/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2004 LWJGL Project * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of 'LWJGL' nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * $Id$ * * Linux specific library for display handling. * * @author elias_naur * @version $Revision$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "display.h" #include "common_tools.h" #include "Window.h" #include "org_lwjgl_opengl_LinuxDisplay.h" #define NUM_XRANDR_RETRIES 5 typedef struct { int width; int height; int freq; union { int size_index; // Data for Xrandr extension XF86VidModeModeInfo xf86vm_modeinfo; // Data for XF86VidMode extension } mode_data; } mode_info; static int saved_width; static int saved_height; static int saved_freq; static int current_width; static int current_height; static int current_freq; static int saved_gamma_ramp_length = 0; static unsigned short *r_ramp = NULL; static unsigned short *g_ramp = NULL; static unsigned short *b_ramp = NULL; static unsigned short *current_ramp = NULL; static int current_gamma_ramp_length = 0; int getScreenModeWidth(void) { return current_width; } int getScreenModeHeight(void) { return current_height; } static bool getXF86VidModeVersion(JNIEnv *env, Display *disp, int *major, int *minor) { int event_base, error_base; if (!XF86VidModeQueryExtension(disp, &event_base, &error_base)) { printfDebugJava(env, "XF86VidMode extension not available"); return false; } if (!XF86VidModeQueryVersion(disp, major, minor)) { printfDebugJava(env, "Could not query XF86VidMode version"); return false; } printfDebugJava(env, "XF86VidMode extension version %i.%i", *major, *minor); return true; } static bool getXrandrVersion(JNIEnv *env, Display *disp, int *major, int *minor) { int event_base, error_base; if (!XRRQueryExtension(disp, &event_base, &error_base)) { printfDebugJava(env, "Xrandr extension not available"); return false; } if (!XRRQueryVersion(disp, major, minor)) { printfDebugJava(env, "Could not query Xrandr version"); return false; } printfDebugJava(env, "Xrandr extension version %i.%i", *major, *minor); return true; } static bool isXrandrSupported(JNIEnv *env, Display *disp) { int major, minor; if (!getXrandrVersion(env, disp, &major, &minor)) return false; return major >= 1; } static bool isXF86VidModeSupported(JNIEnv *env, Display *disp) { int minor_ver, major_ver; if (!getXF86VidModeVersion(env, disp, &major_ver, &minor_ver)) return false; return major_ver >= 2; } JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_org_lwjgl_opengl_LinuxDisplay_isXrandrSupported(JNIEnv *env, jclass unused) { jboolean result = isXrandrSupported(env, getDisplay()) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE; return result; } JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_org_lwjgl_opengl_LinuxDisplay_isXF86VidModeSupported(JNIEnv *env, jclass unused) { jboolean result = isXF86VidModeSupported(env, getDisplay()) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE; return result; } static mode_info *getXrandrDisplayModes(Display *disp, int screen, int *num_modes) { int num_randr_sizes; XRRScreenSize *sizes = XRRSizes(disp, screen, &num_randr_sizes); mode_info *avail_modes = NULL; int list_size = 0; /* Count number of modes */ int i; int mode_index = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_randr_sizes; i++) { int num_randr_rates; short *freqs = XRRRates(disp, screen, i, &num_randr_rates); int j; for (j = 0; j < num_randr_rates; j++) { if (list_size <= mode_index) { list_size += 1; avail_modes = (mode_info *)realloc(avail_modes, sizeof(mode_info)*list_size); if (avail_modes == NULL) return NULL; } avail_modes[mode_index].width = sizes[i].width; avail_modes[mode_index].height = sizes[i].height; avail_modes[mode_index].freq = freqs[j]; avail_modes[mode_index].mode_data.size_index = i; mode_index++; } } *num_modes = mode_index; return avail_modes; } static mode_info *getXF86VidModeDisplayModes(Display *disp, int screen, int *num_modes) { int num_xf86vm_modes; XF86VidModeModeInfo **avail_xf86vm_modes; XF86VidModeGetAllModeLines(disp, screen, &num_xf86vm_modes, &avail_xf86vm_modes); mode_info *avail_modes = (mode_info *)malloc(sizeof(mode_info)*num_xf86vm_modes); if (avail_modes == NULL) { XFree(avail_xf86vm_modes); return NULL; } int i; for (i = 0; i < num_xf86vm_modes; i++) { avail_modes[i].width = avail_xf86vm_modes[i]->hdisplay; avail_modes[i].height = avail_xf86vm_modes[i]->vdisplay; avail_modes[i].freq = 0; // No frequency support in XF86VidMode avail_modes[i].mode_data.xf86vm_modeinfo = *avail_xf86vm_modes[i]; } XFree(avail_xf86vm_modes); *num_modes = num_xf86vm_modes; return avail_modes; } static mode_info *getDisplayModes(Display *disp, int screen, jint extension, int *num_modes) { switch (extension) { case org_lwjgl_opengl_LinuxDisplay_XF86VIDMODE: return getXF86VidModeDisplayModes(disp, screen, num_modes); case org_lwjgl_opengl_LinuxDisplay_XRANDR: return getXrandrDisplayModes(disp, screen, num_modes); case org_lwjgl_opengl_LinuxDisplay_NONE: // fall through default: return NULL; } } static bool setXF86VidModeMode(Display *disp, int screen, mode_info *mode) { return True == XF86VidModeSwitchToMode(disp, screen, &mode->mode_data.xf86vm_modeinfo); } /* Try to set the mode specified through XRandR. * Return value is the Status code of the mode switch * The timestamp parameter is filled with the latest timestamp returned from XRRConfigTimes */ static Status trySetXrandrMode(Display *disp, int screen, mode_info *mode, Time *timestamp) { Status status; Drawable root_window = RootWindow(disp, screen); XRRScreenConfiguration *screen_configuration = XRRGetScreenInfo (disp, root_window); XRRConfigTimes(screen_configuration, timestamp); Rotation current_rotation; XRRConfigRotations(screen_configuration, ¤t_rotation); status = XRRSetScreenConfigAndRate(disp, screen_configuration, root_window, mode->mode_data.size_index, current_rotation, mode->freq, *timestamp); XRRFreeScreenConfigInfo(screen_configuration); return status; } static bool setXrandrMode(Display *disp, int screen, mode_info *mode) { int iteration; Time timestamp; Status status = trySetXrandrMode(disp, screen, mode, ×tamp); if (status == 0) return true; // Success Time new_timestamp; for (iteration = 0; iteration < NUM_XRANDR_RETRIES; iteration++) { status = trySetXrandrMode(disp, screen, mode, &new_timestamp); if (status == 0) return true; // Success if (new_timestamp == timestamp) return false; // Failure, and the stamps are equal meaning that the failure is not merely transient timestamp = new_timestamp; } return false; } static bool setMode(JNIEnv *env, Display *disp, int screen, jint extension, int width, int height, int freq, bool temporary) { int num_modes, i; mode_info *avail_modes = getDisplayModes(disp, screen, extension, &num_modes); if (avail_modes == NULL) { printfDebugJava(env, "Could not get display modes"); return false; } bool result = false; for ( i = 0; i < num_modes; ++i ) { printfDebugJava(env, "Mode %d: %dx%d @%d", i, avail_modes[i].width, avail_modes[i].height, avail_modes[i].freq); if (avail_modes[i].width == width && avail_modes[i].height == height && avail_modes[i].freq == freq) { switch (extension) { case org_lwjgl_opengl_LinuxDisplay_XF86VIDMODE: if (!setXF86VidModeMode(disp, screen, &avail_modes[i])) { printfDebugJava(env, "Could not switch mode"); continue; } break; case org_lwjgl_opengl_LinuxDisplay_XRANDR: if (!setXrandrMode(disp, screen, &avail_modes[i])) { printfDebugJava(env, "Could not switch mode"); continue; } break; case org_lwjgl_opengl_LinuxDisplay_NONE: // Should never happen, since NONE imply no available display modes default: // Should never happen continue; } result = true; if (!temporary) { current_width = width; current_height = height; current_freq = freq; } break; } } free(avail_modes); XFlush(disp); return result; } static void freeSavedGammaRamps() { free(r_ramp); free(g_ramp); free(b_ramp); r_ramp = NULL; g_ramp = NULL; b_ramp = NULL; saved_gamma_ramp_length = 0; } static int getGammaRampLengthOfDisplay(JNIEnv *env, Display *disp, int screen) { int ramp_size; if (!isXF86VidModeSupported(env, disp)) { printfDebugJava(env, "XF86VidMode extension version >= 2 not found"); return 0; } if (XF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize(disp, screen, &ramp_size) == False) { printfDebugJava(env, "XF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize call failed"); return 0; } return ramp_size; } int getGammaRampLength(JNIEnv *env, int screen) { Display *disp = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (disp == NULL) { printfDebugJava(env, "Could not open display"); return 0; } int length = getGammaRampLengthOfDisplay(env, disp, screen); XCloseDisplay(disp); return length; } jobject initDisplay(JNIEnv *env, int screen, jint extension) { int num_modes; mode_info *avail_modes; Display *disp = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (disp == NULL) { throwException(env, "Could not open display"); return NULL; } avail_modes = getDisplayModes(disp, screen, extension, &num_modes); if (avail_modes == NULL || num_modes == 0) { throwException(env, "Could not get display modes"); XCloseDisplay(disp); return NULL; } saved_width = current_width = avail_modes[0].width; saved_height = current_height = avail_modes[0].height; saved_freq = current_freq = avail_modes[0].freq; int bpp = XDefaultDepth(disp, screen); printfDebugJava(env, "Original display dimensions: width %d, height %d freq %d", saved_width, saved_height, saved_freq); jclass jclass_DisplayMode = (*env)->FindClass(env, "org/lwjgl/opengl/DisplayMode"); jmethodID ctor = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, jclass_DisplayMode, "", "(IIII)V"); jobject newMode = (*env)->NewObject(env, jclass_DisplayMode, ctor, saved_width, saved_height, bpp, saved_freq); free(avail_modes); /* Fetch the current gamma ramp */ saved_gamma_ramp_length = getGammaRampLengthOfDisplay(env, disp, screen); if (saved_gamma_ramp_length > 0) { r_ramp = (unsigned short *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*saved_gamma_ramp_length); g_ramp = (unsigned short *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*saved_gamma_ramp_length); b_ramp = (unsigned short *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*saved_gamma_ramp_length); if (!XF86VidModeGetGammaRamp(disp, screen, saved_gamma_ramp_length, r_ramp, g_ramp, b_ramp)) freeSavedGammaRamps(); } XCloseDisplay(disp); return newMode; } static void freeCurrentGamma(void) { if (current_ramp != NULL) { free(current_ramp); current_ramp = NULL; current_gamma_ramp_length = 0; } } static void setCurrentGamma(Display *disp, int screen, JNIEnv *env) { if (current_gamma_ramp_length == 0) return; if (XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp(disp, screen, current_gamma_ramp_length, current_ramp, current_ramp, current_ramp) == False) { if (env != NULL) throwException(env, "Could not set gamma ramp."); else printfDebugJava(env, "Could not set gamma ramp"); } } void temporaryRestoreMode(JNIEnv *env, int screen, jint extension) { Display *disp = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (disp == NULL) { printfDebugJava(env, "Could not open display"); return; } if (!setMode(env, disp, screen, extension, current_width, current_height, current_freq, false)) printfDebugJava(env, "Could not restore mode"); setCurrentGamma(disp, screen, NULL); XCloseDisplay(disp); // Don't propagate error to caller } void switchDisplayMode(JNIEnv * env, jobject mode, int screen, jint extension) { if (mode == NULL) { throwException(env, "mode must be non-null"); return; } jclass cls_displayMode = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, mode); jfieldID fid_width = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls_displayMode, "width", "I"); jfieldID fid_height = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls_displayMode, "height", "I"); jfieldID fid_freq = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls_displayMode, "freq", "I"); int width = (*env)->GetIntField(env, mode, fid_width); int height = (*env)->GetIntField(env, mode, fid_height); int freq = (*env)->GetIntField(env, mode, fid_freq); Display *disp = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (disp == NULL) { throwException(env, "Could not open display"); return; } if (!setMode(env, disp, screen, extension, width, height, freq, false)) throwException(env, "Could not switch mode."); XCloseDisplay(disp); } void resetDisplayMode(JNIEnv *env, int screen, jint extension, bool temporary) { Display *disp = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (disp == NULL) { printfDebugJava(env, "Failed to contact X Server"); return; } if (!setMode(env, disp, screen, extension, saved_width, saved_height, saved_freq, temporary)) { printfDebugJava(env, "Failed to reset mode"); } if (saved_gamma_ramp_length > 0) { XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp(disp, screen, saved_gamma_ramp_length, r_ramp, g_ramp, b_ramp); } // decDisplay(); XCloseDisplay(disp); } jobjectArray getAvailableDisplayModes(JNIEnv * env, int screen, jint extension) { int num_modes, i; mode_info *avail_modes; Display *disp = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (disp == NULL) { throwException(env, "Could not open display"); return NULL; } int bpp = XDefaultDepth(disp, screen); avail_modes = getDisplayModes(disp, screen, extension, &num_modes); if (avail_modes == NULL) { printfDebugJava(env, "Could not get display modes"); XCloseDisplay(disp); return NULL; } // Allocate an array of DisplayModes big enough jclass displayModeClass = (*env)->FindClass(env, "org/lwjgl/opengl/DisplayMode"); jobjectArray ret = (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, num_modes, displayModeClass, NULL); jmethodID displayModeConstructor = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, displayModeClass, "", "(IIII)V"); for (i = 0; i < num_modes; i++) { jobject displayMode = (*env)->NewObject(env, displayModeClass, displayModeConstructor, avail_modes[i].width, avail_modes[i].height, bpp, avail_modes[i].freq); (*env)->SetObjectArrayElement(env, ret, i, displayMode); } free(avail_modes); XCloseDisplay(disp); return ret; } void setGammaRamp(JNIEnv *env, jobject gamma_ramp_buffer, int screen) { Display * disp = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (disp == NULL) { throwException(env, "Could not open display"); return; } freeCurrentGamma(); current_gamma_ramp_length = getGammaRampLengthOfDisplay(env, disp, screen); if (current_gamma_ramp_length == 0) { throwException(env, "Gamma ramp not supported"); return; } const float *gamma_ramp = (const float *)(*env)->GetDirectBufferAddress(env, gamma_ramp_buffer); current_ramp = (unsigned short *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*current_gamma_ramp_length); int i; for (i = 0; i < current_gamma_ramp_length; i++) { float scaled_gamma = gamma_ramp[i]*0xffff; current_ramp[i] = (unsigned short)round(scaled_gamma); } setCurrentGamma(disp, screen, env); XCloseDisplay(disp); }