/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2008 LWJGL Project * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of 'LWJGL' nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.lwjgl.opengl; /** * This is the Display implementation interface. Display delegates * to implementors of this interface. There is one DisplayImplementation * for each supported platform. * * @author elias_naur * @author mojang * @author kappaOne */ import java.awt.Canvas; import java.awt.Robot; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.lwjgl.input.Cursor; import org.lwjgl.opengl.Display; import org.lwjgl.opengl.DisplayMode; import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils; import org.lwjgl.MemoryUtil; import org.lwjgl.LWJGLException; import org.lwjgl.LWJGLUtil; import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.*; final class MacOSXDisplay implements DisplayImplementation { private static final int PBUFFER_HANDLE_SIZE = 24; private static final int GAMMA_LENGTH = 256; //private MacOSXCanvasListener canvas_listener; private Canvas canvas; private Robot robot; private MacOSXMouseEventQueue mouse_queue; private KeyboardEventQueue keyboard_queue; private DisplayMode requested_mode; /* Members for native window use */ private MacOSXNativeMouse mouse; private MacOSXNativeKeyboard keyboard; private ByteBuffer window; private ByteBuffer context; private boolean skipViewportValue = false; private static final IntBuffer current_viewport = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(16); private boolean mouseInsideWindow; private boolean close_requested; private boolean native_mode = true; private boolean updateNativeCursor = false; private long currentNativeCursor = 0; private boolean enableHighDPI = false; private float scaleFactor = 1.0f; MacOSXDisplay() { } private native ByteBuffer nCreateWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean fullscreen, boolean undecorated, boolean resizable, boolean parented, boolean enableFullscreenModeAPI, boolean enableHighDPI, ByteBuffer peer_info_handle, ByteBuffer window_handle) throws LWJGLException; private native Object nGetCurrentDisplayMode(); private native void nGetDisplayModes(Object modesList); private native boolean nIsMiniaturized(ByteBuffer window_handle); private native boolean nIsFocused(ByteBuffer window_handle); private native void nSetResizable(ByteBuffer window_handle, boolean resizable); private native void nResizeWindow(ByteBuffer window_handle, int x, int y, int width, int height); private native boolean nWasResized(ByteBuffer window_handle); private native int nGetX(ByteBuffer window_handle); private native int nGetY(ByteBuffer window_handle); private native int nGetWidth(ByteBuffer window_handle); private native int nGetHeight(ByteBuffer window_handle); private native boolean nIsNativeMode(ByteBuffer peer_info_handle); private static boolean isUndecorated() { return LWJGLUtil.getPrivilegedBoolean("org.lwjgl.opengl.Window.undecorated"); } public void createWindow(final DrawableLWJGL drawable, DisplayMode mode, Canvas parent, int x, int y) throws LWJGLException { boolean fullscreen = Display.isFullscreen(); boolean resizable = Display.isResizable(); boolean parented = (parent != null) && !fullscreen; // OS X fullscreen mode API is only available on OS X 10.7+ boolean enableFullscreenModeAPI = LWJGLUtil.isMacOSXEqualsOrBetterThan(10, 7) && parent == null && !LWJGLUtil.getPrivilegedBoolean("org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.disableOSXFullscreenModeAPI"); // OS X high DPI mode is only available on OS X 10.7+ enableHighDPI = LWJGLUtil.isMacOSXEqualsOrBetterThan(10, 7) && parent == null && (LWJGLUtil.getPrivilegedBoolean("org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.enableHighDPI") || fullscreen); if (parented) this.canvas = parent; else this.canvas = null; close_requested = false; DrawableGL gl_drawable = (DrawableGL)Display.getDrawable(); PeerInfo peer_info = gl_drawable.peer_info; ByteBuffer peer_handle = peer_info.lockAndGetHandle(); ByteBuffer window_handle = parented ? ((MacOSXCanvasPeerInfo)peer_info).window_handle : window; try { window = nCreateWindow(x, y, mode.getWidth(), mode.getHeight(), fullscreen, isUndecorated(), resizable, parented, enableFullscreenModeAPI, enableHighDPI, peer_handle, window_handle); if (fullscreen) { // when going to fullscreen viewport is set to screen size by Cocoa, ignore this value skipViewportValue = true; // if starting in fullscreen then set initial viewport to displaymode size current_viewport.put(2, mode.getWidth()); current_viewport.put(3, mode.getHeight()); } native_mode = nIsNativeMode(peer_handle); if (!native_mode) { robot = AWTUtil.createRobot(canvas); } } catch (LWJGLException e) { destroyWindow(); throw e; } finally { peer_info.unlock(); } } public void doHandleQuit() { close_requested = true; } public void mouseInsideWindow(boolean inside) { mouseInsideWindow = inside; updateNativeCursor = true; } public void setScaleFactor(float scale) { scaleFactor = scale; } public native void nDestroyCALayer(ByteBuffer peer_info_handle); public native void nDestroyWindow(ByteBuffer window_handle); public void destroyWindow() { if (!native_mode) { DrawableGL gl_drawable = (DrawableGL)Display.getDrawable(); PeerInfo peer_info = gl_drawable.peer_info; if (peer_info != null) { ByteBuffer peer_handle = peer_info.getHandle(); nDestroyCALayer(peer_handle); } robot = null; } nDestroyWindow(window); } public int getGammaRampLength() { return GAMMA_LENGTH; } public native void setGammaRamp(FloatBuffer gammaRamp) throws LWJGLException; public String getAdapter() { return null; } public String getVersion() { return null; } private static boolean equals(DisplayMode mode1, DisplayMode mode2) { return mode1.getWidth() == mode2.getWidth() && mode1.getHeight() == mode2.getHeight() && mode1.getBitsPerPixel() == mode2.getBitsPerPixel() && mode1.getFrequency() == mode2.getFrequency(); } public void switchDisplayMode(DisplayMode mode) throws LWJGLException { DisplayMode[] modes = getAvailableDisplayModes(); for (DisplayMode available_mode : modes) { if (equals(available_mode, mode)) { requested_mode = available_mode; return; } } throw new LWJGLException(mode + " is not supported"); } public void resetDisplayMode() { requested_mode = null; restoreGamma(); } private native void restoreGamma(); public Object createDisplayMode(int width, int height, int bitsPerPixel, int refreshRate) { return new DisplayMode(width, height, bitsPerPixel, refreshRate); } public DisplayMode init() throws LWJGLException { return (DisplayMode) nGetCurrentDisplayMode(); } public void addDisplayMode(Object modesList, int width, int height, int bitsPerPixel, int refreshRate) { List modes = (List) modesList; DisplayMode displayMode = new DisplayMode(width, height, bitsPerPixel, refreshRate); modes.add(displayMode); } public DisplayMode[] getAvailableDisplayModes() throws LWJGLException { List modes = new ArrayList(); nGetDisplayModes(modes); // will populate the above list modes.add(Display.getDesktopDisplayMode()); // add desktop resolution as scaled resolutions do not appear return modes.toArray(new DisplayMode[modes.size()]); } private native void nSetTitle(ByteBuffer window_handle, ByteBuffer title_buffer); public void setTitle(String title) { ByteBuffer buffer = MemoryUtil.encodeUTF8(title); nSetTitle(window, buffer); } public boolean isCloseRequested() { boolean result = close_requested; close_requested = false; return result; } public boolean isVisible() { return true; } public boolean isActive() { if (native_mode) { return nIsFocused(window); } else { return Display.getParent().hasFocus(); } } public Canvas getCanvas() { return canvas; } public boolean isDirty() { return false; } public PeerInfo createPeerInfo(PixelFormat pixel_format, ContextAttribs attribs) throws LWJGLException { try { return new MacOSXDisplayPeerInfo(pixel_format, attribs, true); } catch (LWJGLException e) { return new MacOSXDisplayPeerInfo(pixel_format, attribs, false); } } public void update() { boolean should_update = true; DrawableGL drawable = (DrawableGL)Display.getDrawable(); if (should_update) { // Save the current viewport size as cocoa will automatically // set the viewport size to the window size on context update if (skipViewportValue) skipViewportValue = false; else glGetInteger(GL_VIEWPORT, current_viewport); drawable.context.update(); // restore the original viewport size that was set before the update glViewport(current_viewport.get(0), current_viewport.get(1), current_viewport.get(2), current_viewport.get(3)); } if (native_mode && updateNativeCursor) { updateNativeCursor = false; try { setNativeCursor(currentNativeCursor); } catch (LWJGLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void reshape(int x, int y, int width, int height) { //if (native_mode) { // nResizeWindow(window, x, y, width, height); //} } /* Mouse */ public boolean hasWheel() { return AWTUtil.hasWheel(); } public int getButtonCount() { return AWTUtil.getButtonCount(); } public void createMouse() throws LWJGLException { if (native_mode) { mouse = new MacOSXNativeMouse(this, window); mouse.register(); } else { this.mouse_queue = new MacOSXMouseEventQueue(canvas); mouse_queue.register(); } } public void destroyMouse() { if (native_mode) { // restore default native cursor try { MacOSXNativeMouse.setCursor(0); } catch (LWJGLException e) {}; // release any mouse grab grabMouse(false); if (mouse != null) { mouse.unregister(); } mouse = null; } else { if (mouse_queue != null) { MacOSXMouseEventQueue.nGrabMouse(false); mouse_queue.unregister(); } this.mouse_queue = null; } } public void pollMouse(IntBuffer coord_buffer, ByteBuffer buttons_buffer) { if (native_mode) { mouse.poll(coord_buffer, buttons_buffer); } else { mouse_queue.poll(coord_buffer, buttons_buffer); } } public void readMouse(ByteBuffer buffer) { if (native_mode) { mouse.copyEvents(buffer); } else { mouse_queue.copyEvents(buffer); } } public void grabMouse(boolean grab) { if (native_mode) { mouse.setGrabbed(grab); } else { mouse_queue.setGrabbed(grab); } } public int getNativeCursorCapabilities() { if (native_mode) { return Cursor.CURSOR_ONE_BIT_TRANSPARENCY | Cursor.CURSOR_8_BIT_ALPHA | Cursor.CURSOR_ANIMATION; } return AWTUtil.getNativeCursorCapabilities(); } public void setCursorPosition(int x, int y) { if (native_mode) { if (mouse != null) { mouse.setCursorPosition(x, y); } } //else { //MacOSXMouseEventQueue.nWarpCursor(x, y); //} } public void setNativeCursor(Object handle) throws LWJGLException { if (native_mode) { currentNativeCursor = getCursorHandle(handle); if (Display.isCreated()) { if (mouseInsideWindow) MacOSXNativeMouse.setCursor(currentNativeCursor); else MacOSXNativeMouse.setCursor(0); // restore default cursor if outside Display } } } public int getMinCursorSize() { return 1; } public int getMaxCursorSize() { // as there is no max cursor size limit on OS X // return the max cursor size as half the screen resolution DisplayMode dm = Display.getDesktopDisplayMode(); return Math.min(dm.getWidth(), dm.getHeight()) / 2; } /* Keyboard */ public void createKeyboard() throws LWJGLException { if (native_mode) { this.keyboard = new MacOSXNativeKeyboard(window); keyboard.register(); } else { this.keyboard_queue = new KeyboardEventQueue(canvas); keyboard_queue.register(); } } public void destroyKeyboard() { if (native_mode) { if (keyboard != null) { keyboard.unregister(); } keyboard = null; } else { if (keyboard_queue != null) { keyboard_queue.unregister(); } this.keyboard_queue = null; } } public void pollKeyboard(ByteBuffer keyDownBuffer) { if (native_mode) { keyboard.poll(keyDownBuffer); } else { keyboard_queue.poll(keyDownBuffer); } } public void readKeyboard(ByteBuffer buffer) { if (native_mode) { keyboard.copyEvents(buffer); } else { keyboard_queue.copyEvents(buffer); } } /** Native cursor handles */ public Object createCursor(int width, int height, int xHotspot, int yHotspot, int numImages, IntBuffer images, IntBuffer delays) throws LWJGLException { if (native_mode) { long cursor = MacOSXNativeMouse.createCursor(width, height, xHotspot, yHotspot, numImages, images, delays); return cursor; } else { return AWTUtil.createCursor(width, height, xHotspot, yHotspot, numImages, images, delays); } } public void destroyCursor(Object cursor_handle) { long handle = getCursorHandle(cursor_handle); // reset current cursor if same if (currentNativeCursor == handle) { currentNativeCursor = 0; } MacOSXNativeMouse.destroyCursor(handle); } private static long getCursorHandle(Object cursor_handle) { return cursor_handle != null ? (Long)cursor_handle : 0; } public int getPbufferCapabilities() { return Pbuffer.PBUFFER_SUPPORTED; } public boolean isBufferLost(PeerInfo handle) { return false; } public PeerInfo createPbuffer(int width, int height, PixelFormat pixel_format, ContextAttribs attribs, IntBuffer pixelFormatCaps, IntBuffer pBufferAttribs) throws LWJGLException { return new MacOSXPbufferPeerInfo(width, height, pixel_format, attribs); } public void setPbufferAttrib(PeerInfo handle, int attrib, int value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void bindTexImageToPbuffer(PeerInfo handle, int buffer) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void releaseTexImageFromPbuffer(PeerInfo handle, int buffer) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * Sets one or more icons for the Display. *
  • On Windows you should supply at least one 16x16 icon and one 32x32.
  • *
  • Linux (and similar platforms) expect one 32x32 icon.
  • *
  • Mac OS X should be supplied one 128x128 icon
  • *
* The implementation will use the supplied ByteBuffers with image data in RGBA and perform any conversions nescesarry for the specific platform. * * @param icons Array of icons in RGBA mode * @return number of icons used. */ public int setIcon(ByteBuffer[] icons) { /*int size = 0; int biggest = -1; for (int i=0;i size) { biggest = i; size = icons[i].remaining(); } } if (biggest == -1) { return 0; } int width; int height; IntBuffer biggest_icon = icons[biggest].asIntBuffer(); int[] imageData = new int[biggest_icon.remaining()]; width = height = (int) Math.sqrt(imageData.length); biggest_icon.get(imageData); BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); img.setRGB(0, 0, width, height, imageData, 0, width); frame.setIconImage(img); return 1;*/ // Don't use any icon, since Mac OS X windows don't have window icons return 0; } public int getX() { return nGetX(window); } public int getY() { return nGetY(window); } public int getWidth() { return nGetWidth(window); } public int getHeight() { return nGetHeight(window); } public boolean isInsideWindow() { return mouseInsideWindow; } public void setResizable(boolean resizable) { nSetResizable(window, resizable); } public boolean wasResized() { return nWasResized(window); } public float getPixelScaleFactor() { return (enableHighDPI && !Display.isFullscreen()) ? scaleFactor : 1f; } }