/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2008 LWJGL Project * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of 'LWJGL' nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.lwjgl.util.generator; /** * * Various utility methods to the generator. * * @author elias_naur * @version $Revision$ * $Id$ */ import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.nio.Buffer; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; import com.sun.mirror.declaration.*; import com.sun.mirror.type.PrimitiveType; import com.sun.mirror.type.TypeMirror; public class Utils { public static final String TYPEDEF_POSTFIX = "PROC"; public static final String FUNCTION_POINTER_VAR_NAME = "function_pointer"; public static final String FUNCTION_POINTER_POSTFIX = "_pointer"; public static final String CHECKS_CLASS_NAME = "GLChecks"; public static final String CONTEXT_CAPS_CLASS_NAME = "ContextCapabilities"; public static final String STUB_INITIALIZER_NAME = "initNativeStubs"; public static final String BUFFER_OBJECT_METHOD_POSTFIX = "BO"; public static final String BUFFER_OBJECT_PARAMETER_POSTFIX = "_buffer_offset"; public static final String RESULT_SIZE_NAME = "result_size"; public static final String RESULT_VAR_NAME = "__result"; public static final String CACHED_BUFFER_LENGTH_NAME = "length"; public static final String CACHED_BUFFER_NAME = "old_buffer"; private static final String OVERLOADED_METHOD_PREFIX = "n"; public static String getTypedefName(MethodDeclaration method) { Alternate alt_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class); return (alt_annotation == null ? method.getSimpleName() : alt_annotation.value()) + TYPEDEF_POSTFIX; } public static String getFunctionAddressName(InterfaceDeclaration interface_decl, MethodDeclaration method) { return getFunctionAddressName(interface_decl, method, false); } public static String getFunctionAddressName(InterfaceDeclaration interface_decl, MethodDeclaration method, boolean forceAlt) { Alternate alt_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class); if ( alt_annotation == null || (alt_annotation.nativeAlt() && !forceAlt) ) return interface_decl.getSimpleName() + "_" + method.getSimpleName() + FUNCTION_POINTER_POSTFIX; else return interface_decl.getSimpleName() + "_" + alt_annotation.value() + FUNCTION_POINTER_POSTFIX; } public static boolean isFinal(InterfaceDeclaration d) { Extension extension_annotation = d.getAnnotation(Extension.class); return extension_annotation == null || extension_annotation.isFinal(); } private static class AnnotationMirrorComparator implements Comparator { public int compare(AnnotationMirror a1, AnnotationMirror a2) { String n1 = a1.getAnnotationType().getDeclaration().getQualifiedName(); String n2 = a2.getAnnotationType().getDeclaration().getQualifiedName(); int result = n1.compareTo(n2); return result; } public boolean equals(AnnotationMirror a1, AnnotationMirror a2) { return compare(a1, a2) == 0; } } public static Collection getSortedAnnotations(Collection annotations) { List annotation_list = new ArrayList(annotations); Collections.sort(annotation_list, new AnnotationMirrorComparator()); return annotation_list; } public static String getReferenceName(InterfaceDeclaration interface_decl, MethodDeclaration method, ParameterDeclaration param) { return interface_decl.getSimpleName() + "_" + method.getSimpleName() + "_" + param.getSimpleName(); } public static boolean isAddressableType(TypeMirror type) { return isAddressableType(getJavaType(type)); } public static boolean isAddressableType(Class type) { return Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || String.class.equals(type) || CharSequence.class.equals(type) || CharSequence[].class.equals(type); } public static Class getJavaType(TypeMirror type_mirror) { JavaTypeTranslator translator = new JavaTypeTranslator(); type_mirror.accept(translator); return translator.getType(); } private static boolean hasParameterMultipleTypes(ParameterDeclaration param) { int num_native_annotations = 0; for (AnnotationMirror annotation : param.getAnnotationMirrors()) if (NativeTypeTranslator.getAnnotation(annotation, NativeType.class) != null) num_native_annotations++; return num_native_annotations > 1; } public static boolean isParameterMultiTyped(ParameterDeclaration param) { boolean result = Buffer.class.equals(Utils.getJavaType(param.getType())); if (!result && hasParameterMultipleTypes(param)) throw new RuntimeException(param + " not defined as java.nio.Buffer but has multiple types"); return result; } public static ParameterDeclaration findParameter(MethodDeclaration method, String name) { for (ParameterDeclaration param : method.getParameters()) if (param.getSimpleName().equals(name)) return param; throw new RuntimeException("Parameter " + name + " not found"); } public static void printDocComment(PrintWriter writer, Declaration decl) { String doc_comment = decl.getDocComment(); if (doc_comment != null) { String tab = decl instanceof InterfaceDeclaration ? "" : "\t"; writer.println(tab + "/**"); StringTokenizer doc_lines = new StringTokenizer(doc_comment, "\n"); while (doc_lines.hasMoreTokens()) writer.println(tab + " * " + doc_lines.nextToken()); writer.println(tab + " */"); } else if ( (decl instanceof MethodDeclaration) && decl.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) != null ) writer.println("\t/** Overloads " + decl.getAnnotation(Alternate.class).value() + " */"); } public static AnnotationMirror getParameterAutoAnnotation(ParameterDeclaration param) { for (AnnotationMirror annotation : param.getAnnotationMirrors()) if (NativeTypeTranslator.getAnnotation(annotation, Auto.class) != null) return annotation; return null; } public static boolean isMethodIndirect(boolean generate_error_checks, boolean context_specific, MethodDeclaration method) { for (ParameterDeclaration param : method.getParameters()) { if (isAddressableType(param.getType()) || getParameterAutoAnnotation(param) != null || param.getAnnotation(Constant.class) != null) return true; } return hasMethodBufferObjectParameter(method) || method.getAnnotation(Code.class) != null || method.getAnnotation(CachedResult.class) != null || (generate_error_checks && method.getAnnotation(NoErrorCheck.class) == null) || context_specific; } public static String getNativeQualifiedName(String qualified_name) { return qualified_name.replaceAll("\\.", "_"); } public static String getQualifiedNativeMethodName(String qualified_class_name, String method_name) { return "Java_" + getNativeQualifiedName(qualified_class_name) + "_" + method_name; } public static String getQualifiedNativeMethodName(String qualified_class_name, MethodDeclaration method, boolean generate_error_checks, boolean context_specific) { String method_name = getSimpleNativeMethodName(method, generate_error_checks, context_specific); return getQualifiedNativeMethodName(qualified_class_name, method_name); } public static ParameterDeclaration getResultParameter(MethodDeclaration method) { ParameterDeclaration result_param = null; for (ParameterDeclaration param : method.getParameters()) { if (param.getAnnotation(Result.class) != null) { if (result_param != null) throw new RuntimeException("Multiple parameters annotated with Result in method " + method); result_param = param; } } return result_param; } public static TypeMirror getMethodReturnType(MethodDeclaration method) { TypeMirror result_type; ParameterDeclaration result_param = getResultParameter(method); if (result_param != null) { result_type = result_param.getType(); } else result_type = method.getReturnType(); return result_type; } public static String getMethodReturnType(MethodDeclaration method, GLreturn return_annotation, boolean buffer) { ParameterDeclaration return_param = null; for ( ParameterDeclaration param : method.getParameters() ) { if ( param.getSimpleName().equals(return_annotation.value()) ) { return_param = param; break; } } if ( return_param == null ) throw new RuntimeException("The @GLreturn parameter \"" + return_annotation.value() + "\" could not be found in method: " + method); PrimitiveType.Kind kind = NativeTypeTranslator.getPrimitiveKindFromBufferClass(Utils.getJavaType(return_param.getType())); if ( return_param.getAnnotation(GLboolean.class) != null ) kind = PrimitiveType.Kind.BOOLEAN; if ( kind == PrimitiveType.Kind.BYTE && (return_param.getAnnotation(GLchar.class) != null || return_param.getAnnotation(GLcharARB.class) != null) ) return "String"; else { final String type = JavaTypeTranslator.getPrimitiveClassFromKind(kind).getName(); return buffer ? Character.toUpperCase(type.charAt(0)) + type.substring(1) : type; } } public static boolean needResultSize(MethodDeclaration method) { return getNIOBufferType(getMethodReturnType(method)) != null && method.getAnnotation(AutoResultSize.class) == null; } public static void printExtraCallArguments(PrintWriter writer, MethodDeclaration method, String size_parameter_name) { writer.print(size_parameter_name); if (method.getAnnotation(CachedResult.class) != null) { writer.print(", " + CACHED_BUFFER_NAME); } } private static String getClassName(InterfaceDeclaration interface_decl, String opengl_name) { Extension extension_annotation = interface_decl.getAnnotation(Extension.class); if (extension_annotation != null && !"".equals(extension_annotation.className())) { return extension_annotation.className(); } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < opengl_name.length(); i++) { int ch = opengl_name.codePointAt(i); if (ch == '_') { i++; result.appendCodePoint(Character.toUpperCase(opengl_name.codePointAt(i))); } else result.appendCodePoint(ch); } return result.toString(); } public static boolean hasMethodBufferObjectParameter(MethodDeclaration method) { for (ParameterDeclaration param : method.getParameters()) { if (param.getAnnotation(BufferObject.class) != null) { return true; } } return false; } public static String getQualifiedClassName(InterfaceDeclaration interface_decl) { return interface_decl.getPackage().getQualifiedName() + "." + getSimpleClassName(interface_decl); } public static String getSimpleClassName(InterfaceDeclaration interface_decl) { return getClassName(interface_decl, interface_decl.getSimpleName()); } public static Class getNIOBufferType(TypeMirror t) { Class param_type = getJavaType(t); if (Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(param_type)) return param_type; else if ( param_type == CharSequence.class || param_type == CharSequence[].class ) return ByteBuffer.class; else return null; } public static String getSimpleNativeMethodName(MethodDeclaration method, boolean generate_error_checks, boolean context_specific) { String method_name; Alternate alt_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class); method_name = alt_annotation == null || alt_annotation.nativeAlt() ? method.getSimpleName() : alt_annotation.value(); if (isMethodIndirect(generate_error_checks, context_specific, method)) method_name = OVERLOADED_METHOD_PREFIX + method_name; return method_name; } static boolean isReturnParameter(MethodDeclaration method, ParameterDeclaration param) { GLreturn string_annotation = method.getAnnotation(GLreturn.class); if ( string_annotation == null || !string_annotation.value().equals(param.getSimpleName()) ) return false; if ( param.getAnnotation(OutParameter.class) == null ) throw new RuntimeException("The parameter specified in @GLreturn is not annotated with @OutParameter in method: " + method); if ( param.getAnnotation(Check.class) != null ) throw new RuntimeException("The parameter specified in @GLreturn is annotated with @Check in method: " + method); if ( param.getAnnotation(GLchar.class) != null && Utils.getJavaType(param.getType()).equals(ByteBuffer.class) && string_annotation.maxLength().length() == 0 ) throw new RuntimeException("The @GLreturn annotation is missing a maxLength parameter in method: " + method); return true; } static String getStringOffset(MethodDeclaration method, ParameterDeclaration param) { String offset = null; for ( ParameterDeclaration p : method.getParameters() ) { if ( param != null && p.getSimpleName().equals(param.getSimpleName()) ) break; final Class type = Utils.getJavaType(p.getType()); if ( type.equals(CharSequence.class) ) { if ( offset == null ) offset = p.getSimpleName() + ".length()"; else offset += " + " + p.getSimpleName() + ".length()"; if ( p.getAnnotation(NullTerminated.class) != null ) offset += " + 1"; } else if ( type.equals(CharSequence[].class) ) { if ( offset == null ) offset = "APIUtils.getTotalLength(" + p.getSimpleName() + ")"; else offset += " + APIUtils.getTotalLength(" + p.getSimpleName() + ")"; if ( p.getAnnotation(NullTerminated.class) != null ) offset += " + " + p.getSimpleName() + ".length"; } } return offset; } static void printGLReturnPre(PrintWriter writer, MethodDeclaration method, GLreturn return_annotation) { final String return_type = getMethodReturnType(method, return_annotation, true); if ( "String".equals(return_type) ) { if ( !return_annotation.forceMaxLength() ) { writer.println("IntBuffer " + return_annotation.value() + "_length = APIUtils.getLengths();"); writer.print("\t\t"); } writer.print("ByteBuffer " + return_annotation.value() + " = APIUtils.getBufferByte(" + return_annotation.maxLength()); /* Params that use the return buffer will advance its position while filling it. When we return, the position will be at the right spot for grabbing the returned string bytes. We only have to make sure that the original buffer was large enough to hold everything, so that no re-allocations happen while filling. */ final String offset = getStringOffset(method, null); if ( offset != null ) writer.print(" + " + offset); writer.println(");"); } else { final String buffer_type = "Boolean".equals(return_type) ? "Byte" : return_type; writer.print(buffer_type + "Buffer " + return_annotation.value() + " = APIUtils.getBuffer" + buffer_type + "("); if ( "Byte".equals(buffer_type) ) writer.print('1'); writer.println(");"); } writer.print("\t\t"); } static void printGLReturnPost(PrintWriter writer, MethodDeclaration method, GLreturn return_annotation) { final String return_type = getMethodReturnType(method, return_annotation, true); if ( "String".equals(return_type) ) { writer.print("\t\t" + return_annotation.value() + ".limit("); final String offset = getStringOffset(method, null); if ( offset != null) writer.print(offset + " + "); if ( return_annotation.forceMaxLength() ) writer.print(return_annotation.maxLength()); else writer.print(return_annotation.value() + "_length.get(0)"); writer.println(");"); writer.println("\t\treturn APIUtils.getString(" + return_annotation.value() + ");"); } else { writer.print("\t\treturn " + return_annotation.value() + ".get(0)"); if ( "Boolean".equals(return_type) ) writer.print(" == 1"); writer.println(";"); } } }