/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2008 LWJGL Project * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of 'LWJGL' nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.lwjgl.input; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.security.AccessController; import java.security.PrivilegedAction; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils; import org.lwjgl.LWJGLException; import org.lwjgl.LWJGLUtil; import org.lwjgl.Sys; import org.lwjgl.opengl.Display; import org.lwjgl.opengl.InputImplementation; import static org.lwjgl.LWJGLUtil.getPrivilegedBoolean; /** *
* A raw Mouse interface. This can be used to poll the current state of the * mouse buttons, and determine the mouse movement delta since the last poll. * * n buttons supported, n being a native limit. A scrolly wheel is also * supported, if one such is available. Movement is reported as delta from * last position or as an absolute position. If the window has been created * the absolute position will be clamped to 0 - width | height. * * @author cix_foo * @author elias_naur * @author Brian Matzon * @version $Revision$ * $Id$ */ public class Mouse { /** Internal use - event size in bytes */ public static final int EVENT_SIZE = 1 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 8; /** Has the mouse been created? */ private static boolean created; /** The mouse buttons status from the last poll */ private static ByteBuffer buttons; /** Mouse absolute X position in pixels */ private static int x; /** Mouse absolute Y position in pixels */ private static int y; /** Mouse absolute X position in pixels without any clipping */ private static int absolute_x; /** Mouse absolute Y position in pixels without any clipping */ private static int absolute_y; /** Buffer to hold the deltas dx, dy and dwheel */ private static IntBuffer coord_buffer; /** Delta X */ private static int dx; /** Delta Y */ private static int dy; /** Delta Z */ private static int dwheel; /** Number of buttons supported by the mouse */ private static int buttonCount = -1; /** Does this mouse support a scroll wheel */ private static boolean hasWheel; /** The current native cursor, if any */ private static Cursor currentCursor; /** Button names. These are set upon create(), to names like BUTTON0, BUTTON1, etc. */ private static String[] buttonName; /** hashmap of button names, for fast lookup */ private static final Map buttonMap = new HashMap(16); /** Lazy initialization */ private static boolean initialized; /** The mouse button events from the last read */ private static ByteBuffer readBuffer; /** The current mouse event button being examined */ private static int eventButton; /** The current state of the button being examined in the event queue */ private static boolean eventState; /** The current delta of the mouse in the event queue */ private static int event_dx; private static int event_dy; private static int event_dwheel; /** The current absolute position of the mouse in the event queue */ private static int event_x; private static int event_y; private static long event_nanos; /** The position of the mouse it was grabbed at */ private static int grab_x; private static int grab_y; /** The last absolute mouse event position (before clipping) for delta computation */ private static int last_event_raw_x; private static int last_event_raw_y; /** Buffer size in events */ private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 50; private static boolean isGrabbed; private static InputImplementation implementation; /** Whether we need cursor animation emulation */ private static final boolean emulateCursorAnimation = LWJGLUtil.getPlatform() == LWJGLUtil.PLATFORM_WINDOWS || LWJGLUtil.getPlatform() == LWJGLUtil.PLATFORM_MACOSX; private static boolean clipMouseCoordinatesToWindow = !getPrivilegedBoolean("org.lwjgl.input.Mouse.allowNegativeMouseCoords"); /** * Mouse cannot be constructed. */ private Mouse() { } /** * Gets the currently bound native cursor, if any. * * @return the currently bound native cursor, if any. */ public static Cursor getNativeCursor() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { return currentCursor; } } /** * Binds a native cursor. If the cursor argument is null, any * currently bound native cursor is disabled, and the cursor reverts * to the default operating system supplied cursor. * * NOTE: The native cursor is not constrained to the window, but * relative events will not be generated if the cursor is outside. * * @param cursor the native cursor object to bind. May be null. * @return The previous Cursor object set, or null. * @throws LWJGLException if the cursor could not be set for any reason */ public static Cursor setNativeCursor(Cursor cursor) throws LWJGLException { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { if ((Cursor.getCapabilities() & Cursor.CURSOR_ONE_BIT_TRANSPARENCY) == 0) throw new IllegalStateException("Mouse doesn't support native cursors"); Cursor oldCursor = currentCursor; currentCursor = cursor; if (isCreated()) { if (currentCursor != null) { implementation.setNativeCursor(currentCursor.getHandle()); currentCursor.setTimeout(); } else { implementation.setNativeCursor(null); } } return oldCursor; } } public static boolean isClipMouseCoordinatesToWindow() { return clipMouseCoordinatesToWindow; } public static void setClipMouseCoordinatesToWindow(boolean clip) { clipMouseCoordinatesToWindow = clip; } /** * Set the position of the cursor. If the cursor is not grabbed, * the native cursor is moved to the new position. * * @param new_x The x coordinate of the new cursor position in OpenGL coordinates relative * to the window origin. * @param new_y The y coordinate of the new cursor position in OpenGL coordinates relative * to the window origin. */ public static void setCursorPosition(int new_x, int new_y) { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { if (!isCreated()) throw new IllegalStateException("Mouse is not created"); x = event_x = new_x; y = event_y = new_y; if (!isGrabbed() && (Cursor.getCapabilities() & Cursor.CURSOR_ONE_BIT_TRANSPARENCY) != 0) { implementation.setCursorPosition(x, y); } else { grab_x = new_x; grab_y = new_y; } } } /** * Static initialization */ private static void initialize() { Sys.initialize(); // Assign names to all the buttons buttonName = new String[16]; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { buttonName[i] = "BUTTON" + i; buttonMap.put(buttonName[i], i); } initialized = true; } private static void resetMouse() { dx = dy = dwheel = 0; readBuffer.position(readBuffer.limit()); } static InputImplementation getImplementation() { return implementation; } /** * "Create" the mouse with the given custom implementation. This is used * reflectively by AWTInputAdapter. * * @throws LWJGLException if the mouse could not be created for any reason */ private static void create(InputImplementation impl) throws LWJGLException { if (created) return; if (!initialized) initialize(); implementation = impl; implementation.createMouse(); hasWheel = implementation.hasWheel(); created = true; // set mouse buttons buttonCount = implementation.getButtonCount(); buttons = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(buttonCount); coord_buffer = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(3); if (currentCursor != null && implementation.getNativeCursorCapabilities() != 0) setNativeCursor(currentCursor); readBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(EVENT_SIZE * BUFFER_SIZE); readBuffer.limit(0); setGrabbed(isGrabbed); } /** * "Create" the mouse. The display must first have been created. * Initially, the mouse is not grabbed and the delta values are reported * with respect to the center of the display. * * @throws LWJGLException if the mouse could not be created for any reason */ public static void create() throws LWJGLException { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { if (!Display.isCreated()) throw new IllegalStateException("Display must be created."); create(OpenGLPackageAccess.createImplementation()); } } /** * @return true if the mouse has been created */ public static boolean isCreated() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { return created; } } /** * "Destroy" the mouse. */ public static void destroy() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { if (!created) return; created = false; buttons = null; coord_buffer = null; implementation.destroyMouse(); } } /** * Polls the mouse for its current state. Access the polled values using the * get methods. * By using this method, it is possible to "miss" mouse click events if you don't * poll fast enough. * * To use buffered values, you have to call next for each event you * want to read. You can query which button caused the event by using * getEventButton. To get the state of that button, for that event, use * getEventButtonState. * * NOTE: This method does not query the operating system for new events. To do that, * Display.processMessages() (or Display.update()) must be called first. * * @see org.lwjgl.input.Mouse#next() * @see org.lwjgl.input.Mouse#getEventButton() * @see org.lwjgl.input.Mouse#getEventButtonState() * @see org.lwjgl.input.Mouse#isButtonDown(int button) * @see org.lwjgl.input.Mouse#getX() * @see org.lwjgl.input.Mouse#getY() * @see org.lwjgl.input.Mouse#getDX() * @see org.lwjgl.input.Mouse#getDY() * @see org.lwjgl.input.Mouse#getDWheel() */ public static void poll() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { if (!created) throw new IllegalStateException("Mouse must be created before you can poll it"); implementation.pollMouse(coord_buffer, buttons); /* If we're grabbed, poll returns mouse deltas, if not it returns absolute coordinates */ int poll_coord1 = coord_buffer.get(0); int poll_coord2 = coord_buffer.get(1); /* The wheel is always relative */ int poll_dwheel = coord_buffer.get(2); if (isGrabbed()) { dx += poll_coord1; dy += poll_coord2; x += poll_coord1; y += poll_coord2; absolute_x += poll_coord1; absolute_y += poll_coord2; } else { dx = poll_coord1 - absolute_x; dy = poll_coord2 - absolute_y; absolute_x = x = poll_coord1; absolute_y = y = poll_coord2; } if(clipMouseCoordinatesToWindow) { x = Math.min(Display.getWidth() - 1, Math.max(0, x)); y = Math.min(Display.getHeight() - 1, Math.max(0, y)); } dwheel += poll_dwheel; read(); } } private static void read() { readBuffer.compact(); implementation.readMouse(readBuffer); readBuffer.flip(); } /** * See if a particular mouse button is down. * * @param button The index of the button you wish to test (0..getButtonCount-1) * @return true if the specified button is down */ public static boolean isButtonDown(int button) { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { if (!created) throw new IllegalStateException("Mouse must be created before you can poll the button state"); if (button >= buttonCount || button < 0) return false; else return buttons.get(button) == 1; } } /** * Gets a button's name * @param button The button * @return a String with the button's human readable name in it or null if the button is unnamed */ public static String getButtonName(int button) { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { if (button >= buttonName.length || button < 0) return null; else return buttonName[button]; } } /** * Get's a button's index. If the button is unrecognised then -1 is returned. * @param buttonName The button name */ public static int getButtonIndex(String buttonName) { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { Integer ret = buttonMap.get(buttonName); if (ret == null) return -1; else return ret; } } /** * Gets the next mouse event. You can query which button caused the event by using * getEventButton() (if any). To get the state of that key, for that event, use * getEventButtonState. To get the current mouse delta values use getEventDX() * and getEventDY(). * @see org.lwjgl.input.Mouse#getEventButton() * @see org.lwjgl.input.Mouse#getEventButtonState() * @return true if a mouse event was read, false otherwise */ public static boolean next() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { if (!created) throw new IllegalStateException("Mouse must be created before you can read events"); if (readBuffer.hasRemaining()) { eventButton = readBuffer.get(); eventState = readBuffer.get() != 0; if (isGrabbed()) { event_dx = readBuffer.getInt(); event_dy = readBuffer.getInt(); event_x += event_dx; event_y += event_dy; last_event_raw_x = event_x; last_event_raw_y = event_y; } else { int new_event_x = readBuffer.getInt(); int new_event_y = readBuffer.getInt(); event_dx = new_event_x - last_event_raw_x; event_dy = new_event_y - last_event_raw_y; event_x = new_event_x; event_y = new_event_y; last_event_raw_x = new_event_x; last_event_raw_y = new_event_y; } if(clipMouseCoordinatesToWindow) { event_x = Math.min(Display.getWidth() - 1, Math.max(0, event_x)); event_y = Math.min(Display.getHeight() - 1, Math.max(0, event_y)); } event_dwheel = readBuffer.getInt(); event_nanos = readBuffer.getLong(); return true; } else return false; } } /** * @return Current events button. Returns -1 if no button state was changed */ public static int getEventButton() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { return eventButton; } } /** * Get the current events button state. * @return Current events button state. */ public static boolean getEventButtonState() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { return eventState; } } /** * @return Current events delta x. */ public static int getEventDX() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { return event_dx; } } /** * @return Current events delta y. */ public static int getEventDY() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { return event_dy; } } /** * @return Current events absolute x. */ public static int getEventX() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { return event_x; } } /** * @return Current events absolute y. */ public static int getEventY() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { return event_y; } } /** * @return Current events delta z */ public static int getEventDWheel() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { return event_dwheel; } } /** * Gets the time in nanoseconds of the current event. * Only useful for relative comparisons with other * Mouse events, as the absolute time has no defined * origin. * * @return The time in nanoseconds of the current event */ public static long getEventNanoseconds() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { return event_nanos; } } /** * Retrieves the absolute position. It will be clamped to * 0...width-1. * * @return Absolute x axis position of mouse */ public static int getX() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { return x; } } /** * Retrieves the absolute position. It will be clamped to * 0...height-1. * * @return Absolute y axis position of mouse */ public static int getY() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { return y; } } /** * @return Movement on the x axis since last time getDX() was called. */ public static int getDX() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { int result = dx; dx = 0; return result; } } /** * @return Movement on the y axis since last time getDY() was called. */ public static int getDY() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { int result = dy; dy = 0; return result; } } /** * @return Movement of the wheel since last time getDWheel() was called */ public static int getDWheel() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { int result = dwheel; dwheel = 0; return result; } } /** * @return Number of buttons on this mouse */ public static int getButtonCount() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { return buttonCount; } } /** * @return Whether or not this mouse has wheel support */ public static boolean hasWheel() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { return hasWheel; } } /** * @return whether or not the mouse has grabbed the cursor */ public static boolean isGrabbed() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { return isGrabbed; } } /** * Sets whether or not the mouse has grabbed the cursor * (and thus hidden). If grab is false, the getX() and getY() * will return delta movement in pixels clamped to the display * dimensions, from the center of the display. * * @param grab whether the mouse should be grabbed */ public static void setGrabbed(boolean grab) { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { boolean grabbed = isGrabbed; isGrabbed = grab; if (isCreated()) { if (grab && !grabbed) { // store location mouse was grabbed grab_x = x; grab_y = y; } else if (!grab && grabbed) { // move mouse back to location it was grabbed before ungrabbing if ((Cursor.getCapabilities() & Cursor.CURSOR_ONE_BIT_TRANSPARENCY) != 0) implementation.setCursorPosition(grab_x, grab_y); } implementation.grabMouse(grab); // Get latest values from native side poll(); event_x = x; event_y = y; last_event_raw_x = x; last_event_raw_y = y; resetMouse(); } } } /** * Updates the cursor, so that animation can be changed if needed. * This method is called automatically by the window on its update, and * shouldn't be called otherwise */ public static void updateCursor() { synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) { if (emulateCursorAnimation && currentCursor != null && currentCursor.hasTimedOut() && Mouse.isInsideWindow()) { currentCursor.nextCursor(); try { setNativeCursor(currentCursor); } catch (LWJGLException e) { if (LWJGLUtil.DEBUG) e.printStackTrace(); } } } } /** * Retrieves whether or not the mouse cursor is within the bounds of the window. * If the mouse cursor was moved outside the display during a drag, then the result of calling * this method will be true until the button is released. * @return true if mouse is inside display, false otherwise. */ public static boolean isInsideWindow() { return implementation.isInsideWindow(); } }