinsns.size()); newinsns.push_back(insns[i]); newlines.push_back(lines[i]); i++; } } LUAU_ASSERT(currentJump == jumps.size()); LUAU_ASSERT(pendingTrampolines > 0); // now we need to recompute offsets for jump instructions - we could not do this in the first pass because the offsets are between *target* // instructions for (Jump& jump : jumps) { int offset = int(jump.target) - int(jump.source) - 1; int newoffset = int(remap[jump.target]) - int(remap[jump.source]) - 1; if (abs(offset) > kMaxJumpDistanceConservative) { // fix up jump trampoline uint32_t& insnt = newinsns[remap[jump.source] - 1]; uint32_t& insnj = newinsns[remap[jump.source]]; LUAU_ASSERT(LUAU_INSN_OP(insnt) == LOP_JUMPX); // patch JUMPX to JUMPX to target location; note that newoffset is the offset of the jump *relative to OP*, so we need to add 1 to make it // relative to JUMPX insnt &= 0xff; insnt |= uint32_t(newoffset + 1) << 8; // patch OP to OP -2 insnj &= 0xffff; insnj |= uint16_t(-2) << 16; pendingTrampolines--; } else { uint32_t& insn = newinsns[remap[jump.source]]; // make sure jump instruction had the correct offset before we started LUAU_ASSERT(LUAU_INSN_D(insn) == offset); // patch instruction with the new offset LUAU_ASSERT(int16_t(newoffset) == newoffset); insn &= 0xffff; insn |= uint16_t(newoffset) << 16; } } LUAU_ASSERT(pendingTrampolines == 0); // this was hard, but we're done. insns.swap(newinsns); lines.swap(newlines); } std::string BytecodeBuilder::getError(const std::string& message) { // 0 acts as a special marker for error bytecode (it's equal to LBC_VERSION for valid bytecode blobs) std::string result; result += char(0); result += message; return result; } #ifdef LUAU_ASSERTENABLED void BytecodeBuilder::validate() const { #define VREG(v) LUAU_ASSERT(unsigned(v) < func.maxstacksize) #define VREGRANGE(v, count) LUAU_ASSERT(unsigned(v + (count < 0 ? 0 : count)) <= func.maxstacksize) #define VUPVAL(v) LUAU_ASSERT(unsigned(v) < func.numupvalues) #define VCONST(v, kind) LUAU_ASSERT(unsigned(v) < constants.size() && constants[v].type == Constant::Type_##kind) #define VCONSTANY(v) LUAU_ASSERT(unsigned(v) < constants.size()) #define VJUMP(v) LUAU_ASSERT(size_t(i + 1 + v) < insns.size() && insnvalid[i + 1 + v]) LUAU_ASSERT(currentFunction != ~0u); const Function& func = functions[currentFunction]; // first pass: tag instruction offsets so that we can validate jumps std::vector insnvalid(insns.size(), false); for (size_t i = 0; i < insns.size();) { uint8_t op = LUAU_INSN_OP(insns[i]); insnvalid[i] = true; i += getOpLength(LuauOpcode(op)); LUAU_ASSERT(i <= insns.size()); } // second pass: validate the rest of the bytecode for (size_t i = 0; i < insns.size();) { uint32_t insn = insns[i]; uint8_t op = LUAU_INSN_OP(insn); switch (op) { case LOP_LOADNIL: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); break; case LOP_LOADB: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); LUAU_ASSERT(LUAU_INSN_B(insn) == 0 || LUAU_INSN_B(insn) == 1); VJUMP(LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_LOADN: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); break; case LOP_LOADK: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VCONSTANY(LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_MOVE: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VREG(LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); break; case LOP_GETGLOBAL: case LOP_SETGLOBAL: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VCONST(insns[i + 1], String); break; case LOP_GETUPVAL: case LOP_SETUPVAL: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VUPVAL(LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); break; case LOP_CLOSEUPVALS: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); break; case LOP_GETIMPORT: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VCONST(LUAU_INSN_D(insn), Import); // TODO: check insn[i + 1] for conformance with 10-bit import encoding break; case LOP_GETTABLE: case LOP_SETTABLE: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VREG(LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); VREG(LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_GETTABLEKS: case LOP_SETTABLEKS: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VREG(LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); VCONST(insns[i + 1], String); break; case LOP_GETTABLEN: case LOP_SETTABLEN: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VREG(LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); break; case LOP_NEWCLOSURE: { VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); LUAU_ASSERT(unsigned(LUAU_INSN_D(insn)) < protos.size()); LUAU_ASSERT(protos[LUAU_INSN_D(insn)] < functions.size()); unsigned int numupvalues = functions[protos[LUAU_INSN_D(insn)]].numupvalues; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numupvalues; ++j) { LUAU_ASSERT(i + 1 + j < insns.size()); uint32_t cinsn = insns[i + 1 + j]; LUAU_ASSERT(LUAU_INSN_OP(cinsn) == LOP_CAPTURE); } } break; case LOP_NAMECALL: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VREG(LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); VCONST(insns[i + 1], String); LUAU_ASSERT(LUAU_INSN_OP(insns[i + 2]) == LOP_CALL); break; case LOP_CALL: { int nparams = LUAU_INSN_B(insn) - 1; int nresults = LUAU_INSN_C(insn) - 1; VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VREGRANGE(LUAU_INSN_A(insn) + 1, nparams); // 1..nparams VREGRANGE(LUAU_INSN_A(insn), nresults); // 1..nresults } break; case LOP_RETURN: { int nresults = LUAU_INSN_B(insn) - 1; VREGRANGE(LUAU_INSN_A(insn), nresults); // 0..nresults-1 } break; case LOP_JUMP: VJUMP(LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_JUMPIF: case LOP_JUMPIFNOT: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VJUMP(LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_JUMPIFEQ: case LOP_JUMPIFLE: case LOP_JUMPIFLT: case LOP_JUMPIFNOTEQ: case LOP_JUMPIFNOTLE: case LOP_JUMPIFNOTLT: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VREG(insns[i + 1]); VJUMP(LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_JUMPIFEQK: case LOP_JUMPIFNOTEQK: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VCONSTANY(insns[i + 1]); VJUMP(LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_ADD: case LOP_SUB: case LOP_MUL: case LOP_DIV: case LOP_MOD: case LOP_POW: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VREG(LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); VREG(LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_ADDK: case LOP_SUBK: case LOP_MULK: case LOP_DIVK: case LOP_MODK: case LOP_POWK: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VREG(LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); VCONST(LUAU_INSN_C(insn), Number); break; case LOP_AND: case LOP_OR: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VREG(LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); VREG(LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_ANDK: case LOP_ORK: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VREG(LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); VCONSTANY(LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_CONCAT: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VREG(LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); VREG(LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); LUAU_ASSERT(LUAU_INSN_B(insn) <= LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_NOT: case LOP_MINUS: case LOP_LENGTH: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VREG(LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); break; case LOP_NEWTABLE: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); break; case LOP_DUPTABLE: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VCONST(LUAU_INSN_D(insn), Table); break; case LOP_SETLIST: { int count = LUAU_INSN_C(insn) - 1; VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VREGRANGE(LUAU_INSN_B(insn), count); } break; case LOP_FORNPREP: case LOP_FORNLOOP: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn) + 2); // for loop protocol: A, A+1, A+2 are used for iteration VJUMP(LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_FORGLOOP: VREG( LUAU_INSN_A(insn) + 2 + insns[i + 1]); // forg loop protocol: A, A+1, A+2 are used for iteration protocol; A+3, ... are loop variables VJUMP(LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); LUAU_ASSERT(insns[i + 1] >= 1); break; case LOP_FORGPREP_INEXT: case LOP_FORGLOOP_INEXT: case LOP_FORGPREP_NEXT: case LOP_FORGLOOP_NEXT: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn) + 4); // forg loop protocol: A, A+1, A+2 are used for iteration protocol; A+3, A+4 are loop variables VJUMP(LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_GETVARARGS: { int nresults = LUAU_INSN_B(insn) - 1; VREGRANGE(LUAU_INSN_A(insn), nresults); // 0..nresults-1 } break; case LOP_DUPCLOSURE: { VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VCONST(LUAU_INSN_D(insn), Closure); unsigned int proto = constants[LUAU_INSN_D(insn)].valueClosure; LUAU_ASSERT(proto < functions.size()); unsigned int numupvalues = functions[proto].numupvalues; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numupvalues; ++j) { LUAU_ASSERT(i + 1 + j < insns.size()); uint32_t cinsn = insns[i + 1 + j]; LUAU_ASSERT(LUAU_INSN_OP(cinsn) == LOP_CAPTURE); LUAU_ASSERT(LUAU_INSN_A(cinsn) == LCT_VAL || LUAU_INSN_A(cinsn) == LCT_UPVAL); } } break; case LOP_PREPVARARGS: LUAU_ASSERT(LUAU_INSN_A(insn) == func.numparams); LUAU_ASSERT(func.isvararg); break; case LOP_BREAK: break; case LOP_JUMPBACK: VJUMP(LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_LOADKX: VREG(LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); VCONSTANY(insns[i + 1]); break; case LOP_JUMPX: VJUMP(LUAU_INSN_E(insn)); break; case LOP_FASTCALL: VJUMP(LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); LUAU_ASSERT(LUAU_INSN_OP(insns[i + 1 + LUAU_INSN_C(insn)]) == LOP_CALL); break; case LOP_FASTCALL1: VREG(LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); VJUMP(LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); LUAU_ASSERT(LUAU_INSN_OP(insns[i + 1 + LUAU_INSN_C(insn)]) == LOP_CALL); break; case LOP_FASTCALL2: VREG(LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); VJUMP(LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); LUAU_ASSERT(LUAU_INSN_OP(insns[i + 1 + LUAU_INSN_C(insn)]) == LOP_CALL); VREG(insns[i + 1]); break; case LOP_FASTCALL2K: VREG(LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); VJUMP(LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); LUAU_ASSERT(LUAU_INSN_OP(insns[i + 1 + LUAU_INSN_C(insn)]) == LOP_CALL); VCONSTANY(insns[i + 1]); break; case LOP_COVERAGE: break; case LOP_CAPTURE: switch (LUAU_INSN_A(insn)) { case LCT_VAL: case LCT_REF: VREG(LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); break; case LCT_UPVAL: VUPVAL(LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); break; default: LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unsupported capture type"); } break; default: LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unsupported opcode"); } i += getOpLength(LuauOpcode(op)); LUAU_ASSERT(i <= insns.size()); } #undef VREG #undef VREGEND #undef VUPVAL #undef VCONST #undef VCONSTANY #undef VJUMP } #endif const uint32_t* BytecodeBuilder::dumpInstruction(const uint32_t* code, std::string& result) const { uint32_t insn = *code++; switch (LUAU_INSN_OP(insn)) { case LOP_LOADNIL: formatAppend(result, "LOADNIL R%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); break; case LOP_LOADB: if (LUAU_INSN_C(insn)) formatAppend(result, "LOADB R%d %d +%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); else formatAppend(result, "LOADB R%d %d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); break; case LOP_LOADN: formatAppend(result, "LOADN R%d %d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_LOADK: formatAppend(result, "LOADK R%d K%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_MOVE: formatAppend(result, "MOVE R%d R%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); break; case LOP_GETGLOBAL: formatAppend(result, "GETGLOBAL R%d K%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), *code++); break; case LOP_SETGLOBAL: formatAppend(result, "SETGLOBAL R%d K%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), *code++); break; case LOP_GETUPVAL: formatAppend(result, "GETUPVAL R%d %d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); break; case LOP_SETUPVAL: formatAppend(result, "SETUPVAL R%d %d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); break; case LOP_CLOSEUPVALS: formatAppend(result, "CLOSEUPVALS R%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn)); break; case LOP_GETIMPORT: formatAppend(result, "GETIMPORT R%d %d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); code++; // AUX break; case LOP_GETTABLE: formatAppend(result, "GETTABLE R%d R%d R%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_SETTABLE: formatAppend(result, "SETTABLE R%d R%d R%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_GETTABLEKS: formatAppend(result, "GETTABLEKS R%d R%d K%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), *code++); break; case LOP_SETTABLEKS: formatAppend(result, "SETTABLEKS R%d R%d K%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), *code++); break; case LOP_GETTABLEN: formatAppend(result, "GETTABLEN R%d R%d %d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn) + 1); break; case LOP_SETTABLEN: formatAppend(result, "SETTABLEN R%d R%d %d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn) + 1); break; case LOP_NEWCLOSURE: formatAppend(result, "NEWCLOSURE R%d P%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_NAMECALL: formatAppend(result, "NAMECALL R%d R%d K%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), *code++); break; case LOP_CALL: formatAppend(result, "CALL R%d %d %d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn) - 1, LUAU_INSN_C(insn) - 1); break; case LOP_RETURN: formatAppend(result, "RETURN R%d %d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn) - 1); break; case LOP_JUMP: formatAppend(result, "JUMP %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_JUMPIF: formatAppend(result, "JUMPIF R%d %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_JUMPIFNOT: formatAppend(result, "JUMPIFNOT R%d %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_JUMPIFEQ: formatAppend(result, "JUMPIFEQ R%d R%d %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), *code++, LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_JUMPIFLE: formatAppend(result, "JUMPIFLE R%d R%d %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), *code++, LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_JUMPIFLT: formatAppend(result, "JUMPIFLT R%d R%d %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), *code++, LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_JUMPIFNOTEQ: formatAppend(result, "JUMPIFNOTEQ R%d R%d %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), *code++, LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_JUMPIFNOTLE: formatAppend(result, "JUMPIFNOTLE R%d R%d %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), *code++, LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_JUMPIFNOTLT: formatAppend(result, "JUMPIFNOTLT R%d R%d %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), *code++, LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_ADD: formatAppend(result, "ADD R%d R%d R%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_SUB: formatAppend(result, "SUB R%d R%d R%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_MUL: formatAppend(result, "MUL R%d R%d R%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_DIV: formatAppend(result, "DIV R%d R%d R%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_MOD: formatAppend(result, "MOD R%d R%d R%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_POW: formatAppend(result, "POW R%d R%d R%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_ADDK: formatAppend(result, "ADDK R%d R%d K%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_SUBK: formatAppend(result, "SUBK R%d R%d K%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_MULK: formatAppend(result, "MULK R%d R%d K%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_DIVK: formatAppend(result, "DIVK R%d R%d K%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_MODK: formatAppend(result, "MODK R%d R%d K%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_POWK: formatAppend(result, "POWK R%d R%d K%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_AND: formatAppend(result, "AND R%d R%d R%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_OR: formatAppend(result, "OR R%d R%d R%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_ANDK: formatAppend(result, "ANDK R%d R%d K%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_ORK: formatAppend(result, "ORK R%d R%d K%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_CONCAT: formatAppend(result, "CONCAT R%d R%d R%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_NOT: formatAppend(result, "NOT R%d R%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); break; case LOP_MINUS: formatAppend(result, "MINUS R%d R%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); break; case LOP_LENGTH: formatAppend(result, "LENGTH R%d R%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); break; case LOP_NEWTABLE: formatAppend(result, "NEWTABLE R%d %d %d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn) == 0 ? 0 : 1 << (LUAU_INSN_B(insn) - 1), *code++); break; case LOP_DUPTABLE: formatAppend(result, "DUPTABLE R%d %d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_SETLIST: formatAppend(result, "SETLIST R%d R%d %d [%d]\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn) - 1, *code++); break; case LOP_FORNPREP: formatAppend(result, "FORNPREP R%d %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_FORNLOOP: formatAppend(result, "FORNLOOP R%d %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_FORGLOOP: formatAppend(result, "FORGLOOP R%d %+d %d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_D(insn), *code++); break; case LOP_FORGPREP_INEXT: formatAppend(result, "FORGPREP_INEXT R%d %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_FORGLOOP_INEXT: formatAppend(result, "FORGLOOP_INEXT R%d %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_FORGPREP_NEXT: formatAppend(result, "FORGPREP_NEXT R%d %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_FORGLOOP_NEXT: formatAppend(result, "FORGLOOP_NEXT R%d %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_GETVARARGS: formatAppend(result, "GETVARARGS R%d %d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn) - 1); break; case LOP_DUPCLOSURE: formatAppend(result, "DUPCLOSURE R%d K%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_BREAK: formatAppend(result, "BREAK\n"); break; case LOP_JUMPBACK: formatAppend(result, "JUMPBACK %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_LOADKX: formatAppend(result, "LOADKX R%d K%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), *code++); break; case LOP_JUMPX: formatAppend(result, "JUMPX %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_E(insn)); break; case LOP_FASTCALL: formatAppend(result, "FASTCALL %d %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_FASTCALL1: formatAppend(result, "FASTCALL1 %d R%d %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; case LOP_FASTCALL2: { uint32_t aux = *code++; formatAppend(result, "FASTCALL2 %d R%d R%d %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), aux, LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; } case LOP_FASTCALL2K: { uint32_t aux = *code++; formatAppend(result, "FASTCALL2K %d R%d K%d %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), LUAU_INSN_B(insn), aux, LUAU_INSN_C(insn)); break; } case LOP_COVERAGE: formatAppend(result, "COVERAGE\n"); break; case LOP_CAPTURE: formatAppend(result, "CAPTURE %s %c%d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn) == LCT_UPVAL ? "UPVAL" : LUAU_INSN_A(insn) == LCT_REF ? "REF" : LUAU_INSN_A(insn) == LCT_VAL ? "VAL" : "", LUAU_INSN_A(insn) == LCT_UPVAL ? 'U' : 'R', LUAU_INSN_B(insn)); break; case LOP_JUMPIFEQK: formatAppend(result, "JUMPIFEQK R%d K%d %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), *code++, LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; case LOP_JUMPIFNOTEQK: formatAppend(result, "JUMPIFNOTEQK R%d K%d %+d\n", LUAU_INSN_A(insn), *code++, LUAU_INSN_D(insn)); break; default: LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unsupported opcode"); } return code; } std::string BytecodeBuilder::dumpCurrentFunction() const { if ((dumpFlags & Dump_Code) == 0) return std::string(); const uint32_t* code = insns.data(); const uint32_t* codeEnd = insns.data() + insns.size(); int lastLine = -1; std::string result; if (dumpFlags & Dump_Locals) { for (size_t i = 0; i < debugLocals.size(); ++i) { const DebugLocal& l = debugLocals[i]; LUAU_ASSERT(l.startpc < l.endpc); LUAU_ASSERT(l.startpc < lines.size()); LUAU_ASSERT(l.endpc <= lines.size()); // endpc is exclusive in the debug info, but it's more intuitive to print inclusive data // it would be nice to emit name as well but it requires reverse lookup through stringtable formatAppend(result, "local %d: reg %d, start pc %d line %d, end pc %d line %d\n", int(i), l.reg, l.startpc, lines[l.startpc], l.endpc - 1, lines[l.endpc - 1]); } } while (code != codeEnd) { uint8_t op = LUAU_INSN_OP(*code); if (op == LOP_PREPVARARGS) { // Don't emit function header in bytecode - it's used for call dispatching and doesn't contain "interesting" information code++; continue; } if (dumpFlags & Dump_Remarks) { const uint32_t* remark = debugRemarks.find(uint32_t(code - insns.data())); if (remark) formatAppend(result, "REMARK %s\n", debugRemarkBuffer.c_str() + *remark); } if (dumpFlags & Dump_Source) { int line = lines[code - insns.data()]; if (line > 0 && line != lastLine) { LUAU_ASSERT(size_t(line - 1) < dumpSource.size()); formatAppend(result, "%5d: %s\n", line, dumpSource[line - 1].c_str()); lastLine = line; } } if (dumpFlags & Dump_Lines) { formatAppend(result, "%d: ", lines[code - insns.data()]); } code = dumpInstruction(code, result); } return result; } void BytecodeBuilder::setDumpSource(const std::string& source) { dumpSource.clear(); std::string::size_type pos = 0; while (pos != std::string::npos) { std::string::size_type next = source.find('\n', pos); if (next == std::string::npos) { dumpSource.push_back(source.substr(pos)); pos = next; } else { dumpSource.push_back(source.substr(pos, next - pos)); pos = next + 1; } if (!dumpSource.back().empty() && dumpSource.back().back() == '\r') dumpSource.back().pop_back(); } } std::string BytecodeBuilder::dumpFunction(uint32_t id) const { LUAU_ASSERT(id < functions.size()); return functions[id].dump; } std::string BytecodeBuilder::dumpEverything() const { std::string result; for (size_t i = 0; i < functions.size(); ++i) { std::string debugname = functions[i].dumpname.empty() ? "??" : functions[i].dumpname; formatAppend(result, "Function %d (%s):\n", int(i), debugname.c_str()); result += functions[i].dump; result += "\n"; } return result; } } // namespace Luau