-- This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details print('testing lua_exception') -- Verify that no exception is generated function empty_function() end function pass_number_to_error() -- Verify the error value of 42 is part of the exception's string. error(42) end function pass_string_to_error() -- Verify the error value of "string argument" is part of the exception's string. error("string argument") end function pass_table_to_error() -- Pass a table to `error`. A table is used since it is won't be -- convertable to a string using `lua_tostring`. error({field="value"}) end function infinite_recursion_error() -- Generate a stack overflow error infinite_recursion_error() end function large_allocation_error() -- Create a table that will require more memory than the test's memory -- allocator will allow. table.create(1000000) end return('OK')