
397 lines
8.8 KiB

// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/TypePack.h"
#include "Luau/Error.h"
#include "Luau/TxnLog.h"
#include <stdexcept>
namespace Luau
: index(++nextIndex)
size_t BlockedTypePack::nextIndex = 0;
TypePackVar::TypePackVar(const TypePackVariant& tp)
: ty(tp)
TypePackVar::TypePackVar(TypePackVariant&& tp)
: ty(std::move(tp))
TypePackVar::TypePackVar(TypePackVariant&& tp, bool persistent)
: ty(std::move(tp))
, persistent(persistent)
bool TypePackVar::operator==(const TypePackVar& rhs) const
SeenSet seen;
return areEqual(seen, *this, rhs);
TypePackVar& TypePackVar::operator=(TypePackVariant&& tp)
ty = std::move(tp);
return *this;
TypePackVar& TypePackVar::operator=(const TypePackVar& rhs)
LUAU_ASSERT(owningArena == rhs.owningArena);
return *this;
TypePackIterator::TypePackIterator(TypePackId typePack)
: TypePackIterator(typePack, TxnLog::empty())
TypePackIterator::TypePackIterator(TypePackId typePack, const TxnLog* log)
: currentTypePack(log->follow(typePack))
, tp(log->get<TypePack>(currentTypePack))
, currentIndex(0)
, log(log)
while (tp && tp->head.empty())
currentTypePack = tp->tail ? log->follow(*tp->tail) : nullptr;
tp = currentTypePack ? log->getMutable<TypePack>(currentTypePack) : nullptr;
TypePackIterator& TypePackIterator::operator++()
while (tp && currentIndex >= tp->head.size())
currentTypePack = tp->tail ? log->follow(*tp->tail) : nullptr;
tp = currentTypePack ? log->getMutable<TypePack>(currentTypePack) : nullptr;
currentIndex = 0;
return *this;
TypePackIterator TypePackIterator::operator++(int)
TypePackIterator copy = *this;
return copy;
bool TypePackIterator::operator!=(const TypePackIterator& rhs)
return !(*this == rhs);
bool TypePackIterator::operator==(const TypePackIterator& rhs)
return tp == && currentIndex == rhs.currentIndex;
const TypeId& TypePackIterator::operator*()
return tp->head[currentIndex];
std::optional<TypePackId> TypePackIterator::tail()
return currentTypePack ? std::optional<TypePackId>{currentTypePack} : std::nullopt;
TypePackIterator begin(TypePackId tp)
return TypePackIterator{tp};
TypePackIterator begin(TypePackId tp, const TxnLog* log)
return TypePackIterator{tp, log};
TypePackIterator end(TypePackId tp)
return TypePackIterator{};
bool areEqual(SeenSet& seen, const TypePackVar& lhs, const TypePackVar& rhs)
TypePackId lhsId = const_cast<TypePackId>(&lhs);
TypePackId rhsId = const_cast<TypePackId>(&rhs);
TypePackIterator lhsIter = begin(lhsId);
TypePackIterator rhsIter = begin(rhsId);
TypePackIterator lhsEnd = end(lhsId);
TypePackIterator rhsEnd = end(rhsId);
while (lhsIter != lhsEnd && rhsIter != rhsEnd)
if (!areEqual(seen, **lhsIter, **rhsIter))
return false;
if (lhsIter != lhsEnd || rhsIter != rhsEnd)
return false;
if (!lhsIter.tail() && !rhsIter.tail())
return true;
if (!lhsIter.tail() || !rhsIter.tail())
return false;
TypePackId lhsTail = *lhsIter.tail();
TypePackId rhsTail = *rhsIter.tail();
const Unifiable::Free* lf = get_if<Unifiable::Free>(&lhsTail->ty);
const Unifiable::Free* rf = get_if<Unifiable::Free>(&rhsTail->ty);
if (lf && rf)
return lf->index == rf->index;
const Unifiable::Bound<TypePackId>* lb = get_if<Unifiable::Bound<TypePackId>>(&lhsTail->ty);
const Unifiable::Bound<TypePackId>* rb = get_if<Unifiable::Bound<TypePackId>>(&rhsTail->ty);
if (lb && rb)
return areEqual(seen, *lb->boundTo, *rb->boundTo);
const Unifiable::Generic* lg = get_if<Unifiable::Generic>(&lhsTail->ty);
const Unifiable::Generic* rg = get_if<Unifiable::Generic>(&rhsTail->ty);
if (lg && rg)
return lg->index == rg->index;
const VariadicTypePack* lv = get_if<VariadicTypePack>(&lhsTail->ty);
const VariadicTypePack* rv = get_if<VariadicTypePack>(&rhsTail->ty);
if (lv && rv)
return areEqual(seen, *lv->ty, *rv->ty);
return false;
TypePackId follow(TypePackId tp)
return follow(tp, [](TypePackId t) {
return t;
TypePackId follow(TypePackId tp, std::function<TypePackId(TypePackId)> mapper)
auto advance = [&mapper](TypePackId ty) -> std::optional<TypePackId> {
if (const Unifiable::Bound<TypePackId>* btv = get<Unifiable::Bound<TypePackId>>(mapper(ty)))
return btv->boundTo;
return std::nullopt;
TypePackId cycleTester = tp; // Null once we've determined that there is no cycle
if (auto a = advance(cycleTester))
cycleTester = *a;
return tp;
while (true)
auto a1 = advance(tp);
if (a1)
tp = *a1;
return tp;
if (nullptr != cycleTester)
auto a2 = advance(cycleTester);
if (a2)
auto a3 = advance(*a2);
if (a3)
cycleTester = *a3;
cycleTester = nullptr;
cycleTester = nullptr;
if (tp == cycleTester)
throw InternalCompilerError("Luau::follow detected a Type cycle!!");
size_t size(TypePackId tp, TxnLog* log)
tp = log ? log->follow(tp) : follow(tp);
if (auto pack = get<TypePack>(tp))
return size(*pack, log);
return 0;
bool finite(TypePackId tp, TxnLog* log)
tp = log ? log->follow(tp) : follow(tp);
if (auto pack = get<TypePack>(tp))
return pack->tail ? finite(*pack->tail, log) : true;
if (get<VariadicTypePack>(tp))
return false;
return true;
size_t size(const TypePack& tp, TxnLog* log)
size_t result = tp.head.size();
if (tp.tail)
const TypePack* tail = get<TypePack>(log ? log->follow(*tp.tail) : follow(*tp.tail));
if (tail)
result += size(*tail, log);
return result;
std::optional<TypeId> first(TypePackId tp, bool ignoreHiddenVariadics)
auto it = begin(tp);
auto endIter = end(tp);
if (it != endIter)
return *it;
if (auto tail = it.tail())
if (auto vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(*tail); vtp && (!vtp->hidden || !ignoreHiddenVariadics))
return vtp->ty;
return std::nullopt;
TypePackVar* asMutable(TypePackId tp)
return const_cast<TypePackVar*>(tp);
TypePack* asMutable(const TypePack* tp)
return const_cast<TypePack*>(tp);
bool isEmpty(TypePackId tp)
tp = follow(tp);
if (auto tpp = get<TypePack>(tp))
return tpp->head.empty() && (!tpp->tail || isEmpty(*tpp->tail));
return false;
std::pair<std::vector<TypeId>, std::optional<TypePackId>> flatten(TypePackId tp)
std::vector<TypeId> res;
auto iter = begin(tp);
auto endIter = end(tp);
while (iter != endIter)
return {res, iter.tail()};
std::pair<std::vector<TypeId>, std::optional<TypePackId>> flatten(TypePackId tp, const TxnLog& log)
tp = log.follow(tp);
std::vector<TypeId> flattened;
std::optional<TypePackId> tail = std::nullopt;
TypePackIterator it(tp, &log);
for (; it != end(tp); ++it)
tail = it.tail();
return {flattened, tail};
bool isVariadic(TypePackId tp)
return isVariadic(tp, *TxnLog::empty());
bool isVariadic(TypePackId tp, const TxnLog& log)
std::optional<TypePackId> tail = flatten(tp, log).second;
if (!tail)
return false;
return isVariadicTail(*tail, log);
bool isVariadicTail(TypePackId tp, const TxnLog& log, bool includeHiddenVariadics)
if (log.get<GenericTypePack>(tp))
return true;
if (auto vtp = log.get<VariadicTypePack>(tp); vtp && (includeHiddenVariadics || !vtp->hidden))
return true;
return false;
bool containsNever(TypePackId tp)
auto it = begin(tp);
auto endIt = end(tp);
while (it != endIt)
if (get<NeverType>(follow(*it)))
return true;
if (auto tail = it.tail())
if (auto vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(*tail); vtp && get<NeverType>(follow(vtp->ty)))
return true;
return false;
} // namespace Luau