
843 lines
26 KiB

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright (c) 2021, Daan Leijen
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the MIT License. A copy of the license can be
found in the "LICENSE" file at the root of this distribution.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "attr.h"
#include "term.h"
#include "bbcode.h"
// HTML color table
#include "bbcode_colors.c"
// Types
typedef struct style_s {
const char* name; // name of the style
attr_t attr; // attribute to apply
} style_t;
typedef enum align_e {
} align_t;
typedef struct width_s {
ssize_t w; // > 0
align_t align;
bool dots; // "..." (e.g. "sentence...")
char fill; // " " (e.g. "hello ")
} width_t;
typedef struct tag_s {
const char* name; // tag open name
attr_t attr; // the saved attribute before applying the style
width_t width; // start sequence of at most "width" columns
ssize_t pos; // start position in the output (used for width restriction)
} tag_t;
static void tag_init(tag_t* tag) {
struct bbcode_s {
tag_t* tags; // stack of tags; one entry for each open tag
ssize_t tags_capacity;
ssize_t tags_nesting;
style_t* styles; // list of used defined styles
ssize_t styles_capacity;
ssize_t styles_count;
term_t* term; // terminal
alloc_t* mem; // allocator
// caches
stringbuf_t* out; // print buffer
attrbuf_t* out_attrs;
stringbuf_t* vout; // vprintf buffer
// Create, helpers
ic_private bbcode_t* bbcode_new( alloc_t* mem, term_t* term ) {
bbcode_t* bb = mem_zalloc_tp(mem,bbcode_t);
if (bb==NULL) return NULL;
bb->mem = mem;
bb->term = term;
bb->out = sbuf_new(mem);
bb->out_attrs = attrbuf_new(mem);
bb->vout = sbuf_new(mem);
return bb;
ic_private void bbcode_free( bbcode_t* bb ) {
for(ssize_t i = 0; i < bb->styles_count; i++) {
mem_free(bb->mem, bb->styles[i].name);
mem_free(bb->mem, bb->tags);
mem_free(bb->mem, bb->styles);
mem_free(bb->mem, bb);
ic_private void bbcode_style_add( bbcode_t* bb, const char* style_name, attr_t attr ) {
if (bb->styles_count >= bb->styles_capacity) {
ssize_t newlen = bb->styles_capacity + 32;
style_t* p = mem_realloc_tp( bb->mem, style_t, bb->styles, newlen );
if (p == NULL) return;
bb->styles = p;
bb->styles_capacity = newlen;
assert(bb->styles_count < bb->styles_capacity);
bb->styles[bb->styles_count].name = mem_strdup( bb->mem, style_name );
bb->styles[bb->styles_count].attr = attr;
static ssize_t bbcode_tag_push( bbcode_t* bb, const tag_t* tag ) {
if (bb->tags_nesting >= bb->tags_capacity) {
ssize_t newcap = bb->tags_capacity + 32;
tag_t* p = mem_realloc_tp( bb->mem, tag_t, bb->tags, newcap );
if (p == NULL) return -1;
bb->tags = p;
bb->tags_capacity = newcap;
assert(bb->tags_nesting < bb->tags_capacity);
bb->tags[bb->tags_nesting] = *tag;
return (bb->tags_nesting-1);
static void bbcode_tag_pop( bbcode_t* bb, tag_t* tag ) {
if (bb->tags_nesting <= 0) {
if (tag != NULL) { tag_init(tag); }
else {
if (tag != NULL) {
*tag = bb->tags[bb->tags_nesting];
// Invalid parse/values/balance
static void bbcode_invalid(const char* fmt, ... ) {
if (getenv("ISOCLINE_BBCODE_DEBUG") != NULL) {
va_list args;
// Set attributes
static attr_t bbcode_open( bbcode_t* bb, ssize_t out_pos, const tag_t* tag, attr_t current ) {
// save current and set
tag_t cur;
tag_init(&cur); = tag->name;
cur.attr = current;
cur.width = tag->width;
cur.pos = out_pos;
return attr_update_with( current, tag->attr );
static bool bbcode_close( bbcode_t* bb, ssize_t base, const char* name, tag_t* pprev ) {
// pop until match
while (bb->tags_nesting > base) {
tag_t prev;
if (name==NULL || || ic_stricmp(,name) == 0) {
// matched
if (pprev != NULL) { *pprev = prev; }
return true;
else {
// unbalanced: we either continue popping or restore the tags depending if there is a matching open tag in our tags.
bool has_open_tag = false;
if (name != NULL) {
for( ssize_t i = bb->tags_nesting - 1; i > base; i--) {
if (bb->tags[i].name != NULL && ic_stricmp(bb->tags[i].name, name) == 0) {
has_open_tag = true;
bbcode_invalid("bbcode: unbalanced tags: open [%s], close [/%s]\n",, name);
if (!has_open_tag) {
bbcode_tag_push( bb, &prev ); // restore the tags and ignore this close tag
else {
// continue until we hit our open tag
if (pprev != NULL) { memset(pprev,0,sizeof(*pprev)); }
return false;
// Update attributes
static const char* attr_update_bool( const char* fname, signed int* field, const char* value ) {
if (value == NULL || value[0] == 0 || strcmp(value,"on") || strcmp(value,"true") || strcmp(value,"1")) {
*field = IC_ON;
else if (strcmp(value,"off") || strcmp(value,"false") || strcmp(value,"0")) {
*field = IC_OFF;
else {
bbcode_invalid("bbcode: invalid %s value: %s\n", fname, value );
return fname;
static const char* attr_update_color( const char* fname, ic_color_t* field, const char* value ) {
if (value == NULL || value[0] == 0 || strcmp(value,"none") == 0) {
*field = IC_COLOR_NONE;
return fname;
// hex value
if (value[0] == '#') {
uint32_t rgb = 0;
if (sscanf(value,"#%x",&rgb) == 1) {
*field = ic_rgb(rgb);
else {
bbcode_invalid("bbcode: invalid color code: %s\n", value);
return fname;
// search color names
ssize_t lo = 0;
ssize_t hi = IC_HTML_COLOR_COUNT-1;
while( lo <= hi ) {
ssize_t mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
style_color_t* info = &html_colors[mid];
int cmp = strcmp(info->name,value);
if (cmp < 0) {
lo = mid+1;
else if (cmp > 0) {
hi = mid-1;
else {
*field = info->color;
return fname;
bbcode_invalid("bbcode: unknown %s: %s\n", fname, value);
*field = IC_COLOR_NONE;
return fname;
static const char* attr_update_sgr( const char* fname, attr_t* attr, const char* value ) {
*attr = attr_update_with(*attr, attr_from_sgr(value, ic_strlen(value)));
return fname;
static void attr_update_width( width_t* pwidth, char default_fill, const char* value ) {
// parse width value: <width>;<left|center|right>;<fill>;<cut>
width_t width;
memset(&width, 0, sizeof(width));
width.fill = default_fill; // use 0 for no-fill (as for max-width)
if (ic_atoz(value, &width.w)) {
ssize_t i = 0;
while( value[i] != ';' && value[i] != 0 ) { i++; }
if (value[i] == ';') {
ssize_t len = 0;
while( value[i+len] != ';' && value[i+len] != 0 ) { len++; }
if (len == 4 && ic_istarts_with(value+i,"left")) {
width.align = IC_ALIGN_LEFT;
else if (len == 5 && ic_istarts_with(value+i,"right")) {
width.align = IC_ALIGN_RIGHT;
else if (len == 6 && ic_istarts_with(value+i,"center")) {
width.align = IC_ALIGN_CENTER;
i += len;
if (value[i] == ';') {
i++; len = 0;
while( value[i+len] != ';' && value[i+len] != 0 ) { len++; }
if (len == 1) { width.fill = value[i]; }
i+= len;
if (value[i] == ';') {
i++; len = 0;
while( value[i+len] != ';' && value[i+len] != 0 ) { len++; }
if ((len == 2 && ic_istarts_with(value+i,"on")) || (len == 1 && value[i] == '1')) { width.dots = true; }
i += len;
else {
bbcode_invalid("bbcode: illegal width: %s\n", value);
*pwidth = width;
static const char* attr_update_ansi_color( const char* fname, ic_color_t* color, const char* value ) {
ssize_t num = 0;
if (ic_atoz(value, &num) && num >= 0 && num <= 256) {
*color = color_from_ansi256(num);
return fname;
static const char* attr_update_property( tag_t* tag, const char* attr_name, const char* value ) {
const char* fname = NULL;
fname = "bold";
if (strcmp(attr_name,fname) == 0) {
signed int b = IC_NONE;
attr_update_bool(fname,&b, value);
if (b != IC_NONE) { tag->attr.x.bold = b; }
return fname;
fname = "italic";
if (strcmp(attr_name,fname) == 0) {
signed int b = IC_NONE;
attr_update_bool(fname,&b, value);
if (b != IC_NONE) { tag->attr.x.italic = b; }
return fname;
fname = "underline";
if (strcmp(attr_name,fname) == 0) {
signed int b = IC_NONE;
attr_update_bool(fname,&b, value);
if (b != IC_NONE) { tag->attr.x.underline = b; }
return fname;
fname = "reverse";
if (strcmp(attr_name,fname) == 0) {
signed int b = IC_NONE;
attr_update_bool(fname,&b, value);
if (b != IC_NONE) { tag->attr.x.reverse = b; }
return fname;
fname = "color";
if (strcmp(attr_name,fname) == 0) {
unsigned int color = IC_COLOR_NONE;
attr_update_color(fname, &color, value);
if (color != IC_COLOR_NONE) { tag->attr.x.color = color; }
return fname;
fname = "bgcolor";
if (strcmp(attr_name,fname) == 0) {
unsigned int color = IC_COLOR_NONE;
attr_update_color(fname, &color, value);
if (color != IC_COLOR_NONE) { tag->attr.x.bgcolor = color; }
return fname;
fname = "ansi-sgr";
if (strcmp(attr_name,fname) == 0) {
attr_update_sgr(fname, &tag->attr, value);
return fname;
fname = "ansi-color";
if (strcmp(attr_name,fname) == 0) {
ic_color_t color = IC_COLOR_NONE;;
attr_update_ansi_color(fname, &color, value);
if (color != IC_COLOR_NONE) { tag->attr.x.color = color; }
return fname;
fname = "ansi-bgcolor";
if (strcmp(attr_name,fname) == 0) {
ic_color_t color = IC_COLOR_NONE;;
attr_update_ansi_color(fname, &color, value);
if (color != IC_COLOR_NONE) { tag->attr.x.bgcolor = color; }
return fname;
fname = "width";
if (strcmp(attr_name,fname) == 0) {
attr_update_width(&tag->width, ' ', value);
return fname;
fname = "max-width";
if (strcmp(attr_name,fname) == 0) {
attr_update_width(&tag->width, 0, value);
return "width";
else {
return NULL;
static const style_t builtin_styles[] = {
{ "em", { { IC_COLOR_NONE, IC_ON , IC_NONE, IC_COLOR_NONE, IC_NONE, IC_NONE } } }, // bold
{ "url",{ { IC_COLOR_NONE, IC_NONE, IC_NONE, IC_COLOR_NONE, IC_ON, IC_NONE } } }, // underline
static void attr_update_with_styles( tag_t* tag, const char* attr_name, const char* value,
bool usebgcolor, const style_t* styles, ssize_t count )
// direct hex color?
if (attr_name[0] == '#' && (value == NULL || value[0]==0)) {
value = attr_name;
attr_name = (usebgcolor ? "bgcolor" : "color");
// first try if it is a builtin property
const char* name;
if ((name = attr_update_property(tag,attr_name,value)) != NULL) {
if (tag->name != NULL) tag->name = name;
// then check all styles
while( count-- > 0 ) {
const style_t* style = styles + count;
if (strcmp(style->name,attr_name) == 0) {
tag->attr = attr_update_with(tag->attr,style->attr);
if (tag->name != NULL) tag->name = style->name;
// check builtin styles; todo: binary search?
for( const style_t* style = builtin_styles; style->name != NULL; style++) {
if (strcmp(style->name,attr_name) == 0) {
tag->attr = attr_update_with(tag->attr,style->attr);
if (tag->name != NULL) tag->name = style->name;
// check colors as a style
ssize_t lo = 0;
ssize_t hi = IC_HTML_COLOR_COUNT-1;
while( lo <= hi ) {
ssize_t mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
style_color_t* info = &html_colors[mid];
int cmp = strcmp(info->name,attr_name);
if (cmp < 0) {
lo = mid+1;
else if (cmp > 0) {
hi = mid-1;
else {
attr_t cattr = attr_none();
if (usebgcolor) { cattr.x.bgcolor = info->color; }
else { cattr.x.color = info->color; }
tag->attr = attr_update_with(tag->attr,cattr);
if (tag->name != NULL) tag->name = info->name;
// not found
bbcode_invalid("bbcode: unknown style: %s\n", attr_name);
ic_private attr_t bbcode_style( bbcode_t* bb, const char* style_name ) {
tag_t tag;
attr_update_with_styles( &tag, style_name, NULL, false, bb->styles, bb->styles_count );
return tag.attr;
// Parse tags
ic_private const char* parse_skip_white(const char* s) {
while( *s != 0 && *s != ']') {
if (!(*s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\n' || *s == '\r')) break;
return s;
ic_private const char* parse_skip_to_white(const char* s) {
while( *s != 0 && *s != ']') {
if (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\n' || *s == '\r') break;
return parse_skip_white(s);
ic_private const char* parse_skip_to_end(const char* s) {
while( *s != 0 && *s != ']' ) { s++; }
return s;
ic_private const char* parse_attr_name(const char* s) {
if (*s == '#') {
s++; // hex rgb color as id
while( *s != 0 && *s != ']') {
if (!((*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'f') || (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'Z') || (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9'))) break;
else {
while( *s != 0 && *s != ']') {
if (!((*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'z') || (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'Z') ||
(*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') || *s == '_' || *s == '-')) break;
return s;
ic_private const char* parse_value(const char* s, const char** start, const char** end) {
if (*s == '"') {
*start = s;
while( *s != 0 ) {
if (*s == '"') break;
*end = s;
if (*s == '"') { s++; }
else if (*s == '#') {
*start = s;
while( *s != 0 ) {
if (!((*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'f') || (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'Z') || (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9'))) break;
*end = s;
else {
*start = s;
while( *s != 0 ) {
if (!((*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'z') || (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'F') || (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') || *s == '-' || *s == '_')) break;
*end = s;
return s;
ic_private const char* parse_tag_value( tag_t* tag, char* idbuf, const char* s, const style_t* styles, ssize_t scount ) {
// parse: \s*[\w-]+\s*(=\s*<value>)
bool usebgcolor = false;
const char* id = s;
const char* idend = parse_attr_name(id);
const char* val = NULL;
const char* valend = NULL;
if (id == idend) {
bbcode_invalid("bbcode: empty identifier? %.10s...\n", id );
return parse_skip_to_white(id);
// "on" bgcolor?
s = parse_skip_white(idend);
if (idend - id == 2 && ic_strnicmp(id,"on",2) == 0 && *s != '=') {
usebgcolor = true;
id = s;
idend = parse_attr_name(id);
if (id == idend) {
bbcode_invalid("bbcode: empty identifier follows 'on'? %.10s...\n", id );
return parse_skip_to_white(id);
s = parse_skip_white(idend);
// value
if (*s == '=') {
s = parse_skip_white(s);
s = parse_value(s, &val, &valend);
s = parse_skip_white(s);
// limit name and attr to 128 bytes
char valbuf[128];
ic_strncpy( idbuf, 128, id, idend - id);
ic_strncpy( valbuf, 128, val, valend - val);
attr_update_with_styles( tag, idbuf, valbuf, usebgcolor, styles, scount );
return s;
static const char* parse_tag_values( tag_t* tag, char* idbuf, const char* s, const style_t* styles, ssize_t scount ) {
s = parse_skip_white(s);
idbuf[0] = 0;
ssize_t count = 0;
while( *s != 0 && *s != ']') {
char idbuf_next[128];
s = parse_tag_value(tag, (count==0 ? idbuf : idbuf_next), s, styles, scount);
if (*s == ']') { s++; }
return s;
static const char* parse_tag( tag_t* tag, char* idbuf, bool* open, bool* pre, const char* s, const style_t* styles, ssize_t scount ) {
*open = true;
*pre = false;
if (*s != '[') return s;
s = parse_skip_white(s+1);
if (*s == '!') { // pre
*pre = true;
s = parse_skip_white(s+1);
else if (*s == '/') {
*open = false;
s = parse_skip_white(s+1);
s = parse_tag_values( tag, idbuf, s, styles, scount);
return s;
// Styles
static void bbcode_parse_tag_content( bbcode_t* bb, const char* s, tag_t* tag ) {
if (s != NULL) {
char idbuf[128];
parse_tag_values(tag, idbuf, s, bb->styles, bb->styles_count);
ic_private void bbcode_style_def( bbcode_t* bb, const char* style_name, const char* s ) {
tag_t tag;
bbcode_parse_tag_content( bb, s, &tag);
bbcode_style_add(bb, style_name, tag.attr);
ic_private void bbcode_style_open( bbcode_t* bb, const char* fmt ) {
tag_t tag;
bbcode_parse_tag_content(bb, fmt, &tag);
term_set_attr( bb->term, bbcode_open(bb, 0, &tag, term_get_attr(bb->term)) );
ic_private void bbcode_style_close( bbcode_t* bb, const char* fmt ) {
const ssize_t base = bb->tags_nesting - 1; // as we end a style
tag_t tag;
bbcode_parse_tag_content(bb, fmt, &tag);
tag_t prev;
if (bbcode_close(bb, base,, &prev)) {
term_set_attr( bb->term, prev.attr );
// Restrict to width
static void bbcode_restrict_width( ssize_t start, width_t width, stringbuf_t* out, attrbuf_t* attr_out ) {
if (width.w <= 0) return;
assert(start <= sbuf_len(out));
assert(attr_out == NULL || sbuf_len(out) == attrbuf_len(attr_out));
const char* s = sbuf_string(out) + start;
const ssize_t len = sbuf_len(out) - start;
const ssize_t w = str_column_width(s);
if (w == width.w) return; // fits exactly
if (w > width.w) {
// too large
ssize_t innerw = (width.dots && width.w > 3 ? width.w-3 : width.w);
if (width.align == IC_ALIGN_RIGHT) {
// right align
const ssize_t ndel = str_skip_until_fit( s, innerw );
sbuf_delete_at( out, start, ndel );
attrbuf_delete_at( attr_out, start, ndel );
if (innerw < width.w) {
// add dots
sbuf_insert_at( out, "...", start );
attr_t attr = attrbuf_attr_at(attr_out, start);
attrbuf_insert_at( attr_out, start, 3, attr);
else {
// left or center align
ssize_t count = str_take_while_fit( s, innerw );
sbuf_delete_at( out, start + count, len - count );
attrbuf_delete_at( attr_out, start + count, len - count );
if (innerw < width.w) {
// add dots
attr_t attr = attrbuf_attr_at(attr_out,start);
attrbuf_append_n( out, attr_out, "...", 3, attr );
else {
// too short, pad to width
const ssize_t diff = (width.w - w);
const ssize_t pad_left = (width.align == IC_ALIGN_RIGHT ? diff : (width.align == IC_ALIGN_LEFT ? 0 : diff / 2));
const ssize_t pad_right = (width.align == IC_ALIGN_LEFT ? diff : (width.align == IC_ALIGN_RIGHT ? 0 : diff - pad_left));
if (width.fill != 0 && pad_left > 0) {
const attr_t attr = attrbuf_attr_at(attr_out,start);
for( ssize_t i = 0; i < pad_left; i++) { // todo: optimize
sbuf_insert_char_at(out, width.fill, start);
attrbuf_insert_at( attr_out, start, pad_left, attr );
if (width.fill != 0 && pad_right > 0) {
const attr_t attr = attrbuf_attr_at(attr_out,sbuf_len(out) - 1);
char buf[2];
buf[0] = width.fill;
buf[1] = 0;
for( ssize_t i = 0; i < pad_right; i++) { // todo: optimize
attrbuf_append_n( out, attr_out, buf, 1, attr );
// Print
ic_private ssize_t bbcode_process_tag( bbcode_t* bb, const char* s, const ssize_t nesting_base,
stringbuf_t* out, attrbuf_t* attr_out, attr_t* cur_attr ) {
assert(*s == '[');
tag_t tag;
bool open = true;
bool ispre = false;
char idbuf[128];
const char* end = parse_tag( &tag, idbuf, &open, &ispre, s, bb->styles, bb->styles_count ); // todo: styles
assert(end > s);
if (open) {
if (!ispre) {
// open tag
*cur_attr = bbcode_open( bb, sbuf_len(out), &tag, *cur_attr );
else {
// scan pre to end tag
attr_t attr = attr_update_with(*cur_attr, tag.attr);
char pre[132];
if (snprintf(pre, 132, "[/%s]", idbuf) < ssizeof(pre)) {
const char* etag = strstr(end,pre);
if (etag == NULL) {
const ssize_t len = ic_strlen(end);
attrbuf_append_n(out, attr_out, end, len, attr);
end += len;
else {
attrbuf_append_n(out, attr_out, end, (etag - end), attr);
end = etag + ic_strlen(pre);
else {
// pop the tag
tag_t prev;
if (bbcode_close( bb, nesting_base,, &prev)) {
*cur_attr = prev.attr;
if (prev.width.w > 0) {
// closed a width tag; restrict the output to width
bbcode_restrict_width( prev.pos, prev.width, out, attr_out);
return (end - s);
ic_private void bbcode_append( bbcode_t* bb, const char* s, stringbuf_t* out, attrbuf_t* attr_out ) {
if (bb == NULL || s == NULL) return;
attr_t attr = attr_none();
const ssize_t base = bb->tags_nesting; // base; will not be popped
ssize_t i = 0;
while( s[i] != 0 ) {
// handle no tags in bulk
ssize_t nobb = 0;
char c;
while( (c = s[i+nobb]) != 0) {
if (c == '[' || c == '\\') { break; }
if (c == '\x1B' && s[i+nobb+1] == '[') {
nobb++; // don't count 'ESC[' as a tag opener
if (nobb > 0) { attrbuf_append_n(out, attr_out, s+i, nobb, attr); }
i += nobb;
// tag
if (s[i] == '[') {
i += bbcode_process_tag(bb, s+i, base, out, attr_out, &attr);
else if (s[i] == '\\') {
if (s[i+1] == '\\' || s[i+1] == '[') {
attrbuf_append_n(out, attr_out, s+i+1, 1, attr); // escape '\[' and '\\'
i += 2;
else {
attrbuf_append_n(out, attr_out, s+i, 1, attr); // pass '\\' as is
// pop unclosed openings
assert(bb->tags_nesting >= base);
while( bb->tags_nesting > base ) {
ic_private void bbcode_print( bbcode_t* bb, const char* s ) {
if (bb->out == NULL || bb->out_attrs == NULL || s == NULL) return;
assert(sbuf_len(bb->out) == 0 && attrbuf_len(bb->out_attrs) == 0);
bbcode_append( bb, s, bb->out, bb->out_attrs );
term_write_formatted( bb->term, sbuf_string(bb->out), attrbuf_attrs(bb->out_attrs,sbuf_len(bb->out)) );
ic_private void bbcode_println( bbcode_t* bb, const char* s ) {
term_writeln(bb->term, "");
ic_private void bbcode_vprintf( bbcode_t* bb, const char* fmt, va_list args ) {
if (bb->vout == NULL || fmt == NULL) return;
assert(sbuf_len(bb->vout) == 0);
bbcode_print(bb, sbuf_string(bb->vout));
ic_private void bbcode_printf( bbcode_t* bb, const char* fmt, ... ) {
va_list args;
ic_private ssize_t bbcode_column_width( bbcode_t* bb, const char* s ) {
if (s==NULL || s[0] == 0) return 0;
if (bb->vout == NULL) { return str_column_width(s); }
assert(sbuf_len(bb->vout) == 0);
bbcode_append( bb, s, bb->vout, NULL);
const ssize_t w = str_column_width(sbuf_string(bb->vout));
return w;