
110 lines
3.6 KiB

// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Bytecode.h"
#include "Luau/CodeAllocator.h"
#include "Luau/Label.h"
#include <memory>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "ldebug.h"
#include "lobject.h"
#include "ltm.h"
#include "lstate.h"
typedef int (*luau_FastFunction)(lua_State* L, StkId res, TValue* arg0, int nresults, StkId args, int nparams);
namespace Luau
namespace CodeGen
class UnwindBuilder;
using FallbackFn = const Instruction*(lua_State* L, const Instruction* pc, StkId base, TValue* k);
constexpr uint8_t kFallbackUpdatePc = 1 << 0;
struct NativeFallback
FallbackFn* fallback;
uint8_t flags;
struct NativeProto
uintptr_t entryTarget = 0;
uintptr_t* instTargets = nullptr; // TODO: NativeProto should be variable-size with all target embedded
Proto* proto = nullptr;
uint32_t location = 0;
struct NativeContext
// Gateway (C => native transition) entry & exit, compiled at runtime
uint8_t* gateEntry = nullptr;
uint8_t* gateExit = nullptr;
// Opcode fallbacks, implemented in C
NativeFallback fallback[LOP__COUNT] = {};
// Fast call methods, implemented in C
luau_FastFunction luauF_table[256] = {};
// Helper functions, implemented in C
int (*luaV_lessthan)(lua_State* L, const TValue* l, const TValue* r) = nullptr;
int (*luaV_lessequal)(lua_State* L, const TValue* l, const TValue* r) = nullptr;
int (*luaV_equalval)(lua_State* L, const TValue* t1, const TValue* t2) = nullptr;
void (*luaV_doarith)(lua_State* L, StkId ra, const TValue* rb, const TValue* rc, TMS op) = nullptr;
void (*luaV_dolen)(lua_State* L, StkId ra, const TValue* rb) = nullptr;
void (*luaV_prepareFORN)(lua_State* L, StkId plimit, StkId pstep, StkId pinit) = nullptr;
void (*luaV_gettable)(lua_State* L, const TValue* t, TValue* key, StkId val) = nullptr;
void (*luaV_settable)(lua_State* L, const TValue* t, TValue* key, StkId val) = nullptr;
void (*luaV_getimport)(lua_State* L, Table* env, TValue* k, uint32_t id, bool propagatenil) = nullptr;
void (*luaV_concat)(lua_State* L, int total, int last) = nullptr;
int (*luaH_getn)(Table* t) = nullptr;
Table* (*luaH_new)(lua_State* L, int narray, int lnhash) = nullptr;
Table* (*luaH_clone)(lua_State* L, Table* tt) = nullptr;
void (*luaH_resizearray)(lua_State* L, Table* t, int nasize) = nullptr;
void (*luaC_barriertable)(lua_State* L, Table* t, GCObject* v) = nullptr;
void (*luaC_barrierf)(lua_State* L, GCObject* o, GCObject* v) = nullptr;
void (*luaC_barrierback)(lua_State* L, GCObject* o, GCObject** gclist) = nullptr;
size_t (*luaC_step)(lua_State* L, bool assist) = nullptr;
void (*luaF_close)(lua_State* L, StkId level) = nullptr;
double (*libm_pow)(double, double) = nullptr;
// Helper functions
bool (*forgLoopNodeIter)(lua_State* L, Table* h, int index, TValue* ra) = nullptr;
bool (*forgLoopNonTableFallback)(lua_State* L, int insnA, int aux) = nullptr;
void (*forgPrepXnextFallback)(lua_State* L, TValue* ra, int pc) = nullptr;
Closure* (*callProlog)(lua_State* L, TValue* ra, StkId argtop, int nresults) = nullptr;
void (*callEpilogC)(lua_State* L, int nresults, int n) = nullptr;
struct NativeState
CodeAllocator codeAllocator;
std::unique_ptr<UnwindBuilder> unwindBuilder;
uint8_t* gateData = nullptr;
size_t gateDataSize = 0;
NativeContext context;
void initFallbackTable(NativeState& data);
void initHelperFunctions(NativeState& data);
} // namespace CodeGen
} // namespace Luau