/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2010 LWJGL Project * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of 'LWJGL' nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.lwjgl.opencl; import org.lwjgl.*; import org.lwjgl.opencl.api.CLBufferRegion; import org.lwjgl.opencl.api.CLImageFormat; import org.lwjgl.opencl.api.Filter; import org.lwjgl.opengl.Drawable; import java.nio.Buffer; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static org.lwjgl.opencl.CL10.*; import static org.lwjgl.opencl.CL10GL.*; import static org.lwjgl.opencl.CL11.*; /** * This class contains concrete InfoUtil implementations for our CLObject * class. The public CLObject classes are grabbing these via reflection, * so that they can be compiled for the generator. * * @author Spasi */ final class InfoUtilFactory { private InfoUtilFactory() {} static final InfoUtil CL_COMMAND_QUEUE_UTIL = new InfoUtilAbstract() { protected int getInfo(final CLCommandQueue object, final int param_name, final ByteBuffer param_value, final PointerBuffer param_value_size_ret) { return clGetCommandQueueInfo(object, param_name, param_value, null); } }; static final CLContext.CLContextUtil CL_CONTEXT_UTIL = new CLContextUtil(); private static final class CLContextUtil extends InfoUtilAbstract implements CLContext.CLContextUtil { protected int getInfo(final CLContext context, final int param_name, final ByteBuffer param_value, final PointerBuffer param_value_size_ret) { return clGetContextInfo(context, param_name, param_value, param_value_size_ret); } public List getInfoDevices(final CLContext context) { context.checkValid(); final int num_devices; if ( CLCapabilities.getPlatformCapabilities(context.getParent()).OpenCL11 ) num_devices = getInfoInt(context, CL_CONTEXT_NUM_DEVICES); else { final PointerBuffer size_ret = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(); clGetContextInfo(context, CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES, null, size_ret); num_devices = (int)(size_ret.get(0) / PointerBuffer.getPointerSize()); } final PointerBuffer deviceIDs = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(num_devices); clGetContextInfo(context, CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES, deviceIDs.getBuffer(), null); final List devices = new ArrayList(num_devices); for ( int i = 0; i < num_devices; i++ ) devices.add(context.getParent().getCLDevice(deviceIDs.get(i))); return devices.size() == 0 ? null : devices; } /** Custom clCreateContext implementation (reuses APIUtil.getBufferPointer) */ public CLContext create(final CLPlatform platform, final List devices, final CLContextCallback pfn_notify, final Drawable share_drawable, final IntBuffer errcode_ret) throws LWJGLException { final int propertyCount = 2 + (share_drawable == null ? 0 : 4) + 1; final PointerBuffer buffer = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(propertyCount + devices.size()); buffer.put(CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM).put(platform); if ( share_drawable != null ) share_drawable.setCLSharingProperties(buffer); buffer.put(0); buffer.position(propertyCount); // Make sure we're at the right offset, setCLSharingProperties might not use all 4 positions. for ( CLDevice device : devices ) buffer.put(device); final long function_pointer = CLCapabilities.clCreateContext; BufferChecks.checkFunctionAddress(function_pointer); final long user_data = pfn_notify == null || pfn_notify.isCustom() ? 0 : CallbackUtil.createGlobalRef(pfn_notify); CLContext __result = null; try { __result = new CLContext(nclCreateContext(buffer.getBuffer(), 0, devices.size(), buffer.getBuffer(), propertyCount * PointerBuffer.getPointerSize(), pfn_notify == null ? 0 : pfn_notify.getPointer(), user_data, errcode_ret, errcode_ret != null ? errcode_ret.position() : 0, function_pointer), platform); return __result; } finally { CallbackUtil.registerCallback(__result, user_data); } } public CLContext createFromType(final CLPlatform platform, final long device_type, final CLContextCallback pfn_notify, final Drawable share_drawable, final IntBuffer errcode_ret) throws LWJGLException { final int propertyCount = 2 + (share_drawable == null ? 0 : 4) + 1; final PointerBuffer properties = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(propertyCount); properties.put(CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM).put(platform); if ( share_drawable != null ) share_drawable.setCLSharingProperties(properties); properties.put(0); properties.flip(); return clCreateContextFromType(properties, device_type, pfn_notify, errcode_ret); } public List getSupportedImageFormats(final CLContext context, final long flags, final int image_type, final Filter filter) { final IntBuffer numBuffer = APIUtil.getBufferInt(); clGetSupportedImageFormats(context, flags, image_type, null, numBuffer); final int num_image_formats = numBuffer.get(0); if ( num_image_formats == 0 ) return null; final ByteBuffer formatBuffer = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(num_image_formats * CLImageFormat.STRUCT_SIZE); clGetSupportedImageFormats(context, flags, image_type, formatBuffer, null); final List formats = new ArrayList(num_image_formats); for ( int i = 0; i < num_image_formats; i++ ) { final int offset = num_image_formats * CLImageFormat.STRUCT_SIZE; final CLImageFormat format = new CLImageFormat( formatBuffer.getInt(offset), formatBuffer.getInt(offset + 4) ); if ( filter == null || filter.accept(format) ) formats.add(format); } return formats.size() == 0 ? null : formats; } } static final InfoUtil CL_DEVICE_UTIL = new CLDeviceUtil(); private static final class CLDeviceUtil extends InfoUtilAbstract { protected int getInfo(final CLDevice device, final int param_name, final ByteBuffer param_value, final PointerBuffer param_value_size_ret) { return clGetDeviceInfo(device, param_name, param_value, param_value_size_ret); } protected int getInfoSizeArraySize(final CLDevice device, final int param_name) { switch ( param_name ) { case CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES: return getInfoInt(device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_DIMENSIONS); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported parameter: " + LWJGLUtil.toHexString(param_name)); } } } static final CLEvent.CLEventUtil CL_EVENT_UTIL = new CLEventUtil(); private static final class CLEventUtil extends InfoUtilAbstract implements CLEvent.CLEventUtil { protected int getInfo(final CLEvent event, final int param_name, final ByteBuffer param_value, final PointerBuffer param_value_size_ret) { return clGetEventInfo(event, param_name, param_value, param_value_size_ret); } public long getProfilingInfoLong(final CLEvent event, final int param_name) { event.checkValid(); final ByteBuffer buffer = APIUtil.getBufferByte(8); clGetEventProfilingInfo(event, param_name, buffer, null); return buffer.getLong(0); } } static final CLKernel.CLKernelUtil CL_KERNEL_UTIL = new CLKernelUtil(); private static final class CLKernelUtil extends InfoUtilAbstract implements CLKernel.CLKernelUtil { public void setArg(final CLKernel kernel, final int index, final byte value) { clSetKernelArg(kernel, index, 1, APIUtil.getBufferByte(1).put(0, value)); } public void setArg(final CLKernel kernel, final int index, final short value) { clSetKernelArg(kernel, index, 2, APIUtil.getBufferShort().put(0, value)); } public void setArg(final CLKernel kernel, final int index, final int value) { clSetKernelArg(kernel, index, 4, APIUtil.getBufferInt().put(0, value)); } public void setArg(final CLKernel kernel, final int index, final long value) { clSetKernelArg(kernel, index, 8, APIUtil.getBufferLong().put(0, value)); } public void setArg(final CLKernel kernel, final int index, final float value) { clSetKernelArg(kernel, index, 4, APIUtil.getBufferFloat().put(0, value)); } public void setArg(final CLKernel kernel, final int index, final double value) { clSetKernelArg(kernel, index, 8, APIUtil.getBufferDouble().put(0, value)); } public void setArg(final CLKernel kernel, final int index, final PointerWrapper pointer) { clSetKernelArg(kernel, index, PointerBuffer.getPointerSize(), APIUtil.getBufferPointer().put(0, pointer).getBuffer()); } protected int getInfo(final CLKernel kernel, final int param_name, final ByteBuffer param_value, final PointerBuffer param_value_size_ret) { return clGetKernelInfo(kernel, param_name, param_value, param_value_size_ret); } public long getWorkGroupInfoSize(final CLKernel kernel, final CLDevice device, final int param_name) { device.checkValid(); final PointerBuffer buffer = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(); clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(kernel, device, param_name, buffer.getBuffer(), null); return buffer.get(0); } public long[] getWorkGroupInfoSizeArray(final CLKernel kernel, final CLDevice device, final int param_name) { device.checkValid(); final int size; switch ( param_name ) { case CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE: size = 3; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported parameter: " + LWJGLUtil.toHexString(param_name)); } final PointerBuffer buffer = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(size); clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(kernel, device, param_name, buffer.getBuffer(), null); final long[] array = new long[size]; for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) array[i] = buffer.get(i); return array; } public long getWorkGroupInfoLong(final CLKernel kernel, final CLDevice device, final int param_name) { device.checkValid(); final ByteBuffer buffer = APIUtil.getBufferByte(8); clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(kernel, device, param_name, buffer, null); return buffer.getLong(0); } } static final CLMem.CLMemUtil CL_MEM_UTIL = new CLMemUtil(); private static final class CLMemUtil extends InfoUtilAbstract implements CLMem.CLMemUtil { protected int getInfo(final CLMem mem, final int param_name, final ByteBuffer param_value, final PointerBuffer param_value_size_ret) { return clGetMemObjectInfo(mem, param_name, param_value, param_value_size_ret); } public CLMem createImage2D(final CLContext context, final long flags, final CLImageFormat image_format, final long image_width, final long image_height, final long image_row_pitch, final Buffer host_ptr, final IntBuffer errcode_ret) { final ByteBuffer formatBuffer = APIUtil.getBufferByte(2 * 4); formatBuffer.putInt(0, image_format.getChannelOrder()); formatBuffer.putInt(4, image_format.getChannelType()); final long function_pointer = CLCapabilities.clCreateImage2D; BufferChecks.checkFunctionAddress(function_pointer); if ( errcode_ret != null ) BufferChecks.checkBuffer(errcode_ret, 1); return new CLMem(nclCreateImage2D(context.getPointer(), flags, formatBuffer, 0, image_width, image_height, image_row_pitch, host_ptr, host_ptr != null ? BufferChecks.checkBuffer(host_ptr, CLChecks.calculateImage2DSize(formatBuffer, image_width, image_height, image_row_pitch)) : 0, errcode_ret, errcode_ret != null ? errcode_ret.position() : 0, function_pointer), context); } public CLMem createImage3D(final CLContext context, final long flags, final CLImageFormat image_format, final long image_width, final long image_height, final long image_depth, final long image_row_pitch, final long image_slice_pitch, final Buffer host_ptr, final IntBuffer errcode_ret) { final ByteBuffer formatBuffer = APIUtil.getBufferByte(2 * 4); formatBuffer.putInt(0, image_format.getChannelOrder()); formatBuffer.putInt(4, image_format.getChannelType()); final long function_pointer = CLCapabilities.clCreateImage3D; BufferChecks.checkFunctionAddress(function_pointer); if ( errcode_ret != null ) BufferChecks.checkBuffer(errcode_ret, 1); return new CLMem(nclCreateImage3D(context.getPointer(), flags, formatBuffer, 0, image_width, image_height, image_depth, image_row_pitch, image_slice_pitch, host_ptr, host_ptr != null ? BufferChecks.checkBuffer(host_ptr, CLChecks.calculateImage3DSize(formatBuffer, image_width, image_height, image_depth, image_row_pitch, image_slice_pitch)) : 0, errcode_ret, errcode_ret != null ? errcode_ret.position() : 0, function_pointer), context); } public CLMem createSubBuffer(final CLMem mem, final long flags, final int buffer_create_type, final CLBufferRegion buffer_create_info, final IntBuffer errcode_ret) { final PointerBuffer infoBuffer = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(2); infoBuffer.put(buffer_create_info.getOrigin()); infoBuffer.put(buffer_create_info.getSize()); return clCreateSubBuffer(mem, flags, buffer_create_type, infoBuffer.getBuffer(), errcode_ret); } public ByteBuffer getInfoHostBuffer(final CLMem mem) { mem.checkValid(); if ( LWJGLUtil.DEBUG ) { final long mem_flags = getInfoLong(mem, CL_MEM_FLAGS); if ( (mem_flags & CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR) != CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified CLMem object does not use host memory."); } final long size = getInfoSize(mem, CL_MEM_SIZE); if ( size == 0 ) return null; final long address = getInfoSize(mem, CL_MEM_HOST_PTR); return CL.getHostBuffer(address, (int)size); } public long getImageInfoSize(final CLMem mem, final int param_name) { mem.checkValid(); final PointerBuffer buffer = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(); clGetImageInfo(mem, param_name, buffer.getBuffer(), null); return buffer.get(0); } public CLImageFormat getImageInfoFormat(final CLMem mem) { mem.checkValid(); final ByteBuffer format = APIUtil.getBufferByte(2 * 4); clGetImageInfo(mem, CL_IMAGE_FORMAT, format, null); return new CLImageFormat(format.getInt(0), format.getInt(4)); } public int getImageInfoFormat(final CLMem mem, final int index) { mem.checkValid(); final ByteBuffer format = APIUtil.getBufferByte(2 * 4); clGetImageInfo(mem, CL_IMAGE_FORMAT, format, null); return format.getInt(index << 2); } public int getGLObjectType(final CLMem mem) { mem.checkValid(); final IntBuffer buffer = APIUtil.getBufferInt(); clGetGLObjectInfo(mem, buffer, null); return buffer.get(0); } public int getGLObjectName(final CLMem mem) { mem.checkValid(); final IntBuffer buffer = APIUtil.getBufferInt(); clGetGLObjectInfo(mem, null, buffer); return buffer.get(0); } public int getGLTextureInfoInt(final CLMem mem, final int param_name) { mem.checkValid(); final ByteBuffer buffer = APIUtil.getBufferByte(4); clGetGLTextureInfo(mem, param_name, buffer, null); return buffer.getInt(0); } } static final CLPlatform.CLPlatformUtil CL_PLATFORM_UTIL = new CLPlatformUtil(); private static final class CLPlatformUtil extends InfoUtilAbstract implements CLPlatform.CLPlatformUtil { protected int getInfo(final CLPlatform platform, final int param_name, final ByteBuffer param_value, final PointerBuffer param_value_size_ret) { return clGetPlatformInfo(platform, param_name, param_value, param_value_size_ret); } public List getPlatforms(final Filter filter) { final IntBuffer numBuffer = APIUtil.getBufferInt(); clGetPlatformIDs(null, numBuffer); final int num_platforms = numBuffer.get(0); if ( num_platforms == 0 ) return null; final PointerBuffer platformIDs = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(num_platforms); clGetPlatformIDs(platformIDs, null); final List platforms = new ArrayList(num_platforms); for ( int i = 0; i < num_platforms; i++ ) { final CLPlatform platform = CLPlatform.getCLPlatform(platformIDs.get(i)); if ( filter == null || filter.accept(platform) ) platforms.add(platform); } return platforms.size() == 0 ? null : platforms; } public List getDevices(final CLPlatform platform, final int device_type, final Filter filter) { platform.checkValid(); final IntBuffer numBuffer = APIUtil.getBufferInt(); clGetDeviceIDs(platform, device_type, null, numBuffer); final int num_devices = numBuffer.get(0); if ( num_devices == 0 ) return null; final PointerBuffer deviceIDs = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(num_devices); clGetDeviceIDs(platform, device_type, deviceIDs, null); final List devices = new ArrayList(num_devices); for ( int i = 0; i < num_devices; i++ ) { final CLDevice device = platform.getCLDevice(deviceIDs.get(i)); if ( filter == null || filter.accept(device) ) devices.add(device); } return devices.size() == 0 ? null : devices; } } static final CLProgram.CLProgramUtil CL_PROGRAM_UTIL = new CLProgramUtil(); private static final class CLProgramUtil extends InfoUtilAbstract implements CLProgram.CLProgramUtil { protected int getInfo(final CLProgram program, final int param_name, final ByteBuffer param_value, final PointerBuffer param_value_size_ret) { return clGetProgramInfo(program, param_name, param_value, param_value_size_ret); } protected int getInfoSizeArraySize(final CLProgram program, final int param_name) { switch ( param_name ) { case CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES: return getInfoInt(program, CL_PROGRAM_NUM_DEVICES); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported parameter: " + LWJGLUtil.toHexString(param_name)); } } public CLKernel[] createKernelsInProgram(final CLProgram program) { final IntBuffer numBuffer = APIUtil.getBufferInt(); clCreateKernelsInProgram(program, null, numBuffer); final int num_kernels = numBuffer.get(0); if ( num_kernels == 0 ) return null; final PointerBuffer kernelIDs = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(num_kernels); clCreateKernelsInProgram(program, kernelIDs, null); final CLKernel[] kernels = new CLKernel[num_kernels]; for ( int i = 0; i < num_kernels; i++ ) kernels[i] = program.getCLKernel(kernelIDs.get(i)); return kernels; } public CLDevice[] getInfoDevices(final CLProgram program) { program.checkValid(); final int size = getInfoInt(program, CL_PROGRAM_NUM_DEVICES); final PointerBuffer buffer = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(size); clGetProgramInfo(program, CL_PROGRAM_DEVICES, buffer.getBuffer(), null); final CLPlatform platform = program.getParent().getParent(); final CLDevice[] array = new CLDevice[size]; for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) array[i] = platform.getCLDevice(buffer.get(i)); return array; } public ByteBuffer getInfoBinaries(final CLProgram program, ByteBuffer target) { program.checkValid(); final PointerBuffer sizes = getSizesBuffer(program, CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES); int totalSize = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < sizes.limit(); i++ ) totalSize += sizes.get(i); if ( target == null ) target = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(totalSize); else if ( LWJGLUtil.DEBUG ) BufferChecks.checkBuffer(target, totalSize); clGetProgramInfo(program, sizes, target, null); return target; } public ByteBuffer[] getInfoBinaries(final CLProgram program, ByteBuffer[] target) { program.checkValid(); if ( target == null ) { final PointerBuffer sizes = getSizesBuffer(program, CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES); target = new ByteBuffer[sizes.remaining()]; for ( int i = 0; i < sizes.remaining(); i++ ) target[i] = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer((int)sizes.get(0)); } else if ( LWJGLUtil.DEBUG ) { final PointerBuffer sizes = getSizesBuffer(program, CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES); if ( target.length < sizes.remaining() ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The target array is not big enough: " + sizes.remaining() + " buffers are required."); for ( int i = 0; i < target.length; i++ ) BufferChecks.checkBuffer(target[i], (int)sizes.get(i)); } clGetProgramInfo(program, target, null); return target; } public String getBuildInfoString(final CLProgram program, final CLDevice device, final int param_name) { program.checkValid(); final int bytes = getBuildSizeRet(program, device, param_name); if ( bytes <= 1 ) return null; final ByteBuffer buffer = APIUtil.getBufferByte(bytes); clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, device, param_name, buffer, null); buffer.limit(bytes - 1); // Exclude null-termination return APIUtil.getString(buffer); } public int getBuildInfoInt(final CLProgram program, final CLDevice device, final int param_name) { program.checkValid(); final ByteBuffer buffer = APIUtil.getBufferByte(4); clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, device, param_name, buffer, null); return buffer.getInt(0); } private static int getBuildSizeRet(final CLProgram program, final CLDevice device, final int param_name) { final PointerBuffer bytes = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(); final int errcode = clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, device, param_name, null, bytes); if ( errcode != CL_SUCCESS ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parameter specified: " + LWJGLUtil.toHexString(param_name)); return (int)bytes.get(0); } } static final InfoUtil CL_SAMPLER_UTIL = new InfoUtilAbstract() { protected int getInfo(final CLSampler sampler, final int param_name, final ByteBuffer param_value, final PointerBuffer param_value_size_ret) { return clGetSamplerInfo(sampler, param_name, param_value, param_value_size_ret); } }; }