// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Luau/ConstraintGraphBuilder.h" #include "Luau/NotNull.h" #include "Luau/ToString.h" #include "ConstraintGraphBuilderFixture.h" #include "Fixture.h" #include "doctest.h" using namespace Luau; TEST_SUITE_BEGIN("ConstraintGraphBuilder"); TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ConstraintGraphBuilderFixture, "hello_world") { AstStatBlock* block = parse(R"( local a = "hello" local b = a )"); cgb.visit(block); auto constraints = collectConstraints(NotNull(cgb.rootScope)); REQUIRE(2 == constraints.size()); ToStringOptions opts; CHECK("string <: a" == toString(*constraints[0], opts)); CHECK("a <: b" == toString(*constraints[1], opts)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ConstraintGraphBuilderFixture, "primitives") { AstStatBlock* block = parse(R"( local s = "hello" local n = 555 local b = true local n2 = nil )"); cgb.visit(block); auto constraints = collectConstraints(NotNull(cgb.rootScope)); REQUIRE(3 == constraints.size()); ToStringOptions opts; CHECK("string <: a" == toString(*constraints[0], opts)); CHECK("number <: b" == toString(*constraints[1], opts)); CHECK("boolean <: c" == toString(*constraints[2], opts)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ConstraintGraphBuilderFixture, "nil_primitive") { AstStatBlock* block = parse(R"( local function a() return nil end local b = a() )"); cgb.visit(block); auto constraints = collectConstraints(NotNull(cgb.rootScope)); ToStringOptions opts; REQUIRE(4 <= constraints.size()); CHECK("*blocked-1* ~ gen () -> (a...)" == toString(*constraints[0], opts)); CHECK("call *blocked-1* with { result = *blocked-tp-1* }" == toString(*constraints[1], opts)); CHECK("*blocked-tp-1* <: b" == toString(*constraints[2], opts)); CHECK("nil <: a..." == toString(*constraints[3], opts)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ConstraintGraphBuilderFixture, "function_application") { AstStatBlock* block = parse(R"( local a = "hello" local b = a("world") )"); cgb.visit(block); auto constraints = collectConstraints(NotNull(cgb.rootScope)); REQUIRE(3 == constraints.size()); ToStringOptions opts; CHECK("string <: a" == toString(*constraints[0], opts)); CHECK("call a with { result = *blocked-tp-1* }" == toString(*constraints[1], opts)); CHECK("*blocked-tp-1* <: b" == toString(*constraints[2], opts)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ConstraintGraphBuilderFixture, "local_function_definition") { AstStatBlock* block = parse(R"( local function f(a) return a end )"); cgb.visit(block); auto constraints = collectConstraints(NotNull(cgb.rootScope)); REQUIRE(2 == constraints.size()); ToStringOptions opts; CHECK("*blocked-1* ~ gen (a) -> (b...)" == toString(*constraints[0], opts)); CHECK("a <: b..." == toString(*constraints[1], opts)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ConstraintGraphBuilderFixture, "recursive_function") { AstStatBlock* block = parse(R"( local function f(a) return f(a) end )"); cgb.visit(block); auto constraints = collectConstraints(NotNull(cgb.rootScope)); REQUIRE(3 == constraints.size()); ToStringOptions opts; CHECK("*blocked-1* ~ gen (a) -> (b...)" == toString(*constraints[0], opts)); CHECK("call (a) -> (b...) with { result = *blocked-tp-1* }" == toString(*constraints[1], opts)); CHECK("*blocked-tp-1* <: b..." == toString(*constraints[2], opts)); } TEST_SUITE_END();