Improve build script

This commit is contained in:
Wilson Lin 2020-01-06 18:54:46 +11:00
parent 5776c5a1f5
commit 73545de0cb
2 changed files with 45 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ struct TrieBuilderNode {
struct TrieStats {
maximum_cluster_gaps: usize,
maximum_cluster_length: usize,
maximum_clusters_single_node: usize,
max_cluster_holes: usize,
max_cluster_length: usize,
max_clusters_single_node: usize,
total_clusters: usize,
total_leaves: usize,
total_nodes: usize,
@ -123,27 +123,28 @@ impl TrieBuilderNode {
// Each cluster is a vector of pairs of child character and corresponding child node ID.
let mut child_char_clusters: Vec<Vec<Option<(u8, usize)>>> = vec![];
// Ensure first char always creates new vector.
let mut last_char = std::i16::MIN;
let mut last_char: Option<u32> = None;
for c in child_chars {
debug_assert!(c as u32 <= 0x7f);
let p = c as i16;
let p = c as u32;
debug_assert!(p <= 0x7f);
// Allow a maximum gap length of 3 between any two children.
if last_char + 3 < p {
// Create a new vector if first char or last char is more than 3 character positions away.
if last_char.filter(|last| last + 3 >= p).is_none() {
} else {
for _ in last_char..p - 1 {
// Fill any gap with None values.
for _ in last_char.unwrap()..p - 1 {
Some((c as u8, self.children.get(&c).unwrap()._build(ai, stats, name, value_type, out)))
last_char = p;
last_char = Some(p);
stats.maximum_cluster_gaps = max(stats.maximum_cluster_gaps, child_char_clusters.iter().map(|c| c.iter().filter(|c| c.is_none()).count()).max().unwrap_or(0));
stats.maximum_cluster_length = max(stats.maximum_cluster_length, child_char_clusters.iter().map(|c| c.len()).max().unwrap_or(0));
stats.maximum_clusters_single_node = max(stats.maximum_clusters_single_node, child_char_clusters.len());
stats.max_cluster_holes = max(stats.max_cluster_holes, child_char_clusters.iter().map(|c| c.iter().filter(|c| c.is_none()).count()).max().unwrap_or(0));
stats.max_cluster_length = max(stats.max_cluster_length, child_char_clusters.iter().map(|c| c.len()).max().unwrap_or(0));
stats.max_clusters_single_node = max(stats.max_clusters_single_node, child_char_clusters.len());
stats.total_clusters += child_char_clusters.len();
stats.total_leaves += self.children.is_empty() as usize;
stats.total_nodes += 1;
@ -152,7 +153,12 @@ impl TrieBuilderNode {
out.push_str(format!("struct {} {{\n", node_type_name).as_str());
out.push_str(format!("\tvalue: Option<{}>,\n", value_type).as_str());
for (cluster_no, cluster) in child_char_clusters.iter().enumerate() {
out.push_str(format!("\tcluster_{}: [Option<&'static dyn ITrieNode<{}>>; {}],\n", cluster_no, value_type, cluster.len()).as_str());
if cluster.len() == 1 {
// Even though child node always exists, wrap in Option as return value for get_child is Option.
out.push_str(format!("\tcluster_{}: Option<&'static dyn ITrieNode<{}>>,\n", cluster_no, value_type).as_str());
} else {
out.push_str(format!("\tcluster_{}: [Option<&'static dyn ITrieNode<{}>>; {}],\n", cluster_no, value_type, cluster.len()).as_str());
@ -164,14 +170,19 @@ impl TrieBuilderNode {
let mut get_child_fn_branches: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
for (cluster_no, cluster) in child_char_clusters.iter().enumerate() {
let min = cluster.first().unwrap().unwrap();
let max = cluster.last().unwrap().unwrap();
get_child_fn_branches.push(format!("if c >= {} && c <= {} {{ self.cluster_{}[(c - {}) as usize] }}", min.0, max.0, cluster_no, min.0));
if cluster.len() == 1 {
get_child_fn_branches.push(format!("if c == {} {{ self.cluster_{} }}", cluster.first().unwrap().unwrap().0, cluster_no));
} else {
let min = cluster.first().unwrap().unwrap();
let max = cluster.last().unwrap().unwrap();
get_child_fn_branches.push(format!("if c >= {} && c <= {} {{ self.cluster_{}[(c - {}) as usize] }}", min.0, max.0, cluster_no, min.0));
get_child_fn_branches.push("{ None }".to_string());
let get_child_fn_code = get_child_fn_branches.join("\n\t\telse ");
"\tfn get_child(&self, {}c: u8) -> Option<&dyn ITrieNode<{}>> {{\n\t\t{}\n\t}}\n",
// Prefix `c` parameter with underscore if unused to suppress compiler warnings.
if child_char_clusters.is_empty() { "_" } else { "" },
@ -185,15 +196,19 @@ impl TrieBuilderNode {
None => "None".to_string(),
for (cluster_no, cluster) in child_char_clusters.iter().enumerate() {
"\tcluster_{}: [{}],\n", cluster_no, cluster
.map(|child| match child {
Some((_, child_id)) => format!("Some({})", TrieBuilderNode::_node_var_name(name, *child_id)),
None => "None".to_string(),
.collect::<Vec<String>>().join(", "),
if cluster.len() == 1 {
out.push_str(format!("\tcluster_{}: Some({}),\n", cluster_no, TrieBuilderNode::_node_var_name(name, cluster.first().unwrap().unwrap().1)).as_str());
} else {
"\tcluster_{}: [{}],\n", cluster_no, cluster
.map(|child| match child {
Some((_, child_id)) => format!("Some({})", TrieBuilderNode::_node_var_name(name, *child_id)),
None => "None".to_string(),
.collect::<Vec<String>>().join(", "),
@ -204,9 +219,9 @@ impl TrieBuilderNode {
let name_words = name.split(' ').map(|w| w.to_string()).collect::<Vec<String>>();
let mut code = String::new();
let mut stats = TrieStats {
maximum_cluster_gaps: 0,
maximum_cluster_length: 0,
maximum_clusters_single_node: 0,
max_cluster_holes: 0,
max_cluster_length: 0,
max_clusters_single_node: 0,
total_clusters: 0,
total_leaves: 0,
total_nodes: 0,

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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ impl<V: 'static + Copy> ITrieNode<V> for TrieLeafNode<V> {
fn get_child(&self, c: u8) -> Option<&dyn ITrieNode<V>> {
fn get_child(&self, _: u8) -> Option<&dyn ITrieNode<V>> {