
188 lines
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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright (c) 2021, Daan Leijen
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the MIT License. A copy of the license can be
found in the "LICENSE" file at the root of this distribution.
#pragma once
#ifndef IC_COMMON_H
#define IC_COMMON_H
// Headers and defines
#include <sys/types.h> // ssize_t
#include <limits.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "../include/isocline.h" // ic_malloc_fun_t, ic_color_t etc.
# ifdef __cplusplus
# define ic_extern_c extern "C"
# else
# define ic_extern_c
# endif
#if defined(IC_SEPARATE_OBJS)
# define ic_public ic_extern_c
# if defined(__GNUC__) // includes clang and icc
# define ic_private __attribute__((visibility("hidden")))
# else
# define ic_private
# endif
# define ic_private static
# define ic_public ic_extern_c
#define ic_unused(x) (void)(x)
// ssize_t
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
typedef intptr_t ssize_t;
#define ssizeof(tp) (ssize_t)(sizeof(tp))
static inline size_t to_size_t(ssize_t sz) { return (sz >= 0 ? (size_t)sz : 0); }
static inline ssize_t to_ssize_t(size_t sz) { return (sz <= SIZE_MAX/2 ? (ssize_t)sz : 0); }
ic_private void ic_memmove(void* dest, const void* src, ssize_t n);
ic_private void ic_memcpy(void* dest, const void* src, ssize_t n);
ic_private void ic_memset(void* dest, uint8_t value, ssize_t n);
ic_private bool ic_memnmove(void* dest, ssize_t dest_size, const void* src, ssize_t n);
ic_private ssize_t ic_strlen(const char* s);
ic_private bool ic_strcpy(char* dest, ssize_t dest_size /* including 0 */, const char* src);
ic_private bool ic_strncpy(char* dest, ssize_t dest_size /* including 0 */, const char* src, ssize_t n);
ic_private bool ic_contains(const char* big, const char* s);
ic_private bool ic_icontains(const char* big, const char* s);
ic_private char ic_tolower(char c);
ic_private void ic_str_tolower(char* s);
ic_private int ic_stricmp(const char* s1, const char* s2);
ic_private int ic_strnicmp(const char* s1, const char* s2, ssize_t n);
// Unicode
// We use "qutf-8" (quite like utf-8) encoding and decoding.
// Internally we always use valid utf-8. If we encounter invalid
// utf-8 bytes (or bytes >= 0x80 from any other encoding) we encode
// these as special code points in the "raw plane" (0xEE000 - 0xEE0FF).
// When decoding we are then able to restore such raw bytes as-is.
// See <>
typedef uint32_t unicode_t;
ic_private void unicode_to_qutf8(unicode_t u, uint8_t buf[5]);
ic_private unicode_t unicode_from_qutf8(const uint8_t* s, ssize_t len, ssize_t* nread); // validating
ic_private unicode_t unicode_from_raw(uint8_t c);
ic_private bool unicode_is_raw(unicode_t u, uint8_t* c);
ic_private bool utf8_is_cont(uint8_t c);
// Colors
// A color is either RGB or an ANSI code.
// (RGB colors have bit 24 set to distinguish them from the ANSI color palette colors.)
// (Isocline will automatically convert from RGB on terminals that do not support full colors)
typedef uint32_t ic_color_t;
// Create a color from a 24-bit color value.
ic_private ic_color_t ic_rgb(uint32_t hex);
// Create a color from a 8-bit red/green/blue components.
// The value of each component is capped between 0 and 255.
ic_private ic_color_t ic_rgbx(ssize_t r, ssize_t g, ssize_t b);
#define IC_COLOR_NONE (0)
#define IC_RGB(rgb) (0x1000000 | (uint32_t)(rgb)) // ic_rgb(rgb) // define to it can be used as a constant
// ANSI colors.
// The actual colors used is usually determined by the terminal theme
// See <>
#define IC_ANSI_BLACK (30)
#define IC_ANSI_MAROON (31)
#define IC_ANSI_GREEN (32)
#define IC_ANSI_OLIVE (33)
#define IC_ANSI_NAVY (34)
#define IC_ANSI_PURPLE (35)
#define IC_ANSI_TEAL (36)
#define IC_ANSI_SILVER (37)
#define IC_ANSI_DEFAULT (39)
#define IC_ANSI_GRAY (90)
#define IC_ANSI_RED (91)
#define IC_ANSI_LIME (92)
#define IC_ANSI_YELLOW (93)
#define IC_ANSI_BLUE (94)
#define IC_ANSI_FUCHSIA (95)
#define IC_ANSI_AQUA (96)
#define IC_ANSI_WHITE (97)
// Debug
#if defined(IC_NO_DEBUG_MSG)
#define debug_msg(fmt,...) (void)(0)
ic_private void debug_msg( const char* fmt, ... );
// Abstract environment
struct ic_env_s;
typedef struct ic_env_s ic_env_t;
// Allocation
typedef struct alloc_s {
ic_malloc_fun_t* malloc;
ic_realloc_fun_t* realloc;
ic_free_fun_t* free;
} alloc_t;
ic_private void* mem_malloc( alloc_t* mem, ssize_t sz );
ic_private void* mem_zalloc( alloc_t* mem, ssize_t sz );
ic_private void* mem_realloc( alloc_t* mem, void* p, ssize_t newsz );
ic_private void mem_free( alloc_t* mem, const void* p );
ic_private char* mem_strdup( alloc_t* mem, const char* s);
ic_private char* mem_strndup( alloc_t* mem, const char* s, ssize_t n);
#define mem_zalloc_tp(mem,tp) (tp*)mem_zalloc(mem,ssizeof(tp))
#define mem_malloc_tp_n(mem,tp,n) (tp*)mem_malloc(mem,(n)*ssizeof(tp))
#define mem_zalloc_tp_n(mem,tp,n) (tp*)mem_zalloc(mem,(n)*ssizeof(tp))
#define mem_realloc_tp(mem,tp,p,n) (tp*)mem_realloc(mem,p,(n)*ssizeof(tp))
#endif // IC_COMMON_H