// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Fixture.h" #include "Luau/Common.h" #include "doctest.h" #include "Luau/Normalize.h" #include "Luau/BuiltinDefinitions.h" using namespace Luau; struct NormalizeFixture : Fixture { ScopedFastFlag sff1{"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}; bool isSubtype(TypeId a, TypeId b) { return ::Luau::isSubtype(a, b, NotNull{getMainModule()->getModuleScope().get()}, singletonTypes, ice); } }; void createSomeClasses(Frontend& frontend) { auto& arena = frontend.globalTypes; unfreeze(arena); TypeId parentType = arena.addType(ClassTypeVar{"Parent", {}, std::nullopt, std::nullopt, {}, nullptr, "Test"}); ClassTypeVar* parentClass = getMutable(parentType); parentClass->props["method"] = {makeFunction(arena, parentType, {}, {})}; parentClass->props["virtual_method"] = {makeFunction(arena, parentType, {}, {})}; addGlobalBinding(frontend, "Parent", {parentType}); frontend.getGlobalScope()->exportedTypeBindings["Parent"] = TypeFun{{}, parentType}; TypeId childType = arena.addType(ClassTypeVar{"Child", {}, parentType, std::nullopt, {}, nullptr, "Test"}); ClassTypeVar* childClass = getMutable(childType); childClass->props["virtual_method"] = {makeFunction(arena, childType, {}, {})}; addGlobalBinding(frontend, "Child", {childType}); frontend.getGlobalScope()->exportedTypeBindings["Child"] = TypeFun{{}, childType}; TypeId unrelatedType = arena.addType(ClassTypeVar{"Unrelated", {}, std::nullopt, std::nullopt, {}, nullptr, "Test"}); addGlobalBinding(frontend, "Unrelated", {unrelatedType}); frontend.getGlobalScope()->exportedTypeBindings["Unrelated"] = TypeFun{{}, unrelatedType}; for (const auto& [name, ty] : frontend.getGlobalScope()->exportedTypeBindings) persist(ty.type); freeze(arena); } TEST_SUITE_BEGIN("isSubtype"); TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "primitives") { check(R"( local a = 41 local b = 32 local c = "hello" local d = "world" )"); TypeId a = requireType("a"); TypeId b = requireType("b"); TypeId c = requireType("c"); TypeId d = requireType("d"); CHECK(isSubtype(b, a)); CHECK(isSubtype(d, c)); CHECK(!isSubtype(d, a)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "functions") { check(R"( function a(x: number): number return x end function b(x: number): number return x end function c(x: number?): number return x end function d(x: number): number? return x end )"); TypeId a = requireType("a"); TypeId b = requireType("b"); TypeId c = requireType("c"); TypeId d = requireType("d"); CHECK(isSubtype(b, a)); CHECK(isSubtype(c, a)); CHECK(!isSubtype(d, a)); CHECK(isSubtype(a, d)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "functions_and_any") { check(R"( function a(n: number) return "string" end function b(q: any) return 5 :: any end )"); TypeId a = requireType("a"); TypeId b = requireType("b"); // Intuition: // We cannot use b where a is required because we cannot rely on b to return a string. // We cannot use a where b is required because we cannot rely on a to accept non-number arguments. CHECK(!isSubtype(b, a)); CHECK(!isSubtype(a, b)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "intersection_of_functions_of_different_arities") { check(R"( type A = (any) -> () type B = (any, any) -> () type T = A & B local a: A local b: B local t: T )"); TypeId a = requireType("a"); TypeId b = requireType("b"); CHECK(!isSubtype(a, b)); // !! CHECK(!isSubtype(b, a)); CHECK("((any) -> ()) & ((any, any) -> ())" == toString(requireType("t"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "functions_with_mismatching_arity") { check(R"( local a: (number) -> () local b: () -> () local c: () -> number )"); TypeId a = requireType("a"); TypeId b = requireType("b"); TypeId c = requireType("c"); CHECK(!isSubtype(b, a)); CHECK(!isSubtype(c, a)); CHECK(!isSubtype(a, b)); CHECK(!isSubtype(c, b)); CHECK(!isSubtype(a, c)); CHECK(!isSubtype(b, c)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "functions_with_mismatching_arity_but_optional_parameters") { /* * (T0..TN) <: (T0..TN, A?) * (T0..TN) <: (T0..TN, any) * (T0..TN, A?) R <: U -> S if U <: T and R <: S * A | B <: T if A <: T and B <: T * T <: A | B if T <: A or T <: B */ check(R"( local a: (number?) -> () local b: (number) -> () local c: (number, number?) -> () )"); TypeId a = requireType("a"); TypeId b = requireType("b"); TypeId c = requireType("c"); /* * (number) -> () () * because number? () * because number? () <: (number) -> () * because number <: number? (because number <: number) */ CHECK(isSubtype(a, b)); /* * (number, number?) -> () <: (number) -> (number) * The packs have inequal lengths, but (number) <: (number, number?) * and number <: number */ CHECK(!isSubtype(c, b)); /* * (number?) -> () () * because (number, number?) () () * because (number, number?) () local b: (number) -> () local c: (number, any) -> () )"); TypeId a = requireType("a"); TypeId b = requireType("b"); TypeId c = requireType("c"); /* * (number) -> () () * because number? () * because number? () <: (number) -> () * because number <: number? (because number <: number) */ CHECK(isSubtype(a, b)); /* * (number, any) -> () (number) * The packs have inequal lengths */ CHECK(!isSubtype(c, b)); /* * (number?) -> () () * The packs have inequal lengths */ CHECK(!isSubtype(a, c)); /* * (number) -> () () * The packs have inequal lengths */ CHECK(!isSubtype(b, c)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "variadic_functions_with_no_head") { check(R"( local a: (...number) -> () local b: (...number?) -> () )"); TypeId a = requireType("a"); TypeId b = requireType("b"); CHECK(isSubtype(b, a)); CHECK(!isSubtype(a, b)); } #if 0 TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "variadic_function_with_head") { check(R"( local a: (...number) -> () local b: (number, number) -> () )"); TypeId a = requireType("a"); TypeId b = requireType("b"); CHECK(!isSubtype(b, a)); CHECK(isSubtype(a, b)); } #endif TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "union") { check(R"( local a: number | string local b: number local c: string local d: number? )"); TypeId a = requireType("a"); TypeId b = requireType("b"); TypeId c = requireType("c"); TypeId d = requireType("d"); CHECK(isSubtype(b, a)); CHECK(!isSubtype(a, b)); CHECK(isSubtype(c, a)); CHECK(!isSubtype(a, c)); CHECK(!isSubtype(d, a)); CHECK(!isSubtype(a, d)); CHECK(isSubtype(b, d)); CHECK(!isSubtype(d, b)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "table_with_union_prop") { check(R"( local a: {x: number} local b: {x: number?} )"); TypeId a = requireType("a"); TypeId b = requireType("b"); CHECK(isSubtype(a, b)); CHECK(!isSubtype(b, a)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "table_with_any_prop") { check(R"( local a: {x: number} local b: {x: any} )"); TypeId a = requireType("a"); TypeId b = requireType("b"); CHECK(isSubtype(a, b)); CHECK(!isSubtype(b, a)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "intersection") { check(R"( local a: number & string local b: number local c: string local d: number & nil )"); TypeId a = requireType("a"); TypeId b = requireType("b"); TypeId c = requireType("c"); TypeId d = requireType("d"); CHECK(!isSubtype(b, a)); CHECK(isSubtype(a, b)); CHECK(!isSubtype(c, a)); CHECK(isSubtype(a, c)); CHECK(!isSubtype(d, a)); CHECK(!isSubtype(a, d)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "union_and_intersection") { check(R"( local a: number & string local b: number | nil )"); TypeId a = requireType("a"); TypeId b = requireType("b"); CHECK(!isSubtype(b, a)); CHECK(isSubtype(a, b)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "table_with_table_prop") { check(R"( type T = {x: {y: number}} & {x: {y: string}} local a: T )"); CHECK_EQ("{| x: {| y: number & string |} |}", toString(requireType("a"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "tables") { check(R"( local a: {x: number} local b: {x: any} local c: {y: number} local d: {x: number, y: number} )"); TypeId a = requireType("a"); TypeId b = requireType("b"); TypeId c = requireType("c"); TypeId d = requireType("d"); CHECK(isSubtype(a, b)); CHECK(!isSubtype(b, a)); CHECK(!isSubtype(c, a)); CHECK(!isSubtype(a, c)); CHECK(isSubtype(d, a)); CHECK(!isSubtype(a, d)); CHECK(isSubtype(d, b)); CHECK(!isSubtype(b, d)); } #if 0 TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "table_indexers_are_invariant") { check(R"( local a: {[string]: number} local b: {[string]: any} local c: {[string]: number} )"); TypeId a = requireType("a"); TypeId b = requireType("b"); TypeId c = requireType("c"); CHECK(!isSubtype(b, a)); CHECK(!isSubtype(a, b)); CHECK(isSubtype(c, a)); CHECK(isSubtype(a, c)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "mismatched_indexers") { check(R"( local a: {x: number} local b: {[string]: number} local c: {} )"); TypeId a = requireType("a"); TypeId b = requireType("b"); TypeId c = requireType("c"); CHECK(isSubtype(b, a)); CHECK(!isSubtype(a, b)); CHECK(!isSubtype(c, b)); CHECK(isSubtype(b, c)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "cyclic_table") { check(R"( type A = {method: (A) -> ()} local a: A type B = {method: (any) -> ()} local b: B type C = {method: (C) -> ()} local c: C type D = {method: (D) -> (), another: (D) -> ()} local d: D type E = {method: (A) -> (), another: (E) -> ()} local e: E )"); TypeId a = requireType("a"); TypeId b = requireType("b"); TypeId c = requireType("c"); TypeId d = requireType("d"); TypeId e = requireType("e"); CHECK(isSubtype(b, a)); CHECK(!isSubtype(a, b)); CHECK(isSubtype(c, a)); CHECK(isSubtype(a, c)); CHECK(!isSubtype(d, a)); CHECK(!isSubtype(a, d)); CHECK(isSubtype(e, a)); CHECK(!isSubtype(a, e)); } #endif TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "classes") { createSomeClasses(frontend); check(""); // Ensure that we have a main Module. TypeId p = typeChecker.globalScope->lookupType("Parent")->type; TypeId c = typeChecker.globalScope->lookupType("Child")->type; TypeId u = typeChecker.globalScope->lookupType("Unrelated")->type; CHECK(isSubtype(c, p)); CHECK(!isSubtype(p, c)); CHECK(!isSubtype(u, p)); CHECK(!isSubtype(p, u)); } #if 0 TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "metatable" * doctest::expected_failures{1}) { check(R"( local T = {} T.__index = T function T.new() return setmetatable({}, T) end function T:method() end local a: typeof(T.new) local b: {method: (any) -> ()} )"); TypeId a = requireType("a"); TypeId b = requireType("b"); CHECK(isSubtype(a, b)); } #endif TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "intersection_of_tables") { check(R"( type T = {x: number} & ({x: number} & {y: string?}) local t: T )"); CHECK("{| x: number, y: string? |}" == toString(requireType("t"))); } TEST_SUITE_END(); TEST_SUITE_BEGIN("Normalize"); TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "intersection_of_disjoint_tables") { check(R"( type T = {a: number} & {b: number} local t: T )"); CHECK_EQ("{| a: number, b: number |}", toString(requireType("t"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "intersection_of_overlapping_tables") { check(R"( type T = {a: number, b: string} & {b: number, c: string} local t: T )"); CHECK_EQ("{| a: number, b: number & string, c: string |}", toString(requireType("t"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "intersection_of_confluent_overlapping_tables") { check(R"( type T = {a: number, b: string} & {b: string, c: string} local t: T )"); CHECK_EQ("{| a: number, b: string, c: string |}", toString(requireType("t"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "union_with_overlapping_field_that_has_a_subtype_relationship") { check(R"( local t: {x: number} | {x: number?} )"); ModulePtr tempModule{new Module}; tempModule->scopes.emplace_back(Location(), std::make_shared(singletonTypes->anyTypePack)); // HACK: Normalization is an in-place operation. We need to cheat a little here and unfreeze // the arena that the type lives in. ModulePtr mainModule = getMainModule(); unfreeze(mainModule->internalTypes); TypeId tType = requireType("t"); normalize(tType, tempModule, singletonTypes, *typeChecker.iceHandler); CHECK_EQ("{| x: number? |}", toString(tType, {true})); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "intersection_of_functions") { check(R"( type T = ((any) -> string) & ((number) -> string) local t: T )"); CHECK_EQ("(any) -> string", toString(requireType("t"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "normalize_module_return_type") { ScopedFastFlag sff[] = { {"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}, }; check(R"( --!nonstrict if Math.random() then return function(initialState, handlers) return function(state, action) return state end end else return function(initialState, handlers) return function(state, action) return state end end end )"); CHECK_EQ("(any, any) -> (...any)", toString(getMainModule()->getModuleScope()->returnType)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "return_type_is_not_a_constrained_intersection") { check(R"( function foo(x:number, y:number) return x + y end )"); CHECK_EQ("(number, number) -> number", toString(requireType("foo"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "higher_order_function") { check(R"( function apply(f, x) return f(x) end local a = apply(function(x: number) return x + x end, 5) )"); TypeId aType = requireType("a"); CHECK_MESSAGE(isNumber(follow(aType)), "Expected a number but got ", toString(aType)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "higher_order_function_with_annotation") { check(R"( function apply(f: (a) -> b, x) return f(x) end )"); CHECK_EQ("((a) -> b, a) -> b", toString(requireType("apply"))); } // Unfortunately, getting this right in the general case is difficult. TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "cyclic_table_is_not_marked_normal") { ScopedFastFlag flags[] = { {"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}, }; check(R"( type Fiber = { return_: Fiber? } local f: Fiber )"); TypeId t = requireType("f"); CHECK(!t->normal); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "variadic_tail_is_marked_normal") { ScopedFastFlag flags[] = { {"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}, }; CheckResult result = check(R"( type Weirdo = (...{x: number}) -> () local w: Weirdo )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); TypeId t = requireType("w"); auto ftv = get(t); REQUIRE(ftv); auto [argHead, argTail] = flatten(ftv->argTypes); CHECK(argHead.empty()); REQUIRE(argTail.has_value()); auto vtp = get(*argTail); REQUIRE(vtp); CHECK(vtp->ty->normal); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "cyclic_table_normalizes_sensibly") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local Cyclic = {} function Cyclic.get() return Cyclic end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); TypeId ty = requireType("Cyclic"); CHECK_EQ("t1 where t1 = { get: () -> t1 }", toString(ty, {true})); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "cyclic_union") { ScopedFastFlag sff[] = { {"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}, }; CheckResult result = check(R"( type T = {T?}? local a: T )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); CHECK("t1? where t1 = {t1?}" == toString(requireType("a"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "cyclic_intersection") { ScopedFastFlag sff[] = { {"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}, }; CheckResult result = check(R"( type T = {T & {}} local a: T )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); // FIXME: We are not properly normalizing this type, but we are at least not improperly discarding information CHECK("t1 where t1 = {{t1 & {| |}}}" == toString(requireType("a"), {true})); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "intersection_of_tables_with_indexers") { ScopedFastFlag sff[] = { {"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}, }; CheckResult result = check(R"( type A = {number} type B = {string} type C = A & B local a: C )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); // FIXME: We are not properly normalizing this type, but we are at least not improperly discarding information CHECK("{number & string}" == toString(requireType("a"), {true})); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "union_of_distinct_free_types") { ScopedFastFlag flags[] = { {"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}, }; CheckResult result = check(R"( function fussy(a, b) if math.random() > 0.5 then return a else return b end end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); CHECK("(a, b) -> a | b" == toString(requireType("fussy"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "constrained_intersection_of_intersections") { ScopedFastFlag flags[] = { {"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}, }; CheckResult result = check(R"( local f : (() -> number) | ((number) -> number) local g : (() -> number) | ((string) -> number) function h() if math.random() then return f else return g end end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); TypeId h = requireType("h"); CHECK("() -> (() -> number) | ((number) -> number) | ((string) -> number)" == toString(h)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "intersection_inside_a_table_inside_another_intersection") { ScopedFastFlag flags[] = { {"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}, }; CheckResult result = check(R"( type X = {} type Y = {y: number} type Z = {z: string} type W = {w: boolean} type T = {x: Y & X} & {x:Z & W} local x: X local y: Y local z: Z local w: W local t: T )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); CHECK("{| |}" == toString(requireType("x"), {true})); CHECK("{| y: number |}" == toString(requireType("y"), {true})); CHECK("{| z: string |}" == toString(requireType("z"), {true})); CHECK("{| w: boolean |}" == toString(requireType("w"), {true})); CHECK("{| x: {| w: boolean, y: number, z: string |} |}" == toString(requireType("t"), {true})); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "intersection_inside_a_table_inside_another_intersection_2") { ScopedFastFlag flags[] = { {"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}, }; // We use a function and inferred parameter types to prevent intermediate normalizations from being performed. // This exposes a bug where the type of y is mutated. CheckResult result = check(R"( function strange(w, x, y, z) y.y = 5 z.z = "five" w.w = true type Z = {x: typeof(x) & typeof(y)} & {x: typeof(w) & typeof(z)} return ((nil :: any) :: Z) end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); TypeId t = requireType("strange"); auto ftv = get(t); REQUIRE(ftv != nullptr); std::vector args = flatten(ftv->argTypes).first; REQUIRE(4 == args.size()); CHECK("{+ w: boolean +}" == toString(args[0])); CHECK("a" == toString(args[1])); CHECK("{+ y: number +}" == toString(args[2])); CHECK("{+ z: string +}" == toString(args[3])); std::vector ret = flatten(ftv->retTypes).first; REQUIRE(1 == ret.size()); CHECK("{| x: a & {+ w: boolean, y: number, z: string +} |}" == toString(ret[0])); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "intersection_inside_a_table_inside_another_intersection_3") { ScopedFastFlag flags[] = { {"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}, }; // We use a function and inferred parameter types to prevent intermediate normalizations from being performed. // This exposes a bug where the type of y is mutated. CheckResult result = check(R"( function strange(x, y, z) x.x = true y.y = y z.z = "five" type Z = {x: typeof(y)} & {x: typeof(x) & typeof(z)} return ((nil :: any) :: Z) end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); TypeId t = requireType("strange"); auto ftv = get(t); REQUIRE(ftv != nullptr); std::vector args = flatten(ftv->argTypes).first; REQUIRE(3 == args.size()); CHECK("{+ x: boolean +}" == toString(args[0])); CHECK("t1 where t1 = {+ y: t1 +}" == toString(args[1])); CHECK("{+ z: string +}" == toString(args[2])); std::vector ret = flatten(ftv->retTypes).first; REQUIRE(1 == ret.size()); CHECK("{| x: {+ x: boolean, y: t1, z: string +} |} where t1 = {+ y: t1 +}" == toString(ret[0])); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "intersection_inside_a_table_inside_another_intersection_4") { ScopedFastFlag flags[] = { {"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}, }; // We use a function and inferred parameter types to prevent intermediate normalizations from being performed. // This exposes a bug where the type of y is mutated. CheckResult result = check(R"( function strange(x, y, z) x.x = true z.z = "five" type R = {x: typeof(y)} & {x: typeof(x) & typeof(z)} local r: R y.y = r return r end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); TypeId t = requireType("strange"); auto ftv = get(t); REQUIRE(ftv != nullptr); std::vector args = flatten(ftv->argTypes).first; REQUIRE(3 == args.size()); CHECK("{+ x: boolean +}" == toString(args[0])); CHECK("{+ y: t1 +} where t1 = {| x: {+ x: boolean, y: t1, z: string +} |}" == toString(args[1])); CHECK("{+ z: string +}" == toString(args[2])); std::vector ret = flatten(ftv->retTypes).first; REQUIRE(1 == ret.size()); CHECK("t1 where t1 = {| x: {+ x: boolean, y: t1, z: string +} |}" == toString(ret[0])); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "nested_table_normalization_with_non_table__no_ice") { ScopedFastFlag flags[] = { {"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}, {"LuauNormalizeCombineTableFix", true}, }; // CLI-52787 // ends up combining {_:any} with any, recursively // which used to ICE because this combines a table with a non-table. CheckResult result = check(R"( export type t0 = any & { _: {_:any} } & { _:any } )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "visiting_a_type_twice_is_not_considered_normal") { ScopedFastFlag sff{"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( --!strict function f(a, b) local function g() if math.random() > 0.5 then return a() else return b end end end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); CHECK_EQ("(() -> a, a) -> ()", toString(requireType("f"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "fuzz_failure_instersection_combine_must_follow") { ScopedFastFlag flags[] = { {"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}, }; CheckResult result = check(R"( export type t0 = {_:{_:any} & {_:any|string}} & {_:{_:{}}} )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "fuzz_failure_bound_type_is_normal_but_not_its_bounded_to") { ScopedFastFlag sff{"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( type t252 = ((t0)|(any))|(any) type t0 = t252,t24...> )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERRORS(result); } // We had an issue where a normal BoundTypeVar might point at a non-normal BoundTypeVar if it in turn pointed to a // normal TypeVar because we were calling follow() in an improper place. TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "bound_typevars_should_only_be_marked_normal_if_their_pointee_is_normal") { ScopedFastFlag sff[]{ {"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}, }; CheckResult result = check(R"( local T = {} function T:M() local function f(a) print(self.prop) self:g(a) self.prop = a end end return T )"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "skip_force_normal_on_external_types") { createSomeClasses(frontend); CheckResult result = check(R"( export type t0 = { a: Child } export type t1 = { a: typeof(string.byte) } )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "intersection_combine_on_bound_self") { CheckResult result = check(R"( export type t0 = (((any)&({_:l0.t0,n0:t0,_G:any,}))&({_:any,}))&(((any)&({_:l0.t0,n0:t0,_G:any,}))&({_:any,})) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "normalize_unions_containing_never") { ScopedFastFlag sff{"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( type Foo = string | never local foo: Foo )"); CHECK_EQ("string", toString(requireType("foo"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "normalize_unions_containing_unknown") { ScopedFastFlag sff{"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( type Foo = string | unknown local foo: Foo )"); CHECK_EQ("unknown", toString(requireType("foo"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "any_wins_the_battle_over_unknown_in_unions") { ScopedFastFlag sff{"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( type Foo = unknown | any local foo: Foo type Bar = any | unknown local bar: Bar )"); CHECK_EQ("any", toString(requireType("foo"))); CHECK_EQ("any", toString(requireType("bar"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "normalization_does_not_convert_ever") { ScopedFastFlag sff[]{ {"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true}, }; CheckResult result = check(R"( --!strict local function f() if math.random() > 0.5 then return true end type Ret = typeof(f()) if math.random() > 0.5 then return "something" end return "something" :: Ret end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); CHECK_EQ("() -> boolean | string", toString(requireType("f"))); } TEST_SUITE_END();