# This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details import os, sys, time, numpy try: import scipy from scipy import mean, stats except ModuleNotFoundError: print("Warning: scipy package is not installed, confidence values will not be available") stats = None duration_list = [] DEFAULT_CYCLES_TO_RUN = 100 cycles_to_run = DEFAULT_CYCLES_TO_RUN try: cycles_to_run = sys.argv[3] if sys.argv[3] else DEFAULT_CYCLES_TO_RUN cycles_to_run = int(cycles_to_run) except IndexError: pass except (ValueError, TypeError): cycles_to_run = DEFAULT_CYCLES_TO_RUN print("Error: Cycles to run argument must be an integer. Using default value of {}".format(DEFAULT_CYCLES_TO_RUN)) # Numpy complains if we provide a cycle count of less than 3 ~ default to 3 whenever a lower value is provided cycles_to_run = cycles_to_run if cycles_to_run > 2 else 3 for i in range(1,cycles_to_run): start = time.perf_counter() # Run the code you want to measure here os.system(sys.argv[1]) end = time.perf_counter() duration_ms = (end - start) * 1000 duration_list.append(duration_ms) # Stats mean = numpy.mean(duration_list) std_err = stats.sem(duration_list) print("SUCCESS: {} : {:.2f}ms +/- {:.2f}% on luau ".format('duration', mean,std_err))