
639 lines
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// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/TypeInfer.h"
#include "Fixture.h"
#include "doctest.h"
#include <algorithm>
using namespace Luau;
// These tests check for behavior that differs from the final behavior we'd
// like to have. They serve to document the current state of the typechecker.
// When making future improvements, its very likely these tests will break and
// will need to be replaced.
* This test falls into a sort of "do as I say" pit of consequences:
* Technically, the type of the type() function is <T>(T) -> string
* We thus infer that the argument to f is a free type.
* While we can still learn something about this argument, we can't seem to infer a union for it.
* Is this good? Maybe not, but I'm not sure what else we should do.
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "typeguard_inference_incomplete")
const std::string code = R"(
function f(a)
if type(a) == "boolean" then
local a1 = a
elseif a.fn() then
local a2 = a
const std::string expected = R"(
function f(a:{fn:()->(a,b...)}): ()
if type(a) == 'boolean'then
local a1:boolean=a
elseif a.fn()then
local a2:{fn:()->(a,b...)}=a
CHECK_EQ(expected, decorateWithTypes(code));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "xpcall_returns_what_f_returns")
const std::string code = R"(
local a, b, c = xpcall(function() return 1, "foo" end, function() return "foo", 1 end)
const std::string expected = R"(
local a:boolean,b:number,c:string=xpcall(function(): (number,string)return 1,'foo'end,function(): (string,number)return'foo',1 end)
CheckResult result = check(code);
CHECK("boolean" == toString(requireType("a")));
CHECK("number" == toString(requireType("b")));
CHECK("string" == toString(requireType("c")));
CHECK(expected == decorateWithTypes(code));
// We had a bug where if you have two type packs that looks like:
// { x, y }, ...
// { x }, ...
// It would infinitely grow the type pack because one WeirdIter is trying to catch up, but can't.
// However, the following snippet is supposed to generate an OccursCheckFailed, but it doesn't.
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "weirditer_should_not_loop_forever")
// this flag is intentionally here doing nothing to demonstrate that we exit early via case detection
ScopedFastInt sfis{"LuauTypeInferTypePackLoopLimit", 50};
CheckResult result = check(R"(
local function toVertexList(vertices, x, y, ...)
if not (x and y) then return vertices end -- no more arguments
vertices[#vertices + 1] = {x = x, y = y} -- set vertex
return toVertexList(vertices, ...) -- recurse
// This should also generate an OccursCheckFailed error too, like the above toVertexList snippet.
// at least up until we can get Luau to recognize this code as a valid function that iterates over a list of values in the pack.
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "it_should_be_agnostic_of_actual_size")
CheckResult result = check(R"(
local function f(x, y, ...)
if not y then return x end
return f(x, ...)
f(3, 2, 1, 0)
// Ideally setmetatable's second argument would be an optional free table.
// For now, infer it as just a free table.
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "setmetatable_constrains_free_type_into_free_table")
CheckResult result = check(R"(
local a = {}
local b
setmetatable(a, b)
b = 1
TypeMismatch* tm = get<TypeMismatch>(result.errors[0]);
CHECK_EQ("{- -}", toString(tm->wantedType));
CHECK_EQ("number", toString(tm->givenType));
// Luau currently doesn't yet know how to allow assignments when the binding was refined.
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "while_body_are_also_refined")
CheckResult result = check(R"(
type Node<T> = { value: T, child: Node<T>? }
local function visitor<T>(node: Node<T>, f: (T) -> ())
local current = node
while current do
current = current.child -- TODO: Can't work just yet. It thinks 'current' can never be nil. :(
CHECK_EQ("Type 'Node<T>?' could not be converted into 'Node<T>'", toString(result.errors[0]));
// Originally from TypeInfer.test.cpp.
// I dont think type checking the metamethod at every site of == is the correct thing to do.
// We should be type checking the metamethod at the call site of setmetatable.
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "error_on_eq_metamethod_returning_a_type_other_than_boolean")
CheckResult result = check(R"(
local tab = {a = 1}
setmetatable(tab, {__eq = function(a, b): number
return 1
local tab2 = tab
local a = tab2 == tab
GenericError* ge = get<GenericError>(result.errors[0]);
CHECK_EQ("Metamethod '__eq' must return type 'boolean'", ge->message);
// Requires success typing to confidently determine that this expression has no overlap.
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "operator_eq_completely_incompatible")
CheckResult result = check(R"(
local a: string | number = "hi"
local b: {x: string}? = {x = "bye"}
local r1 = a == b
local r2 = b == a
// Belongs in TypeInfer.refinements.test.cpp.
// We'll need to not only report an error on `a == b`, but also to refine both operands as `never` in the `==` branch.
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "lvalue_equals_another_lvalue_with_no_overlap")
CheckResult result = check(R"(
local function f(a: string, b: boolean?)
if a == b then
local foo, bar = a, b
local foo, bar = a, b
CHECK_EQ(toString(requireTypeAtPosition({3, 33})), "string"); // a == b
CHECK_EQ(toString(requireTypeAtPosition({3, 36})), "boolean?"); // a == b
CHECK_EQ(toString(requireTypeAtPosition({5, 33})), "string"); // a ~= b
CHECK_EQ(toString(requireTypeAtPosition({5, 36})), "boolean?"); // a ~= b
// Also belongs in TypeInfer.refinements.test.cpp.
// Just needs to fully support equality refinement. Which is annoying without type states.
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "discriminate_from_x_not_equal_to_nil")
CheckResult result = check(R"(
type T = {x: string, y: number} | {x: nil, y: nil}
local function f(t: T)
if t.x ~= nil then
local foo = t
local bar = t
CHECK_EQ("{| x: string, y: number |}", toString(requireTypeAtPosition({5, 28})));
// Should be {| x: nil, y: nil |}
CHECK_EQ("{| x: nil, y: nil |} | {| x: string, y: number |}", toString(requireTypeAtPosition({7, 28})));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "bail_early_if_unification_is_too_complicated" * doctest::timeout(0.5))
ScopedFastInt sffi{"LuauTarjanChildLimit", 1};
ScopedFastInt sffi2{"LuauTypeInferIterationLimit", 1};
CheckResult result = check(R"LUA(
local Result
Result = setmetatable({}, {})
Result.__index = Result
local self = setmetatable({}, Result)
return self
function Result:constructor(okValue)
self.okValue = okValue
function Result:ok(val) return end
function Result:a(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4) return or p0 or p1 or p2 or p3 or p4 end
function Result:b(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4) return Result:ok((self.okValue)) or p0 or p1 or p2 or p3 or p4 end
function Result:c(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4) return Result:ok((self.okValue)) or p0 or p1 or p2 or p3 or p4 end
function Result:transpose(a)
return a and self.okValue:z(function(some)
return Result:ok(some)
end) or Result:ok(self.okValue)
auto it = std::find_if(result.errors.begin(), result.errors.end(), [](TypeError& a) {
return nullptr != get<UnificationTooComplex>(a);
if (it == result.errors.end())
FAIL("Expected a UnificationTooComplex error");
// Should be in TypeInfer.tables.test.cpp
// It's unsound to instantiate tables containing generic methods,
// since mutating properties means table properties should be invariant.
// We currently allow this but we shouldn't!
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "invariant_table_properties_means_instantiating_tables_in_call_is_unsound")
CheckResult result = check(R"(
local t = {}
function t.m(x) return x end
local a : string = t.m("hi")
local b : number = t.m(5)
function f(x : { m : (number)->number })
x.m = function(x) return 1+x end
f(t) -- This shouldn't typecheck
local c : string = t.m("hi")
// TODO: this should error!
// This should be fixed by replacing generic tables by generics with type bounds.
// FIXME: Move this test to another source file when removing FFlag::LuauLowerBoundsCalculation
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "do_not_ice_when_trying_to_pick_first_of_generic_type_pack")
ScopedFastFlag sff[]{
{"LuauReturnAnyInsteadOfICE", true},
// In-place quantification causes these types to have the wrong types but only because of nasty interaction with prototyping.
// The type of f is initially () -> free1...
// Then the prototype iterator advances, and checks the function expression assigned to g, which has the type () -> free2...
// In the body it calls f and returns what f() returns. This binds free2... with free1..., causing f and g to have same types.
// We then quantify g, leaving it with the final type <a...>() -> a...
// Because free1... and free2... were bound, in combination with in-place quantification, f's return type was also turned into a...
// Then the check iterator catches up, and checks the body of f, and attempts to quantify it too.
// Alas, one of the requirements for quantification is that a type must contain free types. () -> a... has no free types.
// Thus the quantification for f was no-op, which explains why f does not have any type parameters.
// Calling f() will attempt to instantiate the function type, which turns generics in type binders into to free types.
// However, instantiations only converts generics contained within the type binders of a function, so instantiation was also no-op.
// Which means that calling f() simply returned a... rather than an instantiation of it. And since the call site was not in tail position,
// picking first element in a... triggers an ICE because calls returning generic packs are unexpected.
CheckResult result = check(R"(
local function f() end
local g = function() return f() end
local x = (f()) -- should error: no return values to assign from the call to f
if (FFlag::LuauLowerBoundsCalculation)
CHECK_EQ("() -> ()", toString(requireType("f")));
CHECK_EQ("() -> ()", toString(requireType("g")));
CHECK_EQ("nil", toString(requireType("x")));
// f and g should have the type () -> ()
CHECK_EQ("() -> (a...)", toString(requireType("f")));
CHECK_EQ("<a...>() -> (a...)", toString(requireType("g")));
CHECK_EQ("any", toString(requireType("x"))); // any is returned instead of ICE for now
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "specialization_binds_with_prototypes_too_early")
CheckResult result = check(R"(
local function id(x) return x end
local n2n: (number) -> number = id
local s2s: (string) -> string = id
LUAU_REQUIRE_ERRORS(result); // Should not have any errors.
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "weird_fail_to_unify_type_pack")
ScopedFastFlag sff[] = {
{"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", false},
// I'm not sure why this is broken without DCR, but it seems to be fixed
// when DCR is enabled.
{"DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution", false},
CheckResult result = check(R"(
local function f() return end
local g = function() return f() end
LUAU_REQUIRE_ERRORS(result); // Should not have any errors.
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "weird_fail_to_unify_variadic_pack")
ScopedFastFlag sff[] = {
{"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", false},
// I'm not sure why this is broken without DCR, but it seems to be fixed
// when DCR is enabled.
{"DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution", false},
CheckResult result = check(R"(
local function f(...) return ... end
local g = function(...) return f(...) end
LUAU_REQUIRE_ERRORS(result); // Should not have any errors.
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "lower_bounds_calculation_is_too_permissive_with_overloaded_higher_order_functions")
ScopedFastFlag sff[] = {
{"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true},
CheckResult result = check(R"(
function foo(f)
f(5, 'a')
f('b', 6)
// We incorrectly infer that the argument to foo could be called with (number, number) or (string, string)
// even though that is strictly more permissive than the actual source text shows.
CHECK("<a...>((number | string, number | string) -> (a...)) -> ()" == toString(requireType("foo")));
// Once fixed, move this to Normalize.test.cpp
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "normalization_fails_on_certain_kinds_of_cyclic_tables")
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_NOOPT)
ScopedFastInt sfi("LuauNormalizeIterationLimit", 500);
ScopedFastFlag flags[] = {
{"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true},
// We use a function and inferred parameter types to prevent intermediate normalizations from being performed.
// This exposes a bug where the type of y is mutated.
CheckResult result = check(R"(
function strange(x, y)
x.x = y
y.x = x
type R = {x: typeof(x)} & {x: typeof(y)}
local r: R
return r
CHECK(nullptr != get<NormalizationTooComplex>(result.errors[0]));
// Belongs in TypeInfer.builtins.test.cpp.
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "pcall_returns_at_least_two_value_but_function_returns_nothing")
CheckResult result = check(R"(
local function f(): () end
local ok, res = pcall(f)
CHECK_EQ("Function only returns 1 value. 2 are required here", toString(result.errors[0]));
// CHECK_EQ("boolean", toString(requireType("ok")));
// CHECK_EQ("any", toString(requireType("res")));
// Belongs in TypeInfer.builtins.test.cpp.
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "choose_the_right_overload_for_pcall")
CheckResult result = check(R"(
local function f(): number
if math.random() > 0.5 then
return 5
local ok, res = pcall(f)
CHECK_EQ("boolean", toString(requireType("ok")));
CHECK_EQ("number", toString(requireType("res")));
// CHECK_EQ("any", toString(requireType("res")));
// Belongs in TypeInfer.builtins.test.cpp.
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "function_returns_many_things_but_first_of_it_is_forgotten")
CheckResult result = check(R"(
local function f(): (number, string, boolean)
if math.random() > 0.5 then
return 5, "hello", true
local ok, res, s, b = pcall(f)
CHECK_EQ("boolean", toString(requireType("ok")));
CHECK_EQ("number", toString(requireType("res")));
// CHECK_EQ("any", toString(requireType("res")));
CHECK_EQ("string", toString(requireType("s")));
CHECK_EQ("boolean", toString(requireType("b")));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "constrained_is_level_dependent")
ScopedFastFlag sff[]{
{"LuauLowerBoundsCalculation", true},
CheckResult result = check(R"(
local function f(o)
local t = {}
t[o] = true
local function foo(o)
t[o] = nil
local function bar(o)
t[o] = true
return t
// TODO: We're missing generics b...
CHECK_EQ("<a...>(t1) -> {| [t1]: boolean |} where t1 = t2 ; t2 = {+ m1: (t1) -> (a...), m2: (t2) -> (b...) +}", toString(requireType("f")));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "free_is_not_bound_to_any")
CheckResult result = check(R"(
local function foo(f: (any) -> (), x)
CHECK_EQ("((any) -> (), any) -> ()", toString(requireType("foo")));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "greedy_inference_with_shared_self_triggers_function_with_no_returns")
ScopedFastFlag sff{"DebugLuauSharedSelf", true};
CheckResult result = check(R"(
local T = {}
T.__index = T
local self = setmetatable({}, T)
return self:ctor() or self
function T:ctor()
-- oops, no return!
CHECK_EQ("Not all codepaths in this function return 'self, a...'.", toString(result.errors[0]));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "dcr_cant_partially_dispatch_a_constraint")
ScopedFastFlag sff[] = {
{"DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution", true},
{"LuauSpecialTypesAsterisked", true},
CheckResult result = check(R"(
local function hasDivisors(value: number)
function prime_iter(state, index)
index += 1
// We should be able to resolve this to number, but we're not there yet.
// Solving this requires recognizing that we can partially solve the
// following constraint:
// (*blocked*) -> () <: (number) -> (b...)
// The correct thing for us to do is to consider the constraint dispatched,
// but we need to also record a new constraint number <: *blocked* to finish
// the job later.
CHECK("<a>(a, *error-type*) -> ()" == toString(requireType("prime_iter")));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "free_options_cannot_be_unified_together")
ScopedFastFlag sff[] = {
{"LuauFixNameMaps", true},
TypeArena arena;
TypeId nilType = singletonTypes->nilType;
std::unique_ptr scope = std::make_unique<Scope>(singletonTypes->anyTypePack);
TypeId free1 = arena.addType(FreeTypePack{scope.get()});
TypeId option1 = arena.addType(UnionTypeVar{{nilType, free1}});
TypeId free2 = arena.addType(FreeTypePack{scope.get()});
TypeId option2 = arena.addType(UnionTypeVar{{nilType, free2}});
InternalErrorReporter iceHandler;
UnifierSharedState sharedState{&iceHandler};
Unifier u{&arena, singletonTypes, Mode::Strict, NotNull{scope.get()}, Location{}, Variance::Covariant, sharedState};
u.tryUnify(option1, option2);
ToStringOptions opts;
CHECK("a?" == toString(option1, opts));
// CHECK("a?" == toString(option2, opts)); // This should hold, but does not.
CHECK("b?" == toString(option2, opts)); // This should not hold.
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "for_in_loop_with_zero_iterators")
ScopedFastFlag sff{"DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution", false};
CheckResult result = check(R"(
function no_iter() end
for key in no_iter() do end -- This should not be ok