// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "CostModel.h" #include "Luau/Common.h" #include "Luau/DenseHash.h" namespace Luau { namespace Compile { inline uint64_t parallelAddSat(uint64_t x, uint64_t y) { uint64_t s = x + y; uint64_t m = s & 0x8080808080808080ull; // saturation mask return (s ^ m) | (m - (m >> 7)); } struct Cost { static const uint64_t kLiteral = ~0ull; // cost model: 8 bytes, where first byte is the baseline cost, and the next 7 bytes are discounts for when variable #i is constant uint64_t model; // constant mask: 8-byte 0xff mask; equal to all ff's for literals, for variables only byte #i (1+) is set to align with model uint64_t constant; Cost(int cost = 0, uint64_t constant = 0) : model(cost < 0x7f ? cost : 0x7f) , constant(constant) { } Cost operator+(const Cost& other) const { Cost result; result.model = parallelAddSat(model, other.model); return result; } Cost& operator+=(const Cost& other) { model = parallelAddSat(model, other.model); constant = 0; return *this; } static Cost fold(const Cost& x, const Cost& y) { uint64_t newmodel = parallelAddSat(x.model, y.model); uint64_t newconstant = x.constant & y.constant; // the extra cost for folding is 1; the discount is 1 for the variable that is shared by x&y (or whichever one is used in x/y if the other is // literal) uint64_t extra = (newconstant == kLiteral) ? 0 : (1 | (0x0101010101010101ull & newconstant)); Cost result; result.model = parallelAddSat(newmodel, extra); result.constant = newconstant; return result; } }; struct CostVisitor : AstVisitor { DenseHashMap vars; Cost result; CostVisitor() : vars(nullptr) { } Cost model(AstExpr* node) { if (AstExprGroup* expr = node->as()) { return model(expr->expr); } else if (node->is() || node->is() || node->is() || node->is()) { return Cost(0, Cost::kLiteral); } else if (AstExprLocal* expr = node->as()) { const uint64_t* i = vars.find(expr->local); return Cost(0, i ? *i : 0); // locals typically don't require extra instructions to compute } else if (node->is()) { return 1; } else if (node->is()) { return 3; } else if (AstExprCall* expr = node->as()) { Cost cost = 3; cost += model(expr->func); for (size_t i = 0; i < expr->args.size; ++i) { Cost ac = model(expr->args.data[i]); // for constants/locals we still need to copy them to the argument list cost += ac.model == 0 ? Cost(1) : ac; } return cost; } else if (AstExprIndexName* expr = node->as()) { return model(expr->expr) + 1; } else if (AstExprIndexExpr* expr = node->as()) { return model(expr->expr) + model(expr->index) + 1; } else if (AstExprFunction* expr = node->as()) { return 10; // high baseline cost due to allocation } else if (AstExprTable* expr = node->as()) { Cost cost = 10; // high baseline cost due to allocation for (size_t i = 0; i < expr->items.size; ++i) { const AstExprTable::Item& item = expr->items.data[i]; if (item.key) cost += model(item.key); cost += model(item.value); cost += 1; } return cost; } else if (AstExprUnary* expr = node->as()) { return Cost::fold(model(expr->expr), Cost(0, Cost::kLiteral)); } else if (AstExprBinary* expr = node->as()) { return Cost::fold(model(expr->left), model(expr->right)); } else if (AstExprTypeAssertion* expr = node->as()) { return model(expr->expr); } else if (AstExprIfElse* expr = node->as()) { return model(expr->condition) + model(expr->trueExpr) + model(expr->falseExpr) + 2; } else { LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unknown expression type"); return {}; } } void assign(AstExpr* expr) { // variable assignments reset variable mask, so that further uses of this variable aren't discounted // this doesn't work perfectly with backwards control flow like loops, but is good enough for a single pass if (AstExprLocal* lv = expr->as()) if (uint64_t* i = vars.find(lv->local)) *i = 0; } bool visit(AstExpr* node) override { // note: we short-circuit the visitor traversal through any expression trees by returning false // recursive traversal is happening inside model() which makes it easier to get the resulting value of the subexpression result += model(node); return false; } bool visit(AstStat* node) override { if (node->is()) result += 2; else if (node->is() || node->is() || node->is() || node->is()) result += 5; else if (node->is() || node->is()) result += 1; return true; } bool visit(AstStatLocal* node) override { for (size_t i = 0; i < node->values.size; ++i) { Cost arg = model(node->values.data[i]); // propagate constant mask from expression through variables if (arg.constant && i < node->vars.size) vars[node->vars.data[i]] = arg.constant; result += arg; } return false; } bool visit(AstStatAssign* node) override { for (size_t i = 0; i < node->vars.size; ++i) assign(node->vars.data[i]); return true; } bool visit(AstStatCompoundAssign* node) override { assign(node->var); // if lhs is not a local, setting it requires an extra table operation result += node->var->is() ? 1 : 2; return true; } }; uint64_t modelCost(AstNode* root, AstLocal* const* vars, size_t varCount) { CostVisitor visitor; for (size_t i = 0; i < varCount && i < 7; ++i) visitor.vars[vars[i]] = 0xffull << (i * 8 + 8); root->visit(&visitor); return visitor.result.model; } int computeCost(uint64_t model, const bool* varsConst, size_t varCount) { int cost = int(model & 0x7f); // don't apply discounts to what is likely a saturated sum if (cost == 0x7f) return cost; for (size_t i = 0; i < varCount && i < 7; ++i) cost -= int((model >> (i * 8 + 8)) & 0x7f) * varsConst[i]; return cost; } } // namespace Compile } // namespace Luau