
1034 lines
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// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Ast.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include "Luau/Refinement.h"
#include "Luau/DenseHash.h"
#include "Luau/NotNull.h"
#include "Luau/Predicate.h"
#include "Luau/Unifiable.h"
#include "Luau/Variant.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
namespace Luau
struct TypeArena;
struct Scope;
using ScopePtr = std::shared_ptr<Scope>;
struct TypeFamily;
* There are three kinds of type variables:
* - `Free` variables are metavariables, which stand for unconstrained types.
* - `Bound` variables are metavariables that have an equality constraint.
* - `Generic` variables are type variables that are bound by generic functions.
* For example, consider the program:
* ```
* function(x, y) x.f = y end
* ```
* To typecheck this, we first introduce free metavariables for the types of `x` and `y`:
* ```
* function(x: X, y: Y) x.f = y end
* ```
* Type inference for the function body then produces the constraint:
* ```
* X = { f: Y }
* ```
* so `X` is now a bound metavariable. We can then quantify the metavariables,
* which replaces any bound metavariables by their binding, and free metavariables
* by bound generic variables:
* ```
* function<a>(x: { f: a }, y: a) x.f = y end
* ```
// So... why `const T*` here rather than `T*`?
// It's because we've had problems caused by the type graph being mutated
// in ways it shouldn't be, for example mutating types from other modules.
// To try to control this, we make the use of types immutable by default,
// then provide explicit mutable access via getMutable and asMutable.
// This means we can grep for all the places we're mutating the type graph,
// and it makes it possible to provide other APIs (e.g. the txn log)
// which control mutable access to the type graph.
struct TypePackVar;
using TypePackId = const TypePackVar*;
struct Type;
// Should never be null
using TypeId = const Type*;
using Name = std::string;
// A free type var is one whose exact shape has yet to be fully determined.
struct FreeType
explicit FreeType(TypeLevel level);
explicit FreeType(Scope* scope);
FreeType(Scope* scope, TypeLevel level);
int index;
TypeLevel level;
Scope* scope = nullptr;
// True if this free type variable is part of a mutually
// recursive type alias whose definitions haven't been
// resolved yet.
bool forwardedTypeAlias = false;
struct GenericType
// By default, generics are global, with a synthetic name
explicit GenericType(TypeLevel level);
explicit GenericType(const Name& name);
explicit GenericType(Scope* scope);
GenericType(TypeLevel level, const Name& name);
GenericType(Scope* scope, const Name& name);
int index;
TypeLevel level;
Scope* scope = nullptr;
Name name;
bool explicitName = false;
// When an equality constraint is found, it is then "bound" to that type,
// indicating that the two types are actually the same type.
using BoundType = Unifiable::Bound<TypeId>;
using Tags = std::vector<std::string>;
using ModuleName = std::string;
/** A Type that cannot be computed.
* BlockedTypes essentially serve as a way to encode partial ordering on the
* constraint graph. Until a BlockedType is unblocked by its owning
* constraint, nothing at all can be said about it. Constraints that need to
* process a BlockedType cannot be dispatched.
* Whenever a BlockedType is added to the graph, we also record a constraint
* that will eventually unblock it.
struct BlockedType
int index;
static int DEPRECATED_nextIndex;
struct PrimitiveType
enum Type
NilType, // ObjC #defines Nil :(
Type type;
std::optional<TypeId> metatable; // string has a metatable
explicit PrimitiveType(Type type)
: type(type)
explicit PrimitiveType(Type type, TypeId metatable)
: type(type)
, metatable(metatable)
// Singleton types
// Types for true and false
struct BooleanSingleton
bool value;
bool operator==(const BooleanSingleton& rhs) const
return value == rhs.value;
bool operator!=(const BooleanSingleton& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
// Types for "foo", "bar" etc.
struct StringSingleton
std::string value;
bool operator==(const StringSingleton& rhs) const
return value == rhs.value;
bool operator!=(const StringSingleton& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
// No type for float singletons, partly because === isn't any equalivalence on floats
// (NaN != NaN).
using SingletonVariant = Luau::Variant<BooleanSingleton, StringSingleton>;
struct SingletonType
explicit SingletonType(const SingletonVariant& variant)
: variant(variant)
explicit SingletonType(SingletonVariant&& variant)
: variant(std::move(variant))
// Default operator== is C++20.
bool operator==(const SingletonType& rhs) const
return variant == rhs.variant;
bool operator!=(const SingletonType& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
SingletonVariant variant;
template<typename T>
const T* get(const SingletonType* stv)
if (stv)
return get_if<T>(&stv->variant);
return nullptr;
struct GenericTypeDefinition
TypeId ty;
std::optional<TypeId> defaultValue;
bool operator==(const GenericTypeDefinition& rhs) const;
struct GenericTypePackDefinition
TypePackId tp;
std::optional<TypePackId> defaultValue;
bool operator==(const GenericTypePackDefinition& rhs) const;
struct FunctionArgument
Name name;
Location location;
struct FunctionDefinition
std::optional<ModuleName> definitionModuleName;
Location definitionLocation;
std::optional<Location> varargLocation;
Location originalNameLocation;
// TODO: Come up with a better name.
// TODO: Do we actually need this? We'll find out later if we can delete this.
// Does not exactly belong in Type.h, but this is the only way to appease the compiler.
template<typename T>
struct WithPredicate
T type;
PredicateVec predicates;
WithPredicate() = default;
explicit WithPredicate(T type)
: type(type)
WithPredicate(T type, PredicateVec predicates)
: type(type)
, predicates(std::move(predicates))
using MagicFunction = std::function<std::optional<WithPredicate<TypePackId>>(
struct TypeChecker&, const std::shared_ptr<struct Scope>&, const class AstExprCall&, WithPredicate<TypePackId>)>;
struct MagicFunctionCallContext
NotNull<struct ConstraintSolver> solver;
const class AstExprCall* callSite;
TypePackId arguments;
TypePackId result;
using DcrMagicFunction = std::function<bool(MagicFunctionCallContext)>;
struct MagicRefinementContext
NotNull<Scope> scope;
const class AstExprCall* callSite;
std::vector<std::optional<TypeId>> discriminantTypes;
using DcrMagicRefinement = void (*)(const MagicRefinementContext&);
struct FunctionType
// Global monomorphic function
FunctionType(TypePackId argTypes, TypePackId retTypes, std::optional<FunctionDefinition> defn = {}, bool hasSelf = false);
// Global polymorphic function
FunctionType(std::vector<TypeId> generics, std::vector<TypePackId> genericPacks, TypePackId argTypes, TypePackId retTypes,
std::optional<FunctionDefinition> defn = {}, bool hasSelf = false);
// Local monomorphic function
FunctionType(TypeLevel level, TypePackId argTypes, TypePackId retTypes, std::optional<FunctionDefinition> defn = {}, bool hasSelf = false);
TypeLevel level, Scope* scope, TypePackId argTypes, TypePackId retTypes, std::optional<FunctionDefinition> defn = {}, bool hasSelf = false);
// Local polymorphic function
FunctionType(TypeLevel level, std::vector<TypeId> generics, std::vector<TypePackId> genericPacks, TypePackId argTypes, TypePackId retTypes,
std::optional<FunctionDefinition> defn = {}, bool hasSelf = false);
FunctionType(TypeLevel level, Scope* scope, std::vector<TypeId> generics, std::vector<TypePackId> genericPacks, TypePackId argTypes,
TypePackId retTypes, std::optional<FunctionDefinition> defn = {}, bool hasSelf = false);
std::optional<FunctionDefinition> definition;
/// These should all be generic
std::vector<TypeId> generics;
std::vector<TypePackId> genericPacks;
std::vector<std::optional<FunctionArgument>> argNames;
Tags tags;
TypeLevel level;
Scope* scope = nullptr;
TypePackId argTypes;
TypePackId retTypes;
MagicFunction magicFunction = nullptr;
DcrMagicFunction dcrMagicFunction = nullptr;
DcrMagicRefinement dcrMagicRefinement = nullptr;
bool hasSelf;
// `hasNoFreeOrGenericTypes` should be true if and only if the type does not have any free or generic types present inside it.
// this flag is used as an optimization to exit early from procedures that manipulate free or generic types.
bool hasNoFreeOrGenericTypes = false;
enum class TableState
// Sealed tables have an exact, known shape
// An unsealed table can have extra properties added to it
// Tables which are not yet fully understood. We are still in the process of learning its shape.
// A table which is a generic parameter to a function. We know that certain properties are required,
// but we don't care about the full shape.
struct TableIndexer
TableIndexer(TypeId indexType, TypeId indexResultType)
: indexType(indexType)
, indexResultType(indexResultType)
TypeId indexType;
TypeId indexResultType;
struct Property
static Property readonly(TypeId ty);
static Property writeonly(TypeId ty);
static Property rw(TypeId ty); // Shared read-write type.
static Property rw(TypeId read, TypeId write); // Separate read-write type.
// Invariant: at least one of the two optionals are not nullopt!
// If the read type is not nullopt, but the write type is, then the property is readonly.
// If the read type is nullopt, but the write type is not, then the property is writeonly.
// If the read and write types are not nullopt, then the property is read and write.
// Otherwise, an assertion where read and write types are both nullopt will be tripped.
static Property create(std::optional<TypeId> read, std::optional<TypeId> write);
bool deprecated = false;
std::string deprecatedSuggestion;
std::optional<Location> location = std::nullopt;
Tags tags;
std::optional<std::string> documentationSymbol;
// TODO: Kill all constructors in favor of `Property::rw(TypeId read, TypeId write)` and friends.
Property(TypeId readTy, bool deprecated = false, const std::string& deprecatedSuggestion = "", std::optional<Location> location = std::nullopt,
const Tags& tags = {}, const std::optional<std::string>& documentationSymbol = std::nullopt);
// DEPRECATED: Should only be called in non-RWP! We assert that the `readTy` is not nullopt.
// TODO: Kill once we don't have non-RWP.
TypeId type() const;
void setType(TypeId ty);
// Should only be called in RWP!
// We do not assert that `readTy` nor `writeTy` are nullopt or not.
// The invariant is that at least one of them mustn't be nullopt, which we do assert here.
// TODO: Kill this in favor of exposing `readTy`/`writeTy` directly? If we do, we'll lose the asserts which will be useful while debugging.
std::optional<TypeId> readType() const;
std::optional<TypeId> writeType() const;
bool isShared() const;
std::optional<TypeId> readTy;
std::optional<TypeId> writeTy;
struct TableType
// We choose std::map over unordered_map here just because we have unit tests that compare
// textual outputs. I don't want to spend the effort making them resilient in the case where
// random events cause the iteration order of the map elements to change.
// If this shows up in a profile, we can revisit it.
using Props = std::map<Name, Property>;
TableType() = default;
explicit TableType(TableState state, TypeLevel level, Scope* scope = nullptr);
TableType(const Props& props, const std::optional<TableIndexer>& indexer, TypeLevel level, TableState state);
TableType(const Props& props, const std::optional<TableIndexer>& indexer, TypeLevel level, Scope* scope, TableState state);
Props props;
std::optional<TableIndexer> indexer;
TableState state = TableState::Unsealed;
TypeLevel level;
Scope* scope = nullptr;
std::optional<std::string> name;
// Sometimes we throw a type on a name to make for nicer error messages, but without creating any entry in the type namespace
// We need to know which is which when we stringify types.
std::optional<std::string> syntheticName;
std::vector<TypeId> instantiatedTypeParams;
std::vector<TypePackId> instantiatedTypePackParams;
ModuleName definitionModuleName;
Location definitionLocation;
std::optional<TypeId> boundTo;
Tags tags;
// Methods of this table that have an untyped self will use the same shared self type.
std::optional<TypeId> selfTy;
// Represents a metatable attached to a table type. Somewhat analogous to a bound type.
struct MetatableType
// Should always be a TableType.
TypeId table;
// Should almost always either be a TableType or another MetatableType,
// though it is possible for other types (like AnyType and ErrorType) to
// find their way here sometimes.
TypeId metatable;
std::optional<std::string> syntheticName;
// Custom userdata of a class type
struct ClassUserData
virtual ~ClassUserData() {}
/** The type of a class.
* Classes behave like tables in many ways, but there are some important differences:
* The properties of a class are always exactly known.
* Classes optionally have a parent class.
* Two different classes that share the same properties are nevertheless distinct and mutually incompatible.
struct ClassType
using Props = TableType::Props;
Name name;
Props props;
std::optional<TypeId> parent;
std::optional<TypeId> metatable; // metaclass?
Tags tags;
std::shared_ptr<ClassUserData> userData;
ModuleName definitionModuleName;
std::optional<TableIndexer> indexer;
ClassType(Name name, Props props, std::optional<TypeId> parent, std::optional<TypeId> metatable, Tags tags,
std::shared_ptr<ClassUserData> userData, ModuleName definitionModuleName)
: name(name)
, props(props)
, parent(parent)
, metatable(metatable)
, tags(tags)
, userData(userData)
, definitionModuleName(definitionModuleName)
ClassType(Name name, Props props, std::optional<TypeId> parent, std::optional<TypeId> metatable, Tags tags,
std::shared_ptr<ClassUserData> userData, ModuleName definitionModuleName, std::optional<TableIndexer> indexer)
: name(name)
, props(props)
, parent(parent)
, metatable(metatable)
, tags(tags)
, userData(userData)
, definitionModuleName(definitionModuleName)
, indexer(indexer)
* An instance of a type family that has not yet been reduced to a more concrete
* type. The constraint solver receives a constraint to reduce each
* TypeFamilyInstanceType to a concrete type. A design detail is important to
* note here: the parameters for this instantiation of the type family are
* contained within this type, so that they can be substituted.
struct TypeFamilyInstanceType
NotNull<const TypeFamily> family;
std::vector<TypeId> typeArguments;
std::vector<TypePackId> packArguments;
struct TypeFun
// These should all be generic
std::vector<GenericTypeDefinition> typeParams;
std::vector<GenericTypePackDefinition> typePackParams;
/** The underlying type.
* WARNING! This is not safe to use as a type if typeParams is not empty!!
* You must first use TypeChecker::instantiateTypeFun to turn it into a real type.
TypeId type;
TypeFun() = default;
explicit TypeFun(TypeId ty)
: type(ty)
TypeFun(std::vector<GenericTypeDefinition> typeParams, TypeId type)
: typeParams(std::move(typeParams))
, type(type)
TypeFun(std::vector<GenericTypeDefinition> typeParams, std::vector<GenericTypePackDefinition> typePackParams, TypeId type)
: typeParams(std::move(typeParams))
, typePackParams(std::move(typePackParams))
, type(type)
bool operator==(const TypeFun& rhs) const;
/** Represents a pending type alias instantiation.
* In order to afford (co)recursive type aliases, we need to reason about a
* partially-complete instantiation. This requires encoding more information in
* a type variable than a BlockedType affords, hence this. Each
* PendingExpansionType has a corresponding TypeAliasExpansionConstraint
* enqueued in the solver to convert it to an actual instantiated type
struct PendingExpansionType
PendingExpansionType(std::optional<AstName> prefix, AstName name, std::vector<TypeId> typeArguments, std::vector<TypePackId> packArguments);
std::optional<AstName> prefix;
AstName name;
std::vector<TypeId> typeArguments;
std::vector<TypePackId> packArguments;
size_t index;
static size_t nextIndex;
// Anything! All static checking is off.
struct AnyType
// `T | U`
struct UnionType
std::vector<TypeId> options;
// `T & U`
struct IntersectionType
std::vector<TypeId> parts;
struct LazyType
LazyType() = default;
LazyType(std::function<void(LazyType&)> unwrap)
: unwrap(unwrap)
// std::atomic is sad and requires a manual copy
LazyType(const LazyType& rhs)
: unwrap(rhs.unwrap)
, unwrapped(rhs.unwrapped.load())
LazyType(LazyType&& rhs) noexcept
: unwrap(std::move(rhs.unwrap))
, unwrapped(rhs.unwrapped.load())
LazyType& operator=(const LazyType& rhs)
unwrap = rhs.unwrap;
unwrapped = rhs.unwrapped.load();
return *this;
LazyType& operator=(LazyType&& rhs) noexcept
unwrap = std::move(rhs.unwrap);
unwrapped = rhs.unwrapped.load();
return *this;
std::function<void(LazyType&)> unwrap;
std::atomic<TypeId> unwrapped = nullptr;
struct UnknownType
struct NeverType
// `~T`
struct NegationType
TypeId ty;
using ErrorType = Unifiable::Error;
using TypeVariant =
Unifiable::Variant<TypeId, FreeType, GenericType, PrimitiveType, BlockedType, PendingExpansionType, SingletonType, FunctionType, TableType,
MetatableType, ClassType, AnyType, UnionType, IntersectionType, LazyType, UnknownType, NeverType, NegationType, TypeFamilyInstanceType>;
struct Type final
explicit Type(const TypeVariant& ty)
: ty(ty)
explicit Type(TypeVariant&& ty)
: ty(std::move(ty))
Type(const TypeVariant& ty, bool persistent)
: ty(ty)
, persistent(persistent)
// Re-assignes the content of the type, but doesn't change the owning arena and can't make type persistent.
void reassign(const Type& rhs)
ty = rhs.ty;
documentationSymbol = rhs.documentationSymbol;
TypeVariant ty;
// Kludge: A persistent Type is one that belongs to the global scope.
// Global type bindings are immutable but are reused many times.
// Persistent Types do not get cloned.
bool persistent = false;
std::optional<std::string> documentationSymbol;
// Pointer to the type arena that allocated this type.
TypeArena* owningArena = nullptr;
bool operator==(const Type& rhs) const;
bool operator!=(const Type& rhs) const;
Type& operator=(const TypeVariant& rhs);
Type& operator=(TypeVariant&& rhs);
Type& operator=(const Type& rhs);
using SeenSet = std::set<std::pair<const void*, const void*>>;
bool areEqual(SeenSet& seen, const Type& lhs, const Type& rhs);
// Follow BoundTypes until we get to something real
TypeId follow(TypeId t);
TypeId follow(TypeId t, const void* context, TypeId (*mapper)(const void*, TypeId));
std::vector<TypeId> flattenIntersection(TypeId ty);
bool isPrim(TypeId ty, PrimitiveType::Type primType);
bool isNil(TypeId ty);
bool isBoolean(TypeId ty);
bool isNumber(TypeId ty);
bool isString(TypeId ty);
bool isThread(TypeId ty);
bool isOptional(TypeId ty);
bool isTableIntersection(TypeId ty);
bool isOverloadedFunction(TypeId ty);
// True when string is a subtype of ty
bool maybeString(TypeId ty);
std::optional<TypeId> getMetatable(TypeId type, NotNull<struct BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes);
TableType* getMutableTableType(TypeId type);
const TableType* getTableType(TypeId type);
// If the type has a name, return that. Else if it has a synthetic name, return that.
// Returns nullptr if the type has no name.
const std::string* getName(TypeId type);
// Returns name of the module where type was defined if type has that information
std::optional<ModuleName> getDefinitionModuleName(TypeId type);
// Checks whether a union contains all types of another union.
bool isSubset(const UnionType& super, const UnionType& sub);
// Checks if a type contains generic type binders
bool isGeneric(const TypeId ty);
// Checks if a type may be instantiated to one containing generic type binders
bool maybeGeneric(const TypeId ty);
// Checks if a type is of the form T1|...|Tn where one of the Ti is a singleton
bool maybeSingleton(TypeId ty);
// Checks if the length operator can be applied on the value of type
bool hasLength(TypeId ty, DenseHashSet<TypeId>& seen, int* recursionCount);
struct BuiltinTypes
BuiltinTypes(const BuiltinTypes&) = delete;
void operator=(const BuiltinTypes&) = delete;
TypeId errorRecoveryType(TypeId guess) const;
TypePackId errorRecoveryTypePack(TypePackId guess) const;
TypeId errorRecoveryType() const;
TypePackId errorRecoveryTypePack() const;
std::unique_ptr<struct TypeArena> arena;
bool debugFreezeArena = false;
TypeId makeStringMetatable();
const TypeId nilType;
const TypeId numberType;
const TypeId stringType;
const TypeId booleanType;
const TypeId threadType;
const TypeId functionType;
const TypeId classType;
const TypeId tableType;
const TypeId emptyTableType;
const TypeId trueType;
const TypeId falseType;
const TypeId anyType;
const TypeId unknownType;
const TypeId neverType;
const TypeId errorType;
const TypeId falsyType;
const TypeId truthyType;
const TypeId optionalNumberType;
const TypeId optionalStringType;
const TypePackId anyTypePack;
const TypePackId neverTypePack;
const TypePackId uninhabitableTypePack;
const TypePackId errorTypePack;
void persist(TypeId ty);
void persist(TypePackId tp);
const TypeLevel* getLevel(TypeId ty);
TypeLevel* getMutableLevel(TypeId ty);
std::optional<TypeLevel> getLevel(TypePackId tp);
const Property* lookupClassProp(const ClassType* cls, const Name& name);
// Whether `cls` is a subclass of `parent`
bool isSubclass(const ClassType* cls, const ClassType* parent);
Type* asMutable(TypeId ty);
template<typename T>
const T* get(TypeId tv)
if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<T, BoundType>)
LUAU_ASSERT(get_if<BoundType>(&tv->ty) == nullptr);
return get_if<T>(&tv->ty);
template<typename T>
T* getMutable(TypeId tv)
if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<T, BoundType>)
LUAU_ASSERT(get_if<BoundType>(&tv->ty) == nullptr);
return get_if<T>(&asMutable(tv)->ty);
const std::vector<TypeId>& getTypes(const UnionType* utv);
const std::vector<TypeId>& getTypes(const IntersectionType* itv);
template<typename T>
struct TypeIterator;
using UnionTypeIterator = TypeIterator<UnionType>;
UnionTypeIterator begin(const UnionType* utv);
UnionTypeIterator end(const UnionType* utv);
using IntersectionTypeIterator = TypeIterator<IntersectionType>;
IntersectionTypeIterator begin(const IntersectionType* itv);
IntersectionTypeIterator end(const IntersectionType* itv);
/* Traverses the type T yielding each TypeId.
* If the iterator encounters a nested type T, it will instead yield each TypeId within.
template<typename T>
struct TypeIterator
using value_type = Luau::TypeId;
using pointer = value_type*;
using reference = value_type&;
using difference_type = size_t;
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
explicit TypeIterator(const T* t)
const std::vector<TypeId>& types = getTypes(t);
if (!types.empty())
stack.push_front({t, 0});
TypeIterator<T>& operator++()
return *this;
TypeIterator<T> operator++(int)
TypeIterator<T> copy = *this;
return copy;
bool operator==(const TypeIterator<T>& rhs) const
if (!stack.empty() && !rhs.stack.empty())
return stack.front() == rhs.stack.front();
return stack.empty() && rhs.stack.empty();
bool operator!=(const TypeIterator<T>& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
TypeId operator*()
auto [t, currentIndex] = stack.front();
const std::vector<TypeId>& types = getTypes(t);
LUAU_ASSERT(currentIndex < types.size());
TypeId ty = follow(types[currentIndex]);
return ty;
// Normally, we'd have `begin` and `end` be a template but there's too much trouble
// with templates portability in this area, so not worth it. Thanks MSVC.
friend UnionTypeIterator end(const UnionType*);
friend IntersectionTypeIterator end(const IntersectionType*);
TypeIterator() = default;
// (T* t, size_t currentIndex)
using SavedIterInfo = std::pair<const T*, size_t>;
std::deque<SavedIterInfo> stack;
std::unordered_set<const T*> seen; // Only needed to protect the iterator from hanging the thread.
void advance()
while (!stack.empty())
auto& [t, currentIndex] = stack.front();
const std::vector<TypeId>& types = getTypes(t);
if (currentIndex >= types.size())
void descend()
while (!stack.empty())
auto [current, currentIndex] = stack.front();
const std::vector<TypeId>& types = getTypes(current);
if (auto inner = get<T>(follow(types[currentIndex])))
// If we're about to descend into a cyclic type, we should skip over this.
// Ideally this should never happen, but alas it does from time to time. :(
if (seen.find(inner) != seen.end())
stack.push_front({inner, 0});
using TypeIdPredicate = std::function<std::optional<TypeId>(TypeId)>;
std::vector<TypeId> filterMap(TypeId type, TypeIdPredicate predicate);
void attachTag(TypeId ty, const std::string& tagName);
void attachTag(Property& prop, const std::string& tagName);
bool hasTag(TypeId ty, const std::string& tagName);
bool hasTag(const Property& prop, const std::string& tagName);
bool hasTag(const Tags& tags, const std::string& tagName); // Do not use in new work.
template<typename T>
bool hasTypeInIntersection(TypeId ty)
TypeId tf = follow(ty);
if (get<T>(tf))
return true;
for (auto t : flattenIntersection(tf))
if (get<T>(follow(t)))
return true;
return false;
bool hasPrimitiveTypeInIntersection(TypeId ty, PrimitiveType::Type primTy);
* Use this to change the kind of a particular type.
* LUAU_NOINLINE so that the calling frame doesn't have to pay the stack storage for the new variant.
template<typename T, typename... Args>
LUAU_NOINLINE T* emplaceType(Type* ty, Args&&... args)
return &ty->ty.emplace<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
} // namespace Luau