#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail IFS=$'\n\t' declare -A event_map event_map[Ir]="TotalInstructionsExecuted,executions\n" event_map[I1mr]="L1_InstrReadCacheMisses,misses/op\n" event_map[ILmr]="LL_InstrReadCacheMisses,misses/op\n" event_map[Dr]="TotalMemoryReads,reads\n" event_map[D1mr]="L1_DataReadCacheMisses,misses/op\n" event_map[DLmr]="LL_DataReadCacheMisses,misses/op\n" event_map[Dw]="TotalMemoryWrites,writes\n" event_map[D1mw]="L1_DataWriteCacheMisses,misses/op\n" event_map[DLmw]="LL_DataWriteCacheMisses,misses/op\n" event_map[Bc]="ConditionalBranchesExecuted,executions\n" event_map[Bcm]="ConditionalBranchMispredictions,mispredictions/op\n" event_map[Bi]="IndirectBranchesExecuted,executions\n" event_map[Bim]="IndirectBranchMispredictions,mispredictions/op\n" now_ms() { echo -n $(date +%s%N | cut -b1-13) } # Run cachegrind on a given benchmark and echo the results. ITERATION_COUNT=$4 START_TIME=$(now_ms) ARGS=( "$@" ) REST_ARGS="${ARGS[@]:4}" valgrind \ --quiet \ --tool=cachegrind \ "$1" "$2" $REST_ARGS>/dev/null ARGS=( "$@" ) REST_ARGS="${ARGS[@]:4}" TIME_ELAPSED=$(bc <<< "$(now_ms) - ${START_TIME}") # Generate report using cg_annotate and extract the header and totals of the # recorded events valgrind was configured to record. CG_RESULTS=$(cg_annotate $(ls -t cachegrind.out.* | head -1)) CG_HEADERS=$(grep -B2 'PROGRAM TOTALS$' <<< "$CG_RESULTS" | head -1 | sed -E 's/\s+/\n/g' | sed '/^$/d') CG_TOTALS=$(grep 'PROGRAM TOTALS$' <<< "$CG_RESULTS" | head -1 | grep -Po '[0-9,]+\s' | tr -d ', ') TOTALS_ARRAY=($CG_TOTALS) HEADERS_ARRAY=($CG_HEADERS) declare -A header_map for i in "${!TOTALS_ARRAY[@]}"; do header_map[${HEADERS_ARRAY[$i]}]=$i done # Map the results to the format that the benchmark script expects. for i in "${!TOTALS_ARRAY[@]}"; do TOTAL=${TOTALS_ARRAY[$i]} # Labels and unit descriptions are packed together in the map. EVENT_TUPLE=${event_map[${HEADERS_ARRAY[$i]}]} IFS=$',' read -d '\n' -ra EVENT_VALUES < <(printf "%s" "$EVENT_TUPLE") EVENT_NAME="${EVENT_VALUES[0]}" UNIT="${EVENT_VALUES[1]}" case ${HEADERS_ARRAY[$i]} in I1mr | ILmr) REF=${TOTALS_ARRAY[header_map["Ir"]]} OPS_PER_SEC=$(bc -l <<< "$TOTAL / $REF") ;; D1mr | DLmr) REF=${TOTALS_ARRAY[header_map["Dr"]]} OPS_PER_SEC=$(bc -l <<< "$TOTAL / $REF") ;; D1mw | DLmw) REF=${TOTALS_ARRAY[header_map["Dw"]]} OPS_PER_SEC=$(bc -l <<< "$TOTAL / $REF") ;; Bcm) REF=${TOTALS_ARRAY[header_map["Bc"]]} OPS_PER_SEC=$(bc -l <<< "$TOTAL / $REF") ;; Bim) REF=${TOTALS_ARRAY[header_map["Bi"]]} OPS_PER_SEC=$(bc -l <<< "$TOTAL / $REF") ;; *) OPS_PER_SEC=$(bc -l <<< "$TOTAL") ;; esac STD_DEV="0%" RUNS="1" if [[ $OPS_PER_SEC =~ ^[+-]?[0-9]*$ ]] then # $OPS_PER_SEC is integer printf "%s#%s x %.0f %s ±%s (%d runs sampled)\n" \ "$3" "$EVENT_NAME" "$OPS_PER_SEC" "$UNIT" "$STD_DEV" "$RUNS" else # $OPS_PER_SEC is float printf "%s#%s x %.10f %s ±%s (%d runs sampled)\n" \ "$3" "$EVENT_NAME" "$OPS_PER_SEC" "$UNIT" "$STD_DEV" "$RUNS" fi done