--[[ PCRE2-based RegEx implemention for Luau Version 1.0.0a2 BSD 2-Clause Licence Copyright © 2020 - Blockzez (devforum.roblox.com/u/Blockzez and github.com/Blockzez) All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ]] --[[ Settings ]]-- -- You can change them here local options = { -- The maximum cache size for regex so the patterns are cached so it doesn't recompile the pattern -- The only accepted value are number values >= 0, strings that can be automatically coered to numbers that are >= 0, false and nil -- Do note that empty regex patterns (comment-only patterns included) are never cached regardless -- The default is 256 cacheSize = 256, -- A boolean that determines whether this use unicode data -- If this value evalulates to false, you can remove _unicodechar_category, _scripts and _xuc safely and it'll now error if: -- - You try to compile a RegEx with unicode flag -- - You try to use the \p pattern -- The default is true unicodeData = false, }; -- local u_categories = options.unicodeData and require(script:WaitForChild("_unicodechar_category")); local chr_scripts = options.unicodeData and require(script:WaitForChild("_scripts")); local xuc_chr = options.unicodeData and require(script:WaitForChild("_xuc")); local proxy = setmetatable({ }, { __mode = 'k' }); local re, re_m, match_m = { }, { }, { }; local lockmsg; --[[ Functions ]]-- local function to_str_arr(self, init) if init then self = string.sub(self, utf8.offset(self, init)); end; local len = utf8.len(self); if len <= 1999 then return { n = len, s = self, utf8.codepoint(self, 1, #self) }; end; local clen = math.ceil(len / 1999); local ret = table.create(len); local p = 1; for i = 1, clen do local c = table.pack(utf8.codepoint(self, utf8.offset(self, i * 1999 - 1998), utf8.offset(self, i * 1999 - (i == clen and 1998 - ((len - 1) % 1999 + 1) or - 1)) - 1)); table.move(c, 1, c.n, p, ret); p += c.n; end; ret.s, ret.n = self, len; return ret; end; local function from_str_arr(self) local len = self.n or #self; if len <= 7997 then return utf8.char(table.unpack(self)); end; local clen = math.ceil(len / 7997); local r = table.create(clen); for i = 1, clen do r[i] = utf8.char(table.unpack(self, i * 7997 - 7996, i * 7997 - (i == clen and 7997 - ((len - 1) % 7997 + 1) or 0))); end; return table.concat(r); end; local function utf8_sub(self, i, j) j = utf8.offset(self, j); return string.sub(self, utf8.offset(self, i), j and j - 1); end; -- local flag_map = { a = 'anchored', i = 'caseless', m = 'multiline', s = 'dotall', u = 'unicode', U = 'ungreedy', x ='extended', }; local posix_class_names = { alnum = true, alpha = true, ascii = true, blank = true, cntrl = true, digit = true, graph = true, lower = true, print = true, punct = true, space = true, upper = true, word = true, xdigit = true, }; local escape_chars = { -- grouped -- digit, spaces and words [0x44] = { "class", "digit", true }, [0x53] = { "class", "space", true }, [0x57] = { "class", "word", true }, [0x64] = { "class", "digit", false }, [0x73] = { "class", "space", false }, [0x77] = { "class", "word", false }, -- horizontal/vertical whitespace and newline [0x48] = { "class", "blank", true }, [0x56] = { "class", "vertical_tab", true }, [0x68] = { "class", "blank", false }, [0x76] = { "class", "vertical_tab", false }, [0x4E] = { 0x4E }, [0x52] = { 0x52 }, -- not grouped [0x42] = 0x08, [0x6E] = 0x0A, [0x72] = 0x0D, [0x74] = 0x09, }; local b_escape_chars = { -- word boundary and not word boundary [0x62] = { 0x62, { "class", "word", false } }, [0x42] = { 0x42, { "class", "word", false } }, -- keep match out [0x4B] = { 0x4B }, -- start & end of string [0x47] = { 0x47 }, [0x4A] = { 0x4A }, [0x5A] = { 0x5A }, [0x7A] = { 0x7A }, }; local valid_categories = { C = true, Cc = true, Cf = true, Cn = true, Co = true, Cs = true, L = true, Ll = true, Lm = true, Lo = true, Lt = true, Lu = true, M = true, Mc = true, Me = true, Mn = true, N = true, Nd = true, Nl = true, No = true, P = true, Pc = true, Pd = true, Pe = true, Pf = true, Pi = true, Po = true, Ps = true, S = true, Sc = true, Sk = true, Sm = true, So = true, Z = true, Zl = true, Zp = true, Zs = true, Xan = true, Xps = true, Xsp = true, Xuc = true, Xwd = true, }; local class_ascii_punct = { [0x21] = true, [0x22] = true, [0x23] = true, [0x24] = true, [0x25] = true, [0x26] = true, [0x27] = true, [0x28] = true, [0x29] = true, [0x2A] = true, [0x2B] = true, [0x2C] = true, [0x2D] = true, [0x2E] = true, [0x2F] = true, [0x3A] = true, [0x3B] = true, [0x3C] = true, [0x3D] = true, [0x3E] = true, [0x3F] = true, [0x40] = true, [0x5B] = true, [0x5C] = true, [0x5D] = true, [0x5E] = true, [0x5F] = true, [0x60] = true, [0x7B] = true, [0x7C] = true, [0x7D] = true, [0x7E] = true, }; local end_str = { 0x24 }; local dot = { 0x2E }; local beginning_str = { 0x5E }; local alternation = { 0x7C }; local function check_re(re_type, name, func) if re_type == "Match" then return function(...) local arg_n = select('#', ...); if arg_n < 1 then error("missing argument #1 (Match expected)", 2); end; local arg0, arg1 = ...; if not (proxy[arg0] and proxy[arg0].name == "Match") then error(string.format("invalid argument #1 to %q (Match expected, got %s)", name, typeof(arg0)), 2); else arg0 = proxy[arg0]; end; if name == "group" or name == "span" then if arg1 == nil then arg1 = 0; end; end; return func(arg0, arg1); end; end; return function(...) local arg_n = select('#', ...); if arg_n < 1 then error("missing argument #1 (RegEx expected)", 2); elseif arg_n < 2 then error("missing argument #2 (string expected)", 2); end; local arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 = ...; if not (proxy[arg0] and proxy[arg0].name == "RegEx") then if type(arg0) ~= "string" and type(arg0) ~= "number" then error(string.format("invalid argument #1 to %q (RegEx expected, got %s)", name, typeof(arg0)), 2); end; arg0 = re.fromstring(arg0); elseif name == "sub" then if type(arg2) == "number" then arg2 ..= ''; elseif type(arg2) ~= "string" then error(string.format("invalid argument #3 to 'sub' (string expected, got %s)", typeof(arg2)), 2); end; elseif type(arg1) == "number" then arg1 ..= ''; elseif type(arg1) ~= "string" then error(string.format("invalid argument #2 to %q (string expected, got %s)", name, typeof(arg1)), 2); end; if name ~= "sub" and name ~= "split" then local init_type = typeof(arg2); if init_type ~= 'nil' then arg2 = tonumber(arg2); if not arg2 then error(string.format("invalid argument #3 to %q (number expected, got %s)", name, init_type), 2); elseif arg2 < 0 then arg2 = #arg1 + math.floor(arg2 + 0.5) + 1; else arg2 = math.max(math.floor(arg2 + 0.5), 1); end; end; end; arg0 = proxy[arg0]; if name == "match" or name == "matchiter" then arg3 = ...; elseif name == "sub" then arg5 = ...; end; return func(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); end; end; --[[ Matches ]]-- local function match_tostr(self) local spans = proxy[self].spans; local s_start, s_end = spans[0][1], spans[0][2]; if s_end <= s_start then return string.format("Match (%d..%d, empty)", s_start, s_end - 1); end; return string.format("Match (%d..%d): %s", s_start, s_end - 1, utf8_sub(spans.input, s_start, s_end)); end; local function new_match(span_arr, group_id, re, str) span_arr.source, span_arr.input = re, str; local object = newproxy(true); local object_mt = getmetatable(object); object_mt.__metatable = lockmsg; object_mt.__index = setmetatable(span_arr, match_m); object_mt.__tostring = match_tostr; proxy[object] = { name = "Match", spans = span_arr, group_id = group_id }; return object; end; match_m.group = check_re('Match', 'group', function(self, group_id) local span = self.spans[type(group_id) == "number" and group_id or self.group_id[group_id]]; if not span then return nil; end; return utf8_sub(self.spans.input, span[1], span[2]); end); match_m.span = check_re('Match', 'span', function(self, group_id) local span = self.spans[type(group_id) == "number" and group_id or self.group_id[group_id]]; if not span then return nil; end; return span[1], span[2] - 1; end); match_m.groups = check_re('Match', 'groups', function(self) local spans = self.spans; if spans.n > 0 then local ret = table.create(spans.n); for i = 0, spans.n do local v = spans[i]; if v then ret[i] = utf8_sub(spans.input, v[1], v[2]); end; end; return table.unpack(ret, 1, spans.n); end; return utf8_sub(spans.input, spans[0][1], spans[0][2]); end); match_m.groupdict = check_re('Match', 'groupdict', function(self) local spans = self.spans; local ret = { }; for k, v in pairs(self.group_id) do v = spans[v]; if v then ret[k] = utf8_sub(spans.input, v[1], v[2]); end; end; return ret; end); match_m.grouparr = check_re('Match', 'groupdict', function(self) local spans = self.spans; local ret = table.create(spans.n); for i = 0, spans.n do local v = spans[i]; if v then ret[i] = utf8_sub(spans.input, v[1], v[2]); end; end; ret.n = spans.n; return ret; end); -- local line_verbs = { CR = 0, LF = 1, CRLF = 2, ANYRLF = 3, ANY = 4, NUL = 5, }; local function is_newline(str_arr, i, verb_flags) local line_verb_n = verb_flags.newline; local chr = str_arr[i]; if line_verb_n == 0 then -- carriage return return chr == 0x0D; elseif line_verb_n == 2 then -- carriage return followed by line feed return chr == 0x0A and str_arr[i - 1] == 0x20; elseif line_verb_n == 3 then -- any of the above return chr == 0x0A or chr == 0x0D; elseif line_verb_n == 4 then -- any of Unicode newlines return chr == 0x0A or chr == 0x0B or chr == 0x0C or chr == 0x0D or chr == 0x85 or chr == 0x2028 or chr == 0x2029; elseif line_verb_n == 5 then -- null return chr == 0; end; -- linefeed return chr == 0x0A; end; local function tkn_char_match(tkn_part, str_arr, i, flags, verb_flags) local chr = str_arr[i]; if not chr then return false; elseif flags.ignoreCase and chr >= 0x61 and chr <= 0x7A then chr -= 0x20; end; if type(tkn_part) == "number" then return tkn_part == chr; elseif tkn_part[1] == "charset" then for _, v in ipairs(tkn_part[3]) do if tkn_char_match(v, str_arr, i, flags, verb_flags) then return not tkn_part[2]; end; end; return tkn_part[2]; elseif tkn_part[1] == "range" then return chr >= tkn_part[2] and chr <= tkn_part[3] or flags.ignoreCase and chr >= 0x41 and chr <= 0x5A and (chr + 0x20) >= tkn_part[2] and (chr + 0x20) <= tkn_part[3]; elseif tkn_part[1] == "class" then local char_class = tkn_part[2]; local negate = tkn_part[3]; local match = false; -- if and elseifs :( -- Might make these into tables in the future if char_class == "xdigit" then match = chr >= 0x30 and chr <= 0x39 or chr >= 0x41 and chr <= 0x46 or chr >= 0x61 and chr <= 0x66; elseif char_class == "ascii" then match = chr <= 0x7F; -- cannot be accessed through POSIX classes elseif char_class == "vertical_tab" then match = chr >= 0x0A and chr <= 0x0D or chr == 0x2028 or chr == 0x2029; -- elseif flags.unicode then local current_category = u_categories[chr] or 'Cn'; local first_category = current_category:sub(1, 1); if char_class == "alnum" then match = first_category == 'L' or current_category == 'Nl' or current_category == 'Nd'; elseif char_class == "alpha" then match = first_category == 'L' or current_category == 'Nl'; elseif char_class == "blank" then match = current_category == 'Zs' or chr == 0x09; elseif char_class == "cntrl" then match = current_category == 'Cc'; elseif char_class == "digit" then match = current_category == 'Nd'; elseif char_class == "graph" then match = first_category ~= 'P' and first_category ~= 'C'; elseif char_class == "lower" then match = current_category == 'Ll'; elseif char_class == "print" then match = first_category ~= 'C'; elseif char_class == "punct" then match = first_category == 'P'; elseif char_class == "space" then match = first_category == 'Z' or chr >= 0x09 and chr <= 0x0D; elseif char_class == "upper" then match = current_category == 'Lu'; elseif char_class == "word" then match = first_category == 'L' or current_category == 'Nl' or current_category == 'Nd' or current_category == 'Pc'; end; elseif char_class == "alnum" then match = chr >= 0x30 and chr <= 0x39 or chr >= 0x41 and chr <= 0x5A or chr >= 0x61 and chr <= 0x7A; elseif char_class == "alpha" then match = chr >= 0x41 and chr <= 0x5A or chr >= 0x61 and chr <= 0x7A; elseif char_class == "blank" then match = chr == 0x09 or chr == 0x20; elseif char_class == "cntrl" then match = chr <= 0x1F or chr == 0x7F; elseif char_class == "digit" then match = chr >= 0x30 and chr <= 0x39; elseif char_class == "graph" then match = chr >= 0x21 and chr <= 0x7E; elseif char_class == "lower" then match = chr >= 0x61 and chr <= 0x7A; elseif char_class == "print" then match = chr >= 0x20 and chr <= 0x7E; elseif char_class == "punct" then match = class_ascii_punct[chr]; elseif char_class == "space" then match = chr >= 0x09 and chr <= 0x0D or chr == 0x20; elseif char_class == "upper" then match = chr >= 0x41 and chr <= 0x5A; elseif char_class == "word" then match = chr >= 0x30 and chr <= 0x39 or chr >= 0x41 and chr <= 0x5A or chr >= 0x61 and chr <= 0x7A or chr == 0x5F; end; if negate then return not match; end; return match; elseif tkn_part[1] == "category" then local chr_category = u_categories[chr] or 'Cn'; local category_v = tkn_part[3]; local category_len = #category_v; if category_len == 3 then local match = false; if category_v == "Xan" or category_v == "Xwd" then match = chr_category:find("^[LN]") or category_v == "Xwd" and chr == 0x5F; elseif category_v == "Xps" or category_v == "Xsp" then match = chr_category:sub(1, 1) == 'Z' or chr >= 0x09 and chr <= 0x0D; elseif category_v == "Xuc" then match = tkn_char_match(xuc_chr, str_arr, i, flags, verb_flags); end; if tkn_part[2] then return not match; end return match; elseif chr_category:sub(1, category_len) == category_v then return not tkn_part[2]; end; return tkn_part[2]; elseif tkn_part[1] == 0x2E then return flags.dotAll or not is_newline(str_arr, i, verb_flags); elseif tkn_part[1] == 0x4E then return not is_newline(str_arr, i, verb_flags); elseif tkn_part[1] == 0x52 then if verb_flags.newline_seq == 0 then -- CR, LF or CRLF return chr == 0x0A or chr == 0x0D; end; -- any unicode newline return chr == 0x0A or chr == 0x0B or chr == 0x0C or chr == 0x0D or chr == 0x85 or chr == 0x2028 or chr == 0x2029; end; return false; end; local function find_alternation(token, i, count) while true do local v = token[i]; local is_table = type(v) == "table"; if v == alternation then return i, count; elseif is_table and v[1] == 0x28 then if count then count += v.count; end; i = v[3]; elseif is_table and v[1] == "quantifier" and type(v[5]) == "table" and v[5][1] == 0x28 then if count then count += v[5].count; end; i = v[5][3]; elseif not v or is_table and v[1] == 0x29 then return nil, count; elseif count then if is_table and v[1] == "quantifier" then count += v[3]; else count += 1; end; end; i += 1; end; end; local function re_rawfind(token, str_arr, init, flags, verb_flags, as_bool) local tkn_i, str_i, start_i = 0, init, init; local states = { }; while tkn_i do if tkn_i == 0 then tkn_i += 1; local next_alt = find_alternation(token, tkn_i); if next_alt then table.insert(states, 1, { "alternation", next_alt, str_i }); end; continue; end; local ctkn = token[tkn_i]; local tkn_type = type(ctkn) == "table" and ctkn[1]; if not ctkn then break; elseif ctkn == "ACCEPT" then local not_lookaround = true; local close_i = tkn_i; repeat close_i += 1; local is_table = type(token[close_i]) == "table"; local close_i_tkn = token[close_i]; if is_table and (close_i_tkn[1] == 0x28 or close_i_tkn[1] == "quantifier" and type(close_i_tkn[5]) == "table" and close_i_tkn[5][1] == 0x28) then close_i = close_i_tkn[1] == "quantifier" and close_i_tkn[5][3] or close_i_tkn[3]; elseif is_table and close_i_tkn[1] == 0x29 and (close_i_tkn[4] == 0x21 or close_i_tkn[4] == 0x3D) then not_lookaround = false; tkn_i = close_i; break; end; until not close_i_tkn; if not_lookaround then break; end; elseif ctkn == "PRUNE" or ctkn == "SKIP" then table.insert(states, 1, { ctkn, str_i }); tkn_i += 1; elseif tkn_type == 0x28 then table.insert(states, 1, { "group", tkn_i, str_i, nil, ctkn[2], ctkn[3], ctkn[4] }); tkn_i += 1; local next_alt, count = find_alternation(token, tkn_i, (ctkn[4] == 0x21 or ctkn[4] == 0x3D) and ctkn[5] and 0); if next_alt then table.insert(states, 1, { "alternation", next_alt, str_i }); end; if count then str_i -= count; end; elseif tkn_type == 0x29 and ctkn[4] ~= 0x21 then if ctkn[4] == 0x21 or ctkn[4] == 0x3D then while true do local selected_match_start; local selected_state = table.remove(states, 1); if selected_state[1] == "group" and selected_state[2] == ctkn[3] then if (ctkn[4] == 0x21 or ctkn[4] == 0x3D) and not ctkn[5] then str_i = selected_state[3]; end; if selected_match_start then table.insert(states, 1, selected_match_start); end; break; elseif selected_state[1] == "matchStart" and not selected_match_start and ctkn[4] == 0x3D then selected_match_start = selected_state; end; end; elseif ctkn[4] == 0x3E then repeat local selected_state = table.remove(states, 1); until not selected_state or selected_state[1] == "group" and selected_state[2] == ctkn[3]; else for i, v in ipairs(states) do if v[1] == "group" and v[2] == ctkn[3] then if v.jmp then -- recursive match tkn_i = v.jmp; end; v[4] = str_i; if v[7] == "quantifier" and v[10] + 1 < v[9] then if token[ctkn[3]][4] ~= "lazy" or v[10] + 1 < v[8] then tkn_i = ctkn[3]; end; local ctkn1 = token[ctkn[3]]; local new_group = { "group", v[2], str_i, nil, ctkn1[5][2], ctkn1[5][3], "quantifier", ctkn1[2], ctkn1[3], v[10] + 1, v[11], ctkn1[4] }; table.insert(states, 1, new_group); if v[11] then table.insert(states, 1, { "alternation", v[11], str_i }); end; end; break; end; end; end; tkn_i += 1; elseif tkn_type == 0x4B then table.insert(states, 1, { "matchStart", str_i }); tkn_i += 1; elseif tkn_type == 0x7C then local close_i = tkn_i; repeat close_i += 1; local is_table = type(token[close_i]) == "table"; local close_i_tkn = token[close_i]; if is_table and (close_i_tkn[1] == 0x28 or close_i_tkn[1] == "quantifier" and type(close_i_tkn[5]) == "table" and close_i_tkn[5][1] == 0x28) then close_i = close_i_tkn[1] == "quantifier" and close_i_tkn[5][3] or close_i_tkn[3]; end; until is_table and close_i_tkn[1] == 0x29 or not close_i_tkn; if token[close_i] then for _, v in ipairs(states) do if v[1] == "group" and v[6] == close_i then tkn_i = v[6]; break; end; end; else tkn_i = close_i; end; elseif tkn_type == "recurmatch" then table.insert(states, 1, { "group", ctkn[3], str_i, nil, nil, token[ctkn[3]][3], nil, jmp = tkn_i }); tkn_i = ctkn[3] + 1; local next_alt, count = find_alternation(token, tkn_i); if next_alt then table.insert(states, 1, { "alternation", next_alt, str_i }); end; else local match; if ctkn == "FAIL" then match = false; elseif tkn_type == 0x29 then repeat local selected_state = table.remove(states, 1); until selected_state[1] == "group" and selected_state[2] == ctkn[3]; elseif tkn_type == "quantifier" then if type(ctkn[5]) == "table" and ctkn[5][1] == 0x28 then local next_alt = find_alternation(token, tkn_i + 1); if next_alt then table.insert(states, 1, { "alternation", next_alt, str_i }); end; table.insert(states, next_alt and 2 or 1, { "group", tkn_i, str_i, nil, ctkn[5][2], ctkn[5][3], "quantifier", ctkn[2], ctkn[3], 0, next_alt, ctkn[4] }); if ctkn[4] == "lazy" and ctkn[2] == 0 then tkn_i = ctkn[5][3]; end; match = true; else local start_i, end_i; local pattern_count = 1; local is_backref = type(ctkn[5]) == "table" and ctkn[5][1] == "backref"; if is_backref then pattern_count = 0; local group_n = ctkn[5][2]; for _, v in ipairs(states) do if v[1] == "group" and v[5] == group_n then start_i, end_i = v[3], v[4]; pattern_count = end_i - start_i; break; end; end; end; local min_max_i = str_i + ctkn[2] * pattern_count; local mcount = 0; while mcount < ctkn[3] do if is_backref then if start_i and end_i then local org_i = str_i; if utf8_sub(str_arr.s, start_i, end_i) ~= utf8_sub(str_arr.s, org_i, str_i + pattern_count) then break; end; else break; end; elseif not tkn_char_match(ctkn[5], str_arr, str_i, flags, verb_flags) then break; end; str_i += pattern_count; mcount += 1; end; match = mcount >= ctkn[2]; if match and ctkn[4] ~= "possessive" then if ctkn[4] == "lazy" then min_max_i, str_i = str_i, min_max_i; end; table.insert(states, 1, { "quantifier", tkn_i, str_i, math.min(min_max_i, str_arr.n + 1), (ctkn[4] == "lazy" and 1 or -1) * pattern_count }); end; end; elseif tkn_type == "backref" then local start_i, end_i; local group_n = ctkn[2]; for _, v in ipairs(states) do if v[1] == "group" and v[5] == group_n then start_i, end_i = v[3], v[4]; break; end; end; if start_i and end_i then local org_i = str_i; str_i += end_i - start_i; match = utf8_sub(str_arr.s, start_i, end_i) == utf8_sub(str_arr.s, org_i, str_i); end; else local chr = str_arr[str_i]; if tkn_type == 0x24 or tkn_type == 0x5A or tkn_type == 0x7A then match = str_i == str_arr.n + 1 or tkn_type == 0x24 and flags.multiline and is_newline(str_arr, str_i + 1, verb_flags) or tkn_type == 0x5A and str_i == str_arr.n and is_newline(str_arr, str_i, verb_flags); elseif tkn_type == 0x5E or tkn_type == 0x41 or tkn_type == 0x47 then match = str_i == 1 or tkn_type == 0x5E and flags.multiline and is_newline(str_arr, str_i - 1, verb_flags) or tkn_type == 0x47 and str_i == init; elseif tkn_type == 0x42 or tkn_type == 0x62 then local start_m = str_i == 1 or flags.multiline and is_newline(str_arr, str_i - 1, verb_flags); local end_m = str_i == str_arr.n + 1 or flags.multiline and is_newline(str_arr, str_i, verb_flags); local w_m = tkn_char_match(ctkn[2], str_arr[str_i - 1], flags) and 0 or tkn_char_match(ctkn[2], chr, flags) and 1; if w_m == 0 then match = end_m or not tkn_char_match(ctkn[2], chr, flags); elseif w_m then match = start_m or not tkn_char_match(ctkn[2], str_arr[str_i - 1], flags); end; if tkn_type == 0x42 then match = not match; end; else match = tkn_char_match(ctkn, str_arr, str_i, flags, verb_flags); str_i += 1; end; end; if not match then while true do local prev_type, prev_state = states[1] and states[1][1], states[1]; if not prev_type or prev_type == "PRUNE" or prev_type == "SKIP" then if prev_type then table.clear(states); end; if start_i > str_arr.n then if as_bool then return false; end; return nil; end; start_i = prev_type == "SKIP" and prev_state[2] or start_i + 1; tkn_i, str_i = 0, start_i; break; elseif prev_type == "alternation" then tkn_i, str_i = prev_state[2], prev_state[3]; local next_alt, count = find_alternation(token, tkn_i + 1); if next_alt then prev_state[2] = next_alt; else table.remove(states, 1); end; if count then str_i -= count; end; break; elseif prev_type == "group" then if prev_state[7] == "quantifier" then if prev_state[12] == "greedy" and prev_state[10] >= prev_state[8] or prev_state[12] == "lazy" and prev_state[10] < prev_state[9] and not prev_state[13] then tkn_i, str_i = prev_state[12] == "greedy" and prev_state[6] or prev_state[2], prev_state[3]; if prev_state[12] == "greedy" then table.remove(states, 1); break; elseif prev_state[10] >= prev_state[8] then prev_state[13] = true; break; end; end; elseif prev_state[7] == 0x21 then table.remove(states, 1); tkn_i, str_i = prev_state[6], prev_state[3]; break; end; elseif prev_type == "quantifier" then if math.sign(prev_state[4] - prev_state[3]) == math.sign(prev_state[5]) then prev_state[3] += prev_state[5]; tkn_i, str_i = prev_state[2], prev_state[3]; break; end; end; -- keep match out state and recursive state, can be safely removed -- prevents infinite loop table.remove(states, 1); end; end; tkn_i += 1; end; end; if as_bool then return true; end; local match_start_ran = false; local span = table.create(token.group_n); span[0], span.n = { start_i, str_i }, token.group_n; for _, v in ipairs(states) do if v[1] == "matchStart" and not match_start_ran then span[0][1], match_start_ran = v[2], true; elseif v[1] == "group" and v[5] and not span[v[5]] then span[v[5]] = { v[3], v[4] }; end; end; return span; end; --[[ Methods ]]-- re_m.test = check_re('RegEx', 'test', function(self, str, init) return re_rawfind(self.token, to_str_arr(str, init), 1, self.flags, self.verb_flags, true); end); re_m.match = check_re('RegEx', 'match', function(self, str, init, source) local span = re_rawfind(self.token, to_str_arr(str, init), 1, self.flags, self.verb_flags, false); if not span then return nil; end; return new_match(span, self.group_id, source, str); end); re_m.matchall = check_re('RegEx', 'matchall', function(self, str, init, source) str = to_str_arr(str, init); local i = 1; return function() local span = i <= str.n + 1 and re_rawfind(self.token, str, i, self.flags, self.verb_flags, false); if not span then return nil; end; i = span[0][2] + (span[0][1] >= span[0][2] and 1 or 0); return new_match(span, self.group_id, source, str.s); end; end); local function insert_tokenized_sub(repl_r, str, span, tkn) for _, v in ipairs(tkn) do if type(v) == "table" then if v[1] == "condition" then if span[v[2]] then if v[3] then insert_tokenized_sub(repl_r, str, span, v[3]); else table.move(str, span[v[2]][1], span[v[2]][2] - 1, #repl_r + 1, repl_r); end; elseif v[4] then insert_tokenized_sub(repl_r, str, span, v[4]); end; else table.move(v, 1, #v, #repl_r + 1, repl_r); end; elseif span[v] then table.move(str, span[v][1], span[v][2] - 1, #repl_r + 1, repl_r); end; end; repl_r.n = #repl_r; return repl_r; end; re_m.sub = check_re('RegEx', 'sub', function(self, repl, str, n, repl_flag_str, source) if repl_flag_str ~= nil and type(repl_flag_str) ~= "number" and type(repl_flag_str) ~= "string" then error(string.format("invalid argument #5 to 'sub' (string expected, got %s)", typeof(repl_flag_str)), 3); end local repl_flags = { l = false, o = false, u = false, }; for f in string.gmatch(repl_flag_str or '', utf8.charpattern) do if repl_flags[f] ~= false then error("invalid regular expression substitution flag " .. f, 3); end; repl_flags[f] = true; end; local repl_type = type(repl); if repl_type == "number" then repl ..= ''; elseif repl_type ~= "string" and repl_type ~= "function" and (not repl_flags.o or repl_type ~= "table") then error(string.format("invalid argument #2 to 'sub' (string/function%s expected, got %s)", repl_flags.o and "/table" or '', typeof(repl)), 3); end; if tonumber(n) then n = tonumber(n); if n <= -1 or n ~= n then n = math.huge; end; elseif n ~= nil then error(string.format("invalid argument #4 to 'sub' (number expected, got %s)", typeof(n)), 3); else n = math.huge; end; if n < 1 then return str, 0; end; local min_repl_n = 0; if repl_type == "string" then repl = to_str_arr(repl); if not repl_flags.l then local i1 = 0; local repl_r = table.create(3); local group_n = self.token.group_n; local conditional_c = { }; while i1 < repl.n do local i2 = i1; repeat i2 += 1; until not repl[i2] or repl[i2] == 0x24 or repl[i2] == 0x5C or (repl[i2] == 0x3A or repl[i2] == 0x7D) and conditional_c[1]; min_repl_n += i2 - i1 - 1; if i2 - i1 > 1 then table.insert(repl_r, table.move(repl, i1 + 1, i2 - 1, 1, table.create(i2 - i1 - 1))); end; if repl[i2] == 0x3A then local current_conditional_c = conditional_c[1]; if current_conditional_c[2] then error("malformed substitution pattern", 3); end; current_conditional_c[2] = table.move(repl_r, current_conditional_c[3], #repl_r, 1, table.create(#repl_r + 1 - current_conditional_c[3])); for i3 = #repl_r, current_conditional_c[3], -1 do repl_r[i3] = nil; end; elseif repl[i2] == 0x7D then local current_conditional_c = table.remove(conditional_c, 1); local second_c = table.move(repl_r, current_conditional_c[3], #repl_r, 1, table.create(#repl_r + 1 - current_conditional_c[3])); for i3 = #repl_r, current_conditional_c[3], -1 do repl_r[i3] = nil; end; table.insert(repl_r, { "condition", current_conditional_c[1], current_conditional_c[2] ~= true and (current_conditional_c[2] or second_c), current_conditional_c[2] and second_c }); elseif repl[i2] then i2 += 1; local subst_c = repl[i2]; if not subst_c then if repl[i2 - 1] == 0x5C then error("replacement string must not end with a trailing backslash", 3); end; local prev_repl_f = repl_r[#repl_r]; if type(prev_repl_f) == "table" then table.insert(prev_repl_f, repl[i2 - 1]); else table.insert(repl_r, { repl[i2 - 1] }); end; elseif subst_c == 0x5C and repl[i2 - 1] == 0x24 then local prev_repl_f = repl_r[#repl_r]; if type(prev_repl_f) == "table" then table.insert(prev_repl_f, 0x24); else table.insert(repl_r, { 0x24 }); end; i2 -= 1; min_repl_n += 1; elseif subst_c == 0x30 then table.insert(repl_r, 0); elseif subst_c > 0x30 and subst_c <= 0x39 then local start_i2 = i2; local group_i = subst_c - 0x30; while repl[i2 + 1] and repl[i2 + 1] >= 0x30 and repl[i2 + 1] <= 0x39 do group_i ..= repl[i2 + 1] - 0x30; i2 += 1; end; group_i = tonumber(group_i); if not repl_flags.u and group_i > group_n then error("reference to non-existent subpattern", 3); end; table.insert(repl_r, group_i); elseif subst_c == 0x7B and repl[i2 - 1] == 0x24 then i2 += 1; local start_i2 = i2; while repl[i2] and (repl[i2] >= 0x30 and repl[i2] <= 0x39 or repl[i2] >= 0x41 and repl[i2] <= 0x5A or repl[i2] >= 0x61 and repl[i2] <= 0x7A or repl[i2] == 0x5F) do i2 += 1; end; if (repl[i2] == 0x7D or repl[i2] == 0x3A and (repl[i2 + 1] == 0x2B or repl[i2 + 1] == 0x2D)) and i2 ~= start_i2 then local group_k = utf8_sub(repl.s, start_i2, i2); if repl[start_i2] >= 0x30 and repl[start_i2] <= 0x39 then group_k = tonumber(group_k); if not repl_flags.u and group_k > group_n then error("reference to non-existent subpattern", 3); end; else group_k = self.group_id[group_k]; if not repl_flags.u and (not group_k or group_k > group_n) then error("reference to non-existent subpattern", 3); end; end; if repl[i2] == 0x3A then i2 += 1; table.insert(conditional_c, { group_k, repl[i2] == 0x2D, #repl_r + 1 }); else table.insert(repl_r, group_k); end; else error("malformed substitution pattern", 3); end; else local c_escape_char; if repl[i2 - 1] == 0x24 then if subst_c ~= 0x24 then local prev_repl_f = repl_r[#repl_r]; if type(prev_repl_f) == "table" then table.insert(prev_repl_f, 0x24); else table.insert(repl_r, { 0x24 }); end; end; else c_escape_char = escape_chars[repl[i2]]; if type(c_escape_char) ~= "number" then c_escape_char = nil; end; end; local prev_repl_f = repl_r[#repl_r]; if type(prev_repl_f) == "table" then table.insert(prev_repl_f, c_escape_char or repl[i2]); else table.insert(repl_r, { c_escape_char or repl[i2] }); end; min_repl_n += 1; end; end; i1 = i2; end; if conditional_c[1] then error("malformed substitution pattern", 3); end; if not repl_r[2] and type(repl_r[1]) == "table" and repl_r[1][1] ~= "condition" then repl, repl.n = repl_r[1], #repl_r[1]; else repl, repl_type = repl_r, "subst_string"; end; end; end; str = to_str_arr(str); local incr, i0, count = 0, 1, 0; while i0 <= str.n + incr + 1 do local span = re_rawfind(self.token, str, i0, self.flags, self.verb_flags, false); if not span then break; end; local repl_r; if repl_type == "string" then repl_r = repl; elseif repl_type == "subst_string" then repl_r = insert_tokenized_sub(table.create(min_repl_n), str, span, repl); else local re_match; local repl_c; if repl_type == "table" then re_match = utf8_sub(str.s, span[0][1], span[0][2]); repl_c = repl[re_match]; else re_match = new_match(span, self.group_id, source, str.s); repl_c = repl(re_match); end; if repl_c == re_match or repl_flags.o and not repl_c then local repl_n = span[0][2] - span[0][1]; repl_r = table.move(str, span[0][1], span[0][2] - 1, 1, table.create(repl_n)); repl_r.n = repl_n; elseif type(repl_c) == "string" then repl_r = to_str_arr(repl_c); elseif type(repl_c) == "number" then repl_r = to_str_arr(repl_c .. ''); elseif repl_flags.o then error(string.format("invalid replacement value (a %s)", type(repl_c)), 3); else repl_r = { n = 0 }; end; end; local match_len = span[0][2] - span[0][1]; local repl_len = math.min(repl_r.n, match_len); for i1 = 0, repl_len - 1 do str[span[0][1] + i1] = repl_r[i1 + 1]; end; local i1 = span[0][1] + repl_len; i0 = span[0][2]; if match_len > repl_r.n then for i2 = 1, match_len - repl_r.n do table.remove(str, i1); incr -= 1; i0 -= 1; end; elseif repl_r.n > match_len then for i2 = 1, repl_r.n - match_len do table.insert(str, i1 + i2 - 1, repl_r[repl_len + i2]); incr += 1; i0 += 1; end; end; if match_len <= 0 then i0 += 1; end; count += 1; if n < count + 1 then break; end; end; return from_str_arr(str), count; end); re_m.split = check_re('RegEx', 'split', function(self, str, n) if tonumber(n) then n = tonumber(n); if n <= -1 or n ~= n then n = math.huge; end; elseif n ~= nil then error(string.format("invalid argument #3 to 'split' (number expected, got %s)", typeof(n)), 3); else n = math.huge; end; str = to_str_arr(str); local i, count = 1, 0; local ret = { }; local prev_empty = 0; while i <= str.n + 1 do count += 1; local span = n >= count and re_rawfind(self.token, str, i, self.flags, self.verb_flags, false); if not span then break; end; table.insert(ret, utf8_sub(str.s, i - prev_empty, span[0][1])); prev_empty = span[0][1] >= span[0][2] and 1 or 0; i = span[0][2] + prev_empty; end; table.insert(ret, string.sub(str.s, utf8.offset(str.s, i - prev_empty))); return ret; end); -- local function re_index(self, index) return re_m[index] or proxy[self].flags[index]; end; local function re_tostr(self) return proxy[self].pattern_repr .. proxy[self].flag_repr; end; -- local other_valid_group_char = { -- non-capturing group [0x3A] = true, -- lookarounds [0x21] = true, [0x3D] = true, -- atomic [0x3E] = true, -- branch reset [0x7C] = true, }; local function tokenize_ptn(codes, flags) if flags.unicode and not options.unicodeData then return "options.unicodeData cannot be turned off while having unicode flag"; end; local i, len = 1, codes.n; local group_n = 0; local outln, group_id, verb_flags = { }, { }, { newline = 1, newline_seq = 1, not_empty = 0, }; while i <= len do local c = codes[i]; if c == 0x28 then -- Match local ret; if codes[i + 1] == 0x2A then i += 2; local start_i = i; while codes[i] and (codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x39 or codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x5A or codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x7A or codes[i] == 0x5F or codes[i] == 0x3A) do i += 1; end; if codes[i] ~= 0x29 and codes[i - 1] ~= 0x3A then -- fallback as normal and ( can't be repeated return "quantifier doesn't follow a repeatable pattern"; end; local selected_verb = utf8_sub(codes.s, start_i, i); if selected_verb == "positive_lookahead:" or selected_verb == "negative_lookhead:" or selected_verb == "positive_lookbehind:" or selected_verb == "negative_lookbehind:" or selected_verb:find("^[pn]l[ab]:$") then ret = { 0x28, nil, nil, selected_verb:find('^n') and 0x21 or 0x3D, selected_verb:find('b', 3, true) and 1 }; elseif selected_verb == "atomic:" then ret = { 0x28, nil, nil, 0x3E, nil }; elseif selected_verb == "ACCEPT" or selected_verb == "FAIL" or selected_verb == 'F' or selected_verb == "PRUNE" or selected_verb == "SKIP" then ret = selected_verb == 'F' and "FAIL" or selected_verb; else if line_verbs[selected_verb] then verb_flags.newline = selected_verb; elseif selected_verb == "BSR_ANYCRLF" or selected_verb == "BSR_UNICODE" then verb_flags.newline_seq = selected_verb == "BSR_UNICODE" and 1 or 0; elseif selected_verb == "NOTEMPTY" or selected_verb == "NOTEMPTY_ATSTART" then verb_flags.not_empty = selected_verb == "NOTEMPTY" and 1 or 2; else return "unknown or malformed verb"; end; if outln[1] then return "this verb must be placed at the beginning of the regex"; end; end; elseif codes[i + 1] == 0x3F then -- ? syntax i += 2; if codes[i] == 0x23 then -- comments i = table.find(codes, 0x29, i); if not i then return "unterminated parenthetical"; end; i += 1; continue; elseif not codes[i] then return "unterminated parenthetical"; end; ret = { 0x28, nil, nil, codes[i], nil }; if codes[i] == 0x30 and codes[i + 1] == 0x29 then -- recursive match entire pattern ret[1], ret[2], ret[3], ret[5] = "recurmatch", 0, 0, nil; elseif codes[i] > 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x39 then -- recursive match local org_i = i; i += 1; while codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x30 do i += 1; end; if codes[i] ~= 0x29 then return "invalid group structure"; end; ret[1], ret[2], ret[4] = "recurmatch", tonumber(utf8_sub(codes.s, org_i, i)), nil; elseif codes[i] == 0x3C and codes[i + 1] == 0x21 or codes[i + 1] == 0x3D then -- lookbehinds i += 1; ret[4], ret[5] = codes[i], 1; elseif codes[i] == 0x7C then -- branch reset ret[5] = group_n; elseif codes[i] == 0x50 or codes[i] == 0x3C or codes[i] == 0x27 then if codes[i] == 0x50 then i += 1; end; if codes[i] == 0x3D then -- backref local start_i = i + 1; while codes[i] and (codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x39 or codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x5A or codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x7A or codes[i] == 0x5F) do i += 1; end; if not codes[i] then return "unterminated parenthetical"; elseif codes[i] ~= 0x29 or i == start_i then return "invalid group structure"; end; ret = { "backref", utf8_sub(codes.s, start_i, i) }; elseif codes[i] == 0x3C or codes[i - 1] ~= 0x50 and codes[i] == 0x27 then -- named capture local delimiter = codes[i] == 0x27 and 0x27 or 0x3E; local start_i = i + 1; i += 1; if codes[i] == 0x29 then return "missing character in subpattern"; elseif codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x39 then return "subpattern name must not begin with a digit"; elseif not (codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x5A or codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x7A or codes[i] == 0x5F) then return "invalid character in subpattern"; end; i += 1; while codes[i] and (codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x39 or codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x5A or codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x7A or codes[i] == 0x5F) do i += 1; end; if not codes[i] then return "unterminated parenthetical"; elseif codes[i] ~= delimiter then return "invalid character in subpattern"; end; local name = utf8_sub(codes.s, start_i, i); group_n += 1; if (group_id[name] or group_n) ~= group_n then return "subpattern name already exists"; end; for name1, group_n1 in pairs(group_id) do if name ~= name1 and group_n == group_n1 then return "different names for subpatterns of the same number aren't permitted"; end; end; group_id[name] = group_n; ret[2], ret[4] = group_n, nil; else return "invalid group structure"; end; elseif not other_valid_group_char[codes[i]] then return "invalid group structure"; end; else group_n += 1; ret = { 0x28, group_n, nil, nil }; end; if ret then table.insert(outln, ret); end; elseif c == 0x29 then -- Close parenthesis local i1 = #outln + 1; local lookbehind_c = -1; local current_lookbehind_c = 0; local max_c, group_c = 0, 0; repeat i1 -= 1; local v, is_table = outln[i1], type(outln[i1]) == "table"; if is_table and v[1] == 0x28 then group_c += 1; if current_lookbehind_c and v.count then current_lookbehind_c += v.count; end; if not v[3] then if v[4] == 0x7C then group_n = v[5] + math.max(max_c, group_c); end; if current_lookbehind_c ~= lookbehind_c and lookbehind_c ~= -1 then lookbehind_c = nil; else lookbehind_c = current_lookbehind_c; end; break; end; elseif v == alternation then if current_lookbehind_c ~= lookbehind_c and lookbehind_c ~= -1 then lookbehind_c, current_lookbehind_c = nil, nil; else lookbehind_c, current_lookbehind_c = current_lookbehind_c, 0; end; max_c, group_c = math.max(max_c, group_c), 0; elseif current_lookbehind_c then if is_table and v[1] == "quantifier" then if v[2] == v[3] then current_lookbehind_c += v[2]; else current_lookbehind_c = nil; end; else current_lookbehind_c += 1; end; end; until i1 < 1; if i1 < 1 then return "unmatched ) in regular expression"; end; local v = outln[i1]; local outln_len_p_1 = #outln + 1; local ret = { 0x29, v[2], i1, v[4], v[5], count = lookbehind_c }; if (v[4] == 0x21 or v[4] == 0x3D) and v[5] and not lookbehind_c then return "lookbehind assertion is not fixed width"; end; v[3] = outln_len_p_1; table.insert(outln, ret); elseif c == 0x2E then table.insert(outln, dot); elseif c == 0x5B then -- Character set local negate, char_class = false, nil; i += 1; local start_i = i; if codes[i] == 0x5E then negate = true; i += 1; elseif codes[i] == 0x2E or codes[i] == 0x3A or codes[i] == 0x3D then -- POSIX character classes char_class = codes[i]; end; local ret; if codes[i] == 0x5B or codes[i] == 0x5C then ret = { }; else ret = { codes[i] }; i += 1; end; while codes[i] ~= 0x5D do if not codes[i] then return "unterminated character class"; elseif codes[i] == 0x2D and ret[1] and type(ret[1]) == "number" then if codes[i + 1] == 0x5D then table.insert(ret, 1, 0x2D); else i += 1; local ret_c = codes[i]; if ret_c == 0x5B then if codes[i + 1] == 0x2E or codes[i + 1] == 0x3A or codes[i + 1] == 0x3D then -- Check for POSIX character class, name does not matter local i1 = i + 2; repeat i1 = table.find(codes, 0x5D, i1); until not i1 or codes[i1 - 1] ~= 0x5C; if not i1 then return "unterminated character class"; elseif codes[i1 - 1] == codes[i + 1] and i1 - 1 ~= i + 1 then return "invalid range in character class"; end; end; if ret[1] > 0x5B then return "invalid range in character class"; end; elseif ret_c == 0x5C then i += 1; if codes[i] == 0x78 then local radix0, radix1; i += 1; if codes[i] and codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x39 or codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x46 or codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x66 then radix0 = codes[i] - ((codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x5A) and 0x37 or (codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x7A) and 0x57 or 0x30); i += 1; if codes[i] and codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x39 or codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x46 or codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x66 then radix1 = codes[i] - ((codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x5A) and 0x37 or (codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x7A) and 0x57 or 0x30); else i -= 1; end; else i -= 1; end; ret_c = radix0 and (radix1 and 16 * radix0 + radix1 or radix0) or 0; elseif codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x37 then local radix0, radix1, radix2 = codes[i] - 0x30, nil, nil; i += 1; if codes[i] and codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x37 then radix1 = codes[i] - 0x30; i += 1; if codes[i] and codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x37 then radix2 = codes[i] - 0x30; else i -= 1; end; else i -= 1; end; ret_c = radix1 and (radix2 and 64 * radix0 + 8 * radix1 + radix2 or 8 * radix0 + radix1) or radix0; else ret_c = escape_chars[codes[i]] or codes[i]; if type(ret_c) ~= "number" then return "invalid range in character class"; end; end; elseif ret[1] > ret_c then return "invalid range in character class"; end; ret[1] = { "range", ret[1], ret_c }; end; elseif codes[i] == 0x5B then if codes[i + 1] == 0x2E or codes[i + 1] == 0x3A or codes[i + 1] == 0x3D then local i1 = i + 2; repeat i1 = table.find(codes, 0x5D, i1); until not i1 or codes[i1 - 1] ~= 0x5C; if not i1 then return "unterminated character class"; elseif codes[i1 - 1] ~= codes[i + 1] or i1 - 1 == i + 1 then table.insert(ret, 1, 0x5B); elseif codes[i1 - 1] == 0x2E or codes[i1 - 1] == 0x3D then return "POSIX collating elements aren't supported"; elseif codes[i1 - 1] == 0x3A then -- I have no plans to support escape codes (\) in character class names local negate = codes[i + 3] == 0x5E; local class_name = utf8_sub(codes.s, i + (negate and 3 or 2), i1 - 1); -- If not valid then throw an error if not posix_class_names[class_name] then return "unknown POSIX class name"; end; table.insert(ret, 1, { "class", class_name, negate }); i = i1; end; else table.insert(ret, 1, 0x5B); end; elseif codes[i] == 0x5C then i += 1; if codes[i] == 0x78 then local radix0, radix1; i += 1; if codes[i] == 0x7B then i += 1; local org_i = i; while codes[i] and (codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x39 or codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x46 or codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x66) do i += 1; end; if codes[i] ~= 0x7D or i == org_i then return "malformed hexadecimal character"; elseif i - org_i > 4 then return "character offset too large"; end; table.insert(ret, 1, tonumber(utf8_sub(codes.s, org_i, i), 16)); else if codes[i] and codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x39 or codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x46 or codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x66 then radix0 = codes[i] - ((codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x5A) and 0x37 or (codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x7A) and 0x57 or 0x30); i += 1; if codes[i] and codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x39 or codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x46 or codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x66 then radix1 = codes[i] - ((codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x5A) and 0x37 or (codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x7A) and 0x57 or 0x30); else i -= 1; end; else i -= 1; end; table.insert(ret, 1, radix0 and (radix1 and 16 * radix0 + radix1 or radix0) or 0); end; elseif codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x37 then local radix0, radix1, radix2 = codes[i] - 0x30, nil, nil; i += 1; if codes[i] and codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x37 then radix1 = codes[i] - 0x30; i += 1; if codes[i] and codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x37 then radix2 = codes[i] - 0x30; else i -= 1; end; else i -= 1; end; table.insert(ret, 1, radix1 and (radix2 and 64 * radix0 + 8 * radix1 + radix2 or 8 * radix0 + radix1) or radix0); elseif codes[i] == 0x45 then -- intentionally left blank, \E that's not preceded \Q is ignored elseif codes[i] == 0x51 then local start_i = i + 1; repeat i = table.find(codes, 0x5C, i + 1); until not i or codes[i + 1] == 0x45; table.move(codes, start_i, i and i - 1 or #codes, #outln + 1, outln); if not i then break; end; i += 1; elseif codes[i] == 0x4E then if codes[i + 1] == 0x7B and codes[i + 2] == 0x55 and codes[i + 3] == 0x2B and flags.unicode then i += 4; local start_i = i; while codes[i] and (codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x39 or codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x46 or codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x66) do i += 1; end; if codes[i] ~= 0x7D or i == start_i then return "malformed Unicode code point"; end; local code_point = tonumber(utf8_sub(codes.s, start_i, i)); table.insert(ret, 1, code_point); else return "invalid escape sequence"; end; elseif codes[i] == 0x50 or codes[i] == 0x70 then if not options.unicodeData then return "options.unicodeData cannot be turned off when using \\p"; end; i += 1; if codes[i] ~= 0x7B then local c_name = utf8.char(codes[i] or 0); if not valid_categories[c_name] then return "unknown or malformed script name"; end; table.insert(ret, 1, { "category", false, c_name }); else local negate = codes[i] == 0x50; i += 1; if codes[i] == 0x5E then i += 1; negate = not negate; end; local start_i = i; while codes[i] and (codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x39 or codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x5A or codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x7A or codes[i] == 0x5F) do i += 1; end; if codes[i] ~= 0x7D then return "unknown or malformed script name"; end; local c_name = utf8_sub(codes.s, start_i, i); local script_set = chr_scripts[c_name]; if script_set then table.insert(ret, 1, { "charset", negate, script_set }); elseif not valid_categories[c_name] then return "unknown or malformed script name"; else table.insert(ret, 1, { "category", negate, c_name }); end; end; elseif codes[i] == 0x6F then i += 1; if codes[i] ~= 0x7B then return "malformed octal code"; end; i += 1; local org_i = i; while codes[i] and codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x37 do i += 1; end; if codes[i] ~= 0x7D or i == org_i then return "malformed octal code"; end; local ret_chr = tonumber(utf8_sub(codes.s, org_i, i), 8); if ret_chr > 0xFFFF then return "character offset too large"; end; table.insert(ret, 1, ret_chr); else local esc_char = escape_chars[codes[i]]; table.insert(ret, 1, type(esc_char) == "string" and { "class", esc_char, false } or esc_char or codes[i]); end; elseif flags.ignoreCase and codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x7A then table.insert(ret, 1, codes[i] - 0x20); else table.insert(ret, 1, codes[i]); end; i += 1; end; if codes[i - 1] == char_class and i - 1 ~= start_i then return char_class == 0x3A and "POSIX named classes are only support within a character set" or "POSIX collating elements aren't supported"; end; if not ret[2] and not negate then table.insert(outln, ret[1]); else table.insert(outln, { "charset", negate, ret }); end; elseif c == 0x5C then -- Escape char i += 1; local escape_c = codes[i]; if not escape_c then return "pattern may not end with a trailing backslash"; elseif escape_c >= 0x30 and escape_c <= 0x39 then local org_i = i; while codes[i + 1] and codes[i + 1] >= 0x30 and codes[i + 1] <= 0x39 do i += 1; end; local escape_d = tonumber(utf8_sub(codes.s, org_i, i + 1)); if escape_d > group_n and i ~= org_i then i = org_i; local radix0, radix1, radix2; if codes[i] <= 0x37 then radix0 = codes[i] - 0x30; i += 1; if codes[i] and codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x37 then radix1 = codes[i] - 0x30; i += 1; if codes[i] and codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x37 then radix2 = codes[i] - 0x30; else i -= 1; end; else i -= 1; end; end; table.insert(outln, radix0 and (radix1 and (radix2 and 64 * radix0 + 8 * radix1 + radix2 or 8 * radix0 + radix1) or radix0) or codes[org_i]); else table.insert(outln, { "backref", escape_d }); end; elseif escape_c == 0x45 then -- intentionally left blank, \E that's not preceded \Q is ignored elseif escape_c == 0x51 then local start_i = i + 1; repeat i = table.find(codes, 0x5C, i + 1); until not i or codes[i + 1] == 0x45; table.move(codes, start_i, i and i - 1 or #codes, #outln + 1, outln); if not i then break; end; i += 1; elseif escape_c == 0x4E then if codes[i + 1] == 0x7B and codes[i + 2] == 0x55 and codes[i + 3] == 0x2B and flags.unicode then i += 4; local start_i = i; while codes[i] and (codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x39 or codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x46 or codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x66) do i += 1; end; if codes[i] ~= 0x7D or i == start_i then return "malformed Unicode code point"; end; local code_point = tonumber(utf8_sub(codes.s, start_i, i)); table.insert(outln, code_point); else table.insert(outln, escape_chars[0x4E]); end; elseif escape_c == 0x50 or escape_c == 0x70 then if not options.unicodeData then return "options.unicodeData cannot be turned off when using \\p"; end; i += 1; if codes[i] ~= 0x7B then local c_name = utf8.char(codes[i] or 0); if not valid_categories[c_name] then return "unknown or malformed script name"; end; table.insert(outln, { "category", false, c_name }); else local negate = escape_c == 0x50; i += 1; if codes[i] == 0x5E then i += 1; negate = not negate; end; local start_i = i; while codes[i] and (codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x39 or codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x5A or codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x7A or codes[i] == 0x5F) do i += 1; end; if codes[i] ~= 0x7D then return "unknown or malformed script name"; end; local c_name = utf8_sub(codes.s, start_i, i); local script_set = chr_scripts[c_name]; if script_set then table.insert(outln, { "charset", negate, script_set }); elseif not valid_categories[c_name] then return "unknown or malformed script name"; else table.insert(outln, { "category", negate, c_name }); end; end; elseif escape_c == 0x67 and (codes[i + 1] == 0x7B or codes[i + 1] >= 0x30 and codes[i + 1] <= 0x39) then local is_grouped = false; i += 1; if codes[i] == 0x7B then i += 1; is_grouped = true; elseif codes[i] < 0x30 or codes[i] > 0x39 then return "malformed reference code"; end; local org_i = i; while codes[i] and (codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x39 or codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x46 or codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x66) do i += 1; end; if is_grouped and codes[i] ~= 0x7D then return "malformed reference code"; end; local ref_name = tonumber(utf8_sub(codes.s, org_i, i + (is_grouped and 0 or 1))); table.insert(outln, { "backref", ref_name }); if not is_grouped then i -= 1; end; elseif escape_c == 0x6F then i += 1; if codes[i + 1] ~= 0x7B then return "malformed octal code"; end i += 1; local org_i = i; while codes[i] and codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x37 do i += 1; end; if codes[i] ~= 0x7D or i == org_i then return "malformed octal code"; end; local ret_chr = tonumber(utf8_sub(codes.s, org_i, i), 8); if ret_chr > 0xFFFF then return "character offset too large"; end; table.insert(outln, ret_chr); elseif escape_c == 0x78 then local radix0, radix1; i += 1; if codes[i] == 0x7B then i += 1; local org_i = i; while codes[i] and (codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x39 or codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x46 or codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x66) do i += 1; end; if codes[i] ~= 0x7D or i == org_i then return "malformed hexadecimal code"; elseif i - org_i > 4 then return "character offset too large"; end; table.insert(outln, tonumber(utf8_sub(codes.s, org_i, i), 16)); else if codes[i] and (codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x39 or codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x46 or codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x66) then radix0 = codes[i] - ((codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x5A) and 0x37 or (codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x7A) and 0x57 or 0x30); i += 1; if codes[i] and (codes[i] >= 0x30 and codes[i] <= 0x39 or codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x46 or codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x66) then radix1 = codes[i] - ((codes[i] >= 0x41 and codes[i] <= 0x5A) and 0x37 or (codes[i] >= 0x61 and codes[i] <= 0x7A) and 0x57 or 0x30); else i -= 1; end; else i -= 1; end; table.insert(outln, radix0 and (radix1 and 16 * radix0 + radix1 or radix0) or 0); end; else local esc_char = b_escape_chars[escape_c] or escape_chars[escape_c]; table.insert(outln, esc_char or escape_c); end; elseif c == 0x2A or c == 0x2B or c == 0x3F or c == 0x7B then -- Quantifier local start_q, end_q; if c == 0x7B then local org_i = i + 1; local start_i; while codes[i + 1] and (codes[i + 1] >= 0x30 and codes[i + 1] <= 0x39 or codes[i + 1] == 0x2C and not start_i and i + 1 ~= org_i) do i += 1; if codes[i] == 0x2C then start_i = i; end; end; if codes[i + 1] == 0x7D then i += 1; if not start_i then start_q = tonumber(utf8_sub(codes.s, org_i, i)); end_q = start_q; else start_q, end_q = tonumber(utf8_sub(codes.s, org_i, start_i)), start_i + 1 == i and math.huge or tonumber(utf8_sub(codes.s, start_i + 1, i)); if end_q < start_q then return "numbers out of order in {} quantifier"; end; end; else table.move(codes, org_i - 1, i, #outln + 1, outln); end; else start_q, end_q = c == 0x2B and 1 or 0, c == 0x3F and 1 or math.huge; end; if start_q then local quantifier_type = flags.ungreedy and "lazy" or "greedy"; if codes[i + 1] == 0x2B or codes[i + 1] == 0x3F then i += 1; quantifier_type = codes[i] == 0x2B and "possessive" or flags.ungreedy and "greedy" or "lazy"; end; local outln_len = #outln; local last_outln_value = outln[outln_len]; if not last_outln_value or type(last_outln_value) == "table" and (last_outln_value[1] == "quantifier" or last_outln_value[1] == 0x28 or b_escape_chars[last_outln_value[1]]) or last_outln_value == alternation or type(last_outln_value) == "string" then return "quantifier doesn't follow a repeatable pattern"; end; if end_q == 0 then table.remove(outln); elseif start_q ~= 1 or end_q ~= 1 then if type(last_outln_value) == "table" and last_outln_value[1] == 0x29 then outln_len = last_outln_value[3]; end; outln[outln_len] = { "quantifier", start_q, end_q, quantifier_type, outln[outln_len] }; end; end; elseif c == 0x7C then -- Alternation table.insert(outln, alternation); local i1 = #outln; repeat i1 -= 1; local v1, is_table = outln[i1], type(outln[i1]) == "table"; if is_table and v1[1] == 0x29 then i1 = outln[i1][3]; elseif is_table and v1[1] == 0x28 then if v1[4] == 0x7C then group_n = v1[5]; end; break; end; until not v1; elseif c == 0x24 or c == 0x5E then table.insert(outln, c == 0x5E and beginning_str or end_str); elseif flags.ignoreCase and c >= 0x61 and c <= 0x7A then table.insert(outln, c - 0x20); elseif flags.extended and (c >= 0x09 and c <= 0x0D or c == 0x20 or c == 0x23) then if c == 0x23 then repeat i += 1; until not codes[i] or codes[i] == 0x0A or codes[i] == 0x0D; end; else table.insert(outln, c); end; i += 1; end; local max_group_n = 0; for i, v in ipairs(outln) do if type(v) == "table" and (v[1] == 0x28 or v[1] == "quantifier" and type(v[5]) == "table" and v[5][1] == 0x28) then if v[1] == "quantifier" then v = v[5]; end; if not v[3] then return "unterminated parenthetical"; elseif v[2] then max_group_n = math.max(max_group_n, v[2]); end; elseif type(v) == "table" and (v[1] == "backref" or v[1] == "recurmatch") then if not group_id[v[2]] and (type(v[2]) ~= "number" or v[2] > group_n) then return "reference to a non-existent or invalid subpattern"; elseif v[1] == "recurmatch" and v[2] ~= 0 then for i1, v1 in ipairs(outln) do if type(v1) == "table" and v1[1] == 0x28 and v1[2] == v[2] then v[3] = i1; break; end; end; elseif type(v[2]) == "string" then v[2] = group_id[v[2]]; end; end; end; outln.group_n = max_group_n; return outln, group_id, verb_flags; end; if not tonumber(options.cacheSize) then error(string.format("expected number for options.cacheSize, got %s", typeof(options.cacheSize)), 2); end; local cacheSize = math.floor(options.cacheSize or 0) ~= 0 and tonumber(options.cacheSize); local cache_pattern, cache_pattern_names; if not cacheSize then elseif cacheSize < 0 or cacheSize ~= cacheSize then error("cache size cannot be a negative number or a NaN", 2); elseif cacheSize == math.huge then cache_pattern, cache_pattern_names = { nil }, { nil }; elseif cacheSize >= 2 ^ 32 then error("cache size too large", 2); else cache_pattern, cache_pattern_names = table.create(options.cacheSize), table.create(options.cacheSize); end; if cacheSize then function re.pruge() table.clear(cache_pattern_names); table.clear(cache_pattern); end; end; local function new_re(str_arr, flags, flag_repr, pattern_repr) local tokenized_ptn, group_id, verb_flags; local cache_format = cacheSize and string.format("%s|%s", str_arr.s, flag_repr); local cached_token = cacheSize and cache_pattern[table.find(cache_pattern_names, cache_format)]; if cached_token then tokenized_ptn, group_id, verb_flags = table.unpack(cached_token, 1, 3); else tokenized_ptn, group_id, verb_flags = tokenize_ptn(str_arr, flags); if type(tokenized_ptn) == "string" then error(tokenized_ptn, 2); end; if cacheSize and tokenized_ptn[1] then table.insert(cache_pattern_names, 1, cache_format); table.insert(cache_pattern, 1, { tokenized_ptn, group_id, verb_flags }); if cacheSize ~= math.huge then table.remove(cache_pattern_names, cacheSize + 1); table.remove(cache_pattern, cacheSize + 1); end; end; end; local object = newproxy(true); proxy[object] = { name = "RegEx", flags = flags, flag_repr = flag_repr, pattern_repr = pattern_repr, token = tokenized_ptn, group_id = group_id, verb_flags = verb_flags }; local object_mt = getmetatable(object); object_mt.__index = setmetatable(flags, re_m); object_mt.__tostring = re_tostr; object_mt.__metatable = lockmsg; return object; end; local function escape_fslash(pre) return (#pre % 2 == 0 and '\\' or '') .. pre .. '.'; end; local function sort_flag_chr(a, b) return a:lower() < b:lower(); end; function re.new(...) if select('#', ...) == 0 then error("missing argument #1 (string expected)", 2); end; local ptn, flags_str = ...; if type(ptn) == "number" then ptn ..= ''; elseif type(ptn) ~= "string" then error(string.format("invalid argument #1 (string expected, got %s)", typeof(ptn)), 2); end; if type(flags_str) ~= "string" and type(flags_str) ~= "number" and flags_str ~= nil then error(string.format("invalid argument #2 (string expected, got %s)", typeof(flags_str)), 2); end; local flags = { anchored = false, caseless = false, multiline = false, dotall = false, unicode = false, ungreedy = false, extended = false, }; local flag_repr = { }; for f in string.gmatch(flags_str or '', utf8.charpattern) do if flags[flag_map[f]] ~= false then error("invalid regular expression flag " .. f, 3); end; flags[flag_map[f]] = true; table.insert(flag_repr, f); end; table.sort(flag_repr, sort_flag_chr); flag_repr = table.concat(flag_repr); return new_re(to_str_arr(ptn), flags, flag_repr, string.format("/%s/", ptn:gsub("(\\*)/", escape_fslash))); end; function re.fromstring(...) if select('#', ...) == 0 then error("missing argument #1 (string expected)", 2); end; local ptn = ...; if type(ptn) == "number" then ptn ..= ''; elseif type(ptn) ~= "string" then error(string.format("invalid argument #1 (string expected, got %s)", typeof(ptn), 2)); end; local str_arr = to_str_arr(ptn); local delimiter = str_arr[1]; if not delimiter then error("empty regex", 2); elseif delimiter == 0x5C or (delimiter >= 0x30 and delimiter <= 0x39) or (delimiter >= 0x41 and delimiter <= 0x5A) or (delimiter >= 0x61 and delimiter <= 0x7A) then error("delimiter must not be alphanumeric or a backslash", 2); end; local i0 = 1; repeat i0 = table.find(str_arr, delimiter, i0 + 1); if not i0 then error(string.format("no ending delimiter ('%s') found", utf8.char(delimiter)), 2); end; local escape_count = 1; while str_arr[i0 - escape_count] == 0x5C do escape_count += 1; end; until escape_count % 2 == 1; local flags = { anchored = false, caseless = false, multiline = false, dotall = false, unicode = false, ungreedy = false, extended = false, }; local flag_repr = { }; while str_arr.n > i0 do local f = utf8.char(table.remove(str_arr)); str_arr.n -= 1; if flags[flag_map[f]] ~= false then error("invalid regular expression flag " .. f, 3); end; flags[flag_map[f]] = true; table.insert(flag_repr, f); end; table.sort(flag_repr, sort_flag_chr); flag_repr = table.concat(flag_repr); table.remove(str_arr, 1); table.remove(str_arr); str_arr.n -= 2; str_arr.s = string.sub(str_arr.s, 2, 1 + str_arr.n); return new_re(str_arr, flags, flag_repr, string.sub(ptn, 1, 2 + str_arr.n)); end; local re_escape_line_chrs = { ['\0'] = '\\x00', ['\n'] = '\\n', ['\t'] = '\\t', ['\r'] = '\\r', ['\f'] = '\\f', }; function re.escape(...) if select('#', ...) == 0 then error("missing argument #1 (string expected)", 2); end; local str, extended, delimiter = ...; if type(str) == "number" then str ..= ''; elseif type(str) ~= "string" then error(string.format("invalid argument #1 to 'escape' (string expected, got %s)", typeof(str)), 2); end; if delimiter == nil then delimiter = ''; elseif type(delimiter) == "number" then delimiter ..= ''; elseif type(delimiter) ~= "string" then error(string.format("invalid argument #3 to 'escape' (string expected, got %s)", typeof(delimiter)), 2); end; if utf8.len(delimiter) > 1 or delimiter:match("^[%a\\]$") then error("delimiter have not be alphanumeric", 2); end; return (string.gsub(str, "[\0\f\n\r\t]", re_escape_line_chrs):gsub(string.format("[\\%s#()%%%%*+.?[%%]^{|%s]", extended and '%s' or '', (delimiter:find'^[%%%]]$' and '%' or '') .. delimiter), "\\%1")); end; function re.type(...) if select('#', ...) == 0 then error("missing argument #1", 2); end; return proxy[...] and proxy[...].name; end; for k, f in pairs(re_m) do re[k] = f; end; re_m = { __index = re_m }; lockmsg = re.fromstring([[/The\s*metatable\s*is\s*(?:locked|inaccessible)(?#Nice try :])/i]]); getmetatable(lockmsg).__metatable = lockmsg; local function readonly_table() error("Attempt to modify a readonly table", 2); end; match_m = { __index = match_m, __metatable = lockmsg, __newindex = readonly_table, }; re.Match = setmetatable({ }, match_m); return setmetatable({ }, { __index = re, __metatable = lockmsg, __newindex = readonly_table, });