
588 lines
17 KiB

// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/CodeGen.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include "Luau/CodeAllocator.h"
#include "Luau/CodeBlockUnwind.h"
#include "Luau/IrAnalysis.h"
#include "Luau/IrBuilder.h"
#include "Luau/IrDump.h"
#include "Luau/IrUtils.h"
#include "Luau/OptimizeConstProp.h"
#include "Luau/OptimizeFinalX64.h"
#include "Luau/UnwindBuilder.h"
#include "Luau/UnwindBuilderDwarf2.h"
#include "Luau/UnwindBuilderWin.h"
#include "Luau/AssemblyBuilderA64.h"
#include "Luau/AssemblyBuilderX64.h"
#include "CustomExecUtils.h"
#include "NativeState.h"
#include "CodeGenA64.h"
#include "EmitCommonA64.h"
#include "IrLoweringA64.h"
#include "CodeGenX64.h"
#include "EmitCommonX64.h"
#include "EmitInstructionX64.h"
#include "IrLoweringX64.h"
#include "lapi.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <intrin.h> // __cpuid
#include <cpuid.h> // __cpuid
#if defined(__aarch64__)
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
namespace Luau
namespace CodeGen
static NativeProto* createNativeProto(Proto* proto, const IrBuilder& ir)
NativeProto* result = new NativeProto();
result->proto = proto;
result->instTargets = new uintptr_t[proto->sizecode];
for (int i = 0; i < proto->sizecode; i++)
auto [irLocation, asmLocation] = ir.function.bcMapping[i];
result->instTargets[i] = irLocation == ~0u ? 0 : asmLocation;
return result;
template<typename AssemblyBuilder, typename IrLowering>
static bool lowerImpl(AssemblyBuilder& build, IrLowering& lowering, IrFunction& function, int bytecodeid, AssemblyOptions options)
// While we will need a better block ordering in the future, right now we want to mostly preserve build order with fallbacks outlined
std::vector<uint32_t> sortedBlocks;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < function.blocks.size(); i++)
std::sort(sortedBlocks.begin(), sortedBlocks.end(), [&](uint32_t idxA, uint32_t idxB) {
const IrBlock& a = function.blocks[idxA];
const IrBlock& b = function.blocks[idxB];
// Place fallback blocks at the end
if ((a.kind == IrBlockKind::Fallback) != (b.kind == IrBlockKind::Fallback))
return (a.kind == IrBlockKind::Fallback) < (b.kind == IrBlockKind::Fallback);
// Try to order by instruction order
return a.start < b.start;
DenseHashMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> bcLocations{~0u};
// Create keys for IR assembly locations that original bytecode instruction are interested in
for (const auto& [irLocation, asmLocation] : function.bcMapping)
if (irLocation != ~0u)
bcLocations[irLocation] = 0;
DenseHashMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> indexIrToBc{~0u};
bool outputEnabled = options.includeAssembly || options.includeIr;
if (outputEnabled && options.annotator)
// Create reverse mapping from IR location to bytecode location
for (size_t i = 0; i < function.bcMapping.size(); ++i)
uint32_t irLocation = function.bcMapping[i].irLocation;
if (irLocation != ~0u)
indexIrToBc[irLocation] = uint32_t(i);
IrToStringContext ctx{build.text, function.blocks, function.constants, function.cfg};
// We use this to skip outlined fallback blocks from IR/asm text output
size_t textSize = build.text.length();
uint32_t codeSize = build.getCodeSize();
bool seenFallback = false;
IrBlock dummy;
dummy.start = ~0u;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sortedBlocks.size(); ++i)
uint32_t blockIndex = sortedBlocks[i];
IrBlock& block = function.blocks[blockIndex];
if (block.kind == IrBlockKind::Dead)
LUAU_ASSERT(block.start != ~0u);
LUAU_ASSERT(block.finish != ~0u);
// If we want to skip fallback code IR/asm, we'll record when those blocks start once we see them
if (block.kind == IrBlockKind::Fallback && !seenFallback)
textSize = build.text.length();
codeSize = build.getCodeSize();
seenFallback = true;
if (options.includeIr)
build.logAppend("# ");
toStringDetailed(ctx, block, blockIndex, /* includeUseInfo */ true);
for (uint32_t index = block.start; index <= block.finish; index++)
LUAU_ASSERT(index < function.instructions.size());
// If IR instruction is the first one for the original bytecode, we can annotate it with source code text
if (outputEnabled && options.annotator)
if (uint32_t* bcIndex = indexIrToBc.find(index))
options.annotator(options.annotatorContext, build.text, bytecodeid, *bcIndex);
// If bytecode needs the location of this instruction for jumps, record it
if (uint32_t* bcLocation = bcLocations.find(index))
Label label = (index == block.start) ? block.label : build.setLabel();
*bcLocation = build.getLabelOffset(label);
IrInst& inst = function.instructions[index];
// Substitutions might have meta information about operand restore location from memory
if (inst.cmd == IrCmd::SUBSTITUTE && inst.b.kind != IrOpKind::None)
function.recordRestoreOp(inst.a.index, inst.b);
// Skip pseudo instructions, but make sure they are not used at this stage
// This also prevents them from getting into text output when that's enabled
if (isPseudo(inst.cmd))
LUAU_ASSERT(inst.useCount == 0);
if (options.includeIr)
build.logAppend("# ");
toStringDetailed(ctx, inst, index, /* includeUseInfo */ true);
IrBlock& next = i + 1 < sortedBlocks.size() ? function.blocks[sortedBlocks[i + 1]] : dummy;
lowering.lowerInst(inst, index, next);
if (lowering.hasError())
// Place labels for all blocks that we're skipping
// This is needed to avoid AssemblyBuilder assertions about jumps in earlier blocks with unplaced labels
for (size_t j = i + 1; j < sortedBlocks.size(); ++j)
IrBlock& abandoned = function.blocks[sortedBlocks[j]];
return false;
if (options.includeIr)
if (outputEnabled && !options.includeOutlinedCode && seenFallback)
if (options.includeAssembly)
build.logAppend("; skipping %u bytes of outlined code\n", unsigned((build.getCodeSize() - codeSize) * sizeof(build.code[0])));
// Copy assembly locations of IR instructions that are mapped to bytecode instructions
for (auto& [irLocation, asmLocation] : function.bcMapping)
if (irLocation != ~0u)
asmLocation = bcLocations[irLocation];
return true;
[[maybe_unused]] static bool lowerIr(
X64::AssemblyBuilderX64& build, IrBuilder& ir, NativeState& data, ModuleHelpers& helpers, Proto* proto, AssemblyOptions options)
X64::IrLoweringX64 lowering(build, helpers, data, ir.function);
return lowerImpl(build, lowering, ir.function, proto->bytecodeid, options);
[[maybe_unused]] static bool lowerIr(
A64::AssemblyBuilderA64& build, IrBuilder& ir, NativeState& data, ModuleHelpers& helpers, Proto* proto, AssemblyOptions options)
A64::IrLoweringA64 lowering(build, helpers, data, proto, ir.function);
return lowerImpl(build, lowering, ir.function, proto->bytecodeid, options);
template<typename AssemblyBuilder>
static NativeProto* assembleFunction(AssemblyBuilder& build, NativeState& data, ModuleHelpers& helpers, Proto* proto, AssemblyOptions options)
if (options.includeAssembly || options.includeIr)
if (proto->debugname)
build.logAppend("; function %s(", getstr(proto->debugname));
build.logAppend("; function(");
for (int i = 0; i < proto->numparams; i++)
LocVar* var = proto->locvars ? &proto->locvars[proto->sizelocvars - proto->numparams + i] : nullptr;
if (var && var->varname)
build.logAppend("%s%s", i == 0 ? "" : ", ", getstr(var->varname));
build.logAppend("%s$arg%d", i == 0 ? "" : ", ", i);
if (proto->numparams != 0 && proto->is_vararg)
build.logAppend(", ...)");
if (proto->linedefined >= 0)
build.logAppend(" line %d\n", proto->linedefined);
IrBuilder ir;
if (!FFlag::DebugCodegenNoOpt)
if (!lowerIr(build, ir, data, helpers, proto, options))
if (build.logText)
build.logAppend("; skipping (can't lower)\n\n");
return nullptr;
if (build.logText)
return createNativeProto(proto, ir);
static void destroyNativeProto(NativeProto* nativeProto)
delete[] nativeProto->instTargets;
delete nativeProto;
static void onCloseState(lua_State* L)
static void onDestroyFunction(lua_State* L, Proto* proto)
NativeProto* nativeProto = getProtoExecData(proto);
LUAU_ASSERT(nativeProto->proto == proto);
setProtoExecData(proto, nullptr);
static int onEnter(lua_State* L, Proto* proto)
if (L->singlestep)
return 1;
NativeState* data = getNativeState(L);
if (!L->ci->savedpc)
L->ci->savedpc = proto->code;
// We will jump into native code through a gateway
bool (*gate)(lua_State*, Proto*, uintptr_t, NativeContext*) = (bool (*)(lua_State*, Proto*, uintptr_t, NativeContext*))data->context.gateEntry;
NativeProto* nativeProto = getProtoExecData(proto);
uintptr_t target = nativeProto->instTargets[L->ci->savedpc - proto->code];
// Returns 1 to finish the function in the VM
return gate(L, proto, target, &data->context);
static void onSetBreakpoint(lua_State* L, Proto* proto, int instruction)
if (!getProtoExecData(proto))
LUAU_ASSERT(!"native breakpoints are not implemented");
#if defined(__aarch64__)
static unsigned int getCpuFeaturesA64()
unsigned int result = 0;
#ifdef __APPLE__
int jscvt = 0;
size_t jscvtLen = sizeof(jscvt);
if (sysctlbyname("hw.optional.arm.FEAT_JSCVT", &jscvt, &jscvtLen, nullptr, 0) == 0 && jscvt == 1)
result |= A64::Feature_JSCVT;
return result;
bool isSupported()
return false;
#elif defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64)
if (LUA_EXTRA_SIZE != 1)
return false;
if (sizeof(TValue) != 16)
return false;
if (sizeof(LuaNode) != 32)
return false;
int cpuinfo[4] = {};
#ifdef _MSC_VER
__cpuid(cpuinfo, 1);
__cpuid(1, cpuinfo[0], cpuinfo[1], cpuinfo[2], cpuinfo[3]);
// We require AVX1 support for VEX encoded XMM operations
// We also requre SSE4.1 support for ROUNDSD but the AVX check below covers it
if ((cpuinfo[2] & (1 << 28)) == 0)
return false;
return true;
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
if (LUA_EXTRA_SIZE != 1)
return false;
if (sizeof(TValue) != 16)
return false;
if (sizeof(LuaNode) != 32)
return false;
// TODO: A64 codegen does not generate correct unwind info at the moment so it requires longjmp instead of C++ exceptions
return false;
return true;
return false;
void create(lua_State* L)
NativeState& data = *createNativeState(L);
#if defined(_WIN32)
data.unwindBuilder = std::make_unique<UnwindBuilderWin>();
data.unwindBuilder = std::make_unique<UnwindBuilderDwarf2>();
data.codeAllocator.context = data.unwindBuilder.get();
data.codeAllocator.createBlockUnwindInfo = createBlockUnwindInfo;
data.codeAllocator.destroyBlockUnwindInfo = destroyBlockUnwindInfo;
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64)
if (!X64::initHeaderFunctions(data))
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
if (!A64::initHeaderFunctions(data))
lua_ExecutionCallbacks* ecb = getExecutionCallbacks(L);
ecb->close = onCloseState;
ecb->destroy = onDestroyFunction;
ecb->enter = onEnter;
ecb->setbreakpoint = onSetBreakpoint;
static void gatherFunctions(std::vector<Proto*>& results, Proto* proto)
if (results.size() <= size_t(proto->bytecodeid))
results.resize(proto->bytecodeid + 1);
// Skip protos that we've already compiled in this run: this happens because at -O2, inlined functions get their protos reused
if (results[proto->bytecodeid])
results[proto->bytecodeid] = proto;
for (int i = 0; i < proto->sizep; i++)
gatherFunctions(results, proto->p[i]);
void compile(lua_State* L, int idx)
LUAU_ASSERT(lua_isLfunction(L, idx));
const TValue* func = luaA_toobject(L, idx);
// If initialization has failed, do not compile any functions
if (!getNativeState(L))
#if defined(__aarch64__)
A64::AssemblyBuilderA64 build(/* logText= */ false, getCpuFeaturesA64());
X64::AssemblyBuilderX64 build(/* logText= */ false);
NativeState* data = getNativeState(L);
std::vector<Proto*> protos;
gatherFunctions(protos, clvalue(func)->l.p);
ModuleHelpers helpers;
#if defined(__aarch64__)
A64::assembleHelpers(build, helpers);
X64::assembleHelpers(build, helpers);
std::vector<NativeProto*> results;
// Skip protos that have been compiled during previous invocations of CodeGen::compile
for (Proto* p : protos)
if (p && getProtoExecData(p) == nullptr)
if (NativeProto* np = assembleFunction(build, *data, helpers, p, {}))
// If no functions were assembled, we don't need to allocate/copy executable pages for helpers
if (results.empty())
uint8_t* nativeData = nullptr;
size_t sizeNativeData = 0;
uint8_t* codeStart = nullptr;
if (!data->codeAllocator.allocate(, int(, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(,
int(build.code.size() * sizeof(build.code[0])), nativeData, sizeNativeData, codeStart))
for (NativeProto* result : results)
// Relocate instruction offsets
for (NativeProto* result : results)
for (int i = 0; i < result->proto->sizecode; i++)
result->instTargets[i] += uintptr_t(codeStart);
result->entryTarget = result->instTargets[0];
// Link native proto objects to Proto; the memory is now managed by VM and will be freed via onDestroyFunction
for (NativeProto* result : results)
setProtoExecData(result->proto, result);
std::string getAssembly(lua_State* L, int idx, AssemblyOptions options)
LUAU_ASSERT(lua_isLfunction(L, idx));
const TValue* func = luaA_toobject(L, idx);
#if defined(__aarch64__)
A64::AssemblyBuilderA64 build(/* logText= */ options.includeAssembly, getCpuFeaturesA64());
X64::AssemblyBuilderX64 build(/* logText= */ options.includeAssembly);
NativeState data;
std::vector<Proto*> protos;
gatherFunctions(protos, clvalue(func)->l.p);
ModuleHelpers helpers;
#if defined(__aarch64__)
A64::assembleHelpers(build, helpers);
X64::assembleHelpers(build, helpers);
for (Proto* p : protos)
if (p)
if (NativeProto* np = assembleFunction(build, data, helpers, p, options))
if (options.outputBinary)
return std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, reinterpret_cast<const char*>( + build.code.size())) +
return build.text;
} // namespace CodeGen
} // namespace Luau