// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Luau/AstQuery.h" #include "Luau/BuiltinDefinitions.h" #include "Luau/Scope.h" #include "Luau/TypeInfer.h" #include "Luau/TypeVar.h" #include "Fixture.h" #include "doctest.h" LUAU_FASTFLAG(LuauInstantiateInSubtyping) using namespace Luau; LUAU_FASTFLAG(LuauSpecialTypesAsterisked) TEST_SUITE_BEGIN("TypeInferModules"); TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "dcr_require_basic") { fileResolver.source["game/A"] = R"( --!strict return { a = 1, } )"; fileResolver.source["game/B"] = R"( --!strict local A = require(game.A) local b = A.a )"; CheckResult aResult = frontend.check("game/A"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(aResult); CheckResult bResult = frontend.check("game/B"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(bResult); ModulePtr b = frontend.moduleResolver.modules["game/B"]; REQUIRE(b != nullptr); std::optional bType = requireType(b, "b"); REQUIRE(bType); CHECK(toString(*bType) == "number"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "require") { fileResolver.source["game/A"] = R"( local function hooty(x: number): string return "Hi there!" end return {hooty=hooty} )"; fileResolver.source["game/B"] = R"( local Hooty = require(game.A) local h -- free! local i = Hooty.hooty(h) )"; CheckResult aResult = frontend.check("game/A"); dumpErrors(aResult); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(aResult); CheckResult bResult = frontend.check("game/B"); dumpErrors(bResult); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(bResult); ModulePtr b = frontend.moduleResolver.modules["game/B"]; REQUIRE(b != nullptr); dumpErrors(bResult); std::optional iType = requireType(b, "i"); REQUIRE_EQ("string", toString(*iType)); std::optional hType = requireType(b, "h"); REQUIRE_EQ("number", toString(*hType)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "require_types") { fileResolver.source["workspace/A"] = R"( export type Point = {x: number, y: number} return {} )"; fileResolver.source["workspace/B"] = R"( local Hooty = require(workspace.A) local h: Hooty.Point )"; CheckResult bResult = frontend.check("workspace/B"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(bResult); ModulePtr b = frontend.moduleResolver.modules["workspace/B"]; REQUIRE(b != nullptr); TypeId hType = requireType(b, "h"); REQUIRE_MESSAGE(bool(get(hType)), "Expected table but got " << toString(hType)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "require_a_variadic_function") { fileResolver.source["game/A"] = R"( local T = {} function T.f(...) end return T )"; fileResolver.source["game/B"] = R"( local A = require(game.A) local f = A.f )"; CheckResult result = frontend.check("game/B"); ModulePtr bModule = frontend.moduleResolver.getModule("game/B"); REQUIRE(bModule != nullptr); TypeId f = follow(requireType(bModule, "f")); const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get(f); REQUIRE(ftv); auto iter = begin(ftv->argTypes); auto endIter = end(ftv->argTypes); REQUIRE(iter == endIter); REQUIRE(iter.tail()); CHECK(get(*iter.tail())); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "type_error_of_unknown_qualified_type") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local p: SomeModule.DoesNotExist )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); REQUIRE_EQ(result.errors[0], (TypeError{Location{{1, 17}, {1, 40}}, UnknownSymbol{"SomeModule.DoesNotExist"}})); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "require_module_that_does_not_export") { const std::string sourceA = R"( )"; const std::string sourceB = R"( local Hooty = require(script.Parent.A) )"; fileResolver.source["game/Workspace/A"] = sourceA; fileResolver.source["game/Workspace/B"] = sourceB; frontend.check("game/Workspace/A"); frontend.check("game/Workspace/B"); ModulePtr aModule = frontend.moduleResolver.modules["game/Workspace/A"]; ModulePtr bModule = frontend.moduleResolver.modules["game/Workspace/B"]; CHECK(aModule->errors.empty()); REQUIRE_EQ(1, bModule->errors.size()); CHECK_MESSAGE(get(bModule->errors[0]), "Should be IllegalRequire: " << toString(bModule->errors[0])); auto hootyType = requireType(bModule, "Hooty"); if (FFlag::LuauSpecialTypesAsterisked) CHECK_EQ("*error-type*", toString(hootyType)); else CHECK_EQ("", toString(hootyType)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "warn_if_you_try_to_require_a_non_modulescript") { fileResolver.source["Modules/A"] = ""; fileResolver.sourceTypes["Modules/A"] = SourceCode::Local; fileResolver.source["Modules/B"] = R"( local M = require(script.Parent.A) )"; CheckResult result = frontend.check("Modules/B"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); CHECK(get(result.errors[0])); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "general_require_call_expression") { fileResolver.source["game/A"] = R"( --!strict return { def = 4 } )"; fileResolver.source["game/B"] = R"( --!strict local tbl = { abc = require(game.A) } local a : string = "" a = tbl.abc.def )"; CheckResult result = frontend.check("game/B"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); CHECK_EQ("Type 'number' could not be converted into 'string'", toString(result.errors[0])); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "general_require_type_mismatch") { fileResolver.source["game/A"] = R"( return { def = 4 } )"; fileResolver.source["game/B"] = R"( local tbl: string = require(game.A) )"; CheckResult result = frontend.check("game/B"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); CHECK_EQ("Type '{| def: number |}' could not be converted into 'string'", toString(result.errors[0])); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "bound_free_table_export_is_ok") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local n = {} function n:Clone() end local m = {} function m.a(x) x:Clone() end function m.b() m.a(n) end return m )"); if (FFlag::LuauInstantiateInSubtyping) { // though this didn't error before the flag, it seems as though it should error since fields of a table are invariant. // the user's intent would likely be that these "method" fields would be read-only, but without an annotation, accepting this should be unsound. LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); CHECK_EQ(R"(Type 'n' could not be converted into 't1 where t1 = {- Clone: (t1) -> (a...) -}' caused by: Property 'Clone' is not compatible. Type '(a) -> ()' could not be converted into 't1 where t1 = ({- Clone: t1 -}) -> (a...)'; different number of generic type parameters)", toString(result.errors[0])); } else { LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "custom_require_global") { CheckResult result = check(R"( --!nonstrict require = function(a) end local crash = require(game.A) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "require_failed_module") { fileResolver.source["game/A"] = R"( return unfortunately() )"; CheckResult aResult = frontend.check("game/A"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERRORS(aResult); CheckResult result = check(R"( local ModuleA = require(game.A) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); std::optional oty = requireType("ModuleA"); if (FFlag::LuauSpecialTypesAsterisked) CHECK_EQ("*error-type*", toString(*oty)); else CHECK_EQ("", toString(*oty)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "do_not_modify_imported_types") { fileResolver.source["game/A"] = R"( export type Type = { unrelated: boolean } return {} )"; fileResolver.source["game/B"] = R"( local types = require(game.A) type Type = types.Type local x: Type = {} function x:Destroy(): () end )"; CheckResult result = frontend.check("game/B"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(2, result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "do_not_modify_imported_types_2") { fileResolver.source["game/A"] = R"( export type Type = { x: { a: number } } return {} )"; fileResolver.source["game/B"] = R"( local types = require(game.A) type Type = types.Type local x: Type = { x = { a = 2 } } type Rename = typeof(x.x) )"; CheckResult result = frontend.check("game/B"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "do_not_modify_imported_types_3") { fileResolver.source["game/A"] = R"( local y = setmetatable({}, {}) export type Type = { x: typeof(y) } return { x = y } )"; fileResolver.source["game/B"] = R"( local types = require(game.A) type Type = types.Type local x: Type = types type Rename = typeof(x.x) )"; CheckResult result = frontend.check("game/B"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "do_not_modify_imported_types_4") { fileResolver.source["game/A"] = R"( export type Array = {T} local arrayops = {} function arrayops.foo(x: Array) end return arrayops )"; CheckResult result = check(R"( local arrayops = require(game.A) local tbl = {} tbl.a = 2 function tbl:foo(b: number, c: number) -- introduce BoundTypeVar to imported type arrayops.foo(self._regions) end -- this alias decreases function type level and causes a demotion of its type type Table = typeof(tbl) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "do_not_modify_imported_types_5") { fileResolver.source["game/A"] = R"( export type Type = {x: number, y: number} local arrayops = {} function arrayops.foo(x: Type) end return arrayops )"; CheckResult result = check(R"( local arrayops = require(game.A) local tbl = {} tbl.a = 2 function tbl:foo(b: number, c: number) -- introduce boundTo TableTypeVar to imported type self.x.a = 2 arrayops.foo(self.x) end -- this alias decreases function type level and causes a demotion of its type type Table = typeof(tbl) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "module_type_conflict") { fileResolver.source["game/A"] = R"( export type T = { x: number } return {} )"; fileResolver.source["game/B"] = R"( export type T = { x: string } return {} )"; fileResolver.source["game/C"] = R"( local A = require(game.A) local B = require(game.B) local a: A.T = { x = 2 } local b: B.T = a )"; CheckResult result = frontend.check("game/C"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); CHECK_EQ(toString(result.errors[0]), R"(Type 'T' from 'game/A' could not be converted into 'T' from 'game/B' caused by: Property 'x' is not compatible. Type 'number' could not be converted into 'string')"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "module_type_conflict_instantiated") { fileResolver.source["game/A"] = R"( export type Wrap = { x: T } return {} )"; fileResolver.source["game/B"] = R"( local A = require(game.A) export type T = A.Wrap return {} )"; fileResolver.source["game/C"] = R"( local A = require(game.A) export type T = A.Wrap return {} )"; fileResolver.source["game/D"] = R"( local A = require(game.B) local B = require(game.C) local a: A.T = { x = 2 } local b: B.T = a )"; CheckResult result = frontend.check("game/D"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); CHECK_EQ(toString(result.errors[0]), R"(Type 'T' from 'game/B' could not be converted into 'T' from 'game/C' caused by: Property 'x' is not compatible. Type 'number' could not be converted into 'string')"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "constrained_anyification_clone_immutable_types") { fileResolver.source["game/A"] = R"( return function(...) end )"; fileResolver.source["game/B"] = R"( local l0 = require(game.A) return l0 )"; CheckResult result = frontend.check("game/B"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_SUITE_END();