This is the official readme file for lwjgl. Unless otherwise stated, all files distributed or in CVS are covered by the license as stated in the LICENSE file. If you have not received this file, please download it from the cvs server. To run any openal tests, you need to download the media file too, and extract it to the root directory. To run some of the included tests: Extract the archive, and cd into directory Extract the media files into lwjgl folder (only needed for openal tests) LWJGL Tests: java -cp .;lwjgl_test.jar;lwjgl.jar; DEMO where DEMO is one of the following: org.lwjgl.test.input.ControllerCreationTest (Requires attached Controller) org.lwjgl.test.input.ControllerTest (Requires attached Controller) org.lwjgl.test.input.MouseCreationTest org.lwjgl.test.input.MouseTest org.lwjgl.test.openal.ALCTest org.lwjgl.test.openal.ALCTest org.lwjgl.test.openal.EAXTest (Requires EAX compatible hardware) org.lwjgl.test.openal.MovingSoundTest org.lwjgl.test.openal.PlayTest org.lwjgl.test.openal.PlayTestMemory org.lwjgl.test.openal.SourceLimitTest org.lwjgl.test.openal.StressTest org.lwjgl.test.opengl.Grass (Requires nVidia hardware) org.lwjgl.test.opengl.Game Please read this thread, for upgrading issues: Project Webpage: