// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Luau/BuiltinDefinitions.h" #include "Luau/TypeInfer.h" #include "Luau/TypeVar.h" #include "Fixture.h" #include "doctest.h" using namespace Luau; using std::nullopt; struct ClassFixture : BuiltinsFixture { ClassFixture() { TypeArena& arena = typeChecker.globalTypes; TypeId numberType = typeChecker.numberType; unfreeze(arena); TypeId baseClassInstanceType = arena.addType(ClassTypeVar{"BaseClass", {}, nullopt, nullopt, {}, {}, "Test"}); getMutable(baseClassInstanceType)->props = { {"BaseMethod", {makeFunction(arena, baseClassInstanceType, {numberType}, {})}}, {"BaseField", {numberType}}, }; TypeId baseClassType = arena.addType(ClassTypeVar{"BaseClass", {}, nullopt, nullopt, {}, {}, "Test"}); getMutable(baseClassType)->props = { {"StaticMethod", {makeFunction(arena, nullopt, {}, {numberType})}}, {"Clone", {makeFunction(arena, nullopt, {baseClassInstanceType}, {baseClassInstanceType})}}, {"New", {makeFunction(arena, nullopt, {}, {baseClassInstanceType})}}, }; typeChecker.globalScope->exportedTypeBindings["BaseClass"] = TypeFun{{}, baseClassInstanceType}; addGlobalBinding(frontend, "BaseClass", baseClassType, "@test"); TypeId childClassInstanceType = arena.addType(ClassTypeVar{"ChildClass", {}, baseClassInstanceType, nullopt, {}, {}, "Test"}); getMutable(childClassInstanceType)->props = { {"Method", {makeFunction(arena, childClassInstanceType, {}, {typeChecker.stringType})}}, }; TypeId childClassType = arena.addType(ClassTypeVar{"ChildClass", {}, baseClassType, nullopt, {}, {}, "Test"}); getMutable(childClassType)->props = { {"New", {makeFunction(arena, nullopt, {}, {childClassInstanceType})}}, }; typeChecker.globalScope->exportedTypeBindings["ChildClass"] = TypeFun{{}, childClassInstanceType}; addGlobalBinding(frontend, "ChildClass", childClassType, "@test"); TypeId grandChildInstanceType = arena.addType(ClassTypeVar{"GrandChild", {}, childClassInstanceType, nullopt, {}, {}, "Test"}); getMutable(grandChildInstanceType)->props = { {"Method", {makeFunction(arena, grandChildInstanceType, {}, {typeChecker.stringType})}}, }; TypeId grandChildType = arena.addType(ClassTypeVar{"GrandChild", {}, baseClassType, nullopt, {}, {}, "Test"}); getMutable(grandChildType)->props = { {"New", {makeFunction(arena, nullopt, {}, {grandChildInstanceType})}}, }; typeChecker.globalScope->exportedTypeBindings["GrandChild"] = TypeFun{{}, grandChildInstanceType}; addGlobalBinding(frontend, "GrandChild", childClassType, "@test"); TypeId anotherChildInstanceType = arena.addType(ClassTypeVar{"AnotherChild", {}, baseClassInstanceType, nullopt, {}, {}, "Test"}); getMutable(anotherChildInstanceType)->props = { {"Method", {makeFunction(arena, anotherChildInstanceType, {}, {typeChecker.stringType})}}, }; TypeId anotherChildType = arena.addType(ClassTypeVar{"AnotherChild", {}, baseClassType, nullopt, {}, {}, "Test"}); getMutable(anotherChildType)->props = { {"New", {makeFunction(arena, nullopt, {}, {anotherChildInstanceType})}}, }; typeChecker.globalScope->exportedTypeBindings["AnotherChild"] = TypeFun{{}, anotherChildInstanceType}; addGlobalBinding(frontend, "AnotherChild", childClassType, "@test"); TypeId vector2MetaType = arena.addType(TableTypeVar{}); TypeId vector2InstanceType = arena.addType(ClassTypeVar{"Vector2", {}, nullopt, vector2MetaType, {}, {}, "Test"}); getMutable(vector2InstanceType)->props = { {"X", {numberType}}, {"Y", {numberType}}, }; TypeId vector2Type = arena.addType(ClassTypeVar{"Vector2", {}, nullopt, nullopt, {}, {}, "Test"}); getMutable(vector2Type)->props = { {"New", {makeFunction(arena, nullopt, {numberType, numberType}, {vector2InstanceType})}}, }; getMutable(vector2MetaType)->props = { {"__add", {makeFunction(arena, nullopt, {vector2InstanceType, vector2InstanceType}, {vector2InstanceType})}}, }; typeChecker.globalScope->exportedTypeBindings["Vector2"] = TypeFun{{}, vector2InstanceType}; addGlobalBinding(frontend, "Vector2", vector2Type, "@test"); for (const auto& [name, tf] : typeChecker.globalScope->exportedTypeBindings) persist(tf.type); freeze(arena); } }; TEST_SUITE_BEGIN("TypeInferClasses"); TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "call_method_of_a_class") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local m = BaseClass.StaticMethod() )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); REQUIRE_EQ("number", toString(requireType("m"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "call_method_of_a_child_class") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local m = ChildClass.StaticMethod() )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); REQUIRE_EQ("number", toString(requireType("m"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "call_instance_method") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local i = ChildClass.New() local result = i:Method() )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); CHECK_EQ("string", toString(requireType("result"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "call_base_method") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local i = ChildClass.New() i:BaseMethod(41) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "cannot_call_unknown_method_of_a_class") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local m = BaseClass.Nope() )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "cannot_call_method_of_child_on_base_instance") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local i = BaseClass.New() i:Method() )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "we_can_infer_that_a_parameter_must_be_a_particular_class") { CheckResult result = check(R"( function makeClone(o) return BaseClass.Clone(o) end local a = makeClone(ChildClass.New()) )"); CHECK_EQ("BaseClass", toString(requireType("a"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "we_can_report_when_someone_is_trying_to_use_a_table_rather_than_a_class") { CheckResult result = check(R"( function makeClone(o) return BaseClass.Clone(o) end type Oopsies = { BaseMethod: (Oopsies, number) -> ()} local oopsies: Oopsies = { BaseMethod = function (self: Oopsies, i: number) print('gadzooks!') end } makeClone(oopsies) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); TypeMismatch* tm = get(result.errors[0]); REQUIRE(tm != nullptr); CHECK_EQ("Oopsies", toString(tm->givenType)); CHECK_EQ("BaseClass", toString(tm->wantedType)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "assign_to_prop_of_class") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local v = Vector2.New(0, 5) v.X = 55 )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "can_read_prop_of_base_class") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local c = ChildClass.New() local x = 1 + c.BaseField )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "can_assign_to_prop_of_base_class") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local c = ChildClass.New() c.BaseField = 444 )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "can_read_prop_of_base_class_using_string") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local c = ChildClass.New() local x = 1 + c["BaseField"] )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "can_assign_to_prop_of_base_class_using_string") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local c = ChildClass.New() c["BaseField"] = 444 )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "cannot_unify_class_instance_with_primitive") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local v = Vector2.New(0, 5) v = 444 )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "warn_when_prop_almost_matches") { CheckResult result = check(R"( Vector2.new(0, 0) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); auto err = get(result.errors[0]); REQUIRE(err != nullptr); REQUIRE_EQ(1, err->candidates.size()); CHECK_EQ("New", *err->candidates.begin()); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "classes_can_have_overloaded_operators") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local a = Vector2.New(1, 2) local b = Vector2.New(3, 4) local c = a + b )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); CHECK_EQ("Vector2", toString(requireType("c"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "classes_without_overloaded_operators_cannot_be_added") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local a = BaseClass.New() local b = BaseClass.New() local c = a + b )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "function_arguments_are_covariant") { CheckResult result = check(R"( function f(b: BaseClass) end f(ChildClass.New()) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "higher_order_function_arguments_are_contravariant") { CheckResult result = check(R"( function apply(f: (BaseClass) -> ()) f(ChildClass.New()) -- 2 end apply(function (c: ChildClass) end) -- 5 )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "higher_order_function_return_values_are_covariant") { CheckResult result = check(R"( function apply(f: () -> BaseClass) return f() end apply(function () return ChildClass.New() end) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "higher_order_function_return_type_is_not_contravariant") { CheckResult result = check(R"( function apply(f: () -> BaseClass) return f() end apply(function () return ChildClass.New() end) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "table_properties_are_invariant") { CheckResult result = check(R"( function f(a: {foo: BaseClass}) a.foo = AnotherChild.New() end local t: {foo: ChildClass} f(t) -- line 6. Breaks soundness. function g(t: {foo: ChildClass}) end local t2: {foo: BaseClass} = {foo=BaseClass.New()} t2.foo = AnotherChild.New() g(t2) -- line 13. Breaks soundness )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(2, result); CHECK_EQ(6, result.errors[0].location.begin.line); CHECK_EQ(13, result.errors[1].location.begin.line); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "table_indexers_are_invariant") { CheckResult result = check(R"( function f(a: {[number]: BaseClass}) a[1] = AnotherChild.New() end local t: {[number]: ChildClass} f(t) -- line 6. Breaks soundness. function g(t: {[number]: ChildClass}) end local t2: {[number]: BaseClass} = {BaseClass.New()} t2[1] = AnotherChild.New() g(t2) -- line 13. Breaks soundness )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(2, result); CHECK_EQ(6, result.errors[0].location.begin.line); CHECK_EQ(13, result.errors[1].location.begin.line); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "table_class_unification_reports_sane_errors_for_missing_properties") { CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo(bar) bar.Y = 1 -- valid bar.x = 2 -- invalid, wanted 'X' bar.w = 2 -- invalid end local a: Vector2 foo(a) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(2, result); REQUIRE_EQ("Key 'w' not found in class 'Vector2'", toString(result.errors[0])); REQUIRE_EQ("Key 'x' not found in class 'Vector2'. Did you mean 'X'?", toString(result.errors[1])); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "class_unification_type_mismatch_is_correct_order") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local p: BaseClass local foo: number = p local foo2: BaseClass = 1 )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(2, result); REQUIRE_EQ("Type 'BaseClass' could not be converted into 'number'", toString(result.errors[0])); REQUIRE_EQ("Type 'number' could not be converted into 'BaseClass'", toString(result.errors[1])); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "optional_class_field_access_error") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local b: Vector2? = nil local a = b.X + b.Z b.X = 2 -- real Vector2.X is also read-only )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(4, result); CHECK_EQ("Value of type 'Vector2?' could be nil", toString(result.errors[0])); CHECK_EQ("Value of type 'Vector2?' could be nil", toString(result.errors[1])); CHECK_EQ("Key 'Z' not found in class 'Vector2'", toString(result.errors[2])); CHECK_EQ("Value of type 'Vector2?' could be nil", toString(result.errors[3])); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "detailed_class_unification_error") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local function foo(v) return v.X :: number + string.len(v.Y) end local a: Vector2 local b = foo b(a) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); CHECK_EQ(R"(Type 'Vector2' could not be converted into '{- X: a, Y: string -}' caused by: Property 'Y' is not compatible. Type 'number' could not be converted into 'string')", toString(result.errors[0])); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "class_type_mismatch_with_name_conflict") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local i = ChildClass.New() type ChildClass = { x: number } local a: ChildClass = i )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); CHECK_EQ("Type 'ChildClass' from 'Test' could not be converted into 'ChildClass' from 'MainModule'", toString(result.errors[0])); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "intersections_of_unions_of_classes") { ScopedFastFlag sffs[]{ {"LuauSubtypeNormalizer", true}, {"LuauTypeNormalization2", true}, }; CheckResult result = check(R"( local x : (BaseClass | Vector2) & (ChildClass | AnotherChild) local y : (ChildClass | AnotherChild) x = y y = x )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClassFixture, "unions_of_intersections_of_classes") { ScopedFastFlag sffs[]{ {"LuauSubtypeNormalizer", true}, {"LuauTypeNormalization2", true}, }; CheckResult result = check(R"( local x : (BaseClass & ChildClass) | (BaseClass & AnotherChild) | (BaseClass & Vector2) local y : (ChildClass | AnotherChild) x = y y = x )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_SUITE_END();