
3591 lines
122 KiB

// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/Compiler.h"
#include "Luau/Parser.h"
#include "Luau/BytecodeBuilder.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include "Luau/TimeTrace.h"
#include "Builtins.h"
#include "ConstantFolding.h"
#include "CostModel.h"
#include "TableShape.h"
#include "ValueTracking.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <bitset>
#include <math.h>
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauCompileIterNoPairs, false)
LUAU_FASTINTVARIABLE(LuauCompileLoopUnrollThreshold, 25)
LUAU_FASTINTVARIABLE(LuauCompileLoopUnrollThresholdMaxBoost, 300)
LUAU_FASTINTVARIABLE(LuauCompileInlineThreshold, 25)
LUAU_FASTINTVARIABLE(LuauCompileInlineThresholdMaxBoost, 300)
LUAU_FASTINTVARIABLE(LuauCompileInlineDepth, 5)
namespace Luau
using namespace Luau::Compile;
static const uint32_t kMaxRegisterCount = 255;
static const uint32_t kMaxUpvalueCount = 200;
static const uint32_t kMaxLocalCount = 200;
CompileError::CompileError(const Location& location, const std::string& message)
: location(location)
, message(message)
CompileError::~CompileError() throw() {}
const char* CompileError::what() const throw()
return message.c_str();
const Location& CompileError::getLocation() const
return location;
// NOINLINE is used to limit the stack cost of this function due to std::string object / exception plumbing
LUAU_NOINLINE void CompileError::raise(const Location& location, const char* format, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
std::string message = vformat(format, args);
throw CompileError(location, message);
static BytecodeBuilder::StringRef sref(AstName name)
return {name.value, strlen(name.value)};
static BytecodeBuilder::StringRef sref(AstArray<char> data)
return {, data.size};
struct Compiler
struct RegScope;
Compiler(BytecodeBuilder& bytecode, const CompileOptions& options)
: bytecode(bytecode)
, options(options)
, functions(nullptr)
, locals(nullptr)
, globals(AstName())
, variables(nullptr)
, constants(nullptr)
, locstants(nullptr)
, tableShapes(nullptr)
// preallocate some buffers that are very likely to grow anyway; this works around std::vector's inefficient growth policy for small arrays
int getLocalReg(AstLocal* local)
Local* l = locals.find(local);
return l && l->allocated ? l->reg : -1;
uint8_t getUpval(AstLocal* local)
for (size_t uid = 0; uid < upvals.size(); ++uid)
if (upvals[uid] == local)
return uint8_t(uid);
if (upvals.size() >= kMaxUpvalueCount)
local->location, "Out of upvalue registers when trying to allocate %s: exceeded limit %d", local->name.value, kMaxUpvalueCount);
// mark local as captured so that closeLocals emits LOP_CLOSEUPVALS accordingly
Variable* v = variables.find(local);
if (v && v->written)
locals[local].captured = true;
return uint8_t(upvals.size() - 1);
bool allPathsEndWithReturn(AstStat* node)
if (AstStatBlock* stat = node->as<AstStatBlock>())
return stat->body.size > 0 && allPathsEndWithReturn(stat->[stat->body.size - 1]);
else if (node->is<AstStatReturn>())
return true;
else if (AstStatIf* stat = node->as<AstStatIf>())
return stat->elsebody && allPathsEndWithReturn(stat->thenbody) && allPathsEndWithReturn(stat->elsebody);
return false;
void emitLoadK(uint8_t target, int32_t cid)
LUAU_ASSERT(cid >= 0);
if (cid < 32768)
bytecode.emitAD(LOP_LOADK, target, int16_t(cid));
bytecode.emitAD(LOP_LOADKX, target, 0);
AstExprFunction* getFunctionExpr(AstExpr* node)
if (AstExprLocal* expr = node->as<AstExprLocal>())
Variable* lv = variables.find(expr->local);
if (!lv || lv->written || !lv->init)
return nullptr;
return getFunctionExpr(lv->init);
else if (AstExprGroup* expr = node->as<AstExprGroup>())
return getFunctionExpr(expr->expr);
else if (AstExprTypeAssertion* expr = node->as<AstExprTypeAssertion>())
return getFunctionExpr(expr->expr);
return node->as<AstExprFunction>();
uint32_t compileFunction(AstExprFunction* func)
LUAU_TIMETRACE_SCOPE("Compiler::compileFunction", "Compiler");
if (func->debugname.value)
LUAU_TIMETRACE_ARGUMENT("name", func->debugname.value);
LUAU_ASSERT(regTop == 0 && stackSize == 0 && localStack.empty() && upvals.empty());
RegScope rs(this);
bool self = func->self != 0;
uint32_t fid = bytecode.beginFunction(uint8_t(self + func->args.size), func->vararg);
if (func->vararg)
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_PREPVARARGS, uint8_t(self + func->args.size), 0, 0);
uint8_t args = allocReg(func, self + unsigned(func->args.size));
if (func->self)
pushLocal(func->self, args);
for (size_t i = 0; i < func->args.size; ++i)
pushLocal(func->[i], uint8_t(args + self + i));
AstStatBlock* stat = func->body;
for (size_t i = 0; i < stat->body.size; ++i)
// valid function bytecode must always end with RETURN
// we elide this if we're guaranteed to hit a RETURN statement regardless of the control flow
if (!allPathsEndWithReturn(stat))
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_RETURN, 0, 1, 0);
// constant folding may remove some upvalue refs from bytecode, so this puts them back
if (options.optimizationLevel >= 1 && options.debugLevel >= 2)
bytecode.setDebugFunctionLineDefined(func->location.begin.line + 1);
if (options.debugLevel >= 1 && func->debugname.value)
if (options.debugLevel >= 2 && !upvals.empty())
for (AstLocal* l : upvals)
if (options.optimizationLevel >= 1)
bytecode.endFunction(uint8_t(stackSize), uint8_t(upvals.size()));
Function& f = functions[func]; = fid;
f.upvals = upvals;
// record information for inlining
if (options.optimizationLevel >= 2 && !func->vararg && !getfenvUsed && !setfenvUsed)
f.canInline = true;
f.stackSize = stackSize;
f.costModel = modelCost(func->body, func->, func->args.size);
// track functions that only ever return a single value so that we can convert multret calls to fixedret calls
if (allPathsEndWithReturn(func->body))
ReturnVisitor returnVisitor(this);
f.returnsOne = returnVisitor.returnsOne;
upvals.clear(); // note: instead of std::move above, we copy & clear to preserve capacity for future pushes
stackSize = 0;
return fid;
// note: this doesn't just clobber target (assuming it's temp), but also clobbers *all* allocated registers >= target!
// this is important to be able to support "multret" semantics due to Lua call frame structure
bool compileExprTempMultRet(AstExpr* node, uint8_t target)
if (AstExprCall* expr = node->as<AstExprCall>())
// Optimization: convert multret calls to functions that always return one value to fixedret calls; this facilitates inlining
if (options.optimizationLevel >= 2)
AstExprFunction* func = getFunctionExpr(expr->func);
Function* fi = func ? functions.find(func) : nullptr;
if (fi && fi->returnsOne)
compileExprTemp(node, target);
return false;
// We temporarily swap out regTop to have targetTop work correctly...
// This is a crude hack but it's necessary for correctness :(
RegScope rs(this, target);
compileExprCall(expr, target, /* targetCount= */ 0, /* targetTop= */ true, /* multRet= */ true);
return true;
else if (AstExprVarargs* expr = node->as<AstExprVarargs>())
// We temporarily swap out regTop to have targetTop work correctly...
// This is a crude hack but it's necessary for correctness :(
RegScope rs(this, target);
compileExprVarargs(expr, target, /* targetCount= */ 0, /* multRet= */ true);
return true;
compileExprTemp(node, target);
return false;
// note: this doesn't just clobber target (assuming it's temp), but also clobbers *all* allocated registers >= target!
// this is important to be able to emit code that takes fewer registers and runs faster
void compileExprTempTop(AstExpr* node, uint8_t target)
// We temporarily swap out regTop to have targetTop work correctly...
// This is a crude hack but it's necessary for performance :(
// It makes sure that nested call expressions can use targetTop optimization and don't need to have too many registers
RegScope rs(this, target + 1);
compileExprTemp(node, target);
void compileExprVarargs(AstExprVarargs* expr, uint8_t target, uint8_t targetCount, bool multRet = false)
LUAU_ASSERT(!multRet || unsigned(target + targetCount) == regTop);
setDebugLine(expr); // normally compileExpr sets up line info, but compileExprCall can be called directly
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_GETVARARGS, target, multRet ? 0 : uint8_t(targetCount + 1), 0);
void compileExprSelectVararg(AstExprCall* expr, uint8_t target, uint8_t targetCount, bool targetTop, bool multRet, uint8_t regs)
LUAU_ASSERT(targetCount == 1);
LUAU_ASSERT(expr->args.size == 2 && expr->[1]->is<AstExprVarargs>());
AstExpr* arg = expr->[0];
uint8_t argreg;
if (int reg = getExprLocalReg(arg); reg >= 0)
argreg = uint8_t(reg);
argreg = uint8_t(regs + 1);
compileExprTempTop(arg, argreg);
size_t fastcallLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_FASTCALL1, LBF_SELECT_VARARG, argreg, 0);
// note, these instructions are normally not executed and are used as a fallback for FASTCALL
// we can't use TempTop variant here because we need to make sure the arguments we already computed aren't overwritten
compileExprTemp(expr->func, regs);
if (argreg != regs + 1)
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_MOVE, uint8_t(regs + 1), argreg, 0);
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_GETVARARGS, uint8_t(regs + 2), 0, 0);
size_t callLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
if (!bytecode.patchSkipC(fastcallLabel, callLabel))
CompileError::raise(expr->func->location, "Exceeded jump distance limit; simplify the code to compile");
// note, this is always multCall (last argument is variadic)
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_CALL, regs, 0, multRet ? 0 : uint8_t(targetCount + 1));
// if we didn't output results directly to target, we need to move them
if (!targetTop)
for (size_t i = 0; i < targetCount; ++i)
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_MOVE, uint8_t(target + i), uint8_t(regs + i), 0);
void compileExprFastcallN(AstExprCall* expr, uint8_t target, uint8_t targetCount, bool targetTop, bool multRet, uint8_t regs, int bfid)
LUAU_ASSERT(expr->args.size <= 2);
LuauOpcode opc = expr->args.size == 1 ? LOP_FASTCALL1 : LOP_FASTCALL2;
uint32_t args[2] = {};
for (size_t i = 0; i < expr->args.size; ++i)
if (i > 0)
if (int32_t cid = getConstantIndex(expr->[i]); cid >= 0)
args[i] = cid;
if (int reg = getExprLocalReg(expr->[i]); reg >= 0)
args[i] = uint8_t(reg);
args[i] = uint8_t(regs + 1 + i);
compileExprTempTop(expr->[i], uint8_t(args[i]));
size_t fastcallLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
bytecode.emitABC(opc, uint8_t(bfid), uint8_t(args[0]), 0);
if (opc != LOP_FASTCALL1)
// Set up a traditional Lua stack for the subsequent LOP_CALL.
// Note, as with other instructions that immediately follow FASTCALL, these are normally not executed and are used as a fallback for
// these FASTCALL variants.
for (size_t i = 0; i < expr->args.size; ++i)
if (i > 0 && opc == LOP_FASTCALL2K)
emitLoadK(uint8_t(regs + 1 + i), args[i]);
if (args[i] != regs + 1 + i)
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_MOVE, uint8_t(regs + 1 + i), uint8_t(args[i]), 0);
// note, these instructions are normally not executed and are used as a fallback for FASTCALL
// we can't use TempTop variant here because we need to make sure the arguments we already computed aren't overwritten
compileExprTemp(expr->func, regs);
size_t callLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
// FASTCALL will skip over the instructions needed to compute function and jump over CALL which must immediately follow the instruction
// sequence after FASTCALL
if (!bytecode.patchSkipC(fastcallLabel, callLabel))
CompileError::raise(expr->func->location, "Exceeded jump distance limit; simplify the code to compile");
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_CALL, regs, uint8_t(expr->args.size + 1), multRet ? 0 : uint8_t(targetCount + 1));
// if we didn't output results directly to target, we need to move them
if (!targetTop)
for (size_t i = 0; i < targetCount; ++i)
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_MOVE, uint8_t(target + i), uint8_t(regs + i), 0);
bool tryCompileInlinedCall(AstExprCall* expr, AstExprFunction* func, uint8_t target, uint8_t targetCount, bool multRet, int thresholdBase,
int thresholdMaxBoost, int depthLimit)
Function* fi = functions.find(func);
// make sure we have enough register space
if (regTop > 128 || fi->stackSize > 32)
bytecode.addDebugRemark("inlining failed: high register pressure");
return false;
// we should ideally aggregate the costs during recursive inlining, but for now simply limit the depth
if (int(inlineFrames.size()) >= depthLimit)
bytecode.addDebugRemark("inlining failed: too many inlined frames");
return false;
// compiling recursive inlining is difficult because we share constant/variable state but need to bind variables to different registers
for (InlineFrame& frame : inlineFrames)
if (frame.func == func)
bytecode.addDebugRemark("inlining failed: can't inline recursive calls");
return false;
// we can't inline multret functions because the caller expects L->top to be adjusted:
// - inlined return compiles to a JUMP, and we don't have an instruction that adjusts L->top arbitrarily
// - even if we did, right now all L->top adjustments are immediately consumed by the next instruction, and for now we want to preserve that
if (multRet)
bytecode.addDebugRemark("inlining failed: can't convert fixed returns to multret");
return false;
// compute constant bitvector for all arguments to feed the cost model
bool varc[8] = {};
for (size_t i = 0; i < func->args.size && i < expr->args.size && i < 8; ++i)
varc[i] = isConstant(expr->[i]);
// if the last argument only returns a single value, all following arguments are nil
if (expr->args.size != 0 &&
!(expr->[expr->args.size - 1]->is<AstExprCall>() || expr->[expr->args.size - 1]->is<AstExprVarargs>()))
for (size_t i = expr->args.size; i < func->args.size && i < 8; ++i)
varc[i] = true;
// we use a dynamic cost threshold that's based on the fixed limit boosted by the cost advantage we gain due to inlining
int inlinedCost = computeCost(fi->costModel, varc, std::min(int(func->args.size), 8));
int baselineCost = computeCost(fi->costModel, nullptr, 0) + 3;
int inlineProfit = (inlinedCost == 0) ? thresholdMaxBoost : std::min(thresholdMaxBoost, 100 * baselineCost / inlinedCost);
int threshold = thresholdBase * inlineProfit / 100;
if (inlinedCost > threshold)
bytecode.addDebugRemark("inlining failed: too expensive (cost %d, profit %.2fx)", inlinedCost, double(inlineProfit) / 100);
return false;
"inlining succeeded (cost %d, profit %.2fx, depth %d)", inlinedCost, double(inlineProfit) / 100, int(inlineFrames.size()));
compileInlinedCall(expr, func, target, targetCount);
return true;
void compileInlinedCall(AstExprCall* expr, AstExprFunction* func, uint8_t target, uint8_t targetCount)
RegScope rs(this);
size_t oldLocals = localStack.size();
// note that we push the frame early; this is needed to block recursive inline attempts
inlineFrames.push_back({func, oldLocals, target, targetCount});
// evaluate all arguments; note that we don't emit code for constant arguments (relying on constant folding)
for (size_t i = 0; i < func->args.size; ++i)
AstLocal* var = func->[i];
AstExpr* arg = i < expr->args.size ? expr->[i] : nullptr;
if (i + 1 == expr->args.size && func->args.size > expr->args.size && (arg->is<AstExprCall>() || arg->is<AstExprVarargs>()))
// if the last argument can return multiple values, we need to compute all of them into the remaining arguments
unsigned int tail = unsigned(func->args.size - expr->args.size) + 1;
uint8_t reg = allocReg(arg, tail);
if (AstExprCall* expr = arg->as<AstExprCall>())
compileExprCall(expr, reg, tail, /* targetTop= */ true);
else if (AstExprVarargs* expr = arg->as<AstExprVarargs>())
compileExprVarargs(expr, reg, tail);
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unexpected expression type");
for (size_t j = i; j < func->args.size; ++j)
pushLocal(func->[j], uint8_t(reg + (j - i)));
// all remaining function arguments have been allocated and assigned to
else if (Variable* vv = variables.find(var); vv && vv->written)
// if the argument is mutated, we need to allocate a fresh register even if it's a constant
uint8_t reg = allocReg(arg, 1);
if (arg)
compileExprTemp(arg, reg);
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_LOADNIL, reg, 0, 0);
pushLocal(var, reg);
else if (arg == nullptr)
// since the argument is not mutated, we can simply fold the value into the expressions that need it
locstants[var] = {Constant::Type_Nil};
else if (const Constant* cv = constants.find(arg); cv && cv->type != Constant::Type_Unknown)
// since the argument is not mutated, we can simply fold the value into the expressions that need it
locstants[var] = *cv;
AstExprLocal* le = arg->as<AstExprLocal>();
Variable* lv = le ? variables.find(le->local) : nullptr;
// if the argument is a local that isn't mutated, we will simply reuse the existing register
if (int reg = le ? getExprLocalReg(le) : -1; reg >= 0 && (!lv || !lv->written))
pushLocal(var, uint8_t(reg));
uint8_t temp = allocReg(arg, 1);
compileExprTemp(arg, temp);
pushLocal(var, temp);
// evaluate extra expressions for side effects
for (size_t i = func->args.size; i < expr->args.size; ++i)
RegScope rsi(this);
compileExprAuto(expr->[i], rsi);
// fold constant values updated above into expressions in the function body
foldConstants(constants, variables, locstants, func->body);
bool usedFallthrough = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < func->body->body.size; ++i)
AstStat* stat = func->body->[i];
if (AstStatReturn* ret = stat->as<AstStatReturn>())
// Optimization: use fallthrough when compiling return at the end of the function to avoid an extra JUMP
compileInlineReturn(ret, /* fallthrough= */ true);
// TODO: This doesn't work when return is part of control flow; ideally we would track the state somehow and generalize this
usedFallthrough = true;
// for the fallthrough path we need to ensure we clear out target registers
if (!usedFallthrough && !allPathsEndWithReturn(func->body))
for (size_t i = 0; i < targetCount; ++i)
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_LOADNIL, uint8_t(target + i), 0, 0);
size_t returnLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
patchJumps(expr, inlineFrames.back().returnJumps, returnLabel);
// clean up constant state for future inlining attempts
for (size_t i = 0; i < func->args.size; ++i)
if (Constant* var = locstants.find(func->[i]))
var->type = Constant::Type_Unknown;
foldConstants(constants, variables, locstants, func->body);
void compileExprCall(AstExprCall* expr, uint8_t target, uint8_t targetCount, bool targetTop = false, bool multRet = false)
LUAU_ASSERT(!targetTop || unsigned(target + targetCount) == regTop);
setDebugLine(expr); // normally compileExpr sets up line info, but compileExprCall can be called directly
// try inlining the function
if (options.optimizationLevel >= 2 && !expr->self)
AstExprFunction* func = getFunctionExpr(expr->func);
Function* fi = func ? functions.find(func) : nullptr;
if (fi && fi->canInline &&
tryCompileInlinedCall(expr, func, target, targetCount, multRet, FInt::LuauCompileInlineThreshold,
FInt::LuauCompileInlineThresholdMaxBoost, FInt::LuauCompileInlineDepth))
// add a debug remark for cases when we didn't even call tryCompileInlinedCall
if (func && !(fi && fi->canInline))
if (func->vararg)
bytecode.addDebugRemark("inlining failed: function is variadic");
else if (!fi)
bytecode.addDebugRemark("inlining failed: can't inline recursive calls");
else if (getfenvUsed || setfenvUsed)
bytecode.addDebugRemark("inlining failed: module uses getfenv/setfenv");
RegScope rs(this);
unsigned int regCount = std::max(unsigned(1 + expr->self + expr->args.size), unsigned(targetCount));
// Optimization: if target points to the top of the stack, we can start the call at oldTop - 1 and won't need MOVE at the end
uint8_t regs = targetTop ? allocReg(expr, regCount - targetCount) - targetCount : allocReg(expr, regCount);
uint8_t selfreg = 0;
int bfid = -1;
if (options.optimizationLevel >= 1)
Builtin builtin = getBuiltin(expr->func, globals, variables);
bfid = getBuiltinFunctionId(builtin, options);
if (bfid == LBF_SELECT_VARARG)
// Optimization: compile select(_, ...) as FASTCALL1; the builtin will read variadic arguments directly
// note: for now we restrict this to single-return expressions since our runtime code doesn't deal with general cases
if (multRet == false && targetCount == 1 && expr->args.size == 2 && expr->[1]->is<AstExprVarargs>())
return compileExprSelectVararg(expr, target, targetCount, targetTop, multRet, regs);
bfid = -1;
// Optimization: for 1/2 argument fast calls use specialized opcodes
if (!expr->self && bfid >= 0 && expr->args.size >= 1 && expr->args.size <= 2)
AstExpr* last = expr->[expr->args.size - 1];
if (!last->is<AstExprCall>() && !last->is<AstExprVarargs>())
return compileExprFastcallN(expr, target, targetCount, targetTop, multRet, regs, bfid);
if (expr->self)
AstExprIndexName* fi = expr->func->as<AstExprIndexName>();
// Optimization: use local register directly in NAMECALL if possible
if (int reg = getExprLocalReg(fi->expr); reg >= 0)
selfreg = uint8_t(reg);
// Note: to be able to compile very deeply nested self call chains (obj:method1():method2():...), we need to be able to do this in
// finite stack space NAMECALL will happily move object from regs to regs+1 but we need to compute it into regs so that
// compileExprTempTop doesn't increase stack usage for every recursive call
selfreg = regs;
compileExprTempTop(fi->expr, selfreg);
else if (bfid < 0)
compileExprTempTop(expr->func, regs);
bool multCall = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < expr->args.size; ++i)
if (i + 1 == expr->args.size)
multCall = compileExprTempMultRet(expr->[i], uint8_t(regs + 1 + expr->self + i));
compileExprTempTop(expr->[i], uint8_t(regs + 1 + expr->self + i));
if (expr->self)
AstExprIndexName* fi = expr->func->as<AstExprIndexName>();
BytecodeBuilder::StringRef iname = sref(fi->index);
int32_t cid = bytecode.addConstantString(iname);
if (cid < 0)
CompileError::raise(fi->location, "Exceeded constant limit; simplify the code to compile");
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_NAMECALL, regs, selfreg, uint8_t(BytecodeBuilder::getStringHash(iname)));
else if (bfid >= 0)
size_t fastcallLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_FASTCALL, uint8_t(bfid), 0, 0);
// note, these instructions are normally not executed and are used as a fallback for FASTCALL
// we can't use TempTop variant here because we need to make sure the arguments we already computed aren't overwritten
compileExprTemp(expr->func, regs);
size_t callLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
// FASTCALL will skip over the instructions needed to compute function and jump over CALL which must immediately follow the instruction
// sequence after FASTCALL
if (!bytecode.patchSkipC(fastcallLabel, callLabel))
CompileError::raise(expr->func->location, "Exceeded jump distance limit; simplify the code to compile");
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_CALL, regs, multCall ? 0 : uint8_t(expr->self + expr->args.size + 1), multRet ? 0 : uint8_t(targetCount + 1));
// if we didn't output results directly to target, we need to move them
if (!targetTop)
for (size_t i = 0; i < targetCount; ++i)
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_MOVE, uint8_t(target + i), uint8_t(regs + i), 0);
bool shouldShareClosure(AstExprFunction* func)
const Function* f = functions.find(func);
if (!f)
return false;
for (AstLocal* uv : f->upvals)
Variable* ul = variables.find(uv);
if (!ul)
return false;
if (ul->written)
return false;
// it's technically safe to share closures whenever all upvalues are immutable
// this is because of a runtime equality check in DUPCLOSURE.
// however, this results in frequent deoptimization and increases the set of reachable objects, making some temporary objects permanent
// instead we apply a heuristic: we share closures if they refer to top-level upvalues, or closures that refer to top-level upvalues
// this will only deoptimize (outside of fenv changes) if top level code is executed twice with different results.
if (uv->functionDepth != 0 || uv->loopDepth != 0)
AstExprFunction* uf = ul->init ? ul->init->as<AstExprFunction>() : nullptr;
if (!uf)
return false;
if (uf != func && !shouldShareClosure(uf))
return false;
return true;
void compileExprFunction(AstExprFunction* expr, uint8_t target)
RegScope rs(this);
const Function* f = functions.find(expr);
// when the closure has upvalues we'll use this to create the closure at runtime
// when the closure has no upvalues, we use constant closures that technically don't rely on the child function list
// however, it's still important to add the child function because debugger relies on the function hierarchy when setting breakpoints
int16_t pid = bytecode.addChildFunction(f->id);
if (pid < 0)
CompileError::raise(expr->location, "Exceeded closure limit; simplify the code to compile");
// we use a scratch vector to reduce allocations; this is safe since compileExprFunction is not reentrant
for (AstLocal* uv : f->upvals)
LUAU_ASSERT(uv->functionDepth < expr->functionDepth);
if (int reg = getLocalReg(uv); reg >= 0)
// note: we can't check if uv is an upvalue in the current frame because inlining can migrate from upvalues to locals
Variable* ul = variables.find(uv);
bool immutable = !ul || !ul->written;
captures.push_back({immutable ? LCT_VAL : LCT_REF, uint8_t(reg)});
else if (const Constant* uc = locstants.find(uv); uc && uc->type != Constant::Type_Unknown)
// inlining can result in an upvalue capture of a constant, in which case we can't capture without a temporary register
uint8_t reg = allocReg(expr, 1);
compileExprConstant(expr, uc, reg);
captures.push_back({LCT_VAL, reg});
LUAU_ASSERT(uv->functionDepth < expr->functionDepth - 1);
// get upvalue from parent frame
// note: this will add uv to the current upvalue list if necessary
uint8_t uid = getUpval(uv);
captures.push_back({LCT_UPVAL, uid});
// Optimization: when closure has no upvalues, or upvalues are safe to share, instead of allocating it every time we can share closure
// objects (this breaks assumptions about function identity which can lead to setfenv not working as expected, so we disable this when it
// is used)
int16_t shared = -1;
if (options.optimizationLevel >= 1 && shouldShareClosure(expr) && !setfenvUsed)
int32_t cid = bytecode.addConstantClosure(f->id);
if (cid >= 0 && cid < 32768)
shared = int16_t(cid);
if (shared >= 0)
bytecode.emitAD(LOP_DUPCLOSURE, target, shared);
bytecode.emitAD(LOP_NEWCLOSURE, target, pid);
for (const Capture& c : captures)
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_CAPTURE, uint8_t(c.type),, 0);
LuauOpcode getUnaryOp(AstExprUnary::Op op)
switch (op)
case AstExprUnary::Not:
return LOP_NOT;
case AstExprUnary::Minus:
return LOP_MINUS;
case AstExprUnary::Len:
return LOP_LENGTH;
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unexpected unary operation");
return LOP_NOP;
LuauOpcode getBinaryOpArith(AstExprBinary::Op op, bool k = false)
switch (op)
case AstExprBinary::Add:
return k ? LOP_ADDK : LOP_ADD;
case AstExprBinary::Sub:
return k ? LOP_SUBK : LOP_SUB;
case AstExprBinary::Mul:
return k ? LOP_MULK : LOP_MUL;
case AstExprBinary::Div:
return k ? LOP_DIVK : LOP_DIV;
case AstExprBinary::Mod:
return k ? LOP_MODK : LOP_MOD;
case AstExprBinary::Pow:
return k ? LOP_POWK : LOP_POW;
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unexpected binary operation");
return LOP_NOP;
LuauOpcode getJumpOpCompare(AstExprBinary::Op op, bool not_ = false)
switch (op)
case AstExprBinary::CompareNe:
case AstExprBinary::CompareEq:
case AstExprBinary::CompareLt:
case AstExprBinary::CompareGt:
case AstExprBinary::CompareLe:
case AstExprBinary::CompareGe:
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unexpected binary operation");
return LOP_NOP;
bool isConstant(AstExpr* node)
const Constant* cv = constants.find(node);
return cv && cv->type != Constant::Type_Unknown;
bool isConstantTrue(AstExpr* node)
const Constant* cv = constants.find(node);
return cv && cv->type != Constant::Type_Unknown && cv->isTruthful();
bool isConstantFalse(AstExpr* node)
const Constant* cv = constants.find(node);
return cv && cv->type != Constant::Type_Unknown && !cv->isTruthful();
Constant getConstant(AstExpr* node)
const Constant* cv = constants.find(node);
return cv ? *cv : Constant{Constant::Type_Unknown};
size_t compileCompareJump(AstExprBinary* expr, bool not_ = false)
RegScope rs(this);
LuauOpcode opc = getJumpOpCompare(expr->op, not_);
bool isEq = (opc == LOP_JUMPIFEQ || opc == LOP_JUMPIFNOTEQ);
AstExpr* left = expr->left;
AstExpr* right = expr->right;
bool operandIsConstant = isConstant(right);
if (isEq && !operandIsConstant)
operandIsConstant = isConstant(left);
if (operandIsConstant)
std::swap(left, right);
uint8_t rl = compileExprAuto(left, rs);
int32_t rr = -1;
if (isEq && operandIsConstant)
if (opc == LOP_JUMPIFEQ)
else if (opc == LOP_JUMPIFNOTEQ)
rr = getConstantIndex(right);
LUAU_ASSERT(rr >= 0);
rr = compileExprAuto(right, rs);
size_t jumpLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
if (expr->op == AstExprBinary::CompareGt || expr->op == AstExprBinary::CompareGe)
bytecode.emitAD(opc, uint8_t(rr), 0);
bytecode.emitAD(opc, rl, 0);
return jumpLabel;
int32_t getConstantNumber(AstExpr* node)
const Constant* c = constants.find(node);
if (c && c->type == Constant::Type_Number)
int cid = bytecode.addConstantNumber(c->valueNumber);
if (cid < 0)
CompileError::raise(node->location, "Exceeded constant limit; simplify the code to compile");
return cid;
return -1;
int32_t getConstantIndex(AstExpr* node)
const Constant* c = constants.find(node);
if (!c || c->type == Constant::Type_Unknown)
return -1;
int cid = -1;
switch (c->type)
case Constant::Type_Nil:
cid = bytecode.addConstantNil();
case Constant::Type_Boolean:
cid = bytecode.addConstantBoolean(c->valueBoolean);
case Constant::Type_Number:
cid = bytecode.addConstantNumber(c->valueNumber);
case Constant::Type_String:
cid = bytecode.addConstantString(sref(c->getString()));
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unexpected constant type");
return -1;
if (cid < 0)
CompileError::raise(node->location, "Exceeded constant limit; simplify the code to compile");
return cid;
// compile expr to target temp register
// if the expr (or not expr if onlyTruth is false) is truthy, jump via skipJump
// if the expr (or not expr if onlyTruth is false) is falsy, fall through (target isn't guaranteed to be updated in this case)
// if target is omitted, then the jump behavior is the same - skipJump or fallthrough depending on the truthiness of the expression
void compileConditionValue(AstExpr* node, const uint8_t* target, std::vector<size_t>& skipJump, bool onlyTruth)
// Optimization: we don't need to compute constant values
if (const Constant* cv = constants.find(node); cv && cv->type != Constant::Type_Unknown)
// note that we only need to compute the value if it's truthy; otherwise we cal fall through
if (cv->isTruthful() == onlyTruth)
if (target)
compileExprTemp(node, *target);
bytecode.emitAD(LOP_JUMP, 0, 0);
if (AstExprBinary* expr = node->as<AstExprBinary>())
switch (expr->op)
case AstExprBinary::And:
case AstExprBinary::Or:
// disambiguation: there's 4 cases (we only need truthy or falsy results based on onlyTruth)
// onlyTruth = 1: a and b transforms to a ? b : dontcare
// onlyTruth = 1: a or b transforms to a ? a : a
// onlyTruth = 0: a and b transforms to !a ? a : b
// onlyTruth = 0: a or b transforms to !a ? b : dontcare
if (onlyTruth == (expr->op == AstExprBinary::And))
// we need to compile the left hand side, and skip to "dontcare" (aka fallthrough of the entire statement) if it's not the same as
// onlyTruth if it's the same then the result of the expression is the right hand side because of this, we *never* care about the
// result of the left hand side
std::vector<size_t> elseJump;
compileConditionValue(expr->left, nullptr, elseJump, !onlyTruth);
// fallthrough indicates that we need to compute & return the right hand side
// we use compileConditionValue again to process any extra and/or statements directly
compileConditionValue(expr->right, target, skipJump, onlyTruth);
size_t elseLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
patchJumps(expr, elseJump, elseLabel);
// we need to compute the left hand side first; note that we will jump to skipJump if we know the answer
compileConditionValue(expr->left, target, skipJump, onlyTruth);
// we will fall through if computing the left hand didn't give us an "interesting" result
// we still use compileConditionValue to recursively optimize any and/or/compare statements
compileConditionValue(expr->right, target, skipJump, onlyTruth);
case AstExprBinary::CompareNe:
case AstExprBinary::CompareEq:
case AstExprBinary::CompareLt:
case AstExprBinary::CompareLe:
case AstExprBinary::CompareGt:
case AstExprBinary::CompareGe:
if (target)
// since target is a temp register, we'll initialize it to 1, and then jump if the comparison is true
// if the comparison is false, we'll fallthrough and target will still be 1 but target has unspecified value for falsy results
// when we only care about falsy values instead of truthy values, the process is the same but with flipped conditionals
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_LOADB, *target, onlyTruth ? 1 : 0, 0);
size_t jumpLabel = compileCompareJump(expr, /* not= */ !onlyTruth);
// fall-through to default path below
if (AstExprUnary* expr = node->as<AstExprUnary>())
// if we *do* need to compute the target, we'd have to inject "not" ops on every return path
// this is possible but cumbersome; so for now we only optimize not expression when we *don't* need the value
if (!target && expr->op == AstExprUnary::Not)
compileConditionValue(expr->expr, target, skipJump, !onlyTruth);
if (AstExprGroup* expr = node->as<AstExprGroup>())
compileConditionValue(expr->expr, target, skipJump, onlyTruth);
RegScope rs(this);
uint8_t reg;
if (target)
reg = *target;
compileExprTemp(node, reg);
reg = compileExprAuto(node, rs);
bytecode.emitAD(onlyTruth ? LOP_JUMPIF : LOP_JUMPIFNOT, reg, 0);
// checks if compiling the expression as a condition value generates code that's faster than using compileExpr
bool isConditionFast(AstExpr* node)
const Constant* cv = constants.find(node);
if (cv && cv->type != Constant::Type_Unknown)
return true;
if (AstExprBinary* expr = node->as<AstExprBinary>())
switch (expr->op)
case AstExprBinary::And:
case AstExprBinary::Or:
return true;
case AstExprBinary::CompareNe:
case AstExprBinary::CompareEq:
case AstExprBinary::CompareLt:
case AstExprBinary::CompareLe:
case AstExprBinary::CompareGt:
case AstExprBinary::CompareGe:
return true;
return false;
if (AstExprGroup* expr = node->as<AstExprGroup>())
return isConditionFast(expr->expr);
return false;
void compileExprAndOr(AstExprBinary* expr, uint8_t target, bool targetTemp)
bool and_ = (expr->op == AstExprBinary::And);
RegScope rs(this);
// Optimization: when left hand side is a constant, we can emit left hand side or right hand side
if (const Constant* cl = constants.find(expr->left); cl && cl->type != Constant::Type_Unknown)
compileExpr(and_ == cl->isTruthful() ? expr->right : expr->left, target, targetTemp);
// Note: two optimizations below can lead to inefficient codegen when the left hand side is a condition
if (!isConditionFast(expr->left))
// Optimization: when right hand side is a local variable, we can use AND/OR
if (int reg = getExprLocalReg(expr->right); reg >= 0)
uint8_t lr = compileExprAuto(expr->left, rs);
uint8_t rr = uint8_t(reg);
bytecode.emitABC(and_ ? LOP_AND : LOP_OR, target, lr, rr);
// Optimization: when right hand side is a constant, we can use ANDK/ORK
int32_t cid = getConstantIndex(expr->right);
if (cid >= 0 && cid <= 255)
uint8_t lr = compileExprAuto(expr->left, rs);
bytecode.emitABC(and_ ? LOP_ANDK : LOP_ORK, target, lr, uint8_t(cid));
// Optimization: if target is a temp register, we can clobber it which allows us to compute the result directly into it
// If it's not a temp register, then something like `a = a > 1 or a + 2` may clobber `a` while evaluating left hand side, and `a+2` will break
uint8_t reg = targetTemp ? target : allocReg(expr, 1);
std::vector<size_t> skipJump;
compileConditionValue(expr->left, &reg, skipJump, /* onlyTruth= */ !and_);
compileExprTemp(expr->right, reg);
size_t moveLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
patchJumps(expr, skipJump, moveLabel);
if (target != reg)
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_MOVE, target, reg, 0);
void compileExprUnary(AstExprUnary* expr, uint8_t target)
RegScope rs(this);
uint8_t re = compileExprAuto(expr->expr, rs);
bytecode.emitABC(getUnaryOp(expr->op), target, re, 0);
static void unrollConcats(std::vector<AstExpr*>& args)
for (;;)
AstExprBinary* be = args.back()->as<AstExprBinary>();
if (!be || be->op != AstExprBinary::Concat)
args.back() = be->left;
void compileExprBinary(AstExprBinary* expr, uint8_t target, bool targetTemp)
RegScope rs(this);
switch (expr->op)
case AstExprBinary::Add:
case AstExprBinary::Sub:
case AstExprBinary::Mul:
case AstExprBinary::Div:
case AstExprBinary::Mod:
case AstExprBinary::Pow:
int32_t rc = getConstantNumber(expr->right);
if (rc >= 0 && rc <= 255)
uint8_t rl = compileExprAuto(expr->left, rs);
bytecode.emitABC(getBinaryOpArith(expr->op, /* k= */ true), target, rl, uint8_t(rc));
uint8_t rl = compileExprAuto(expr->left, rs);
uint8_t rr = compileExprAuto(expr->right, rs);
bytecode.emitABC(getBinaryOpArith(expr->op), target, rl, rr);
case AstExprBinary::Concat:
std::vector<AstExpr*> args = {expr->left, expr->right};
// unroll the tree of concats down the right hand side to be able to do multiple ops
uint8_t regs = allocReg(expr, unsigned(args.size()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i)
compileExprTemp(args[i], uint8_t(regs + i));
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_CONCAT, target, regs, uint8_t(regs + args.size() - 1));
case AstExprBinary::CompareNe:
case AstExprBinary::CompareEq:
case AstExprBinary::CompareLt:
case AstExprBinary::CompareLe:
case AstExprBinary::CompareGt:
case AstExprBinary::CompareGe:
size_t jumpLabel = compileCompareJump(expr);
// note: this skips over the next LOADB instruction because of "1" in the C slot
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_LOADB, target, 0, 1);
size_t thenLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_LOADB, target, 1, 0);
patchJump(expr, jumpLabel, thenLabel);
case AstExprBinary::And:
case AstExprBinary::Or:
compileExprAndOr(expr, target, targetTemp);
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unexpected binary operation");
void compileExprIfElse(AstExprIfElse* expr, uint8_t target, bool targetTemp)
if (isConstant(expr->condition))
if (isConstantTrue(expr->condition))
compileExpr(expr->trueExpr, target, targetTemp);
compileExpr(expr->falseExpr, target, targetTemp);
std::vector<size_t> elseJump;
compileConditionValue(expr->condition, nullptr, elseJump, false);
compileExpr(expr->trueExpr, target, targetTemp);
// Jump over else expression evaluation
size_t thenLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
bytecode.emitAD(LOP_JUMP, 0, 0);
size_t elseLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
compileExpr(expr->falseExpr, target, targetTemp);
size_t endLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
patchJumps(expr, elseJump, elseLabel);
patchJump(expr, thenLabel, endLabel);
static uint8_t encodeHashSize(unsigned int hashSize)
size_t hashSizeLog2 = 0;
while ((1u << hashSizeLog2) < hashSize)
return hashSize == 0 ? 0 : uint8_t(hashSizeLog2 + 1);
void compileExprTable(AstExprTable* expr, uint8_t target, bool targetTemp)
// Optimization: if the table is empty, we can compute it directly into the target
if (expr->items.size == 0)
TableShape shape = tableShapes[expr];
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_NEWTABLE, target, encodeHashSize(shape.hashSize), 0);
unsigned int arraySize = 0;
unsigned int hashSize = 0;
unsigned int recordSize = 0;
unsigned int indexSize = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < expr->items.size; ++i)
const AstExprTable::Item& item = expr->[i];
arraySize += (item.kind == AstExprTable::Item::List);
hashSize += (item.kind != AstExprTable::Item::List);
recordSize += (item.kind == AstExprTable::Item::Record);
// Optimization: allocate sequential explicitly specified numeric indices ([1]) as arrays
if (arraySize == 0 && hashSize > 0)
for (size_t i = 0; i < expr->items.size; ++i)
const AstExprTable::Item& item = expr->[i];
LUAU_ASSERT(item.key); // no list portion => all items have keys
const Constant* ckey = constants.find(item.key);
indexSize += (ckey && ckey->type == Constant::Type_Number && ckey->valueNumber == double(indexSize + 1));
// we only perform the optimization if we don't have any other []-keys
// technically it's "safe" to do this even if we have other keys, but doing so changes iteration order and may break existing code
if (hashSize == recordSize + indexSize)
hashSize = recordSize;
indexSize = 0;
int encodedHashSize = encodeHashSize(hashSize);
RegScope rs(this);
// Optimization: if target is a temp register, we can clobber it which allows us to compute the result directly into it
uint8_t reg = targetTemp ? target : allocReg(expr, 1);
// Optimization: when all items are record fields, use template tables to compile expression
if (arraySize == 0 && indexSize == 0 && hashSize == recordSize && recordSize >= 1 && recordSize <= BytecodeBuilder::TableShape::kMaxLength)
BytecodeBuilder::TableShape shape;
for (size_t i = 0; i < expr->items.size; ++i)
const AstExprTable::Item& item = expr->[i];
LUAU_ASSERT(item.kind == AstExprTable::Item::Record);
AstExprConstantString* ckey = item.key->as<AstExprConstantString>();
int cid = bytecode.addConstantString(sref(ckey->value));
if (cid < 0)
CompileError::raise(ckey->location, "Exceeded constant limit; simplify the code to compile");
LUAU_ASSERT(shape.length < BytecodeBuilder::TableShape::kMaxLength);
shape.keys[shape.length++] = int16_t(cid);
int32_t tid = bytecode.addConstantTable(shape);
if (tid < 0)
CompileError::raise(expr->location, "Exceeded constant limit; simplify the code to compile");
if (tid < 32768)
bytecode.emitAD(LOP_DUPTABLE, reg, int16_t(tid));
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_NEWTABLE, reg, uint8_t(encodedHashSize), 0);
// Optimization: instead of allocating one extra element when the last element of the table literal is ..., let SETLIST allocate the
// correct amount of storage
const AstExprTable::Item* last = expr->items.size > 0 ? &expr->[expr->items.size - 1] : nullptr;
bool trailingVarargs = last && last->kind == AstExprTable::Item::List && last->value->is<AstExprVarargs>();
LUAU_ASSERT(!trailingVarargs || arraySize > 0);
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_NEWTABLE, reg, uint8_t(encodedHashSize), 0);
bytecode.emitAux(arraySize - trailingVarargs + indexSize);
unsigned int arrayChunkSize = std::min(16u, arraySize);
uint8_t arrayChunkReg = allocReg(expr, arrayChunkSize);
unsigned int arrayChunkCurrent = 0;
unsigned int arrayIndex = 1;
bool multRet = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < expr->items.size; ++i)
const AstExprTable::Item& item = expr->[i];
AstExpr* key = item.key;
AstExpr* value = item.value;
// some key/value pairs don't require us to compile the expressions, so we need to setup the line info here
if (options.coverageLevel >= 2)
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_COVERAGE, 0, 0, 0);
// flush array chunk on overflow or before hash keys to maintain insertion order
if (arrayChunkCurrent > 0 && (key || arrayChunkCurrent == arrayChunkSize))
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_SETLIST, reg, arrayChunkReg, uint8_t(arrayChunkCurrent + 1));
arrayIndex += arrayChunkCurrent;
arrayChunkCurrent = 0;
// items with a key are set one by one via SETTABLE/SETTABLEKS/SETTABLEN
if (key)
RegScope rsi(this);
LValue lv = compileLValueIndex(reg, key, rsi);
uint8_t rv = compileExprAuto(value, rsi);
compileAssign(lv, rv);
// items without a key are set using SETLIST so that we can initialize large arrays quickly
uint8_t temp = uint8_t(arrayChunkReg + arrayChunkCurrent);
if (i + 1 == expr->items.size)
multRet = compileExprTempMultRet(value, temp);
compileExprTempTop(value, temp);
// flush last array chunk; note that this needs multret handling if the last expression was multret
if (arrayChunkCurrent)
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_SETLIST, reg, arrayChunkReg, multRet ? 0 : uint8_t(arrayChunkCurrent + 1));
if (target != reg)
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_MOVE, target, reg, 0);
bool canImport(AstExprGlobal* expr)
return options.optimizationLevel >= 1 && getGlobalState(globals, expr->name) != Global::Written;
bool canImportChain(AstExprGlobal* expr)
return options.optimizationLevel >= 1 && getGlobalState(globals, expr->name) == Global::Default;
void compileExprIndexName(AstExprIndexName* expr, uint8_t target)
setDebugLine(expr); // normally compileExpr sets up line info, but compileExprIndexName can be called directly
// Optimization: index chains that start from global variables can be compiled into GETIMPORT statement
AstExprGlobal* importRoot = 0;
AstExprIndexName* import1 = 0;
AstExprIndexName* import2 = 0;
if (AstExprIndexName* index = expr->expr->as<AstExprIndexName>())
importRoot = index->expr->as<AstExprGlobal>();
import1 = index;
import2 = expr;
importRoot = expr->expr->as<AstExprGlobal>();
import1 = expr;
if (importRoot && canImportChain(importRoot))
int32_t id0 = bytecode.addConstantString(sref(importRoot->name));
int32_t id1 = bytecode.addConstantString(sref(import1->index));
int32_t id2 = import2 ? bytecode.addConstantString(sref(import2->index)) : -1;
if (id0 < 0 || id1 < 0 || (import2 && id2 < 0))
CompileError::raise(expr->location, "Exceeded constant limit; simplify the code to compile");
// Note: GETIMPORT encoding is limited to 10 bits per object id component
if (id0 < 1024 && id1 < 1024 && id2 < 1024)
uint32_t iid = import2 ? BytecodeBuilder::getImportId(id0, id1, id2) : BytecodeBuilder::getImportId(id0, id1);
int32_t cid = bytecode.addImport(iid);
if (cid >= 0 && cid < 32768)
bytecode.emitAD(LOP_GETIMPORT, target, int16_t(cid));
RegScope rs(this);
uint8_t reg = compileExprAuto(expr->expr, rs);
BytecodeBuilder::StringRef iname = sref(expr->index);
int32_t cid = bytecode.addConstantString(iname);
if (cid < 0)
CompileError::raise(expr->location, "Exceeded constant limit; simplify the code to compile");
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_GETTABLEKS, target, reg, uint8_t(BytecodeBuilder::getStringHash(iname)));
void compileExprIndexExpr(AstExprIndexExpr* expr, uint8_t target)
RegScope rs(this);
Constant cv = getConstant(expr->index);
if (cv.type == Constant::Type_Number && cv.valueNumber >= 1 && cv.valueNumber <= 256 && double(int(cv.valueNumber)) == cv.valueNumber)
uint8_t i = uint8_t(int(cv.valueNumber) - 1);
uint8_t rt = compileExprAuto(expr->expr, rs);
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_GETTABLEN, target, rt, i);
else if (cv.type == Constant::Type_String)
BytecodeBuilder::StringRef iname = sref(cv.getString());
int32_t cid = bytecode.addConstantString(iname);
if (cid < 0)
CompileError::raise(expr->location, "Exceeded constant limit; simplify the code to compile");
uint8_t rt = compileExprAuto(expr->expr, rs);
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_GETTABLEKS, target, rt, uint8_t(BytecodeBuilder::getStringHash(iname)));
uint8_t rt = compileExprAuto(expr->expr, rs);
uint8_t ri = compileExprAuto(expr->index, rs);
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_GETTABLE, target, rt, ri);
void compileExprGlobal(AstExprGlobal* expr, uint8_t target)
// Optimization: builtin globals can be retrieved using GETIMPORT
if (canImport(expr))
int32_t id0 = bytecode.addConstantString(sref(expr->name));
if (id0 < 0)
CompileError::raise(expr->location, "Exceeded constant limit; simplify the code to compile");
// Note: GETIMPORT encoding is limited to 10 bits per object id component
if (id0 < 1024)
uint32_t iid = BytecodeBuilder::getImportId(id0);
int32_t cid = bytecode.addImport(iid);
if (cid >= 0 && cid < 32768)
bytecode.emitAD(LOP_GETIMPORT, target, int16_t(cid));
BytecodeBuilder::StringRef gname = sref(expr->name);
int32_t cid = bytecode.addConstantString(gname);
if (cid < 0)
CompileError::raise(expr->location, "Exceeded constant limit; simplify the code to compile");
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_GETGLOBAL, target, 0, uint8_t(BytecodeBuilder::getStringHash(gname)));
void compileExprConstant(AstExpr* node, const Constant* cv, uint8_t target)
switch (cv->type)
case Constant::Type_Nil:
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_LOADNIL, target, 0, 0);
case Constant::Type_Boolean:
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_LOADB, target, cv->valueBoolean, 0);
case Constant::Type_Number:
double d = cv->valueNumber;
if (d >= std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min() && d <= std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max() && double(int16_t(d)) == d &&
!(d == 0.0 && signbit(d)))
// short number encoding: doesn't require a table entry lookup
bytecode.emitAD(LOP_LOADN, target, int16_t(d));
// long number encoding: use generic constant path
int32_t cid = bytecode.addConstantNumber(d);
if (cid < 0)
CompileError::raise(node->location, "Exceeded constant limit; simplify the code to compile");
emitLoadK(target, cid);
case Constant::Type_String:
int32_t cid = bytecode.addConstantString(sref(cv->getString()));
if (cid < 0)
CompileError::raise(node->location, "Exceeded constant limit; simplify the code to compile");
emitLoadK(target, cid);
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unexpected constant type");
void compileExpr(AstExpr* node, uint8_t target, bool targetTemp = false)
if (options.coverageLevel >= 2 && needsCoverage(node))
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_COVERAGE, 0, 0, 0);
// Optimization: if expression has a constant value, we can emit it directly
if (const Constant* cv = constants.find(node); cv && cv->type != Constant::Type_Unknown)
compileExprConstant(node, cv, target);
if (AstExprGroup* expr = node->as<AstExprGroup>())
compileExpr(expr->expr, target, targetTemp);
else if (node->is<AstExprConstantNil>())
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_LOADNIL, target, 0, 0);
else if (AstExprConstantBool* expr = node->as<AstExprConstantBool>())
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_LOADB, target, expr->value, 0);
else if (AstExprConstantNumber* expr = node->as<AstExprConstantNumber>())
int32_t cid = bytecode.addConstantNumber(expr->value);
if (cid < 0)
CompileError::raise(expr->location, "Exceeded constant limit; simplify the code to compile");
emitLoadK(target, cid);
else if (AstExprConstantString* expr = node->as<AstExprConstantString>())
int32_t cid = bytecode.addConstantString(sref(expr->value));
if (cid < 0)
CompileError::raise(expr->location, "Exceeded constant limit; simplify the code to compile");
emitLoadK(target, cid);
else if (AstExprLocal* expr = node->as<AstExprLocal>())
// note: this can't check expr->upvalue because upvalues may be upgraded to locals during inlining
if (int reg = getExprLocalReg(expr); reg >= 0)
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_MOVE, target, uint8_t(reg), 0);
uint8_t uid = getUpval(expr->local);
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_GETUPVAL, target, uid, 0);
else if (AstExprGlobal* expr = node->as<AstExprGlobal>())
compileExprGlobal(expr, target);
else if (AstExprVarargs* expr = node->as<AstExprVarargs>())
compileExprVarargs(expr, target, /* targetCount= */ 1);
else if (AstExprCall* expr = node->as<AstExprCall>())
// Optimization: when targeting temporary registers, we can compile call in a special mode that doesn't require extra register moves
if (targetTemp && target == regTop - 1)
compileExprCall(expr, target, 1, /* targetTop= */ true);
compileExprCall(expr, target, /* targetCount= */ 1);
else if (AstExprIndexName* expr = node->as<AstExprIndexName>())
compileExprIndexName(expr, target);
else if (AstExprIndexExpr* expr = node->as<AstExprIndexExpr>())
compileExprIndexExpr(expr, target);
else if (AstExprFunction* expr = node->as<AstExprFunction>())
compileExprFunction(expr, target);
else if (AstExprTable* expr = node->as<AstExprTable>())
compileExprTable(expr, target, targetTemp);
else if (AstExprUnary* expr = node->as<AstExprUnary>())
compileExprUnary(expr, target);
else if (AstExprBinary* expr = node->as<AstExprBinary>())
compileExprBinary(expr, target, targetTemp);
else if (AstExprTypeAssertion* expr = node->as<AstExprTypeAssertion>())
compileExpr(expr->expr, target, targetTemp);
else if (AstExprIfElse* expr = node->as<AstExprIfElse>())
compileExprIfElse(expr, target, targetTemp);
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unknown expression type");
void compileExprTemp(AstExpr* node, uint8_t target)
return compileExpr(node, target, /* targetTemp= */ true);
uint8_t compileExprAuto(AstExpr* node, RegScope&)
// Optimization: directly return locals instead of copying them to a temporary
if (int reg = getExprLocalReg(node); reg >= 0)
return uint8_t(reg);
// note: the register is owned by the parent scope
uint8_t reg = allocReg(node, 1);
compileExprTemp(node, reg);
return reg;
// initializes range using expressions from the list
// if list has fewer expressions, and last expression is a call, we assume the call returns the rest of the values
// if list has fewer expressions, and last expression isn't a call, we fill the rest with nil
// assumes target register range can be clobbered and is at the top of the register space if targetTop = true
void compileExprListTemp(const AstArray<AstExpr*>& list, uint8_t target, uint8_t targetCount, bool targetTop)
// we assume that target range is at the top of the register space and can be clobbered
// this is what allows us to compile the last call expression - if it's a call - using targetTop=true
LUAU_ASSERT(!targetTop || unsigned(target + targetCount) == regTop);
if (list.size == targetCount)
for (size_t i = 0; i < list.size; ++i)
compileExprTemp([i], uint8_t(target + i));
else if (list.size > targetCount)
for (size_t i = 0; i < targetCount; ++i)
compileExprTemp([i], uint8_t(target + i));
// evaluate extra expressions for side effects
for (size_t i = targetCount; i < list.size; ++i)
RegScope rsi(this);
compileExprAuto([i], rsi);
else if (list.size > 0)
for (size_t i = 0; i < list.size - 1; ++i)
compileExprTemp([i], uint8_t(target + i));
AstExpr* last =[list.size - 1];
if (AstExprCall* expr = last->as<AstExprCall>())
compileExprCall(expr, uint8_t(target + list.size - 1), uint8_t(targetCount - (list.size - 1)), targetTop);
else if (AstExprVarargs* expr = last->as<AstExprVarargs>())
compileExprVarargs(expr, uint8_t(target + list.size - 1), uint8_t(targetCount - (list.size - 1)));
compileExprTemp(last, uint8_t(target + list.size - 1));
for (size_t i = list.size; i < targetCount; ++i)
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_LOADNIL, uint8_t(target + i), 0, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < targetCount; ++i)
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_LOADNIL, uint8_t(target + i), 0, 0);
struct LValue
enum Kind
Kind kind;
uint8_t reg; // register for local (Local) or table (Index*)
uint8_t upval;
uint8_t index; // register for index in IndexExpr
uint8_t number; // index-1 (0-255) in IndexNumber
BytecodeBuilder::StringRef name;
Location location;
LValue compileLValueIndex(uint8_t reg, AstExpr* index, RegScope& rs)
Constant cv = getConstant(index);
if (cv.type == Constant::Type_Number && cv.valueNumber >= 1 && cv.valueNumber <= 256 && double(int(cv.valueNumber)) == cv.valueNumber)
LValue result = {LValue::Kind_IndexNumber};
result.reg = reg;
result.number = uint8_t(int(cv.valueNumber) - 1);
result.location = index->location;
return result;
else if (cv.type == Constant::Type_String)
LValue result = {LValue::Kind_IndexName};
result.reg = reg; = sref(cv.getString());
result.location = index->location;
return result;
LValue result = {LValue::Kind_IndexExpr};
result.reg = reg;
result.index = compileExprAuto(index, rs);
result.location = index->location;
return result;
LValue compileLValue(AstExpr* node, RegScope& rs)
if (AstExprLocal* expr = node->as<AstExprLocal>())
// note: this can't check expr->upvalue because upvalues may be upgraded to locals during inlining
if (int reg = getExprLocalReg(expr); reg >= 0)
LValue result = {LValue::Kind_Local};
result.reg = uint8_t(reg);
result.location = node->location;
return result;
LValue result = {LValue::Kind_Upvalue};
result.upval = getUpval(expr->local);
result.location = node->location;
return result;
else if (AstExprGlobal* expr = node->as<AstExprGlobal>())
LValue result = {LValue::Kind_Global}; = sref(expr->name);
result.location = node->location;
return result;
else if (AstExprIndexName* expr = node->as<AstExprIndexName>())
LValue result = {LValue::Kind_IndexName};
result.reg = compileExprAuto(expr->expr, rs); = sref(expr->index);
result.location = node->location;
return result;
else if (AstExprIndexExpr* expr = node->as<AstExprIndexExpr>())
uint8_t reg = compileExprAuto(expr->expr, rs);
return compileLValueIndex(reg, expr->index, rs);
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unknown assignment expression");
return LValue();
void compileLValueUse(const LValue& lv, uint8_t reg, bool set)
switch (lv.kind)
case LValue::Kind_Local:
if (set)
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_MOVE, lv.reg, reg, 0);
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_MOVE, reg, lv.reg, 0);
case LValue::Kind_Upvalue:
bytecode.emitABC(set ? LOP_SETUPVAL : LOP_GETUPVAL, reg, lv.upval, 0);
case LValue::Kind_Global:
int32_t cid = bytecode.addConstantString(;
if (cid < 0)
CompileError::raise(lv.location, "Exceeded constant limit; simplify the code to compile");
bytecode.emitABC(set ? LOP_SETGLOBAL : LOP_GETGLOBAL, reg, 0, uint8_t(BytecodeBuilder::getStringHash(;
case LValue::Kind_IndexName:
int32_t cid = bytecode.addConstantString(;
if (cid < 0)
CompileError::raise(lv.location, "Exceeded constant limit; simplify the code to compile");
bytecode.emitABC(set ? LOP_SETTABLEKS : LOP_GETTABLEKS, reg, lv.reg, uint8_t(BytecodeBuilder::getStringHash(;
case LValue::Kind_IndexNumber:
bytecode.emitABC(set ? LOP_SETTABLEN : LOP_GETTABLEN, reg, lv.reg, lv.number);
case LValue::Kind_IndexExpr:
bytecode.emitABC(set ? LOP_SETTABLE : LOP_GETTABLE, reg, lv.reg, lv.index);
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unknown lvalue kind");
void compileAssign(const LValue& lv, uint8_t source)
compileLValueUse(lv, source, /* set= */ true);
int getExprLocalReg(AstExpr* node)
if (AstExprLocal* expr = node->as<AstExprLocal>())
// note: this can't check expr->upvalue because upvalues may be upgraded to locals during inlining
Local* l = locals.find(expr->local);
return l && l->allocated ? l->reg : -1;
else if (AstExprGroup* expr = node->as<AstExprGroup>())
return getExprLocalReg(expr->expr);
else if (AstExprTypeAssertion* expr = node->as<AstExprTypeAssertion>())
return getExprLocalReg(expr->expr);
return -1;
bool isStatBreak(AstStat* node)
if (AstStatBlock* stat = node->as<AstStatBlock>())
return stat->body.size == 1 && stat->[0]->is<AstStatBreak>();
return node->is<AstStatBreak>();
AstStatContinue* extractStatContinue(AstStatBlock* block)
if (block->body.size == 1)
return block->[0]->as<AstStatContinue>();
return nullptr;
void compileStatIf(AstStatIf* stat)
// Optimization: condition is always false => we only need the else body
if (isConstantFalse(stat->condition))
if (stat->elsebody)
// Optimization: body is a "break" statement with no "else" => we can directly break out of the loop in "then" case
if (!stat->elsebody && isStatBreak(stat->thenbody) && !areLocalsCaptured(loops.back().localOffset))
// fallthrough = continue with the loop as usual
std::vector<size_t> elseJump;
compileConditionValue(stat->condition, nullptr, elseJump, true);
for (size_t jump : elseJump)
loopJumps.push_back({LoopJump::Break, jump});
AstStat* continueStatement = extractStatContinue(stat->thenbody);
// Optimization: body is a "continue" statement with no "else" => we can directly continue in "then" case
if (!stat->elsebody && continueStatement != nullptr && !areLocalsCaptured(loops.back().localOffset))
if (loops.back().untilCondition)
validateContinueUntil(continueStatement, loops.back().untilCondition);
// fallthrough = proceed with the loop body as usual
std::vector<size_t> elseJump;
compileConditionValue(stat->condition, nullptr, elseJump, true);
for (size_t jump : elseJump)
loopJumps.push_back({LoopJump::Continue, jump});
std::vector<size_t> elseJump;
compileConditionValue(stat->condition, nullptr, elseJump, false);
if (stat->elsebody && elseJump.size() > 0)
// we don't need to skip past "else" body if "then" ends with return
// this is important because, if "else" also ends with return, we may *not* have any statement to skip to!
if (allPathsEndWithReturn(stat->thenbody))
size_t elseLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
patchJumps(stat, elseJump, elseLabel);
size_t thenLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
bytecode.emitAD(LOP_JUMP, 0, 0);
size_t elseLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
size_t endLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
patchJumps(stat, elseJump, elseLabel);
patchJump(stat, thenLabel, endLabel);
size_t endLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
patchJumps(stat, elseJump, endLabel);
void compileStatWhile(AstStatWhile* stat)
// Optimization: condition is always false => there's no loop!
if (isConstantFalse(stat->condition))
size_t oldJumps = loopJumps.size();
size_t oldLocals = localStack.size();
loops.push_back({oldLocals, nullptr});
size_t loopLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
std::vector<size_t> elseJump;
compileConditionValue(stat->condition, nullptr, elseJump, false);
size_t contLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
size_t backLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
// Note: this is using JUMPBACK, not JUMP, since JUMPBACK is interruptible and we want all loops to have at least one interruptible
// instruction
bytecode.emitAD(LOP_JUMPBACK, 0, 0);
size_t endLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
patchJump(stat, backLabel, loopLabel);
patchJumps(stat, elseJump, endLabel);
patchLoopJumps(stat, oldJumps, endLabel, contLabel);
void compileStatRepeat(AstStatRepeat* stat)
size_t oldJumps = loopJumps.size();
size_t oldLocals = localStack.size();
loops.push_back({oldLocals, stat->condition});
size_t loopLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
// note: we "inline" compileStatBlock here so that we can close/pop locals after evaluating condition
// this is necessary because condition can access locals declared inside the repeat..until body
AstStatBlock* body = stat->body;
RegScope rs(this);
for (size_t i = 0; i < body->body.size; ++i)
size_t contLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
size_t endLabel;
if (isConstantTrue(stat->condition))
endLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
std::vector<size_t> skipJump;
compileConditionValue(stat->condition, nullptr, skipJump, true);
// we close locals *after* we compute loop conditionals because during computation of condition it's (in theory) possible that user code
// mutates them
size_t backLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
// Note: this is using JUMPBACK, not JUMP, since JUMPBACK is interruptible and we want all loops to have at least one interruptible
// instruction
bytecode.emitAD(LOP_JUMPBACK, 0, 0);
size_t skipLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
// we need to close locals *again* after the loop ends because the first closeLocals would be jumped over on the last iteration
endLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
patchJump(stat, backLabel, loopLabel);
patchJumps(stat, skipJump, skipLabel);
patchLoopJumps(stat, oldJumps, endLabel, contLabel);
void compileInlineReturn(AstStatReturn* stat, bool fallthrough)
setDebugLine(stat); // normally compileStat sets up line info, but compileInlineReturn can be called directly
InlineFrame frame = inlineFrames.back();
compileExprListTemp(stat->list,, frame.targetCount, /* targetTop= */ false);
if (!fallthrough)
size_t jumpLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
bytecode.emitAD(LOP_JUMP, 0, 0);
void compileStatReturn(AstStatReturn* stat)
RegScope rs(this);
uint8_t temp = 0;
bool consecutive = false;
bool multRet = false;
// Optimization: return locals directly instead of copying them into a temporary
// this is very important for a single return value and occasionally effective for multiple values
if (int reg = stat->list.size > 0 ? getExprLocalReg(stat->[0]) : -1; reg >= 0)
temp = uint8_t(reg);
consecutive = true;
for (size_t i = 1; i < stat->list.size; ++i)
if (getExprLocalReg(stat->[i]) != int(temp + i))
consecutive = false;
if (!consecutive && stat->list.size > 0)
temp = allocReg(stat, unsigned(stat->list.size));
// Note: if the last element is a function call or a vararg specifier, then we need to somehow return all values that that call returned
for (size_t i = 0; i < stat->list.size; ++i)
if (i + 1 == stat->list.size)
multRet = compileExprTempMultRet(stat->[i], uint8_t(temp + i));
compileExprTempTop(stat->[i], uint8_t(temp + i));
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_RETURN, uint8_t(temp), multRet ? 0 : uint8_t(stat->list.size + 1), 0);
bool areLocalsRedundant(AstStatLocal* stat)
// Extra expressions may have side effects
if (stat->values.size > stat->vars.size)
return false;
for (AstLocal* local : stat->vars)
Variable* v = variables.find(local);
if (!v || !v->constant)
return false;
return true;
void compileStatLocal(AstStatLocal* stat)
// Optimization: we don't need to allocate and assign const locals, since their uses will be constant-folded
if (options.optimizationLevel >= 1 && options.debugLevel <= 1 && areLocalsRedundant(stat))
// note: allocReg in this case allocates into parent block register - note that we don't have RegScope here
uint8_t vars = allocReg(stat, unsigned(stat->vars.size));
compileExprListTemp(stat->values, vars, uint8_t(stat->vars.size), /* targetTop= */ true);
for (size_t i = 0; i < stat->vars.size; ++i)
pushLocal(stat->[i], uint8_t(vars + i));
bool tryCompileUnrolledFor(AstStatFor* stat, int thresholdBase, int thresholdMaxBoost)
Constant one = {Constant::Type_Number};
one.valueNumber = 1.0;
Constant fromc = getConstant(stat->from);
Constant toc = getConstant(stat->to);
Constant stepc = stat->step ? getConstant(stat->step) : one;
int tripCount = (fromc.type == Constant::Type_Number && toc.type == Constant::Type_Number && stepc.type == Constant::Type_Number)
? getTripCount(fromc.valueNumber, toc.valueNumber, stepc.valueNumber)
: -1;
if (tripCount < 0)
bytecode.addDebugRemark("loop unroll failed: invalid iteration count");
return false;
if (tripCount > thresholdBase)
bytecode.addDebugRemark("loop unroll failed: too many iterations (%d)", tripCount);
return false;
if (Variable* lv = variables.find(stat->var); lv && lv->written)
bytecode.addDebugRemark("loop unroll failed: mutable loop variable");
return false;
AstLocal* var = stat->var;
uint64_t costModel = modelCost(stat->body, &var, 1);
// we use a dynamic cost threshold that's based on the fixed limit boosted by the cost advantage we gain due to unrolling
bool varc = true;
int unrolledCost = computeCost(costModel, &varc, 1) * tripCount;
int baselineCost = (computeCost(costModel, nullptr, 0) + 1) * tripCount;
int unrollProfit = (unrolledCost == 0) ? thresholdMaxBoost : std::min(thresholdMaxBoost, 100 * baselineCost / unrolledCost);
int threshold = thresholdBase * unrollProfit / 100;
if (unrolledCost > threshold)
"loop unroll failed: too expensive (iterations %d, cost %d, profit %.2fx)", tripCount, unrolledCost, double(unrollProfit) / 100);
return false;
bytecode.addDebugRemark("loop unroll succeeded (iterations %d, cost %d, profit %.2fx)", tripCount, unrolledCost, double(unrollProfit) / 100);
compileUnrolledFor(stat, tripCount, fromc.valueNumber, stepc.valueNumber);
return true;
void compileUnrolledFor(AstStatFor* stat, int tripCount, double from, double step)
AstLocal* var = stat->var;
size_t oldLocals = localStack.size();
size_t oldJumps = loopJumps.size();
loops.push_back({oldLocals, nullptr});
for (int iv = 0; iv < tripCount; ++iv)
// we need to re-fold constants in the loop body with the new value; this reuses computed constant values elsewhere in the tree
locstants[var].type = Constant::Type_Number;
locstants[var].valueNumber = from + iv * step;
foldConstants(constants, variables, locstants, stat);
size_t iterJumps = loopJumps.size();
// all continue jumps need to go to the next iteration
size_t contLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
for (size_t i = iterJumps; i < loopJumps.size(); ++i)
if (loopJumps[i].type == LoopJump::Continue)
patchJump(stat, loopJumps[i].label, contLabel);
// all break jumps need to go past the loop
size_t endLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
for (size_t i = oldJumps; i < loopJumps.size(); ++i)
if (loopJumps[i].type == LoopJump::Break)
patchJump(stat, loopJumps[i].label, endLabel);
// clean up fold state in case we need to recompile - normally we compile the loop body once, but due to inlining we may need to do it again
locstants[var].type = Constant::Type_Unknown;
foldConstants(constants, variables, locstants, stat);
void compileStatFor(AstStatFor* stat)
RegScope rs(this);
// Optimization: small loops can be unrolled when it is profitable
if (options.optimizationLevel >= 2 && isConstant(stat->to) && isConstant(stat->from) && (!stat->step || isConstant(stat->step)))
if (tryCompileUnrolledFor(stat, FInt::LuauCompileLoopUnrollThreshold, FInt::LuauCompileLoopUnrollThresholdMaxBoost))
size_t oldLocals = localStack.size();
size_t oldJumps = loopJumps.size();
loops.push_back({oldLocals, nullptr});
// register layout: limit, step, index
uint8_t regs = allocReg(stat, 3);
// if the iteration index is assigned from within the loop, we need to protect the internal index from the assignment
// to do that, we will copy the index into an actual local variable on each iteration
// this makes sure the code inside the loop can't interfere with the iteration process (other than modifying the table we're iterating
// through)
uint8_t varreg = regs + 2;
if (Variable* il = variables.find(stat->var); il && il->written)
varreg = allocReg(stat, 1);
compileExprTemp(stat->from, uint8_t(regs + 2));
compileExprTemp(stat->to, uint8_t(regs + 0));
if (stat->step)
compileExprTemp(stat->step, uint8_t(regs + 1));
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_LOADN, uint8_t(regs + 1), 1, 0);
size_t forLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
bytecode.emitAD(LOP_FORNPREP, regs, 0);
size_t loopLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
if (varreg != regs + 2)
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_MOVE, varreg, regs + 2, 0);
pushLocal(stat->var, varreg);
size_t contLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
size_t backLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
bytecode.emitAD(LOP_FORNLOOP, regs, 0);
size_t endLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
patchJump(stat, forLabel, endLabel);
patchJump(stat, backLabel, loopLabel);
patchLoopJumps(stat, oldJumps, endLabel, contLabel);
void compileStatForIn(AstStatForIn* stat)
RegScope rs(this);
size_t oldLocals = localStack.size();
size_t oldJumps = loopJumps.size();
loops.push_back({oldLocals, nullptr});
// register layout: generator, state, index, variables...
uint8_t regs = allocReg(stat, 3);
// this puts initial values of (generator, state, index) into the loop registers
compileExprListTemp(stat->values, regs, 3, /* targetTop= */ true);
// note that we reserve at least 2 variables; this allows our fast path to assume that we need 2 variables instead of 1 or 2
uint8_t vars = allocReg(stat, std::max(unsigned(stat->vars.size), 2u));
LUAU_ASSERT(vars == regs + 3);
LuauOpcode skipOp = LOP_FORGPREP;
LuauOpcode loopOp = LOP_FORGLOOP;
// Optimization: when we iterate via pairs/ipairs, we generate special bytecode that optimizes the traversal using internal iteration index
// These instructions dynamically check if generator is equal to next/inext and bail out
// They assume that the generator produces 2 variables, which is why we allocate at least 2 above (see vars assignment)
if (options.optimizationLevel >= 1 && stat->vars.size <= 2)
if (stat->values.size == 1 && stat->[0]->is<AstExprCall>())
Builtin builtin = getBuiltin(stat->[0]->as<AstExprCall>()->func, globals, variables);
if (builtin.isGlobal("ipairs")) // for .. in ipairs(t)
else if (builtin.isGlobal("pairs")) // for .. in pairs(t)
loopOp = FFlag::LuauCompileIterNoPairs ? LOP_FORGLOOP : LOP_FORGLOOP_NEXT;
else if (stat->values.size == 2)
Builtin builtin = getBuiltin(stat->[0], globals, variables);
if (builtin.isGlobal("next")) // for .. in next,t
loopOp = FFlag::LuauCompileIterNoPairs ? LOP_FORGLOOP : LOP_FORGLOOP_NEXT;
// first iteration jumps into FORGLOOP instruction, but for ipairs/pairs it does extra preparation that makes the cost of an extra instruction
// worthwhile
size_t skipLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
bytecode.emitAD(skipOp, regs, 0);
size_t loopLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
for (size_t i = 0; i < stat->vars.size; ++i)
pushLocal(stat->[i], uint8_t(vars + i));
size_t contLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
size_t backLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
bytecode.emitAD(loopOp, regs, 0);
// note: FORGLOOP needs variable count encoded in AUX field, other loop instructions assume a fixed variable count
if (loopOp == LOP_FORGLOOP)
size_t endLabel = bytecode.emitLabel();
patchJump(stat, skipLabel, backLabel);
patchJump(stat, backLabel, loopLabel);
patchLoopJumps(stat, oldJumps, endLabel, contLabel);
void resolveAssignConflicts(AstStat* stat, std::vector<LValue>& vars)
// regsUsed[i] is true if we have assigned the register during earlier assignments
// regsRemap[i] is set to the register where the original (pre-assignment) copy was made
// note: regsRemap is uninitialized intentionally to speed small assignments up; regsRemap[i] is valid iff regsUsed[i]
std::bitset<256> regsUsed;
uint8_t regsRemap[256];
for (size_t i = 0; i < vars.size(); ++i)
LValue& li = vars[i];
if (li.kind == LValue::Kind_Local)
if (!regsUsed[li.reg])
regsUsed[li.reg] = true;
regsRemap[li.reg] = li.reg;
else if (li.kind == LValue::Kind_IndexName || li.kind == LValue::Kind_IndexNumber || li.kind == LValue::Kind_IndexExpr)
// we're looking for assignments before this one that invalidate any of the registers involved
if (regsUsed[li.reg])
// the register may have been evacuated previously, but if it wasn't - move it now
if (regsRemap[li.reg] == li.reg)
uint8_t reg = allocReg(stat, 1);
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_MOVE, reg, li.reg, 0);
regsRemap[li.reg] = reg;
li.reg = regsRemap[li.reg];
if (li.kind == LValue::Kind_IndexExpr && regsUsed[li.index])
// the register may have been evacuated previously, but if it wasn't - move it now
if (regsRemap[li.index] == li.index)
uint8_t reg = allocReg(stat, 1);
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_MOVE, reg, li.index, 0);
regsRemap[li.index] = reg;
li.index = regsRemap[li.index];
void compileStatAssign(AstStatAssign* stat)
RegScope rs(this);
// Optimization: one to one assignments don't require complex conflict resolution machinery and allow us to skip temporary registers for
// locals
if (stat->vars.size == 1 && stat->values.size == 1)
LValue var = compileLValue(stat->[0], rs);
// Optimization: assign to locals directly
if (var.kind == LValue::Kind_Local)
compileExpr(stat->[0], var.reg);
uint8_t reg = compileExprAuto(stat->[0], rs);
compileAssign(var, reg);
// compute all l-values: note that this doesn't assign anything yet but it allocates registers and computes complex expressions on the left
// hand side for example, in "a[expr] = foo" expr will get evaluated here
std::vector<LValue> vars(stat->vars.size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < stat->vars.size; ++i)
vars[i] = compileLValue(stat->[i], rs);
// perform conflict resolution: if any lvalue refers to a local reg that will be reassigned before that, we save the local variable in a
// temporary reg
resolveAssignConflicts(stat, vars);
// compute values into temporaries
uint8_t regs = allocReg(stat, unsigned(stat->vars.size));
compileExprListTemp(stat->values, regs, uint8_t(stat->vars.size), /* targetTop= */ true);
// assign variables that have associated values; note that if we have fewer values than variables, we'll assign nil because
// compileExprListTemp will generate nils
for (size_t i = 0; i < stat->vars.size; ++i)
compileAssign(vars[i], uint8_t(regs + i));
void compileStatCompoundAssign(AstStatCompoundAssign* stat)
RegScope rs(this);
LValue var = compileLValue(stat->var, rs);
// Optimization: assign to locals directly
uint8_t target = (var.kind == LValue::Kind_Local) ? var.reg : allocReg(stat, 1);
switch (stat->op)
case AstExprBinary::Add:
case AstExprBinary::Sub:
case AstExprBinary::Mul:
case AstExprBinary::Div:
case AstExprBinary::Mod:
case AstExprBinary::Pow:
if (var.kind != LValue::Kind_Local)
compileLValueUse(var, target, /* set= */ false);
int32_t rc = getConstantNumber(stat->value);
if (rc >= 0 && rc <= 255)
bytecode.emitABC(getBinaryOpArith(stat->op, /* k= */ true), target, target, uint8_t(rc));
uint8_t rr = compileExprAuto(stat->value, rs);
bytecode.emitABC(getBinaryOpArith(stat->op), target, target, rr);
case AstExprBinary::Concat:
std::vector<AstExpr*> args = {stat->value};
// unroll the tree of concats down the right hand side to be able to do multiple ops
uint8_t regs = allocReg(stat, unsigned(1 + args.size()));
compileLValueUse(var, regs, /* set= */ false);
for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i)
compileExprTemp(args[i], uint8_t(regs + 1 + i));
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_CONCAT, target, regs, uint8_t(regs + args.size()));
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unexpected compound assignment operation");
if (var.kind != LValue::Kind_Local)
compileAssign(var, target);
void compileStatFunction(AstStatFunction* stat)
// Optimization: compile value expresion directly into target local register
if (int reg = getExprLocalReg(stat->name); reg >= 0)
compileExpr(stat->func, uint8_t(reg));
RegScope rs(this);
uint8_t reg = allocReg(stat, 1);
compileExprTemp(stat->func, reg);
LValue var = compileLValue(stat->name, rs);
compileAssign(var, reg);
void compileStat(AstStat* node)
if (options.coverageLevel >= 1 && needsCoverage(node))
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_COVERAGE, 0, 0, 0);
if (AstStatBlock* stat = node->as<AstStatBlock>())
RegScope rs(this);
size_t oldLocals = localStack.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < stat->body.size; ++i)
else if (AstStatIf* stat = node->as<AstStatIf>())
else if (AstStatWhile* stat = node->as<AstStatWhile>())
else if (AstStatRepeat* stat = node->as<AstStatRepeat>())
else if (node->is<AstStatBreak>())
// before exiting out of the loop, we need to close all local variables that were captured in closures since loop start
// normally they are closed by the enclosing blocks, including the loop block, but we're skipping that here
size_t label = bytecode.emitLabel();
bytecode.emitAD(LOP_JUMP, 0, 0);
loopJumps.push_back({LoopJump::Break, label});
else if (AstStatContinue* stat = node->as<AstStatContinue>())
if (loops.back().untilCondition)
validateContinueUntil(stat, loops.back().untilCondition);
// before continuing, we need to close all local variables that were captured in closures since loop start
// normally they are closed by the enclosing blocks, including the loop block, but we're skipping that here
size_t label = bytecode.emitLabel();
bytecode.emitAD(LOP_JUMP, 0, 0);
loopJumps.push_back({LoopJump::Continue, label});
else if (AstStatReturn* stat = node->as<AstStatReturn>())
if (options.optimizationLevel >= 2 && !inlineFrames.empty())
compileInlineReturn(stat, /* fallthrough= */ false);
else if (AstStatExpr* stat = node->as<AstStatExpr>())
// Optimization: since we don't need to read anything from the stack, we can compile the call to not return anything which saves register
// moves
if (AstExprCall* expr = stat->expr->as<AstExprCall>())
uint8_t target = uint8_t(regTop);
compileExprCall(expr, target, /* targetCount= */ 0);
RegScope rs(this);
compileExprAuto(stat->expr, rs);
else if (AstStatLocal* stat = node->as<AstStatLocal>())
else if (AstStatFor* stat = node->as<AstStatFor>())
else if (AstStatForIn* stat = node->as<AstStatForIn>())
else if (AstStatAssign* stat = node->as<AstStatAssign>())
else if (AstStatCompoundAssign* stat = node->as<AstStatCompoundAssign>())
else if (AstStatFunction* stat = node->as<AstStatFunction>())
else if (AstStatLocalFunction* stat = node->as<AstStatLocalFunction>())
uint8_t var = allocReg(stat, 1);
pushLocal(stat->name, var);
compileExprFunction(stat->func, var);
Local& l = locals[stat->name];
// we *have* to pushLocal before we compile the function, since the function may refer to the local as an upvalue
// however, this means the debugpc for the local is at an instruction where the local value hasn't been computed yet
// to fix this we just move the debugpc after the local value is established
l.debugpc = bytecode.getDebugPC();
else if (node->is<AstStatTypeAlias>())
// do nothing
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unknown statement type");
void validateContinueUntil(AstStat* cont, AstExpr* condition)
UndefinedLocalVisitor visitor(this);
if (visitor.undef)
"Local %s used in the repeat..until condition is undefined because continue statement on line %d jumps over it",
visitor.undef->name.value, cont->location.begin.line + 1);
void gatherConstUpvals(AstExprFunction* func)
ConstUpvalueVisitor visitor(this);
for (AstLocal* local : visitor.upvals)
void pushLocal(AstLocal* local, uint8_t reg)
if (localStack.size() >= kMaxLocalCount)
local->location, "Out of local registers when trying to allocate %s: exceeded limit %d", local->name.value, kMaxLocalCount);
Local& l = locals[local];
l.reg = reg;
l.allocated = true;
l.debugpc = bytecode.getDebugPC();
bool areLocalsCaptured(size_t start)
LUAU_ASSERT(start <= localStack.size());
for (size_t i = start; i < localStack.size(); ++i)
Local* l = locals.find(localStack[i]);
if (l->captured)
return true;
return false;
void closeLocals(size_t start)
LUAU_ASSERT(start <= localStack.size());
bool captured = false;
uint8_t captureReg = 255;
for (size_t i = start; i < localStack.size(); ++i)
Local* l = locals.find(localStack[i]);
if (l->captured)
captured = true;
captureReg = std::min(captureReg, l->reg);
if (captured)
bytecode.emitABC(LOP_CLOSEUPVALS, captureReg, 0, 0);
void popLocals(size_t start)
LUAU_ASSERT(start <= localStack.size());
for (size_t i = start; i < localStack.size(); ++i)
Local* l = locals.find(localStack[i]);
l->allocated = false;
if (options.debugLevel >= 2)
uint32_t debugpc = bytecode.getDebugPC();
bytecode.pushDebugLocal(sref(localStack[i]->name), l->reg, l->debugpc, debugpc);
void patchJump(AstNode* node, size_t label, size_t target)
if (!bytecode.patchJumpD(label, target))
CompileError::raise(node->location, "Exceeded jump distance limit; simplify the code to compile");
void patchJumps(AstNode* node, std::vector<size_t>& labels, size_t target)
for (size_t l : labels)
patchJump(node, l, target);
void patchLoopJumps(AstNode* node, size_t oldJumps, size_t endLabel, size_t contLabel)
LUAU_ASSERT(oldJumps <= loopJumps.size());
for (size_t i = oldJumps; i < loopJumps.size(); ++i)
const LoopJump& lj = loopJumps[i];
switch (lj.type)
case LoopJump::Break:
patchJump(node, lj.label, endLabel);
case LoopJump::Continue:
patchJump(node, lj.label, contLabel);
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unknown loop jump type");
uint8_t allocReg(AstNode* node, unsigned int count)
unsigned int top = regTop;
if (top + count > kMaxRegisterCount)
CompileError::raise(node->location, "Out of registers when trying to allocate %d registers: exceeded limit %d", count, kMaxRegisterCount);
regTop += count;
stackSize = std::max(stackSize, regTop);
return uint8_t(top);
void reserveReg(AstNode* node, unsigned int count)
if (regTop + count > kMaxRegisterCount)
CompileError::raise(node->location, "Out of registers when trying to allocate %d registers: exceeded limit %d", count, kMaxRegisterCount);
stackSize = std::max(stackSize, regTop + count);
void setDebugLine(AstNode* node)
if (options.debugLevel >= 1)
bytecode.setDebugLine(node->location.begin.line + 1);
void setDebugLine(const Location& location)
if (options.debugLevel >= 1)
bytecode.setDebugLine(location.begin.line + 1);
void setDebugLineEnd(AstNode* node)
if (options.debugLevel >= 1)
bytecode.setDebugLine(node->location.end.line + 1);
bool needsCoverage(AstNode* node)
return !node->is<AstStatBlock>() && !node->is<AstStatTypeAlias>();
struct FenvVisitor : AstVisitor
bool& getfenvUsed;
bool& setfenvUsed;
FenvVisitor(bool& getfenvUsed, bool& setfenvUsed)
: getfenvUsed(getfenvUsed)
, setfenvUsed(setfenvUsed)
bool visit(AstExprGlobal* node) override
if (node->name == "getfenv")
getfenvUsed = true;
if (node->name == "setfenv")
setfenvUsed = true;
return false;
struct FunctionVisitor : AstVisitor
Compiler* self;
std::vector<AstExprFunction*>& functions;
FunctionVisitor(Compiler* self, std::vector<AstExprFunction*>& functions)
: self(self)
, functions(functions)
// preallocate the result; this works around std::vector's inefficient growth policy for small arrays
bool visit(AstExprFunction* node) override
// this makes sure all functions that are used when compiling this one have been already added to the vector
return false;
struct UndefinedLocalVisitor : AstVisitor
UndefinedLocalVisitor(Compiler* self)
: self(self)
, undef(nullptr)
void check(AstLocal* local)
Local& l = self->locals[local];
if (!l.allocated && !undef)
undef = local;
bool visit(AstExprLocal* node) override
if (!node->upvalue)
return false;
bool visit(AstExprFunction* node) override
const Function* f = self->functions.find(node);
for (AstLocal* uv : f->upvals)
LUAU_ASSERT(uv->functionDepth < node->functionDepth);
if (uv->functionDepth == node->functionDepth - 1)
return false;
Compiler* self;
AstLocal* undef;
struct ConstUpvalueVisitor : AstVisitor
ConstUpvalueVisitor(Compiler* self)
: self(self)
bool visit(AstExprLocal* node) override
if (node->upvalue && self->isConstant(node))
return false;
bool visit(AstExprFunction* node) override
// short-circuits the traversal to make it faster
return false;
Compiler* self;
std::vector<AstLocal*> upvals;
struct ReturnVisitor: AstVisitor
Compiler* self;
bool returnsOne = true;
ReturnVisitor(Compiler* self)
: self(self)
bool visit(AstExpr* expr) override
return false;
bool visit(AstStatReturn* stat) override
if (stat->list.size == 1)
AstExpr* value = stat->[0];
if (AstExprCall* expr = value->as<AstExprCall>())
AstExprFunction* func = self->getFunctionExpr(expr->func);
Function* fi = func ? self->functions.find(func) : nullptr;
returnsOne &= fi && fi->returnsOne;
else if (value->is<AstExprVarargs>())
returnsOne = false;
returnsOne = false;
return false;
struct RegScope
RegScope(Compiler* self)
: self(self)
, oldTop(self->regTop)
// This ctor is useful to forcefully adjust the stack frame in case we know that registers after a certain point are scratch and can be
// discarded
RegScope(Compiler* self, unsigned int top)
: self(self)
, oldTop(self->regTop)
LUAU_ASSERT(top <= self->regTop);
self->regTop = top;
self->regTop = oldTop;
Compiler* self;
unsigned int oldTop;
struct Function
uint32_t id;
std::vector<AstLocal*> upvals;
uint64_t costModel = 0;
unsigned int stackSize = 0;
bool canInline = false;
bool returnsOne = false;
struct Local
uint8_t reg = 0;
bool allocated = false;
bool captured = false;
uint32_t debugpc = 0;
struct LoopJump
enum Type
Type type;
size_t label;
struct Loop
size_t localOffset;
AstExpr* untilCondition;
struct InlineFrame
AstExprFunction* func;
size_t localOffset;
uint8_t target;
uint8_t targetCount;
std::vector<size_t> returnJumps;
struct Capture
LuauCaptureType type;
uint8_t data;
BytecodeBuilder& bytecode;
CompileOptions options;
DenseHashMap<AstExprFunction*, Function> functions;
DenseHashMap<AstLocal*, Local> locals;
DenseHashMap<AstName, Global> globals;
DenseHashMap<AstLocal*, Variable> variables;
DenseHashMap<AstExpr*, Constant> constants;
DenseHashMap<AstLocal*, Constant> locstants;
DenseHashMap<AstExprTable*, TableShape> tableShapes;
unsigned int regTop = 0;
unsigned int stackSize = 0;
bool getfenvUsed = false;
bool setfenvUsed = false;
std::vector<AstLocal*> localStack;
std::vector<AstLocal*> upvals;
std::vector<LoopJump> loopJumps;
std::vector<Loop> loops;
std::vector<InlineFrame> inlineFrames;
std::vector<Capture> captures;
void compileOrThrow(BytecodeBuilder& bytecode, AstStatBlock* root, const AstNameTable& names, const CompileOptions& options)
LUAU_TIMETRACE_SCOPE("compileOrThrow", "Compiler");
Compiler compiler(bytecode, options);
// since access to some global objects may result in values that change over time, we block imports from non-readonly tables
assignMutable(compiler.globals, names, options.mutableGlobals);
// this pass analyzes mutability of locals/globals and associates locals with their initial values
trackValues(compiler.globals, compiler.variables, root);
if (options.optimizationLevel >= 1)
// this pass analyzes constantness of expressions
foldConstants(compiler.constants, compiler.variables, compiler.locstants, root);
// this pass analyzes table assignments to estimate table shapes for initially empty tables
predictTableShapes(compiler.tableShapes, root);
// this visitor tracks calls to getfenv/setfenv and disables some optimizations when they are found
if (options.optimizationLevel >= 1 && (names.get("getfenv").value || names.get("setfenv").value))
Compiler::FenvVisitor fenvVisitor(compiler.getfenvUsed, compiler.setfenvUsed);
// gathers all functions with the invariant that all function references are to functions earlier in the list
// for example, function foo() return function() end end will result in two vector entries, [0] = anonymous and [1] = foo
std::vector<AstExprFunction*> functions;
Compiler::FunctionVisitor functionVisitor(&compiler, functions);
for (AstExprFunction* expr : functions)
AstExprFunction main(root->location, /*generics= */ AstArray<AstGenericType>(), /*genericPacks= */ AstArray<AstGenericTypePack>(),
/* self= */ nullptr, AstArray<AstLocal*>(), /* vararg= */ Luau::Location(), root, /* functionDepth= */ 0, /* debugname= */ AstName());
uint32_t mainid = compiler.compileFunction(&main);
const Compiler::Function* mainf = compiler.functions.find(&main);
LUAU_ASSERT(mainf && mainf->upvals.empty());
void compileOrThrow(BytecodeBuilder& bytecode, const std::string& source, const CompileOptions& options, const ParseOptions& parseOptions)
Allocator allocator;
AstNameTable names(allocator);
ParseResult result = Parser::parse(source.c_str(), source.size(), names, allocator, parseOptions);
if (!result.errors.empty())
throw ParseErrors(result.errors);
AstStatBlock* root = result.root;
compileOrThrow(bytecode, root, names, options);
std::string compile(const std::string& source, const CompileOptions& options, const ParseOptions& parseOptions, BytecodeEncoder* encoder)
LUAU_TIMETRACE_SCOPE("compile", "Compiler");
Allocator allocator;
AstNameTable names(allocator);
ParseResult result = Parser::parse(source.c_str(), source.size(), names, allocator, parseOptions);
if (!result.errors.empty())
// Users of this function expect only a single error message
const Luau::ParseError& parseError = result.errors.front();
std::string error = format(":%d: %s", parseError.getLocation().begin.line + 1, parseError.what());
return BytecodeBuilder::getError(error);
BytecodeBuilder bcb(encoder);
compileOrThrow(bcb, result.root, names, options);
return bcb.getBytecode();
catch (CompileError& e)
std::string error = format(":%d: %s", e.getLocation().begin.line + 1, e.what());
return BytecodeBuilder::getError(error);
} // namespace Luau