#include #define XcursorTrue 1 #define XcursorFalse 0 typedef int XcursorBool; typedef int XcursorBool; typedef unsigned int XcursorUInt; typedef XcursorUInt XcursorDim; typedef XcursorUInt XcursorPixel; typedef struct _XcursorImage { XcursorUInt version; /* version of the image data */ XcursorDim size; /* nominal size for matching */ XcursorDim width; /* actual width */ XcursorDim height; /* actual height */ XcursorDim xhot; /* hot spot x (must be inside image) */ XcursorDim yhot; /* hot spot y (must be inside image) */ XcursorUInt delay; /* animation delay to next frame (ms) */ XcursorPixel *pixels; /* pointer to pixels */ } XcursorImage; /* * Other data structures exposed by the library API */ typedef struct _XcursorImages { int nimage; /* number of images */ XcursorImage **images; /* array of XcursorImage pointers */ } XcursorImages; typedef XcursorBool (* XcursorSupportsARGBPROC ) (Display *dpy); typedef XcursorBool (* XcursorSupportsAnimPROC ) (Display *dpy); typedef XcursorImage * (* XcursorImageCreatePROC) (int width, int height); typedef void (* XcursorImageDestroyPROC) (XcursorImage *image); typedef XcursorImages * (* XcursorImagesCreatePROC) (int size); typedef void (* XcursorImagesDestroyPROC) (XcursorImages *images); typedef Cursor (* XcursorImagesLoadCursorPROC) (Display *dpy, const XcursorImages *images); extern XcursorSupportsARGBPROC XcursorSupportsARGB; extern XcursorSupportsAnimPROC XcursorSupportsAnim; extern XcursorImageCreatePROC XcursorImageCreate; extern XcursorImageDestroyPROC XcursorImageDestroy; extern XcursorImagesCreatePROC XcursorImagesCreate; extern XcursorImagesDestroyPROC XcursorImagesDestroy; extern XcursorImagesLoadCursorPROC XcursorImagesLoadCursor; bool loadXcursor(void); bool isXcursorLoaded(void); void closeXcursor(void);