Lightweight Java Game Library


Written by Caspian Rychlik-Prince

Please direct comments, errata, and flames to the author at

Last modified 23 August 2002


1.0 Introduction

The Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL) is a solution aimed directly at professional and amateur Java programmers alike to enable commercial quality games to be written in Java. This tutorial is nonetheless aimed at experienced programmers and won't be explaining some obvious techniques.

LWJGL is not meant to make writing games particularly easy; it is primarily an enabling technology which allows developers to get at resources that are simply otherwise unavailable or poorly implemented on the existing Java platform. We anticipate that the LWJGL will, through evolution and extension, become the foundation for more complete game libraries and "game engines" as they have popularly become known, and hide some of the new evils we have had to expose in the APIs.

2.0 Contents


3.0 Aims & Design

Because the LWJGL API is not meant to be a fully featured game engine it has been ruthlessly pruned of all non-essential code. Its ultimate philosophy is that it provides the bare minimum of API functionality which will let a game programmer produce games in Java without having to write native code in order to get performance or access some hardware feature not exposed by Java 2. We settled on using two other open technologies as our major foundations, namely OpenGL and OpenAL for graphics and sound respectively.

A sub-requirement of the LWJGL is that it be freed Java programmers from the requirement to ship a whole JRE with their games. Currently the Sun licensing terms dictate that J2SE be shipped in its entirety, even for the tiniest of demos. As this could easily triple the size of a demo and discourage end users with configuration issues we have made it a primary concern that games written using LWJGL can be compiled into completely standalone native binary executables by compilers such as GNU's GCJ and Excelsior's JET. We have done this by implementing the library in such a way that no dependencies on Sun's proprietry JRE binaries are present in the library.

3.1 General API

The general API gives us the foundations of game programming: we have a Display class, for initialising the display and querying its available modes; we have a Math class to provide us with some floating point maths functions (rather than the double-precision ones provided by Java), and matrix batch operations; and a Sys class, which gives us our most useful gaming functions: the ability to get the address of a direct byte buffer so we can cache it on the Java side of the JNI barrier, and hence access all those lovely hardware calls we need for performance; and the ability to use the system's hires timer, which is so critical for animation timing. In addition we can also create a direct byte buffer at any address in memory.

The Evil Of Pointers And What It Means For Security

Yes, we have exposed pointers to Java programmers. Yes, you can write to just about any bit of memory you so please, and cause untold havoc. You can break things. You can bypass security constraints and exploit the dreaded buffer vuln.

But why? Because without pointers, all those nice easy native API calls would suddenly become complex and behave slightly differently to their C counterparts, and require us to pass direct ByteBuffers to JNI for every call. This requires that every single call which takes a pointer calls the JNI method GetDirectBufferAddress every time, which is an unnecessary overhead.

The implications for security are simple and final: your game can no longer be considered secure and part of the Java security model. This puts it in exactly the same boat as any other application on the user's system. This also means you will not be able to use it in applets or with Webstart without getting your code signed and trusted. LWJGL itself will not be signed nor trusted; you are expected to deliver it bundled in with every application you ship and verify that your entire distribution is safe.

We feel that our target developer, the commercial game developer, should not be concerned with this issue as the status quo is merely maintained from the old ways of programming with any other language; and used wisely, your exposure to pointers is unlikely to cause you any problems.

If you are concerned about security, or wish to write games which will run as applets or from Webstart, or would rather have a full game library which takes care of things for you, you don't want to use LWJGL at all - it's that simple! What you need is Sun's Java Gaming Profile, or Java3D. If you feel a need to argue, you're using LWJGL for the wrong reasons.

3.2 Graphics

Graphics is based on the latest OpenGL1.4, and all the extensions we could implement that might be vaguely useful for games programmers. These include all of Nvidia's and ATI's proprietry extensions, and all the ARB extensions, and most of the EXT extensions, as well as numerous other miscellaneous ones.

For Windows programmers, our primary target, the WGL extensions are present.

All OpenGL functions that take pointers are passed ints. These pointers can be obtained from direct ByteBuffers using the Sys.getDirectBufferAddress() method. There are a very few native methods that return pointers as ints as well. Be sure to read the caveat about using pointers in Java!

3.3 Sounds

Sound is based on the latest OpenAL1.0 specification. The LWJGL binary distribution includes the OpenAL libraries.

3.4 Input

Input can be a complicated topic. A user can have all sorts of strange fancy force-feedback hardware installed on their systems, with scrolly knobs and twistgrips and bristling with many buttons. However, the vast majority of gamers have just a keyboard and a mouse; some of them have analogue joysticks too, and some of them have a gamepad attached from some console or other. For our first cut of the input library we've just kept it all rather simple, and decided that there is but one of each of these devices, and that force feedback and multiple potentiometers is a feature we may add another time.

So in the interests of keeping things simple, the four input classes - Keyboard, Mouse, Gamepad and Joystick - are all static, and can all be polled once per game loop iteration to determine where they've moved since you last looked and what buttons are down at the time. The Gamepad and Keyboard may additionally support buffering which is a more reliable way of detecting rapid changes of state which may occur rather more quickly than your framerate.

3.5 Maths

Java's maths performance leaves much to be desired, particularly with respect to bulk operations for 3D rendering engines. The main problem is that the existing maths libraries use double precision when single precision is entirely adequate for most realtime games programming; and that no clever processor-specific optimisations can be done because the Hotspot compiler is simply not supplied enough semantic context to understand that it could use some special SIMD instruction to achieve the effect you desire in a fraction of the cycles. Furthermore, all maths in Java is done in Java - and once you've computed the results you usually have to subsequently copy them into a buffer to pass to a native rendering method in OpenGL anyway.

The Math class provides two totally generic vector operators for unary and binary vector operations performed on direct ByteBuffers containing packed floating point vectors. The idea is to set up the source(s) of the operations and then perform a single call to JNI to perform a highly optimised operation on the whole lot in one go. The JNI code is specially optimised for the common cases in 3d games programming to use processor-specific instructions and take advantage, where feasible, of memory caching architecture. And the end result is placed directly back in memory, ready to simply send as a pointer direct to OpenGL or some other API.

In addition we provide implementations of common Vector and Matrix sizes similar to those provided by the javax.vecmath package, but ours are open source and available without downloading the whole of Java3D.