
80 lines
2.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use crate::proc::attr::{AttrType, process_attr};
use crate::err::{HbRes, HbErr};
use crate::proc::Processor;
use crate::spec::codepoint::{is_alphanumeric, is_whitespace};
use crate::proc::content::process_content;
use crate::proc::script::process_script;
use crate::proc::style::process_style;
use crate::spec::tag::void::VOID_TAGS;
use crate::code::Code;
// Tag names may only use ASCII alphanumerics. However, some people also use `:` and `-`.
// See for spec.
fn is_valid_tag_name_char(c: u8) -> bool {
is_alphanumeric(c) || c == b':' || c == b'-'
fn process_tag_name<'d, D: Code>(proc: &Processor<'d, D>) -> HbRes<&'d [u8]> {
Ok(proc.while_pred(is_valid_tag_name_char).require_reason("tag name")?.accept().slice())
pub fn process_tag<D: Code>(proc: &Processor<D>, parent: Option<&[u8]>) -> HbRes<()> {'<').require().accept();
let name = process_tag_name(proc)?;
let mut last_attr_type = AttrType::None;
let mut self_closing = false;
loop {
// At the beginning of this loop, the last parsed unit was
// either the tag name or an attribute (including its value, if
// it had one).
let ws_accepted = proc.match_while_pred(is_whitespace).discard().count();
if proc.match_char(b'>').keep().matched() {
// End of tag.
if self_closing = proc.match_seq(b"/>").keep().matched() {
// HB_ERR_PARSE_NO_SPACE_BEFORE_ATTR is not suppressible as
// otherwise there would be difficulty in determining what is
// the end of a tag/attribute name/attribute value.
if !ws_accepted {
return Err(HbErr::NoSpaceBeforeAttr);
if last_attr_type != AttrType::Quoted {
proc.write(b' ');
last_attr_type = process_attr(proc)?;
if self_closing || VOID_TAGS.contains(&name) {
return Ok(());
// TODO WARNING: Tags must be case sensitive.
match name {
b"script" => process_script(proc)?,
b"style" => process_style(proc)?,
_ => process_content(proc, Some(name))?,
// Require closing tag for non-void.
proc.match_seq(b"</").require_with_reason("closing tag")?.keep();
let closing_name = process_tag_name(proc)?;
if name != closing_name {
// TODO Find a way to cleanly provide opening and closing tag
// names (which are views) into error message without leaking
// memory.
return Err(HbErr::UnclosedTag);
proc.match_char(b'>').require_with_reason("closing tag")?.keep();